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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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it was the forces of the ssso, namely, it became known that during the execution of a combat mission in a clash with the russian invaders , the soldiers of the 73rd naval special operations center heroically saved themselves, this is an official announcement, ensuring the withdrawal of the main forces of the group, after the completion of the special mission, they accepted his last battle, having remained in the formation forever, this is how it was reported directly to the sso forces. according to the publication. military refers to the battle on february 28 during the landing of the group on the occupied territory of the kherson region in the district tendrivskaya kosa, and there are now many different opinions, different conversations around this, it is obvious that you are a person who is directly in the topic, and you probably have your own view on this story, well, at least, maybe you have some information on this matter, i how do you feel about what happened?
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can you tell us, well, within the limits that you can, what happened in general, a difficult question, and when you read such official reports, you want to ask why you decide, why you decide and why you send people, because the task of fulfilling the order of the command on... cash had no strategic, operational, or tactical sense, and the trouble is that the special operations forces are managed by those, unfortunately, who are completely far from reality, starting from the service, there they did not serve on certain positions, and just as they did not directly create them, that is why they treat their people well enough, you know, they do not take care of them, they are not brothers, not relatives, not close and not co-workers for them, that's why... what do we have, that
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we have, more than, say my brothers, probably, we are unlikely to find out, although already the russians are blowing this situation up quickly enough, and i will say that the death was heroic, the question is why , why did we send them there, there was no need, i will repeat again, unfortunately, it has been destroyed, and i would really like to it was really tough. investigation and those guilty of sending people just for the sake of some kind of pr and photo shoot bore a cruel responsibility, because with each such reference the trust of the commanders, the trust of subordinates to the commanders can fall, and if there is no strict investigation, then directly and the effectiveness of the use of special operations forces will not be what they were created for, but could there be such a desire, as in... we
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have a bridgehead in the markets, which, well, let's say this, greatly annoys the russians, distracts certain forces , as far as i understand, could there be any feasibility in that, to create another bridgehead in that area, how realistic could that be a task, you say there is no point, i understand your position, but i have already answered your question, i understand that you are absolutely far from on a military topic, look at the distance between our coast and the occupied coast, and i ask you the question, how will you provide the logistics of just a sandbar. just look at the map, and you will understand that there is no point in maintaining this cash register, and there is also the question of how to provide for those people, how would they dig in there. what is all this for? the question of the krynaks is completely different, there the width of the water barrier of the dnipro is much smaller than what needs to be done directly on these boats. well, actually. it was important to me
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to hear the very explanation why you consider it inappropriate, that's what it is. tell me now, well, actually, even if we talk about the 73rd naval special operations center, as far as i know, this is not the first such tragic story that has happened in the last two years, there have been other failed operations for sure, and here it appears the question that is being discussed so much, you know that it is possible some kind of betrayal, maybe... something else, maybe someone is healthy, that's all, well , i'm just saying what they're talking about, well, there's a lot of speculation around this, and that's it the question is, well, actually, who makes decisions about such operations, it is made at the level of the special operations center itself, it is made at the level of the command of the sso, it is made at the level of the general staff, that is, as a result, who is responsible, well , responsible, who are these operations still approves and plans. good question, but this
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question is just an element of certain limited information, therefore, with your permission, i will say that in this operation, and there was, responsibility. must bear command of units and command of special forces operations, as for the cases you are talking about, i do not know in what circles you communicate, that you know so widely enough, the failures and successes of the 73rd center, they happen in every war, but those failures that were in the previous 73 center, are also related to the current leadership of the special operations forces, but they were a little bit in other positions at the time, but in the meantime they were also planning on the kherson direction... operations, well , let's talk about the situation in general then, well, now , for example, the head of the operational-strategic press service ilya yevlash of khortytsia's troop group stated today that the russian troops have accumulated
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significant slopes for a powerful thrust at the time of iv, at the same time such a serious offensive and an attempt to further advance in the avdiyivka region are underway. there are attempts to improve the tactical situation, to advance in other areas, how would you describe the general situation happening at the front, from your point of view, what is this, this is a bigger offensive, this is, well, the limitations of the ukrainian, well, the defense forces of ukraine, which can't help it what is happening, the battles are still going on at the tactical level, but... the russians are trying to advance in certain areas, they have an advantage in the number of artillery and the use of aircraft, namely, they actively use the control of aerial bombs to strike our front edge, we are enough we strongly feel the lack, not
