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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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attacks on this defensive area continued for four months from mid-october. volodymyr zelenskyi said that the ratio of losses in the battles for the city was 1/7 in favor of the defenders. if we talk only about the destroyed equipment in the battle for avdiivka, then according to the user naalsio from the x social network, who systematically keeps such a count based on photos and videos, russia lost more than 400 pieces of equipment, from tanks to trucks, and ukraine almost four dozen, in mainly in the worst case, they will advance and retreat. i don't know if their results will be permanent if us support continues to wane, it will increase the likelihood of a russian advance. i don't think a large-scale breakthrough is possible because ukraine is now taking steps to adjust its strategy for defense, defense-in-depth echelon, while continuing to focus on the...front to
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reduce russia's ability to maintain its forces, to fight, and frankly saying, do you know how dearly the russian people have to pay for constant support of aggression? the total number of equipment and a wide variety of equipment, which was transferred to ukraine by the west, is significantly inferior to the russian side, what has already been in battles requires repair, and this takes time, replacement of losses. together with the suspension of american military aid , it becomes more difficult, and all this together creates the prerequisites for a new cycle of aggression and its possible expansion, mykhailo samos believes. why don't you create another group of 100-200-300 there, quickly increase it to 300 thousand and try to break through in the western region of ukraine, which is really possible create there there potentially they could consider. logistics routes, they
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have been talking about this for a long time, again, the northern regions, the capital, and so on, so if they, for example, consider that ukraine is running out of ammunition , ukraine is running out of mob resources, ukraine is running out of weapons, the west is stopping aid, why would they should not try to carry out such an operation again from the north, now that the 26-year-old has been in the combat zone for two years... the battalion commander admits that when it all started, all these monitors and technologies were not on the battlefield, but again and again speaks first of all about people. i miss those people who were really there, but they are no longer here, yes, there is my own family here, there is my own team here, but the immediate one is a little more precisely the personal composition, it is not the same anymore, but i miss those days when mine was like that family, yes, this is directly the 15th battalion. this is a story just for me, which
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will always remain in my heart, really the first days the war took away the best, here are those who could now directly, well, make a great contribution to the state, and so there is someone to contribute, but directly it was really the best, we planned and at the expense of what we planned, because we saw the whole situation directly, we were there, well, we were there, it was carried out much better, more efficiently. do you remember all those points on the map, relatively speaking, where you visited during this time? to full scale, that's how i remembered, now there are a lot of new and bright events, and i have very big problems with memory, that is, i don't even remember the names of people anymore , i don't even remember their faces, sometimes i remember cities just when i'm driving by somewhere and... i remember that i'm here
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i was, but i don't remember when and what i was doing, so no, unfortunately, unfortunately, no, red-haired. may 20, 23.
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in russia's war against ukraine, many things are currently unknown, what steps russia will take in donbas after the capture of avdiyivka, when the mobilization in ukraine intensifies, and whether to expect the same process in russia after the elections there, what will happen to american military aid to kyiv, and whether to expect another a major ukrainian offensive already this year? taking into account all of the above, russia's war against ukraine may develop now, as well as in 2022 for the most immediate'. it was donbas realiya, my name is roman pagulych, see you soon. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai, let's get started. two hours
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of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar will talk more about what happened in the world, yuliy, good evening, please. two hours to be in courses of economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy. people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, i'm
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olga lenyut, today i'll be in place of serhiy rudenko, temporarily, don't be afraid. and today we will talk about this in the program. powerful the rush of the occupiers at the time of the yard, or a possible breakthrough of the ukrainian defense if the allies do not increase the supply of weapons and ammunition. help bypassing congress. the pentagon found 4 billion for ukraine in the fund of presidential powers. what could be the consequences delay? putin's personal crime. while russia is saying goodbye to the murdered oppositionist navalny, the kremlin is threatening responsibility. for unauthorized actions, and until we started such a major conversation, i think the most striking event today is in moscow, on march 1 russian opposition politician oleksiy navalny was buried, he was tortured in a russian prison in
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february, thousands of people came to say goodbye to him, but only relatives and friends were allowed into the church, this official farewell lasted about 20 minutes there, the territory of the church. was surrounded by medal fences, the queue of those willing to say goodbye to navalny stretched for more than a kilometer, let's see how it was.
