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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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to agree with the fact that ukrainian agricultural products are a threat precisely for the future participation of ukraine and poland in the european union, for poland it is a threat. ulyana panasiuk will now tell you about the news that happened during this hour, while she was not on the air, i was on the air. and i say goodbye until tomorrow, all the best. mrs. ulyana, you have the floor. 19th on the clock, more about the most important thing that happened today. under the rubble from
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the body of a mother with a three-month- old baby was found in a house in odesa. in general, the number of dead increased to seven. eight were injured people in particular, a pregnant woman and a three-year-old boy were injured, the state emergency service reported. one of the drones completely destroyed the entrance of a nine-story building. they continue to search for people under the rubble. and one person died because. artillery shelling of primorsky in zaporizhzhia, informed the head of the regional military administration , ivan fedorov. residential buildings were damaged in the village after the attack. the total number of defaced objects is currently being specified. and two women were wounded as a result of the shelling dnipropetrovsk region. the russians struck with artillery and drones in nikopol, as well as in marganetska and chervonogrigorivsky communities. this was reported by the head of the region , serhii lysak. as a result of the attack. 16
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private houses, 12 farm buildings, power lines and a gas pipeline were destroyed. a transport company and dozens of solar panels were also mutilated. meanwhile , 53 combat encounters with the enemy took place in the tavria direction during the day. our soldiers eliminated 336 occupiers and turned 38 into scrap units of military equipment. in particular, four tons of 12 combat armored vehicles, six artillery systems, four anti-aircraft vehicles, 10 vehicles and one unit of special equipment, said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr tarnavskyi. also, the armed forces destroyed 258 drones and three enemy ammunition depots. olaf scholz confirmed the authenticity of the audio recording of the german conversation published by russian propagandists. officers about ukraine. the chancellor
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of germany called the incident a serious leak and promised to provide an explanation - reported german edition of dpa. let me remind you that yesterday russian propagandists published an audio recording on the internet, where german servicemen discussed, in particular, enemy targets that ukraine could destroy with the help of taurus missiles. in particular , the crimean bridge is strategically important for the russian occupiers. what has been reported there is a very serious matter, and therefore we will conduct a very thorough investigation, very intensively and very quickly, it is necessary. the 15th passed, today the guardians of the sky landed another aircraft, - said air force commander mykola oleschuk in total, the guardians of the sky shot down 15 planes in 15 days. the occupiers suffered losses of more than 1 million 15. i note that the cost of the
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su-34 fighter is approximately 50 million dollars. there are twice as many su-35 bombers, and the a50 long-range aerial reconnaissance air command post attracted as much as 350 million. part of the kha-101 missile was discovered in a field in lviv region of vinnytsia. this was reported to the regional police as a result. falling debris of the rocket scattered in a radius of 200 m, the main part did not detonate, but it posed a threat. after examination of explosives destroyed the debris of the rocket. the ukrainian coat of arms, made from destroyed enemy equipment, was hidden in the safe in kherson. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the trident stood on the memorial as a hero of the heavenly hundred, quite often.
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russian shells were flying in, so for safety reasons the monument was temporarily removed. even at the stage of installation of the structure, when gokkars workers were carrying out welding work, a drone was hanging over it, after that the enemy began to target this perimeter of the park. shelling was conducted several times, so we accepted the decision to temporarily move the monument. there is no betrayal in this, because first of all it was done for the safety of the residents of the surrounding houses, as well as in order to preserve it for the people of kherson. who will later return to their hometown . a record number of evaders: 13 violators were detained by border guards during the day. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. and here are the details: ten men tried to make their way abroad,
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bypassing checkpoints. the other three were exposed in transcarpathia with forged documents about invalidity. lost both the car and the goods. a foreigner tried to illegally export 400 packs of cigarettes. this was reported in the western regional office of the border service. a citizen of romania arrived in his own car at the dyakivtsi checkpoint. in the floor of the car, border guards found duty-free cigarettes worth more than uah 28,000. in the end, the law enforcement officers confiscated not only the illegal goods, but also the car itself. dry cargo ship burimar, rubimar, sorry, which was attacked by the yemeni hosites, sank in the red sea. the ship was carrying 41 00 tons of chemical fertilizers. on satellite
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images, you can see a spot that stretches for a distance of 29 km, this is oil. meanwhile. specialists in warsaw discussed the situation on the ukrainian-polish border. diplomats, economists, representatives of large business associations from both countries took part in the event. maria chernyakhivska will tell how the participants perceived the polish prime minister's statement regarding the possibility of completely stopping trade in goods with ukraine. the polish-ukrainian border should remain open for goods, specialists from ukraine and poland are convinced of this. will win and closing the decision to close or a complete embargo of the ukrainian-polish border by the polish government will not be accepted, that the polish government will find options to
