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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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tell me, please, from your point of view , in general, this whole story about the fact that somehow ukraine should announce its goals, well, that is, how, let's put it this way, how could we remove this fear from our allies that suddenly their long-range missiles will fly somewhere in the wrong place, this is an affirmation of goals, this is perhaps some clearer indication , after all, what... our approach to the choice is entirely on the territory of russia, how should we act to convince them? well, first of all, you don't need to agree on anything, you need to have a weapon, to use it strikes, this is firstly, secondly, we only see such statements from scholes, regarding striking, others, representatives of other countries, we will not be limited in the use of weapons, when our leaders tell us that everyone forbids us, it is not the truth is, we only heard officially from the germans, but... americans and
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other countries, we absolutely did not hear or see such statements, neither written nor oral, so let's have and strike, let's have and strike, just like that. well, thank you, serhiy kryvonus, reserve major general, and former first deputy commander of the ssu, thank you for joining our broadcast, i remind you that we are conducting a survey on whether people's deputies should be restricted from working trips abroad during . wartime, if your answer is yes, call 0800 211 381, if your answer is no, 0800 211 382, ​​and we have a new guest, this is volodymyr tsibulko, a political analyst, a writer, and let's go into more detail now, maybe we can discuss what we showed, this is actually navalny's funeral, i congratulate you, sir.' congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes,
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glory, so we saw these footage, we saw how , on the eve of all this, this was happening , you know, well, very action, this, very strange, when for more than a week navalny's mother did not release his body, talking about the fact that she had to do something very it is hidden that they will bring her somewhere to a place in the cemetery, she will stand next to the grave and so on... there will be no such or any burial at all, and we saw what was happening now, but we did not actually see any such special uprising there , then why in the end so was very afraid of the russian authorities, and why were there all these kind of preparations and this frightened hiding of the body, as from your point of view, vladimir, well, here in russian.
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there are no such actions now, and there is no sense in them , because, well, the opposition, this is when the opposition is part of the government and it only offers an alternative way, here in russia it is completely different, putin does not hear, well, his entourage does not hear subordinates, does not hear the population, it believes that it is doing great good for the population, and the fact that the population grumbles does not interest it. with
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on the other hand, navalny's entourage and this opposition, and such, well, isolated attempts to somehow er, well, either frond, frond, or demonstrate some kind of disagreement with the actions of the authorities, the government leaks out, we remember zanadezhdin's signatures, and now these funerals, well, it's kind of very strange event, because... even in the morning there was information that the ritual company, which was hired to serve this event, managed to find a shorter coffin for the coffin, shorter for navalny, and there was something with the suit, that is, it all grew permanently like that, well absolutely petty, angry with some kind of moss, and it created... well, some kind of
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absolutely unbearable situation, that is, people came, people said goodbye, but that in no way... they didn't harm the authorities? well, actually, because his supporters gathered, they threw flowers there, when they took this coffin from the church to the cemetery, the fact that this church is somewhere on the outskirts, i ’m not saying that, it’s called this one i'm boring you, i should remind you here, because in reality, just like in the media. navalny's image is twisted and inflated, always inflated, he always was exaggerated let's recall the story when navalny returned to russia after being poisoned. many expected that 1050 would meet him at the airport. there was no masquerading, and it became clear that the authorities could
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wipe the face of what was menacingly called the largest opposition force in the russian federation, simply wipe its feet and that was it. well, but when they came to lay flowers, well , when he just died, people went to some, well, those, you can't even call them memorials, because they were looking for some related, even to the ignorant, but it is not at all known what they were doing there, they laid flowers, but even during the laying of these flowers they were arrested, and now the ambassadors of the usa, germany, france, and boris nadezhdyny have come to the farewell ceremony there. who is positioned there as an anti-war candidate, but in principle , well, judging by everything, he is such a candidate sufficiently integrated into the elite, although anti-war, but on the other hand, practically no one came from russian famous public figures, and
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again, they were quite quiet such, there were no riots and fights there, i don't know something like that, and here i wonder who might have done for himself... from these, from this burial , the russian authorities could draw a conclusion, and even from the point of view of what russia is now, well, there are public politicians or there, whatever you don't call them, there are some in general this circle that is active there in one way or another, well , all the years of putinism, the authorities worked to ensure that russian society was disjointed, encapsulated, and in the end we do not observe... any civil societies, the last, well, such sprouts of civil society were dismantled after bolotnaya, some left the territory of russia, some went into business, some were demoralized, plus, well, because of
