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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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for armchairs in the united states, but there are a number of other circumstances that can make the weather different. well, first of all, uh, uh, right now, all of america is waiting for the supreme court's decision regarding the decision of the state of colorado to remove ex-president trump from the primary lists in that state, and we know that the state of maine has also made such a decision, and recently literally... that is , a lot will depend on the decision of the supreme court, so today there is an opinion that most likely the supreme court of the united states will not go to the point of legally interfering in political things, that is, the election of the president of the united states of america, but it comes out of the debate that was on the first day in the supreme court, what exactly will be decided, what will be decided, we will see.
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soon, perhaps, or maybe later , of course, it depends on whether trump will already be a guaranteed candidate for the presidential seat from the united states, from the republican party, or maybe nikki haley still has some chances, well, literally on march 5 in three days super tuesday should take place, which most states have to determine the fate of primaris from. democratic republican party, i understand that no matter what super tuesday is, the court decision you are talking about will be decisive, and the decision will be important, and if the supreme court imagines that if the supreme court becomes on the side of the colorado state court, then a situation will arise that perhaps a dozen or more states will also accept. relevant decisions to remove
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ex-president trump from the voting lists for these primaries, and then the situation can really change, but this super tuesday, he will in many ways solve the situation, and niki haley herself said that at least until holy tuesday , she will continue to participate in her attempts to become the only candidate for. of the republican party for the elections , and after that he will decide what to do next, and on the other hand, even if we imagine that trump will not be able to take part in the elections, this will not automatically in this case determine the presidential candidate from the republican party batch, it might just completely change the whole configuration, so yeah most likely not, of course, that a number of other candidates immediately appear, i think that a number of er other er... prominent persons
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of the republican party will want to take part in the race, then it will be a completely different country, but if today we are talking about ex- president trump and president biden, that's exactly what we're talking about, that the situation can change, well, let's imagine that they both participate, mr. alexander, so trump participates and biden participates, who do you think, well, that 's not the case you can of course ask, has more chances to win. mr. vitaly, very difficult task, you know, yes, you can say 49 to 51 and give preference to one of the candidates, but it's still hard to talk about it now, there are still many months before the election and a lot of water can still leak and a lot can change, so now you can guess more than anything dense, maybe some political scientists or commentators can do it to me as an exposlu. i think it doesn't
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work. mr. oleksandr, well, as for those negotiations that we observed for weeks until recently, which were related, it would seem, to certain concessions by the democrats on the border, and in the end, they demonstrate these concessions, the republicans are unhappy, it still does not lead to any votes for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, it turns out that it is not quite the us-mexico border. was the cornerstone, it looks like the aid to other countries from the united states is the real cornerstone that prevents the republicans from breathing easy, they are constantly trying to somehow find some options here, and there is one person whose decisions and actions, i think now depends even somewhat more than on donald trump and joseph biden, this is the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress. mr. johnson,
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it seems, to get together and show that you are a politician, to remain in history and possibly help defeat real world evil? it's something he could have done, but somehow staying in former president donald trump's orbit is what he's choosing so far. i don't know, i'm thinking of a boy's mind, maybe in a journalistic way, maybe you have thoughts on this , please. the thinking is, indeed, if mike johnson, the speaker of the house of commons, puts this aid package to a vote ukraine, israel and taiwan, this package will win, according to american experts. somewhere in the order of 280 votes, er, in order for a decision to be made, what 218, 219, 220 votes are needed, so of course that now everything depends on him, he is under the influence of ex-president trump, but also on
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he is being pressured by a small group of radical republicans in the house of representatives, the republicans, who are called... they are walking in the lane of ex-president trump, who are pressuring him and threatening him that if he brings the issue to a vote, he can to lose his seat, so he really has a difficult situation with mike johnson, but he should also take into account the fact that the majority of republicans in the house of representatives are unequivocally in favor of helping ukraine and that the fighter... help as soon as possible was decided by voting, in principle, there is another question here , in your opinion, what additional opportunities do you think president biden has to somehow come to an agreement with the congress, he is now meeting with the leaders of the congress all the time, what could this lead to? and here, you know, mr. vitali,
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it is a difficult question, whether president trump will be able to somehow come to an agreement, here it is, here it really is. the whole talk is about an internal political struggle in the context of the next presidential election, and here many factors have come together that affect the current situation and whether there will be in the near future, the vote on this package will be decided and a decision will be made or not, so obviously president biden may also have some additional elements of influence, let's say, yes, but the guarantees that they can definitely solve the issue too, i think no, that at the end of the day it all depends, as we were just talking about, on whether mike johnson puts the aid issue to a vote, that's his prerogative
