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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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that the flow of internal migrants from the west to central ukraine is related to this, because there is work in central ukraine, let's say , i don't know, well, the ministry of labor, it works, they haven't gone anywhere, but we can talk about the appearance of some new urban centers already at this moment, let's say so, which conditionally replace those urban centers that were almost lost in... these 10 years, not only donetsk, there with luhansk, but also kharkiv, which after all decreased in population, he he he decreased, he decreased, kherson definitely decreased, well, different weight categories in kharkiv and in kherson. kharkiv is a classic metropolis, and i am absolutely convinced that despite its proximity to the border, kharkiv will retain the functions of a technical capital.
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this does not mean, technically, a mass of factories, i am, let’s say, convinced that the tank factory should be removed from there, and it should be removed both for reasons of ensuring the integrity of this factory so that it is not destroyed, and for reasons of public safety, so that trying to destroy the kharkiv factory, they get anywhere, so it will also matter, but well... higher technical educational institutions, there are laboratories, research institutes, they will most likely remain there, but it is not so simple either, we know that the ukrainian economy is higher education has always counted on foreign students , in kharkov you know how many there were a huge number of them, and now the question arises as to which of the foreigners can go to lviv, well , relatively speaking, to kyiv, kharkov odessa does not look like that anymore, i would say attractive places for sure, especially kharkiv, odesa and so on. and kharkiv is definitely not, but you know,
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all this is compensated by the fact that our people go to study, and i, by the way, unlike most people who analyze the situation with education, i believe that education is not about the labor market at all, and about thinking, yes, education - education is about human development, about the ability to communicate, about skills. to communicate, about the ability to analyze, about the ability to express one's thoughts, to prove one's opinion, the fairness of one's opinion, and so on and so on so on and so forth, and about the labor market - it's schools, it's college, it's vocational and technical institutions, it's about them, and what to do about it, i don't know at all, because something is possible after the war.
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.. will change, because here, well, i expect that serious western companies will come here, maybe they will come not so much for reasons of help, as for reasons of their own business, if it is possible to make money here, then they will come if it is not possible will be, then private business will not come here, and western companies - this means, after all, different conditions work, a different attitude towards... workers and a different payment for work, but if all this is changed after the war, then we can count on the fact that young people will go to learn working professions, if it does not change, then no one will go there, and this will become a very serious challenge for the ukrainian labor market, very seriously, again, again , a good question about this post-war category, let's imagine that the children went to... uh, schools in
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2022, well, he tentatively says, it's like this reference point, a person studies in the first grade, already now she is entering the third grade in ukraine under these conditions, well, let's say, she has been studying at school for seven years during the war, and in ukraine, how much will she be a child who will think about her professional future, how much children in general, who... live in such a stressful situation, can be considered active participants in the education market, let's say, if not labor, no, they will be participants, because in ukraine, uh, somehow, somehow, by some miracle , the attitude towards education is preserved, and not only boys, so that it would be clear, but also girls, they, she is real is preserved, so they will be participants , another question is how psychologically...
