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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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haila tolstykh, that is, it is the same givi, but they are trying to somehow raise their status, i don't know, even raise it, if it is possible. now is the time for news, ulyana panasiuk is already waiting to talk about the most important thing, for this moment. ulyana, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. i will tell you that a powerful explosion thundered in russia and from the occupied crimea, by the way, news is also coming. all this has been collected for you. i'll tell you in a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, ulyana panasiuk is working in the studio, news on espresso, congratulations. for a day on the taurian direction had 53 combat encounters with the enemy. our warriors. eliminated
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336 occupiers and turned 38 units of military equipment into rubble, including four tanks, 12 armored combat vehicles, six artillery systems, four air defense systems, 10 vehicles and a unit of special equipment - said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr tarnavskyi. also, the armed forces destroyed 258 drones and three enemy ammunition depots. the enemy attacked kup. in kharkiv oblast , a 55-year-old volunteer received shrapnel wounds, the head reported oleg senigubov of the regional military administration. the rioters also attacked the village of liptsi, where residential buildings and cars were damaged. previously, the occupiers fired at the territory with a s-300 missile. two women were injured as a result of the shelling of nikopol and chervonogerivsk communities in the dnipropetrovsk region. this was reported by the head of the region. the russians hit the region with
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artillery, as a result of the attack, a fire started in a cafe. emergency services were on the scene. a fourth body was pulled out from under the rubble of a destroyed building in odessa. among the dead is one child, eight people were injured. in particular, a pregnant woman and a three-year-old boy were injured, the regional military administration reported. i will completely destroy one of the drones. the entrance of a nine-story building , they continue to search for people under the rubble, i started to get nervous , i quickly got dressed, my husband jumped out to help people, at first there was help, and then i already saw that people were leaving, running out, and i already understood that there were fish stocks there , the trident is safe, in kherson they hid a ukrainian... made from destroyed
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enemy equipment, the leader informed region oleksandr prokudin. the trident stood at the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred, where russian shells often landed. therefore, for the sake of safety, the monument was temporarily removed. even at the stage of installation of the structure, when the khakars workers were carrying out welding work, a drone was hanging over it, after which the enemy began to target it. meter of the park, shelling was carried out several times, so we decided to temporarily move the monument, there is no betrayal in this, because first of all it was done for the safety of the residents of the surrounding buildings, as well as in order to save it for the people of kherson, who will later return to their hometown. not calm in russia, a powerful explosion thundered at an electric substation in yekaterinburg. this
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is reported by the russian media. the station supplies energy to three defense enterprises, including machine-building, metallurgical and turbo-engine plants. at the scene of the incident, experts found an improvised explosive device, and are currently determining its origin. according to local authorities, the explosion allegedly did not affect the electricity supply. at least three more k-52 attack helicopters were temporarily damaged occupied in crimea, during yesterday's attack, an air base of the russian army near simferopol, as well as a secret facility in sevastopol, were hit, russian media reports. there is also information about a possible damage to the fighter, and in addition, the dead officers. part of the x101 missile was found in a field in vinnytsia region, the regional police reported. as a result of the fall, the fragments of the rocket scattered in a radius of 200 m. the main part
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did not detonate, but it posed a threat. after the examination, explosives experts neutralized the fragments of the rocket. more fuel than calculated, the ministry of energy reported that as of the end of february , more than a million tons of coal remained in the warehouses of thermal power plants, which is 236 tons more than is required according to the norms of the heating season. in addition to the well-coordinated work of miners and energy workers, the warm winter played into their hands. i would like to add that yesterday naftogaz reported that for the first time in history, ukraine passed the heating period using... gas of its own production. a forty-ton container with unique medical equipment arrived in kyiv. the cargo was delivered to one of the that of the capital's hospitals. our
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correspondents know who provided the much-needed medical care. medicinal preparations, means for prosthetics, operating and rehabilitation tools. unique medical equipment. received one of the military hospitals of kyiv. all this was purchased thanks to the project of the charitable fund of charity and health. on the territory of the hospital , volunteers unloaded a forty-ton container with medical equipment worth more than uah 14 million. all containers are filled with medical supplies and surgical supplies interventions, for rehabilitation, medicines and consumables. this is such a thrilling and important moment for our good. organization, because we have been providing military medical units for two years now, but here we are evaluating how large the volume of what we have brought, and of course, it is a serious thrill, and we gathered the whole team. the mercy and
