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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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the news prevailed on a large scale, because we understand how few people are involved in this entire blockade, compared to the rest of the population of poland, but was it possible to start it and can it still be stopped? i am sure that it must be stopped in any case, i am sure that there is indeed a russian trail behind this conflict, but i want to tell you, i was in poland in december three times and gave an interview to the polish press , tried to reach polish carriers so that we... look for opportunities to work together and to earn, not to block each other's work, and unfortunately, if we do not talk about carriers, there is a separate story, then if we talk about other businesses, even those that depended on export-import operations with ukraine, unfortunately, they are officially nowhere did not support the position that it is necessary to unblock the borders, it is necessary to work, and at the same time to sit down and negotiate, unfortunately, because he is polish, polish politicians, well, if...
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firstly, what is there for them, well, the carriers are on strike there ukrainian border, they are on strike, most of them do not feel with various reasons, those consequences that were, on the one hand, and on the other hand, well , the ukrainians do not allow polish carriers to work, they implement the european market for polish carriers, although in reality the ukraine-eu agreement, as well as the poles, so dream of canceling in relation to international of freight transportation directly prohibits ukrainian carriers from working on the market of the european union within the market. and this is the truth, that's why there were a lot of narratives, those that do not correspond to reality, but there were a lot of lies, and there are more, by the way, yes, however, there is a conflict, it must be removed at the negotiated table, but precisely at the border, i see that the people who block the borders have recently become accustomed to the fact that this is the most effective lever of influence on their authorities, on the european commission, and they are used, unfortunately, the economies of both ukraine and other european countries suffer, and unfortunately, when...
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you will still be able to find a lot of useful idiots on tractors with red flags, mr. volodymyr, thank you for the analysis of the situation and the comment volodymyr balin, vice president of the association of international motor carriers, here what are the internal mechanisms, we now have to take a short break, then we will come back and stay with international affairs, what will we say there in the states, because the question of what are the chances of donald trump becoming... the president of the united states of america, or at the same time the support of ukraine from the united states of america will remain, and in general, what is the popularity of crazy trump, this is all and much more in an interview with the ex-adviser of donald trump on national security issues, spoke with john bolton, our colleague yuriy fizar in a few minutes, let's watch together. tired of heavy and bulky
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anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine. and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. premium. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations, this is an exclusive espresso.
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my name is yuriy fizar. today we will talk about security, about help from the united states of america. after all, when we get her from the american congress, well , let's talk about donald trump, and about all of that i'm going to talk about with my guest today, he's the national security advisor to the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, john. mr. ambassador, congratulations and thank you for joining me, it is a pleasure to be with you. mr. ambassador, my first question will be somewhat introductory: why is ukraine important to the united states of america, if it is important at all? i think this is very important, since 1945, the key national interest of the us has been peace and stability in europe. we got through the cold war, and we really have great ones prospects for achieving these goals. however,
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because of russia's desire to recreate the russian empire, and even though ukraine is not a member of nato, ukraine's security is vital to the rest of the european continent, and therefore to the united states. you know that george w. bush proposed that ukraine be admitted to nato in april 2008 at the bucharest nato summit and frankly, if our french and german friends had agreed to that, then perhaps we could have avoided invasions in 2014 and 2022 as well. okay, let's talk about the recent statement of french president emmanuel macron that we should not rule out the possibility that at some point in history the western military... president joe biden's administration has already responded and john kirby, the strategic communications coordinator for the white house security council, said that the only american military that are currently in ukraine, these are those who work in
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the american embassy. and there will be no other american troops in ukraine. but in the last few days, there have been different opinions from various western leaders on this matter. some say that western forces cannot to be in ukraine, because that would mean further escalation. but some of them, for example, the prime minister of estonia kaia kallas, said that we should not rule out such a possibility. what is your opinion on this , given that you are one of the best in the world in the field of security and foreign affairs. and what would you advise the president of the united states of america on this matter, if you were his adviser? i don't often agree with president macron, but i'm happy to say that this time i did. i must note that we are in the midst of it
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of the presidential election campaign and i think that the chances of the biden administration to say that they agree with macron are zero, it concerns the fundamental pi'. one of the ways we could go about it, in addition to a few other things we could do, is to put more troops into ukraine, especially american troops, not to fight the russians before the invasion, but for training purposes, and let the russians worry about what an increased american or increased nato presence would mean. as i said, it was necessary act differently, more economic sanctions, more fast delivery. weapons, but the failure to contain the russians has been mirrored throughout the two years of conflict in the constant
