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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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there were some additional four or six billion that turned out to be a result of the fact that something was miscalculated by the fire extinguisher, but i always said that the pentagon, well, there is no such situation that the pentagon and the president of the united states could make a decision to grant one or another help, depending exclusively on the congress, that is, the american president if there is a field. have been saying for a long time, you are telling the truth, but i am inclined to think that this is a method, and for some reason this topic was raised again, it arose there in the fall, when already there, the term was ending funding, and the americans said that , well, yes, maybe, but this is at the extreme, that is, it is already here... here it is, if it is going to be
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bad at all, but - why are they doing it, well, this is a form of pressure now on and so this split, split, as you know, how it is, how it is chicken, tobacco, yes, this is georgian, when they splash you, so johnson now reminds me of this chicken, which was simply put in a frying pan and pressed from all sides, and he in fact, he cannot but put it to the vote, cannot put it to the vote, and the american one administration. it simply increases the pressure, and including it is also a form of pressure, but it is simple that you and i as ukrainians are struck by this, that it looks very cynical to us, they talk about support every day, they say that the price paid by ukrainians , we see , we see this price, we see what is being done to our armed forces, but there are things that even they do not make official, i think they could and, i do not rule out that it is happening, they could.. . to give weapons, artillery
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shells, in particular, especially without advertising, but it's like how ill on a drip you know it's to support life so the big hope is that next week they're back now the poor congressmen rested for a couple of weeks and now they're starting to look at the budget and you said it's for it is very good for us, they must first approve the federal budget, because without the federal budget... it cannot include part of the support for ukraine, and then they will somewhere next week, there is a good chance that they will be forced to put this to a vote somehow resolution, there are two options, 60 or so billions, a resolution that was approved by the senate, then there is a second option that arose as a compromise between congressmen, from which 12 billion economic dollars were taken. we can and and and there may be
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some other option for us, which is important that it should be done as soon as possible, but even according to realistic forecasts, it will take at least a month as soon as possible, and then, by the way, this possibility of biden and the pentagon, when the decision is made, they may not wait until everything works there politically, but can already give certain tranches of aid at the expense of this special... fund of the president of the united states, which is at the disposal of the pentagon. ugh. well, i understood, that is, this is a way, well, to increase the pressure. why give a little bit and for everything to remain in order, when you can provoke a big crisis, and then use this crisis to put pressure and get not 4 billion, but 60. well , it's clear, well, somewhere, somewhere yes, somewhere yes. but here , of course, there is an interesting story that... now we
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have already lost a widow, we have enormous pressure on the entire front line, everyone understands, well even the western media already understand , some observers, that the failures of ukraine at the front are completely due to the fact that there are not enough weapons, but only this factor, because planes are not shot down, sufficient numbers of russians are not destroyed, manpower is not destroyed, because there is nothing easy there is no artillery shells, many different stories, and from this point of view it will certainly have a strong enough influence, and in principle i see that it even influenced a little bit our european allies, who looked at this such an incomprehensible situation in in the united states, if this situation has arisen now under biden, then what can happen if, god forbid, trump is elected, and everyone cheered up, well, cheered up.
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french president emmanuel macron hosted the leaders of 20 countries, where they talked precisely about support for ukraine, about how, what kind of armed support they could, first of all. to provide, and there president macron said that it might be possible to talk about sending, well actually some military, directly, eh, then the debate began, on the one hand, several, there were statements, including stoltenberg, the poles that this could not be, on the other hand, maya kalas said that no, it could be, after which macron again stated and said that no, it was not a mistake, such he talked about it, let's see. that he said verbatim this very quote, he said in this way that every word that i utter on this topic is considered, thought out and measured - he said, when the first series, let's say, discussion, from his side, prem the prime minister of estonia, kaia kallas, as well
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stated that, after all, its western leaders should not rule out the possibility of introducing ground troops into ukraine, since it would be... it would be a defensive reaction, let's also look at her statement. russia wants to intimidate me and estonia, and thus force us to refrain from making decisions in support of ukraine, western unity, everything that annoys them very much, and i am convinced that we should not be afraid and we should not refrain from making such decisions , because this is exactly what terrorists want, and this is how they act, they want to see our fear. the only answer is that we are not afraid, we are doing the right thing. these statements, the deployment of ground forces and all this discussion, what does it mean? this is some kind of raising the stakes, this is some kind of subtle message, what is it anyway?
