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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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we are starting the information day on tv. the news is on air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. today is a day of mourning in odesa, flowers, candles and toys near the odesa nine-story building, one of the entrances of which collapsed the day before due to a russian drone strike. another body of a woman was recovered from the rubble yesterday evening. her identity is being established, so there are already eight dead from this attack. in particular, two children, three-year-old mark and four-month-old tymofiyko - said ochy. region oleg kiper.
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the rescue operation lasts almost 30 hours. there may still be people under the rocks. meanwhile , the houses that were left without heat. heating has already been restored, in particular, the partially destroyed nine-story building. however, several houses are still without gas supply. the delay in supplying weapons to ukraine, especially missiles for air defense, costs the lives of innocent people, president volodymyr zelenskyy said in a video message. against the backdrop of the russian attack on odessa. he emphasized that ukraine will not forget the internal political games and disputes that allow the russians to continue their aggression and kill ukrainians. the head of state also emphasized that he is waiting for the return of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi from the front with concrete proposals for changes in the army. every day i am in communication with our partners so that we...
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can get exactly what is needed , daily military reports, daily commanders, commanders at the front, exactly where it is needed, carte blanche from the commander, for personnel changes in the army, in the headquarters, any, all ukrainian commanders must know the front, feel the front, real needs, must really be soldiers, sergeants, be what they needed to achieve... ukrainian goals. it was loud at night in the temporarily occupied crimea. powerful explosions thundered in feodosia. the windows of the houses shook, and car alarms went off in the yards, crimean publics write. according to eyewitnesses, firefighters and ambulances arrived in the area of ​​the local oil depot. the occupation authorities blocked traffic on the crimean bridge and the tavrida highway in the direction of kerch. traffic was resumed only in the morning. in the ministry of defense. in the next
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announced that the attack was repulsed, they allegedly destroyed all 38 drones over the territory captured crimea. the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of fividrons for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the semi-drone. our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. with your help, we have already collected over uah 900,000. only 100,000 left our soldiers will receive help. so get involved, remember, every donation is important. you can see all the details on the screen. ecological and smart. simulators, such
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devices, the taiwanese company acer, together with the local ministry of digital transformation, donated them to the lviv children's hospital and two higher education institutions. our correspondents have tested how the smart venotrainer works, so let's see together. not only will you become athletic, elevated, but so that our students in ukraine have such wonderful opportunities. athletics no... the only function of this exercise bike is that the device charges electronic gadgets when its user pedals, it is a development of taiwanese electronics company acer. as the manufacturer's representatives assure, such simulators make people's lives active, safe and ecological. thanks to this current, the battery accumulates energy and releases it to the usb or type-c ports. thanks to this, mobile devices or a laptop will be charged. also, these devices are implemented according to... there is a table, that is, working modes, there are
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modes, look, we can do this, we can lift up, for example, that is, every person can do it, make it according to his height. use different modes according to your weight. the team was prompted by the sad events in ukraine, when thousands of people were left without electricity due to russian missile attacks on the ukrainian energy infrastructure, so the developers decided to create an exercise bike that not only benefits from playing sports, but also helps in the event of a blackout. the first place we wanted to send these exercise bikes to was ukraine, because ukraine today... uses backup power, and these exercise bikes are non-volatile and generate their own electricity. so, for six months, we worked on this idea together with the democratic forum and the taiwanese company acer, which produces high-quality modern electronics, and it happened.
