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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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economic transformations, in reality, i would say, liberated the country, and this is indeed what happened, but again, we must remember that this happened in accordance with the obligations that we assumed under the agreement, about association with the european union, and by the way, when we voted visa-free, we also had to vote on a lot of things, and i don't know if yanukovych would sign this agreement, would he be ready? it will result in the adoption of such laws, which essentially dismantled economic authoritarianism authoritarianism, first of all, i don't know, i have a big doubt. already in the summer of 2014 , ukraine began to liberate the occupied cities, the yellow-blue flags were raised again over mariupol, sloviansk, kramatorsk, severodonetsk and lysychansk. meanwhile, the kremlin intensified its aggression in donbas. in august 2000, on the 14th, the first
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regular russian troops appeared at the front. the battles near ilovaisk and debaltseve, tragic for the ukrainian army, became a turning point in the operation of the united forces. you will remember there that in the 14th year it was released from what on 70% was captured at the beginning. with one such breakthrough, an assault, it was possible to reach even the outskirts of donetsk, but unfortunately, it all ended in ilovaisk, because russia realized that it was losing the initiative and... introduced its official troops. to stop the invasion, ukraine, along with russia, france and germany, is forced to sign the minsk agreements, a political agreement on a temporary truce. however , the kremlin has ignored the main condition of the cease-fire agreements all these years. however , the document made it possible to stop the advance of the enemy in donbas and give ukraine time to regain strength and rebuild the army. when
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the verkhovna rada canceled ukraine's non-aligned status on december 23, 2014, the parliament immediately increased the country's defense budget to 5% of gdp. be that as it may, money still lies at the basis of everything, yes, that is, the defense plants started working, yes, and some salaries went to the army again, because it is also necessary, we must not forget that the army was in such a state that there was nothing to eat there , and even here... this army that demand to shoot and defend the country, yes, that is, well here, even if they had to provide them with products, i am not talking about the means, means of combat. already at the end of 2014, according to the conclusions of experts, the ukrainian army, which at the beginning of the year was practically incapacitated, entered the top 30 best armies in the world. in 2014, ukraine launched its own missile program. its goal was to create
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a deterrent weapon, which ukraine has not had since abandoning its nuclear arsenal in 1994 . the vilkha and neptune missiles were successfully tested in 2018. exactly two cruiser moskva, the flagship of the russian black sea fleet, was hit by neptune anti-ship missiles in april 2022. the fact that ukraine... can destroy the russian fleet with its own weapons has become, according to western military analysts, a serious success in the war. in 2014, the upheaval and blow to the country, military, economic, political, could have been much stronger, but we must give credit to turchynov, yatsenyuk, and avakov, who held the situation, they were able to become a team.
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which protected the country from a huge, from a huge disaster. a new economic crisis could occur as early as 2014, when the national currency rapidly depreciated, and the kremlin promoted a new narrative through pro-russian media: ukraine will not be able to avoid default. the external debt of the state was 73 billion dollars. so there were two ways: declare... bankruptcy, or negotiate with creditors. the negotiations were extremely difficult, but in the end ukraine received a four-year deferral of payments. in addition, creditors agreed to write off 20% of the principal debt. then it started receive macro-financial assistance from the european union and the united states. if we talk about the monetary assistance again at that time, it is. in fact, it was only for debts, that
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is, we were allowed debts, public debts that yanukovych incurred, not to cancel, but to pay later, that is, it was all help from the west, in general... it was possible to reduce ukraine's debt by 6 billion dollars, production began to grow , gdp and budget revenues. during the two war years , it was possible to carry out reforms that the government was unable to achieve even in peacetime. maintenance front with simultaneous economic stabilization, became an absolutely unique example of overcoming the crisis in post-war europe. and at the same time, ukraine begins a real movement to europe. i don't know of such examples, because most of all these countries that have joined the european union in recent years or decades
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have undergone their own changes, reforming of countries, negotiations with the european union about these treaties, european ones about their application in their countries. it was carried out in peacetime, and, well, if you can say so, in enough comfortable conditions, the fundamental difference between us and eu countries, especially the former warsaw pact, if we are talking about membership, or our path to the european union, is that we chose it, er, putting our foreheads. a real military threat and then aggression , and they did it at a time when russian troops were withdrawn from these countries and military bases were left there, they managed to restore trust in the state, in state institutions, create volunteer battalions, start restoring
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the effectiveness of the army and so on, this very much too an important point, this is the first government that worked there from 2014 to what year, to the 16th. it was the government that had to simply change this renamed ukrainian ssr to the real ukraine, because, unfortunately, in 2004-2010 , there was no such possibility of reformation in the country, because there was simply no, there was very strong opposition to these reforms. for decades , russia fed ukrainians and the whole world with propaganda and spread imperial ideas through show business and controlled mass media. threatened and humiliated everyone who criticized the actions of the kremlin. in 2014 , the broadcasting of russian federal channels was banned in ukraine. also, ukraine introduced sanctions legislation for the first time in its history. russians and ukrainians
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who posed real or potential threats to national interests, security and territorial integrity of the state fell under the restrictions. the next step... was decommunization, more than 50,000 cities, towns, districts, avenues and streets had to be renamed. unfortunately, we, as ukraine or the ukrainian people, were under the influence russia, er, no, not since 2014, it's, it's 350 years, it seems, and this is the whole time russia tried, this whole ideology is russian, it... spread in different ways, russian, soviet, communist, and it, was transmitted from generation to generation, and in different ways, to the ukrainian people, well , they drilled into the heads that we are a brotherly people, that
