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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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beyond its limits, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. at 17 o'clock on the clock, we start the news release with important information. during the day , there were 53 combat encounters with the enemy in the tavari direction. our soldiers eliminated 336 occupiers and turned 38 pieces of military equipment into scrap. in particular, four tanks, 12 armored combat vehicles, six artillery systems, four anti-aircraft vehicles, 10 vehicles and a unit of special equipment, - said the commander of the group war hero oleksandr ternavskyi. also, the armed forces
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destroyed 258 drones and enemy ammunition depots. the number of dead in odesa has increased to five. among the victims is a child. another eight people were injured. in particular , a pregnant woman and a three-year-old boy were injured, the regional military administration reported. one of the drones completely destroyed the entrance of a nine-story building. they continue to search under the rubble. people the trident is safe. the ukrainian coat of arms, made from destroyed enemy equipment, was hidden in kherson. this was reported by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the trident stood at the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred when russian shells often flew by. so, for safety reasons , the monument was temporarily removed. even at the stage of installation of the structure, when the employees of gokkars conducted. welding work,
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a drone was hanging above it, after that the enemy began to target this perimeter of the park. shelling was conducted several times, so we decided to temporarily move the monument. there is no betrayal in this, because first of all it was done for the safety of the residents of the surrounding houses, as well as in order to save it for the people of kherson, who will later return to their hometown. x101 was found in a field in vinnytsia region, the regional police reported about it. as a result of the fall, the fragments of the rocket scattered in a radius of 200 m. the main part did not detonate, the protest posed a threat. after the examination, explosives experts neutralized the fragments of the rocket. and russia is restless. a powerful explosion thundered at the power plant in yekaterinburg. this is reported by the russian media. the station provided energy. three defense
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enterprises, in particular machine-building, metallurgical and turbo-motor plants. at the scene of the incident, experts found homemade explosives. currently, its origin is being established. and in the penza region of the russian federation , a shopping center is on fire. the fire covered more than 1,500 m2. this is reported in the russian emergency service. rescuers evacuated 30 people from the shopping center. olaf scholz confirmed the authenticity of the german officers' conversation about ukraine. the chancellor of germany promised to provide an explanation after the publication of the recording, the german publication dpa reported. let me remind you, yesterday russian propagandists published on the network an audio recording of a conversation between german soldiers. they discussed the number of missiles that could hit the crimean bridge. the cargo ship rubimar, which was attacked by
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yemeni houthis, sank in the red sea. the ship was carrying 41,000 tons of chemical fertilizers. satellite images from maxsar technologies show an oil slick stretching 29 km. i lost both the goods and the car. the foreigner tried to illegally take him abroad. 400 packs of cigarettes. this was reported in the western newspaper regional administration of the border service. a citizen of romania arrived in his own car at the dyakivci checkpoint. in the floor of the car , the border guards found duty-free cigarettes worth more than uah 28,000. in the end, the law enforcement officers confiscated not only the illegal goods, but also the car. more fuel than expected. the ministry of energy
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reported that as of the end of february , more than 1 million tons of coal remained in the warehouses of thermal power plants. this is 236 tons more than required by standards for passage. heating season. i will add yesterday, naftogaz reported that ukraine, for the first time in its history, went through a heating period using its own gas. in addition to the coordinated work of miners and energy workers, a warm winter played into their hands. volunteers purchased six brand-new resuscitation vehicles for the medical ranks of the defense forces of ukraine. they will go from the capital to save the lives of ukrainian soldiers in the zones. active hostilities are underway, my colleagues will tell you in more detail. new, modern and practical, six such ambulances will serve in the medical ranks of the defense forces of ukraine. cars was purchased by the charitable fund of mercy and health. the first car
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will be sent to the kupyan direction, the others will save the lives of ukrainian soldiers in the donetsk and zaporizhzhia regions. on average, such a car saves up to six people approximately per day. and when it is on the route, its purpose is to stabilize in the stage when it is necessary in the stage of narcotic, anesthesia, anesthesia, narcotic sleep, and to transport the patient from the stopping point to the hospital at the place of request, where highly specialized assistance will be provided by surgeons and multimodal teams of doctors, each ambulance, in addition to modern medical equipment... is also equipped with medicines, according to the volunteers, they add a standard package of medicines, and if necessary, also those medicines that doctors and soldiers need in a particular region. the machine is fully equipped, the machine is fully equipped with the necessary medical equipment, these are defibrillators