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health charitable fund takes care of medical institutions, hospitals and medical units of the defense forces of ukraine, mainly in the front-line territories and in the combat zone. volunteers provide. more than 35 hospitals, as well as more than 100 military units, need equipment. we understand very well that the health care system currently has a huge load and cannot master the entire volume of medical care, we try to be as personalized as possible and implement the closure of the very need that medical institutions provide us. one of our main directions is, of course, to find donors who are ready to help us, these donors, for the most part, are foreigners, i do not want to offend which countries, because almost all of europe, the united states, great britain, civilian hospitals and military hospitals of ukraine
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are constantly in need of medicines and special equipment, and the work of volunteers helps them a lot in this. there are a lot of guys who are currently defending our state, they are not only defending the state, they are defending their homes. and so that it does not spill over, the guys risk their lives, their health, and they also need to be treated, to pay them some respect, since in our country, well, we are not coping now, it was very good, which would have been exhibited not only medicine, but also consumables, inventory, not equipment, because both civilian hospitals and military hospitals need this , high-quality medical equipment allows ukrainian doctors to quickly put wounded defenders on their feet. we can only thank the charitable foundation of mercy and health for the great work they do, in particular for the military hospitals, because they gave one of the military hospitals equipment and consumables
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for the treatment of our wounded for a large amount of money, all this abroad , it is important that organizations such as this fund and... like our fund, they take care and help, because a very large number of these wounded fighters, thanks to the quality, high-quality help provided, even return to the ranks back to their comrades in the army and continue to fight with the occupier as part of the project of the charitable foundation of mercy and health, in the near future six containers of valuable medical aid will be handed over to 16 hospitals and clinics of ukraine. the cargo will be distributed among the institutions that provide it. medical assistance in donetsk, chernihiv and kyiv regions. tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and finally, the espresso tv channel continues to collect fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems
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sapsan of the state special transport service. these powerful soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the drones, they successfully destroy the multitude. russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. there are already more than 700 thousand hryvnias in the accounts. together faster our victory that 's it, i'll see you in less than an hour, my colleagues are ready to continue this broadcast, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then saws. strong from razpak tv is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it
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meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statement? european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestri eu. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, which is
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on saturdays at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. and we are back, and if you see a qr code or a card number, don't forget to report it, it's for fp-carts for our defenders in the luhansk direction. we are that sometimes we will talk with candidate of political sciences, he is an international expert bohdan ferens in connection with our studio. mr. bohdan, congratulations. i congratulate you. probably, let's start with what is happening today. those who are late or very late. they were afraid, today they walk in the russian federation with flowers. in general,
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the burial of navalny took place in such a strange way, people stood patiently for 12 hours in small filtering queues for 12 hours to say goodbye in the ceremony of navalny’s burial and his funeral, and before that, there was a whole bible on the internet, how to put a flower correctly. so that, not to be detained, in a word, the informed slaves gave instruction to the less informed, and all these polls. which i saw on the internet, will navalny's death become a trigger for russian society, of course i answered no, but i also want to hear your analysis of why it all looked so grim, even such a sad day for the remnants of the russian opposition, well, because
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russian-ukrainian war, it also changed, so to speak, and social and political the mood of russia, even if you measure it, i.e. the context that existed first before 2014, then after the illegal annexation of crimea, russia's invasion of donbas, it has seriously changed, that is, it was noticeable how much, yes, the kremlin is still starting to tighten these nuts a lot , but already after the full-scale invasion, the situation changed radically, that is, which, so to speak, there is absolutely no opposition there. to restore the remnants of the opposition, therefore, actually, if, yes, everything went according to the script, directly, even but in the details of these farewells to navalny , it came, so to speak, under a clear direct instruction that was written in the kremlin, but in fact, it could be observed, that is, what were
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the consequences, well, you need to understand that even that insignificant part of the opposition that is there or abroad, or is still quietly staying there in russia, that is, at least some hope is still very much lost, that yes, that some changes are potentially possible in the future in the russian federation, but at the same time, we also sometimes have enough, in my opinion opinion, subjectively superficially evaluate the process, which takes place in the russian federation, two reasons, yes, one, that we sometimes also lack. understanding how, how, what is the ever-changing context, and on the other hand, in some places it is really easier for us to unify everything, so to speak, so in my opinion, if putin, personally and the kremlin, did not have such fear, even to those insignificant remnants