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fear of what the white house calls a wider war. this inhibits the strategic supply of weapons, which would allow ukraine to conduct the war most effectively. this is what has largely led to the current impasse in which we find ourselves. therefore, it was very unfortunate to watch the behavior of the white house, i think that this is a mess. out of fear of provoking the russians gives the russians what they are want absolutely free. and what do you think about the bilateral security agreements that ukraine signs with various european and world countries. do you think it would be possible or even better to have such an agreement with the united states of america? this is not... an adequate alternative to nato membership until we achieve what every nato member calls our goal of fully restoring
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ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. in accordance with nato practice, we do not accept members who are under occupation by an enemy state because it is immediately puts us all in a state of war. the first step here should be victory in the current war, the next step - ukraine's entry into the nato alliance. today we see that the threat is that russia is multiplying the transnistrian republic. i am sure that on the initiative of moscow, ukraine asked for protection from the russians, if this leads to the fact that more russian troops enter transnistria, then this will be a very bad development. we are in a precarious situation, we need a strategy for the future, and we don't have one now. sir ambassador, there are some world leaders and even european leaders who
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are still wary of helping ukraine. to provide ukraine with everything necessary to fight against the russian aggressor. is the west really afraid of an asymmetric response from putin, and that is why they are so cautious. if the russians try to attack nato members, directly in cyberspace or elsewhere, they will. and they should know it. the fact is that all this concern about the possibility of a large-scale war presupposes that russia has the ability to wage a large-scale war. taking into account her failure in ukraine, i doubt it. even when it comes to nuclear intimidation over the past two years, we have never seen evidence of russian nuclear deployments that would threaten ukraine or the rest of europe. therefore, i do not think that... they
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have done to us, to all of us , in fact, harmed ukraine, unfortunately, about three weeks ago, the bloomberg agency reported, citing its own sources, and i will quote now: is considering the possibility... push ukraine to negotiate an end to the war with russia if he returns to power next year, that's the end of the quote. one of trump's advisers told the agency that the threat of cutting military aid could push ukraine into negotiations, while increasing it would only provoke russia. can we say that trump is already on his way to his goal? attempts to get the last tranche of aid through congress have been a complete
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mess, and yet i am hopeful that they will find a way to overcome these difficulties. the problem with the general budget for this financial year also remains relevant. now the progress in solving it is obvious, i think there is significant majority support in both chambers to pass this package. decisions slow down, such are not related to this issue. like the inability of the biden administration to implement an effective policy on the mexican border against illegal immigrants, however, i am worried about trump, because he, firstly, the president announced about ... about the withdrawal of the united states from nato, and secondly, during the election campaign, he also promised put zelensky and putin in the same room and solve the problem in 24 hours. now, as zelensky said, it's funny, but i worried if they tried it and it didn't work. it is clear that trump will not blame himself. it's not his fault, but
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i would worry that he would blame zelensky and not his friend putin. hence the trump presidency. in my opinion, it would be dangerous for both the united states and ukraine. since you've already started talking about trump, i'll ask a question about him. what are the chances that he will win the election this fall? unfortunately, he now has a very good chance of winning. biden is considered too old to be president. he won't be any younger by november, and the democrats don't seem to understand that. i think the final decision will be made by a large group of american voters who don't like either of them. and the question will be in november, which of them they don't like anymore. and this will mean that the other will win. it's not the best way to elect a president, but i think that's the perspective
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we have, and it's impossible to predict who will be more unpopular right now. in november can a court stop trump from becoming president of the united states of america. no. as strange as it sounds, even a convicted felon can be elected president. it is currently unclear whether any of the four criminal cases will go to trial before november. and even if a jury returns a verdict against trump, he will appeal. i think that for... many americans who don't want to elect a convicted felon as president, this will be a significant fact, but even that is hard to say: trump's support has increased since he was impeached four times. and he became even richer as far as i know after that. a few weeks ago, putin said,
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or rather it was a week ago, he said that it would be better for russia if he were the new president of the united states. america became joe biden, not donald trump. and yet, in your opinion, which us president would actually be better for putin. putin, a former kgb agent, conducted another influence operation on american voters by saying that he supports biden. and all this in order to make some people support trump. but i have been to in the same room with putin and with trump. i 've had several meetings with putin without trump involved, i can tell you that in my opinion, whether it's vladimir putin or xi jinping, america's opponents are looking forward to a donald trump presidency because they think he's a winning party for them , and that's one of the reasons why i don't think trump is fit to be president. they consider
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him to be a winning lot, but what is the phenomenon, i would put it this way. why do some of them seriously consider him even the president of god which is hard to understand, but i think it reflects the opinion of many people who are quite alienated from the system. they feel that the democrats look down on them. remember, in 2016, clinton named supporters. pathetic , and they don't think they're pathetic, they don't like how they're being treated by the educated elites, and they're expressing frustration and displeasure by supporting trump, and i understand and actually sympathize in many ways with their feelings, but trump is the wrong medium for expression these feelings. i hope that americans, and i
