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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united. stronger together. good health again. the flag of the united states stands with the flag of ukraine behind me. which means that igor eisenberg will appear tomorrow. a professor from new york university has already appeared before us. thank you, professor, for finding time for us. greetings, mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers. look, i have a question for you, is it more french than american? but the americans
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have already reacted, mr. macron did not rule it out, he was somehow so eloquently silent or eloquently hinted that anything could happen, and it cannot be ruled out that french troops will end up in ukraine, and there will be american troops immediately, but there will never be american troops in ukraine and so on, what would this mean, what are your thoughts on this and on this matter, is it possible to figure it out as a bargain, i also think that it is possible. if indeed, ukraine will be invaded and then they will go to europe, so where will they go, the french and american ones may appear there, but why did it happen now? well, i think that president macron, he uh, what he 's done has created a situation, you know, what's called strategic uncertainty, in this case for the kremlin, because... well, for now, if there's
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going to be, let's say, meetings in the kremlin , where they will consider, and what will the west do there in response to those or their steps, after what president macron said, and after what there are other leaders of western countries, he was told that there is uncertainty, because no one knows now whether french or other western troops will appear in ukraine or not, so if the answer to this question was no before, then now... now the unknown, this uncertainty, i think it's in ukraine's favor anyway, because it's going to require a lot more thought from putin, about any move he wants to make, and the end, the end, i can't rule anything out, because it's absolutely from i agree with you, if we assume that putin will invade ukraine, then of course he is not on it... and mr. professor, the situation in
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the congress is so controversial, i cannot understand anything, and i have the impression that it is not only me i can't, and johnson can't either, the leader of the lower house, that is, we have to help, but first of all we have to take care of america, well, take care of america already, you're already spending money on the border, and then start taking care of ukraine, israel, south korea taiwan is there, whatever, simple, but me, yes, me talked with zelenskyi, well, in short, i am me , i am lost, and i can’t see, that is, he is pulling because he is convinced that they will vote for support in the lower house anyway, because there are not so many fanatical anti-ukrainians there, well, definitely a minority, well he's pulling because yes , he's not putting this bill to a vote because he knows the bill will pass because...
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just like, let's say, the interim regular budget was passed the day before yesterday, that is, the overwhelming majority of democrats will vote for, and and enough republicans, enough in order for there to be a lot of votes there, let's say for the budget there were more than 300 as a result, well, this draft law also passed, that is why he does not put it to a vote, because he, he does not want the draft bill to be accepted, at least for. that's why he does what he does, but does that mean it will be accepted sooner or later or does it mean nothing? i think that from johnson's point of view, it means nothing, that is, because he himself does not know whether he will put it on the agenda, there is simply another opportunity in the regulations to collect 218 signatures of deputies and consider the draft law is up to the speaker, that is, the speaker
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does not want to put it on the agenda, the deputies themselves can do it after collecting 218 signatures, and the democrats actually registered it. in the regulatory committee, there is such a requirement that if signatures are collected for such a petition , a corresponding document has been registered, that they will be engaged in collecting these signatures, that is, there will be pressure on johnson , if he, let's say, sees that the signatures have been collected, then it will be very political for him it is not beneficial if the bill is considered against him, and then he, he can this pressure can pro... lead to the fact that he will have to put it on the agenda, but this is not predictable at the moment, but what he says , let's take care of america, we have a disaster at the border there, and he himself did not want to pass the bill, the same one to which many things were added that relate to the funding of border security,
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changes in immigration laws that have not been done in 30 years , he himself said that he did not wants, why, because trump told him trump doesn't want to. well, yes, because trump wants the border to really be chaos, on which he is campaigning, blaming it on bachelor biden, well, so-so, so-so, so-so , we have such a political life, very ugly, i would say, yes, sir professor, a very important question, if we were to approach it, it would be organic to ask you this question, i have the impression, i don't know how in the united states, you have the impression, i have the impression that in the ukrainian... mass media , and in those russian, so-called liberal ones that i watch, read, listen to, that biden is doomed, that trump will win, is it possible, knowing you and knowing that you know american life in america, if you could
