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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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then there are the peacekeeping forces, which were formed as a result of the peace treaty between khishnev and moscow, and the so-called transnistrian army, which has the largest number in terms of numbers, but is still under the control of the russian federation, because according to various estimates of officials , both pocket and western intelligence, and according to journalistic research, in principle , the power block of the mgb. the army, everything related to the so-called defense, it is all under the control of moscow without exception. of their combat capability, well, it's hard for me to say , it's hard for me to give such assessments, regarding their combat capability, to be honest, but it seems to me that armed people can do damage in any case, especially if they are scared, so on the border with ukraine, this , of course, creates certain risks, and already in april of last year... the day before last, after
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the start of a full-scale invasion, we have already seen a series of provocations that were directed precisely by the efforts of such a contingent , including who it is, it does not matter, but they can can and have experience in such events, in holding such events, in deploying provocations and against ukraine, and certain information campaigns, and events on the territory of ukraine, because and... in odesa on may 2 and 2, the infamous were involved and provocateurs from transnistria, and the same 2004 that i mentioned, before viktor yanukovych came to power, there were also meetings of provocateurs who considered the possibility of leading their people there on the territory of ukraine in the event that the constitutional court did not recognize would yanukovych, that is, all these things.
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there are accumulated in the institutional memory, if you can say so , and if they cannot leave like armies, then they can do a lot of damage in the format of such provocations, well, in fact, just the mechanics of the process are very interesting, how the russian federation will be able to support even suppose that group, which may now be active in the so-called pmr, it is clear that in the spring of 2020 they were making certain plans regarding this one. territory and in relation to us with the application of that territory, on the other hand we understand that now the situation in this part of the map is generally more in our favor, we were finally able to get involved, get the support of our neighbors and partners in the black sea area, firstly, we carry out civil shipping and provide it with the defense forces of ukraine, but at the same time we understand , that this can
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be avoided by unlocking some of the precautionary measures that we need at this point, in order to prevent any pmr army from entering the odesa region, conditionally speaking, do you see such a threat, that is, that we now actually we are trying to clear the waters of the black sea in this part and so on, will russia not take advantage of this? i think it fits into the regional security strategy, but still a little goes beyond the scope of the topic we are discussing, regarding separatism in transnistria, i can only share with you here my thoughts on the participation of foreign partners in this matter, for example, before the congress of transnistrian deputies, there was a whole contingent of very interesting meetings, for example, the representative of the state department, christopher smith, attended. poly
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met with the leader of the teraspol regime , vadym krasnoselsky, then after the congress, the ambassador of great britain visited teraspol, before that there was also the extraordinary ambassador of ukraine, mr. paun ragovey, that is, a whole series of historical meetings, and all these participants of these meetings spoke, for example , emphasized about the floor. to the 5+2 format , within which, for example, negotiations are taking place, but such a very interesting nuance was added that one plus one would also suit everyone, that is, i think that the situation will to unfold in the direction of negotiations between teraspol and chisinau, somewhere there maybe next to each other, excuse me, a representative of the state department, mr. smith, will stand and quietly observe this process, and of course teraspol wants... guarantees, teraspol wants
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to preserve its capital, teraspol wants to withdraw money and continue safely, to ensure existence for some relatives, that is, because... the end of this story seems very close, thank you, thank you, ms. mariana, mariana prysiazhnyuk, journalist, graduate student of muharedi university, we have was on the air, we will now take a break for just a couple of minutes, but you stay with me for another hour of conversation, and what do you think about lakalut fix, it reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, and even particles of food. do not get under the prosthesis and the price is good, the right choice for my pension. lacalut fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so your choice is laut fix. meet the new product, a profitable package of 70 g. there are 15% discounts on karsil
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survey, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 pm to 10 pm . of the special transport service, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our division. thank you, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, continues. saturday political club khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, for the next hour mr. vitaliy and i will talk about the most important events of this week, and i will probably start with two such extreme events and statements. on the one hand , putin traditionally addressed the federal assembly
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and once again threatened the west with nuclear weapons, promised that sarmat will be demonstrated at a later date, there is nothing new here, it would seem, but here at the other pole, among our westerners... as far as i am concerned, there are really completely new things, this is an assumption of the probability that on the territory of our country in confrontation with the russian federation may become a contingent soldier of nato, and here we have our own edition of lemonde french says that in this way the west is trying to raise the stakes, it is brave in this situation, i also believe that the west is trying to raise the stakes, by the way the chronology was initially this statement by the president... such speeches are written , i can tell you absolutely responsibly that throughout the night between macron's speech and putin's statement, putin's speechwriters revised the text of his
