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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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which, well speaking , has not been industrial in recent years, it is not yet, it is not paris, it is not london, the fact is that now a large number of people receive money from the state budget, these, these are the money of western taxpayers, and they spend this money in these same cafes and supermarkets, if they do not receive this money, this whole line of business will also disappear , well, on the one hand, yes, on the other hand. if, after all, ukraine spends its money on the war, let's honestly go to the war , yes, if, if the war stops, then it will not be necessary to spend money on the war in such an amount, you see, we always come to the point with you, and this is not the first time that if there is an end, that is, we find, if there is no end, then there is no what to talk about, you know, we are currently conducting an interesting study on the resilience of the ukrainian economy, and we have reached...
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today was a meeting, not a meeting, a discussion, we talked about the fact that the main sign of resilience today is survival, that is, the survival of the economy, survival people, well, the fact that people are in principle in this territory, i would told the post-soviet people, the best thing they know how to do is to survive in the soviet era, and this, by the way , saves us, i think that this is what saved us in the 22nd year, that at least the generation that... remembers lives , the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, many of these people, so to speak, they did not go through this, yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, and if you look at what people were afraid of, not what they were afraid, eh, what stressed them more than anything else, at the end of 2022, at the beginning of 23 years, was the lack of electricity, water,
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the lack of heat, what's more, it came out, even preceded these, the lack of connection , that is, for people, the connection became something, well , quite material, i would say, but on the other hand, when you say that without the finale, there is nothing to talk about to speak, it seems to me a dangerous position, because we have to be prepared for a situation where there is no end as such, well, listen, well, we have the middle east in front of us, there is no end, as it is... for many countries, not only for israel , well , we have to understand that there is a model of the israeli economy, there is a model of the conditional economy the west bank of the jordan river, there is a model of the economy of lebanon, these are different models of the economy, god forbid that lebanon survive, but i think that we will not survive if lebanon does not, well, we go beyond my competence, so i do not want this topic to develop a lot, but if lebanon had not let the palestinians there, everything would have been different in lebanon, well, in any case, there was a civil war with the palestinians in lebanon. i do not
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argue, it is true, but in lebanon we have exactly such a situation, the war does not end, the most successful population left lebanon, the people who live there, in principle, cannot get out of this circle of survival, yes, and this is a dangerous model, i do not believe in a civil war in ukraine, and i am not about a civil war, i am talking about the fact that the model of survival becomes a constant, survival model and will be a constant. even when, even after we finish, not just the hot phase, but just finish the war, for a certain time the survival model will dominate in ukraine, because ukraine is a poor country, and now it's still destroyed, well, i don't want to say nothing, but a very destroyed economy, and we have to think over what kind of economy we want to build, well, i am far from thinking that we will start rebuilding... dovstal in
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the version in which it was, well, just far, or even metallurgical enterprises that do not exist, well, yes, yes, yes , yes, yes, well, this should not be done, modern enterprises should be developed, and by the way, the more i think about the economic model, the more i understand that the israeli model is the best for ukraine, not because we need to develop military industry, that's it. by itself, but there is another argument: there will be a labor shortage in ukraine, we will not be able to to provide the labor force for the economy that existed before the war is impossible, simply because of the fact that there will not be as much population, well, depopulation is not an inevitable thing, if we want to compensate for this depopulation, then the only way out is large-scale immigration, and we will cope with it, but i am not sure about this. well, from poorer countries than ukraine,
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well, from where, it's long, well, it's asian countries, it's african countries. i am not sure that i will go very much, india is not scary, these countries are scary, where, where the population is militant, bangladesh, pakistan, yes, well, they travel all over europe, stand in queues, at passport controls in cyprus, in but, but eggs, but eggs that travel from i will never forget the first time i was in london and.. . they had some kind of demonstration, i was just scared, well, you are scared, the british are not scared, because it is part of their empire, they are calm about it, but there is a danger , there is a danger in this sense, and therefore, returning to that , which model
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to build, it seems to me that we have to build the model that does not exist labor-intensive, which does not require a lot of labor. and this is just the option of israel, or you can go to slovakia, because it is not very small either, although the territory is smaller there, but there is not so much population, and there is something else, in the region in ukraine somehow the territory is big, somehow it is necessary to ensure transport accessibility, and to provide, well , what is needed by a sufficiently large number of people, for a smaller number of the population for. that is, a long train route, and few people get on, few people get on, but still much more than in slovakia, that's why kovid, well, the kovid pandemic taught us that everything that is absolutely necessary, necessary for
