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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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for some purpose, they tried to do this since the 14th year, to somehow transfer them to russia or even before that, but in principle it simply cannot be used there, judging by everything, but to blow it up like this and that is actually about it on the russian airwaves will also be discussed very widely, but if something explodes in the sausage shop, and as for the sausage shop, if there is an explosion there, so that nothing remains of the ukrainian fascist, then in general. these will not be the problems of moldova, they will be the problems of ukraine and romania. well, people living in transnistria. well, yes, well, but who cares about the people living in transnistria, if we have to fight with the whole of nato here, and somehow seize ukraine. transnistria is already possible, the russians are simply ready, it seems to me, to demolish it, simply. let everything explode there. and at the same time, of course, russian propagandists will tell that they are being provoked, and these conversations, how? it turns out that they are being provoked,
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this is also a separate beautiful story, because well, that is how they could seize, that is, pass the territory, seize the territory of ukraine and to peacefully pass to transnistria, but they are being provoked, they are not allowing them to reach transnistria calmly, this is such a terrible provocation from the whole world, we are separated from transnistria by a very wide strip, so that transnistria can help us even more.. ... it is necessary to take mykolaiv, ochakiv, kherson, they can organize a dangerous provocation against our armed forces. if you go from the other side and go from transnistria and liberate odesa, ochakiv, mykolaiv. and for this they involve romania, so that at this very moment the romanian finish in the back then from the side. exactly
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transnistria, that's why they need romania, that's why anti-russian sentiment is supported in romania, moldova is not dangerous by itself, but in tandem with romania, moldova becomes very dangerous, and there, how to know, if i'm still very wary of russophobia, which covered bulgaria and the bulgarian circle, well, that is, you understood everything correctly, in russia the measure... how to capture transnistria as well, but do not confuse russophobia in romania and bulgaria, because they do not allow it to be done, it turns out, and of course the conclusion all of this, for now, since there is no way out, there is still no idea how to capture transnistria, then this is all some kind of bluff, which probably also provoked a cunning event. in general, everything that is happening around transnistria is accelerating. it's a bluff, so
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really, if ukraine now enters transnistria, then our diplomats, why do you accuse us, ukraine , of telling the truth and being interested in pleasures, just like those who are on our side of history, politicians, countries, international forces that do not want to enter into a conflict with russia, but they they force, because look, this is a violation , they will say, this is how it will be, here is a violation, you know, we no longer want to conflict with russia, we will trade with them, bluff's task is very simple, suddenly russia will react and really start something respond to this, withdraw the troops, let's go to defend transnistria, transnistria will definitely become part of russia, definitely, now in fact everything depends on the decision that the transnistrian authorities themselves make, that is, if they, as they wanted , to follow the donetsk option, that is, to announce the entry into of russia and officially appeal to vladimir vladimirovich putin, admit it,
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the situation will follow the worst scenario, it is absolutely clear, if this issue does not arise today, if shona can delay it and everything will be more or less normal, well, that is, some russian puppets in in principle, it turns out that everything depends on them, but for some reason i say, they are all provoking, provoking, provoking russia again, now transnistria, well , this is such a constant delusion, and another such provocation, which is so... they are now telling , that everyone is again provoking russia to use nuclear weapons, in fact, this is again a topic that has come up, the number of conversations about nuclear weapons on russian television has increased dramatically, well, let's say , it hasn't happened for several months, moreover, it hasn't happened since somehow , something, after the next nuclear escalation, putin came out once again and said that no, let’s not go now, now is the time again, because all the solovyovs got out again, they are all talking again... now we allow them
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to escalate the situation i do not know. sneaking in the thought that perhaps we should not know this, that there is some bourgeois secret that has been shared with our leadership. and we can't afford it because they have a treaty with the martians. and we do not give in to provocations. they don't get into their sphere, because we all are. is it possible to succumb to provocation once in a while, how to give in spades? so what do i think about this? once we have to go over these four steps, who do you dislike the most? me brits of course then poseidon. well, let's hit
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britain with nuclear weapons again, and such again these, you know, conversations about what will happen if the russian woman. the baltic countries, well, no one will strike with nuclear weapons, they will not strike with nuclear weapons, again this is all on russian television in full growth. such an interesting worldview question , we took these three baltic republics, and nato will go to fight and die for them, when we are there with a nuclear strike, what difference does it make, where the cloud will go, you can blow it over paris, but we are nearby, where you are close, russia is close, we border. with whom do you border, with paris do you border, well, you are talking about the baltic states you say, why in the baltics , we will take the baltics, well, it went shorter again, they choose paris or london to strike first, and why did the thickening happen, well, i’ll tell you, this is the official