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, these are suction machines, these are stretchers, this is a respiratory anesthetic machine, that is, everything is here, the medicines are also here, these are the medicines that are needed there boys, our girls, military... and civilians, these are antibiotics, this is pain relief, and there are also medical products, medical, that is, this is a bandage. volunteers of the mercy and health charitable foundation take care of not only the physical, but also the mental health of ukrainian defenders. mobile psychological groups work in hot areas from the fund. one of these cars, it will just take part in driving to... front-line areas, we receive requests from military units and a team goes there, the team consists of a psychologist a psychiatrist and a rehabilitator, and our specialists are already on the spot providing assistance to the boys, they can carry out combat adjustment, decompression, physical
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recovery, and they can find and identify risk groups among the boys. reanimobiles at the front are absolutely necessary, because they increase the chances of proving. wounded alive to the hospital, these are the golden hours when the fighter is brought to the battlefield to point 100, and then according to the hospital, they enable this person, this hero to survive, that's why having an equipped vehicle, having an equipped vehicle with medical equipment, you just give a person a chance to survive, so... it is very important that every brigade has such modern machines. the purchase of resuscitation vehicles became possible thanks to the cooperation of the charitable foundation of mercy and health and the belgian non-governmental organization bikraine. during the full-scale russian invasion, the team managed
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to deliver more than 90 special vehicles to the front. tetyana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. and i will continue the espresso tv channel. assembly of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. we already have more than 700,000 hryvnias in our accounts, and together we will speed up our victory. you can always see more news on the expresso tv website, my colleagues work there 24 hours a day, the most important information in a nutshell on the telegram channel espresso tv and in social networks, facebook, instagram and twitter. become our readers, stay with the ukrainian view of the world. next is
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mykola veresnya's air time, so don't switch. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, today we will discuss what is happening in ukraine and in the world, as always, and we will probably start with ukrainian events. ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine from the fourth to the 15th year, so we will be specific with him, we may even ask him some questions, but let's start with a tragic, not specific, nocturnal question. a house collapsed in kashakhedivna odesa, there are casualties. i have a question for you, mr. ivan. thank you, by the way, for
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joining our broadcasts, and today also, usually, if the effectiveness of combating shaheds is high enough, the effectiveness of combating missiles is not so high. and what happened in odessa, that such a shaft got into a house, collapsed this whole house, and they could not do anything with this shaft. why did this happen, or is it, well, is it such a coincidence, well, we didn't see that shaheed, let's do it we assume that the air force , well, the air defense forces, will tell us about this for sure , but my big guess is that maybe he was coming in from the water, well , this, this, this drone, a group, and it is much more difficult to detect them there, they go very low, just force by water level. they are difficult to detect and now they appear just like snow on the head and odessans are the first
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to feel it, when he, for example , flies in the direction of western ukraine or kyiv, then there is an opportunity at least to warn there: oh, we hear there, or seen on radars, or people reported, this story is flying and you can prepare. odesa residents, unfortunately, are the first to encounter, and unfortunately, you see, such tragic consequences, and this once again shows how large a stock of these explosives that can destroy a house, that is, our drones, which fly there somewhere around moscow, around peter, they are not toys, but they certainly do not cause such damage, okay, now the reverse side of the matter, 13 downed enemy planes in 11 days, well, the editor here writes a sneaky question to me, what kind of weapon do they destroy, well, that’s already on your discretion, you want answer, don't want to answer. well, i will say to your editors, come on, you like to watch illusionists’ tricks, well
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, when you already know how that trick is arranged, it is no longer interesting, you already turn off the youtube channel or the television channel, if our military has learned do this, let them continue to do it, and i think that the russians have already understood what kind of weapon they are dealing with, because they have the opportunity to analyze the wreckage of their planes, to see what kind of missile is there, well, of course, it is not a laser beam, production, which country and what can be done , some, i don’t know, extraterrestrials shared with us, which rocket, what, what mine, my personal guess, maybe it’s a blocking petrio, here here so -and-so, figaro here, figaro there, there, there appeared at the front , he appeared there, of course we need five of them, so that they are blocking, and then the intensity of shooting down russian planes will be serious, foreign pundits say that it is about 25%. ukraine has already destroyed that 34. no, i just think that these questions and my
