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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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er, the string ensemble, er, children, i pulled my friends from the front, my brothers, with whom we used to cooperate directly from combat positions, they came to read the poems of the shot revival, it was a huge event for me, because this is not a theater, this is my personal initiative, i found sponsors, save the limb, we joined them in this joint action and so on, we sold tickets, that is, it is not a targeted story, and people came, bought tickets and we spoke... about the shot revival, about our culture, about our revival, about uh, about the fact that russia came here not with tanks at first, but first with its language, culture, destroying ours, and we did it in order to revive, and this event with the golden liphon, of course, it, uh -uh, i'd like to talk more about the shooting revival, and it kind of interrupted , to put it mildly, uh, the flow of information that i intended it to be, but anyway, look, for... for me, it's very nice ,
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of course, and you know how good this thing is, i would like to have it in our country many initiatives of this kind, where we can talk about how we love each other, what we appreciate, why we are there, well, about love, about sex, about some things that give us positive good emotions, where they give joy, we are in very difficult, difficult times right now and... and joy is actually not so much, moreover, we have a lot of such things, when we, well, these shits on the internet and so on, where we are looking for one in to each other some negativity, and actually where we look for each other some positive, love, i lack them it seems so, and for me it's very nice that people, you know, in a dark time are looking for some sliver of light, for me it's important, there are already some nominations, i don't consider myself some... with a symbol or something else, in
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boys and girls are much more worthy of us , but come on, i saw your interview, you like to tame, but i will tell you that i completely agree with you, that this award, it is not only about attractiveness, it is just some the upper layer, in fact, if you read, why did you get everyone there, you are golden received a liphon, artem cheh received a silver, and ivan lenyo received a bronze. we gave all these men a lot of compliments, a lot of nice words, and to be honest, i received a lot of messages on social networks yesterday, today and about this award, i didn’t see a bad word at all about the fact that it’s not on time, on the contrary they said, class , we support, look how many cool artists we have, we 'll go watch the dolbush, we haven't watched it yet, let's go to netflix, let's watch, although this movie has to be seen in the cinema, who missed it, well ok, look at that, and also oleksia, tell me, in general, when i talked in... with our
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casting directors and listened to what they said, they very often complain about our actors, especially, well, actresses too, that they say, one should pay more attention to one's appearance, because it is not just a fad, it is the duty of an actor-actress, going to the gym, going to a beautician, ours are frivolous, but it is necessary to monitor this, in general, do you share this point of view , is it so absolutely necessary for a person who plays in the theater? especially in the cinema, where there are large shots, and do you really think that we have such a problem, do we really have actors who don't really take care of it, look, to be honest, yes, you have to take care of yourself, and it's even written in the contract, that is, it's there a certain type, if there are hairstyles in the contract and so on, for example, i can't afford to go skiing, i can't afford to play football or some such things. because this injury
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is dangerous, if i get it, if i get injured, the repertoire will fly out, and it's well, i work in the state repertory theater, and this means that the whole system begins to move, that is, it is a risk, then in relation to that, watch yourself, it is the actor's body, it is an instrument, just like a violinist cleans his violin, how he takes care of it, so you should take care of with your body according to your voice, according to your own, well, because this is the instrument with which you work, and it is very important, that is, it is part of the profession, it should be so, and i will not say that our actors do not take care of themselves, eh , i will generally say that we have the best actors in ukraine, uh, and obviously, well, many, i can’t say there for everyone, because i’m not there, i don’t have any statistical data, but my colleagues, it’s not that it’s not... you know, a fanatical
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story is not some kind of dobzik, that there are some special ones, i don’t know, spa procedures or as it is called everything, but to look after yourself, your own. appearance, it is just as important as monitoring your inner world, filling it, that is, constantly, it is a constant development, you have to work on your development, i think that this applies not only to the acting profession, but i am talking more about the inner history, if you don't develop, then you don't even stand still, and that's actually true, it's part of the profession, we're now seeing shots from behind the scenes, i know that you and your colleagues there did tricks yourself, for this you also need physical training , actors should be ready for this, and you, i also heard in an interview in one of your recent plays, when you talked about when you entered the theater, you have a political science education, and there you even said something, wrote about that they recruited someone to the theater from the street, you said that you were on stage was taken as such a handsome boy
