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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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played, but now he is gradually beginning to surrender his positions, now we will talk with the organizers and founders of this award with anna arinarkhova, she is the founder of the award with olena pavlova, the producer of the girls, hello , hello, hello, you know, in advance every year, even more often , andriy kokotyukha, a writer, comes to you on facebook and asks if your award is influential, i am so, so, too, a heart to andriy, hinting that it is not influential, or simply asking you if there is something else, and tradition, i also ask you every year about the influence of this award, please tell us what results you see and what is the general purpose of your award? olenko, let's start with you, we have to admit, we believe that andriy kokatyukha is secretly the law in our country.
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that's why he asks this every year, in fact , all the ukrainian media wrote about our award, the goal, as a journalist, as a cultural manager, i understand why it exists, as you said, the industry should be, when we came up with it 5 years that's why ukrainian tabloids wrote about alla pohacheva, maksym galkin, and some other things, and even now they write about some incomprehensible instagram stars pumped up. i wanted to write about ukrainian stars, about ukrainian culture, about ukrainian art, and because of such sex sells, we deliberately do it humorously, lightly, playfully flirt with readers, we want to popularize ukrainian culture in this way, it seems that we are starting to succeed , i think so, because i looked, really , first of all, i have half a page in all social networks in vnadkovskoye now. and also so
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many media have written in past years as well they wrote: anya, please tell me what happened with the zahadan, why he surrendered his positions, why mr. serhiy ended up in fourth place, this incredibly sexy, handsome man, fourth place, what is going on? i don't know what is being done with zhadan, and why our subscribers already vote for him less, new best men are coming. you probably see, well, serhiy zhadan held on very steadily, the first year it was just a crazy gap in terms of votes, it was much smaller, but yes, you see, such women’s hearts, women’s hearts, they, if not feed, don't praise, you see, they can change to someone younger, probably, well, if we talk about alexey, i'm not wrong.
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he is the first actor who won the golden liphon , that's right, before that it was mainly writers, before that only writers, serhiy shadan, yuriy izdryk and artem polezhaka won in our country, and this year, you see, well, it finally turns out that about our cinema, yes , so it is, well, let's say so, i can't say that our award, it has its own fan environment. these are women who go to literary festivals, these are women who love good books, good music, good, good cinema, and we want to expand, expand, expand this niche, and this is how we succeeded this year, that we have an actor and not even in the top five, but immediately top one, well, i think it's great, and alen, tell me about oleksiy in general. so, what exactly did you
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do with these, well, the whole thing, on each of the first winners, well, as a characteristic or motivation or explanation as to why, for example, on oleksiy, i really liked the host of our hearts and wet blankets that captured souls, god bless this world, his dictation, and who will rule it, take care of the little things, but in general, i said that at the beginning, when i was reading. different reviews about dovbysh and about oleksiy in particular, almost all agreed on just one thing, he is very charismatic, he is so very, well, with such strong energy on the screen, tell me if, first of all, well, you and anna would characterize him as a winner golden liphon, and what did you even hear about it, what did your voters say, what is the trick? oleksiy hnetkovskyi. you
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you're right about charisma, that's for sure. everyone repeats. even yesterday i heard the definition of black charisma. the carpathian one. and as we wrote in the description, this is our own theater, and we will go there to watch his performance and tors, of course, everything is coming together, because he is handsome, he is talented, he is charismatic, he is ukrainian, he is smart, he has a sense of humor , that's all, it's still needed for a sex symbol, and the wide screens played their role, the movie is a dolbush, we've been waiting for it since 2017, you can say, when oles... announced, what will he do, and we finally waited , and we dream that the whole world will see how handsome oleksiy hnatkovskyi is in us, and he can see, because the dolbush is on netflix, yes, the vote is on netflix, i forgot that he is still a political scientist by education, in addition to theater , he studied political science, and i already have
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tickets to a play about the modigliani, well, it ’s just a way to my heart, plays about artists, yes, yes, and in general oleksiy, this is his first role in general. .. cinema, he is a theater star, and he has a lot of productions, and he and the director as well, but now we will talk with them, but before that, girls, i have a few more questions for you, i have a question about yurk yurchenko in general, why? because we know him as a sex symbol there in the late 90s, when there was a territory, the song i'm going, which i understand he hates, and then he had a certain break, then he came back with the yurkesh band and again. .. he is present on your list, i don't remember in which place, on one of the first yurko yurchenko, on the sixth place, and here he is again a sex symbol, but some other one, you can explain this difference and perhaps the evolution of the change of yurk yurchenko back then, when
