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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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a lot of weapons are produced in the balkans, ukraine needs weapons, and that is why zelensky went to this region, and you know that the balkans are bulgaria, and partly romania, and this is croatia, that is, these allies who have been supplying us with something from the very beginning, there the details are not always known, but... nevertheless, deliveries are coming and with the leaders of these countries zelensky also met at and at this summit and the day before, but also at this summit as well. now regarding the problems of the balkan countries, it is more about the region of the western balkans, that is the former yugoslavia and albania, so actually considered.
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this problem is ukraine and the western balkans together, if you look at the situation together in a complex, you can see that this disease, you know, it affects not only the former balkans, but even now the problems persist, and the russian influence also persists, and that is exactly why the albanian ... talked a lot about the evil of such a destructive russian influence, and he always emphasized that it is necessary to fight it in the balkans as well, that is , the balkans believe that it is necessary to help, to help ukraine to fight, and in this way they help themselves too. mrs. natalya, besides serbia, there are such supporters of the russian language there. myra or serbia, if alone, is so
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severely ill with russophilia, are there still any such signs? serbia actually tries not to show its russophilia in a bright way, to hide it, it tries to jump from one chair to another, that is, not to just sit , but to jump, and it is simple, so to speak, even more... radical russophiles are representatives of neighboring serbia, the country of bosnia and herzegovina, there is such a republic of serbia, it is a part of bosnia and herzegovina, but its leader, this is milorad dodik, he actually met with putin some time ago, he claimed that the victories of russia are literally the victories of the republic of serbia, he received an order from putin, that is, he... demonstrated such
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russophilia that he does not allow himself lately even lukashenka. here is the representative of this western balkan region, the number one russophile. this is a dodik, after all, and not the president of serbia, vučić. one more question, i understand correctly that over time, well, because i, i do not track serbian sociology, but leave this one bosnia and herzegovina problems. that over time pro-european forces will gain a majority there, because it's just age, that people who remember josyp brostito, milošević and so on and so on are leaving, and more pro-european young people are coming, am i wrong, you know, a difficult question, because there is another theory, it is that when a generation comes that does not know war. then
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it is not afraid of war and puts forward more radical slogans, for example, serbia is fighting for kosovo, that is, if the older generation demands peaceful ways solve this issue, if there was no war, yes, then the youth, they simply do not know what war is, to their own detriment, so to speak, they have not experienced it, and they are not afraid to speak out with very radical slogans. and in fact, in serbia there are such completely radical currents that are in favor of fighting, more radically pro-putin, and precisely among their supporters are only young people. well, yes, this disease , by the way, is a putin syndrome, by the way, this is putin, he does not know what war is, the second world war and, unlike the same brezhnev, yes, or even yeltsin, who older, and if, well... i don't see the war, but
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at least i felt the remnants of it, okay , this means, but is russia's influence so great that... they really can, because we are now in ukraine sometimes about this third maidan, we say that there are spy dreams of the russians to shake up the situation here, how strong is the influence of the russians on the balkans, how possible are such things, as you and i once talked about it, there was in montenegro, when there was an attempt at a coup d'état with the help of the russians literally, i can... say that with the beginning just after the full-scale russian aggression, nato made the balkans its priority in europe, and literally not a single meeting of the alliance takes place without them discussing the situation in the balkans. the nato contingent,
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where it is present, has been strengthened, and the various options for presence have also been strengthened. nato in the region, in particular, literally tomorrow, a huge nato airbase opens in albania, they are reviving a former military base from the last century, and i can say that it is opening in a city that once it was called stalino, now it is the city of kuchoy , a huge airbase is being opened there, i can say that of course this base would not have been... it would have been hidden if the west and the regional countries did not understand that there is a threat, and the threat is primarily not only from serbia regional, as well as serbia plus its military ally
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russia, because this alliance still persists, i can say that serbia remains an observer in the parliamentary assembly. b is a military russian union, she did not leave this, from this, well, not union, she is an observer, but still, the informal membership, so to speak, she did not come out, remains, and this demonstrates that russia directly, maybe not so visible, but through its allies, so it is present, okay, so we have serbia, as such, what is the problem? well, let's not pay attention to bosnia-herzegovina, to this serbian exclave or enclave, as it is called there, my next question is about bulgaria, how is it not surprising, why, in my childhood, in my already adult life, bulgaria is a bulani, how it's not