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of the opposition or at least protest moods , probably not of such a direction... there was even navalny's funeral, here we saw that, apparently, this fear, it began to fall even harder, both for putin personally and for a system that is built not only on fear, but also on the murders of internal enemies, even if there is a rollback to the times of the soviet union, the west has now begun to actively invite navalny's wife to speak at various meetings. do they still believe that some kind of opposition is possible in russia, or what is all this for them? well , it is important for the west, at least not only to believe, yes, but at least to have some tool, the possibility of communication by its citizens and directly with the voters, that potentially in
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russia someday there will be changes, there will be changes for the better, but not for the worse, that is, this part of the political life is alive, because in principle you see what the western political elites see, who at the highest level deal with navalny's widow or, for example, with the wife of the opposition leader in belarus, they all they sit in the west, they monetize all these meetings, the whole circle with which they are in contact, these are good russians... who managed to take themselves and their money to the west, they, excuse the words, do not drive back to that russia, as they joke themselves about their own opposition, this is a quote was, well, what question are you asking, i.e. why is this the case for the west, why do they bother with it, they themselves understand very well that these are the so-called pseudo-elites who
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will never be returned to the political field of russia, well what to do then then if we were to fully accept this reality that there are absolutely no, well, i mean in the paradigm of western leaders, and i communicated with them a little and i communicate with some of the political leaders and forces there, that is, there is even at least the hope that they have in some places that , that certain changes are possible, and they remember the times of the russian federation, when there was at least some kind of political process, there were different political forces, i think we can also remember who is interested more deeply. in the context of the internal politics of the russian federation, please, around this, well, if there is some hope in certain political circles, not in the near future, maybe there... in the future, if the russian-ukrainian war ends there, but at the same time, i don't think that they also feel the strength, so to speak, now in those opposition leaders, in
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belarus, in russia, who at least have something are able to make or radically change the situation in the russian federation, this is firstly, secondly, the russian federation is a nuclear state, that is, western leaders proceed from a position, firstly, of a secure nature and a sense, so to speak, of their own security, and that is, a desire and an understanding of what , let's say, another russia can potentially be, at least closer to democratic processes in the future, the more peaceful it will be for them to coexist, that is , they actually think in such a paradigm, well, i think not all, but some of these leaders, that's why there is no particular alternative, but as the experience of belarus showed, for example, when a lot was invested in... i would say yes, such a desire and support for the opposition forces and for changes in belarus, well, we saw the result, well, that is, completely
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irrelevant, unfortunately, certain political forces are also internally revising certain positions, and perhaps there is a sense of seeing this reality already, they don't want to see what russia is like, they see beyond these red lines, scholz doesn't want to hand over the tauruses, because... we we can hit moscow, but why is there suddenly? many other goals, perhaps much more important than moscow, in order to stop russia in their aggression against ukraine, is the west really ready to accept the reality that it is now and live in it already, because if it continues like this , we will give you a little, we will not give you a little, then this war will never end, well, i said this at the beginning of the full-scale. let's put it this way, it 's the first, the second, you always have to try from the position, yes, although it
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is unacceptable and unpleasant for us in some places, but the western leaders, yes, to think, to build their strategies, what, for example, certain leaders communicate, it means that they are primarily thinking about themselves, about their own security, they are comparing the risks, and they are publicly... repeatedly repeating, we do not want a direct confrontation with an aggressor state, that's all, that is, with this in mind , for example, the same scholz builds his paradigm, that taurus is a red line for me, for now, again, but we remember that there heavy tanks, it was also a certain red line, f16, there was also a certain red line, that is, phasing of the russian war or another, it influenced decision-making regarding the allocation of volumes there, a variety. weapons to ukraine in the context of support, the reality was not immediately accepted as such by western leaders, we remember that