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we were young, and now? olenochko, well, i just want to emphasize, because one may get the wrong impression that we are the ones who make this top, we make the top. not us, it is formed by voting, yes, so, it was not we who decided that yurko yurchenko filled the ukrainian space with his sexuality, although in my personal space, yurko yurchenko is certainly there, and i am extremely glad, for the first time yurko yurchenko appeared in our country when we elected to the 30th anniversary independence of ukraine, we decided to choose the sexiest one. which symbolizes our independence, and this great city, well, there were simply no competitors there, in principle, in my opinion, very little was mentioned except for yurchenko, and thus, yes, yurko yurchenko too, today he is such a symbol of ukrainian
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an artist, because yes, he lived through all that you and i lived, he maybe tried himself a little in cooperation with... zagbrom, i don't know what you can call it, yes, but then he returned, consciously mobilized, left in of the army, and that is, yurk yurchenko is going to have , at the same time, a lot of attractive ukrainian characteristics, this is strength , courage, charisma, again, and he makes great music, there are no objections at all, although, to be honest, he was to me even in the 90s likes i'm listening to this song right now, i'm going, i personally like it, so i don't know what yurko wants from it, olenko, and the last question, i definitely want to talk about the kevlar lifon, because he got it, explain if i have something i will say wrongly, those girls got it
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myskini, who are military personnel, these are yuliya sidorova, yaryna chornogus, elizaveta zharikova, stasik, olena sharovska. khrystyna panasyuk , marina mirzayeva, we can see them now, tell us about this particular award, it is probably a little different, because we have a discussion after all about this sexualization of women, yes, some women are in favor, there we can undress a little so as not to collect some kind of collection there is closed, others say that they think that it is not allowed to do this, that's how this distinction differs in the context of what, well, a golden lifon is a clay lifon after all. given to some extent for sexuality? the golden liphon is a kind of feminist award, because we are tired of how much women are constantly objectified, all these beauty contests exist, and we are so joking, we will objectify men, we will celebrate their
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sexuality, their appearance, well, we focus on artists kevlar lyphon appeared last year, when or the year before the start of the war, we realized that there is no point in all this... such burlesque, because we need to turn attention to those artists who fight, and last time the voting was only for those artists, men, who went to war, the poet artem polyzhaka won, and... and this year we decided not to limit, we decided, because as they said, why the golden liphon, if i can't get oleksiy hnatkovsky, we decided to return the vote to everyone, but not to cancel the kevlar liphon award, and that's exactly what we, the organizers of the award, decided to give it to women, it's not only those you named, all women , artists, artists who went to war, well perhaps collective. the award is like the bukariv award for ukrainian journalists, it is very blurred, but it is for all women who
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fight, and the wording in our country is such that it is just the opposite of turning away from subjectivization, from objectification, these subjects, women, took weapons, they took medical tourniquets there, that's all and they went to fight, these ukrainian amazons set an example for the whole world, the award is just to draw attention to them once again... to say about them, and this, well, we have a men's award, kevlar lifon is not about sexuality in any way, it's about that sexuality who is in the fire of freedom, who is able to burn the enemy, unless, let's hope for it, girls, thank you very much for the interview and for this wonderful award, i hope that for the joy of andriy kukutyus, it will be more and more influential , let me remind you, we had anna arinarkhova on the air. is the founder of the golden lifon award, as well as olena pavlova, the producer of this award. well, now we
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will talk with oleksiy himself, he is already in direct contact with us. oleksii, good day. hello everybody. yes, this hall of the theater in ivano-frankivsk is recognizable, this wall is possible there to look at for 40 minutes, i know, so i didn't look at it to the end. oleksii, well, first of all, i congratulate you on such an achievement with another one, and... and tell me how you feel about this award in general, is there any, perhaps, some practical benefit from it, some roles, maybe you have already been offered , look, i'm going to tell you something that you probably didn't expect to hear from me now, first of all, how do i feel about this, and what is this award or what is this to alexei, you are the sexiest artist of 2023, once again, i already heard, well, look, this is what i feel, me i think... that's semi-ironic because like the award itself, it's semi-ironic, although i'm very, well,
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thank you to the girls and guys who make this award, it's a huge job, i understand that they're poor now, well, they're going to have a lot all different hats and so on and so on, it's nice to be in such a company, among these men, this is zhadan, this is a czech, zhaka is my friend, and many, many others, it's a cool taste, in fact, these are cool guys, they do a lot for ukrainian culture and for ukraine in general, and it is an honor for me in fact, and on the other hand, it 's a little bit for me, you know, i just brought to kyiv the day before, i already told someone in an interview, i brought to kyiv my play shot revival, that is, i did, i brought from ... from frankivska, er, string ensemble, children, i saw my