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as speaker, and only he can decide that, mr. alexander, one more question, there is one more, one possibility. the so -called petition, here, but it is a very complicated, complicated thing, that is, it is meant to collect the votes of 218 members of the house of representatives who voted for aid to ukraine and thus resolve this issue, but here it is necessary to make a positive decision on this question, republicans took part first, well, democrats, well, it's very complicated. tion and taking into account that almost every member of the house of representatives has his own interests, which concern, in particular, the electoral district, the next elections, then this construction is very complicated, and it seems to me that it cannot
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work, at least in the current conditions. mr. oleksandr, a lot has been said about what toker carlson has done for putin. a lot actually, and maybe even with his interview, his presentation, someone prone to these types, fell in love with the russian president, but the fact is that upon his return, having actually justified in his brain, and perhaps even in his heart, the information he heard, he began to give a completely different feedback. and tell me, please, how american society reacts to this feedback, whether it is possible to conduct some kind of analysis here, well, even toker carlson. declares that what i heard is just nonsense, and putin is just justifying his attack on ukraine. well, it seems to me that he is a little, to be more precise, he meant this putin narrative about nazi ukraine, and here he
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said in this segment that this is not a dream, because there can be no nazism in 2024, well, but in general, he... understood, of course, that her interview turned out to be nothing , and actually not an interview, but his submission to putin, er, er. his, his effort to avoid any sharp questions that are typical for journalism, and actually he acted not as a journalist, but as a person who constantly putin there , well, if they gave him the opportunity to show what a great leader he is and everything else, secondly, after returning to america, he decided to make a little excuse, but and and and the interview with him... in quite a strong, strong correspondent, i will say yes, quite a strong
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strong person, and what i saw, ee carlson just er er er, if, saying , that it is not true about nazism in ukraine, at that time he repeated all russian narratives about ukraine and, in general, about the war against ukraine. that putin wants peace, and ukraine does not want peace, that nato provoked russia's attack on ukraine, that ukraine cannot win all in this war, and that he was very surprised that according to the ratings in terms of democracy, ukraine looks much better than russia, i even asked him several times if this is so and what, he said he does not completely agree with it, and he said that moscow is much better than new york and all the time. criticized america at the same time, well, licking the situation in russia, that is, in my opinion, he is a very person
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who has a very, very negative attitude towards ukraine, and for me this is really a big surprise, since after all he is an american, he passed it such a large practical school at fox news and has such a ... mentality regarding ukraine. tell me, sir oleksandr, as you generally see, in this situation now, with the help of ukraine, it is really possible to say that europe somehow intercepts the initiative in the united states, or is it forced to intercept? well, she is, if on the one hand, forced to see a real threat, and president macron has clearly said that russia cannot win this war. and who expressed the idea of ​​the need to send
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military forces to ukraine, let's say military forces from western countries, well , we know that this idea, although the first reaction some countries were, i would say so resolutely negative, but then eh, but not completely negative, they said maybe, like, that now is not the time and... more, but now four countries are already talking about it exactly like that what is needed, and i am sure that a big river of support for ukraine will come out of this stream, and therefore, yes, europe on the one hand understands that it is necessary and consciously considers increasing support for ukraine, and on the other hand, it understands that if it works with america there and then there will be a composition. solve this issue, then the whole burden will fall on the shoulders of europe, and that
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is also a necessity, but the fact is that europe is waking up, it seems to me that it has already woken up, and i see in the proposal, the ideas of president macron, a very important thing that will develop and that will undoubtedly be useful to us, will help us in the fight against in russian aggression is to win, to win, i understand, to push russia out of ukrainian territory. well, the head of the pentagon , lloyd austin, very interestingly formulated his vision and his reaction to what is happening, in particular now in europe, to macron's position, and canada, by the way, too interestingly, she noted that maybe someday we will consider the option that our special forces or some special... troops would be present in ukraine, in particular for the training of the ukrainian military, that is, this is a trend, and lloyd austin
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formulated it as follows: if ukraine loses, nato will fight with russia , and again, maybe this is a philosophy, but unfortunately, there is still no wording, if ukraine does not win, then nato will fight with russia, does this mean, well, it is so cursory that there is still no awareness, but what exactly will be a loss. of the russian federation, perhaps our victory in the war, even our partners? unfortunately, as far as i am concerned, i do not see that there is any clear strategy for... conciliation in the west, what does it mean for russia to lose the war and what does it mean for ukraine to win, that is clear , ukraine is entering its internationally recognized borders, in relation to russia, either there is a concept , it is also closed, it is not for publication , maybe it has already been formed, maybe it is kept behind, seven locks are imposed on
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it there, and no one can even get any information pull out for... the press, maybe it is, and if it is, then it is better, but if it is not, then it is very bad, but we need rather not, well, wording is also important, but rather we need help to make it exactly the way we need it, and that this mistake, when the western leaders themselves admit that the delay in helping ukraine with some types of weapons was 6 dashes of 12 months, so that such a ... we ask, at the time we ask and in the volumes we ask, then it will be real to talk about the fact that ukraine will really win and liberate its lands, in principle, will protect,
