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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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dead and wounded in this second russian-ukrainian war, hence the national moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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it's 9 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the number of victims in odessa has increased, an hour ago , a human body was pulled from the rubble of a nine-story building that was hit by a russian drone. so there are already nine victims of yesterday's attack. in particular two children, three-year-old mark and four-month-old timofeyko. search and rescue operations are ongoing, there may still be people under the ruins, the state emergency service reported. today is a day of mourning in odesa,
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townspeople carry flowers, candles and toys to a high-rise building, one of whose entrances collapsed. heating has already been restored to the houses that were left without heat, including the partially destroyed nine-story building. however, several houses are still without gas supply. one person died, another was injured due to russian shelling of the kherson region. enemy in a day attacked more than 20 towns and villages in the region. in kherson, a post office was damaged, three high-rise buildings and 15 private houses were partially destroyed in the region. critical infrastructure objects, an administrative building and a store were hit, - said oleksandr prokudin, head of the region. the volunteer was injured by the occupiers in kupyansk, kharkiv region. a 55-year-old man received shrapnel injuries as a result of an enemy airstrike. his car was damaged - he said. the head of the region oleg
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synyogov. during the day, the russians shelled 15 settlements. in vovchansk - mutilated educational institution and house. and in oleksandrivka , a house was damaged due to a mortar attack. during the day, the enemy attacked three times ochakivska and once kutsurupska communities in mykolaiv oblast. the russians deployed fpv drones and launched artillery strikes. there are no casualties, mykolaiv ova reported. a rocket attack was carried out by russian terrorists on the dnipro at night, a fire broke out, but there were no casualties, - the head of the region , serhiy lesak, said. the occupiers attacked the nikopol district with a kamikaze drone. one country house was damaged. and loudly at night was in the temporarily occupied crimea. powerful explosions thundered in feodosia. the windows in the houses shook, and the alarms went off in the yards. in cars - write
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the crimean public. according to eyewitnesses, firefighters and ambulances went to the area of ​​the local oil depot. the occupation authorities blocked traffic on the kerch bridge and the tavrida highway in the direction of kerch. traffic was resumed only in the morning. the ministry of defense of russia once again announced that the attack was repulsed. they allegedly destroyed all 38 drones over the territory of captured crimea. another 1,160 are russian barbarians died on the sixth day of wild nature, and in total, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our defenders already eliminated 416,800 savage invaders. the defense forces turned 16 tanks and 28 armored fighting vehicles of the enemy into scrap metal. the enemy lost 35 artists, 66 vehicles and special equipment. but the sky became clearer for one russian fighter jet, his...
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15 more drones were landed by our defenders. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 71 a combat clash took place at the front during the day. 25 times the enemy tried to break through the defense of our military in the novopavlovsk direction. the armed forces of ukraine are restraining the russians in the districts of krasnohorivka, georgiivka, pobida, and novomykhaivka. in the avdiyivsk direction , the ukrainian military repulsed 14 enemy attacks, in the bakhmutsk direction 15. four times the russians tried to storm in the robotyny area and west of novoprokopivka in the zaporizhzhya region. our aircraft struck eight areas of enemy concentration, and missile forces struck damage to one enemy artillery piece. the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of fividrons for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems
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sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to vpevidrons, our... defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. with your help, we have already collected over uah 900,000. only 100,000 left our soldiers will receive help. so get involved, remember, every donation is important. you can see all the details on the screen. the third year of full-scale war not only began the other day. for ukrainians, but also for foreigners who volunteered and supported our citizens abroad from the first days of russian aggression. polka agnieszka deya, who has become a support for many ukrainians over the past two years, shared her story with our film crew. maria
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chernyakhivska will tell more. in the first days of the full-scale invasion, polka agnieszka was already on duty warsaw bus station to help ukrainians. the woman says she just couldn't. to sit at home with folded hands and watch the war on tv, since a long time ago, there used to be about 40 regular buses from ukraine per day, then twice as many began to arrive, because people were fleeing, there were also buses with a red cross, and many disoriented people, i showed the way, how to get to the railway station, how to find the right platform, how to figure out the schedule, a simple thing, it turned out that the toilet is paid at the station, not everyone... had money for it, and in fact, the station was not ready to receive such a large number of people. through social networks, agnieszka urged her friends to go to the station, and on february 25, two years ago, they already helped a group of caring poles, distributed food and handkerchiefs to those who were crying, bought people