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to stand, and that you still feel that way, although to be honest, as i already said at the beginning of the program, almost all feedback from almost all people, and about dovbush and about your theatrical works, i constantly hear exactly compliments on your charisma, not so appearance, not so write that you are beautiful, i am charismatic, and constantly add that you are a talented person, so i can not understand if you are like yourself or modestly positioned, or underestimate, in general, why do you think , that you are still such a handsome boy, who just set the scene, if it's not, uh, it's actually self-irony, ugh. i'm very , very yes, i ironize myself very often , eh, so that i don't fall in love, you know, so that i don't, well, don't get exposed or like what kind of story, regarding education, i have two higher educations, the first education - this is political science, the second is theatrical skill, i would
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not be able to work in the theater without education, and this is what i am so ironic about myself, when i came there, they took me on stage for the first time, they said, here is a handsome guy, let him stand and smiles, i'm actually talking about this, that... i'm still standing and i'm smiling, i'm not just standing , but i'm standing smiling, well, that is , i'm playing a fool, you know, i'm playing a fool, it's so so, it's such a self-hero , in fact, it's a huge, well, work on yourself, huge, huge work, and the thing is that this work is permanent, that is, i can't say that i work there 8 hours a day, i mean, it's a permanent job, but this is the same irony, so that, you know, so that, you know , what needs to be done, so as not to be disappointed, not to be enchanted, not to be enchanted, actually, not to be enchanted very much, so i am i'm talking about myself or myself, obviously i know my worth, i'm a cool charismatic dude, and most of all, i understand that the greatest story,
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well, for me, the greatest beauty is intelligence, my grandmother is late, she always said such a phrase that became for me one of those... important things in life, she always told me: olesik, beauty is not cut on a plate, i won't decipher it, let everyone understand it for themselves, like this one, actually, beauty is an external story, for me the story is more important internal, first of all it is, well, intelligence, and from here comes a sense of humor, hence all things, personal position, and so on, and so yes, i know... my price, but, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. oleksiy , just one last question, because you also scared everyone there when you talked about the fact that you will no longer act in movies, decipher what that means, maybe it means that in the near future we will somehow
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filming of the movie is not really planned, because there are also problems with financing, with the state cinema and everything else, and well, everyone wants money for the army, many artists, by the way, have signed your colleagues the letter being sent. all for the army, no movies are needed, or will you, for example, agree to act in television series that threaten to be financed as well, now? yes , look, i didn't say that i won't act in movies, i said that for me i will act either in things that are, well in films, in projects that are professional, have, from the point of view of the profession , from the point of view of art is of a high level, and... or in another situation, if it is good money, well, because this is my profession, i earn a living from it, but i will not act in it where ukrainians they show morons, idiots, and wherever this inferiority is, it is important to me, but what about cinema now, you asked this very serious question, and here is the petition
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signed by the film community about giving money to the army, those that have been allocated for the movies, it's a terrible petition, i'm sorry that such a petition... has been signed, but i 'll sign it too, because the money that's being allocated now, from the point of view of movies, it's a shame, it's just, well, we don't have . right, we have a war in the country, we have to shoot good quality things, and serials, well, this is what we need to talk about big, big politics is going on here, it's not even about cinema or art anymore, it 's already about politics, about usurpation, about the fact that everything is taken under their control and not given, well, there is no possibility of free, free expression, i don't know if you have time now on the air for us to talk about this, but i... but oleksiy, we have discussed this topic before, so as for me, there or we or i plan,
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i have i have a few offers, i have rejected some of them , i think that others will, i hope that in ukraine we will have understanding that first of all, of course, all funds should go to the armed forces of ukraine, but i always say that... russia did not attack us with tanks or missiles, the russian language, russian culture, and russian narratives came first, they prepared bridgehead, and tanks and rockets came to protect the russian-speakers, you understand where the russian-speakers came from in our country, this is the foundation that we need, what we need, what we need to fight against and what we need to do our own, and precisely for this and there is culture, culture should and... tour and education, that’s why we need to spend a lot of money on it, because our enemy, look, they
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understand this very well, they spend a lot of money on film production, on their education, on their culture, and the first thing they do when they enter the occupied territories , they change signs, languages, and they burn books and do their own thing, that's why we need to allocate funds in the country after the armed forces, education and culture, i absolutely agree with you, here and this issue is really enough to fly. now, well, we will follow him, we will cover, it is possible to sign some new petition letters. oleksiy, thank you very much, we are letting you go back to the rehearsal, and let me remind you that oleksiy hnatkovskyi was on the phone with us, an actor and director and laureate of the golden lifon 2023 award. it is a wonderful award, i like it very much, i wish you even more already some cinematographic theater awards. well, friends. and i say goodbye to you until next week and i hope that if you haven't