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friends from the front, brothers with whom we previously cooperated directly from combat positions, they came to read poems of the shot revival, it was a huge event for me , because this is not a theater, this is my personal initiative, i found sponsors, save ending, we joined this joint action with them and so on, we sold tickets, that is, this is not a targeted story, and people came... drank tickets and we talked about the shot revival, about our culture, about our revival, about the fact that russia did not come here with tanks at first, but first with its language, culture, destroying ours, and we did it in order to revive it, and this event with the so-called lifon, of course, it, i would like to talk more about the shooting revival, and it somewhat interrupted, relatively speaking, the flow of information that i am planned to be, but anyway ... otherwise, look, it's very nice for me, of course, and you know what's good about this thing,
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i like that we have a lot of initiatives of this kind in our country, where we can talking about how we love each other, what we appreciate, what we are there for, well, about love, about sex, about some things that give us positive, good emotions, where they give joy, are very difficult for us right now. difficult times, and joy is not really that much, moreover, we have a lot of such things when we, well, these things in the internet and so on, where we look for negativity in each other, and actually where we look for some positive in each other, love, they are lacking, it seems to me, and for me it is very nice that people, you know, in a dark time they are looking for some piece of light, for me this slipper is important, there are already some nominations, i don't consider myself a sex symbol or anything else, we have much more worthy boys and
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girls, i saw your interview, you like to tame, but i will tell you that i completely agree with you. that this award is not the only one it's about attractiveness, it's only a kind of superficial layer, in fact, if you read, well , for what they got each one there, you got a golden liphon, artem cheh got a silver one, and ivan lyno got a bronze one, we hung a lot of deferambas to all these men, a lot of nice words, and to be honest, i received a lot of messages on social networks yesterday, today and about this award, i did not see a bad word in... at all about the fact that it is not on time, on the contrary they said: class, we support, see , how many great artists we have let's go see dovbysh, we haven't seen it yet , let's go to netflix, let's see, although this movie has to be seen in the cinema, who missed it, well, okay, watch it like this, and what, oleksiy, tell me, in general, when i talked with our casting- directors and listened
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to what they say, but they very often complain about our actors, especially, well, actresses too, that they say, it is necessary to pay more attention to appearance, because it is not just a whim - it is the duty of an actor-actress, there going to the gym, going to the beautician, ours take it lightly, but you have to monitor it, in general, do you share this point of view, is this really necessary for a person who plays in the theater, especially in the cinema, where there are large frames, and do you really think that we have such a problem, do we really have actors like this they don't really monitor it, uh, look, to be honest, yes, you have to monitor yourself, and it's even written in the contract, that is, there is a certain type, if the contract includes hairstyles and so on, for example, i can't afford to ski, i can't afford to play football or any of those things because it an injury is dangerous, if i get
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, if i get injured, the repertoire will fly out, and this, well, i work in the state repertory theater, and this means... that, well, the whole system begins to move, that is, it is a risk, then in relation to that , monitor yourself, this is the body of an actor , it is an instrument, just like a violinist cleans his violin, how he takes care of it, you should also take care of your body, your voice, yours, because this is the instrument you work with , and this is very important, that is, it is a part of the profession, so it should be be. i won't say that our actors don't take care of themselves, i'll say that we have the best actors in ukraine, and obviously, well, many, i can't speak for everyone there, because i'm not there any statistical data i own it, but my colleagues, it’s not, you know, some kind of fanatical story, there’s no such thing as a dobzik,
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that there are some special ones, i don’t know spa procedures or what they’re called, but to take care of... yourself, for with your appearance, it is just as important as monitoring your inner world, filling, i.e constantly, it's a constant development , you have to work on your development, i think it 's not only in the acting profession, but i'm talking more about the inner story, if you don't develop, then you don't even stand still, and that's actually yes, this is part of the profession, well, we are now seeing shots from the dolbush, i know that you and your colleagues there did the tricks yourself, for this, too, it is necessary. musical preparation, the actors must be ready for this, and i also heard you in an interview in one of your recent performances, when you said that when you went to the theater, you had political science education and you even said something there, you wrote about the fact that they recruited someone to the theater from the street, you said that you were taken to the stage as such a handsome boy to stand, and that you still feel that way,
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although, to be honest , as i already said at the beginning of the program, almost all reviews. from almost all people about your voice and your theatrical works, i constantly hear compliments about your charisma, not so much about your appearance, they write that you are beautiful, i am charismatic, and they constantly add that you are a talented person, so i cannot understand , are you self-deprecating or self-deprecating in general why do you think you 're still such a handsome boy who's just staged if you're not uh it's really yourself... so that's me kidding myself very often , you understand that you don't fall in love. well, don’t tell me what the history is, regarding education, i have two higher educations, the first education is political science, and the second one is theater skills, i would not be able to work in the theater without an education, and here, i am so ironic