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will they be ready for it, well, that's what i 'm talking about, it's very serious, it's still survival in stressful conditions, and we have to agree with you, that it is much easier for you and me to survive in the fear of death, because we are, in principle , simply different. grandchild, grandmother, when i heard from the lips of my four -year-old me, they once told you that for me, when i get out, i will destroy them all, he was talking about russia, we try so that the children do not hear this, do not watch television, no felt this hatred, because children should not grow up hating. to lead, but it exists , and it is the vast majority, and how can it be otherwise, no way, so psychologists, social psychologists should prepare for this, we are fixated on the problems of veterans, veterans, veterans, how to adapt them, and i am given
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examples of afghanistan , examples of vietnam, in the states, these are completely different things, it is not mass, the question is not even this, the question is not even this, the ukrainians will either... return from the front victorious, or not at all? well, you yourself are talking about ending in the intensive phase of the war, the people who will come back after the intensive phase, they will come back neither victorious nor victorious, but they will not be defeated, they will not, of course, they will not be defeated, what was the tragedy of vietnam for the states, they returned defeated, what happened to afghanistan for the soviet union? the scale was different there, it’s clear that it wasn’t, but less so, everyone understood that they fought for nothing and lost, there won’t be such a thing here, you already, if you mentioned boys and girls, then you need to understand what will be in general distribution of these boys and girls in the future,
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the demographic situation is also important, in this situation, when after all, women on the one hand, men are fighting, on the other hand, women are leaving, and approximately the gender balance is maintained. that's why yes, well, this is an interesting moment, yes, because i wanted to understand, as a rule, the gender balance is disturbed, well , after the war, yes, but not in this situation, not in this situation, because it is very bad, well, we think today , that about 6 million of our fellow citizens are abroad, on average 30% of them seem to be men there, you can say that, are these conditional numbers, well, not really, but about 40% of children, from 30 to 40% there are from... depending on the country, another 20 percent are men of various of age and varying degrees of health, and the rest are women, and that's why you won't be afraid that the adaptation of people who, especially children who are now growing up in
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european countries, will be difficult in ukraine, also because they will simply stop accepting what we perceive as the norm, as the norm, which is very good. what am i thinking i just look at the landscape from the windows of your office, and i imagine that i did not grow up in kyiv, not even in the soviet one, but in paris, well, even, not even in paris, let alone in some strasbourg, that’s all i would look at it now, i think, and i would think what a horror, i wouldn’t think, i wouldn’t think at all, because the basic apartment is small, by the way, much smaller than ours, which is... located differently, i don’t know, well i don't want to talk about poland, in strasbourg, roofs, houses, everything, this, this, it's very beautiful, it's very romantic, it's poetic, and you see it here romanticism, well, look carefully, where is romanticism, climb a little higher than
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the floors and you will see, i climb higher on the floors, when i look at the roofs of lviv there and see that they have not been restored, not painted. it will all come , you know, i felt creepy, i drove by the arsenal yesterday or the day before yesterday, it was scary, the factory, well, yes, and there it is, well, exactly, the building of the arsenal itself, the windows are broken there, i did not know that i got there recently, well, on the other hand, the arsenal is now turning into a big cultural space, no, i understand, and that too, you know, it's also big, it's just that we're becoming more similar to... no, no, i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about the fact that i got there, it's true, but i'm talking about the civilizing space, you know, because it tentatively says, in the same, i would say, foot court that a person will walk into in arsenal, he will walk into manchester or in madrid, and that, and he will not feel the continental difference, i would
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say that ours is cooler, i don't because we had a bigger arsenal, but in the center of the city, but the very fact here is absolutely obvious. a parallel with urban, but rather landscapes, i i would say, urban development, well, it will all pass, it will all pass, and you know, i drew attention to the fact that it was before the war, when our... migrants were returning, even if they were returning, well a short period of time, they changed the psychology of those around them, the immediate environment, the psychology was changing, they had a different attitude to many things there, nevertheless, if we talk about how the population that is here should adapt to the circumstances, this is also a question, this is also a question of the coming years, how to create a working we... for people, to the extent that the state has the ability to support them, those who need this
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support, oh, don't get in the way, everyone expects the state not to get in the way, it's true, well , there are people who need help now, there are people, i'm talking about business, business, you also see that the state needs to take taxes from there and receive from this very army, but please pay attention, the anxiety has not stopped yet, the coffee shop has already opened. come and drink coffee, and good coffee, by the way, the coffee has become better than it was, much better, well, that's that people cannot afford not to work even in dangerous conditions, because they lose their lives, of course, in the first months of the war, you remember that everything was closed absolutely strictly on yes, but it was, no, well now also big , yes, there is a threat of destroying a large number of people at once , of course they do not work, but on the other hand, these
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small cafes, small restaurants, they work, but we, again, i am not talking about this, i am talking about how to find their city for those people who now there are no navvies on the labor market, well, we cannot create them an endless number of coffee shops, we ca n't, we definitely can't, moreover, even a city like kyiv, which actually hasn't been industrial for the last... years, so it's not yet, it's not paris, it's not london, the fact is that now a large number of people receive money from the state budget, this is the money of western taxpayers, and they spend this money in these same coffee shops and supermarkets, if they do not receive this money, this whole line of business will also disappear on our x well, on the one hand, yes, and on the other on the other hand, if after all ukraine and your money are... a war, then there will be no need
