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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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people keep cows, they keep them out of inertia, because they have kept them all their lives, and they like to have their milk, and what they sell for milk is pennies, some make cheese, some do something, they have some penny, although it is heavy a penny, who wants to sell milk, it is unprofitable that they cook in the cossack yard from milk, we process cheeses, we make sour milk from the purchased blood milk. dairy products, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, ryazhanka, butter and hard cheeses, hard and soft cheeses, i.e. everything that was done there, we do here. zskozycheva kachota is a semi-hard cheese, well, it is the main cheese, goat's cheese, well, we have some, several types, some with spices, some pure, some smoked. secrets of cheese production, in principle, there are no such secrets
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, something like that, but our cheeses are still special, well, because i don’t know, people often, well, ask, how do you do it, and how do you do it, they do the same, then don't go out, well, i don't know , i guess i don't tell anyone a secret, i won't even tell you, i don't know, there is no such thing, about meat products, meat products in our country consists of raw material. raw-smoked sausages, here, thanks to this production, they started making semi-smoked, cooked, well, in the summer we didn't make anchovies and cooked sausages very much, because the demand is weak, and the shelf life in the summer is problematic, now i think, at the end of this month, we will resume this production, i.e. there will be our anchovies, there will be our delicious boiled sausage, it is also a specialty according to our own recipe. here
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is the equipment for this about participating in fairs, always in fairs, whenever there is an opportunity, we always like to go to the fair, to sell our products there, we like to make kebabs, pilaf, pork on a spit , all that, people who have been to our points during the fair, in principle, everyone is satisfied, and from which city we come, then we get a lot, a lot , a bunch of orders, we are thus expanding the customer base of our online store. in which fair did serhii participate recently? in the last foodfest, fermerfest, i'm sorry, it was organized by the undp organization, undp usid. these fairs were quite popular in the east, we then went to the city of berdyansk, mariupol, two years in a row. there were always wonderful fairs. north donetsk and lisichansk were also planned for the 21st year.
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on the 22nd, i'm sorry, severodonetsk, lisichansk and a lot of cities in the east, but nothing happened, this year they restored it, and there were two cities, it was lviv and ivano-frankivsk, the fairs were very wonderful, the organization was excellent , we bargained well, next year, we hope, we will be invited again for the love of our business. maybe i don't know how to do anything anymore, maybe that's why i love it, well , you know, how a person likes something, i don't know how to explain it, what he likes is a person and does, and when a person has such an opportunity to do what he likes, then he is a happy person, what else is needed, someone likes to do nothing at all, he is also a happy person, as it turns out, well, somehow, as it is from...
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resume his business life is difficult, difficult, morally difficult, it seems that it was, now there is nothing, now everything is in control, that is why i do not want to move back, then everything will be in control again, the prospects will be all over ukraine, and not what just in volyn or somewhere, it will be good, besides, i apologize, in addition, ukrainians have a very big chance after our victory to show themselves in european countries and other countries, because the population and popularity of our country is growing, yes, and we all, for example, well, let me give you an example, we all buy sushi and order it home , yes, well, what do you think, the europeans didn't buy dumplings, the japanese once put something like that, yes, there's sushi there, or pizza, yes, the italians made it and everyone buys it for takeout, and how do they order footcourts and take them home, right? well, our
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dumplings, for example, are no worse, i think maybe someone will take care of it, and we will have 5 years after of our victory, such a crazy popularity of ukraine, we have to... take advantage of this chance, so that in europe we have to deliver varenyki or cabbage rolls, or everything in a heap, and it will be very cool, about the challenges faced by farmers during the war, you know, farming itself, at its core, well, if you 're in a non-combat zone, no combat, what difference does it make whether it 's wartime or not. here in the zone where you can do it calmly, but we have one challenge for the whole country, for the rest of our lives, that is, we must
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they support farming, they support it at the expense of, i won’t say at the expense of what, because i ’m not an economist, but the way it is done in civilized countries, i need a place to live, something to ride on, something to eat, well, that’s enough for now, in it is not that we have encountered problems in the combat zone, there is a solid problem there, in principle, this will not be news to anyone, that first of all, even near the combat zone, there are mined fields
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, constant arrivals, how many people have already been killed, cattle killed, well i say, livestock is one thing, how many people have been killed, how many farms have been destroyed, that's it not that the challenge is a complete rune. the destruction among my acquaintances are the dead farmers who asked the gate to save their herd under shelling, it was like that, they are gone, it’s not that it’s not a challenge, it’s a disaster, a complete disaster, well, looking into the future, we understand how many more victims will there be after the war, i.e. , blown up tractor drivers, combaners, yes, this is clear to everyone, even after the exchange of names. they won't get everything about the situation in ivanopil: i have a connection, but nothing special, shelling, flights, but the village is in place, so i say, nothing special for the wartime, so