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a bird, in short, it's not a foreign country, that's why i used to be i was even in bulgaria a long time ago, the 70s, although it is scary to say. they lived better than the soviet union, than ukraine, obviously, i just remember that there in the store there was just sausage, eggs and cheese, which you could not always see even in kyiv, but there was such a specific friendship, it remains at the level of the establishment and at the level of the bulgarian people, you know, actually in bulgarian society. you know, there are such, well , a split, a division into two camps, one is absolutely pro-western, and such, you know, radically pro-western, and a part, and a smaller part, is radical, pro-russian, yes,
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and this radical pro-russian part is even represented in the country's parliament, so in fact, this pro-russian part. of the bulgarian establishment, she is still not a representative of, well, you know, natural such forces or moods, it can still be considered to one degree or another that this is a kremlin agency, all the time they reveal the connections of spies there, that is, this the sympathy of bulgarians for russia, after all, it is based not only on some historians there. traditions yes, still to a great extent on hybrid such influences that russia built, well , the soviet union first, and then russia, and now russia continues to do this, and this influence is decreasing, but still it is,
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well, i can say what are these two currents, they are fighting in bulgaria itself, but at the moment the bulgarian leadership itself, which runs the country... it is absolutely pro-ukrainian and pro-western, ms. natalya, one more question, yes , it stands under mount alyosha, i am mentioning the songs here, you are right talk, but i remembered various soviet ones. well, if very sober and calm look at russia central asia, russia northern south caucasus, russia-ukraine, russia-baltic, russia, finland, russia sweden, it is obvious that russia is weakening, well, we just see it. there is no need for any special research here, russia as an international factor, as
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an international power, it is already becoming such a semi-power, russia-china, and this somehow affects the pro-russian forces in the same serbia, in the same bulgaria, that is, well, now there is no more what to talk about, before it was the second army of the world and so on and so on, everyone is afraid, everyone there is a strong economy, great reforms , russia... is developing quickly, now russia is not developing anything, everything was stolen, what, what was and what was not, is not defeating ukraine, is moving away from its positions of strength in central asia, is inferior to china and so on, i.e., well, there are already billions of proofs, it somehow affects the balkan discussions, definitely yes, well, bulgaria has already said. that now as a country, yes, as a member of the international
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community, it is pro-western, pro-ukrainian, and pro-russian voices are weakening there, their influence weakens, first of all, i think, due to the fact that russia, simply its policy, well, it destroyed the generally positive image that it had in bulgaria before, in fact, as for serbia, it is interesting here. that serbia still continues this hopping on different chairs, but it simply pushed a chinese stilt over here, so to speak, it is developing relations now with china, for example, it is there, and on practical examples, serbia tried to sign a contract there for the purchase of anti-aircraft systems in russia, a when this full-scale russian invasion of ukraine began, serbia... bought chinese air defense, this is the only example for europe, that is, you understand, such details
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are shown by the fact that even serbia, which does not want to finally turn to the west, is all chooses some other options, but from russia it is still unfolding, if not further west, then at least to china, okay, maybe the last question - do you think ukraine will get weapons from the balkans, this is how we started such a beautiful ending as in some a dramatic play, when the end is the beginning at the end, you know, it is unequivocal, strangely enough, the statement is yes, and even literally, western analysts write that we even have serbian weapons. ah, it does not come to us directly from serbia, but through
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third countries there, the fourth or fifth, but we even supposedly have serbian weapons, that is, the balkans is a very important region for us, precisely from a practical point of view, besides the fact that this is still a region where many countries that have a voice in international communities, organizations, which also cannot be forgotten. thank you very much, natali ishchenko, head of the balkan observer project, was in touch with us and told us in quite a lot of detail what is happening in ukrainian-balkan relations, i don't know, maybe it's a mistake, maybe speaking ukrainian-balkan wrong, it might offend the residents of the balkans, which belong to different countries. kostyantyn kryvolap, ex- testing engineer. well, it is obvious that this is an aviation expert, i will appear now and we
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will talk with him, good health mr. konstantin, thank you for finding time for us, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you in good humor, well, i hope, i hope to keep this humor, despite all the circumstances, mr. konstantin, i have such a terrible question for you , you will not like it very much, and the question and the answer i... will not like many viewers, maybe not all, but many, what is the perspective of the ukrainian aircraft industry, considering that when you look, i look at the f-16. for boeings, for airbuses, for eurofighters and so on, i understand that these are many, many planes per year, this is industry, these are ukrainians they don't have an industry for a long time, they can build one antonov, two antonovs, five antonovs, but this absolutely does not