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we are brothers and that we must live together, and we must accept the fact that there is an older brother. russian, and therefore, i think that all these decisions and decrees, which were adopted after 2014 and were aimed at strengthening or strengthening ukrainian statehood, they played their role and they were on time, absolutely on time. i wrote a long article in the columns of the moscow independent newspaper, a few months after august 1991, in which i basically underlined that the independence of russia would lead to deep instability and wars in the post-soviet space, because it was clear to him, what is this about, after this article was published and it had a great resonance, i met with boris yeltsin, he
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said that he would never in his life agree to the existence of russia in some state entity without. of ukraine, and what about ukraine, he is the president of a european state, and without ukraine, an asian one? the ideological struggle against kremlin propaganda did not stop during the next five years. ukraine closed access to russian websites and social networks and increased the speech quotas on radio and television, and it turned out that the effect was effective, well, effective political actions, effective economic actions did not make us feel how threatening the situation is, that is, you know, it's like a painkiller, they threw a painkiller after an injury and you don't feel how serious the injury is, how fast everything is, how everything... it can end catastrophically, it's a plus that we were able to hold the country and stabilize it, but on the other
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hand, it let down vigilance citizens, at the end of the 14th, 15th year, even i already then, of course, i went to military meetings, prepared, but all my friends laughed at me, what a world war there is, what a big war there is with russia, then it will not happen , it will be like now, when 99% of us are fine, in spheres, and there is one small zone. on the anti-terrorist operation, well, it is somewhere far away, and it is not present in our lives , except for isolated cases there, and this hybrid character, everyone in the world was interested in everything remaining as it is, such, you know, a frozen conflict, which in fact and not frozen, well, it goes there, then it smolders, then it burns, then it stops. the anti-terrorist operation was localized in donbas. finally , people lived a normal life in the territory of ukraine. in time they received salaries and pensions, there was no shortage of gas or water in stores
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and ukrainians received heat without interruption. meanwhile, russia, through its fifth column , continued to undermine stability within ukraine, discrediting pro-western reforms and the government team. it happened according to the classic scheme: russia throws out fakes, they are picked up by the ukrainian media, owned by putin's godfather and medvedchuk. when fakes become part of the mass consciousness, they begin to be used even by conscious politicians in public intrigues. according to his own admission, the former associate of yanukovych, regional onyshchenko spent 30 million dollars on discrediting yatsenyuk and his cabinet. i am following the attitude of ukrainians, ah, to, in particular, this... arseniy yatsenyuk, i
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have watched the maidan since, well, probably since the same time, it has always been, not that negative, at all, but rather skeptical , mockingly skeptical, yes, this skepticism, it was only gaining momentum, because among ukrainians, it is one thing not to trust the oppositionists, it is quite another thing for the representatives of the authorities. yes, ukrainians are merciless towards representatives of the authorities, but this level of mistrust, well, it is mine, in my opinion, it really was, well, unfair. the government changes in 2016, stabilization measures and reforms allow the country to achieve systemic economic growth in all subsequent years. until february 24, 2022.
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in 2019, the verkhovna rada enshrined ukraine's course in nato in the constitution, so that no one would try to divert the country from the european path. on the border with ukraine , putin continues to build up a military contingent and conduct demonstration exercises of the future invasion army. it was absolutely obvious to everything, to what everything. because i talked about the possibility of such a full-scale attack from 2019, i believed that the results of the presidential parliamentary elections of 2019 would lead to such a full-scale attack, i spoke about it, and again, not because i accused that something wrong would be done there by the new president, i said that russia may perceive the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections as readiness for the surrender of ukraine. he wins the 2019 presidential election . his program "peace with russia". he is sure that a personal meeting with putin
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able to stop the expansionist appetites of the russian dictator. the man who was the first in this country to publicly announce an attack on kyiv is sitting in front of you now. it was october 20 of the first year, the war began on the 22nd, so the war. in october of the 21st year, in october of the 21st year, i remember coming to the pryamy tv channel, where they discussed something like that, in particular , some escalation of the conflict, about what about us. western partners warn about this, and i clearly stated then that all of you here in the hall do not even realize the level of the threat, it is not about escalation of the conflict, we are talking about the fact that putin is preparing near the ice, the capture of the capital of ukraine, as i said, through chernobyl, from the right bank, he does not need any chernihiv, he does not need
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to force the dnieper, a very, very short shoulder goes through the new the chernobyl zone. deserted area chernobyl aes was captured by the enemy on the very first day of the great war and for a month he used it as his military base, blackmailing the world. after all , damage to the nuclear fuel storage facility or power outage at the station could lead to a new nuclear disaster. perhaps, if we were preparing for war, and not for peace, and showed russia that we are ready to meet it much more seriously. efforts, perhaps president putin did not plan biltzkrieg, i am not saying that he did not plan anything, he would have planned a lot, it is obvious that the issue of solving the ukrainian issue is an existential task for russia, but there could not be a massive attack, therefore that if you plan a war for 5 days and understand that it will not end in 5 days, then you simply do not conduct it, you have
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other ideas, political, economic, you... the account of already occupied territories, but not an attack, an attack occurs when there is a clear certainty that there is a weak state that will fall, an army that is not capable of supporting you and a population that is ready to receive you with flowers, you remember that russian soldiers went to the parade, they took their uniform with them. on february 24, 2022, no one has the illusion that it is possible to agree on something with... russia, neither in the world nor in ukraine itself. president zelensky is rallying the world against russia. putin's russia is becoming an exile state in the democratic world. europe and the usa introduce economic sanctions against it and start supplying ukraine with military equipment and ammunition.
