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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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the refinery, the oil refinery, and this is such a powerful node of the defense of lysychansk now from the side of the occupation army, and it is such a fat target for the attacks of our artillerymen, that is what everyone heard, mr. roman said, mr. roman, here is an expert, not roman chaika and i , so this qr code that you see now during our conversation, let's actively use it and the card number. and we will continue, mr. roman, and tell me what kind of information this is, that they have found an investor, they will launch nitrogen? well , i think that everyone understands that severodonetsk v in principle, the occupied territories are now living in such a bubble of the election campaign, and there are a lot of promises on this topic from the occupying authorities, they are already starting mines, they are starting... nitrogen, they are starting
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the lysichan concrete construction plant, it is about the fact that about objectively, as if according to our information, they are looking for investors and want to conclude some investment contracts on this topic, but i think it is more likely that it will still be a transfer for scrap metal than for some kind of restoration, because investments are needed, well significant promises there. and we know that this yanukovych's uncle created even before the invasion, and what is the attitude towards such people now, well, it sounds as if sanya klimenko will be the magical one.
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an investor in severodonetsk azot, but what is the attitude towards all those former runaway klymenks, the kurchenkos, the zakharchenkos, i am not talking about viktor fyodorovych, well , it was precisely about klimenko that it was more about mines and the coal industry, a respectable man, with money, i i think that he is someone's wallet, as we used to say, and... today one day he will be one of the beneficiaries of the work of these enterprises, but i say that i do not believe that objectively this enterprise will work. ugh. mr. roman, why do they need this , like a restoration, you say, there is an omission about the metal drill, well, i am leading to that, why do they need this, whether and whether there are people who could work there, well, in principle, the front line is close here, and they shouldn't be like that.
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calm enough to launch something? well, i'm saying, first, it's really, it's that the election campaign is going on, second, really, they even themselves admit that there is a very significant shortage of personnel in the so-called lnf today, especially the working professions, we understand that precisely in the zone of active hostilities there are practically no young people, all of them are older people , and there are no specialized specialists either. and today even some restoration work is taking place, mainly russians from zazhezhi, doctors who come from the permian region in order to provide some services here, in general in this sense, well, the situation is very difficult and there are some rainbow victories in the work of the organization of the industry there.
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the launch of economics, well, it is not foreseeable for the near future , everything is very mundane and at the level of a small business, and what about medicine, because you mentioned that there are more elderly people left , and we understand that this is actually the group of people who need medical care more often help, we also know pharmacies, basic, this is the first line of medical care, well, we know about problems with insulin for diabetes, whether it is possible to solve it... you know, you know, black markets, maybe some russian volunteers charitable funds medical opening of a pharmacy in severodonetsk is a general national holiday in the temporarily occupied territories they report that since the new year they have managed to open one pharmacy directly in severodonetsk the assortment is not very significant and there is an understanding that these are russian medicines and not very high quality and not very large assorted there are
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individual cases of some kind of humanitarian assistance, but in reality, more or less high- quality assistance can be obtained only in luhansk. only for money, plus very large restrictions for people who did not receive a russian passport, have a ukrainian passport, and they are very limited in receiving medical services. thank you for the conversation, thank you for explaining to our viewers also about the importance of the collection that we are currently holding, by the way, while we were talking here, we collected 600, thank you, please continue, roman vlasen. the head of the severodonetsk district military administration was with us, we will now take a short break, we will only remind you that from our fpv, from your fpv drones, when the camera shows, you can see severo-donetsk, maybe sanya klimenko is there somewhere walks near nitrogen, so let's donate and continue in a few minutes. kherson and
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stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks , political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, slobodalai frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, every week maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet will authorize of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine by pawel koval. as always we we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at
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15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestra au. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politclub is on the air on the tv channel. espresso, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get... the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club.