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the survival of the population, should be produced in this country, we cannot count, as it was before the kovid, before the pandemic, on what we will buy, no, it turns out . we will not buy it yet, because some kind of economy is closing and everything , well, in this way you can really come to this option, yes, although israel is still a small territory, it is small here and there is not much population, and there is not much population, it is right for such a territory, why not much, it's 10, the density is not that great, yes yes well... then, then, as the finale of our conversation, not the finale of the war, unfortunately, unfortunately, we can still say that we should build such an economy, well , an economy that is not labor-intensive, that is not needs a lot of labor, an economy that is oriented towards an educated population, this is also
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very important, an economy that takes into account the fact that there are not as many people in a large area as before, there was not so much for this before, it was never high, yes and one more thing, an economy that takes into account the proximity of a very aggressive neighbor, because it will end the war, the war will not end, we, the imperial thinking, will not get rid of it, thank you for this conversation and for the fact that we were able to end it optimistically. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and
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sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. winter project for smart and caring people in the evening with espresso. for two years now, ukraine has been undergoing a full-scale russian invasion on a front with a length of hundreds of kilometers. this is donbas reality. this time we decided to figure out how much the scale of aggression has changed since 2022. what resources are involved in the confrontation between russia and ukraine. and what else will the ukrainian military have to face? from a height of several hundred meters , the ground is slightly covered by a haze. rostislav has to concentrate on looking at the picture on the monitor. but the haze lies, that's it
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it's normal, you can't see them taking off before that, well, you just fly up and there's a cloud, it happened in the rain, it happened in the snow, it happened, well, they turned around. it's normal, it's just that today the weather is simply amazing, the weather is not normal for the middle of february, there is not a trace of snow, but it is marked after the battles... two years of full-scale war have accumulated here. a military drone hovers over the village of zaitseve, until 2002 it was intact and controlled by ukraine. now , among the ruins, only the russian military remained here. i think, i think that the cellars are, in they live in basements, this is the same village. submissiveness yes, well, we flew here before, there was such a village
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, fly here, it’s lucky, well, in the sense that there are also technicians here, like everyone, well straight, but now they give a little to ours here, so it’s good, the silhouette is clearly visible12, here's another one, another cut, another cut, that's it, here's another. here it is, an extreme model, then not a gun, the second gun is 100%. now let's look at the third one. for adjustments, the board goes to replace the battery, vladyslav meets him on landing, he has been at war for a year and three months. i wanted to leave immediately after it started, but i was mentally preparing for this decision of my parents. well, i kept saying that i would go, they didn't believe me and so on, they were worried, nervous. reassured, well, i said that in any case i would go to serve, to fight, and so it happened
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, i already went to the military, came back, i say, i have already been, she smiles, says, i already understood from your smile, and rostislav here for a mentor, he has significantly more experience, he has been in the army for four years and all the time flies on the fury, a ukrainian drone, in general, he always fought on in the donetsk direction, well, we are not, well... it turns out that everything is always here, i just know that the brigade was both in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, yes, i did it in full scale at the beginning and yes, they were on it in sumy oblast, in the kharkiv region, well there, and in general, it’s always here, we ’ve been here for so long that i don’t even remember, the drone goes to adjust in... on the detected guns, but at some point the camera stops obeying the operator, the board
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has to be turned around to fix the problem, it is successfully brought to the right field, and although it is quite far away, they plant, the destruction of the targets is postponed, but the flights will continue, because this is our land, i live here, i am here, i am basically from the donetsk region , i was born, well, who, who will, if we do not protect it, why it should to give my lands to various idiots, i took my family , for example, out of this region, for what, not to be killed, to, well, i don't know, to protect myself, my relatives, people, well, so, let 's say, girlfriends have never been, but all the same, and i don’t want to be, what it is, at the beginning of 2024, russia occupied about 18%. the territory of ukraine, and the active front line stretches for 1,500 km, this was
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already stated by the former head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. for comparison, the demarcation line in donbas before the great war was over 400 km. the front expanded primarily due to the invasion of russian troops from the occupied crimea. the center of gravity of this war is crimea. in donbas, the center of gravity for russia, that is, russia is trying to prevent this strategic task. which they believe that they managed in the 23rd year with their task, they did not allow a breakthrough ukrainian troops in the south, and they have , as they think, success in donbas, although in fact, if you remember what they were doing a year ago, they were doing the same thing, they were trying to destroy one of the donetsk cities meter by meter, then they were doing destruction bakhmot, now they are trying to destroy... on avdiivka, but if you look at the map, then, despite the huge resources they