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in principle, if we talk about what is still connected now. in the united states with donald trump, do you think that his advisers can now also consider how the situation is changing in the russian-ukrainian war, and that they really have some real plan for how to settle this war, or is it just trump's words? i think they are planning, preparing and i think they are ee ee if ex-president trump wins. they are elections will have a plan, well, let's remember the previous situation, when the first time trump won the election, there was such, there was so much pessimism, and then it turned out that the situation changed a little along the way, that, well, first of all, trump
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gave us javelins, about that for now everyone says, secondly, he... moved europe there , sending a brigade, as far as i remember, to nato, to the european territories of nato, thirdly, and very importantly, he expelled 60 e, russian diplomats, read spies , and this decision was so difficult to make, but he made this decision, well and another important decision that was adopted, as we remember, pompeo's declaration, in which it is recorded in writing that the united states will never recognize crimea as russian. it's like that veles declaration that was made in 1942 about the baltic states, which stood the test of time, and eventually the baltic republics, ex-
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soviet, became independent states, so i think they have a plan, the only thing i ... me too, if i think that it's hard to predict today what the actions of the president, ex-president trump, will be if he is elected for this position, no one, well, if they don't see it clearly today, what is important for us is the support of america, of course we have to thank america for the great support it gave us and which allowed us to endure, we have to work further from america. and for her to continue this help, because without her, without her help, it will be much more difficult for us, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr motsyk, we had a call with the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, and now we will talk about what takes place in to moldova with mariana prysiazhniuk, a graduate student journalist at the university of bucharest, congratulations mrs. mariana, good day,
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well, there was such a sensational story with this congress of people's deputies. in the independent transnistrian republic of moldova, there was even talk that russia was preparing to join this region, which has long been controlled by moscow since the late 80s, early 90s, one might say, but it seemed strange to me that the people who commented on these events , believed that the issue of annexation could be resolved in 24 hours, because we have the experience of crimea and know that this is not the case, that is not how everything is decided in one day, as it was... as it was commented on, but what did moscow and teraspol really achieve by holding this congress? thank you for your remark, i think it is very apt, and it seems to me , first of all, that if ... the president of russia wanted to annex the territory of moldova, this is the least he would expect, some real appeal from representatives, conditionally some there , an enclave,
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some kind of quasi-republic, it would be some kind of special operation mongoose, and we would have long ago saw some recorded videos, well, i 'm speaking so figuratively on telegrams, and this would have happened a long time ago, as for transnistria itself, it seems to me that for them... as for such an economic enclave, well , in fact, a black hole. in fact, these are very dark times, and they themselves do not even realize how dark they are, because in fact they do not have very many alternatives and there is not much time left to implement certain two or three scenarios with the maximum benefit for themselves, because ukraine has already announced to stop is considering the possibility of stopping gas transit altogether. its territory, and this is in fact the only condition for the existence of such a safe for transnistrian quasi-elite, and in fact there is a year left, on the other hand, for the interest
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of moscow, this is, of course, first of all a story about the elections in moldova, about the re-election of pro-european forces, well in first of all, this is about the re-election of maisandu, which her party is counting on, because this is also a problematic sector, because apart from... her party's action and solidarity, which will put her forward as a candidate, well in fact, there are no pro-european alternatives , and these are also certain challenges for chisinau in this regard, that is why these are such elements of destabilization directed at this very story in order to discredit kishenev's power as much as possible, that it does not cope with reintegration, sabotages the negotiation process, does not cope with economic regulation, energy regulation, etc., but there is also an interesting element of gagauzia, because it is an autonomy within the republic of moldova, and separatism in gagauzia, in my opinion, is even more
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dangerous, because it is a legal autonomy, which enjoys the rights of autonomy, has the right to resolve certain issues locally, but this is all nonsense, it is not used to, for example, develop the gsu cult, culture, develop and nurture the gsu. language, and they use it in order to foster russian peace, that's why and on legal grounds, in fact, that's why it's even more dangerous, well, to draw the line briefly, i think that for transnistria, well, for gagauzia such an appendage of separatism at the level of ideas, this is somewhere around 2004-2005, when both sides and in ukraine should have there will be elections, in fact, and in moldova a pro-european government should be elected, well, this method of theirs, on which the so-called transnistrian identity is based, about the blockade, about the unification of moldova with romania, and about
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the demonization of ukraine there, well, that is all this comes to life, well, and becomes real as their policy, which they use for, including for relations with russia, that is, the arrival of yevgenia hagruzi, the head of the party, in moscow. hutzol, this is not a coincidence, but just such a systematic destabilization work? i think not, because what else since the time of the transnistrian war, the gagauz quasi-military forces and political organizations that were organized at that time, they always had a certain cooperation with the transnistrian separatists, all this was fueled by moscow, all this was also fueled at the level of... some personal contacts, and here, for example, such an interesting moment, which we noticed with colleagues, at the so-called congress of transnistrian deputies, was noticed by the representative of gagauzia, ivan burgudzhi.