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tickets and looked for overnight accommodation. people stood at the station with suitcases and said , we don't know anyone here, we don't know what to do, where to go next, we're tired, we need to read... the people i'm talking about were already leaving after two hours on the train to toruń, where everything was already ready for them. people shared with agnieszka, her stories and her pain. then the women and i cried for the first time, they showed us photos of their destroyed houses on their phones and told us how many days they traveled from kharkiv to poland and in what conditions. helping confused people from ukraine also helped the woman because she studied russian at school as a child. ukrainians who have lived in poland for a long time helped with translation, they also came to volunteer at the station, the woman was at the station every day for three months, especially many hours on weekends, the desire to help to those who need it in agnieszka's heart, in particular related to the history of her family, the woman's grandmother and aunt died during
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the volyn tragedy. history is history, the fact that the tragedy happened is very painful, for me personally too, but even now we have a new history. and a terrible story is happening before our eyes in ukraine. i believe that there is no other way out than to stand together with ukraine and ukrainians. i often say that this is also my war against putin and what russia is doing. after stressful months at the warsaw railway station, agnieszka decided to continue working with people, primarily to help them. now the woman manages the aid station, which is called "under the umbrella". this is where this interview takes place. residents of warsaw who need help come here, they can receive a food package, psychological or informational support, and since february 1, well, i am already officially unemployed, that is why i applied for help and if, well, now it is a little difficult, because i also had to take the dog, two
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cats after the death of the husband and the children, you have to pay for housing, so you have to save, let's say so, but i'm not losing hope, i'm looking for a job. i'm looking, it's just that this period is a little difficult, i understand , because at the moment there is no way to return, the point has been operating for the second year, during this time the team members will receive... thanks from the ukrainian embassy in poland and recognition in the form of an award, portraits of the sisterhood , and what pleases the woman the most are the handwritten letters of visitors to the center, in which people express their gratitude. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. donald trump continues to gain votes for the future presidential elections in the usa. he won three more republican primaries : missouri, idaho, and michigan. won by a wide margin over rival nikki haley. next up is the biggest primary from march 5, when
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15 states will vote. the next issue is at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites and a letter with analytics, my colleagues oksana vasochanska and roman chaika will continue. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. to everyone of the news announced by khrystyna, we only want to give the fact that our collection continues and is progressing very well, but there is still a little more to 800,000, so we ask you to donate for the 81st separate airmobile brigade, this is bilogorivka, this is luhansk, the ukrainian hot east and ... 50 combat drones are very necessary for our defenders, they remind themselves why it is
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important, and you, please, donate. we, fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine. we are asking you . we are in the luhansk direction, we need drones, communication with by the fact that borog began to carry out very active battles. actions, advancing infantry, artillery, and heavy armored vehicles. we will be very grateful for your concern and understanding. we need as many fpv drones as possible. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. meanwhile, we continue to collect good information and opinions for our viewers. we love them, the analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, oleksiy yezhak, is already in touch with us. mr. oleksiy, congratulations, glory
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to ukraine. to the heroes of glory, i congratulate you. so that everyone is afraid, yes, under such a slogan of the russians have tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, with this yars, they are just trying to show somewhere that we can still do something, or that there is a real danger, and it is worth paying attention to it. sarmat, in the near future they will have a heavy missile, which instead of the ukrainian heavy missile, they have been making it for 10 years already, and it seems that something has flown, well, i don't know how much. we just want to understand how much this is a demonstration, just look at how
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powerful we are, and whether they really can have it in stock, that is, we want to understand the logic here, because we know why kim jong-un is doing this, and why they are constantly firing missiles in the direction of japan, but why the russian führer fired one missile, one single one, somewhere into the sky, we cannot understand, well, in order to show that there is that... they also have some progress there, it’s just that, chronologically, the nuclear forces undergo such a modernization there once every 30 years, while under the united states, russia carried out such a modernization about ten years after soviet times, and very everyone was scared, and the united states is now conducting and what the united states will have, it will be of a completely new level, well, russia is trying to remind that they also have nuclear weapons, because... because after, especially after the strikes were carried out with those systems that putin