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explanation, because it was macron who said something somewhere about the possibility of some troops there to attract nativski to ukraine, so that they do something here, well, it's interesting. you know, the opinion in itself, but in fact that is not the point , let's say this, it is not the point, but they are talking about it, that is, literally, here is putin's message to the federal assembly, and there, well, after a very long break, it sounded literally again, direct threats of nuclear weapons and stories about the fact that we are keeping them there, a list of what these types of weapons are, well, that is... everything rolled it out, which again i say, they haven't rolled them all out for a long time these conversations, literally, listen, another rubicon will be crossed, french president emmanuel macron admitted that
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nato troops could be sent to ukraine, to prevent russia from winning the war in ukraine, that is, that... that just a few weeks ago, we would consider reality to be science fiction today, the prime minister of slovakia, fitzov, that several at once countries of the north atlantic alliance are considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. the case really smells like the third world. come on, full-scale war. did i mention that it is the only nuclear state in the european union? no questions. that is, here, you understand, the saying, or how... otherwise it sounds in different shades, flirted, hear paris and die, let it be heard somewhere, you understand that everyone will die, not only paris will die, everyone will die if a nuclear war begins . a scandalous, escalating statement that could
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lead to nuclear armageddon if to call a spade a spade, on the other hand, the consequences are such that we got here... let it be obvious, a war with moscow, with putin, with the europeans, if it suddenly happens, no one big will come, well, they were propagandists, and this already putin, well, that is, let's put it this way, they were at putin's warm-up, objectively speaking, because this whole outcry lasted for three days, but on thursday, putin finally spoke, strategic nuclear forces. are in full readiness for guaranteed use, without any embarrassment, claim that russia allegedly intends to attack europe, but you and i simply understand that this is not just some amount of bp, and at the same time, they themselves
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choose the most effective, as they think, means of defeat to launch strikes on our territory , they began to talk about the possibility of sending it to ukraine. military contingents of nato, but we remember the fate of those who once sent their troops to the territory of our country. but now the tragedy for potential interventions will be much sadder. they have to eventually understand that we have weapons too, they know but that's about what i just said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory. well, that is, earlier. it definitely didn’t sound like that, that here you are saying something about some troops on the territory
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of ukraine, yes, and we will suddenly strike, as solovyov likes to say in paris, well, that’s exactly how it goes, that’s how the narrative goes, that if if something appears on the territory of ukraine, then russia has the right to strike at paris or london, and this is probably a new twist, i would say. because before that it was not possible, moreover, to say that this is such a logical turn is also impossible, because ukraine is an independent country, on its territory there can be anything that ukraine considers necessary, including the troops of other countries , if we decide so , our parliament will vote yes, our president will decide so, and there will be such support from the population, then we can have any troops here that we want. therefore, well, to put it mildly, it does not work, and in principle, well
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, i would say that somewhere in this regard, russian propaganda itself realized that they are something there, they overdid it a little with these conversations and started to crawl away, this is an interesting legal casuistry, because if they attack ukraine with national armies, and not with the nato alliance. this is the decision of the national governments, and if we answer: oh, god forbid, it’s true, it’s scary to imagine a world war, if we answer in paris, it’s already an attack on nato, well, yes, that is, it will be an attack on nato, and in principle it will not provoked, let's say bluntly, an attack on nato, and this, let's say it like this, also caused a problem, the same as with transnistria, that is, they wanted to arrange something in transnistria, but they found out here. given that, in principle, what about fighting, as it turns out, it is impossible
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to bring the troops there, the situation is different here, you see, they threatened, threatened for a whole week that macron said something, and now we have the right to go somewhere strike, here it turns out that it will be an unprovoked aggression towards nato, well, one could say here that everything, but not everything, you understand, the fact is that macron's words, whatever they were... , were not really the reason for this talk about nuclear attack, about all these weapons and all that. the flare-up actually happened much earlier, and it happened 10 days ago, actually. at the moment when the western media began to throw out some very strange articles about the fact that russia is going to place a nuclear weapon in space. weapons, they reacted to it in principle, well , somehow western politicians did, and blinken
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managed to say something about it, but the russians actually reacted the most to it, again, there was a very interesting story when suddenly a whole conversation with shaigu with putin they recorded where sheigu and putin are sitting and what were all these publications for, we don’t place anything in... space and we don’t gather, and probably it’s all for a reason, well, i hope, maybe we can show it to you, maybe not, we’ll see now , but the fact is that all these conversations, they were too long before that, when some statement by macron appeared there, moreover, immediately after this conversation, all these screams on state russian television about the use of nuclear weapons intensified , they already... said and so that they they can hit somewhere there, and all these things, they