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every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor represents the national team. united by football , stronger together, good morning, thank you for the espresso, thank you for donating, we need to collect more, this is fpv drones to the luhansk direction for our defenders, and in the meantime we will find out how the situation is in the kherson region, with us on communications deputy of the kherson city council oksana pogomiy, mrs. oksano, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, hero. glory. ms. oksanna, please tell me, in the occupied territories of the kherson region, they do not sell this snack there, if you do not have a russian passport. well, a snack look, i'm just thinking, how to convey, there is some possibility through
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the front line to transfer to the left bank a snack for such a bullish regional balance, you remember, this was a deputy from the party of regions, he didn't drink this balance, but... he didn't eat and says: it is necessary to develop green tourism in krynk, cool, well, actually, maybe he didn't study geography and history. well, by the way, i lost it, well done, well done, because our boys will drop it from a drone when he comes to do tourism in his snack bar, so that, because something he will die, he will die, he will not die in any way, in we have news here every month, such a balance has doubled, and then no, it turns out that it is not, well, we wait, then strimoutsov calls him, and he resists with his hands, he resists for sure, ms. oksano, let's move on to slightly more serious issues, we were told from crimea about the fact that
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some people are still trying to leave the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and are actually looking for different ways, through the kerch bridge, through the territory of russia, through georgia, turkey, and we once talked with you about whether it is possible for ukrainians to leave now from the temporarily occupied kherson oblast, we want to ask if something has changed and... in fact , they can also use these routes or not, is this route prohibited for kherson residents, are there any possible roadblocks, the borders there are conditional on the borders of the region, i understand, so, of course, there are roadblocks, those who have a ukrainian passport, those who have not taken a russian passport, they are not even allowed out of the district, that is, for example, if you live in the oleshki district in a village... then you can go to oleshki, but leave then oleshok,
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there on radanskyi, they don’t let out those who have ukrainian passports, there are still people like that, ugh, they check very closely, well , the further you go, the scarier it is to leave at all , because the men are already there, i saw such chests with mi, one chest saw from the local chat of one of the villages of the kherson region, where gaulaitersha wrote down all the surnames of men, and wrote that i warn you that you do not follow what should be done, they have lists there now, well , firstly, russian passports, secondly, they take lists of men, to probably them in the russian army, i warn you that i will write to you. well, she didn’t write loudly, that’s the way it is, i will submit your lists to the russian authorities, so that they take
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measures to do with you, this is the case, and when you leave, they actually clean your phones, and in fact now our phones are cleaned, so don’t let god, there was no information, but there are already such specialists who, even if you reset the phone to the factory settings, they still somehow set it there, and this is the most terrible thing for people, because, well, for pro-ukrainian, i have in mind, that is why there is a possibility to leave, but very, very little, well, plus it is free , you will not leave, $350 per person is taken by volunteers, so it is not everyone either, but probably those who stayed, they already have that kind of money there is no, then you just need to collect people somehow, huh. and we are looking at what is happening in the occupied territories, maybe now we will show it a fresh
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video, this is how putin’s so-called election was played on the day of putin’s election, which putin appointed , well, it somehow looks like this, as if the mental hospital came with trikaloromi, if you can show it, just maybe you can give us something you say, but we are showing it, look, the circus has arrived, yes, there, well, that's what they called the elections. with a smile, that is, eh, you are not easy, you choose putin with joy , so i can say that in one of the cities, the city, not the village, the city, it is more difficult in the village , there everyone, everyone knows everyone, eh , if people are walking down the street, to the market, or somewhere else , a person with a box just walks, russians with assault rifles come, they approach you, take your documents, enter... just in a notebook, your last name, your data , you sign, and it is considered that you have voted, and you
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can sign your name five times a day , it's okay, they don't care, i'm already laughing so hard that i'm in tears, but now they're hurting as many people as we 've ever had in the region, no lived in the best of times, but because they will hold these pseudo-elections for two or three weeks, well, in short, they have four dates there. appointed yes, yes, this is how elections are held on the left bank, that is, they are just entertaining, yes, here is the circus, then... then the cinema, then some kind of concert, there old women dance something next to all this, sad, there are, there are, there are some, well, i have such information, i understand that it is not all of them, and i understand that it is, well, but you know, those who are quite old, or those who don't care,
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they are sometimes downright happy because the village and coal were brought to them, and firewood was brought, and something to eat. brought, and when you say that , listen, well, in ukraine you took your wallet, went to the shops, bought what you needed, and did not pressure that humanitarian woman, once there for six months they brought you some kind of hygiene, you are happy with the people there are cities turn off, but unfortunately there are those who say: we are fine now, they are adapting, but there are those who are waiting, and there are many of them, but this is all? what kind of artists are they all of good will, people like you say , well, the brain turns off, what are they being driven away , or do they come with good will or you, i think that i think that well, to be honest, i think that there it is difficult to drive, there are probably those