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editors, you me and many others, with hoping that mr. ivan, for example, will say: there is a secret warehouse of secret weapons somewhere in the carpathians, ukrainian, and ukrainian engineers and scientists came up with it, and now we have a lot of some specific missiles that will make victory simply absolutely not... and now you know , i apologize, but you know what will happen, let’s go without a doubt, here is your ter, any other, the russians monitor, they check it there, well, of course, there is no special person sitting, not reviewing, they programmatically detect keywords, phrases , which they are interested in, if, for example, i will say there, oh , there is a ukrainian base somewhere under zdolbuniv in the rivne region, the russians will be kicked out of their pants, not because i said it, but because, well, because it is some kind of key for... . them to jump out, to give tasks to their people, unfortunately, on the ground, to try
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to produce new ones, to use satellite intelligence, to use technical intelligence, in order to simply understand what is there, is there any production facility there, where you can launch ballistics, a series of winged rockets or a dozen drones, that is, once again any phrase, it can give, unfortunately for the russians, some form, it seems, well... a photo, well, something in the photo, two pillars, one building, but you can do geolocation, find out , where this picture was taken and then they will fly there, so the next program, get ready. panevan, we have to go with you to some bare field where there is nothing, and there are no people, and there is nothing, and start breeding such tereveni, i will ask you, where are the warehouses, and over there is a bare field, and there under they produce, well, let them spend your missiles, if there are two seconds, i will tell you how they work, if in the first weeks, months of the war, this story about
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the sartires, which the russians destroyed with their missiles, it was a laugh, but... our special services really worked, they through the correctors fire , which were under control, were transmitted, they said: here 100%, 100-500 byraktars are standing and flew there, well, somewhere in a clear field in the sartir, but then the russians learned that even when they receive such information from ukraine, the correctors then try of course, not all of them check everything, everything, but the majority , for example, if they are told, here in the old, i don’t know, there is an old company that has been abandoned and here... the ukrainians hide their weapons, they will watch, they will look for the boxes that are there lying around, traces of heavy equipment, people moving, if they don't see it, there won't be a strike there, look, you used the word adjusters, how widespread is this phenomenon, after all, you worked in the sbu, this is the security of ukraine,
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security service, and we learn, learn, learn something every day. and i i understand that it is impossible to bring it to zero, because every day they tempt or are tempted, every day something can happen, but in principle, how effective can it be to fight against such people who surrender ukrainian positions and direct these rockets at ukrainian people? come on, this problem exists, it's a real problem, the sbu reports every day, well, it seems once every three days, that there is somewhere in kharkiv oblast. in odesa, in odesa, dnipropetrovsk, in kyiv, for an adjuster, an adjuster, a gunner , a gunner, so that such feminists to be correct, they are detaining me personally , well, it is not surprising, but i am paying attention, for example, now they are reporting that they have detained an adjuster who was recruited in december 23rd, that is, you
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are sitting, and you try to act like a person who spent almost two years under russian shelling. she is still recruiting, unfortunately, there is, you can still somehow understand, well , somehow they were recruited before a full-scale invasion, well, sitting under fire for two years and knowing what can come at you a russian rocket and work again , it seems to me that it is not at all beyond the realm of understanding what could happen, they offer money, a russian passport, a position, we will take you there to russia, and you will be the head of some administration there, of course, no one will take you away. i won’t, or you help us here in ukraine, and then we will come, and we will thank you, an order, an order, a medal, a title, maybe we will give some position there, and people, unfortunately, go for it, but they are such disposable people, they do not have the skills of how to shoot properly, how to hide properly to conduct filming, and on the first, well, it often happens that on the very first task they
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burn, i apologize, they are discovered by special people, and then they have a sightseeing tour. to a cheerful gray building in the regional center where the sbu is located, and then you can sit down for 10-15 years for such actions. one more question, as far as i have seen , i do not know, by the way, maybe you know better, when you say for money, then i can imagine a seller for, well, maybe for a million hryvnias, but when they say 10 00 - it is 250 $ for the fact that 10 people will be killed. well , i can't understand it, so you can close your eyes, cover your ears, say , but i will live well, well, there are probably such people in the world, there are always zaprodans, but they are no longer zaprodans, they are some - yes, yes not to
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pronounce, because it's like free, just want to kill a lot of my friends. neighbors, i want to kill them, because it's not money, you said great about a million and i remembered one phrase that once said, well, a middle-ranking manager in the federal bureau of investigation in the united states, he said to his colleague, from this building i will be taken out in these handcuffs only when i grab something at least a million dollars, for a smaller amount i will not even blow up my fifth point. it is meant that each person has his own threshold there, after which he can break, you really correctly pointed out that, unfortunately, for such people, the threshold is extremely small, and but these sums of 200 ... you are still so very well a good good example, because i remember the summer of 22, when the sbu