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i think this is a great invention, especially for ukrainian youth. taiwanese partners donated 12 such exercise bikes to the lviv children's hospital of st. nicholas and two universities. this became possible thanks to the cooperation of taiwanese government officials with the all-ukrainian public organization democratic forum. the taiwanese and i implemented a lot of projects, these are projects to help school students in lviv, poltava, and many other regions. now we are working on new projects, on the training of computer science teachers, on the supply of new computers. this separate project is interesting in that we delivered not just exercise bikes to some lviv higher education institutions and hospitals, but... modern gadgets that allow you to maintain health, because it is an exercise bike, charge your computer, your phones, use it and work for him as at the table. the director of st. nicholas children's hospital is sincerely grateful for such gifts, because the institution tries to create such conditions where small patients
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would feel as comfortable as possible and have fun spending their free time. in the hospital, we try to create a space as close as possible to home conditions. so that the children do not feel that they are in the hospital, that they are sick, that they have to receive drips, injections, but in addition, they have to lead a normal life, study in the school that we have, have physical exercises, etc. five smart simulators were handed over to the ukrainian catholic university, the students willingly tested the devices and say that they already have ideas on how to use them for a charitable purpose, we have an initiative to create. batteries for the military, and we will put such batteries next to each other and charge them in parallel at once, because they need to be charged somehow, somehow, and this is a good way for students to have a good time and do useful things, which is in line with our values ​​of our university. for
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students of the lviv polytechnic, sports - czech not the main component of life, because many of them successfully perform at international and all-ukrainian sports competitions, from physical activity to training. the teachers and employees of the university will not refuse to relax and charge their electronic devices at the same time. it is a very cool opportunity that there will be such exercise bikes in the buildings of the lviv polytechnic that they can come in between pairs, train and at least minimally tone their bodies. our film crew also decided to join the experiment and test how this smart exercise bike works. so, we take the cable and connect it to the simulator. we see that we have no charge, although... and now the charge is gone, we see the speed, the power, which can be adjusted according to your strength, and while we are spinning away, our phone is charging. special
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export credit guarantees for ukraine were approved by the swedish government. they provide support for companies that supply equipment and materials for reconstruction after. russian aggression and the development of our economy. the program will start on april 1, the national agency for guaranteeing sweden's export credits. recently, the ministry of defense of ukraine concluded the first direct contract with a swedish manufacturer, which will help improve the provision of the armed forces. this concludes the issue. read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, place yours. likes, welcome my colleagues, oksana vasochanska and roman chaika, on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, thank you for watching us so early on a sunday. time, but the enemy does not sleep, that's why we must state that a correctly shot down 12th su-34, a russian-fascist bomber, led to good results. lieutenant general mykola olyschuk says good morning to you and says: the sky is clear, because there is not a single plane in the sky of ukraine, even in the eastern occupied territories, the clear sky in the east this evening is the result of the work of the ukrainian air force. true, there is still room for work, because according to various estimates, they have at least a hundred more such dryers, but the numbers vary, after all, as our speakers often ... tell us, as long as the russians have at least one plane left, there is room to move, and as long as there is one
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russian-fascist invader on ukrainian soil, we need to buy fpv drones, and even now we can buy 50 fpv drones together, with joint efforts, for our defenders, who are now near beilohorivka. you can see the details on the screen: the qr code, which is more convenient to scan, the card number, which is easier to enter by hand, and these are the drones we will buy for 800 uah. on account, let's quickly reach 400 thousand and then we will move further to 800, please be active, because the boys and girls from luhansk region are waiting for our help. we are the fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, we are addressing you. with a request, we are in the luhansk direction, we need effigy drones,
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due to the fact that borog began to carry out very active combat operations, infantry, artillery, as well as heavy armored vehicles are advancing, we will be very grateful to you for your concern and understanding, we need as many as possible and... glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. well, in the meantime, we will start collecting information for you, starting with the northeastern areas. kharkiv region. the front is not far away, there are serious battles, but what is happening in kharkiv itself, we will now learn from our guest, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, halyna kuts. mrs. galina, good morning, thank you for being with us at such an early hour. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. ms. galina, the russians say that the ukrainians are so terribly afraid that kharkiv is about
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to be taken in a ring that everyone will sell out en masse their homes, are fleeing the region, but mark rutte, the prime minister of the netherlands, came to kharkiv, looked, was shocked and said, no, putin will not succeed, people do that here, they even teach children underground at such a time, him. .. it definitely won't work, how are the townspeople disposed, what is the general mood in the town, or are people ready to meet the enemy or even prevent it? eh, thank you, the point is that , first of all, we are very grateful that mark rutte came to kharkiv, you know, not every bird will fly that far, they are afraid of foreign ones in kyiv our guests came to kharkiv and it is very, very good, we are very grateful. because it is necessary to see what is being done in kharkiv, no photos , no videos convey the atmosphere that exists here,