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who dance by the hour, we know, yes, by the way. yes, mrs. oksana, in conclusion, tell me more, because they are beating me up and down on the right bank, along the entire line, and in kherson , for the past few weeks, there has been so much shelling, including artillery and everything else, how quickly it is possible to at least minimally help the people there, something to block, something to tighten the film and something with boards, or you can go to change, well, i want to say, i want to say that now the work on... there are actually volunteer centers and there are communal enterprises, and now already, well, i won’t say how many hours, but quite quickly, 2-3 days, and the algorithm has already been worked out, yes, because we just heard a similar story from kharkov, there it also happens that you have to react quickly, we have to react every day and the algorithm has already been worked out, and we don't have
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to wait a month, ms. oksana, thank you for being with us on sunday morning poruksana. pogomiy, a member of the kherson city council on the situation in kherson oblast, vilna and the temporarily occupied regions, and we are now going to odesa odesa, the deputy of the odesa city council petro obukhov is with us, mr. peter, we welcome you to our airwaves, congratulations, we know that unfortunately, eight people have already died since saturday's attack, it happened last night, and we know what it seems that there are still rescue operations going on, how many people. potentially 12 people, they are still ongoing , as of this morning there has been no news, so far, we hope that all these people are alive somewhere, this happened, it was already a year ago, when we were looking for a person, we also called him, he did not
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answer calls, and then they found out that it was just everyone's phone, and the person was in another place, so let's hope for the best, i'll see. in two years before this attack in odesa , 37 people died in drone attacks, and eight people died during this one alone, well, that's a sad statistic, but in this case it's just a story of a father who had his eldest daughter in one room, his wife and baby in another room, but what we heard is very important, because people see the picture, but don't understand this area. in odesa, and that's just in the literal sense , there are high-rise buildings next to each other, one next to the other, that is, if you don't look there, there was nothing strategically important there, that is, it was deliberately knocked into the place where people sleep, yes, it can be compared with the kyiv trieste region, i.e. such an area has a lot of gunpowder of the soviet era, there is absolutely nothing
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there, i thought about it too, before when i once flew in, i know there, for example, there are nearby... enterprises that help the military, maybe there, well somehow, there is absolutely nothing here, it’s just like that the sleeping area and the market, there, well, there were schools , there was nothing at all, well, there was absolutely no sense, and you know, i still remember new year's eve, and here is new year's eve, it also proves that they are not attacking us because that they are looking for some military goals, and theirs drones are simply inaccurate, and they then launched drones so that they would arrive at precisely... at night, and this is obviously such sadism, such, well , terrorism, and there will be no other explanation here, but how this is simply reflected, because this happening odesa, go back home , they say, and at this very moment something explodes
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and flies, and for example, we remember the moscow church of the moscow patriarchate , and here are such extreme things, and how people who at one time were somewhere there, on kulikovo maradona and his family used to go somewhere there at one time supported who supported sharia, or went to the moscow monastery, how do they read it now, these are all calls for odesa to return home and women, a new arrival, you know, we have much fewer people who would like odesa to become russia, unfortunately there are such, a year ago we had a municipal survey conducted by the international republican institute, and they were there in all... regional centers of ukraine, they asked people, well, most of the questions were municipal, like water, lighting, transport, parking, but there were questions type whether he wants or not
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do you want ukraine to join the eu, or to the union with russia, kazakhstan, belarus , so in odesa, and whether ukraine needs to join nato there, the numbers increased a lot, in odesa 53% were in favor of nato and 66% were in favor of the eu, and for odessa it is just space, because it was three o'clock before the invasion. for less, but less with that, the first place was ode, odesa in terms of the percentage of those who would like to join russia, then 9% said, and another 9% said that they do not know what to answer there, well that is for me it's very strange and well, but it still changes to explain myself, i think it 's harder and harder every time, you mentioned maradona, i remember he said about a year ago that he was like... odessa will suffer a little there, it's necessary, yes, he's working on russian television , yes , it sounded so cynical, i just don’t understand, he himself
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was born in odesa, how can it be justified, mr. peter, in relation to these populated areas, because this is not the first time that a high-rise building has been hit by a drone or fragments, fragments of a drone and the consequences are always tragic, whether after such events, or in general... are residents staying in odesa or is the population decreasing and vice versa, is it possible that people are coming like this, because before this attack we looked at statistics on business relocation odesa was in the top three i will introduce that now it would seem to have become a little calmer against the background of 2022, housing is attractive near the sea, to the 22nd year is generally everyone's dream, what is the situation with this, well , first of all, not always. flies into a high-rise building and it is not always fatal, there were several cases when shaheds flew into our high-rise buildings and they did not break, they were taken out whole, and here