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the military mobilization, they cut off a part of this, well , the electorate of the protest, the fronders, because... there was only a threat of mobilization, right away, eh, eh, oh, er, self-employed, itishniks, i.e. a potential specific environment from which the opposition could feed itself, it left russia. let's recall the anti-war rallies, in 14th year, how many people went to the protests, the maximum in moscow, about 50 thousand. this, this probably all the opposition could do. gather, because the opposition was not perceived as, well, a structure or an environment that could really gain power, but they only started to demonstrate, i remember, there were such calls during the elections
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to shine a flashlight in the yards or there, well, this is , by the way, the fund of struggle with corruption , navalnysky was involved in this, and plus navalny himself was always involved, so to speak... in testimony, because he went to nazi rallies, to the so-called russian marches, on which rogozin and i want to remind him, he also marched, then he didn't make sandwiches, crimea didn't sandwich, now, well, prison and his, well, this, one might say, war, post-war declaration that everything should be returned to ukraine and reparations should be paid. it was also perceived as an intellectual exchange of ideas and nothing more, that is, by russian society, none of this, what navalny did, was perceived as a real
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struggle for power, as a power grab, that is, as political publicity and not more, well , but all the same and his... well, you can say murder, because when a person first poisoned, then she constantly sits in a cell in a prison, then this is a murder as a result, no, he lost his health. as a result of double poisoning, i say that it cannot be called that a person simply died, and he died, no, he said that he was taken out of the other world, but how long he could live, no one knew, plus the prison abuse that he set up, it was a silent murder, everyone perfectly understood that prison is a one-way street, well, symbolic for the russian authorities, this is a symbolically important thing, they they just put everyone in a stall and that's it. and this is very noticeable, that is what we actually saw, we are now observing a very interesting story,
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which, in my opinion, belarus was the first to go through, because we observed the legitimization of svitlana tykhanovskaya in the west, and now navalny's wife yuliya, she is essentially walking the same path, which svitlana tykhanovska passed, that is, we see, yulia navalna met with... biden, yulia navalna spoke in the european parliament, that is, in fact, due to such a tragic, well, event, yulia navalna suddenly became, in fact, uh, informal president another russia, western politicians communicate with her, and those who in the west think of somehow investing in the development of civil society in russia, and talking to... some part of the russian community that lives scattered around the world, well, they probably chose her as
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the main communicator from this part of her disunited russia, well, well, and no more , well, you know, i personally treat such a transfer of leadership by sexual means with such a certain skepticism, because when it happens like this from a husband to a wife and vice versa, then... .. well, that means what, what else there are no leaders who were popular , well, that’s unfortunate, well, for example, the same mark fegin, who invented the election, well, to create some legitimate figure who would talk to western leaders on behalf of another russia, well, in essence, now this idea runs out , maybe it will continue, but in fact , due to the circumstances, this tragic event made yulia...navalna the only communicator, who will say that she will be an effective communicator,
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then only time will tell, so far we cannot it's nothing to say if it's the same one a stereotype and a line of behavior, like that of svitlana tikhanovskaya, well, this is probably such a weak leadership, which only fills a niche, but does not create any real proposal, well... let's discuss one more interesting thing, this is the american ex- fox news host tucker carson, who and what interview with putin has been discussed for a month, and now almost a month has passed, and he made some such statement suddenly that the russian dictator's talk about denuzification was the dumbest thing he ever heard such an unexpected, let's say, blow in the back. russian propaganda let's listen to this i thought this was one of
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the dumbest things i've ever heard i didn't understand what he meant what else is denazification i hate all this talk because it's not real it's just switching to personalities, it's a way of associating someone with an evil regime that no longer exists, i'm just saying that in 2024 there's no such thing... it's okay, putin doesn't like nationalist movements, it's a way for people to call something evil, opinionated ukrainians , putin hates nationalism, which is interesting in general , of course he hates it, he has 80 or so republics and he is afraid of nationalist hands, because of this he started the war in chechnya, but to call ukrainians nazis, i think it is childish, well, such a statement moreover, it is very funny, a nationalist hates nationalism, who is a russian chauvinist and
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the same nationalist who calls himself that, in principle, putin is the leader of the russian nazis, how, how he is afraid of nazism, but, but vladimir, what is it about at all such a statement that here is a person, i have on tucker carlson's attention was silent for a month, then she suddenly got out and started telling something like that, well, it's very simple for carsonson , it was clear that he... was so prepared for this interview, and he was so blinded and intimidated that he was visible through face, when he was writing his stand-up while leaving the kremlin, and they quickly got into the... it was clear that he got quite a scare in moscow, that is , he did not even expect what animal environment he would have to communicate with, but we can see that he i definitely received a list of taboos that are not allowed, well, questions that are not allowed to ask putin, and he did not ask them. next