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flaunted before the previous elections, cartoons were shown , but they were now used in ukraine, and it does not reach the european ones thanks to the american anti-missile defense systems, so the person stopped believing in russian nuclear weapons, he needs to be reminded of this from time to time, and in principle according to such a great concept that he presented. in the concept of his victory is in the message what he said, he said that he was right to start the war, because he captured part of the ukrainian territories, and... if they try to win back this territory, and there will be a threat, that he is for him, that he will lose these territories , yes, he has nuclear weapons, and to remind you that he still has nuclear weapons, he, he conducted one test of intercontinental ballistic missiles, although in principle according to such old standards, well, every year there are several intercontinental ballistic missiles
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ballistic missiles that exist in the world, they are tested for statistics to check that it is what... there in the mines, that it, well, in principle flies, well, that it can still fly, but in this case you somehow it looks schizophrenic, on the one hand, at first we receive analytics that all these intercontinental, ballistic missiles with rocket fuel are unmaintained, and that there is a lot - well, let's say, information, however, which confirms the far from good state of the russian nuclear triad. and we understand that analysts work, write reports , analyze, and then panic begins in style: and we are now gathering two chambers, because the russians are now going to launch nuclear weapons into space and will launch everything with an electromagnetic pulse, including satellites and everything else, and this is happening at the same time and all this at the same time in the same united states of america, one day later i will remind you that the poles
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said that if someone somewhere slows down, then we here are ready to think about nuclear weapons ourselves. that is, are these signals already from europe, from the states? well, well, yes, this, here, is just putin, when he does such things, he already tries to do it as efficiently as possible and chooses such moments when certain international problems arise, and now there is a big international problem, there is this problem called trump. trump says that he will, when he becomes president, provide guarantees without, well, rather, fulfill allies. obligations only for money, and even here the question arises: what about the nuclear umbrella that has existed for half a century, which is a reliable, well, the basis of transatlantic relations, of the fact that europe itself should not make nuclear weapons, because it is american, this idea has existed for a long time, and now trump
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is hinting that everything is for money, and accordingly the question arises in germany, by the way, there have been discussions, now there are discussions in poland, and indeed, if , if the american nuclear umbrella will be only for money , then perhaps it is necessary, it does not take much intelligence to create nuclear weapons, it was simply considered that it is not necessary to do it, if the united states performs its functions, and if it does not, then accordingly begins, well, it's not that panic, it's me said, this is a discussion, still much later... our attention came to very important discussions in germany, where the minister of finance said that europe needs its own nuclear weapons, scholz said that it is not necessary yet, in principle they said that this option should be considered , germany together with france can slander a lot and it is necessary to slander a lot, well, in principle, such discussions are going on, putin thinks that
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this is splitting europe and the west, in fact, maybe it is just... europe and the west are such a mess, well, in the united states, respectively there is such a question of discussion, here is trump, which, actually and in general, the republicans are going to pursue a policy of nuclear deterrence, are they going to fulfill the american obligations to the world in this regard, or not, that is why the chambers are meeting and deciding what to spend money on, mr. oleksiy, or germany and france against what some such special chemistry? that would bind their leaders, we do not observe, on the contrary, whether they are in a position to form such a coalition of two now, and really launch something into joint production, so that there is such a power in the center of europe, or after all, france will be on its own, and germany will be on its own, well, except, of course , joint activities in the alliance, well, they
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cannot be on their own, because, well, by the way, without the united... kingdom, if we even talk about europe , but not about the european union, it is impossible there, everyone has to do something, and life itself pushes them to consolidate, but the chemistry between scholz and macron really does not exist, there is physics, just institutionalized relations, without which the european union simply cannot develop, everything is spelled out there, bucky komanater, like that works, there is no chemistry, so we see such a situation that sometimes scholz says, well... they try to create, do something opposite, but scholz says that we must give, give more money to ukraine, and macron says that we must send troops there. because there is less money in france, well, this is happening, but in the end, this is the discussion about which i said that they still discussed that maybe they should create a joint