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invest, the results, i would say, are minimal, and it is not a fact that they, this trend will continue. oleksandr pavlyuk was born in 2022 commanders of ukrainian troops in donbas. these forces had to face both russian troops who crossed the state border and units of the first and second army corps of the ldnr groups, only the last two. about 70 thousand people, including those mobilized in the occupied territories. on paper, we acted out a lot of situations. what was dangerous for us was that we could get into the environment. therefore , we did everything to prevent us from having a corridor through which ammunition would be supplied, resources, the wounded were evacuated, and we succeeded, we could not allow the enemy to suddenly enter the border, which would not have given us
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a maneuver, i must say, the enemy did not expect this. such a meeting, that is why the russian units that were going through the luhansk region , faced with our reserves that were standing, they stood only focally on the main directions, but this gave time, they were stopped, they were busy replanning their actions, bypassing our units , they asked to be surrounded, this video is from the first days of the invasion, back then platoon commander vasyl in a group of several well , i have never seen such a large column, only on tv, respectively, well, this is just the beginning, here i was standing as the senior of this group, there were four of us, we were in a pickup truck with myself two rockets were taken to the corsair, respectively cumulative, and our task was to at least somehow stop this column, we
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destroy the second bmp, everything looks the same, people scattered, the tower took off. we are all so happy, hooray, we didn't manage to blow up the bridge, at that moment we didn't have such knowledge yet, if to blow up the bridges correctly, two years after the full-scale invasion, vasyl was already a battalion commander, what were you doing there, they shouted, the rubap hit in bekha on verkhnetroitskoy, ours flew there where two motzkals were right there, they smoked minus two, in short, in them, now he answers for the section of the front line in the toretsk district, perhaps the only one where... the front line remains unchanged since the time of the positional war in donbas, but here it is the same war and a huge responsibility for people. i think i should have at least deputy battalion commander, and at least one year to fully experience the work of the battalion commander, the work of the chief of staff , because directly, when you are the battalion commander, you should know not only your
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work, but the work of all your deputies, yes, in all directions, respectively, i didn't have time completely. it is to understand how each deputy should work correctly, and well, i came here to the brigade, became a deputy, er, i stayed four months as a deputy and became a battalion commander, that is, a little too quickly, for me. such rapid growth officers in the ukrainian army is connected with the formation of new brigades and battalions, as well as with losses. by the middle of 2022 , the ukrainian army has grown to 700,000 people, while before the start of active... fighting , there were actually about 200,000 in the army , every fifth of them, according to the ministry of defense of ukraine, was in donbas, where russia struck several blows at once, this is half of the armed forces that were concentrated here, because we had 22 brigades somewhere at the beginning of the war, half performed tasks on the front line, and half restored combat capability.
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the directions of the holoudars were the main direction of the luhansk region, which... in the direction of luhansk along the border of happiness and trehonka, this direction is in the direction of going to sever-donetsk, luhansk and entering the rear of our troops, and the second strike was in volnovakha, mariupol crossed the border in order to cut off and surround mariupol. and also came out to our cities. in addition to this, several additional blows. the main strike was on popasne, and also on starabelsk. the blow was in the direction of horlovka. if you look at map, then they planned, of course, not only to occupy donbas, they created conditions for the rapid passage of donbas and then in
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a more systematic work at the static level. to unite the operations that were carried out in the south, in the north, in the donbas and actually complete the occupation of ukraine, ukraine in a few weeks, well, two, three, four weeks, that is why the failure in the donbas, next to the failure in the north, they created the conditions , when just the north was cleared, including due to the fact that it was not possible to break through in donbas, that is, that it's obvious the scale of the war can be traced in the service order of officer vasyl, the same people have to fight on the widest possible front. he himself says that he has already been everywhere. in the hot spots of the luhansk and donetsk regions up to... such and such a volume, we thought
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that it was unreal, but we succeeded, on the first day when we advanced in the direction of asukorivka, i did not think that everything was so successful and really it will work, we really broke through the front line, the enemy just ran, well then it was really well planned, in the offensive, as they say, you make your own music. you put it yourself, yes accordingly, this is how you see this offensive, so you do, accordingly, here, in defense you are simply forced to endure. according to ukrainian intelligence, at the beginning of this year the russian group in ukraine consisted of more than 460,000 people, while at the beginning of the full-scale invasion it was about 180,000 with equipment, besides, at that time they occupied a larger territory, kept the north of ukraine under occupation and tried to capture kyiv. we did not take any... and , as they say, there was no such step on their part, there was a panic flight from our territory, in my opinion, simply
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by analyzing the forces and means they have at that moment, they had to choose what to do, whether to finish the operation in the east, or to concentrate everything in kyiv, but since the east they could not finish, because this was the main goal that was behind... the liberation is the liberation, as it is called, of the luhansk and donetsk regions, that is why all the resources were thrown there, and those units that were withdrawn from the kyiv region, after regrouping, before being equipped, also went there , and where those who originally went there were more or less capable of fighting despite the losses, the russian group of troops in ukraine, according to the british royal institute of defense research, consists of more than 2,000 tanks, more than 600. waging war with a superior enemy has not disappeared.