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have been going on for three or three weeks, literally, for the last two weeks, and that's why i think that they should be connected somehow, you know, it's not a spontaneous reaction to statements or articles somewhere in the western press, this is not a spontaneous reaction to the statement of the same macron, moreover, it is possible that these same articles were once again posted by russia or... somehow with their assistance or someone there somewhere organized the leak, and yet, apparently, the reason is a little different, the reason is that... with all the talk about nuclear weapons, russia is trying to warn about something else, but even if you pay attention, very carefully, what putin mentions first of all when talking about macron's statement, he mentions not deploying any troops, no, he mentions providing weapons to a remote
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radio judge, and this, most likely, is the main reason for all these statements and flailing by this nuclear ... merchant, who happened again now. there is an impression that we are now at such, you know, very turning points, which are connected with the fact that, in principle, a lot of people, including the military, and western politicians understand that fighting on the principle that russia is living its life, and ukraine is bleeding, well, it's simply killing ukraine frankly, and you can't call it anything else, that is, they have. "if there is a war and russia uses all its available weapons, then ukraine should get the opportunity to use all possible available weapons that are provided to it by its partners and use them where it considers it necessary. that is, now, in principle, there are discussions about the possibility of using that weapons that we did not use on the territory
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of russia, still use it on the territory of russia. moreover, there are talks about the fact that this weapon... was somewhat much stronger, well, you probably heard the talk about providing the taurus and there are all these, you know, doubts about whether or not to provide the taurus, etc. and so on and so forth. therefore, similar, and absolutely not accidental, and such efforts are made by russia to influence trump there, to influence his people in the republican parties in order to delay the provision of funding to ukraine as much as possible, because again , it is clear. that this funding will come and it will be used to purchase not just the shells that are on the battlefield, but much more powerful weapons will be purchased for it, which will again act much more powerfully and with a completely different philosophy of its use, and here at this, you know, turning point it is important for russia to stop this process,
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because it is brewing, such a fracture is brewing. in terms of how to understand aid to ukraine in general, whether to prevent ukraine from losing, yes, as they told it before, whether to allow russia to win after all, these are different stories, and to do not allow these thoughts to form that in the end ukraine should win, and not just not lose, now russia is rocking everything. this story with nuclear weapons , even so, listen to how these two, you know, shoigu and putin , are two old worlds sitting and thinking that they have invented everything very cleverly, but they talked somewhere about weapons in space, and now they will tell everyone , what, let 's talk now about strategic stability, because you understand that we
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don't use nuclear weapons somewhere, don't go out, don't take them into space, well then they need to... agree, sit down, agree, and what will they agree on? they agree on only one thing, about surrendering ukraine in essence, and the father is all talking , they themselves are up to this, but listen, just look at these peaks, and it is directly read on these peaks, the question concerns the noise that has been raised recently in the west, in particular something like, and the placement of nuclear weapons in space now for some reason in the west is under... has again and at the same time a rather high emotional level, as you explain it, we don't have that, they know that we don't have it, but nevertheless they make a fuss, the surprise is different, everyone knows that we have it, it was said in 2018 in a message to the federal assembly, in fact for the whole century, they know that
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we have enough a high stage of completion of work, both on poseidon and on peresvet. and according to the petrel, the work on sarmat and the vanguard is completed, two regiments are already almost fully armed, in this situation, of course, a few more can be added to it, for some reason they do not talk about it, and this is really something to be afraid of. the reason for raising galas is this the situation they would like, updating and encouraging us can be so clumsy... stability and agree as far as space is concerned, in space we only do what is needed, what is in other countries, incl. or the united states, and of course you're right, they know about it, but as far as negotiations go, we've never been against
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negotiations, we've never been against negotiations, well, this, that is, this, you know , the invitation to the negotiations, well, actually at the price of ukraine, i won't say that i know how this blackmail will end, i don't know how it will end. i'm just noting that it 's happening now, and it's really a turning point that's happening now, it's not the first time they're trying to use this as a certain, i would say, immunity of western politicians to this, you know, the threat that we have such a nuclear weapons, and saka nuclear weapons, well, there is this certain immunity of western politicians to these threats, but to what extent this immunity is enough to understand... that it is simply necessary to ignore it, i do not know, but i know for sure that it will not be limited to only with threats, they will try to destabilize
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the situation in various parts of the world, transnistria, not transnistria, but somewhere else, and literally this destabilization is what russian propaganda is constantly talking about, and which, in fact, is now the main such strategic direction. russian propaganda will shake up the situation wherever possible, as possible, so that, well, now let's sit down and agree on all these issues at the expense of ukraine, well, that's how it is, and this is what the russian propagandists are saying, believe me, in essence , it is no different from what is being said there by putin and shoyu, it is simply said in other words, what's next, serhii, what's next, a big... war. well, actually, that's what we 're going for. gladly, as if we finally got to the main topic of conversation. let's say simply, well, in general, everything that has been developing in the world in recent years. of course, this is about all