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the lack, let's say so, of the required amount of artillery ammunition and trained, trained and motivated people, and the question is not in... the capabilities of the russian army, they have them, the question is in our capabilities to ensure timely detection with the help of our intelligence of the approaches of the enemy to the front edge, their accumulation and the striking of these accumulations, because in war it is always very important when you have the opportunity to strike in advance, then you thwart any efforts of the enemies, as far as it is concerned offensive, that is why it is difficult, difficult, i would like to ask... for the provision of ammunition and other samples and in terms of quantity and quality of weapons, it would be decided more quickly, but i would not panic and say that i was not no matter how pessimistic, in war it is always difficult for you, in war
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it is never easy, sometimes everything just depends on how you are provided for the performance of your task, well, here, these moods are rather scattered. through the media , i would say, because, for example, here is the last message, which also panics of such a plan, bloomberg published that ukraine seems to see the risks of a defense breakthrough by the occupiers by the summer, if the allies do not increase the supply of ammunition needed by kyiv, they it is written as if zzhel v to the ukrainian leadership, to what extent are such breakthroughs really, how far is it... the perspective is realistic in general, the russians have the means to carry out such actions, i am more interested in what actions our government will take to speed up the provision of the needs of the armed forces, let's remember that a week
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and a half later, the president of the czech republic found 800,000 shells for ukraine, all of europe is looking for money, we have money, but for some reason we don't pay, although... if only to get any part of these 800,000, that's what the question is, i'm not talking about a complete failure and the transfer of the economy to functioning in the conditions of a special period from the correspondingly existing law on mobilization, i am not saying that the leadership of the country is absolutely not engaged in the preparation of mobilization resources and in general the resources are not engaged in the fortification equipment of the area in the required quantity and quality, so what is the question, we we are waiting for... europe and the united states will do everything for us, and we are waiting directly for them to give us everything, let's still ask questions, not who will help us when, but what we ourselves can do in order to improve the situation, well, in general , you need to have, it seems to me, a plan b
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in case help does not come, and so that there is no such situation that help does not come and everything collapses, absolutely true, i support you and just need to calculate ... different options, including the best and the worst, and to be, and this will give us the opportunity to be ready for this and not fall into the tunic, which i now see from many sources. uh, mass media, well, panic is not the best reaction to any difficulties, frankly let's say, the best reaction is to think that what should be the way out, but now parallel to this, it is clear that under, let's say, there are more or less some actions of talks regarding the supply of long-range weapons, well, regarding the supply of american long-range weapons, it is clear, that everything there is strongly connected to financing. which cannot possibly be approved by the us congress, but also, well, for example,
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the members of the bundestag voted to provide, well, it is not specified exactly the word taura, but long-range german weapons, and in response to this we see statements by schultz, which again about the fact that what if moscow is shelled, let's listen to this general statement of sholtz, because it is so, well, so, i would say, very typical for many. in the west, who is talking about the fact that there is no need to give anything to ukraine. let's see. the hymars missile launcher is not the most powerful or long-range weapon, but it can do more than the taurus, which can fly up to 500 km. in addition, if taurus is used incorrectly, it can achieve a specific goal somewhere in moscow. and let's discuss here one by one, well, first of all. about the fact that mars can
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be better than taurus and in general, well, where is it, well , are these things interchangeable, let mars and taurus, well, the problem is that when civilians start telling others how to use military models of weapons, it causes even a smile and surprise, it's firstly... secondly, well, we can't compare machines for passing difficult tracks and machines for passing high-speed tracks, it's a completely different purpose, so are taurus and hymers, it's a little different his own the ability to deliver certain blows, and it is important for us to have both hymars and tauros, and it will be very good for us, but that is why our management is absolutely not working. to provide information support in the same germany, we spend a huge amount of money on a telethon that does not bring
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any benefit, but we do not have even 5 minutes on any german television channel, where a ukrainian announcer in good ukrainian, in good german would talk about the realities of the war between russia and ukraine, told about her torture atrocities of the russians against the ukrainians, it might have accelerated it. and exacerbated the problem and sharpened the decision-making process necessary for ukraine? well, i don’t know, here you know, again , it’s not quite the case, because it was precisely the pressure , including diplomatic, not only diplomatic, but also social, media pressure, that led to the fact that, after all, the bundestag decided on the possibility provision, that is, now we have leaned , well, maybe on the position of chancellor ulav shultz personally, maybe on some groups. well, let's say so, the leadership of germany, that is, in some way