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well, i propose our traditional survey today, it is connected with the fact that yesterday the european parliament in its resolution expressed... concern about the restrictions on foreign trips to the deputies of the verkhovna rada, primarily from the opposition, this can be considered as non-selective restrictions on political activity elected people's deputies, in particular those who represent the opposition, as the document literally states, therefore, we decided to ask you the following question: whether
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people's deputies should be restricted from traveling abroad during the war. if your answer is yes, call 0800 211 381, if not - 0800 211 382 or on our website, as far as i understand, it can also be done somehow, and our first guest today is serhii krivonos, major general of the reserve, when... the first deputy commander of the sso from 2016 to 2019 and ex-deputy secretary of the national security council in 2019-2020 . and with him, of course, we will begin to discuss, first of all, issues related to the military sphere. i salute you, sir sergey thank you for joining us. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, i can't you. to ask, of course, first of all what concerns, well, your
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immediate, former sphere of activity, that is, what actually happened precisely with the forces of the ssso. namely, it became known that soldiers of the 73rd naval special operations center heroically died during a combat mission in a clash with russian invaders, this is an official announcement. ensuring the departure of the main forces of the group after. to perform a special task they accepted their last battle, remaining in the ranks forever, this was reported directly to the forces of the sso. according to the publication militarny, it is about the fight on february 28 during the landing of the group on the occupied territory of the kherson region in the area of ​​tendrivska kosa. and now there are many different opinions, different conversations around this. it's obvious that you're a person who's well... directly on the subject, and you have your own opinion on this story, for sure, well, at the very least
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, maybe you have some information about it , i wonder how you feel about what happened, can you tell us, well, within the limits that you can, what happened in general, a difficult question, and when you read such official reports, you want to ask, why do you decide? why do you lie and why do you send people, because the task of carrying out the order of the command at the tender box did not make any strategic, operational, or tactical sense, and the trouble is that the special operations forces are managed by those, unfortunately, who are completely distant from the realities, starting from the service there, they did not serve in certain positions, and yes itself, as well as direct non-existence. them, that's why they treat their people enough , you know, they don't take care of them like that, for
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them they are not brothers, not relatives, not close and not co-workers, so what we have, we have, uh, more than, say my brothers , apparently, we are unlikely to find out, although the russians are already blowing this situation up quickly enough, and i will say that the death was heroic, and ... the question is why, why did we send them there, there was no need, yet once again, unfortunately, it pisses me off, and i would really like it a real tough investigation took place and those guilty of sending people just for the sake of some kind of pr and photo shoot were held severely responsible, because with each such reference, the trust of commanders, the trust of subordinates to commanders can fall, and if there is no serious discord. then directly and the effectiveness of the use of special operations forces will not be what they
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were created for. and could there be, well, such a desire, as we actually have a bridgehead in the kryniks, which, well, let's put it this way, greatly annoys the russians, distracts certain forces, as far as i understand, could there be any expediency in this, to create another bridgehead in that area, how realistic could this task be, you say there is no point, i understand. your position, but i will already answer your question, i understand that you are completely far from military topics, look at the distance between our coast and the occupied coast, and i ask you the question, how you will ensure the logistics of just a sandbox, just look at the map and you will understand that there is no point in keeping there was this cash register, and there was also the question of how the provision of those people who would dig in there would be carried out, for what? this is all a question in the provinces, it is completely different, there the width of the dnieper water obstacle is much less than what
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needs to be done directly on these boats, well, actually, it was important for me to hear the very explanation of why you think it is not inappropriate, that is the actual and there is, tell me, now, well, actually, even if we talk about the 73rd naval center of special operations, as far as i know, it is not the first such tragic one. the story that happened in the last two years, there were definitely other unsuccessful operations, and here the question arises, which is discussed so much , you know, that it is possible some kind of betrayal, maybe something else. maybe someone there gave it all up, well, i'm just saying what they're saying, well , there's a lot, a lot of speculation around it, and here 's the question, well, actually, who makes decisions about such operations, it's made at the level of the special operations center itself, it is accepted at the level of the sso command, or is it accepted at the level of the general staff, that is, as a result, who is the answer, well