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humanity, this whole world is rushing to a great war, where it will break and at what moment, that is the question. it could be sausage, it could be taiwan, it could be lebanon, it could be an exchange of nuclear strikes between israel and iran, it could be anything. and you know, it is not humanity that is rushing to a nuclear war, it is russia and china that are dragging the world to a nuclear war, and the only way to actually stop it is to give russia the piss in time, because that will stop such an uncontrollable desire to arrange something, but knowing that they will give a pee, well somehow china won't particularly do this, especially russia won't do this, this is important to understand, well, to what extent this understanding will be enough, i can't say about this yet. well, we'll see, there are
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greetings, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the weeks will bring us. next, our guests today, glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army and a russian activist. opposition to emigration mark fagin. glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, a military expert, will be working on the tv channel now. god save the king. glory to ukraine. glory to all of us. the situation in the east is extremely difficult now. the enemy is trying to develop its offensive actions. extremely tough battles are going on, but the armed forces of ukraine are doing everything possible and impossible under the given circumstances. first, it is a fierce battle and both sides are working hard, possibly because of the elections in russia. general intelligence reports indicate that
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the russian side, although it looks strong. isn't really as formidable as it seems, but they are fully committed to the battle, suggesting limited reserves or additional support. additionally, there are reports of additional munitions from north korea in addition to their own production. this puts the russian troops in a much stronger position compared to the ukrainian troops, who were forced to retreat and are now consolidating. your defense along the river lines to the west of avdiivka. it is hoped that these defensive lines have been adequately prepared to withstand the pressure. however , it is clear that the ukrainian side faces problems due to a lack of personnel and ammunition, which is complicated by the limitation of support from america and europe. the outcome of this battle could be decisive. if ukraine manages to get the river line, it is...
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time for it to stabilize the front and develop a strategy for the future, however, if russia breaks through, the next months may turn out to be extremely complex. how powerfully can the enemy try to develop its offensive actions after avdiivka. this is how we understand that offensive actions are manpower resources, technical resources, and logistical resources of overall coordination at the front. how do you see the plan of the russian general staff now? of course, russia's main goal is to exhaust ukraine and achieve a breakthrough. putin perceives the west as weak at the moment, which gives him a favorable opportunity to launch a strong attack. obviously, if a party does not have enough of ammunition and manpower, she becomes vulnerable to attack as her weakness is exploited by the enemy. on the ukrainian side, we did not
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help ourselves for so long. holding a position, especially in places like avdiivka. this decision cost us dearly in terms of resources that could have been better used in more strategically prepared positions along the straight line. obtaining such a surrounded position as an avdiivka requires much more forces and means than the defense of a straight line. russia will undoubtedly continue to press and use all available resources. especially in view of the upcoming elections in moscow, where putin needs to demonstrate success not only in one city, but also across the country to confirm his entire battle plan. so this is a critical moment, both for ukraine and for russia. now we see that the front line is extremely powerfully activated, yes, this is the kupin direction, this is donetsk, and this is the south. in the south, various
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not very pleasant surprises can also await, talk about the offensive impulse of the enemy in those three directions, there is already some understanding, which direction the enemy can use or try to make his strategic offensive? difficult to predict for two reasons: first, it will depend on their success. remember that russian doctrine is about securing success, so their strategy will most likely be to assess which of the areas they will ... press force on will be the most vulnerable. they not only attack, but also scout for weak points. whichever section the russians find the weakest, they will reinforce it with additional ammunition and personnel force to maintain pressure and possibly break through the defensive line. there is already an understanding or a sense of where the enemy will try to concentrate
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his resources. kupyansk? or south again, it is difficult to make a definitive assessment at this point, although we have access to intelligence on russian actions, it is important to recognize that the ukrainian side ultimately determines the direction of the russian attack. if ukrainian forces hold their ground, russia can continue its current strategy. however, if any part of the ukrainian defense begins to crack, as for example, the situation in avdiivka, most likely russia . will focus its efforts there. at the moment, it is premature to say whether russia will intensify its attacks in a specific area. significant pressure is observed in many regions, in particular in the south near mariupol and on the western front near avdiivka. it may take another two weeks or so to assess how effectively ukrainian defenses are holding up in these areas before we can determine where
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russia will concentrate its forces. it is important to recognize that...


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