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imagine six months before the election the results of these elections, how seriously can we today talk about the fact that this or that candidate will win the... president of the united states, have there been cases when in six months everything was already absolutely clarified and everyone was convinced that one or the other would win the election , please say no, of course not now it is absolutely impossible to make such predictions, those who make them simply, simply, well, i don't know , they are playing some kind of children's games, or they like it, well, it's simply impossible, because the elections are very far away, more than six months before the elections. now we have march, and the election, the election is in november , that is, it will be in 8 months, so many things will change during this time, how people will vote on november 5, absolutely no one knows now, and have there been cases, it
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has happened very rarely , well, that happened, well, for example, in in 1972, it was pretty clear that nixon would win the election because he was so popular. because he was then on the verge of ending the vietnam war, and ending the vietnam war, it was very popular in society, and reagan in 84 also, when he was running for a second term, he was very popular at that moment, and one could predict that he, he would most likely win the election without any problems. clinton, when he was running for a second term, he too... was quite popular and it is possible it was possible to make such forecasts, but in general , for such a long period of elections, it is simply not unreasonable to make forecasts, i would say that you should look somewhere starting from july or august at the polls in the swing states
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, then you can have some expectations, at least, when the states vote, then we will have some predictions about how the elections may end. and until july-august , just those who make forecasts, well, i don't know, it's like throwing a coin, the probability, the probability is the same. sir professor, and one more question, maybe even the last one, which i can't understand, and i think those who are watching can't understand either, when we talk about mr. trump and we talk about the nuclear electorate and so on and so forth, how don't count, it's 50, 60, 70, well... , if you have a very strong imagination, the population is, i don't know, 300 million, of which 200 million vote, and even then the question arises, why such, such a panic the anti-trumpists think that, oh,
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trump can win, well, well, 60-70 million out of 200, well, he definitely won’t win, and not so much is going in his favor in the international politics although certainly americans look more at domestic, what do you say? i will say that today it is possible to analyze two factors that can have a strong influence on how many votes trump can get in the elections. so, when there were republican elections in new hampshire recently, and then in south carolina, interesting things happened there, exit polls were held there, and voters leaving the polling stations were asked various questions, many questions at once. and it is interesting that, for example, primaries in new hampshire are open , that is, any non-party voters can participate in them, but if someone wanted to participate in
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the republican primaries, they came, voted, so it is interesting that in new hampshire, according to exit polls, only 30%, only 30% of non-partisan independent voters voted for trump in the primary, this is very little, so if he has such support among independent voters, then he will not be able to simply win the election, because he does not ... take enough votes, but in the south karolina is also interested in the results of the exit polls result: niki gehle lost the election in south carolina, but she received a little more than 30% of the vote, and there, interestingly, those who voted for her, when asked the question of the exit poll, 59% of them answered that they did not at all won't vote for trump in the election, and it shows that there is an opposition to trump among republican voters that is...i think it's actually stronger than it was before in the republican party, even though it's a minority
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that's going to get him, but it's is, and so trump may have trouble collecting even as many votes as he got last time, it was 74 million, biden got 81 million then, that is why it is not worth making predictions now, and trump, trump is not necessary at all, he can win the election, look, people, probably uh... some viewers, some journalists may draw conclusions based on the fact that trump is winning republican primaries in one state after another, well, he will continue to win them, because in the republican party , there are about 2/3 of the average republicans, they are the core of trump electorate, but their votes, if they are enough to win the republican nomination for president by a landslide, will certainly not be enough. to win the general national election in november. thank you very much, ihor eisenberg,
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a professor at the university, was in touch with us. thank you mr. igor for detailed answers to vague questions. now advertising, and then to transnistria, we will fly with you from america. there are 10% discounts on zіlor in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags are not for of my sick back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgiit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. the average price is uah 82. with muscle spasms, long-lasting anticonvulsant tablets. dolgit anticonvulsants to relax muscles and calves. there are discounts on pectelvan ivy. 10% in pharmacies for... bleeding and inflammation of the gums - my advice lakalot active lakalot active actively