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satisfy the demands of polish peasants, farmers, not at the expense of closing the ukrainian-polish border. first of all , such a decision by poland will be a blow to ukraine, after all. now across the polish border, groups of goods from china, europe, and other countries, which are vital for the functioning of the ukrainian economy, travel by road, explains economist veronika movchan. and now black sea ports are operating at approximately the same level as before the war. that is, the issue of global grain, which will go through poland , does not exist at all now. but they go through poland for industrial goods for export, but the main thing... what happens when the border is blocked is actually not export, it's import. polish entrepreneurs will also feel the consequences of blocking the border, because no polish company left the ukrainian market during the full-scale war - says the president of the polish-ukrainian chamber of commerce, jatsyk pihota. the specialist does not understand such statements
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of the polish government and explains why, including figures. this is a life-giving artery for ukraine. how can you generally block the movement of goods, products for industry? on the contrary, what right do we have to block the border , everything goes from the east through this border, and for carriers that support the ukrainian economy, that implement orders from polish companies that manufacture something in ukraine, we earn from this cooperation with ukraine, last year we will close with 12 billion euros in the field of exports to ukraine, from ukraine to poland, that's 4 billion. problems in the field of agriculture polish economies have existed for many years, explains mr. pihota, and it will not work to connect all of them with the war in ukraine. it was necessary to work on this for the last 10 years, in particular by creating a special group of government officials of both countries, but no effective steps were taken in this direction - the expert believes. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk,
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for espresso tv channel from poland. and finally about the dramatic rescue. as a result of the accident on the clark memorial bridge in kentucky. three cars collided. one of of trucks flew off the bridge, but miraculously caught on to the guardrail and hung over the river. the driver was trapped in the cab. the rescuers had to use a store. with his help they dragged the poor man to the bridge. you can always find more news on the website, my colleagues work there around the clock. the most important information is summarized in the telegram channel of espressoo tv and in social networks, facebook, instagram and twitter. become our readers and stay with the ukrainian view of the world.
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greetings, friends, the saturday political club is on the air khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, we are talking about the most important events of today. we go on the air at exactly those minutes when the demolition of rubble after the night attack continues in odesa. from the crimean side, they attacked with drones tikhpov mines, it is already known about seven dead, among them two children, well , in parallel with this, the air force command and commander mykola olyschuk report on a successful, yet another successful exercise in the sky in the east, minus one more russian fighter, this time su-34, and it is already a little difficult to count how many the last... period of time the corresponding planes were shot down, we will definitely talk about this, as well as about the situation
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related to hostilities in general. dmytro snigirov, a political scientist and military analyst, is in touch with us. congratulations, mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, congratulations. congratulations, mr. dmytro. well, what is happening in odesa, it is really necessary to draw the same conclusion as the president, who says that it is necessary to have more air defense systems. or, after all , a different tactic is needed here, given what it is i think it's the first time that a drone. caused such terrible destruction, well, in any case , the air defense system needs to be strengthened, the same drones are shot down by air defense systems of a short or medium range, accordingly, the possibility of neutralizing them will directly depend, first of all, on the ability of the ukrainian air defense system, and it is related , unfortunately, with the supply of relevant systems from the western countries, in relation to the su-30. four, it's enough to count them, well, it's easy. 14 were
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shot down by the armed forces of ukraine in the last month. it's worth it to talk about the fact that the occupying country can currently produce up to six aircraft per year, that is, in fact, in a month, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed, let's say, a two-year supply of these bombers, which were produced in recent years by the russian military-industrial complex. these are serious, extremely serious indicators of the work of the ukrainian popu system. actually, some foreign observers assume that ukraine is now betting on the use, perhaps of the latest models, of those missiles that are needed to shoot down enemy objects above our sky, in order to eliminate as many russian fighters as possible on the line of combat. we don't know if it's... yes, but less , unfortunately,
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it has little effect on the number of drops of guided air bombs on the lbz, literally on february 29, and we have 152 drops, that is , there are fewer fighters, but there are no fewer cabs , and even more, what is it connected with? well, first of all, let's refute white's information about the fact that we are almost using the last missiles, i will remind you, after the last large-scale missile attack on the territory of ukraine, which is ... a month the government of great britain announced that it is allocating hundreds of additional missiles to air defense systems, hundreds, therefore , such information in the western media should be treated critically, and this is not only about the build, but according to the latest information of the new york times and other western tabloids regarding the number of cabs, let's talk about the fact that at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the russian occupation army had about 140 sutras. only of this modification, which are working on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, precisely with