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it was not so easy for many countries to make specific decisions that would strengthen our defense capabilities as much as possible from the first days of a full-scale invasion, and the western leaders of error, by the way, this is the strength and weakness of democratic political systems, the same mr. borel from the european commission. he repeatedly said that if we had been , perhaps, more decisive, in the first months there , in the days of the full-scale invasion, we had provided ukraine with more anti-missile and anti-air defense means, the situation might have been much better there in the context of repelling russian aggression, preserving ukrainian lives, infrastructure, so here here is the weakness of democratic systems, which lacks the speed and power of making those decisions that are extremely important already today, and autocrats, for example, we started with you from the fact that they actually build for themselves an ideal bubble of a liberal second russia , they invest their money, their time, and themselves in
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it, and they firmly believe that it is unsustainable and will not work, if the western political elites were pragmatic, they would work with the russian security forces, that this is the only political class that there are other than putin, if they wanted to see something in the future, they would work with different people. chekists with those and with those and then they would build correctly, and in this case, when you look at how collective a collective event is such a concept , the russians love it, well, it lives in some imaginary political paradigm, then it becomes scary from the way they analyze the situation of life, the political life of the european union and europe after trump returns to office. and there are chances, well, he is well ahead of biden in key states, that is, life with trump, and they also paint such a different picture for themselves. so, do
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the political elites of europe at least adequately evaluate trump in contrast to putin, or do they really imagine what transatlantic solidarity, european solidarity will look like after the american elections security, russian-ukrainian war. let's go in order: first, i still believe that the western political elites are quite pragmatic, so yes, i don't want to go into details and remind who is with whom. traded after 2014, how were contacts and connections built, that is, yes, and their interests were secured, this is the first, second, after all, well , western countries, they are not at war, and for them this is the first priority, preservation, so to speak , the safety of the lives of their citizens, that's why they often use enough pragmatic approaches to our foreign security policy, and well, that is, those surface processes that we observe, this does not mean
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that there are not... those processes that in some places we do not see, or do not identify, or do not analyze, and the second question regarding there is an idealization of the russian opposition, it is unlikely that anyone idealizes it now, since there is a belarusian opposition, there are simply no alternatives, i emphasize, absolutely no alternative, and they must be somewhere, because citizens of certain western countries, they see the world a little differently than, for example, us now in the context of the russian war, so they need at least some... somewhere hope that it is possible in some distant future in such a state that threatens everyone with nuclear weapons, something will change there and maybe for the better , especially since they have certain developments are already quite good, let me remind you of the historical ones, when the soviet union collapsed and when the west won the cold war, that is why they sometimes said here too, but what did they bet on
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? yes military industry, that is the soviet union simply collapsed, that is, there is a certain example that helps, sometimes motivates to wait, expect and still hope for certain better scenarios. regarding the chekists and the work there with the security forces, who said that they did not take care of it and did not deal with it, i mean the western special services and various other political circles there, they took care of it, tried even... work with those oligarchic clans that are around of these kremlin towers were built, it was carried out and certain calculations were made, perhaps in the first ones there months of a full-scale invasion, that somehow those oligarchs and those influences that existed, which this russian war was exactly , so to speak, not to their advantage, they will do something, but they did not succeed, that is, the kremlin and putin were not able to... using fear
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to turn the situation in his favor, and with regard to trump, with regard to the level of transatlantic cooperation, of course, different scenarios are emerging now, and the initiative of the same macron, the visits of scholz to biden in washington, all this is precisely in the paradigm of what in capitals of member states nato, the europeans feel certain risks related to the fact that trump may come again to the cabinet, and they remember when, during this first event, this level of transatlantic cooperation was at a very low level, let's say, and the conflict between merkel and trump and other leaders of the european nato member states, it has increased, therefore such readiness is present in some places, perhaps it is not fully realized, but such moments are discussed and determined.
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thank you, mr. bohdan, for the comprehensive. analysis, because it is all combined in this world, as in the combination of vessels in the chemistry room at school. bohdan ferens, candidate of political science, international expert, was with us. unfortunately, we have disappointing news from odesa, where the fifth victim of tonight's russian attack was discovered there. emergency services reported that they found the body of another person on the first floor. unfortunately, we see that one. the consequences of russian shelling are more and more tragic, so we remind you to be active, financially, to donate and support our defenders, because every such fee, every hryvnia that the state, or us, or western partners, anyone, invests in weapons, in defense, in what our defenders need, is actually, however small, but... .


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