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well, first of all, i welcome such a discussion, it, a little, well... stirs up this quagmire, which was formed during two years of war, which infuriates us, when the financial support there last year was 90% less than in year there is the 23rd, in the first year of the war, by 90%, our minister of defense said that even of those the contracts, which were already, you know, so concrete, we received half of the weapons very late, and some still haven't received, so the situation was... well, just terrible, and what happened, you said that there was a certain impact the situation in america, this is not a certain influence, it had such a cold shower effect, and for the first time the europeans understood
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what we were talking about from the very beginning, trump with his rhetoric, and trumpists who say, oh my god, why do we need ukraine, and europe, it goes to hell. let them figure it out for themselves, the europeans understand exactly what ukraine is europe, and the war is going on on the european continent, and if formally there, in america, from time to time there is this tendency of presidents who say that they should take care of themselves and not look beyond the borders of the continent, then the europeans understand that the fate of their continent - this is what is happening in ukraine, and the result of the war in ukraine has a colossal, direct impact on... the affairs of the continent, and that is why european politicians, even the same scholtz, whom we are now slandering again, and what is he for, he called european leaders to wake up and significantly increase the allocation of funds for defense and germany became second only to the united
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states, and in general collective europe speaks almost in unison about what needs to be compensated. or to minimize the risks that arose in connection with the delay in support of ukraine by the united states, and in general , europeans began to talk about the importance and necessity of much less dependence, defense or security of europe on who will be the president in america, who will bite the wasp why congress speaker, they don't want to be dependent and they... in my opinion, this was a good statement by macron, but it would be even better if they started to give us russian assets and bought shells on time,
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which they could buy outside of the european union. i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program. we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the following weeks will bring us. our guests today are grand, retired british army colonel and expatriate russian opposition figure, mark fagin. espresso tv channel is now on the air glen grant, retired british army colonel, military expert, will work. god save the kin. glory to ukraine. money is glory. the situation in the east is extremely difficult now. the enemy is trying to develop its offensive actions. extremely fierce fighting continues, but the armed forces of ukraine are doing everything they can and not doing. possible under the given circumstances. first, it's a bitter fight, and both sides
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are pushing hard, perhaps because of the russian election. general intelligence reports indicate that the russian side, although it looks strong, is actually not as formidable as it may seem. however, they are fully committed to the battle, suggesting limited reserves or additional support. in addition, notifications are received. about additional munitions from north korea in addition to their own production. this puts the russian forces in a much stronger position than the ukrainians, who were forced to retreat and are now consolidating their defenses along the river lines west of avdiivka. it is hoped that these defensive lines have been adequately prepared to withstand the pressure. however it is obvious that the ukrainian side is facing problems. with a shortage of personnel and ammunition, compounded by limited
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support from america and europe, the outcome of this battle could be decisive. if ukraine manages to get the river line, it will give it time to stabilize the front and develop a strategy for the future. however, if russia breaks through, the coming months could prove extremely difficult. how powerful can the enemy try to develop? offensive actions after avdiivka, so we understand that offensive actions are resources manpower, technical resources and logistical resource of general coordination at the front. how do you see the plan of the russian general staff now? undoubtedly, the main goal of russia is to exhaust ukraine and achieve a breakthrough. putin perceives the west as weak at the moment, which gives him a favorable opportunity to launch a strong attack. obviously, if a party does not have sufficient ammunition and manpower, it becomes vulnerable
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to attack as its weakness is exploited by the enemy. from the ukrainian side, we did not help ourselves by taking a long time to get a position, especially in places like avdiivka. this decision cost us dearly in terms of resources that could have been better used in more strategically prepared positions along the straight line. obtaining such a surrounded position as avdiivka requires much more forces and means than the defense of a straight line. russia will undoubtedly continue to press and use all available resources, especially in view of the upcoming elections in moscow, where putin needs to demonstrate success not only in one city, but also across the country. to confirm your entire battle plan. so this is a critical moment, as for... now we see that the front line is extremely powerfully
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activated, this is the kupin direction, this is donetsk region and this is the south, various not very pleasant surprises can also await the south, if we talk about the offensive impulse of the enemy on those three directions, there is already some understanding of which direction the enemy can use or try to make their strategic offensive, difficult? predict for two reasons: first, it will depend on their success. remember that the russian doctrine is to secure success, so their strategy will likely be to assess which of the areas they are pushing hard on will be the most vulnerable. they not only attack, but also scout for weak points. whichever section the russians consider to be the weakest, they will strengthen it until they already have an understanding or a sense of where