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help in the competition, we can build one dream, this is... really a business, well, because she is alone, she is capable of to transport something from toronto to melbourne, and the world needs maybe two dreams or three, well, you simply don’t need more for business, but then you need to either cooperate or negotiate something with someone, independently create dozens of boards per year, i think, just impossible that will you say well, here you can look at this whole problem from many different angles, you can say that kyiv and bohuslaviv destroyed the ukrainian aviation industry, because we had a rather powerful potential that was used in the wrong direction, it was used in the direction of joining the aviation industry russia, to be their vassals
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, and this was the main problem, and this is the main thing that... all this led to the destruction of our aircraft industry, let's call things by their names, despite all that, we had a very powerful motor industry, but when in we, ivchenko, kb ivchenko were separated from such a serious joint work with motor sich, motor sich actually started from the beginning when boguslayiv headed it, it stopped developing from that moment. there are some gas compressor stations, their biggest such achievement was that they supplied something to america there, even for gas pumping, they supplied a lot of gas pumping to russia, but the aviation motor industry itself did not develop. now what concerns the dp antonovo itself, a more powerful
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engineering potential that has created its own time, antonov himself. gradually degraded, in what sense, the generation grew old, did not renew itself, and, well , kyiv itself did a lot for this , so that it would not be put down, so to speak, and did not enter there, new blood did not pour in, and this is very bad, and all this in the end led to the fact that after the release of kiva there somewhere in the 16th year, probably. this enterprise received a new manager every year, and this manager, well, except for the last one, what about him, bychkov, serhiy bychkov, he is a doctor, a professor, before that, but even before that there was a moose, there were no
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aviation specialists there, they were some political appointees, they were... uh, who got there, but no, not people who, not people who understand anything about aviation, do not know why airplanes fly at all, so the nearest prospect , i don’t think that we should, so to speak, imagine that the war is over, we have funds there for reconstruction, and we start, we start to produce something of our own there, i think that one of the main mistakes in general, all ukrainian production... ukrainian, especially the defense industry, aircraft construction, it was connected with the fact that we so, you know, so rustically wanted to do something of our own, but the world is global, and in order for, say, you want to put a passenger plane on the line, then you need, when you start it create, develop there, make the first layouts, explore it in
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the wind tunnel and so on, you need to start creating your logistics from this moment. spare parts supply network, and the main problem of all ukrainian aircraft in relation to export, in relation to its operation there, it was connected precisely with the fact that which was not built in any way, anyway, this network of aircraft maintenance, fast delivery of spare parts, etc., so, well, this is a general general for this entire industry, but the main thing is... what should be done now, in my opinion, it should implement our capabilities, our potential, our, including. production capabilities, because we have such a strength testing laboratory, and there are not so many of them in europe, that's how the
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antonov airline company brought money, and at the expense of this company, in fact survived, the entire antonov state enterprise, the entire antonov firm, and this laboratory can do very serious useful things, further. we need to somehow join the world systems, because now one company does not produce airplanes, someone makes vertical suspension, someone horizontal, someone parts of the fuselage, someone centerplane, chassis production is generally a separate sphere of male activity, true to human activity, and me i'm not talking about radio equipment, radar equipment and the like. so i don't think it's necessary to set out on the path of something independent, but we like to be independent, but this is not the case when we need to be independent,
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mr. kostyantyn, but independently we should reproduce restore the dream, this is our, our, our, our main achievement, if the world would accept it , and whether and whether it is not expensive , whether it is ... really useful, can be restored and it will bring money, your version, there are two views here, the first view is purely commercial, and he, from this point of view, he is not has no sense, no sense, and the second look is such a national symbol, which there is, but the symbol cannot be in metal, the symbol is in the soul, the symbol is a spirit, not some material thing, maria, i have already told this more than once. this is not some unique aircraft , this is a modification of ruslan for the transportation of buran, oh what is this, what we see, this is all that it was designed for, even it
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was not fully tested for the simple reason that almost all details, all elements, they have already been tested during ruslan's tests, so if you take the characteristics there, you know, it is very telling, what... when it started to fly , ruslan started to fly, there was one moment when it was necessary to spend, well, to find out what kind of load capacity it has, they were clinging, clinging, clinging, then they came to the laboratory where i worked, they took all the cargo from us in order to insert something into the fuselage so that it could take off, they barely gained there, if i 'm not mistaken, 150 tons, and she took off with that and flew away, then came back, nothing... then yes, that is, now the carrying capacity of the dream, that is, that is, ruslan's dream is considered to be 150 tons, because he simply didn't lift anymore, and mria