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russia can provide a local advantage of about four to one in many areas of the front in terms of combat power alone, maybe even six to one or more in terms of munitions and key supplies, and you know, even more in ... certain types of systems, such as in airplanes, even despite the fact that they were less efficient and effective in their use, ukraine must respond to the threats of major breakthroughs, trying to maintain the integrity of the defensive line, being under constant pressure. the wounded man is carefully rolled out of the medivac, he is heavy, one of the medics who meet. reacts emotionally. a blown
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limb in a bag, all the attention of the doctors is exclusively on the patient, he is moaning in pain. doctors go to work behind closed doors. there are no emotions, emotions prevent everyone from thinking, and if there is an emotion, you will sometimes perceive pain the patient, we try to help reduce the patient's pain, and not suppress this pain, the emotions at the end, in fact, when he is better, when everything is normal, when we can see everything steadily on the monitor, because then the emotions of joy, that's true, but at the beginning, at the beginning of work, by the evening several wounded soldiers are brought in at once, slaughtered. contusions, minor injuries and suspected frostbite, all need to be examined in detail, the medical team works with each of them with refined movements, although the doctors here do not sleep much.
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the army has such a feature: we don't have it weekends, we don't have an end of the working day, we work constantly, even if another shift comes out now, if there are massive layoffs, we work with that. the most difficult physically and professionally was the day in bakhmut, in may... last year, when we had 32 wounded for two people in one day, quite a lot of them seriously wounded, it was in the basement in bakhmut, on the street yuvileyna, that 's right, it was a very hard day, a long day, maybe it even lasted more than a day, i don't remember, i don't remember, daryna concentrated works with instruments on the wounded hand of a soldier, she already has a lot of... last year's medical experience, including as a surgeon, she was a medic on the maidan, and after that in volunteer battalions, she did not expect to find herself in the army officially. the time has come, just
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in time for the full-scale. war, when the armed forces of ukraine began to rise. dobrobats fulfilled their mission in the 14th year, when the armed forces were not ready. that is, we have fulfilled our function, we still need to work on the development of our own army, and here the dobrats are not very suitable. if the army is weak, then the country as well. accordingly, i decided that i should join the armed forces, although in the 14th year i... promised myself that i would never join the armed forces, dear. dmytro constantly talks to the wounded soldier, bohdan. does it hurt you? well, do you even feel what they are doing? well, they're poking, they hear something, they're just poking, right? this is normal. they may be in a different psycho-emotional state. when you talk to them, after that you give certain drugs, they go into them better, come out better, they
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relax. bohdan looks anxiously on my hand, the tourniquet has been on her for more than four hours, and this is a risk, but today everything worked out, look, now it will be a warm corner, it will also be a little, the neck , gurnacell, stomach, stood in range, it was necessary to deploy an anti-drone gun to. .. she worked hard to remove it, the boys were not beaten , in short, she went out, put out that couch, didn’t have time to duck, uh, her hand was behind the trench, the 120th mortar arrived and such an injury, she is the same as when you fired the turnstile, is she more than, now, maybe, don't move now pe'.
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further planning of operations and a new military team will deal with the confrontation with russia. by presidential decree, oleksandr syrskyy replaced volodymyr zelenskyi with commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny, and at the same time replaced a significant number of officers in higher positions. of course, in protracted conflicts, changes are almost necessary. because teams can get tired, get used to evaluating things the same as at the beginning, so changes can be beneficial, even in the case of such popular personalities as diligent. i won't give an estimate, but you know, i think they will adjustments, and perhaps even accelerated changes, which were or were considered at the time of application. he did a good job of evaluating at a strategic level. of course, he is diligent.
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fulfilled its function, for example, in the 22nd year, in the 23rd year, now we will see how commander-in-chief syrsky and his team, which is now being rapidly updated, will deal with it, i think this is absolutely true, because it gives an opportunity in general, to launch such refreshing, updating processes throughout the entire vertical command of the armed forces, and this is, as a rule, e. when you need to cheer up and concentrate and take the steps that need to be taken intensively, powerfully, in a fairly short period of time, realizing that perhaps there really won't be a next chance. on february 17, 2024, oleksandr syrskyi, the head of the ukrainian armed forces, announced the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from avdiyivka. large-scale russian attacks
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on this defense area continued. months from mid-october. volodymyr zelenskyi said that the ratio of losses in the battles for the city was one to seven in favor of the defenders. if we talk only about the destroyed equipment in battle for avdiivka, according to user naalcio from the x social network, who systematically keeps such a count based on photos and videos, russia lost more than 400 pieces of equipment, from tanks to trucks, and ukraine almost four dozen, mainly tanks and armored vehicles. in the worst case, they will advance and retreat. i don't know if their results will be permanent. if us support continues to wane, it will increase the likelihood of a russian advance. i don't think a large-scale breakthrough is possible because ukraine is now taking steps to adjust its strategy for a defense in depth echelon defense, while continuing to focus on the top.


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