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the total amount of assistance from international partners in 2022 amounted to more than 20. the russian army managed to gain a foothold in the east and south of ukraine. the enemy was knocked out of kyiv region, sumy region, and chernihiv region within a month. kharkiv region was liberated in september 2022, and in november of the same year kherson and the entire right bank part of the region. the so-called special military operation, which was supposed to end in three days, turned into colossal losses. composition and technology of the russian army, we were now able to stop , let's say this, the offensive, in general to take the full surrender of ukraine, for the reason that putin underestimated us a little bit, and why did he underestimate, and because all his previous scenarios worked, all his propaganda scenarios
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worked, everything , what he wanted to stop in this country, he stopped in this country, well , with our own hands, and he... simply underestimated, he did not understand one thing, that during these eight years of a successful hybrid war, on his part, it was successful, he still rocked the ukrainian army. despite military actions and occupied territories, at the end of september 2023, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg stated: "ukraine is closer than ever to membership in the north atlantic alliance. at the same time, the west continues to refuse to supply ukraine with such a no". and we know how the enemy of this caution
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actually understands. we have an official definition of victory, that ukraine returns to the borders of 1990. the first year, so the country's leadership said, this view of victory is shared by the vast majority of ukrainian society. i can say absolutely clearly what victory means to me. if the ukrainian state will remain on the political map of the world at all and will be able to have its own independent vector of development. and if ukrainians remain on ukrainian soil, it will be our great victory. this is a war for the final solution of the ukrainian issue. in the first days, you are overweight. after the invasion, millions of ukrainians fled to european countries to escape the war, and suddenly many of them abroad realized that ukraine is not just nostalgia. by homeland and native home. ukraine has become comfortable enough for the life of its citizens, completely different from the scoop model tightly tied to russia 10
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years ago. who have we become, how have we changed? the 10 years that have passed since the maidan have shown that ukrainians know how to build their own lives. the kremlin tried to present us as a failed state, a country that... and needs management from moscow, and despite the loss of crimea, despite the war in donetsk and luhansk, with all these wounds, ukraine underwent a historic transformation after 2014. we are able to admire economic ones achievements of other post-soviet countries, but our traditional skepticism sometimes prevents us from objectively assessing our own merits. in the first two years after the maidan , such... changes were made that the european union was forced to admit that ukrainians deserve visa-free travel. russia lost the opportunity to siphon money from ukraine through
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energy. we reclaimed our heroes, our language, music, literature, history and identity. created a system that allows public exposure of corrupt individuals, simplified relations with state bodies by introducing administrative centers. services revived their armed forces. it was a time of change that has yet to be appreciated and realized. by the beginning of 2024 , ukrainians have enough reasons to worry about the future. the russian army is pressing. international support for ukraine is complicated. there is a shortage of shells and ammunition at the front. but the defense forces continue to stand. we are very strong. we will never realize how strong we are. at some point, we became world leaders. for courage, for determination, for stability, and we must remember this state. indeed, we have
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there is also not too much room for compromise, but there have been 10 years of our sacred struggle for freedom, and we will be able to defend it, no matter what trials fate prepares for us. in the name of heroes and the future. we are. those on whose side is truth, will and god. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in pharmacies. traveller, ban and savings. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in podorozhnyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just
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sponsor of the national team represents. united football, stronger together. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant things at the moment. in the morning, the russians shelled the village of petropavlivka in the kharkiv region. a 60-year-old man was injured, he is in the hospital, a private house was damaged. yesterday, the enemy carried out an airstrike on kupiansk. the 55-year-old volunteer received shrapnel injuries. his car was vandalized - reported oleg senyugubov, the head of the region. during the day, the russians shelled 15 settlements. in
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vovchansk. an educational institution and a house were damaged in oleksandrivka due to mortar fire the house was partially destroyed by the attack. she covered the baby with herself, but could not save the tenth.


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