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mean republican americans, will find the right remedy for themselves. i really hope so. we're working on it, we 're working on it. are there any other candidates? at this point, no, i mean, i think it's realistic. trump will most likely be nominated by the republicans. i don't see anyone who can stop him at this stage. but the convention in july is still a long way off, and we are witnessing a very strange period in american history. a lot can happen. how realistic is this one threat? i understand that this... from trump's side is not even for the united states of america, but for the whole world. but are there any deterrents for the president in the american legal system? in case trump becomes the new head of the united states of america. the law should apply to every citizen
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in the united states. trump claims immunity and has several criminal cases against him. the supreme court decided to consider this issue and make a decision. i think they will rule against him. yes, there are limitations, but he sees things through a lens that... don't really bother trump. that's one of the reasons why i think his second term will wreak havoc. what is beneficial to trump? can congress limit him in any way ? well, they passed a law that tries to stop him from leaving the country. with nato without congressional approval. i believe that this is not constitutional. the president has the constitutional authority to withdraw from treaties, even very good treaties. and
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after all, there is no paper document in the world that can restrain someone who does not feel any limitations. if trump is re-elected, it will be a test of the american constitution and our institutions. i think we 'll win in the end, he won't be able to do everything he wants, but he'll try. all limits, i don't think there's any doubt about that. that is, if he decides not to help ukraine financially, no one and nothing in the united states of america will make him change his mind. they can try to impeach him again . you remember, the first impeachment was related to the question of whether he tried to bribe zelensky, denying him military aid if he doesn't get help finding the computer. there could be an intense political fight over many of the things
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trump wants to do, and it could reach the level of a constitutional crisis, which is one of the reasons why no one should expect a second trump term. and my last question for you today, mr. ambassador, what do you think are the main challenges facing the world in 2020 and is the world really ready for them? the war in ukraine remains in the first place. the war in the middle east is another very an alarming situation. i think the threat of china doing something somewhere on its indo-pacific periphery while the us and others are preoccupied with europe and the middle east also remains a very serious concern. it's a dangerous world, and i 'm afraid the weak are locked up. america will only make this world even more dangerous for itself. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, thank you for joining me today and thank you for answering my
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questions. thank you for the invitation. well, he was an adviser to the 45th president of the united states america's national security chief, john bolton, i talked to him about a lot of interesting things, in particular about the aid from the united states of america to ukraine, whether we will receive it, whether we will receive it. her in the event that donald trump becomes president, and as he said, trump has a huge chance, and about a lot of interesting things. well, my name is yuriy fizar, this was an exclusive on espresso. before meeting. there are discounts on motilium of 20% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. there are discounts on spasmal tablets, 15% in pharmacies, plantain is a
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland. ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how our entry into the eu will look like. in the project "close to politics, close to the world" with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with au sisters. we are coming back, and oksana, here we are 100 times mentioning, telling how russia works informationally against ukraine outside of ukraine. and sometimes you are surprised that
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they are going after some crucified boys or little yellow-blue chicks who are attacking three-color snowmen, because russia is working, and we are obviously a little less, no, well, look, we are just dealing with an aggressor on our territory, there is another emotional component when there is, for example, a peaceful france, and lo and behold, it turns out that the ukrainians are involved in the fact that france... was attacked by these bed bugs , you know the ones, the whole minister of european affairs had to mess with the genre commenting on reuters , explaining how it works, means how it works, for example, on october 7, the guardian reported that in paris , education was suspended in seven schools precisely because of the catastrophe, the catastrophic presence of those
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messenger bugs and... and it was in the 20th year, let's look at it like this, the 20th year, full-scale there is no invasion, there are bedbugs, in the 21st year they scratched the back of their head, or the place where the bedbug bitten, then they launch the vidzhina service, which is such a special service, like our anti-fake, that is, checking to understand who is starting this hysteria around bedbugs, and in the fall of the 23rd, there were already a lot of bedbugs, so russia took it and started highlighting... with a mass attack in various social networks that there were so many bedbugs, because they were brought by ukrainians who came to europe, saving themselves, by the way, from a bigger contagion called russian, that's how it is, as you can imagine, baro's mission i had to tell all this, to tell, and to fight not so much with bedbugs as with moscow lice, well, actually, i think that if
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it worked too... our informational side, informational in europe, not in ukraine, because in ukraine it already seems , that at least the majority clearly understands what is to what, then we must also work in germany and france, because their schemes have been worked out too well for the last dozen years, in russia, they are also doing this, we ask you to know what to do, there are 400 hryvnias left to pay and... as of this morning, the amount of 50,000 that you donated, that you donated for our defenders for the 81st separate airmobile brigade, will come out, so we ask you to be active, roman and i will say goodbye to you briefly, we will return at 2:10 p.m. , you stay with espresso, because in a few seconds khrystyna parubiy will talk about the most important thing at the moment, and it will be interesting,
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stay with espresso. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time in the studio. khrystyna parubiy. personnel reshuffles among the commanders of combat brigades - announced the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. he spent three days inspecting the eastern direction. according to the general, combat capabilities depend on the command of the brigade and the ability to make balanced decisions. in the same conditions with the same ammunition, some fight effectively, others lose positions, he emphasized. brigades gives on...


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