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this is the biggest, this is the most tragic attack in all these two years, eh, it's very difficult for me to say, the only parameter that i know for sure and personally monitor is the average speed of cars, how they drive around odessa, and it still holds. at the same level as it was before the invasion during the weekend, and somewhere from december-january this parameter does not fall, and there are no more people here, but it has passed, passed in these two years, such a change, some people left, i could be 100 -200 thousand, purely by feeling, and about the same amount came from from the east, i.e. kherson, bakhmut, donetsk region, we see a lot. these immigrants , and there are no problems with that, i confirm your words, mr. petre was not recently in odessa either, the sound of a siren sounds, you know, and we
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were just in a cafe and a girl is playing an american girl, it is obvious that she is professional, and she sauntered in the direction of the russian ship and drove into the pocket, that is, the atmosphere of odessa-odessa was exactly the same in the car. confirms quite a lot on the streets , everything looked like a peaceful city, if you did not see these certain moments in the port or there destroyed houses, and i also wanted to ask you, mr. peter, how concentrated is this business, which is relict to odessa to the front, i.e. did it just happen that people moved their small cafes, some had some small factories, they simply moved to odessa, or part of this activity switched to... military productions of some kind, because, for example, kharkiv was very much always focused on the defense industry, and odesa? well, we have local teams
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working on... development on helping the frontline, on phi drones, we have such a team of technicians, they are called, they developed a system that helps to shoot down shaheds, there is such an infrared, infrared camera, laser pointer, violet, well, that is, there is such an electronic system that helps to search for them and quickly shoot them down, and they also developed a system, called , this is an application for smartphones, so that people can, if they see or hear a rocket somewhere or... a rocket somewhere, report it, and based on these messages, you can make a route, how it flies, and there is, there are just people opening coffee shops there , well, it cannot be said, that it is somehow oriented towards help, but everyone who donates everything, we have a strong volunteer movement, we have a big, big monster corporation fund there, which collects hundreds of millions of hryvnias over the years and helps the military a lot, mr. peter, and also on
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the conclusion is simple... since it is a day of mourning in the city itself, it is for the dead, but there are also wounded, and there are also those who were nearby and, well, directly to their apartment, but we understand that this will still be decided with this panel and to decide whether everyone had time to help for this this last day, well, we have already worked out this procedure enough, we also have the money, for example, to get it from the city budget. to replace the windows, this is a standard procedure , he immediately arrives at the mobile headquarters , there were seven tents, there was hot food, everything was there, and representatives, for example, of the un, come, if someone needs to film the windows or close the plywood, this is done in the same day, and the neighbors were evicted, yes, i understand that they cannot return to their apartments, neighboring apartments, yes, the city hall offered them
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to settle in the schools, but no one took advantage of it, that is, everyone had somewhere to go, ugh, ugh, and we still have literally one minute, do people go down to the shelters and are these shelters available, because if they are so dense populated areas, if these are new houses, is it possible for everyone to find such a storage there for times of alarm, or is it ignored, look at it, this is a very big problem, there are almost no storages, there are basements, but they are not equipped. first of all, the city hall in our country builds storage facilities near schools, because schools cannot work if there are none storage facilities, according to standards, this year, at the session on february 21, we allocated another 300 million hryvnias for the construction of storage facilities, most of them are schools, there are hospitals, but there are a few in residential buildings, the problem here is that if it is khrushchev or such a rich surface, it is impossible to do it there by standards, but everything is in the rest.
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here's one person yesterday, she survived because she was in the basement, it's some employee there, well , housing and communal services, who just lives in this basement, and that's what saved him, and therefore, even if it's not a certified storage, it's better at least to be in basements mr. peter, thank you for the reminder that basement storages, any shelters save lives, this is also very important, and sometimes we unfortunately forget about it. petro obukhov, deputy of the odesa city council, was there. in the morning with us , oksana, i think that now we will hear a lot of fresh news from the espresso team of journalists, because there was anxiety in crimea, as usual, they write fairy tales there about 38 ukrainian drones that they shot down, but there was something strange in feodosia and in the dnipro it's not fun, a missile attack in the dnipro, surely there is something fresh from the local of the military administration, so we will hear about it in the news now, we will listen,
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khrystyna parubiy already knows about it. and not only about this, much more, and is ready to share this information with all of us. christina, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you , we will tell you about the dnipro, as well as about the losses of the enemy and the situation at the front, as well as about how our athletes win victories, do not miss it. news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. russian terrorists launched a rocket attack on the dnipro at night. consequences currently being clarified. however, there were no casualties, said serhiy lysak, the head of the region. the occupiers attacked the nikopol district with artillery and a kamikaze drone. one is damaged.


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