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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio on the news channel. a large-scale night attack by shahedov on odesa, 7 hours. air defense forces repulsed the attack, one person died, seven more were injured, one of the drones hit a high-rise building, - said oleg kiper, the head of the region. one entrance was completely destroyed, among the injured is a pregnant woman, she is in the hospital in a moderate condition, three more people with multiple injuries are also hospitalized, in particular, a 26-year-old woman is in a serious condition, a three-year-old child was also injured, but she was treated on the spot.
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there may still be people under the rubble, the search and rescue operation is ongoing, utility networks and the boiler house are also damaged, and heating is disconnected from nearby houses. the occupiers attacked the city with eight drones from the black sea. there is also a victim of russian terrorists in the kharkiv region. around midnight, the russians attacked the region with shaheds. in kharkiv, shots were fired in the yard of the shevchenkiv district, hitting the garage. a fire broke out in the operational office, four cars and about 10 garages were damaged, more than ten windows were broken apartments, dmytro chubenko, the spokesman of the regional prosecutor's office, said. shahed also hit a private householder in the village of velikiy burluk. the house caught fire, the dead 76-year-old owner of oseli was found from under the rubble. the police evacuated an elderly woman from a nearby house. entertainment shooting from the balcony
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of a high-rise building in the svyatoshyn district of kyiv. a 50-year-old man shot in the air with a traumatic weapon. neighbors called the police. the shooter was intoxicated. during the search of his home , a traumatic pistol, cartridges, and shell casings were found and a plastic can with cannabis, the police said. he faces up to 5 years of imprisonment . ukraine. russian rotorcraft were installed, the president of argentina, javier millay, handed over two mi-171e helicopters to our country, the financial times reports. at one time, the country received this equipment from russia. miley noted that this gesture shows his commitment to ukraine before the latin american support summit, which he wants to organize this year. the situation on the ukrainian-polish border from...
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an economic and political point of view, as well as relations between the two countries, experts discussed in warsaw. diplomats, economists and representatives of large business associations from both countries took part in the event. how the participants perceived the polish prime minister's statement regarding the possible suspension of trade with ukraine, maria chernyakhivska will tell. the polish-ukrainian border should remain open for goods, specialists from ukraine are convinced of this and... i hope that common sense will prevail, and the closure, decision to close, or a complete embargo of the ukrainian-polish border will not be accepted by the polish government, which the polish government will find ways to satisfy the demands of polish peasants, farmers, without closing the ukrainian-polish border. first of all , poland will have such a decision. a blow for ukraine,
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because now it is through the polish border that groups of goods from china, europe and other countries that are vital for the functioning of the ukrainian economy travel by road, - explains economist veronika movchan. and now the black sea ports work at approximately the same level as before the war. that is, the issue of global grain, which will go through poland, does not exist at all now, but trades go through poland for goods for export. but the main thing that happens when the border is blocked is actually not export, it is import. polish entrepreneurs will also feel the consequences of blocking the border, because no polish company left the ukrainian market during the full-scale war - says the president of the polish-ukrainian chamber of commerce, jacyk pihota. the expert does not understand such statements of the polish government and explains why, in particular by citing figures. this is a life-giving artery for ukraine. how can you block traffic at all goods, products? for industry, for
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the ukrainian economy, across the polish-ukrainian border, everything from the east passes through this border and vice versa, what right do we have to block the border for the carriers who support it. economy, which implement the orders of polish companies that manufacture something in ukraine. we earn from this cooperation with ukraine. we will close last year with 12 billion euros in exports to ukraine, from ukraine to poland, that's 4 billion. problems in the field of agriculture in poland have existed for many years, explains mr. pihota, and it will not work to connect all of them with the war in ukraine. it was necessary to work on this for the last 10 years, in particular by creating. a special group of government officials of both countries, but effective steps in this direction were not taken, - the expert believes. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. moscow is preparing provocations in transnistria and gagauzia. this is how you want to lower
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the level of trust in president maia sandu. in particular, spreading information about the authoritarianism of the moldovan leader. he told about it political analyst ruslan rohov. shaking up the situation. kremlin, so that maya sando loses the next presidential election and the country is headed by a pro-russian candidate. let me remind you that sando has announced that she plans to run for a second presidential term at the end of 2024. all the positive scenarios that we talked about, which the partners from the west, romania, europe are trying to create, they are immediately closed, there will be a completely different agenda, there is the first scenario. which we called an unacceptable purely pro-russian coalition, in which we don't have everything we need we will receive, and as a result we will receive threats in all areas of security, including the possibility of an attack on odesa, etc., well, definitely an undesirable scenario. we will not be able to export, we will not be able to supply through this territory, and for understanding, moldova
