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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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the top of the car, let's put it this way, the explosion was small, but piskarovsky prospekt, i.e. muscovites must understand, here we have it from st. petersburg, that if they are so happy with any shelling of the civilian population, they must remember that this the game has to be played together, like dancing the tango, and the audience from the press has already managed to donate to fpodrons during that time, and then this realization comes faster, well, we... we know even more tragic events that took place in the north of the country, and we don't just about kharkiv, 1507 explosions in 17 communities, and among those guided air bombs exploded, at least half a ton of explosives, that's what happened tonight, and in the morning, and in the early morning, and in sumy oblast , our citizens received a doctor of political sciences and the head of the center for social... intelligence studies.
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andrian kostenko's sumy region. ms. andriano, welcome. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. please summarize a little, talk about how this night ended, did it go well, or maybe not? well, yes, in the past day, about one and a half hundred were heard explosions in the sumy region, it is usually the border areas that suffer. territorial communities and, for example, in the yunakiv community , seven mines were dropped on the yunakiv community, the bilopol community was hit by rockets , the border constantly suffers from artillery shelling from mortar shelling, well , this is also a constant story with regard to uavs, and actually also, if we talk about our our region, which has the longest. length
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with the enemy, then every week there are cases of drg penetration into the territory, actually they they are carrying out such really subversive activities, they are trying to find out something there, in our region, in every territorial community, there is a terror defense, people are working, they have even rallied themselves to counteract this evil, in general there is none. there is no information about the injured civilians, but this is simply due to the fact that our border is practically depopulated, so those villages that are in close proximity to the enemy, there are actually, well, no one left, that's why, that's why there is no information about the victims civilians, i looked at the materials on... our
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colleagues, journalists, this is about the shelling that took place on february 26 in the village of nova sich, and what interested me there was not only the fact that, in principle, there were also dead people, remember, spouses pensioners, well , houses are destroyed all around, and there is a local resident who says that we must flee from here, we must flee, but where to flee, and this question of where to flee just hangs in the air, that is... we are always told that we must language or forced evacuation, and it turns out that people do not know who to turn to, or not they know where they will be taken, or they will not be taken anywhere, just as our surveys indicate that people who either do not have relatives, or are already in such a relationship that there is nowhere to go, or do not actually understand how the evacuation will be carried out, the algorithm evacuation, where they are. will be able to arrange their lives,
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well, actually this category of people does not leave , old people continue to live in such immediate danger, even low-income families who do not have the opportunity to rent a house, do not have the opportunity to stay somewhere, not have relatives, acquaintances who could help them, and therefore people are forced to stay in such a dangerous zone. but at least at home, that's how they hope for that plot of land, they hope for that certain farm that they have there, something that will help them survive. in fact, the absence of such a clear algorithm is not just an evacuation algorithm, because in sumy oblast there is already a well-established mechanism for helping to evacuate the local population, and this is a special, specially arranged mechanism.
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ground transportation, i mean bus service, is there for that, and the route made accordingly via rail service, yes, but what's next, as a rule. these rural residents leave, well , even within their community, if the leadership of territorial communities can find them, well, such empty, empty housing, but what is the problem: in territorial communities, there is actually no communal property and no finances so that although b to buy some empty housing and equip it, that is why now it is necessary to actively involve the international help precisely at least at the level of territorial communities, in order to arrange such temporary shelters, they are extremely lacking in our region. ms. andriana, we saw the map with the engineering and fortification structures of the russians and we saw that it was not only on
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the territory of temporarily occupied ukraine, but also on the territory of russia in the north, in particular. how do these buildings look now in sumy oblast, are they as active as on the other side. don's also work here and what they do, how they work, are there moments when someone is there somewhere the tractor did not give, literally, something like that? well, i can’t completely and i don’t have information about the protective structures in particular, but what is noticeable is that the communities, the border communities are very responsible for the protective structures, for the protection of the border, first of all, with these... the strategy for strengthening the strengthening of the eastern border of ukraine, in particular within the sumy region, but territorial communities are also actively involved, in fact from each budget, within each
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budget funds are allocated for this, and to things, there are territorial communities that focus the majority of their funds on strengthening the border. and actually take up such a passive, but strong, strong defense so that the enemy simply does not have the opportunity to advance further, not only local finances are actively involved, not only the local budget is limited, but also local entrepreneurs , the agricultural sector is very actively involved in this work, actually, because they understand that actually protection is for... protection of the eastern border can provide their work was stable, their activity was stable, because now the agricultural sector has suffered a lot in the sumy region, and in fact we can’t even harvest and, in principle, engage in