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watched dovbush yet, you will definitely watch it. turn on the heart-pounding investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is on me a true detective. find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the mego subscription. there are discounts on amexin ic tablets, 10% in psyllium pharmacies, you and savings. there are discounts on bronkhulitin fito, 15% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and oshchad. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. he appeals to the viewers of the tv channel to join the collection. crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. there will be a special look at events in ukraine, at the border of kyiv. to be in some katsaps and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this
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in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present their own name project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed? these are the guests of the project this week, and we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday. 17:10 on ereso. we are looking for 14-year-old angelina panfilyuk from the kherson region. the girl lived in beryslav district in the village of dudchany. this is the right bank of the region, which was occupied almost from the first days of the full-scale war. but already in the fall
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of 2022, this territory was liberated, and it was during this period that it became known about the disappearance. angelina, no one knows where the girl might be now. perhaps the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or perhaps to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if anyone has any information about angelina panfilyuk, call us urgently at the magnolia children's tracing service hotline by short number 11630. calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly there is no connection or possibility to call. write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 requests for help in tracing. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where
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the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication. everyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone, and in the end you will help to find them. look at the photo. this is 12-year-old svyatoslav volchasty from the genichevsky district of the kherson region. this area was occupied almost in the first days of a full-scale invasion. but the connection with svyatoslav was cut off in february 23rd, and in fact, the fate of the child is already year nothing is known. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. look at the photo and remember the face of svyatoslav, who looks like he was 12 years old. he is of medium build and has blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or
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at least knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial. from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service is 11630. calls are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chat-bot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind that the search for 15-year-old ilya polishchuk from mariupol is still ongoing. imagine the fate of this guy, nothing is known from the very beginning of the full-scale war. the connection was broken by the potion. february 24, and where he may be now, no one knows, so i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows
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where he may be now, don't delay and call us at the magnolia child tracing hotline. by the short number 11630. let me remind you that calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 2022, but nikita disappeared already in may 23. and in fact , nothing is known about the fate of the child for more than nine months. so i'm very i hope that thanks to your care the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and try to remember nikita nikolaev's face. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. the child looks nine years old. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not
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delay and dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service from any mobile operator. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram . we created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the cossack yard is a coffee farm created by serhiy sveredenko at his own dacha in the village of ivanopil'a, near kostyantynivka. serhiy lived most of his life in donetsk. in 2014, after the invasion
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of the russian military and the subsequent occupation of donetsk, he was forced to leave the city and move to his dacha together with his family. on at the beginning of 2015, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. after demobilization. serhiy decided to become a farmer and chose the direction of making cheese from goat's milk. at the end of may 2022, the entrepreneur began to think about moving from a front-line village and transporting an eco-farm to a region located as far as possible from hostilities. what came out of this, as well as how he adjusted the processes of making craft cheeses and meat delicacies, see in this video. private entrepreneur sveredenko. mykolayovych, i have been engaged in farming and production of craft cheeses and meat delicacies for the 16th year. how did ato veteran serhiy sveridenko
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get into farming? i started working, you see, until the 14th year i lived in donetsk, in principle, count that all my life, but after the invasion in the 14th year i could not stay there, we moved to our dacha, the village of ivanapila, kostiantynivskyi district, now he is... from kramatorsk, but then i went to the army, when i returned, i understood that i had to do something on my own, but we always did our own thing, never practically never worked for someone, what about agriculture in the village ? i don't really like growing plants, but it's fine with animals, so they bought cheese and started making cheese, first in pots, in the kitchen, then they got a grant from e.. of the regional state administration, it was a ukrainian-donetsk kulak for the construction of a cheese factory and it went. how much time did sergei