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about myself, when i came there, they were for the first time they took him on stage, they said: here's a handsome guy, let him stand and smile, i'm actually talking about this, i'm still standing and smiling, not just standing, but standing smiling, well, that is, i'm playing a variety show, you know, i'm playing a fool, that's how it is, she is such a self-heroine, in fact, it is a huge, well, work on herself, huge. huge work, and the thing is that this work is permanent, that is, i cannot say that i work there 8 hours a day, i, well, it is a permanent job, but this is the same irony, so that, you know, so that know what to do in order not to be disappointed, not to be enchanted, not to be enchanted, actually, so as not to be enchanted very much, so i am about myself or myself. obviously, i know my worth, i 'm a cool charismatic guy, most of all, i understand that the greatest story, well, for me , the greatest beauty is intelligence, my
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late grandmother always said such a phrase, which for me became one of the most important things in life , she always told me: olesik, the beauty of the natareli is not stolen, i will not decipher it, let everyone understand it for themselves, like this one. actually, beauty is an external story, for me the inner story is more important, first of all it is, well, intelligence, and this is where a sense of humor comes from, this is where all things come from, personal position, and so on, and so yes, i know my worth, but beauty is in the eyes of those who look, oleksiy, just one last question, because you also scared everyone there when you talked about the fact that you will not... be acting in movies anymore, decipher what this means, maybe it means that we have the nearest sometimes, somehow , the filming of the movie is not really planned, because there are problems
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with financing, with the state cinema and everything else, and well, all the money for the army is wanted by multi-talents , by the way, your colleagues signed a letter saying that we are sending everything to the army, we don't need any movies, or would you, for example, agree to act in television series that are also threatening to be financed now, right? look, i didn't say that i won't act in movies, i said that for me i will act either in her things, which are, well, in films, in projects that are professional, have her from the point of view of the profession, with the point of view of the art is of a high level, or in another situation, if it is good money, well because this is my profession, i make a living from it, but i will not act in things where ukrainians are shown as morons, idiots, and where there is less... value, that is important to me, and what is happening now cinema, this is a very serious question you asked, and here is the petition that the film community has signed now
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to give money to the army, those allocated for cinema, this is a terrible petition, i am sorry that such a petition has been signed, but i also i will sign, because what funds are allocated for now, from the point of view of cinema, is a shame, it's... it's just that we don't have the right, there's a war in our country, we have to shoot good quality things, and serials, well, we have to talk about big, there's already big politics going on here, it's not even about cinema and about art, it's already about politics, about usurpation, about it, about the fact that everything is taken under their control and not given, well, there is no possibility of free , free expression, i don't know if you have time now on the air for that
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i somehow think about others, i hope that we in ukraine will understand that first, of course, all funds must go to arms forces of ukraine, but... i always say that russia did not attack us with tanks or missiles, first the russian language, russian culture, russian narratives entered, they prepared a bridgehead, and tanks and missiles came to protect russian speakers, you understand where from russian speakers appeared in our country, this is the foundation that we need, what we need, what we need to fight for and what we need to do our own thing, and precisely for this there is culture, culture for... and culture and education, that's what it is necessary to allocate a lot of money, because our enemy, look, they are very good at it understand, they allocate crazy funds for film production, for their education, for their
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culture and... the first thing they do when they enter the occupied territories, they change the language plates, and they burn books and do their own thing, so we need in the country to allocate funds after the armed forces for education and culture, i completely agree with you, then this and this issue is really quite political now, well, we will monitor it, we will cover it, maybe sign some new petition letters, oleksiy , thank you very much, let's go back to rehearsal yes, and let me remind you that oleksiy hnytkovsky was in direct contact with us, an actor and director and laureate of the golden lifon 2023 award. a wonderful award, i like it very much, i wish you even more cinematographic theater awards. well, friends, i'll say goodbye to you until next week and i hope that if you haven't watched dovbush yet, you will definitely watch it. there are discounts on otrivin spray
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represents. united by football , the stronger separate corps of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state special transport service appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world
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he dreams of, sir. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. at 5 p.m., we start the news release with important information. during the day , 53 combat clashes with the enemy took place in the tauri direction. our soldiers eliminated 336 occupiers and turned 38 into scrap units of military equipment. in particular, four tanks, 12 armored combat vehicles, six artillery systems, four anti-aircraft vehicles, 10 vehicles and a unit of special equipment - said the commander of the tavria military group.


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