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speech, because as you understand, in this speech, which was prepared for several months in a row, as they work on the message to putinats. moreover, they don’t even happen every year now, so it’s serious work, a huge number of people sit, give references, give numbers, then people write it all down, then they consult with by various departments, coordinate with various ministers, and here, when everything is actually in the ointment, as they say, when the chief just needs to go to the podium and read this brilliant text, it turns out that the state... a new situation appeared, which you can't help but react, and this is the whole text, it's big, huh, plus there is a text that is distributed to the members of the federal assembly and the ministers who meet there, by the way, they always match , no, there is a larger text in terms of volume, so all
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this need to be revised, reprinted, because that text is distributed like this, as a rule, even i don’t know, maybe it is distributed electronically now, but i don’t believe it, because these people... a lot, because imagine how many members of the federation council, deputies of the state duma, members of the cabinet of ministers, every person who... will be invited must receive a document, which means that it was just like that, everything was a mess, putin must have been furious there, running around the cabinet, saying that this macron could not wait, and i i think that macron also understood what he was doing, that it was not just a statement after the meeting in elysee palace, and this was a statement before putin's meeting, and before putin would create a serious problem, because if we... i think, if we analyze all this, it's not just a rate hike, it's also a fight for leadership , look at how real events are developing
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, a whole bunch of western leaders are gathering in kyiv, who are coming here for the second anniversary of the invasion, and the main star of this whole story, the prime minister of italy, george meleni, who at the same time heads the list of the right. in the elections to the federal federal to the european parliament, to the european parliament, and at the same time she chairs the meetings of the group of seven now, and she holds such a meeting in a virtual order, so that the group of seven clearly said that it will continue to help ukraine, that the russian assets will not be unblocked until the end of the war, everything these are very important statements, the president of france is not there, he is in the countryside. exhibition, and the french side says, this is what we wanted, we were ready
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a day earlier and a day later, but for some reason she chose the exact day when he agricultural exhibition, then the person comes back from the agricultural exhibition and gathers other leaders in the elysée palace, well some of them were at the meeting of the group of seven, jakofoltz, uh, some were not, of course, because they are not included in this group. and as if this is just another meeting in support of ukraine just in paris, and after this meeting , macron makes a statement, after which no one remembers the meeting held in kyiv by george meleni. moreover, giorgi melena herself is not at the meeting in paris. ugh. there there are no italian representatives at all. as an experienced politician, she understands what macron is doing to her. well, olaf scholz is forced to be there, and there, and there, and there, he doesn't like it. this one, because maloney is the first person there, and macron is the first person there, and meanwhile
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the biggest aid comes from germany, and scholz can’t stand it, he says, but you could at least send more weapons, by the way, i don’t know, you know that before the meeting in the elysee palace, journalists asked macron's advisers, and why, of course, this meeting is not in berlin, you can explain to us yourself french journalists. well, it is true, france is very seriously helping ukraine, but germany is more, but president macron is not only talking about the possibility of troops, he is talking about the fact that other countries should help more germany, more ukraine, meaning germany as well , that is, in fact, it is about the fact that macron is the leader of the process, and indeed, if you are the leader of the process, you are simply obliged
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to raise the stakes, and how can you raise the stakes in this situation. such a statement, of course, you can't even imagine, khrystyna, what kind of emotional reaction she causes in the kremlin, because in moscow since 2014, she adheres to one important thesis, nato soldiers on the territory. this will mean war for ukraine. and by the way, they kept western countries from more active assistance to ukraine in 2014 and from more active participation in the process, because they clearly told them: do what you want, but if there is even one nato soldier on the territory of ukraine, there will be a war . but the war started without any nato soldiers. that's the trick. that is, they deceived them, because western countries. adhered to the idea that they , let's say, do not cross red lines so that
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there is no war, they did not cross, but russia did, and now the question arises, why can't they go further, if russia is deceiving them in the gentlemen's agreements that they in principle, they agreed then, well , macron went further than other western leaders, this of course caused, i would say serious problems, now many say that in fact macron wanted to create a situation of strategic uncertainty. a-a showed a split in to the western world, maybe, but there is still a situation of tragic uncertainty, because you understand when the federal chancellor of germany says that... not a single bundeswehr soldier will be on the territory of ukraine, this is his point of view as the federal chancellor of germany, when the secretary general of nato says that there will be no nato troops in ukraine, this is his point of view and that of the secretary general of nato, nato troops do not exist at all, well, yes, they are the troops of countries, these are the troops of countries, and if the president of france says that it is possible, it means that french troops can be, and