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had to lift, so she lifted, set a record of 250, i don't know how much ruslan can lift in general, maybe there was already development of the an-124 100, 150 model there, realizing that this 150 tons of cargo, but to shove into this fuselage in... and the dimensions of the cargo cabin, the cabin, what do you dream of, ruslana, they are the same, to shove then 150 tons, it is such a serious matter, and when it comes to such cargoes that can translate to a very long range, in which the dream works better than ruslan, because there is still a bigger wing due to this central insert, six engines... it is not four engines, so it flies further, but it will make one more landing, well, it will not be a problem in the calculation, fill up with fuel,
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fly further, that's why i don't see, and if you look at the development of the cargo transportation market in general, what are the trends there and what are they doing there, the main transportations are from 40 to 80 tons, this is a well-known, well, so to speak, competitor, it's the boing 700. .. 47th version f, which has a cargo carrying capacity of 110 tons, they don't carry anymore, in general , the average carrying capacity there is up to 80 tons, it's not necessary anymore, there's nothing to transport, there's nothing to push there, and there are unique cases there, when you load some giant turbine there, well, yes she dreams that she will get into ruslan. so, it means that if great western specialists appeared, there from
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the same boeing, from the same... airbus, they came to ukraine and asked and i would ask them later, and please tell me what you saw , what would you like to collaborate with? whether there is in there is something about ukraine that you say, but we would be interested in this, this and this, so what is this, this and this? well, what concerns cargo transportation, boeing from... in general , came to us very often, there were some kind of compatible projects, there were some compatible developments, our specialists went to boeing, that is, this is such a very fine line of knowledge regarding cargo transportation, cargo planes, but, for example, in ruslan there was a 24 m panel on the wing, there were several sets of panels there, but
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this panel was a unique technology, it there was... a rolled panel of 24 m, now there is nothing to roll it on, and therefore, when they tell me that there is a restoration, there is one fuselage, well, i ask, what will you do with this one fuselage when you restore it, well so, well, i don't want to talk about this nonsense any further, but boeing can see very serious problems with us, we were one of the first to start making all kinds of composite structures there, the joint of composite with metal is also a separate issue. quite a complex technical problem, we have a lot to look at, even developments, if we talk about motor engineering, engine building , what ivchenko is doing is very interesting , it is not a coincidence that the turks want to make new characters with them there, let's say so, and in general, you know, there is such a moment here that the turks have announced what they are doing why... from
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the fifth generation of khans, they heard, probably yes, and there, something erdogan tried to get into him there, and at such a moment i had this thought, that's why the turks who were there 30 years ago back, they even, if you ask, they don't know why planes fly, yes, here they are making a fifth generation plane, so why why don't we make a fighter jet, and here i 'm tugging on something to myself and saying, no, no, you know, there should be a school for that, you can copy something, but you, but without a school, you won't do anything... we had what is called a school, and now it is also very old, it is not so fresh anymore, but if you have some spirit, have the will, then maybe it can be returned to those times when we, so to speak, sounded in the world, because when they brought it, there are people who can do it, because
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what you drew is so dotted. well that's why that simply time does not allow for all these efforts to be combined, to recreate the school, to find those older boys, to add younger boys to them, so that they would teach them, so that the base would be on antonov, and so on, so that people would build bridges with boeing , with eurofighter, if it is military, here and there, with the same turks and so on, are there people in ukraine who understand all this? as antonov understood in his time, and who was supported by the politburo, obviously, yes, you know, my friends tell me that i am an optimist, despite everything, i am up to everything i am optimistic, well, i think it is right, and if i understand how it is possible to make such a system, how it is possible to restore all these things, because we have a very powerful scientific school, kharkiv aviation university, aerospace, there are very serious specialists,
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there they do very interesting things, affairs , there is a school there for the preparation of spices pastyantine, there is no time, here we are, we realized that we are optimists, i am an optimist, kostiantyn kryvolap, test engineer of the antonov design bureau, official expert, see you again someday and we will hear, and now you will see hear anna eva melnyk with news from espresso tv. how the minister of defense of the federal republic of germany commented on the publicized conversations of the officers of the bundessphere, how many...


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