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so calm, unbroken, and at the same time a disturbing atmosphere, er, what do kharkiv residents think, now there is a lot of information i threw in about the fact that kharkiv would be surrendered, kharkiv would be surrounded, and this throw-in, that kharkiv residents are selling apartments en masse, well, this throw-in made kharkiv residents happy, because already at the beginning after... a large-scale invasion, well, in kharkiv, it's so gray zone and such a front-line city, where it is hardly possible to somehow sell an apartment for some normal money, that is why here, for example, mothers with children, they go and rent housing for some last penny, but they cannot sell it here, well, who will buy it here, that is, it is massive they are selling an apartment, but it’s just a fake, there are supposedly big buyers and yes... i haven’t heard anything like that inside here in kharkiv, huh, mrs. galina, i wanted to know
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how i look at the weather in kharkiv, from two to seven, well, let’s say, not hot, but this blow by shahedas in shevchenkivsky district, in my opinion, yes shevchenkivskyi district, and 277 apartments lost their windows from the blast wave, people managed to put up something there, aren't they freezing? thank you, regarding how the rescuers of communal services work in kharkiv, out of 10 points, i give them a 10 since the 22nd year. so fast, even though it happened at night. although they arrive so quickly in the morning, people are moved out, they are given hot tea, local people immediately join in, give blankets, cover people, give warm things, during this time chipboard is quickly delivered and the windows are covered with film and people are temporarily relocated somewhere, it is such a well-established system that i have already said and will continue to say that it will be necessary
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to create a separate such monument to the kharkiv communal workers for their heroism and aspirations. victory, therefore, this system is quite fixed, and kharkiv, i remember, back in 22nd year in march, i walked around the city, the city was almost empty, and then i was fascinated by an interesting situation, that there is a smell of construction materials, well, because cement, because everything is destroyed lying there, but there is no smell of garbage, no smell of rot, and then everything was cleaned, and then they worked, that is, in therefore kharkiv or. clean, yes , he is wounded, but he is clean, everything is fine here, as far as the mood of the people of kharkiv is concerned, i will also say, of course, a little bit of this has started, you know, a certain kind of despondency, i will say that the despondency must be replaced now, because there is a lot in the kyds are leaving, there is, for example, information that the so-called zhduns have started to appear, well, where they are not,
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there are zhduns in kharkiv who are waiting for russia and still say that it is us who fired at ourselves. or it is our own fault that we are being shelled, there are such, these are most often the persons of such a senior, very of older age, who say that the soviet union built everything, but ukraine did nothing, there is such a category of people, and suddenly some began to raise their heads, suddenly there was information that, for example, an older man could ride the subway and tell loudly , as it was good during the union, now that's what's happening, they quarreled. and now, we are also being shelled , we need to be friends again, we need, we need peace, we need that, and there were situations where this was stopped, because kharkiv is still a military city, there are such situations, and i understand that now informational kharkiv, russia checks, directs some such people, connects them so that they do not keep silent, i understand that all mechanisms are involved, at the same time, those people
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who survived the spring and summer of 22 in kharkiv, it does not... work on them, these ipso do not affect them, people who are very, you know , the situation with mark ryuta, we have the president of ukraine coming to kharkiv, it was march 1, it is such a sad date for kharkiv, when in 2014, and in 2022 , there were such significant events near the regional administration, when in the 14th year the russian flag was displayed there... visitors to the regional administration were hanged and beaten maidan residents, in the 22nd year, for the first time in the center of kharkiv, two rockets were thrown right at the regional administration, people died there, and on that day mark ryuty and the president came, and it is very good that they honored that date, and the president said that suddenly such phrase: he supposedly wanted to calm someone down, supposedly to be honest and
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sincere, but he didn't finish a bit, and this phrase affected people more than the russian exo, and what exactly he said was that he said that he was asked what would happen to kharkiv , he said that i do not recommend returning now to kharkiv, and we are the ones here, we are suicide bombers, or what, that is, he didn’t say further, and how, and there are a lot of us here now, and even then some such conjectures began a little, and what will happen to us , and we are hostages, and why did he say that, that is? well, he said, calm down , that is, he said to someone that kharkiv is a completely empty city, but the city is not empty, now many people, ms. galina, not all studied well at school, maybe in kryvyi rih taught how much a word weighs, if only, if only this line, if only if i remembered, maybe it wouldn't have happened like that, but i don't think that the people of kharkiv, who have survived everything,
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and who will still rebuild saltivka, would have such a strong reaction to this phrase. to react in such a way that some kind of movements on the vehicular movement began, it affected more than the russian throws, well, well, they said, well, people, well, wait, say something, only then we will calm each other down, and we say, listen, well, they said that they will air defense for kharkiv will be separate, which will make it easier for us, that is, we will calm down among ourselves, because after all, we have heavy battles, on territories of the kupyan region, the enemy intensified the fighting, and the enemy's goals have not... changed, they have not changed at all, we understand that, they want to take the kupynsk junction, because there is a large railway junction, it will be very convenient for them to deliver fuel there. supplies, various resources, and it is important to them, and we understand that if, god forbid , this happens, then kharkiv will begin to be shelled closer and shelled from different