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responsible, who nevertheless approves and plans these operations, right? question, but this question is just an element of certain limited information, therefore , with your permission, i will say that in this operation, and what was, the responsibility must be borne by the command of the unit and the command of the special operations forces, as regards the cases that i am talking about, i i don't know in which circles you communicate, that you know so widely enough, the failures and successes of the 73rd center, they happen in every war, but ... the failures that were in the previous ones in the 73rd center are also connected with the current leadership of the special operations forces, but they were a little bit in other positions at the time, but in the meantime they were also planning certain operations in the khristonsky direction. well, let's talk about the situation in general then, well, now, for example, the head of the press service of the operational-strategic
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grouping of the khortel yevlazh troops said today that the russian troops have accumulated significant... slopes and for a powerful surge at times, at the same time, there is enough of such there is also a serious offensive and an attempt to advance further in the avdiivka area, attempts are underway improve the tactical position, advance in other areas. how would you characterize this whole general situation happening on the front, from your point of view, that this, this is some kind of bigger offensive, this is... well , the restrictions of the ukrainian, well, the defense forces of ukraine, which cannot restrain what, what happens? battles are taking place at the tactical level, the russians are trying to advance in certain areas, they have an advantage in the number of artillery and the use of aviation means, namely, they actively use the control
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of aerial bombs to strike at to our front edge, we are powerful enough. we feel a shortage, a lack, let’s say , of the required amount of artillery ammunition and trained, trained and trained people, and the question is not in the capabilities of the russian army, they have them, the question is in our ability to ensure timely detection by means of our development of the enemy’s approaches to the front edge . the efforts of the enemy, as regards his offensive, is therefore difficult, difficult, i would like the issue of providing ammunition and other samples, and in terms of quantity and quality, to be resolved faster without weapons, but i would not panic and, i will say that no
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would be so pessimistic, in war it always happens when you have a hard time, never in war. it doesn't happen, sometimes it just depends on how you are provided for the performance of your task, well here rather these sentiments are spread through the media, i would she said, because, for example, here is the latest report, which is also a panic of such a plan, that bloomberg published about the fact that ukraine seems to see the risks of a defense breakthrough by the occupiers by the summer, if the allies do not increase the supply of the necessary ammunition to kyiv, they write it as if from sources in the ukrainian leadership, how many breakthroughs are there really, how realistic is this prospect in general? the russians have the means to carry out such actions, i am more interested in the actions of our authorities to
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speed up the provision of the needs of the armed forces, let's remember that a week and a half. therefore, the president of the czech republic found 800,000 shells for ukraine, the whole of europe is looking for money, we have money, but for some reason we do not pay, at least, at least to get any part of these 800,000, so what is the question, i am not talking about the complete failure of the transfer of the economy to functioning in the conditions of the period, in accordance with the existing law on mobilization, i am not saying that the country's leadership is absolutely not... engaged in the preparation of mobilization resources and in general does not engage in the fortification of resources possession of the area in the required amount of quality, that is the question we are waiting for, that europe and the united states will do everything for us, and we are waiting directly when they will give us everything. let's still ask questions, not who will help us when, but what we ourselves can
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do to improve the situation. well , in general, it seems to me that you should have a plan b in case help does not come, and so that there is no such situation that help does not come and everything collapses. absolutely right, i support you, and you just have to count different options. including the best and the worst and to be and this will give us the opportunity to be ready for this and not fall into the panic that i now see from many sources of mass media, well panic in general is not the best reaction to any difficulties , frankly speaking, the best reaction is to think that what should be the way out , but now in parallel with this it is clear that under, let's say, more... there are some actions of talks regarding the supply of long-range weapons, well, regarding the supply of american long-range weapons , it is clear that there is a lot of everything there
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is tied to funding that cannot be approved by the us congress, but also, well , for example, the members of the bundestag voted to provide, well, it is not specified exactly what kind of word, but long-range german weapons, and in response to this we we see schultz's statements, again about the fact that if moscow is shelled, let's listen to this general statement of schultz's, because it is so, well, so, i would say, very typical of many in the west, who talk about things that are not something must be given to ukraine. let's see. there is no hymars rocket launcher the most powerful or long-range weapon, but it can do more than the taurus, which flies up to 500 km. in addition, if taurus is used incorrectly, it can achieve a specific goal somewhere in moscow. and let's discuss here one by one, well, first
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of all, about the fact that mars can be better than taurus and in general, well, where are these things interchangeable, let mars and taurus, well, the problem is that.. .when civilians start telling others how to use military-style weapons, it even causes a smile and surprise , this is firstly, secondly, well, we ca n't compare machines for passing difficult tracks and machines for passing high-speed tracks, it's a completely different purpose, so are taurus and hymers, it's a little different in its own way the ability to deliver certain blows. and it is important for us to have both haimars and tauros, and it will be very good for us, but why is our management absolutely not working to provide
