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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. let's summarize the news morning in ukraine in eterispress news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the body of a three-month-old boy.
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were pulled out from under the rubble of a destroyed building in odesa, the search for tymofiyka's mother continues, the odesa city council reported. there are already three victims of the night russian attack on the city. one of the drones completely destroyed the entrance of a nine-story building. eight people were injured. among them is a pregnant woman and a three-year-old boy. they continue to search for people under the rubble. more details in the plot. at night, a russian drone completely destroyed one of... the entrances of this nine-story building, 18 apartments were destroyed, while emergency workers are sorting through the ruins, the rescued hope for a miracle that their relatives or neighbors will be pulled out from under the rubble alive. the husband and the baby, the eldest daughter, they made it, they were not in another room, and they are alive and well, and they slept in another room, in their bedrooms and unfortunately they are down there.
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it adds hope that around 9 a.m. , emergency workers managed to free one of the residents of the building from under the rubble, he is alive and conscious, he was hiding in the basement at the time of the drone strike, this is what saved the odesa citizen, the demolition of the rubble continues. russian terrorists attacked odesa with eight-point rocket launchers from the black sea. our air defense forces repelled the attack for more than an hour. the entire route was laid out in such a way that these shaheds could hit high-rise buildings. this is a really densely populated residential area of ​​ours cities the tactics were familiar, again from the sea , as they say, they rose, flew above the surface of the water so that there was less time for them to be ... destroyed, all the same, i think
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the result is quite good, mildly saying, because of the eight amikaze drones, seven were destroyed by air defense forces, mobile fire groups, unfortunately, this hit. currently, 12 people are missing, including four children, the prosecutor general of ukraine, andriy kostin, said. in addition to the destroyed nine-story building, damaged utility networks and boiler house, nearby houses are disconnected from heating. another victim of russian aggression in the kherson region. in the morning, the enemy fired artillery at stanislav. a 54-year-old man died. during the attack, he was on the street, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. russians wounded three residents of donetsk region. the occupiers targeted a private house in siversk, where two residents were wounded. another injured in berestki. in the morning, the enemy covered the village with artillery. a private house was damaged. -
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the regional police said. in turkish the russians dropped an aerial bomb that did not explode. the city was also attacked with artillery. 11 private houses were partially destroyed, a bus was damaged. during the day, the enemy shelled 10 settlements in the region 17 times. enterprises, a farm and a cultural center were also damaged. there is also a victim of russian terrorists in the kharkiv region. the russians attacked the shah region around midnight. the drone hit a private home in the village of velikiy borluk. the house caught fire, the dead 76-year-old owner of the house was found from under the rubble. from the neighboring house the police evacuated an elderly woman. the telecommunications infrastructure building was damaged. in kharkiv , a fire broke out after hitting a garage cooperative in the shevchenkiv district. there are no casualties. three people turned to doctors with an acute reaction to stress. as a result of the explosion
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, four private cars were destroyed, about 10 garages were partially damaged, windows were broken in dozens of apartments. this is an ordinary residential area of ​​the city of kharkiv. the blow by shahed was delivered in the courtyard of multi-storey residential buildings. in this the area is mostly five-story buildings. at least three more k-52 attack helicopters were damaged in the temporarily occupied crimea. during yesterday's attack, the airbase of the russian army near simferopol, as well as a secret facility in sevastopol, were hit, russian media reports. there is also information about possible destruction of the fighter, as well as the dead officers. the day before , there were explosions in the temporarily occupied crimea. the occupying authorities reported on the work of anti-aircraft defense and that eight missiles were allegedly shot down over the black sea. but eyewitnesses reported about smoke in sakhskyi district and about
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an attack on the military base in gvardiyskyi. we are not the only ones to suffer from drone attacks. powerful explosions again in russia. propaganda publications report that in st. petersburg. the drone crashed into the house. residents of piskarovsky prospekt allegedly heard the sound of a motor in the sky, and then saw a bright flash. the wreckage of the drone probably fell near the house, six people sought medical help. one woman was hospitalized, the propaganda media reported. a hundred people were evacuated, it is assumed that the purpose of the drone was the oil depot of the stream, which is located nearby. also. russia announced a drone attack on two villages in the bielgorod district. the local governor gladkov informed about this. according to him, the explosive device was dropped from a uav on the outskirts of the village of shchetenivka. but there is damage to the power transmission line, subscribers of two settlements: shchetynivka and chayka are temporarily without power.