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agriculture . look at how it is with your neighbors, i mean about chernihiv, one of the... outer spiritual centers including, here the security service of ukraine says that in the sumy diocese of the moscow order of the patriarchate, someone eulogy sat a bishop, yevhen gutchenko rest in peace , don't you look ivanov, neither petrov nor sidorovo, but just gutchenko , so they worked on him to collect evidence of anti-ukrainian activities, and i immediately think, well , the people of sumy are like ka... the fighting people say that the priests are so insolent, no one has twisted a robe on their heads at the higher education institutions, what do they do , so that we understand that this is actually a case against the head of the som diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church, that is, the first person
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in the sumy diocese, well, to be honest, if you observe, it was a normal practice, always, if you observe the sermons there, what is written in social networks, it was a normal practice for this part to express themselves, to put it mildly, but aggressively, to aggressively use such aggressive language, describing other variants like this, and for some reason they think that in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, this story itself can be continued, the fact that this russian pop, is he, he was sitting there in the bushes, yes, well , that is, what we see from... mass information from the official reports of law enforcement agencies, actually such and such hate speech was used, i will say so in a way, yes hostile language was used in social networks against the faithful, and in general , you speak very tolerantly, but in general, these moscow
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priests, well, everything is clear with them, but how come people still go there to the moscow church despite shelling and guided aerial bombs? well , i will say that even before the full-scale invasion of the region , the construction of the church or the separation of the region began very actively. and creation of churches of the orthodox church of ukraine. these processes continued, they, they took place, yes, but not so actively. the war did cause, well, if, apparently, the enlightenment is in the heads, and a significant part of the believers, switched, switched to the orthodox church of ukraine, but until now, until now, the uoc is also, also in ours. well , what can we say, let them go to the priest, deposit money , they will be quickly converted into mines, these mines
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will quickly arrive, a closed circle, it is like that, as they say in the czech russian church, but actually you know, there when god punishes, he takes away mind. ms. andriana, thank you for being with our viewers in the morning, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, intelligence of sumy oblast, public organizations, actually, why are we taking a break, or? saturday morning has already arrived, we see that you are awake, you are active, and not only watch, but also contribute financially, please continue, in a few minutes after the break we will talk about the zaporizhzhia region, you know, there are russians, russians, we invented a wonderful thing there, our defenders launch drones there from drones to drop information for the local population and for collaborators, and actually... they work in this way not only are used to working at the front, and also provide
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information to those people who are there , what do you think, don't shoot, don't cooperate, don't go to the elections, in the end, after a pause , we will ask our guest in more detail, there are discounts on spasmal pills, 15% in pharmacies plantain save for you, turn on the heart-warming investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on megogo, a real detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the megogo subscription. naoby - natural eco-cosmetics. naob, the real you. there are discounts on lactiale 10% in travel pharmacies. but savings.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. a separate platoon of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state social service of transport appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, a hero, an unusual look at the news, good health ladies and gentlemen, me they call mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say: let's make better roads we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will
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be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war. and how the world lives for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which
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news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, guests special, own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. good morning, we 're back, while you don't know, we 'll tell you, you know, we often have andriydem. the spokesman of the state border service, so we will tell you what it looks like, for example, on the ukrainian-romanian border, where actually 25 men are detained by camera traps and drones every day. dogs, but probably there are also other inventions, we will tell and show about it later. in this footage, men who tried to enter romania illegally, their detained transcarpathian border guards, thanks to a patrol helicopter. some conscript citizens try to illegally leave ukraine using forged
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documents through official checkpoints. however, cases on the green are more popular. these borders. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border, there are border units that protect the state border. on the most dangerous routes, they are detained by the forces of the border guard. border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian border around the clock frontier. every week they stop men trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of year. and plus, the coast of the romanian side is close. 30-35 m, the current is very strong and unpredictable. the most common cases are that with the help of a wetsuit they put on, so that it is not so cold, inflatable circles, children's inflatable sleeves, mattresses, boats. even at the entrance to the border zone, 70% of men