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a certain rather large process has been passed, because when the bundestag votes, it means that there is at least some certain majority that is ready to support the provision, and there is public support for this process also in germany, so here we have something quite so complex, and it related, i think, to the second part of what schultz said, when the conversation... is about the fact that they can hit moscow, but objectively, why do we need these tauros then, well no beating around moscow is really like that, well, probably for something else, then why do we need them, that is what should we talk about, why do we talk so much about them, about these taurus, well, if scholz is only worried about moscow, thank god, the number of... enterprises of the defense and propaganda complex on the territory of the federation, which are not in moscow,
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is more than enough, so if he escalated the issue in moscow, then we can strike at other cities and factories of enterprises of the russian federation and we absolutely do not violate anything about what the german leader requested. and finally, the last question for you, please tell me from your point of view in general, this whole story. about the fact that somehow ukraine must announce its goals, well, that is, how, let's put it this way, how in general could we remove from our... allies this fear that suddenly their long-range missiles will fly somewhere in the wrong place, this statement goals, it is possible some clearer indication, nevertheless, what is our approach to the selection of goals on the territory of russia, how should we act to convince them? well, first of all, you don't need to agree on anything, you need to have weapons
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to strike, that's first, secondly, we we only see such statements from scholz, regarding... striking, others, representatives of other countries, we will not be limited in the use of weapons, when our leaders tell us that everyone forbids us, this is not true, we are only from the germans officially heard, and from the americans and other countries, we absolutely did not hear or see such statements, neither written nor oral, so let's have and strike, let's have and strike, just like that, well, thank you, serhiy kryvonus , reserve major general. and former first deputy commander of the ssu. thank you for that joined our broadcast. i remind you that we are conducting a poll on whether people's deputies should be restricted from working trips abroad during the war. if your answer is yes, call 0800 211 381, if your answer is no - 0800 211 382, ​​and we have a new guest, this is
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volodymyr. tsibulko, political analyst, writer, and let's now discuss in more detail what we were showing, which is navalny's funeral. congratulations, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. so, we saw this footage, saw how this happened on the eve of all this, you know, well, such an action is very strange, when it lasts more than a week. navalny's mother did not release his body, talking about the fact that she had to do it somehow very covertly, that they would bring her somewhere to a place in the cemetery, she would stand by the grave, and there would never be such a burial at all, and so we saw what was happening now, but we did not actually see any such special uprising there, so
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what was the russian government so afraid of and... what were all these ottaks for in general some kind of preparations and all this frightened hiding of the body, as from your point of view, vladimir? well, here the russian authorities are paranoid, for them not to gather more than three, this is such an attitude of social behavior, only the authorities must gather more than three, and then when mobilizing, line up, uniform and... send to ukraine, these are exactly the attitudes with which, in my opinion, the russian population somehow internally even agreed, because apart from state measures , there are no oppositional actions at the moment, and there is no sense in them, because, well, opposition is when the opposition is part of the government and it only
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offers an alternative way, here in russia at all. otherwise, putin does not hear, well, his entourage does not hear subordinates, the population does not hear , it believes that it is doing great good for the population, and the fact that the population grumbles is not of interest to him, on the other hand, navalny’s entourage and this opposition, and such, well, isolated attempts somehow uh, well, either to frond, to frond, or to demonstrate. some kind of disagreement with the actions of the authorities, it seems to be leaking, we remember the signatures of zanadezhdin, and now these funerals, uh, well, this is kind of very strange event, because already in the morning there was information that the ritual company, which was hired to serve this event, managed to find
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a shorter coffin for the coffin, shorter for uh, navalny, and there was something with a suit, that is, it all became permanent like this, well, absolutely small with a snarky, angry kind of moss, and it created, well, some kind of absolutely unbearable situation, that is, people came, people said goodbye, but they did not cause any harm to the authorities in any way, well, actually. yes, because, well, well, yes, his supporters gathered, there, threw flowers, well, when this coffin was taken from the church to the cemetery. the fact that this church is somewhere on the outskirts, i ’m not even saying that, it’s what it was called in the beginning, it should be reminded here and there, because
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in fact, as the image of navalny is promoted and inflated in the media, it was always inflated, he always was exaggerated, let's recall the story when navalny returned to russia after the poisoning, many expected that 1,050 people would meet him at the airport. there was no masquerading and it became clear that the authorities could wipe out what was threatening was called the largest opposition force in the russian federation, just wipe your feet and that's it, well, but when they came to lay flowers, well, when he just died, people went to some, well, those, you can't even call them memorials, because they were looking for i don't even know any related ones'. and now the ambassadors of the usa, germany, and france came to the farewell ceremony there, well, boris