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is the second length of the border with our neighbors. us president joe biden and italian prime minister giorgia maloni, during a meeting in washington... discussed the issue of helping ukraine in the fight against russian aggression. biden assured maloney that he would be able to convince republicans to congress to stop blocking military aid to ukraine. the president praised maloney's leadership role in the j7 and the european union, aimed at strengthening assistance to ukraine. george maloney, whose country presides over the g7, said that ukraine will be the main topic at the leaders' summit. i urge the house of representatives to pass legislation that will allow us, on a bipartisan basis , to continue supporting ukraine now. we need a national security bill now. the bill
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includes funding for ukraine so that we can to keep putin from pushing and advancing in ukraine. working towards a substantive and meaningful g7 summit. the intention is primarily to confirm the rules-based international order that protects freedom and creates peace for ukraine. the espresso tv channel is calling to join the gathering for the fp drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these brave soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to our half-drones. defenders have already destroyed many of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor, so we have a goal to collect 1 million uah for flying weapons, with your help we have already collected almost 890 00 uah, just a little more, and we will collect the necessary amount, so join in,
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remember, everyone your donation is important, you can see all the details on the screen. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanskyi and roman chaiko, on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. greetings, dear tv viewers, we are picking up the information relay, unfortunately, it was not a good night for the north and for the ukrainian south, the attack by shaheds on odesa, mykolaiv region, from
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the north on kharkiv region, also kaba on sumy region, and unfortunately, it is already known that two people in odesa died as a result of a drone attack, let me remind you that... terrorists destroyed nine floors (one of the entrances of a nine- story building) with a bomb, seven people were also injured, among them a three-year-old girl. child, we will ask ours about the details in a moment. about the first today's guest is serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, colleagues, we have official information from the emergency workers, exactly what i just announced, can you add a little more information, like were flying, was it purposeful, their goal was actually this densely populated area, where there are many people, and it is clear that at night there can be... many victims, do you have an assumption that maybe they were aiming somewhere else? well, this is not a guess, this is
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a continuation of the terrorist attack of the enemy, this continuation of the terrorist actions of the russian federation, the entire route was laid precisely so that these shaheds could hit high-rise buildings, this is really a densely populated residential area of ​​our city, the tactics were familiar, again from the sea, as they say, they rose, flew over the water... for that , so that there would be less time to destroy them , all things being equal, i think the result is quite good, to say the least, because out of eight kamikaze drones, seven were destroyed by air defense forces, mobile fire groups, unfortunately, this the hit you are talking about have already said a little, currently, as far as is known, at this hour, seven people are still not in contact, a search and rescue operation is underway, i hope that these people were not found this time. in this house, actually in this entrance, and they will be all right, seven injured, various degrees
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of severity of injuries, as for the three-year-old child, then medical attention was given on the spot, there are scratches, bruises, and thank god that's over how it ended, a pregnant woman, she is now in a moderate condition, medical assistance was also provided, accordingly, absolutely correct, seven people, so far... what is considered to be in the status of injured and two died, now this data is given by the representatives of the ministry of internal affairs, so the attack was again at night, again it was insidious, which i have already said, and we see what the enemy is trying to do, he will now of course talk about the fact that they are attacking some industrial facilities, but you can see for yourself that there are residential buildings around, these are high-rise buildings, and i say again, this is an area of ​​the city that is densely populated. therefore, unfortunately, we have another such tragedy. mr. serhiu, and please add, if possible, whether these were all
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the drones that flew to odesa, or whether they were all aimed at odesa itself, or also somewhere in the vicinity, and if possible, if it does not harm us, of course, clarify where exactly this residential building was located district, or there may be some important infrastructure somewhere nearby, or this one near the port, some such details that may be important, if of course it is possible. this is the khazhibek district of the city, once the former village of kotovskyi, well, in odesa it is called the suvoriv district of the city a little differently, it is actually all we can say today , i'll say it again, it's a densely populated residential area , there are no industrial facilities there, you see, it's a nine-story building, where exactly this drone was directed, and all the drones, in fact, they followed the same trajectory , of course, it was scattered somewhat. after they take off and go over the sea, and again , out of eight kamikat drones, seven
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were destroyed, which is a very good result, unfortunately, this hit, well, this is war, this is a reminder that war, it not close she, unfortunately, is near us and among us , mr. sergey, please tell me, there was an alarm, right, that is, there was an air alarm, absolutely true, it is again about the fact that these are shaheds, i am warning about them . early because there's time to go to cover and absolutely right you imply and we're saying straight up that during an air raid you have to go to cover, well at least the two wall rule is at least even though you see a hit here, well , there are already two walls here, the entrance is completely destroyed here, and there is no need near the windows to stand, well, the most important thing is to go to the shelter, and maybe there would not have been such a tragedy, god forbid, it will become again through... this, unfortunately, a bloody lesson for many, that you need to protect yourself from something like this, especially,