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who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints, said the spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment, lesya fedorova, in order to stop the flow of illegal migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we also use manned aircraft and drones. in addition, we strengthened engineering barriers on the state border. we also actively use, and they show themselves very well, photo traps, as well as the installation of bispectral cameras. uav operator oleg igrak launches a drone into the sky. from a bird's eye view, the border guard detects potential trespassers. example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera, it sees and can see through trees, through branches. after the arrest, violators are taken to the branch
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of inspectors of the state border service. to escape abroad, men are often helped by so-called smugglers. last year alone, border guards detained almost 60 such dealers. prices for their services start from 4x5 dollars and up to 9 thousand greens. the shippers themselves usually try not to contact their customers, because the attempt to cross is illegal the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal crossings, they entail. criminal liability. at the beginning of the great war , 24 cases of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border were recorded in transcarpathia alone, so the border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg polyamar , espresso tv channel. we will also remind you that the tisza is a powerful
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river, so it is better not to play in long boats and balls there. fine. we and, as we and we promised, we will talk about zaporizhzhia, and , but let us remind you that while we are talking, you will donate, we need drones for our guys in the zaporizhia and luhansk directions, we collected in zaporizhzhia, now in luhansk region, okay, the props are right on the screen, and dmytro kyrylchuk , deputy of the zaporizhzhia city council is in touch with us, mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning , please tell us a little more about how that night passed in... you, so that we understand how calm or restless, because south and north had the horrors of that time. yes, ms. oksano , indeed, zaporizhzhia managed to get a lot of sleep today, yes, because this is against the background of the fact that it cannot be said exactly about the security situation in the front-line settlements
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of the zaporizhzhia region, because the enemy has hit there 30-6 times over the past day right there, six on... we should note that it was there that they were working, new danylivtsi, small takmachs, yes, now there is the largest number of shelling of the enemy, which is possible, and this applies specifically to airstrikes, they are against the background of the fact that our armed forces are heroically strength is already 13 of these dry spells in 13 days they were shot down, but this shameful practice continues, yes, as long as there is no opportunity, they use it in their own way. and it is precisely this front edge of the front that is carrying out airstrikes, but let's note that the enemy is not taking any offensive actions against this background so far, because it is our defense. they recaptured key positions there, it seemed to move them a little , that is why the situation, you know, there is a kind of calm now, when you can expect anything from the rashists, but our
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armed forces are ready, ugh, mr. dmytro, already those times have passed, when after the capture of the largest nuclear power plant, everyone bought up all the iodine and all the pills in buckets, it all looks different and magate's work looks routine. who are worried, but they are not allowed, or they are not allowed, and they are worried, and we are already used to it, and there were explosions, on the first of march, at first the russians dispersed that it was, oh, they were hitting dills directly on their nuclear power plant, then it turned out , that no, the explosions sounded somewhere in the direction of energodar, that is what we read from magate that they went to energodar to to look at the building, because they said that there was something on the roof. and something seemed to explode there, and they say that no one saw from the outside that there were any traces of the arrival, what kind of mysterious explosions and where is magate going to energodar? well, mr. roman
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, you know, it's been a long time, it's quite difficult to say where exactly magate is riding, what exactly that mission is doing, since the moment when grossi arrived there, when he left his employees there, and they are always watching something, yes, but against the background of this observation, the most important thing is... if safe the situation, unfortunately, remains the same all the time, this entire very long period is very tense, because the russians with some periodicity, you know, such an aggravation, they issue these or other actions against the background of the fact that they are under constant oppression, yes bullying and torture are not inflicted on a permanent basis precisely by those workers of the nuclear power plant, whom we already know there is a shortage of, and this is us... our very heroic energy workers, who by no means did not sign these contracts with their rasats and the like structures, but on
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they are just kept, you know , the health of this power plant in general is indicated, mr. dmitri, but you don't know anything about these explosions in more detail about the explosions themselves, yes, mr. roman, here is the information that it was really they that sounded on one even the roof and near. directly to one power unit, what exactly could have happened, we note here that there is no specific information, but we know that it is enough, you know, the whole station is jammed and not just the power units themselves, but even though there was also periodically information that there is certain explosives, but on the technical territory of these buildings, which are right next to the power units , they always have a large amount of exactly what can detonate and what from some kind of self-immolation or self-detonation, yes... anything can happen, but i am looking at photos, they have tanks there, armored personnel carriers in trucks from bc, they are standing, and indeed there is still room for provocations, when they themselves,