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that is enough, for this it is not necessary that everyone agrees, if the french president says that it is, ... the prime minister of estonia says that it is not, it is not excluded, but the minister of foreign affairs lithuania says that yes, we welcome this statement, then several western countries are already emerging that can join their efforts, and for this they absolutely do not need other nato countries to agree with them, as was the case during all of nato operations, if you remember there, when there was an operation against the milosevic regime, then there are only one participated, and others did not participate, yes, well, they just said, well, you and we. horation of nato , we support it, but we do not, we do not take part, well, do not take and do not take, such a thing, so here, it is very much a thing, i would say, conditionally reassuring for the russians that the split took place, no, it took place the fact that the countries that have appeared are ready for the participation of their military personnel in the war, they all say with one voice, it is not a question of war, it is
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a question of the fact that we can help the armed forces of ukraine, that we can train them. what can we do demining, yes, it is, as the french prime minister gabriel atal said, but these are all combat tasks in any case, this is not, no, not a clash, but this is the performance of the army, its direct function as an army, the army is not must enter into a clash with another army, it can perform various tasks, and instructing servicemen of other armed forces is part of military work, demining is part of military work. absolutely, well, when they say this, it means that they do not give up their ideas, then look, when macron made this statement, many believed that it was just an impromptu, uh, after the meeting at the elysée palace, to give, so to speak, an edge to the meeting itself, which did not, if not decide, make public any concrete
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things, by the way, because this meeting, we forget about that too, it was behind closed doors, and... they specifically said that they would not comment on it in substance, they would not report on her actual decisions, and it was a closed meeting without such a video connection, the president of ukraine, by the way, was not there, he spoke via video link, he just gave a speech in front of them and then they consulted among themselves, and when everyone says that moscow knows everything about it, because the prime minister was there slovakia's robert fice, well, what happened, the prime minister of slovakia has military enterprises working, which are now being created for him. the economy in which he is interested in order to gain power, he will not close these enterprises with his own hands, therefore those who think so do not know him well, and so on, so there was a statement, there were comments that he just said a beautiful phrase, and then one confirmation after another began, the french minister of foreign affairs
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stephane sechuer spoke, the prime minister gabriel atal macronska spoke. said that he made a calculated statement that this is not an impromptu, then he is going to meet with the leaders of the political parties of france, this becomes part of the political activity on the eve of the european parliament elections, you saw this controversy between gabriel athalie and marine le pen in the national teams when when he said there are no french troops in ukraine to listen, and russian troops are already in france, these are your troops, ms. lipin, this is an unprecedentedly sharp statement, no one has ever said anything like that. and this also suggests to a certain extent that many have already decided that it is enough to engage in diplomatic equivocations when it comes to people who are essentially opposed to the national security of their own countries, uh, so that there is no such thing, and who are also supported by a huge the number of voters, you understand, that is, once again ukraine is now becoming an object, in fact, a catalyst, so in certain election processes
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unfortunately, this is not happening in the whole of europe when we are talking about elections. the processes of individual countries, then we will definitely mention poland, but i want to ask you a question, this is a possible split in the western world, scholz, macron, maloni, how will they share this pie, yes, relatively speaking, is it good for us or bad, this healthy competition of european leaders, countries, leaders to help us in any way, as much as possible, i think that competition is good. and then how can these people not compete? scholz is one of the leaders of the european left, they were gathering , i think, today with their pre-election manifesto, they want to win the elections, they need... additional votes in the european parliament, they don't have many heads of government and the main figures are the prime minister of spain pedro sánchez and german federal chancellor
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olaf scholz, because these are the largest countries of the european union , which are led by left-wing leaders, are centrists, their leader is emmanuel macron, in fact it is a completely different political force, which is in the center of the spectrum, so to speak. and they also need to prove their significance, all the more so. the part that supports ukraine, this camp is headed by george meledi, and she still has to fight with those right-wing radicals, because these are two camps, that is, who support russia, and the representatives of this second camp, part of her coalition in italy, and they will fight with her in the elections to the european parliament, they do not go there together, they go in different groups. so she needs to fight with the leftists, her own, who look at scholz, with the centrists, her own with the democratic party, let's say, who look
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on the democratic party, this is the left, there are centrists who look in the direction of macron, well , here is the landscape, that is, you are talking about people who gather in the same room, but they all represent different political forces of opponents in europe with completely different baht. of europe itself, it is not the same, not only in melon and macron, but also in macron and scholz, and in the matter of ukraine, it also looks different now, plus remember that france, again, unlike italy, unlike from germany, it is a country that is part of the group victors in the second world war, and it is a nuclear power, that is why it is a member of the security council, that is why france, and italy, germany are not, because they were. in another part of europe, then on the other side of the barricade, and this all immediately begins to show when