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please, i now i'm watching these footage and so are our viewers, it's such destruction from one drone only because it's a panel, or are they now using some kind of greater shock power, charge? well, you know, every building, including not only one, has its own critical point. maybe it was in this entrance a hit right there, but the entrance is completely destroyed, and experts will say whether there is an increased warhead, but actually today we have what... we have, and if we talk about previous times, even the debris sometimes causes such damage, that apparently he hit not even one, but two drones there, but it was one drone, what he did, you can see now for yourself, there was also information that shaheds flew to mykolayiv oblast, they all then went to odesa and shot down somewhere there ? we will now wait to see what the air
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force will say, because we are actually talking about information in us in odesa, because our units. of the ukrainian volunteer army today worked, as usual, on the shaheds , including, everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility, now the general picture, as they say, will be improved, the more you see, if according to the rescue operation, then it is the situation, information in including changes to 5 o'clock in the morning, that was one piece of information, now we already have something different, unfortunately, it is different in that the number of dead has increased, there were two, yesterday for the first time... probably not the last time, yesterday for the first time this war horse of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation lavrov used the terms her moldovan regime in chisinau, that is, in the style of how they started the rhetoric before the invasion, now, in addition to the kyiv regime, there is already a moldovan one that is following
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in the steps of kyiv, do you see and hear something, something is done near the front. in moldova , something that would threaten us, or is it just a part of this continuation of putin's stand-up, a form of verbal attack. well, actually, yesterday we also saw how valya stakan, i didn't do it differently i can call this misogynist, i apologize to everyone, but that's how it is, who received the so-called delegation there headed by the head of this autonomy within the republic. and again it was about oppression where it is forbidden to live normally, and the chisinau regime and so on, so similar. we see that they add up the puzzles to such a complete picture. currently, we are talking more about such an information bubble, i hope, because in any case for today, what
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is the so-called transnistria talking about, since january 1 conducted customs duties, which go to the budget of moldova. that is, i call it very briefly that in the so-called transnistria, return the contraband to us, and then everything will be fine, this is what we are talking about, as for the combat capability of those units that are on the territory of the unrecognized transnistria, the russians are trying increase, exaggerate the combat capability of these units, we understand that, let's say this, their combat capabilities are not just far from ideal, they are... very low, and actually the situation from our side, it is controlled, is corresponding orders , which will be carried out if necessary, when there may be provocations of some kind, well, of course, we also monitor and track this, mr. serhiy, and these are their pockets, these are their so-called peacekeepers, that is, what are the bones of
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the local arrest, that is, we we understand that they are in complete isolation since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, but... at the same time we remember that it was there, in my opinion, one of the largest weapons warehouses during the time of the soviet union, so there is still a soviet - russian weapons are still stored, or they have long been running together with tribes of africa. i think that's right, this is one point, because they sold and until the last they sell everything they can, precisely through transnistria, this is firstly, secondly, storage conditions, let's not forget how many tens... of years has already passed, after there is not even the 14th army, thank god, which was based there on the territory of the so-called transnistria, so we are talking about the fact that there is a lot of talk about this warehouse in kovbasna, but what is actually there going on, i don't think the threat is from the fact that it's ammunition, it's explosives anyway, and
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they are scaring us, you see this all the time, that it can explode, it will be a threat, of course a threat. there is, because there they were only thinking about how to sell, well, the so-called so-called peacekeeping contingent has long been called according to international law, including the occupation contingent, the occupation unit located on the territory of the republic of moldova, which part is there temporarily occupied, so i think that moldova has the appropriate levers to respond to what is happening there today. the situation speaks for itself official pockets, it is completely controlled, let's not forget that there are good friends in moldova who can advise, can provide adequate. consultation on how to act in this or that situation, especially since ukraine, for example, faced this, and today we have what we have. mr. sergey , until the end of february, until the 29th, that is
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, until the day before yesterday, russia had the opportunity to voluntarily, and yes, it would be nice, to leave one organization that controls, regulates navigation on the danube, they did not do it, so they are from there solemnly dug, this one of the oldest international organizations, yes, yes, yes, and we understand that... danube shipping is now for ukraine one of the ways to improve the situation with the export of our products, don't you associate these night strikes, in fact odesa , the ports of great odesa for the russians, this has always been a goal, with these events, with the fact that they had to leave this organization, they no longer have influence there, and in general , we understand that many ships are now waiting for ship and... download and export ukrainian products, how well is the whole process organized there and how much safety is ensured for them and for