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we are just talking about it now, yes, but we talked about it 12 years ago, yes, they asked how it was in your village there, and nothing like that , especially the shelling is cozy. it would be strange, now it is not. what will serhii consider a victory for ukraine in this war? victory in this war, the war, is the complete liberation of ukraine and the dismemberment of the russian empire, that is , it must return to its original moscow borders and live peacefully. this is a big predator. yes, they, they will not stop being predators, but they will be very small, there will be no danger, that is, the golden ring of russia , what is it called, muscovy, its native lands, the tasks facing farmers,
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to save their work, well, look, right there, once again, farmers are those who are near the war zone, this is one thing, and... this is completely different, so my tasks, it turns out, they haven’t changed, those who are on the frontline have a lot of these tasks, it’s better, i can guess what they are, but it’s better to ask about them, not in me, they will tell you better, they feel it on their skin now, and i, in principle, well, what now the work with donations is different . in principle, about cooperation and mutual support between farmers, well, i have not come across, but i think that there is some kind of cooperation, i don't have such, i'm a big farmer, you understand, if i say so, but globally now, there are people in which there is a lot of land, large
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hectares, someone took someone in with their equipment, someone managed to bring out at least the equipment, and now he can cooperate with someone with whom the dovtor communicated. well, it can be, but i have a rather small one, so this is not a question for me, it’s just that i’m too small for to create some... associations or something for the sale of products, there is this and that, if i tell each other who goes to these institutions to various fairs, you know , there will be something there, let's go there together, will you help me bring something i will help you there, i will give you something you need for work , well, that is, i would not say that such close cooperation of farmers is about other farms nearby. there is one over there, what is it called, not a boarding house, but a boarding school,
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there are cows raised in the boarding school, there is one here in derno, i take milk, papiki tract, so on the romanovs also raise cows, there are, of course there are, someone is more involved in the fields, i know, but i am not familiar with them. personally , does serhiy plan to expand the business, well, i initially said that i was planning, even planning a branch, so that, well, this is not an exaggeration, i say, you need to earn money, you earn money , work hard, and then we will think about cattle, about new, old, well, this is not the time to talk about it, of course i am planning, i am planning a lot, well now, you know, i spoke more about my plans there in donetsk, they were more real, for today, we'll see how real they
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are, i won't stop, that's for sure, because what do i have to do, even when i reach retirement age, i won't be able to live on retirement, i'll have to go somewhere, do something, maybe somebody chops firewood for extra money , as it will be, promotion to engage in farming, this business motivates me. to love freedom and your own independence, when you have your own business, you plan your day yourself, you are a completely independent person, but if the money is all yours, yes, if you earn it, if you don't, what's the difference, all the same, everything is yours, but somehow this is a certain independence, selling sausage, and besides, he also traded as a sales representative. and before that i worked in portugal, as a hunter and in different ways, and before that i had my own company again and
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i also worked and made a product for myself and sold it, there was production, and now i don’t think about what i will do about childhood dreams, about cosmonauts , don't believe the actors, even worked in the theater, well, you see what you see, i became a cook. because i had one, just before we had to go somewhere, we went to a military camp, well then it was like this, and from the first day i realized that i was hungry, and i was hungry for a whole week, until i was put in a line in the kitchen, and there i was already full, and during the month of my stay in that camp, i was twice in around the kitchen, and i was so lucky that it was two times bulaman porridge, just right, then i already ate buckets of foggy porridge and understood. that it will be necessary to be closer to the kitchen, and art can be practiced separately, and so i went on to study
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to be a cook, to be a technologist, and it went on, about serhiy’s signature dishes, the signature dish itself is ukrainian borscht, but ukrainian borscht in we are special, you know what ukrainian borscht with a donetsk accent is, it's not boiled cabbage, it's aldente cabbage, and it's very tasty... it turns out, why, why isn't it boiled, well, first of all, it's khrushka - it's one thing, and secondly, when it is undercooked, it does not have time to release its juice into the borscht itself, and the borscht itself becomes much tastier, not everyone knows this, this is such a donetsk trick, when i was still working, after a term of service in a restaurant, in our there was a chef from lviv, and he just arrived, just started to... work, he says, why don't you always overcook the cabbage, i say yura, that's our trick, well, he
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agreed that yes, yes, that's better, and i like portuguese dishes and make some, but recently i made feijoada de chocoge at home, and it's very simple , it's stewed beans with cuttlefish, in a creamy sauce, and a lot of onions, that's what i love, i love uzbek fruits. to make ukrainian diruns with sour cream, with all sorts of twists, not just diruns, you know, but to stuff something in there, perhaps a basque cutlet. podonbaska cutlets - this dish was invented by one donetsk chef in the donbas restaurant, which is now called donbas-palace, well, it was the 70s, it is a simplified version of the kiev-style cutlet, but the kiev-style cutlet is always served incorrectly, because the kyiv-style cutlet is made from chicken fillet with a wing