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the discussion of fundamental issues begins, weight, not that no one is saying now, you know, you lost the war, we won, no one in europe speaks in such categories, but in any case, macron is the head of a nuclear state, and scholz and maloney are not, and the position of poland is also very important, you about it mentioned, but you understand that poland must the factor that will have to be determined in one way or another in which group of countries, from the point of view of attitude to the situation, poland is going to enter, because from poland's position on the ukrainian conflict, it depends on whether poland will be part of the triangle that will one way or another determine the direction of the european union, uh, or italy, we are talking about the future of poland in general, well, what is meant. in the past there were three largest countries in the european union, which in one way or another were among themselves could talk about trends, which were then offered to others, simply from the point of view of the weight
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of economies, population and seats in the european parliament and so on and so forth, these were france, germany and great britain, now great britain is gone, and it is obvious that its place someone has to fill this conditional triumvirate, it is vacant, and we are now talking all the time. about france and germany, but this cannot happen forever, so some country will take this place, but it cannot be a quadrilateral, uh, so from someone who plays this party correctly now, it depends on which country will be the most authoritative in the europe of the future next to france and germany, poland or italy, and by and large george meleni, who represents the right radicals and donald tusk, who represents the centrists and is thus connected with '. right-wing centrists, they are now essentially competitors in this great geopolitical game, this must also be remembered, and therefore there, when on
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the one hand president andrzej duda was at the meeting in the elysee palace, and on the other hand, all poles, now all the polish elite will have to decide how to handle this situation in the situation of the polish-ukrainian crisis, that is, it is so very, but we are talking about... about the fact that these are not, as it were, simply a question of helping ukraine, no , this is a question of the world order for the next ten years , they are now being resolved in this way, well, with regard to poland, they have already noted that they will help ukraine with weapons, as much as is needed , but no, not with people, let's say this, that is, they are now choosing a more balanced position for themselves on unlike other colleagues in the european union, and not only in it, but you know, you and i are talking about which... games now and what the schedules may be at the time that someone takes and does, the czech republic to for example, just recently we discussed the question of peter's idea.
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spared a person with a fairly powerful military background to find 800,000 shells for ukraine, 155 and 122 calibers there, well, that is, it is a nato caliber, it is not some super soviet warehouse with 152 millimeters, but less, but even now we will receive information that in the near future, the defense forces of ukraine may receive at their disposal the first revenues from this package and 50% of all the money needed for these 800 thousand weapons... european countries do not have these weapons in their warehouses, which means that it is necessary to negotiate with some countries that can sell these weapons for money, these countries can be in good relations with the russian federation, or in normal neutral relations, if
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the americans negotiate with them. or the british, as you understand, it will all be immediately noticeable at the very first stage of the negotiations, the resident who sits in the russian embassy, ​​uh, the foreign intelligence service, will run after this american visitor, literally through all the streets, there, i don’t know, whether in an asian or african city, to take pictures, the very representatives of the military-industrial complex of these ... may be afraid to negotiate with the americans or with the british or even with the french, especially in africa, a czech, say, negotiator comes here, well, a russian resident will not pay attention to any czech negotiator, it is not for him, so what, some czech came to our, well,
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it's not our... headquarters, they need something there, buy some howitzer, the representatives of this country will calmly talk to the representative of the czech republic, this is the strength of the middle countries, they can be unnoticed until the moment how the signature will be placed and the cargo will be freighted, and after that you can talk about it completely calmly, ugh, that's why this is an advantage. let's say, the czech republic, is this the advantage of hungary, viktor orbán, when now our border with poland is blocked, and a huge the amount of cargo goes through hungary, and new checkpoints are opened, and there are many things that we see now, there is equipment, that's all that remains on the shelves of our supermarkets, shops, what does not go
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through... the polish border, he is crossing the hungarian border, at the same time orbán is calling for negotiations there, telling the western countries that you are creating conditions when it is impossible to agree on peace, but by and large hungary is now helping ukraine not to find itself in a difficult economic situation, this reality, well, this is again an advantage of a country like hungary, because you can't organize a protest there, like in poland. well, yes, that is, you organize, but you need to first agree with the prime minister's office, and then you organize a protest and lose your place there as the head of the trade union, well, they just won't vote for you anymore, so you think, and so with on the one hand, we say that managed democracy is bad, and on the other hand , we say that, relatively speaking, there are iphones that we can buy, which is good, am i right?
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i know samsung, it doesn't matter, we won't... assume that there are some alone, some products come to us, then there is a simple illustration, so of course, here we can say that the president of the czech republic is also an interesting thing, that he is a general, that he is a person who worked in the nato apparatus, that he can imagine the nomenclature of weapons, as a professional in different countries, where to turn, well, it can also be joint work, again, it can be... joint work, the united states, the czech republic, great britain, other european countries, they understand who should represent this arrangement? we understand that weapons are sold not only by the countries that produce them, but also by such conditional global military merchants, well, then you heard from president zelensky, he said that denmark buys a huge amount of weapons in this way, it is not advertised, because it is denmark's can
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