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using cabs. during the two years of the full-scale invasion , about 40 of these aircraft were destroyed, that is , there is still a sufficient amount of aviation equipment to strike the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. but, mr. khrystyna, i would like to note that it is also about changing the tactics of actions of the armed forces of ukraine. so, what does this indicate that the air defense forces and the patriots began to transfer air defense equipment directly to the line of battle, which had not happened before, and it is worth noting that... this tactic is already showing its signs, after the destruction of another a50, this is a long-range radar detection aircraft, the number of their sorties has actually decreased to zero, because there are only six of them left for the entire territory of the russian empire, this is an indicator. and tell me, please, how do you feel about today
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's text in the new york times that the ukrainians, unlike the russians, have... facilities, which causes possible serious problems specifically with the defense of the russian armed forces at the front in avdiivka district. and i treat this information more than, let's say, objectively. it is said that even the review by the ministry of defense of great britain, we do not even take the scoreboard and where is the latest review by the ministry of defense of great britain regarding the events in the avdiivka region, i quote in the original language. the armed forces of ukraine have fewer fixed well-defended positions. accordingly, a question arises for shmyhal and his government. you reported on the successful nature of the creation of engineering and fortification structures in the donetsk region, and even more so. shmigal himself was in the donetsk region and reported on his availability
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engineering and fortification structures of the ukrainian line, let's call it the shmegal line. and where is she? why? the occupiers currently have tactical successes after the capture of avdiyivka and the subsequent advance into the depths of ukrainian territory, the capture of the ukrainian settlements of lastochkina and stpv. more than enough questions. we were convinced for five months that engineering and fortification structures were being erected on an emergency basis. instead, practice proved the exact opposite. this, despite the fact that the line where the armed forces of ukraine withdrew, taking into account the landscape of the area, and natural water bodies there, gave every chance to hold this line of defense, to prevent the occupiers from advancing deep into ukrainian territories. mr. dmytro, today the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi, noted that some brigade commanders will be replaced with communications with
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a large, large number of questions that he has accumulated for them. i have a question of the next plan: who instead? that is, we are in a situation where we have highly valued personnel of a similar plan, and do we have them who will replace the active brigade commanders, how does it all happen from a military point of view? ms. khrystyna, i hope that there is someone to replace her, actually, but continuing the topic, i would like to note that the change took place not only in one good person. changed 16 generals, i hope that they give themselves accordingly, well, that is, they understand similar consequences when a team of professionals changes, and accordingly, if they moved to the purge already in the grassroots, well, this is not a grassroots combirig, but a higher officer corps, but already at the level
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combrigs, then there is a question, it is connected with a political component, or indeed. the situation requires immediate personnel decisions , in my opinion, i emphasize once again, attacks on bicombrigs in the complete absence of engineering and fortification facilities look inappropriate, to say the least, and if we talk about what is currently happening in the supply of weapons to ukraine, in general, how do you perceive is this the french-german one? controversy, when germany accuses france of the fact that president macron spoke in vain about the possibility of the presence of troops, and france, in fact , almost openly accuses germany of undersupply of taurus, when president macron calls on other countries to intensify the supply of weapons to ukraine, we understand perfectly well what he is talking about. mr. vitaly , i take it completely calmly, because moreover,
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today there is a statement from the minister of foreign affairs of france about the fact that there are no differences between germany... france, because moreover, there are points of contact on 80% of all issues related to with ukraine. it is said that both france and germany are playing their game with the aim of lowering, i emphasize once again, that tension that exists around ukraine and, accordingly , possible scenarios of military confrontation with the russian federation. france, in turn , announces the possibility of sending a military contingent, everyone criticizes. france, but for some reason no one notices the statement of jen stoltenberg, respectively, the secretary general of nato, who stated that, yes, there will be no nato forces, in the sense of the collective. forces, but this does not exclude the presence on the territory of ukraine of an armed contingent of a separate nato country, provided that bilateral agreements are concluded, respectively
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agreements between ukraine, conditionally france, britain or germany. this is about france. germany, making statements about the impossibility of supplying the tauris, they conduct a lightning operation of the german special services with the aim of throwing. which leaked the conversations of high-ranking officials of the german air force, which were allegedly intercepted by the russians, where the russians are clearly given a possible scenario of the development of events, namely , striking the crimean bridge with the use of the same taures, respectively. a big hello to the russian special services, which believe that they made a lightning move at the moment of making these materials public. well, you are being a bit sarcastic about the russian special services, but nevertheless , a counteroffensive plan somehow ended up on the table of the russian federation even before this