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the crews and for the goods? this way works , i hope it will work even more efficiently, because everyone understands what it is for, for whom it is, including, and why it should work as efficiently as possible, russia was not just expelled, there she still has to pay a fine, this is also the first in the history of this. will they pay, well, maybe it will already be included in the amount of contributions that they will pay money there, as for whether it is related to these questions, well, you know , this is a favorite, i apologize for the word, a chip of the russian federation, which is invested in this paradigm, there are answers, we will do this to you there for this and so on and so on, these are the realities of war , they, it continues, and we perfectly understood that there was a certain operation... a pause regarding the use of shaheds, and literally the day before yesterday , another shipment to moscow arrived from iran again, well, here i would connect more with what was
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replenished, let's say yes, the arsenal of shaheds, this seems to me, if not close to the truth, then at least this version has the right to life, that's why the use of kamikaze drones again, although not as massive as it was, nevertheless, so let's not associate with it, i'll say it again, this. russian narratives, we need to talk about what we should do our own, including on the danube, and thank god that the danube, including ours, and now not russian, mr. sergey, the last question, if possible, short, simple decipher this statement from the defense forces of the south, i don't know, ok south, at least that's what they said, the defense forces don't are erecting new defense structures in the kherson region, how to translate it, i.e. they don't want, they can't, they don't need to? this is a matter for the defense forces of the south: we need fortification, and i am sure that they are also working on this issue on our territory, no, they say they
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are not reducing it, this is a matter for the defense forces of the south. of course, we will definitely forward it. mr. serhiy, thank you for being with us at such an early hour. serhii bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was with us. well, actually, we remember these questions. we will redirect, we have it from the general staff. fresh information, seven out of eight in odesa region were shot down, but in total 17 missiles were launched across ukraine and 14 of them were shot down by our air defense forces, we remember that in kharkiv there were reports of a hit, fortunately, there is currently such information, there were no casualties , and the people that are born in us after such attacks, after any cruel and despicable actions of the enemy, can be directed in a positive direction, which of course i am talking about... about our collection, we remember that we collect 800 00 hryvnias for 50 combatants fpv drones for our defenders near beilohorivka on luhansk region, at this moment uah 322,234 is already in
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the account, we need more, that is , we have already collected almost half of the amount, but we still need to work a little, please, you see the details, join the collection, we will try to reach half of the amount today, give us let's set a duty for ourselves. we, the fighters of the airborne assault troops of the armed forces of ukraine. we are asking you. we are in the luhansk direction, we need a drone due to the fact that borog has begun to carry out very active combat operations. infantry, artillery, and heavy are coming armored vehicles. we will be very grateful for your concern and understanding, we need as many fpv drones as possible. glory to ukraine!
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kudos to the heroes, you heard the guys, it's not our words, it's theirs, they themselves say what they really need, so please be active, join in, we're going to take a short break now, and this will be just the occasion, that time to finish, then we will return and talk about the north, about sumy region and a little about russia, because it was so-so there today. there are... discounts on combi mushroom hotsip - 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and save. there are discounts on lactacyt - 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on
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them, however. it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly. khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. what saturdays for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how they look. will be our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestry au. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your
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opinion on the malice of the day for. by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. we are back, thank you for donating, i really like to monitor the first donations that arrive, and very often, these are actually small amounts, 20, 50 hryvnias, but today it was 50 hryvnias, but it flies, that is, 50, 100, 150, 80, and the money in the account accumulates, please. don't stop, so don't stop, regarding russia, i said that we will tell about it, in russian st. petersburg they are reporting a powerful explosion, and already the russian media write that there was the sound of an engine in the sky and a drone, a good one, after a bright one, crashed into a high-rise building with a bright flash, so let’s put it this way , the explosion was small, but piskarovsky prospekt,
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that is, in... muscovites should understand , here we have it from st. petersburg in this, if they are so happy with any shelling of the civilian population, then they should remember that this game must be played together, like dancing tango, and the audience from the press still manages to donate during that time on phividrons, and then this awareness arrives faster, well, we know more about the tragic events that took place in the north of the country, and we are not only talking about kharkiv. 157 explosions in 17 communities, and among those explosions were controlled air bombs, at least half a ton of explosives, that's what happened tonight, and the morning, and the morning, and the sumshchini was taken on our citizens, a doctor of political sciences is in touch with us and the head of the center of social...


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