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, it was obvious that when, well, they talk about the fact that the taxon earned his there millions from this interview, it is possible that it was a little different earnings and earnings for 200 million views, plus, well, getting into such e- well, all kinds of media trends, but the fact that after a month he started speaking like an american woman, and not like a putin waiter, i.e. a person from a free society. this indicates that the fear of moscow simply demoralized him at some point, and i simply do not remember that after this interview with putin, he vividly shot another interview, that is, it obviously exhausted him, twisted him and, well, morally crushed him, that he
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cannot come to his senses in any way, but it seems to me that he has only now begun to collect himself piece by piece and... finally to try to feel who he is, whether he is a journalist or a showman, what his new mission is, because at a certain point, well , i think that he performed a certain important service for trump, with this trip to moscow, and now, when everyone burdens both before trump and before some other environment he, so to speak, dropped it, that is, it no longer burdens him, he decided to talk a little. well , you know, i don't have such an optimistic view of this situation, because it seems to me that he actually fulfilled all the obligations that he was going to there, that is, he promoted this interview as much as possible , already knowing what was in it they told him, he promoted it as much as possible, and i associate his reaction, these words of his, first of all
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simply with the negative reaction to the interview, which took place after it was shown, he i saw that he... even in his group did not fall into the expectations, but it is interesting, wait, wait, volodymyr, it is interesting, regarding expectations, he actually no longer acts as a journalist, as a politician, because we all know that there are talks, maybe trump will offer him the vice presidency or some other position, and i think he is aiming for it, but here are the interesting expectations of trumpists, and from the point of view of these expectations, he probably did not really hear from putin that he would affect well, i fit into these expectations, because, excuse me, but these the expectations are absolutely anti-ukrainian, they sound like if there is a strong country, it can conquer neighboring less weak ones, but let 's just listen to one of the trumpists, i think these are the same beliefs that tucker carson tried to broadcast in this interview, by the way , let's see, i think
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it's funny for people to think that putin is such an enemy, he's not doing anything, he's about... he just wants to take back what was his. he invaded ukraine, killing thousands of people. it suits me. well, take it, take it, okay. yes, it is the thing is, olya, that tucker carlson himself slandered that authoritarian leaders kill people. so. see why i'm here because nothing has changed in these beliefs. he didn't come out and say that the idea itself. to behave like hitler and attack poland because she did not hand over danzig, well, that's nonsense, he didn't say that, well, that's fine, he's him at all, he didn't ask any sensitive question for putin, but in fact he tried to play as , well, as such an american patriot, and he wanted to convert into something, because he approached
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the topic of ivan hershkovich several times, er, and it is clear that putin probably expected that he would be given directly and told, yes, you came to us so cool, we will give it to you, take it and carry it, here well, the fact is that if putin really wants trump to win, then, let's remember, now trump is saying that he will establish peace between russia and ukraine within 24 hours, but when he was president, the same war was going on , he... ours has been going on for 10 years, why didn't trump do anything then, and now it seems to me that this was such a certain test for putin, if putin... really counts on trump, on trump's victory and on his participation in the partition of ukraine, so to speak, then in
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theory, he should have putin so generously should have given hershkovich, take this ivan, give him a visa to the united states, it doesn't matter to me, but then a completely different story came out, when hershkovich was wanted to... exchange for this handsome murderer from berlin, but that's german sovereignty, that's not american sovereignty , that is, it is impossible to exchange hershkovich for krasikov it didn't stick, the americans couldn't put enough pressure on berlin, so in fact it seems to me that this gesture was the only interesting and productive option when it was possible to tempt putin into some, well , some... codiness, in the end in the end, it seems to me that really, after this interview, you need to understand where, on what platform this interview was posted, on x, on twitter,
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there people watch for a minute at most, even read one phrase, they will not be a two-hour interview i want to watch, like them, well, musk carlson promoted this topic, that they have 200 million views, 200 million clicks, yes, look. because of this nausea, no one watched it, that is, it really failed, but nevertheless, this story that you mentioned at the end about hershkovich himself, i think that it is not even so much for putin, it should be a test rather for trump and trumpists , to what extent, how much they are ready to bend under putin, this is what asked them this question, and this question is actually for the same and... carlson he could not pass it, that is, he is ready to bend, judging by everything further, judging by his subsequent comments, there are phantoms for ukrainians, because ukrainians are afraid that
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trump will win and surrender ukraine. trump, first of all, will not be able to bring putin to any kind of peace, if he could do it, he would do it now and win the election in a landslide, trump cannot bring ukraine to peace, just give up, let's be honest, and in this. the question is not that he is not ready to bring putin down, he is ready to simply give everything to putin, and that's all, it's just a problem to come to an agreement with the ukrainians, who do not want to give up to something. thank you, volodymyr tsybulko, for joining us, we have another guest next, and now i'm just reminding you once again about our survey, whether the deputies of the verkhovna rada should be restricted from working trips abroad during the war. if your answer is yes - this is 0800 211 381, if not - 800 211 382 and oleg rybachuk is joining us now, ah, yes, now, m, oh, congratulations, mr.