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bone , which is not inserted there, but which remains as it grew. this is a classic kiev-style cutlet, not that we wrap something there and give it, and not always a fillet, sometimes they make such a thing for a few minutes, but a podonbaska cutlet is a cutlet made from beef and pork lard, but the principle the preparation of the same, well, donetsk people have been stagnant since those times, so to speak, the dish was very popular, that is, the food court was like that, and it was served in restaurants, as well as the food court. used, well, i won’t say that it is so extraordinary, something like that i like to cook stuffed pike, also a cool dish, but there is a lot of pike here, well, you know, i don’t like to eat it, everyone likes it, about donetsk character traits, responsibility for
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word, it exists in me, it is such, there is such a feature, well... how does serhii remember donetsk? you know now when you think of your city, the first thing you remember is liverpool, well, we had such a hotel and such. yes, this is so basic, it's like , well, the first thing that pops into my head is a beautiful, good city, and now it's not bad , only there's not the right contingent, a little, nothing, everything
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stronger together. it was clear what started the war, actually how the first rotorcraft flew here, karina lives on the 13th floor in the very center of buchi. a high-rise building with an incredible view from the window on february 24, 2022 became the observation deck of a terrible disaster, from here you could see
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the first explosions, black smoke, the airfield in gostomyla, the girl dared to drive away closer to the evening, got into the car in the parking lot, my car was alone, security looked at me, called me a brave girl, at first i decided that i would leave the dog at home, i would return it tomorrow. i left the entrance and literally onto the nearby boulevard the flight arrived, i jumped back into the elevator, took the dog and realized that we were going for a long time. karina comes from luhansk region, from alchevsk, so she knows well what war is like. she started preparing for the big invasion a month in advance, she knew that she would go to her friends in nemishaeve, in the kyiv region. usually , it takes 12 minutes to get there by car, but on february 24, it took 1.50 minutes. o'clock, the woman saw how russian tanks moved along the road, and when i was leaving the highway, it seemed to me that we would be relatively safe, because at that
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moment all the tanks were driving just... in the warsaw way track, but i didn't know that the field behind us , that this field would be based so much on the occupants at that time. the russians occupied nemishaev already on march 2 , there were tanks, we remember the number 38, we counted them and the task was to sit in the basement so quietly that neither the children, nor the dogs, nor the cats could be heard by the military, because we understood that it could be . the last sound in this basement. on march 8, it became unbearable, 50 cars left the colony, without green corridors. we got into the car, and i was in the rearview mirror i saw a priest who serves in this church. he baptized our column, it was visible in the rearview mirror, and at that moment it seemed that nothing would work, it seemed that we would not be able to leave, they managed to leave
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the column. and after they were shot, the women were sheltered in poland, but they still wanted to go home safely there. 33 days of occupation of buchi, 33 days of obscurity and obscurity, but on march 31 , the blue-yellow flag flew over the city again. the first thing i was waiting for was easter, and i knew that i had to celebrate easter in butch it didn't work, because there was no light or water. then some things started. spanish eyes are again talking about the offensive on may 1, i had a date of may 16, when i have to leave buch, by the way, photos, even a hand -drawn calendar where i crossed out the days until our departure home, and i couldn't stand the 13- oh, we got into the car, at that time the world shuddered from the horrors and atrocities of the russians in buch, but it was
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not easy to prepare for what we saw. the most terrible thing that you will see in me is the windows of my kitchen overlooking the church under which there was a mass burial and i couldn't imagine how you would sit in the kitchen drinking your morning coffee and look at this view, although at the time of buying this apartment this view from the window was, well, i thought it was very cool, despite everything, the residents of buchi are rebuilding their city. karina, the founder of a real estate agency, modestly calls herself me. sales manager, she knows how most of the houses in bucha, irpen, and gostomyla were built, knows many people who bought apartments there. it was very difficult to survive at the time of a full-scale invasion, you all know the house, how it was built, who built it, what construction technology was used, and if you can call it that, then during the occupation there was such a game, you knew that if there was a span in this house, then it would stand, if
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there was no span in this , er, if he will be around, then there may be moments. she admits that she was not sure whether she would be able to return to work, but the city is coming to life and becoming a home for new residents. from mariupol, berdyansk, kharkiv, but here are the houses, like the cities, wounded by the war, some houses still without windows, doors and facades. the scariest part was accepting what you've been doing all your life, every house you know, looks like that. brick by brick, as it was built, you didn't know if those people who once got their dream home with my help survived, and in some places , what we sell still looks like this. kyiv region is recovering, children are walking again in bucha, a house in nemishaevo is being repaired after being hit by a shell, and an exotic garden is even being planted there.
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a new bridge was built across the irpin river. life goes on, but no one does will never be able to forget what happened here in february march 2022. kateryna galko, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant things at the moment. three people have already died as a result of russia's terrorist attack on odesa. a few minutes ago, from under the rubble
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of nine floors. which was hit by the drone, was pulled out.


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