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types of weapons in general, as it was in the spring of 22, but this moment that russia where does he talk about taking kharkiv or something else, well here inside, you know, they defended kharkiv in the 22nd year, when everything was much worse, when our front line actually passed along the district road, we remember that, those who are in the bully. mrs. galina, we understand that now there are fewer residents in kharkiv than there were before the full-scale invasion, and it is also quite obvious, and this does not depend on the words of president zelensky, that it is still possible not to return there, he does not advise people to return, but those who are, i am not talking about housing now, but about whether people can, have somewhere to work, yes, or businesses work, or business works, or this life is life itself. can people provide for themselves, or should we count on some humanitarian aid, as it is in the front-line areas? thank you, ms. oksana, a very valid question, i will say right away that
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i, as a deputy, have received many more requests regarding the plight of people, well , the regional council can provide some help to people who are seriously ill there, who have undergone some operations, and so on. there are such moments, and there have been more appeals, there are many in kharkiv... people became also due to the fact that this evacuation , which is taking place from a zone close to the war zone, is from kupyanshchyna, vovchanshchyna, because they are resettled somewhere, they are evacuated to kharkiv, they are resettled in former student dormitories, because everything in our country is for studying online, we don’t have live education, and there are a lot of those people, in kharkiv there are a lot of immigrants from kharkiv from kharkiv region, and because of this there are a little more people, at the same time... there are more elderly people in kharkiv, the financial situation is difficult, i will say right away, very few people it's an annoying situation when they start saying that
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it's optimistic, they will restore , there will be funds for restoration, there will be this, there will be this, but people already need somewhere to live for something, somehow, especially mothers with children, it's important for them, again you know, now when the mothers with their children who returned a little, started to think about what to do , where to go back to, people don't have money to leave, when they write from other regions, well , if you have shootings and explosions there to the point of alarm, that you don't even have time to hide, well, that's how it is with us, so why don't you leave, why are you sitting there, but even i hire an associate professor at the university, well, i work with a child at the university, she can’t leave, she left a little, she just doesn’t have the money to pay for an apartment somewhere, because statistically no one thinks technology was taken. russia kharkiv, we take 1.5 million , yes, the entire ternopil region has a million inhabitants, is there housing for at least the size of kharkiv, i am not talking about other coastal cities, the entire
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ivano-frankivsk region has a million or so, that is, where there is not even a physical place for i want to place all the people somewhere, and here we should not talk about restoration, but talk about some modular towns for the most socially vulnerable, for those strata you mentioned, for those sick people who do not have funds, ma'. with children, so that for them, if some model towns were quickly built in frankiv oblast, ternopil oblast, or lviv oblast, then this might be a way out, instead of constantly saying, we will restore this, we will restore everything, people, well that's it, but we also heard , we often also hear that, you know, there is a modular town, there is a model town, or their i will build too little, or too little, i think , too little, mrs. galina, thank you for being with us at such a time in the morning, have a peaceful sunday, we want to wish... galina kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about what and how kharkiv region is worried, although we understand well that if they can't take a little
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blueberry for two years, then why did they attack kupyansk, kupyansk is a hub, in a word, a good question, we have a short pause, and we will continue, we will find out how there is information from the occupied territories in the severodonnytskyi district council, who knows? there are discounts on lyzak 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are discounts on pectolovan ivy 10% in pharmacies , plantain you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis
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on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should receive the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are requested to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our podroz! thank you! glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola
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veresny. in saturday. 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we are back, you know, siverskyi donetsk. so, there is severodonetsk, it is under temporary occupation, but directly opposite it, belogorivka, where we collect money for our defenders for fpv drones. we do not yet know whether fpv drones to severodonetsk itself will be asked by the russian, we will ask now, roman
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vlasenko, the head of severodonetsk is with us. of the district military administration, mr. roman , good morning, we welcome you to our airwaves, good morning, glory to ukraine, roman and i are hesitant, we know that our guys are working near beilohorivka, we are now collecting drones for them, 81 separate airmobile brigade, are they arriving their combat fpv drones to sivironetska, are there targets where these drones should fly, how far from the occupied front? i'm saying that they are flying to lysichansk for sure, and we see severodonetsk in the videos of our defenders, who are filmed from these half-pipes, yes, yes, but there are so many important targets there, severodonetsk, lysechansk, the surrounding area, yes, just on the way from bilogorivka to lysychansk, there is an
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oil refinery, and it is a very powerful node of the defense of lysychansk, now from the side of the occupying army, and it is such a fat target for the attacks of our beer men and artillery , that's what everyone heard, mr. roman said , mr. roman said, roman chaika and i are not the experts, so this qr code that you see now during our conversation, let's actively use it and the card number, and we'll continue with... tell me what it is for the information that they have found an investor, will nitrogen be launched? well, i think that everyone understands that severodonetsk, in principle, the occupied territories are now living in such a bubble of the election campaign, and there are a lot of promises on this topic from the occupations.


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