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to spend money in such a volume on the war, well , you see, we get along with you all the time, and this is not the first time that that if there will be a final, no, if there will not be a final, then there is nothing to talk about, you know, we are currently conducting an interesting study on the resilience of the ukrainian economy, and we have reached it, today was. well, a meeting, not a meeting, a discussion, we talked about the fact that the main sign of resilience today is survival, that is, the survival of the economy, the survival of people, well, the fact that people in this territory, i would say post-soviet, know how to survive better than anything else, and this, by the way, saves us, i think that it was in the 22nd year that it saved us this, that at least there is a generation alive that remembers the end of... the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, a lot of these people, so to speak, they didn't go through
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it, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's it if you look at what people were afraid of, not what they were afraid of, what stressed them most of all, more than anything, at the end of 2022, at the beginning of the 23rd year, lack of electricity, lack of water, lack of heat, what next? it even preceded this lack of connection, that is, for people, the connection became something, well, quite material, i would say, but on the other hand, when you say that without an ending there is nothing to talk about, this seems to me a dangerous position, because we have to be ready for a situation where there is no end as such, well listen, we have the middle east in front of us, there is no end as such for many countries, not only for israel, and... we have to understand that there is a model of the israeli economy, there is a model of the economy of the conditional west bank of the jordan
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river, there is a model of the economy of lebanon, these are different models of the economy, god forbid that lebanon survive, but i think that we will not survive if lebanon does not, well, we go beyond the limits of my competence , so i don't want to develop this topic too much, but if lebanon didn't let the palestinians in, things would be different in lebanon, well in lebanon anyway there was a civil war with palestinians or not palestinians, we say, but who is it was i do not argue, yes, it is true, but in in lebanon, we have exactly this situation: the war does not end, the most successful population left lebanon, yes, the people who live there, in principle, cannot get out of... i do not believe in a civil war in ukraine, and i do not believe in this civil war , i am talking about the fact that the survival model becomes a constant, the survival model will be a constant, even when , even after we finish, not just the hot phase, but simply finish the war, for a certain
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time in ukraine the survival model will dominate, because ukraine poor country, and now more destroyed... well, i don't want to say to nothing , but a very destroyed economy, and we need to think about what kind of economy we want to build, well, i am far from thinking that we will start rebuilding azovstal in the version in which it was, well it's just far, or at all metallurgical enterprises, which are not there, well, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, this should not be done, modern enterprises should be developed, and by the way, here... what else do i think about the economic model, i understand more that the israeli model is the best for ukraine, no because we need to develop the military industry, it goes without saying, but there is another argument: there will be a shortage of labor in ukraine, we will not be able to provide labor for the economy that
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existed before the war, it is impossible, simply because of the fact that there will not be so much settled. well, depopulation is not an inevitable thing, if we want to compensate for this depopulation, then the only way out is large-scale immigration, and we will cope with it, but this is not my concern, i do not know what the other population group will be, it is not known from where , but it is known, unfortunately, from where, well, from poorer countries than ukraine, well from where, it's long, well, it's asian countries, it's african countries, it's not europe, it's certainly not europe. india is not sure that it will go very much, india is not scary, these countries are scary, where, where the population is militant, bangladesh, pakistan, yes, well, they travel all over europe, stand in queues at passport controls in cyprus and ukraine , but the eggs that travel with i will never forget the first
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time i was in london, and they had some kind of demonstration, i'm just scared. it became, well , you are afraid, the british are not afraid, because it is part of their empire, they are calm this is considered, but there is a danger, there is a danger in this sense, and therefore , returning to what model to build, it seems to me that we should build a model that is not labor-intensive, that does not require a lot of labor, and this the option of israel or slovakia. you can go there, you can, because it’s not a very small village either, it’s true that there is a smaller area, but there is not so much population, and there is something else, in the region of ukraine, somehow the territory is large, somehow it is necessary to ensure transport accessibility, and provide, well the fact that a sufficiently large number
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of people is needed for a smaller population, for a smaller one, but everything is a big route. train , and few people get on, few people get on, but still much more than in slovakia, that's what covid, well the covid pandemic, taught us that everything that is absolutely necessary, necessary for the survival of the population should be produced in this country, it is not possible to count as it was before covid, before the pandemic, that we will buy, no, it turns out that we will not buy, because to close... some kind of economy and everything, well in this way, you can really come to this option, so even though israel is still a small territory, here it is small, and there the population is not many, and there the population is not many, for such a territory, why is it not many, it is 10, the density, the density is not so great, yes,
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yes, well then, so we can there as the final of our race. not the end of the war, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is still necessary to say that we have to build such an economy, well , an economy that is not labor-intensive, that does not require a lot of labor, an economy that is oriented towards an educated population, that too very important, which takes into account the fact that there are not as many people in a large area as before, there were not so many before, never was, which takes into account the proximity of a very aggressive neighbor, because the war will end, the war will not end, we, thinking from there we won't knock it out, thank you for this conversation and for the fact that we were able to end it optimistically.