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information support in germany itself, we spend a huge amount money for a telethon, which does not bring any benefit, but we do not have even five minutes on any german television channel, where there is a ukrainian announcer. in good ukrainian, in good german , he talked about the realities of the war between russia and ukraine, he talked about its torture of atrocities by the russians against ukrainians, then maybe this would accelerate and exacerbate the problem and accelerate the adoption of decisions necessary for ukraine? well, i don't know, here you know, again, it's not quite the case, because it's just er and pressure , including diplomatic, not only diplomatic, as well as social, media , everyone caused the fact that, after all , the bundestag decided on the possibility of granting, that is, now we are leaning, well, maybe on the position of chancellor ulav schultz personally, maybe
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on some group, well, let's say, leadership of germany, that is, in some certain rather large process was passed, because when the bundestag votes, it means that there is at least some certain majority that is ready to support the provision and there is. public support for this process is also in germany, that is, here, here we have something quite so complicated, and it connected, i think, with the second part of what schultz said, when the conversation is about the fact that they can hit moscow, but objectively, why do we need these tauros, well, don't hit in moscow, really yes, well, probably for something else, then why do we need them, that's what we have to talk about, why do we talk so much about them, about these taurus, well, if something only worries about moscow, glory by god, the number of...
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enterprises of the defense-orthodox complex on the territory of the federation, which are not located in moscow, more than enough, so if he escalated the issue in moscow, then we can strike at other cities and factories of the enterprises of the russian federation, and we absolutely do not violate anything about what the german leader asked, and at the end, the last question for you , please tell me, from your point of view, is this whole story about that? that somehow ukraine should announce its goals, well, that is, how, let's put it this way, how could we remove this fear from our allies that suddenly their long-range missiles will fly somewhere in the wrong place, this is the approval of the goals, this is perhaps some clearer indication, nevertheless, what is our approach to the selection of goals on the territory of russia, how
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should we act, what... to convince them? well, first of all, you don’t need to agree on anything, you need to have weapons, strike, that’s the first thing, secondly, we only see such statements from scholz, regarding striking, other representatives of other countries, we are not limited in the use of weapons, when our leaders tell us that everyone forbids us, this is not true, but we are only officially from the germans heard, but from the americans and other countries we absolutely did not hear or see such statements and... neither written nor oral, so let's have and strike, let's have and strike, just like that, well, thank you, serhii kryvonus, general reserve major and former first deputy commander of the ssu , thank you for joining our broadcast, i remind you that we are conducting a poll on whether people's deputies should be restricted from working trips abroad during the war, if your answer is yes,
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call 0800. 211 381, if your answer is no - 0800 211 382 and we have a new one guest, this is volodymyr tsibulko, a political analyst, writer, and let's now discuss in more detail what we were showing, which is navalny's funeral, i congratulate you, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. so, we saw these footage, we saw how this happened on the eve of all this, you know, well , this is a very action, it is very strange, when for more than a week navalny's mother did not release his body, talking about what she had to do in a very hidden way, that they will bring her somewhere to a place in the cemetery, she stand near the grave, and there won't be any such burials at all, and here i see. what
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was happening now, but we didn't really see any such uprising there , so what were the russian authorities so afraid of, and why were there all these preparations and all this frightened hiding of the body, as from your point of view, volodymyr, well, the russian government is paranoid here, for them it will not take more than three. this is such an attitude of social behavior, only the authorities must collect more than three, and then mobilization, lining up, uniforming and sending to ukraine, these are exactly the attitudes with which, in my opinion, the russian population even internally agreed, because apart from state measures , there are no oppositional actions at the moment, and there is no sense in them,
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because... well opposition is when the opposition is part of the government and it only offers an alternative way. here in russia it is completely different, putin does not hear, well, neither does his entourage, does not hear subordinates, does not hear the population, it believes that it is doing great good for the population, and the fact that the population grumbles, he is not interested, on the other hand , in navalny's entourage and this opposition... uh, and such, well , isolated attempts to somehow, uh, well, either fronde, fronderite, or demonstrate some kind of disagreement with the actions of the authorities, the governments of the hour seep , we remember zanadezhdin's signatures, and now these funerals, uh, well, this is some very strange action, because even in the morning there was information that the ritual. to the company
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that hired the service.


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