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devote to the army? i hoped to win back my city, donetsk, but so far it has not been possible, but it will be possible soon, i am sure of it. the soldier was there for three months, for three months two rivers look, the end, january 2015 to 7, i remember dembil very well, to april 7, 2016. how did you make the decision to move? i made the decision somewhere at the end of may last year , but i was looking for a city, traveled around ukraine a bit, visited different places, then stopped here in volyn, why did i make such a decision, because... doing it under fire is very difficult, almost impossible, the main part customers have left, but our products are not cheap, so you
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understand, people are more prosperous, they don’t stay, they don’t wait for the occupiers, well, i don’t i will say that everyone who stayed there is waiting now, it is not so, but people have left, we have to continue the business, especially since i am not a female anymore, if i... i am with the employees, that is, i am responsible for everything else. how serhii remembered february 24, 2022. how did you survive the invasion? in principle, it was an ordinary morning, nothing so extraordinary. artillery was simply more powerful. well, this has happened to us before, that is, we people are used to it, i woke up quite late, somewhere around 7 o'clock in the morning. first went to drink coffee and opened phone, then i understood that this is not just such an artillery barrage, but this is a full-scale invasion, so they gathered,
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gathered the family, in principle, after 12 o'clock they already went to the west, to the west of ukraine, there was no one to go to , that is , they were supposed to meet them in different places, well, the main thing is that there are grandchildren, children in... i stayed because someone has to stay on the farm, it was my voluntary choice, in the zhiguli i put everything necessary there, water, a generator, well, we didn't know how the events would develop, and i understood that they wanted to cut off first, at first or not at first, that is, they will cut off the donetsk region completely, well, that's why i was ready, the difficult moment will, in principle , pop out, or pop out, or there as god wills. or with weapons in their hands, well, i don't know, all business traffic stopped immediately, immediately the first week, even, well, nothing happened, i mean business.
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after a week, people recovered a little, they started to work again, and there were orders from local stores, also through the website, and they continued to work, at the end of may somewhere, i made this decision, but i did not know where, that is, not what i had already accepted it finally, but i was leaning towards it , and since june i have been traveling around ukraine in some regions, seeing what i can. to move about activities after the beginning of the invasion, a week passed after the invasion , that is, something there began to expand, but it did not come out and was close to the level that was before the invasion, but i continued to work, even harvested hay, even when i made a decision to go, still continued to harvest hay,
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because... i thought, but something will not grow, something will be wrong, and then the bone will remain besina, and this is a problem, here, so the hay is harvested, it had to be left there, because it is very expensive to run it, about the work of the farm in ivanopil: my farm in the village of ivanopil was built, let's say, spontaneously, we used the first building for the sausage shop , which was already existed as a barn, then we expanded it, furnished it and turned it into a sausage factory. we built the cheese factory with grando's funds from scratch, that is, it was an easily removable structure with equipment, with all the things, and we built a shed for braids from scratch, that is, it is quite a normal barn, besides, for technical needs, we also put up a tent building there, which we had there... everything is there,
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feed storage, all kinds of technical things there, by the way, at first we built it for goats, but in a year, the herd grew and there was not enough space, we built it capitally already on the spot, we brought the goats there, and this tented room became technical, well , i had two people working in the cheese factory, three people in the sausage shop. a milkmaid, a shepherd, and also a farmer, if for the economy, well, for such on more technical issues , fix something, fix something there, no, well, who goes where, everyone is different, well, there are two with me here, count three, a mother with two children, yes, not three, yes, but two works out, one employee and two halves, yes, yes, about evacuation.
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well, in the winter it is more necessary, in the summer they are by themselves, usually at this time we cut them, made raw fillets, made stew. they made khamonchiki from duck, they were sold just in time for the new year , they sold very well, well, no, i didn’t export them, well here, in principle, it is possible to do it again, but it is necessary, my first goal here is to restore production and reach sales volumes of up to the level of resumption, but then it is possible, then
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there will already be money for, for example, for ... restoring the herd there pigs, ducks, there are goats and all that, but everything depends on production, production carries everything, all the main money comes from there. how did village life change after the invasion? well, custom, of course, after the full-scale invasion of the village , life changed, more people began to fly in than before, but people are different, well, someone remained they still haven't waited for the poor, i'm so sorry for them, they haven't waited until now, because the village is not occupied, but someone is there , there are a lot of people there, such are our patriots , we even have a woman who went through the isolation of donetsk, and we have such a woman , but everyone is different.


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