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counteroffensive actually began, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about it, this was confirmed by the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov. i will quote him, i will not say more than the president, we had, let's say, information, evidence that the russian federation became aware of the plans, this serious problem, we are taking some measures. based on this, mr. dmitry, we still saw some counter-offensive, preparatory, at least actions, and the fact that we now control the robots, not that we have several performances along the line of combat, is this not a statement that the counteroffensive was indeed launched, it was launched under conditions when the russian federation already knew what exactly we could do, mrs. khrystyna, well... let's first of all consider the president's statements that the counteroffensive was successful, in particular, we are talking about the success of the armed forces of ukraine at sea, and this is a component of the general plan of the ukrainian
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counter-offensive, and the second question is about budanov’s actual competence, and here the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense before a possible leak of secret information, this is the sphere of activity of the security service of ukraine, which side is here ... the main intelligence agency, it comments on everything, from the moment the sun sets over ukraine, to correspondingly incomprehensible, apparently military operations on the territory of the russian federation. instead, he does not comment on the faery facts failures of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense during the battles for avdeivka, when the russians were preparing to break through the rear of the ukrainian group for several months, and there is talk of the use by the russians. system, and pumping out the water only took two months, engineering work was carried out under the noses of the eels, which took at least
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six months, not even a word. as a result, we see what we see, we were forced to leave the audiobook, now the stupid bezola comes out and talks about the repeated throws in the direction of the player due to the lack of defensive positions nearby. sichanska, i would also like to remind budanova and bezuglii, because i spoke with her at the time when they were transmitting information about the redeployment of russian engineering pontoon equipment near lisichansk, and the place of possible forcing and striking the rear of the ukrainian group was called. this information was made public by me, including on your tv channel, and passed on to the divorce society. three days passed, not even a word of reaction. in the end, we leave lischansk without a fight, because it turns out that the group broke up, respectively, the forcing of the river and the flank attack on the positions of the armed forces
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of ukraine, let them comment on this, and not open their mouths to the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, respectively. and tell me, do you still imagine that new offensive actions are possible this year. or the following from the side of ukraine, what is needed for this? mr. vitaly, i am a realist, and i see that at least until the month of may, we must keep the situation under control, prevent the occupiers from developing tactical success in donetsk region, with the main task of the occupiers during the spring period is an attempt to capture the entire territory of the donetsk region, only then, at the moment of stabilization of the front line, we can talk about the fact that... we created the prerequisites for the ukrainian counteroffensive and, accordingly , the russian offensive came to nothing, i have big questions , when i read the western press, which
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report: about the possibility of a russian offensive in the month of may, the offensive has not ended for a single day since october of last year, it is still continuing along the entire length of the ukrainian-russian front, it is 1200 km, it incompetence or an attempt to mislead ukrainian society? thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro, snegiv, a political scientist and military analyst, was on the air and we talked about the latest events on the... front, about the situation related to aid to ukraine, now we will break for literally a few minutes, but you stay with we have interesting dialogues ahead of us. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lacal active is an action that you feel immediately.
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states from 2010 to... year, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. good evening, glory to the heroes. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. so, let's start with the latest rankings that are now given by american publications, including the new york times, and there the former president of the united states donald trump is ahead of president joseph biden by five percentage points, 48 ​​to 43, but most importantly, what we know from these polls is that trump... is beating biden , according to these polls , in those key states that typically decide the fate of the american people. presidency, can it be considered that trump really has a better chance of winning the election today than his possible opponent, well i think it's too early to say that, yes, right now there is simply an advantage in seven of those key states that are always talked about , as such, which have
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important... importance in deciding the fate of the presidential chair in the united states, but there are a number of other circumstances that can make the weather different, well, first of all, now the whole of america is waiting for the decision of the supreme court regarding the decision of the state of colorado to remove ex-president trump from the lists in the primaries in this state, and we know that also the state of maine. recently adopted such a decision literally the state of illinois, that is , a lot will depend on the decision of the supreme court, so today there is an opinion that most likely the supreme court of the united states is not going to legally interfere in political matters, that is , the election of the president of the united states of america, but it comes out of the debate that was on the first day in the supreme court, what exactly will be
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decided. we will see what decision will be made.


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