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detained a guy, he gave the coordinates of the bridge to the russians, attention for 20 hryvnias, it was dnipropetrovsk region, he says , well, at least you give him money for cigars, they sent him 20 uah, that's 50 cents, eurocents, well, for a second, okay, now to... let's go, you and i are moving forward , the institute for the study of war, says that the russians, the occupiers, are advancing near avdiyivka, and my question is very simple, how much one thing advances by 5 km, and the other by 500 m, it is as if completely different advances, what do you say, and i will say to you and your viewers, that when you read the news, the russians have advanced, and well, there is such a... well, okay, the russians have advanced and the russians have entrenched themselves, these are three different russians, in the morning they can advance, and by the evening our military has knocked them out, that is, it is necessary to be careful here
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, although it should be noted that, unfortunately, they are capturing, and that’s all on your map it is clear that they are capturing new territories, new locations , unfortunately, there are many people in these territories who are still waiting for the arrival of the russian federation, i will give you such an example, i have already given it before, 50 km from avdiyivka there is the city of pokrov. and that's where our guys say, we're not we can repair our pickups, well, for light vehicles , they have a tire repair shop, a service station, because they refuse us, they simply refuse us, but the same guys call us, but from sumy, from sumy region, from chernihiv region, they say, come, we will repair it for free, that is, to understand what kind of people are there and how they want to contribute to our armed forces. yes, they don't want to, now there is one tricky question, come on, german generals, there is so much violence in russia right now, german generals
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are discussing, and russia is eavesdropping and finding out, that germany, these german generals are discussing the undermining of the crimean bridge, i am sitting, well , you and i can theoretically discuss this in... there is a bridge there in faso, and mr. ivan, how would you imagine the undermining of this bridge either or in paraguay somewhere, this does not mean that tomorrow we will go to paraguay or burkina faso to blow something up, but we see what a difficult bridge it is, let's think, but what if we had such a bridge or in russia there was a bridge in the urals , whatever you do, what you suggested, mr. wang, nothing so extraordinary here, i don't think so, especially since they are generals. let me explain, i have an explanation for your excellent question, look, and the russians are spying on nato servicemen and officers all over the world, well, we have to
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understand that, this is an extra example, and no one can tell me how many previous conversations have already been listened to by the russians, there in this way, through use, the officers used an analogue of zoom, this messenger is called there in russian. they communicated with him, the conference was held for four, no one did knows how many previous conversations they have already listened to, and here are two such questions, they were able to hack this messenger, this service, or one of these four officers was not working for a russian, recorded the entire conversation, gave it to the russians, but did not expect that they would publish it, and this record was published, it is important to simply mark everything, the record of margarita simonyan, the queen of russian...propaganda, was published, but she has an extremely close, friendly and working relationship with oleksiy gromov, he is the first deputy head of the administration of president putin, and so
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i'm more than sure that he showed this noise, this recording, to putin, or to the security forces, sitting with patrushev, with bortnikov, putin gave a personal instruction to publish what it gives, he just has such a... sick idea that nato is fighting on the side of ukraine, and this is this conversation, just communication, as you said, it is just extra evidence for putin, and i was right, i said, i said, publish it, but he violated a very golden rule in intelligence , never, ever burn your sources of information, i always give this example, when the british with the poles during the second world war broke the code... we are the encryption machine that was used on the black submarines of germany's kreizmarine, then they kept this information, so much and secrets, they even when they deciphered these
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records. well, these negotiations, they then showed that oh, we got it somewhere , i don't know, there was some kind of radio intelligence there, or somewhere, i don't know, they got it somewhere else in finland, they never said that, well, how they got it , and even churchill said, this is my hen that lays golden eggs, but she never fart. thank you very much, ivan stupak , a military expert, an employee of the security service, was with us from the fourth to 15 years , now there will be a small advertisement, then we will go to the united states... we will fly with you and there we will talk with professor igor eisenberg. advertising. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price of everything from
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how ours today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? let's find out
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. this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests - special, proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday 17-10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, stronger together. good health again, behind me is the star-striped flag of the united states together with the flag of ukraine, which means that igor eisenberg will appear before us tomorrow, a professor of new york university, and he has already appeared. thank you, professor, for finding time for us. greetings, ms. mykola, greetings to all viewers. look, i have a question for you, it's more french than american.


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