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oleg, and we are already here so hot, just , he is a former deputy, and now he is the head of the geocenter of joint... actions , ex-vice prime minister for european affairs integration, and in fact we have already started talking about the possibilities that the trumpists are doing, what they are ready for, what they are not ready for, i think to some extent we will continue this conversation with you, just a little from the other side, because it continues in fact, such a strange delay with the vote for aid in the us congress, moreover, there was a vote to have some kind of... such a special mechanism for financing the actually budgetary ministries of various budgetary organizations of the united states, which is bad for us in principle with such a sign, it means
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that with the help of the vote with the help of ukraine, israel, and taiwan will continue to be delayed, and everything in principle points to this, it seems to me, and here, of course, the question is, well and and and and why actually the speaker of the chamber presented... in the usa republican mike johnson feels so confident and so impunity and why nothing prevents him from further delaying the vote? well, i think here, if we were to look into the soul of this mike, we'd see that he's a scared little bunny, because it's actually political, for sure. he will go down in the history of the united states states, as one of the weakest speakers, his political life can end very quickly, and no matter what decision he makes
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or puts. to the vote, the question of allocating aid, be it to ukraine, israel , taiwan, or separately, in any, but it is important, ukraine, if he puts it, then he is in danger of resigning, because trump opposed it and the trumpists exposed it, if he does not put it, then it will be eaten by the other part, the greater part of the republicans, who, what are they called. true conservatives, republicans out there who are associated with politics reagan, mccain, and of course the democrats, and that is why his political life is simply under a huge threat, one of the versions why he was so eager to go to biden, they sat there and talked one on one, they say, there could be a certain
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the hope that if he puts... the question to a vote, and at the same time almost most experts say that in this case there will be more than enough votes in the congress to vote for the allocation of aid to ukraine, then in the event that the trumpists try again to cast a vote of no confidence in him, then the democrats will not support them, or a part of the democrats will not support them, and in this way he can stay in this place at the expense of the support of the democrats, and... but this is already a huge betrayal, they have elections in the fall, he will have to to run for re-election, and he as a congressman, will run for that re-election, and then, whether trump wins or not, he will have almost a slim chance of getting into congress again, so he has a position that i would not envy, uh, that is, his position basically like that absolutely hideous, let’s put it bluntly, but there is
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another one, well, as a side of this whole process, it also became known that the administration of the president of the united states, john biden, seems to have a plan to help ukraine with weapons right now, without waiting for congress to approve this aid in the amount of 60 billion. because earlier there was a report that the us department of defense still has about four 4 billion in the fund of presidential powers, which are available to ukraine all this time. and there are, and there were, but the us department of defense, from some, well, honestly saying, for an incomprehensible, deep reason, does not use these 4 billion, and, well, as if he is arguing that if we withdraw the weapons now, then there is no certainty that something will be allocated that will later replenish the weapons in warehouses, and this, you know, is very strange and incomprehensible here in
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ukraine. motivation, that it is necessary to keep warehouses full, not to take them out while waiting for something, explain to me this incomprehensible behavior, and what can be done in general to somehow remove this fear of slightly less stocked warehouses from the ministry of defense of the united states states, well if, and if putin attacks, it 's the united states, you're in alaska, probably it 's also in scholz's, and in many countries that i... every time i hear about the no-no, we can't give away, it's good that denmark is like that, well actually challenged all these countries by saying that we are giving away all the weapons because we understand the importance, but here the first thing is, it 's not, it's not the pentagon, you understand that this is a formal language, the owner of the funds is the pentagon, the ministry of defense, but the decision is made by the biden administration, why and about
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this is not a new story, it was talked about. there, you remember, at the same time they found some additional four or six billion there, which turned out to be the result of the fact that something was wrongly calculated, such a fire extinguisher, but i always said that the pentagon, well , such a situation does not happen, so that the pentagon and the president of the united states can make a decision on the provision of this or that aid, depending solely on the congress, but the american... president, if there is political will, always has the opportunity and the pentagon always has something to do screech, and they talked about these 4 billion a long time ago, you are telling the truth, but i am inclined to think that this is the way and why this topic was raised again, it arose there in the fall, when the funding period was already ending there, and the americans said that well yes, it can be, but
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it's na na... nak, that is, it's already there.


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