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together we are stronger, congratulations, friends, once upon a time musicians , rock musicians at concerts, their female fans from the hall threw underwear, now it seems that they don't do that anymore, but they do... something else in ukraine, already at five, it seems gave out a prize called the golden liphon, i think you have already heard about it, as well as the kevlar liphon, today we will talk about it, because the winner this year was the actor oleksiy hnatkovsky for the first time, who you know very well, but before i do that i 'm going to basically tell you about these awards because i 'm sure a lot of you are sitting there laughing right now, what kind of award is it in... what's the name of it, actually, it's kind of like sounds light, humorous, ironic, frivolous, but for the industry, and in general for the cultural
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industry, these are very important. awards, because they spread interest in our artists, because, well, one thing is plays, music, movies, books, so everything is interesting and serious, we discuss it all, but it also seems that even on since the beginning of dovbysh's promotional campaign, he has aroused great interest in this film, and in this particular character, and my mountains, i am the boss here, and whoever comes to my house and will rule how i should live, spits out his livers for god's sake. well, when i read the reviews, when it was already dolbush , well, first of all, when the premieres were there, then, when the film was released, i read a lot of reviews from film critics, and from cinematographers, and from the audience, almost all of them , when you just go to read some review, you will definitely find the word charisma in relation to oleksiy hnatkovskyi and his character, and you will find, wow, the secondary character turned out cooler than.
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the main one, although, of course , there are also a lot of fans of strelnikov, who played the main role, oleksiy dovbush, in short, this movie was discussed very cool, i really liked reading it all, i will say that now we will talk with the organizers of this award, and of course, after that we will talk with oleksiy himself, he is currently in rehearsals, but he will give us 10 minutes to share his impressions of this award. we can to see the logo of this award, that's how it looks, well, and in general, if you look, this year there are the top 20 sexiest artists, men in particular, oleksiy hnatkovskyi on the first place, but on
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the second place... artem cheh , he is a writer and also a military man, and the husband of iryna tsylyk, now we will see her, of course, he is one of our most talented writers and publicists, many of his texts were published in various foreign publications, and that is why he and ira also go there abroad, i.e. artem chech is both a military man and our cultural diplomat, well, in third place this year is ivan lenno, well, i think that... everyone knows him, too, the leader of the band kozack system, and if they discuss him, they usually use the word brutal, although i i don't know whether you agree or not, and whether ivan himself agrees with this, but he looks like he is really brutal in the best, probably in this sense, and i will also say that very often in these lists serhii zhadan is clearly present, and he was winning,
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but now gradually. begins to submit his positions, now we will talk with the organizers and founders of this award with anna arinarkhova, she is the founder of the award with olena pavlova, producer, hello, hello, hello, girls, you know, in advance every year, even more often andriy kokotyukha comes to you on facebook, the writer asks, is yours influential? award with i also heart andrey hinting that it is not influential, or just asking you, or something else, and tradition, i also ask you every year about the influence of this award, please tell me how you see the results and what what is the purpose of your award at all? olenko, let's start with you, we have to admit, we think that andriy kokatyukha is becoming a law.


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