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the enemy will try to concentrate their resources, kupyansk or the south. again, it is difficult to make a definitive assessment at this point, although we do have access to intelligence on russia's actions, it is important recognize that the ukrainian side ultimately determines the direction. attacks if ukrainian forces gain ground, russia can continue its current strategy. however, if any part of the ukrainian defense begins to crack, as, for example, the situation in avdiivka. russia is likely to focus its efforts there. for now, it is too early to say whether russia will increase its attacks in a specific area. significant pressure is observed in many regions, in particular in the south near mariupol and on the western front near avdiivka. may it will take about two more weeks to
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assess how effectively the ukrainian defense is holding up in these areas. before we can determine where russia will concentrate its efforts. it is important to recognize that it is difficult to predict russia's actions until it determines the areas of its success against ukraine on which it will focus its strategy. in the confrontation with russia, during a full-scale war, we understand that non-symmetric actions are also important. definitely the primary goal. meaning is the crimean bridge. its destruction would disturb transport links with crimea, forcing russia to rely on sea or land routes, which creates logistical problems. also, any delays due to damage to the rail bridges will make it even more difficult for the russians to move, although asymmetric actions can be effective, especially for disrupting
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enemy operations, i'm skeptical of their direct effect on the line. against the full resources and capabilities of russia. asymmetric actions often require longer -range missiles and more naval drones, which can be difficult available asymmetric actions are only truly effective when they are directly related to front-line operations. simply targeting the rear may not have the desired effect on the front unless executed with strategic ingenuity. the example of world war ii illustrates the strategic value of disabling key industrial facilities, such as power stations, by blowing up german dams, as well as ball bearing factories, as they are essential to enemy equipment and mobility. today disrupting the production of electronic chips
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could similarly limit an enemy's capabilities, but russia's access to these components from abroad makes it difficult. approach. sanctions play a critical role in limiting russia's military capabilities by targeting key supplies such as artillery ammunition. after all, well-trained personnel and mastery of basic artillery and drone capabilities remain indispensable components of our defense strategy. these fundamentals combined with innovative approaches necessary for effective confrontation. russian military power, i don't know, hundreds of russian soldiers die every day , russian aircraft are regularly shot down, but there is a feeling that they are starting to regroup, and some evidence of this is the change in the military districts of the russian federation. from the russian side, it is obvious that they are quickly learning, adapting and
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developing their strategies for conducting military operations at a pace that is ahead of the pace of the ukrainian general. headquarters, their effectiveness in implementing these changes is not in doubt, however, as i have emphasized before, ukraine must find a way to outsmart the russians strategically. creating uncertainty and disrupting their body positions proved to be an effective way to force them to retreat, as happened in izyum. even well-trained troops fled when faced with such a situation, they simply mounted their bicycles and rode away. when russia... unwittingly outflanks them, they become vulnerable and more likely to attack. the danger is that the russians can face us head-on in a conventional soviet-style battle. in such scenarios , the russians have a numerical advantage. the majority of ammunition reserves and the general advantage in technology make them stronger than ukraine. therefore, it is imperative to review our approach to this
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conflict and consider alternative strategies. continuation of confrontation with russia using the same tactics she uses against us will only lead to further retreats on our part. it is important to think innovatively and apply tactics that focus on vulnerable places for of russia new military districts. i don't think there is any clear logic behind it. i need time to study and understand the consequences of some russian changes. it looks like they are trying to innovate and take warfare to a new level, but their exact intentions. not yet clear what the spring-summer campaign will be like, how do you see it from a strategic view of the situation, or do you think the enemy? may dare to open additional areas of the front, in particular in belarus. it is unknown, no one fully understands situation due to various current factors. general
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tsirsky and his new team aim to change the approach to the introduction of hostilities, which is the first variable. if they succeed, it could change the dynamics of the conflict. however , without such changes, there is a risk of either a stalemate or further territorial losses for ukraine. the second change is that a proper training system for the ukrainian military will be created, as it currently does not exist. improved training can significantly improve the quality of ukrainian troops and theirs effectiveness in combat. the third change concerns support from europe and the us, in particular financial aid. if congress appropriates the funds, ukrainian forces will have access to more ammunition and resources, which will improve their combat capabilities. the fourth change is belarus, for now it remains independent, dare to even describe it that way. elections will be held this year, and we do not know what might change in