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the city is being cleaned before the elections in the russian federation. 11 crews of russian police arrived in mariupol and st. petersburg. yes, the day before so-called presidential elections in russia are looking for saboteurs. this was reported by the mayor's advisor petro andryushchenko. according to him, these crews strengthened the russian guard unit. personnel reshuffles among the commanders of combat brigades, announced the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. he spent three days inspecting the eastern direction. according to the general, combat capabilities depend on the command. and the ability to make balanced decisions. in the same conditions with the same ammunition, some fight effectively, others are losing ground - he emphasized. groups of specialists were sent to the brigades where there are the biggest problems to provide assistance. as sirsky noted, the situation at the front remains
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difficult, but under control. another 960 russian occupiers burned like a match on international match day. and in general, first. of the full-scale invasion, our defenders burned more than 416,000 enemies, the armed forces also burned 14 russian tanks, 29 armored fighting vehicles, 47 artillery pieces, three anti-aircraft guns, five enemy air defense systems and 66 units of special vehicles, but one enemy plane burned particularly well, the general staff notes, the data are indicative. the spresso tv channel calls... to join the collection for the drone fpv for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the semi-drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment,
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fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. with your help, we've already collected over 890. uah, just a little more, and we will collect the necessary amount, so get involved, remember, every donation you make is important, you can see all the details on the screen. the profile committee of the senate of canada approved the draft law on the ratification of the updated free trade agreement between canada and ukraine. this is reported by ukrinform. it was approved without any changes. the document will then be submitted for final approval by the full senate next week. of the plenary week, which will begin on march 19, since earlier the bill had already passed the three-stage path in the house of commons, after final approval by the senate, it only needs to receive the signature of the governor-general to enter into force.
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this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. then my colleagues will continue the ater, do not switch, stay with the team. greetings, i am olga lenyut, today i will be in place of serhiy rudenko, temporarily, do not be afraid, and today we will talk about such things in the program. a powerful thrust of the occupiers at the time of the yar, is it possible to break through the ukrainian defense, if the allies will not increase the supply of weapons and ammunition. help bypassing congress. the pentagon found 4 billion for ukraine in
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the fund of presidential powers, which could be the consequences of delay. putin's personal crime, while in russia they say goodbye to the murdered oppositionist navalny, the kremlin threatens responsibility for unauthorized actions. well, until we started such a main conversation, i think the most vivid. a special event - in moscow, on the first of march , russian opposition politician oleksiy navalny, who was tortured in a russian prison, was buried in the middle of february, thousands of people came to say goodbye to him, but only relatives and friends were allowed into the church , this official farewell lasted about 20 minutes, the territory of the church was surrounded by medal fences, the queue of those who wanted to say goodbye to navalny stretched for more than a kilometer, let's see, how was it
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well, i propose our traditional survey today, it is connected with the fact that yesterday the european parliament in its resolution expressed concern about the restrictions on the foreign trips of the members of the verkhovna rada, primarily from the opposition, it can be seen as non-electoral restrictions. the political activities of elected people 's deputies, in particular those who represent the opposition, is literally stated in the document, so we decided to ask you the following: should people's deputies be restricted from traveling abroad during the war, if your answer is yes, call 0800 211 381, if not . deputy commander of the sso, from 2016 to 2019
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and ex-deputy secretary of the national security council in 2019-2020, and with him we will naturally begin to discuss, first of all, issues related to the military sphere. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy. thank you for joining us. good evening, glory to ukraine. slava, well , i can't help but ask you, of course, first of all what concerns, well, your so direct, former sphere of activity, this is what actually happened precisely by the forces of the ssso. namely, it became known that during a combat mission in a collision with the russians soldiers of the 73rd naval special operations center were heroically killed by the invaders, this is an official announcement. i will provide or the departure of the main forces of the group after the completion of a special task, they accepted their
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last battle, forever remaining in the formation, this was reported directly in the ssso forces. according to the publication militarny , it is about the battle on february 28, during the landing of the group in the occupied territory of the kherson region in the area of ​​tendrivska kosa. and now there are many different opinions, different conversations around this. it is obvious that you are a person who well directly in the topic, and you probably have your own view on this story, well, at least, maybe you have some information about it, what do you think? before what happened, can you tell us, well, to the extent that you can, what happened at all? it is a difficult question, and when you read official reports like these, you want to ask why you lie, why you lie, and why you send people, because