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needs transnistria besides russia, besides the russian federation, because citizens ... transnistria mostly has romanian, moldovan and ukrainian passports and some russian passports, that is, if they had already renounced transnistria, they would receive a different citizenship, and their own citizenship, which means they do not value it so much, so it is very interesting to talk to specialists in this sense, in order to to understand what transnistria wants and whether it itself knows... transnistria knows what it wants, because this congress has a congress of all levels, deputies of all levels, they were all afraid of what they would say, accept us as a member of the russian federation, and then it turned out that
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help us, give money, well, being a member and wanting money are different things. although sometimes similar to each other. dmytro levus, political scientist, international expert on transnistria, if he appears now, i will ask him this question. good health, mr. dmytro, thank you for finding time for us. here is mine, it appeared, it appeared, yes, it is very important. who needs transnistria? i mean that when we look at the population, part of the population has ukrainian passports, part of the population has moldovan, part. the population has romanian, part of the population has russian, and then the question arises that the value in the transnistrian, transnistrian moldovan passport simply lacks this value, so this means that no one needs the territory and the people, people said about themselves, we do not want to live here, we want in romania, in moldova, in
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ukraine, in russia, somewhere, but not here, what do you say, oh, well, actually, you know, such people, by the way, also exist, i know, i still remember somewhere in the middle of the 2000s, and this is before things, i communicated there in transnistria directly in the ukrainian community, yes, for example, there as well there were people who said, my god, when will this end, why are we going to kill someone there, yes, that is, that happened too, but i heard this without directly there and that was it, another thing that... you listed these passports correctly, i will just add that there are, for example, about 2 thousand bulgarian passports, there is a village of parkany between teraspol and bendery, it is ethnic bulgarians, and i used to go there once every six months, at least before the bulgarian consul, and the younger generation
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also received bulgarian passports, and there are people who managed to get a few. and by and large, passports are often dense - they are a means of transportation, i have 220,000 russian passports, as russia calls them, yes, i think there are somewhere up to more than 100, 105 to 150 thousand ukrainian passports, 200 thousand moldovan ones, but you know, again, such a sufficiently revealing moment that who knows it? how much is the population there now, by and large, when the story began, there were 600,000, then i remember they talked about 450, how many now, well, it's hard to say, so... transnistria in the form it is, in such a gray area, first of all, it is needed directly by the leaders of this entity, this region,
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mr. vadym krasnoselsky, yes, that is, the sherif holding concern, why, because this status allows them, well, - first to parasitize on these uncertain certain things. although on the other hand, yes, let's be aware of the fact that the companies that are working are all registered in moldova, but what was the reason, or rather the reason that served as the fact that until now they were registered in terms of customs, yes preferential compared to enterprises in moldova, that is , yes, they... did not make these deductions, yes, and this is natural, which is also one of the elements of benefit, again, they were parasites on
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russian gas, yes, on russian gas, which, this big moldova 's debt is mainly the debt of transnistria, yes, that is, that's how it was made up, naturally, what they need, and it is also necessary for moscow, for russia, in order to, yes... who to be anchor and hold moldova, yes, that is, well, first of all, at one time, they, as they said that this, it did not allow moldova to go to unification there with romania, now they are talking about the fact that they are not even talking about it, and transnistria acts as such a destabilizing factor for moldova, because formally, absolutely moscow... by and large does not recognize independence, i by the way, i remember very well how in 2008, when moscow recognized the independence of the so-called
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abkhazia, south ossetia, how offended they were in the so-called foreign policy department of teraspol, who said, how is this happening cis-2, we have always been leading, we have our own here a successful economy. and we have our own money here, there is nothing in this abkhazia, south ossetia , moscow recognizes them, but we are so advanced, loyal, that’s why uh, and here this is, well this is so separate, yes such , a separate feature is this, this conflict is certain, so really , who needs it, directly needs the leadership of this region, by the way, precisely because of this in... they are in no hurry to die for russian peace, yes, that is, we, who are watching, they unequivocally yes, adepts of the russian world, yes, that is, great russia,