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lukashenka's mind. of course, we know that he will be re-elected, because there are no elections as such will be there, this process is honed on the model of russia, he will simply become the president, gaining 147% of the votes, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. however, we do not know whether after. he will continue to run on his hind legs before putin, or he will act of his own free will and in this case from the north, as there will no longer be such a threat. you need to look at each of these variables and test them. and of course, society should ask what changes will happen in the army, because it makes no sense to change all the commanders and appoint new ones. if nothing happens after the arrival of new commanders. will not change, if they continue to do the same, then perhaps it should not have been done such a rotation, because the desired result will not be achieved, so the event will now
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focus on whether there is a positive dynamic after the arrival of the new command in the direction of the western way of fighting actions and the western way of training fighters, and not the continuation of the consequences of the soviet legacy. a couple of days ago there was... an extremely important summit at the elysée palace in paris, president macron gathered people and promised, so to speak to say that military support will increase , yes, on the one hand, this is an extremely good signal, although we very often divide all promises in half, president macron looks worried and maybe he is afraid, yes, because the war on the european continent has every prospect of being involved early it's too late, but... one or another member of nato, and accordingly, the europeans will have to do something, not just promise taurus missiles, which then they will not give. first,
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let's clarify that there is nothing particularly new in this situation, it's just another step forward on the same trajectory. macron's recognition of a threat to europe is rather a political maneuver aimed at strengthening his own image against the background of scholz and influence in europe. rather than a real concern about ukraine. any predictions, new actions or support from france could have been given months ago, underscoring the political nature of his statements. it's worth noting that french aid often falls short of expectations, a trend that should temper any hype about yet another pledge. at the same time, as some northern... while european countries such as estonia, finland and poland are taking tangible steps to address the situation, many other european countries are far from realizing
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the full severity of the threat they would face without american support. macron's statements lack the necessary force and energy to demonstrate genuine commitment. if he was really seriously targeted, we would have seen deployed french troops on ukrainian soil a long time ago. however, his rhetoric shows that he talks more than he does. serious countries favor action over talk, while macron's approach seems built on rhetoric rather than real effort. regarding the united nations, it is important to recognize its limited effectiveness and influence. the un is now just a bazaar, behind which there is as much energy as any supermarket chain in europe. unfortunately, these are the same words without action. similarly, the european union has not fully realized the urgency of the situation and has not resorted to decisive measures.
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thus, despite the rhetoric and debate, little indicates substantive change or meaningful actions. the lack of concrete steps, such as the deployment of troops in ukraine, shows that the current situation is characterized more by talk than by real transformations. thank you very much for this extremely important conversation in our dramatic time, mr. colonel, i want to remind our viewers that... turn on the heart-pounding investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is on me, true detective, find out what the secrets are... hides
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stronger together. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. currently, the espresso tv channel will feature a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a former member of the state duma, and a cult vlogger, mark fegin. glory
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to ukraine, i congratulate you. everyone is happy to welcome the audience. well, the population of the russian federation, i think, was waiting for its führer in order to analyze, so to speak, new guidelines. and he started, so to speak , about fishing, you know, about painting the grass, about new heating lines, about some, i don't know, country cooperatives, about everything that anything, but not about the key. the number of corpses, that is, at least a quarter of a million. the russian soldiers who died in the ukrainian black soil, in principle, it does not scare him, that is, the system entered into some kind of , you understand, cannibalistic stability, you know, there were probably several versions of this report, including or not including some sharp points, especially regarding the war in ukraine and some issues related to the international agenda, everyone expected that something would be announced in the context of transnistria,
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there were some reasons for this... because the kremlin deliberately created such a situation, this is not the first time that expectations are deceived in a good or bad sense, it is already like someone, and it looked like an ordinary election speech, on the eve of the so-called elections on march 17, like a report on the work done, it looks something like this: partkhoz aktiv, so familiar from soviet times, airports, horticulture and so on. that is, in this sense, they went for a softer option, what was the reason for this, it is difficult to say. it seems to me that the topic of war has not been resolved make it central, do not connect with it, quietly go through the 2.5 weeks remaining until the formal x-day, that is, the vote for the führer, which i understand.


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