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nuclear shield, it says that physics exists, and achemy it will get better somehow, well , one more moment when you mentioned this one german discussions, if we throw in the finns, who also said that maybe... we should deploy some kind of tactical nuclear weapons as a third line of deterrence system, because they see this in their doctrine as newly arrived nato members and having borders with russia, our experts recently said that they looked at how the pakistani nuclear program developed in view of what the ayatollahs and iran are producing, well, somehow, they immediately remembered these tricks... when in the information space ukrainians said that ukraine has good experience with the missile program and all the others, and in principle, it could think about it, but who are we, as
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candidates there for the european union and people who are asking for nato, who will allow us to consider the ukrainian nuclear program , in fact, there is such an option that the situation may change so much that we will return to the topic of restoring the nuclear shield and ukraine's program, even in spite of all the complexity of the war. and the international situation, well, i think that as soon as, if only russia decides to use nuclear weapons, then of course there will be a return to all these things, because no one will be able to tell us how to protect security, if how to guarantee security, if all the international assurances do not work, well, what is it about now, when they talk in europe, what is the problem, there it is such... such a semi-nuclear status, it consists in the fact that there are non-nuclear countries involved in the use of nuclear weapons during the war, that is, relatively
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speaking, aircraft pilots of germany, the netherlands, there are several other countries, they are preparing to carry out a mission with the american, with american bombs which they are also located there on planes bought in the united states, but in their own planes, when it comes to ... and now the question arises, because here is the united states, they continue this program and place nuclear weapons, if they do not place them, then there used to be an option for the british weapons, they were also deployed in other countries, but they have not been deployed for 20 years, and the french have never deployed them, and here there is this feeling of a shortage of tactical nuclear weapons, which can be such a basis for atlantic solidarity. some part of this of course it can be placed in finland, and it can be placed in poland, and i will say, it can be placed in ukraine, now, the first
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to say about it is macron, i think when the time comes , they will say that, although, although now it turns out strange, but i think that this criterion, if russia only uses nuclear weapons somewhere, then everything will completely change in relation to all these fears, the calculation... where it can, where it cannot, i will just remind you that now this is the amount of conventional explosives that is exploding in ukraine, here is the enemy, for us, not even counting ours, that ours is used, this is the destructive potential, distributed such as that of artillery, aerial bombs, what is falling on ukraine, every month we have a bomb explode like in ferosim on fesat, that is, we have already disappeared psychologically, that we are used to that nuclear wars on such a... scale are possible, well , the only thing that restrains talk about nuclear weapons is that russia refrains from using nuclear weapons, if it does not
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refrain, then, accordingly, no one in the world will be in europe at least abstain, and me talked about it, that it looks like putin thinks that it will create problems, it will split europe, isolate someone, well, it will create such chaos. in fact, i think it only consolidates. ugh. mr. oleksiy, thank you for your thoughts on our air. oleksiy yezhak, analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, about these apocalyptic actions, statements, moods and demonstrations. a short pause, but already after the pause the members, a member of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, promised to contact us, iryna friz will be with us, so stay for espresso and... the card is on the screen, well, see you in a minute.
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united by football, stronger together. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives? a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. good morning. thank you for being with us, thank you for donating, don't stop. updated information, as you already know, rubble is being dismantled in odesa after the drone attack. there are already nine dead from her, the ninth body. at night there was a missile attack on the dnipro, and also the russian-fascist occupiers hit pokrovsk with rocket launchers and high-rise buildings were damaged there and buildings were destroyed, in a word it is so, but we are all missing it is believed that several people are in odesa, that is why all this is happening, they say that 38 drones were shot down over the temporarily occupied crimea, feodosia was calm, the crimean bridge stopped, something flew and in the direction of...
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kursk, in a word, the war continues, it continues in us the opportunity to talk with the following guest, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, iryna fries, with us, mrs. iryna, congratulations, thank you for being with us in the morning , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, mrs. irina, by the end of march we are now being promised that it will probably be possible for everyone to agree. to speak and start a more specific conversation about mobilization , it is about this draft law, i understand that it is difficult with this too, because everyone has their own vision, and there are amendments that are similar to each other, you have divided them into categories and packages, are considering, but in general the deputies do not have a common vision of what this bill should look like, is it good?


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