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nadezhdina, who is positioned there as an anti-war candidate, but in principle, well, judging by everything, he is such a candidate sufficiently integrated into the elite, although he is anti-war, but with on the other hand, almost no one came from the russian famous public. well, again, they were quiet enough, there were no riots, i don’t know, riots and anything like that, and here i wonder what the russian authorities might have drawn from this burial, and even from the point of view of what russia imagines itself now , well, there are public politicians, or whatever you don’t call them, in general, this circle, which is active in one way or another, well, all the years of putinism , the government worked to ensure that the russian society was disjointed, encapsulated, and
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in the end we do not observe any civil society. the last, well, such sprouts of civil society were dismantled after the swamp, some left the territory of russia, some went into business, some. demoralized plus, well, because of the military mobilization, part of the electorate of the protesting fronters was cut off, because there was only a threat of mobilization, immediately , self-employed, itishniks, that is , a potential such a specific environment from which it could opposition to feed, it left russia. remembrance we know the anti-war rallies of the 14th year, how many people went to the protests, a maximum of about 50,000 in moscow, this is probably all that
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the opposition could gather, because the opposition was not perceived as a structure or an environment that could really gain power, but only they began to demonstrate, i remember there were... such calls during the elections to shine a flashlight in the yards or something, by the way , the navalnitsa anti-corruption fund was engaged in this, well, plus navalny himself was always confused, so to speak in the testimony, because he went to nazi rallies, to the so-called russian marches, at which i want to remind rogozin, he also marched, so he did not make a sandwich, crimea is not a sandwich. now , well, the prison and his, well, this can be said to be a war , a post-war declaration that
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everything should be returned to ukraine and reparations should be paid, it too, well, it was perceived as an intellectual exchange, well , an intellectual exchange of ideas and nothing more, that is, this is russian society, nothing . from this, what navalny was doing was not perceived as a real struggle for power, yes biting the government, i.e. as political journalism and nothing more, well, but still his, well, you can say murder, because when a person is first poisoned, then he constantly sits in a cell in a prison, then this is a murder as a result, no, well, he lost his health as a result of the double poison, i must remind you. you can't say that a person just died, and he died, no, it's great , absolutely a person was brought to death, very quickly, how long he could live, no one knew, plus bullying is prison. that
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was done to him, it was a silent murder, everyone understood very well that prison is a one-way street, and it is symbolic for the russian authorities, this is a symbolically important thing, they just put everyone in a stall and that's all, and it's very noticeable, that's what we actually saw, by the way, to things, we are now witnessing a very interesting story, which, in my opinion , belarus was the first to go through, because we were witnessing the legitimization of svitlana tykhanovskaya back. and now the wife of yulia navalny, she is essentially walking the same path that svitlana tykhanovskaya walked, that is, we see yulia navalny met with biden, yulia navalna spoke in the european parliament, that is, in fact, due to such a tragic, well, event, yulia navalna suddenly became, in fact, well, an informal
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president. another russia , western politicians communicate with it, and those who in the west are thinking of somehow investing in the development of civil society in russia, uh, and talking to some part of the russian community that lives scattered around the worlds, uh, well, probably chose her as the main communicator from this part of er-er disunited russia, well er, well, and no more. you know, me personally i treat such a transfer of leadership through sexual means with such a certain skepticism, because when it happens like this from a husband to a wife and vice versa, well, that means that there are no other leaders who were popular, well, well, for example, that but mark fegin himself, who invented the election, well, to create some legitimate figure who would
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speak on behalf of another russia... with western leaders, well, in fact, now this idea is running out, maybe it will continue, but in fact in force circumstances of this tragic event made yulia navalna the only communicator , who will say that she will be an effective communicator, then time will tell, so far we cannot say anything about it, if it is the same stereotype and, well, line of behavior, as svetlana's. tikhanovskaya, well, this is probably such a weak leadership, which only fills a niche, but does not create any real proposal. well, let 's discuss one more interesting thing, this is the american ex-host of fox news, tucker carlson, who, and what interview with putin has been discussed for a month, and now it has passed, a month has passed
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practically, and he made... some kind of statement out of the blue that the russian dictator's talk about denuzification was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard, such an unexpected, let's say, a stab in the back of russian propaganda, let's hear it, i thought that was one of the dumbest things i 've ever heard, i didn't understand what he meant, what else is denazification, i hate all this... language, because it's not real, it's just personality switching , is a way of associating someone with an evil regime that no longer exists, i'm just saying that in 2024 year, there is no such nazi movement, this is a way of people to call something evil, okay, putin does not like nationalist ukrainians, putin hates nationalism, which is interesting in general, of course, he hates it, he has 80 or so republics, and he is afraid
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of the nation'. such a statement that a person, i mean, someone like kartson was silent for a month, then suddenly got out and started telling something like that. well, according to the card, it's very simple, there it was clear that he was so prepared for this interview, and he was so blinded and intimidated that he was visible was on his face when he wrote his stand-up act .


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