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this is a very interesting historical figure, without an understatement, because he is, from the point of view of the gogaus, their national hero, who stood at the origins of this republic, which lasted for four years, from the point of view of moldovan law, he is ... a truly separatist character who still continues to participate in very questionable stories, well, as the father of the congress of transnistrian deputies, but borgudzhi was not only the founder of this movement, the national movement of the gagauz, if i am not mistaken, he also assembled the gagauzian guard, that is , the military organizations of the gagauz, which took participation in military clashes with chisinau in 1994. therefore, all these personal connections are simply the end of the story that continued, began in the late 1980s, unfolded as much as possible in 1992, 1994.
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well, now this is another twist in inter-political cycles. ugh. well, that is, we can assume that if moldova agreed to certain economic steps towards the unrecognized transnistria, there were certain economic ties between moldova and the so-called pmr all these years. no appeal for economic measures, protection towards the russian federation could... and not be on the other hand, lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation , uses the term "moldovan regime" in his rhetoric. we can assume and roughly understand what the pmr wants, but what does the russian federation actually want from this story? for the russian federation, on the one hand , it can also be a story about the elections, in order to operationalize the moldovan map in a certain way in order to start, well... it already
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started in principle with putin's speech to the federal assembly, but actually such an international geopolitical dimension, which lies in narrative about the unification of the post-soviet space, i think that this could be one of the assumptions, secondly, of course, the arsenal of weapons that is located on the territory of occupied transnistria, many experts assess these opportunities for ukraine as such that could b... to change the positions at the front in our favor and because of and because of the hunger for ammunition and because of the fact that there is a lot of ammunition for soviet weapons, for soviet artillery, which there are countries too unable to supply, and this could help ukraine a lot and actually change the schedule on the battlefield of the battle that we have, well and eh... another such,
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another assumption - this is, of course, the destabilization of the republic of moldova, as an ally of ukraine, it is also important for russia, because transit routes also pass through the territory of moldova , by the way, the territory of occupied transnistria, including the transit routes that also help ukraine a lot, so it is a complex story, and despite the fact that the republic of moldova in many respects does not overdo it, does not play up its politics... rhetoric yes, if that was enough be, if we are talking about real solidarity between good-neighborly, within the framework of good-neighborly relations between countries, sanctions, for example, and so on, but still turning moldova finally in the direction of pro-russian influence, this would greatly help russia, because it would also isolate ukraine , and because to create something similar to what we have on the border with poland, i think that if
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they got uh... a positive effect from all their actions in transnistria, then it could still be. and you can explain what are the real capabilities of the russian army, which located on the territory of the transnistrian moldavian republic, the so-called? there is also a russian army there, it consists of russian citizens and local residents, but it exists there. what can she really do? i think this is a risk that existed, exists and will exist for a long time, within the framework of what we have. because this is the contingent we have on our borders first of all. according to various estimates, up to 20,000 military personnel are stationed there, all of them are controlled without exception by the russian federation, starting with the military ogrv, this is the force in which there was the reformed 14th army of the soviet union , which fought against moldova in 1992, then the peacekeeping forces, which were formed as a result of the peace treaty between
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khishnev and moscow, and... the so-called transnistrian army, which has the largest number number, but still it is under the control of the russian federation, because according to various estimates of officials, both chisinau and western intelligence, as well as journalistic studies, in principle the power block, the mgb, the army, everything that concerns of the so-called defense, it's all under moscow's control, without without... with exception, regarding their combat capability, well, it's difficult for me to say, it's difficult for me to give such assessments, regarding their combat capability, to be honest, but it seems to me that armed people can to do harm in any case, especially if they are scared, so on the border with ukraine, of course, it creates certain risks, and already in april last year...


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