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as we know, interrupt the power lines of the power plant itself, yes, when it is there for seven days, 10 days is without its backup power from the outside , that it desperately needs it, they are constantly interrupting them, they can also periodically hit a particular building of a technical building there with a mortar and declare that it was the ukrainian defense forces that did it, mr. dmytro, please tell me about these actions, when our defense forces launch special uavs and distribute various leaflets, on the one hand , to nono's collaborators and about the responsibility for their activities, about the fact that criminal liability and society in general awaits them, and the second, when they call to ignore, for example, the same elections in the temporarily occupied territory on... how well-practiced is this route, because we understand that their slaves are also working, i am talking about the russian ones, but these drones still fly in, and is there any reaction from there there, is
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it known how the locals react, how the ukrainians react, whether they have the opportunity not to go to those elections in the end? well, ms. oksana, look here, the superposition, yes , what in this matter is precisely the communication we are talking about, yes , with our citizens who are under temporary occupation. it must be, happen by all methods, many people are already declaring this on a permanent basis, because communication is needed, because when they are in this information vacuum, the rashists with their narratives simply zombify people with their propaganda, who simply cannot be brought out, withstand and normal to a person, that is why these are extremely important measures, but we should also note that you emphasized this, yes, that there is a really large number of advantages of these guys, when we... you know, under a hundred different types, we can name what in rushed are on a permanent basis, and we have one or two of them there, and unfortunately, so far we have
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such a situation, they have a... a big advantage in this, yes, this is also a position that is extremely necessary for this to attack, as well as drones, that we once again join this call, that we have to provide our defenders, because, unfortunately, we now have the situation that the advantage in the air is precisely unmanned vehicles, unmanned vehicles of the rashists also more significant, because they can already against the background of the fact that ours there are drones, for example. they let our special appointees there to carry out certain missions, but the rashists have a very large number of means to suppress it, and their advantage in the air is that up to the point that they are now using their drones to continue zombifying people, when people are there for that , that there are repeaters and messages are sent there, that all your conversations are recorded, you are followed there in
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security measures, as always with the rashists. and well , classic informational and psychological influence. we have a couple of minutes before the news, mr. dmytro, a i wanted to ask you about other such trends in the occupied territories, we see that the former melitopol cop, andriy zhitkov, gathered russian clowns around him, they were giving each other legs under some rags of the so-called dpr-lpr, something there... and they call , that they are reviving the cossacks, it is just a matter of reviving the parody of the cossacks in zaporozhye, which the muscovites have been doing since the time of the black hundred pogroms and the russian empire, isn't it enough among the locals to play with these fighting cossacks, although i remember that the muscovites in zaporizhzhia, they also imposed themselves with those striped cossacks who have nothing to do with the cossacks, definitely here...
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we note that there is no such support, no matter how much they would like it, and we are just watching with you, and we will definitely see this picture, when against the background of this, you know, sick, attempt there to appropriate the topic of the cossacks, there, being in melitopol, these collaborators of posipak, who are under the leadership of the same chief collaborator yobalitskyi, yes , they are all trying against the background of the fact that instead of a university there, everyone there young soldiers and so on it's similar that from... the summer years, yes, people there are zombified and send squads on meat assaults, and they can't even share the topic of cossacks , these scumbags, that's why we watch how long they are like spiders in one the banks will start to use the eyes, after all , the newcomers are entering, because nothing is clear from that, the newcomers are just a picture that they, as always, show for their internal consumer, the inhabitants of the swamps, in fact,
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there is no such support there as always, the bastards are still and they use the term zaporizhzhya cossack army, well, they just want to add ata to the state russian register, it’s a kind of yes, the most important thing is that yes, they haven’t learned the word nezovo yet, so let them deal with their knives and what, as we mentioned, and well, it's all sanctified by a remote baltic man, who talks to russian television cameras, so that he earns his political ticks, points and everything there more and more and start. to appear in the media plane, and this is another confirmation that so he received a directive from above that he needed to work on his media image there, so it works, and the videos continue, unfortunately, mr. dmytro, we wish you a peaceful, or at least a calm day, dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhia city council, zaporizhzhia, at least, at least they were able to sleep that night, they don't often succeed, they don't succeed often, so we can only be happy for
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them. next comes news time. khrystyna parobiy and the news editorial team have already prepared a selection of the latest, most important information at the moment and are ready to share all this with us and you. therefore , christina, we pass the floor to you and listen carefully. greetings, colleagues, thank you. the number of dead in odesa increased after the night attack of the occupiers. i will tell you all the details in the issue, as well as the situation in other regions, don't miss it in a moment. khrystyna parubiy works in the espresso studio. the number of victims in odesa has increased, two have already died due to a mass attack by russian drones. rescuers found the bodies under the rubble. one of the chessmen.


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