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the task of fulfilling the command’s order... at the tender desk there was nothing non- strategic, non-operational, no tactical sense, and the trouble is that the special operations forces are led by those, unfortunately, who are completely far from reality, starting from the service there, they did not serve in certain positions, and just as they did not directly create them, so they belong it's enough for their people, you know, they don't take care of them like that, they're not brothers, not relatives, not relatives, and they don't sing'. bovtsi , that's why what we have is what we have, uh, more than, say my comrades, probably we will hardly find out, although the russians are already blowing this situation up quickly enough, and i will say that the death was heroic, the question is why, why did we send them there,
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there was no evidence, i repeat once again, unfortunately, it is terrible, and i would really like to see... a real tough investigation and the people responsible for sending them simply for the sake of some pr and photo shoot, they bore her a cruel responsibility, because with each such reference, the trust of commanders, the trust of subordinates in commanders can fall, and if there is no strict investigation, then directly and the effectiveness of the use of special operations forces will not be the same, why they were being created, but could there be , well, something like that... as we actually have a bridgehead in krynyk, which, well, let's put it this way, annoys the russians a lot, distracts certain forces, as far as i understand, could there be any expediency in this , that creating another bridgehead in that area, as realistic as it could be a task, you say that there is no point, i understand your position, but i have already answered your question, i understand that you are completely far from
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military topics, look , at what distance is our coast and occupied bank. and i ask you a question, how will you provide the logistics of just a sandbox ? just look at the map, and you will understand that there is no point in keeping this cash register, and the question is, how would the provision of those people who would dig in there be carried out, what is all this for? the question is completely different in pokraynka, where the width of the dnipro water obstacle is much smaller than what needs to be done directly on these boats. well , actually, it was important for me to hear the very explanation why you consider it inappropriate, here it actually is, tell me, now, well, actually, even if we talk about the 73rd marine special operations center, as far as i know, this is not the first such tragic story that happened in the last two years, there were other unsuccessful operations sure
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, and here comes the question, well, which is discussed so much, you know what... maybe some kind of betrayal, maybe something else, maybe someone over there gave it all up, well, i'm just saying what they're saying around, well, there's a lot of people around what of this speculation, and the question is, well, actually, who makes decisions about such operations, it is made at the level of the center of special operations itself, it is accepted at the level of the command of the ssoc, it is accepted at the level of the general staff, that is, as a result, who is the person in charge, who nevertheless approves these operations. good question, but this question is just an element of certain limited information, therefore, with your permission, i will say that in this operation, and what it was, the responsibility must be borne by the command of the units and the command of the special operations forces, regarding the cases you are talking about, i i don't know in which circles you communicate, which is wide enough
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you know, failures and successes of the 73rd center, they happen to everyone. war, but the failures that were in the previous 73rd center are also related to the current leadership of the special operations forces, but they were a little bit in other positions at the time, but in the meantime they were also planning certain operations in the kherson direction. well , let's talk about the situation in general then, well, now for example, the head of the press service of the operational-strategic group of the hortesian troops, ilya yevlash, said today that... russian troops have accumulated significant slopes and for a powerful thrust at times, at the same time there is a sufficiently serious offensive and an attempt to advance further. in the area of ​​avdiyivka, attempts are being made to improve the tactical situation , to advance in other areas, how would you describe the general
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situation happening at the front, from your point of view, that this is a bigger offensive, this is a limitation of the ukrainian forces the defenses of ukraine, which cannot control what is happening, the battles are going on at the same time... even the russians are trying to advance in certain areas, they have an advantage in numbers artillery and the use of aviation means, namely, actively using the control of aerial bombs to strike our front edge, we strongly feel the lack, not the lack, let's say, of the required amount of artillery ammunition and trained, trained and trained people. and the question is not about the capabilities of the russian army, they have them, the question is about our ability to ensure timely detection with the help of our development of enemy approaches to the front edge,
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their accumulation and striking at these accumulation, because in war it is always very important, when you have the opportunity to strike in advance, then you disrupt any efforts of the enemy, as far as his offensive is concerned, so it is difficult, difficult to want. i wish that the issue of providing ammunition and other samples, both quantitatively and qualitatively, would be resolved faster without weapons, but i would not panic and say that i would not be so pessimistic, in war it always happens when you have a hard time, in war you never it is not easy, sometimes it just depends on how you are provided for the performance your task, well, here it is more like these ... such sentiments are spread through the media, i would say, because, for example, here is the last report, which is also panic-stricken of this plan, bloomberg published about the fact that