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there is the cult of severy and all these similar things that we see, but what for, and on the other hand, it is natural that it is one thing if the russian landing force landed in odessa, one thing if the russian tanks came up, and then this would also be possible... the russian russian group is close there there are 200 people who have united with the transnistrian power structures, where there are 10-15 thousand of them, well, it is difficult to say how many there are at the moment and how many they can mobilize, because now, when there was a threat of mobilization, the border is still there after all , it is not so strict, nor the front line, then many transnistrians fled and remembered about moldovan passports and fled to the territory of moldova. there was also such a moment then, the next question, look, mr. dmytro, is very simple and very difficult, it is simply the non-belligerence of the moldovan official authorities, because when
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you have two or 4 thousand so-called soldiers of the transnistrian moldavian republic standing against you, it is very easy to capture transnistria, in they will not go back to the rear, because ukraine is here. can meet very hospitably, they cannot move forward because there are few of them, simply because chisinau officially does not want to fight, and if is waiting for the circumstances to develop so that transnistria will fall into the hands of moldova simply by itself, well, i think that's how it is, and by the way, there is a certain logic in this too, yes, well, still, you know, here i say, there are 200 russians, that’s three... battalions and the transnistrian forces themselves and such a pro-russian vertical in the form of the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of state security, yes,
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that is , there... the sheriff’s power is not as broad as it could be to be, then there is moldova, i think, of course, that they do not want to start a war, yes, in terms of military strength somewhere roughly similar, and that's why it's hard to talk about success here, and that's why you know, i think that this logic in itself is, again, approximately. yes, it can be, because the results of the so-called referendum in 2006 are like that, after a similar one, as now there was a so-called congress of deputies of all levels, yes in teraspol, where a decision was made about this referendum, but with er, you know, for the time being, this appeal, which the congress of transnistrians adopted,
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is enough, well... uh, well, how about him how to read, yes, on the one hand, they appeal to russia with a request to establish and help relations with moldova there, then in other points they also mention the 5+2 format, which is dysfunctional, by the way, there is a statement from the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine in this regard, that russia is indeed an aggressor that they can be, and at one time in moscow, by the way, managed to impose on moldova and what they could not impose on ukraine in the eight years that moldova and transnistria are considered equal parties in the 5+2 negotiation format, and this is what they have always tried to impose on us from the dpr, the lpr, but there is also an absolutely logical position of ukraine, zelenskyi spoke about it, our ambassador to moldova march shevchenko spoke about it not so long ago, yes, that is, he.
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.. talked about the fact that we, well, really, this is the territory recognized by moldova, it is ukraine that cannot and does not intend to carry out any actions there as long as there is, yes, the position of moldova, well, ukraine again advocates that , so that there are absolutely no russian troops there, that the mission should be reformatted into a civilian one, of course they have. be warehouses in the sausage house, where approximately 20,000 tons of ammunition are under the control, by the way, of the russian, not transnistrian military, they must be disposed of or they must be dealt with, that is, this is the moment, that is, moscow has decided for the time being that this transnistria i'm like a gray area, well, it's probably also convenient for her
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in order to... put pressure on moldova in this way, and again, this is an example, so to speak, for example, for mr. dmitri, how pro-european, how pro we literally have pro-european forces for half a minute powerful in moldova itself, are we reliably keeping moldova in the pro-european fairway. politicians, you know, i have a very good question , why, because we really, when we see in the development of moldova, these problems really exist, that is, there is a clearly visible alternation of pro-russian forces when coming to power with pro-european ones, and so at the moment, this constant pressure from moldova, by the way, creates great inconvenience, because a referendum is planned on the accession to the pro... european
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integration of moldova, and this instability, she also works against sandu, the elections planned for the fall and against this, against the referendum, yes. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro levus, political scientist, international expert on transnistria, was in our program, now there will be news performed by ulyana panasyuk, and then there will be mykola veresen again, but now watch and... thank you mykola, about the consequences russian attacks on ukraine, i will tell you in detail, do not switch.


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