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ukraine seems to see the risks defense breakthrough by the occupiers by the summer, if the allies do not increase the supply of ammunition needed by kyiv, they write it as if the ukrainian leadership is angry, as far as such breakthroughs really are. uh, how realistic is this prospect at all? russians are power tools, to carry out such actions. i am more interested in the actions of our authorities to speed up the provision of the needs of the armed forces. let's remember that a week and a half later, the president of the czech republic found 800,000 shells for ukraine, the whole of europe is looking for money, we have money, but for some reason we don't... we pay at least to get any part of these 800,000, so in why the question, i am not talking about the complete failure of transferring the economy to functioning in
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the conditions of a special period, in accordance with the existing law on mobilization, i am not i say that the leadership of the country is absolutely not engaged in the preparation of mobilization resources and generally does not engage in the fortification equipment of the area in the required quantity and quality, that is why the question. we are waiting for europe and the united states to do everything for us, and we are waiting directly for everything to be given to us, let 's ask the question not who will help us when, but what we ourselves can do to improve the situation, well, in general , you need to have, it seems to me, a plan b in case, well, help does not come, and so that it does not there was such a situation that no help came and everything collapsed, absolutely true, i support you and... it is precisely necessary to calculate various options, including the best and the worst, and to be, and this will give us the opportunity to be ready for this and not to fall into the panic that i now see from
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many sources of mass media, well, panic in general is not the best reaction to any difficulties, frankly, the best reaction is to think that there must be a way out, but now parallel to this , it can be seen that... under, let's say, there is more or less some kind of action conversations about the supply of long -range weapons, well, about the supply of american long-range weapons, it is clear that everything there is strongly tied to funding, which cannot be approved by the us congress, but also, well , for example, the members of the bundestag voted to provide well, it doesn’t say the exact word taurus, but long-range german weapons, and in response to... we see schultz’s statements, which again say that if moscow is shelled, let’s listen to this general statement of schultz’s, because it’s like that, well ,
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well, i would say, very... characteristic of many in the west who talk about the fact that there is no need to give anything to ukraine. let's see. the hymars missile launcher is not the most powerful or long-range weapon, but it can do more than the taurus, which can fly up to 500 km. in addition, if taurus is used incorrectly, it can achieve a specific goal somewhere in moscow. and let's here... let's discuss, well, first of all, about the fact that let mars can be better than taurus and in general, well, where is this, well, are these things interchangeable, let mars and taurus, well, the problem is that when civilians start telling others how to use military models of weapons, it
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even causes a smile. and surprise, it's firstly, secondly, well, we can't compare machines for passing difficult tracks and machines for passing high-speed tracks, it's a completely different purpose, so are taurus and hymers, it's a little different in its capacity to deliver certain blows, and it is important for us to have both hymers and tauros, and it will be very good for us, but why our management absolutely... does not work to provide information support in germany itself, we spend a huge amount of money on a telethon that does not bring any benefit, but we do not have even 5 minutes on any german television channel, where the ukrainian announcer on in good ukrainian, in good german , he talked about the realities of the war between russia and ukraine, he talked about the torture of atrocities committed
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by russians against ukrainians. maybe it would hasten and exacerbate the problem and accelerate it making decisions necessary for ukraine? well, i don’t know, here you know, again, it’s not quite so, because it was precisely the pressure, including diplomatic, not only diplomatic, but also public media, that everyone caused the fact that the bundestag decided on the possibility of granting , that is, now we are leaning, well, maybe on the position of chancellor ulav shultz personally, maybe. of some group, let's say, of the leadership of germany, that is, in some certain rather large process was passed, because when the bundestag votes, it means that there is at least a certain majority of people who are ready to support the provision, and there is public support for this process in germany as well , that is, here we have something quite so complex, and it is related, i think, to the second
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part of what i said. shultz, when the conversation is about the fact that they can hit moscow, well, objectively, why do we need these taurus, well, don't hit moscow, realistically, well, probably for something else, then for why do we need them, what should we talk about, why we talk so much about them we are talking about these taurus, well, if scholz is only worried about moscow, thank god. the number of enterprises of the defense and industrial complex on the territory of the russian federation , which are not in moscow, is more than sufficient, so if he escalated the issue in moscow, then we can strike at other cities and factories of enterprises of the russian federation, and we absolutely do not violate anything about what the german leader asked. and finally , the last question for you, please tell me from
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your point of view in general. this whole story is about what must happen is that ukraine must announce its goals, that is, how, let's put it this way, how could we remove this fear from our allies that suddenly their long-range missiles will fly somewhere in the wrong place, this is the approval of goals, it is possible some clearer indication, after all, what is our approach to the choice of the whole in... russia, how should we act to convince them? well, first of all, you don't need to agree on anything, you need to have a weapon to strike, that's the first thing, secondly, we only see such statements from scholes that as for striking, other representatives of other countries, we will not be limited in the use of weapons, when our leaders tell us that everyone forbids us, this is not true, but we only heard officially from the germans, in


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