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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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here is a question, it is related to the political component, whether the situation really requires immediate personnel decisions, in my opinion, i emphasize once again, that her accusations in the direction of the kumbhrigs, in the complete absence of engineering and fortification structures, look at least inappropriate and if we talk about what is happening now in... in the supply of weapons to ukraine, in general, how do you perceive this franco-german controversy, when germany accuses france of the fact that president macron spoke in vain about the possibility of the presence of troops, and france in fact already almost openly accuses germany of not supplying the taurus, when president macron calls on other countries to intensify the supply of weapons to ukraine, we understand perfectly well what he is talking about. mr. vitaly, i take it completely calmly, and even more so.
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today there is a statement by the minister of foreign affairs of france about the fact that there are no differences between germany and france, and what's more, there are points of contact on 80% of all issues related to ukraine. it is said that both france and germany are playing their game with the aim of lowering, i emphasize once again, that tension that exists around ukraine and, accordingly , possible scenarios of military confrontation with the russian federation. france, in turn, declares the possibility of sending a military contingent. everyone criticizes france, but for some reason no one notices the statement of jen stoltenberg, respectively, the secretary general of nato, who stated that, yes, nato forces will not be in the sense of collective forces. however, this does not exclude the presence of an armed contingent of a separate nato country on the territory of ukraine, provided that bilateral agreements are concluded.
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according to agreements between ukraine, conditionally france, britain or germany. this is about france. germany making statements about the corresponding impossibility of supplying tauris, they are conducting a lightning operation of the german special services, the purpose of which was to leak, as it were, conversations of high-ranking officials of the german air force intercepted by the russians, where they clearly make it clear to the russians that the scenario of the development of events, namely , striking the crimean bridge with the use of the same taures, respectively. a big hello to the russian special services, who believe that they have made a lightning move in at the time of publication of these materials. well, you are being a bit sarcastic about the russian special services , but nevertheless, a counteroffensive plan somehow ended up on the table of the russian federation even before this counteroffensive
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actually began, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about it, and this was confirmed by the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov , i will quote him, i will not say more than the president, we had, let's say, information, evidence that the plans became known to the russian federation, this is a serious problem, we are taking certain measures, services security of ukraine, which side is the main intelligence agency on here, it comments on everything, from the moment of entry. above ukraine , to correspondingly unclear, apparently combat operations on the territory of the russian federation, instead, he does not comment on the facts of the spectacular failures of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense during the battles for avdeivka, when the russians were preparing to break through the rear of the ukrainian group for several months, and it is about the use of the drainage system by the russians, and pumping out the water only took two months. in gur
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engineering works were carried out, which took at least six months, not even a word of mouth. as a result , we see what we see, we had to leave the audiobook. now the stupid bezugly is coming out and talking about the repeated attacks on the zulzhny about the lack of defensive positions near lesichansk, so i would like to remind budanov and the bezugly, because i was talking to her at the time when... information about the redeployment was being transmitted engineering and pontoon equipment of the russians near lisichansk, called the place of possible forcing and striking in the rear ukrainian group. this information was made public by me, including on your tv channel, and passed on to the divorce society. three days have passed, not a single word of reaction. in the end, we leave lischansk without a fight, because it turns out that the group overslept. respectively, the forcing of the river and
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the flank attack on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, let them comment on this, and not open their mouths to the ex-commander-in-chief, respectively. of the armed forces of ukraine, but tell me, do you still imagine that new offensive actions are possible this year or next from of ukraine, what is needed for this? mr. vitaly, i am a realist, and i see that we must keep the situation under control until at least may, and prevent the occupiers from developing tactical success in donetsk region, which is the main task of the occupiers. in the spring period - this is an attempt to capture the entire territory of donetsk region, only later, at the moment of stabilization of the front line, we can say that we created the prerequisites for the ukrainian counteroffensive and, accordingly , the russian offensive came to nothing. i have big
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questions when i read the western press which they report the possibility of a russian offensive in may. the offensive did not end since october. last year, not for a day, it still continues along the entire length of the ukrainian-russian front, it is 1,200 km, is this incompetence or an attempt to mislead ukrainian society? thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro snegerov, a political scientist and military analyst, was on the air, and we talked about the latest events at the front, about the situation related to aid to ukraine, now we will take a break. literally for a few minutes, but you stay with the one ahead, which is interesting dialogues watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the roshi organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends,
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russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. watch on tuesday, march 5. the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. we continue the saturday political club on the spresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv. vitaly portnikov and oleksandr motsyk, ambassador of ukraine to the united states from 2010 to 2015. congratulations. so , let's start with the latest ratings that are currently being reported by american publications, including the new york times, and there former president of the united states donald trump is ahead of
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president joseph biden by five percentage points, 48 ​​to 43, but the most important thing we know about of these polls, that trump, pere'. favors biden according to these opinion polls in those key states where, as a rule the fate of the american presidency is being decided, is it possible to believe that trump really has a better chance of winning the election today than his possible opponent? well, i think it's too early to tell, so for now there is simply an advantage in seven of those key states that are always talked about as being important in deciding the fate. the presidency in the united states, but there are a number of other circumstances that can make the weather different. well, first of all, uh, right now, all of america is waiting for the supreme court's decision, regarding, the decision of the state of colorado on
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the removal of ex-president trump from the primaries in this state, well, we know that the state of maine also made such a decision and... recently, literally, the state of illinois, that is , a lot will depend on the decision of the supreme court, so today the opinion is as follows , that most likely the supreme court of the united states will not go to legally interfere in political matters, that is, the election of the president of the united states of america, but it comes from the debates that took place on the first day in the supreme court, what exactly will be taken, what decision will be accepted we will see very soon, i guess, or maybe later, it certainly depends on this, whether trump will already be a guaranteed contender for the presidential seat from the united states from the republican party, or maybe nikki
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haley still has some chances? ugh, well, literally on march 5 , super tuesday will take place in three days, which will determine the fate of most states. primaries from the democratic republican party there, i understand that no matter what this super tuesday is, the court decision you are talking about will be decisive, right? but the decision will be important, and if the supreme court to imagine that if the supreme court sided with the colorado state court, then a situation would arise that perhaps a dozen or more states would also make appropriate decisions to remove ex-president trump from the lists for voting in these primaries, and then the situation could really to change, eh... but this super tuesday, it will decide a lot of the situation, and nikki haley herself
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said that at least until holy tuesday , she will continue to participate in efforts to emerge as the only candidate from the republican party party for the elections, and after that will decide what to do next, and on the other hand, even if you imagine that trump will not be able to take. in the election, it doesn't automatically in that case determine the republican presidential candidate, it can just completely change the whole configuration, yes, yes, most likely not, of course, that immediately there are a number of other candidates, i think that a number of other prominent figures in the republican party will want to enter the race, it will be a very different country, but if we are talking today proex... president trump and president biden, that's exactly what we're talking about, that the situation
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can change, well, well, let's imagine that they both participate, mr. alexander, so trump participates and biden participates, who do you think, well, you can't ask that, mr. vitaliy has more chances to win, it's a very difficult task, you know, yes, you can say 49 to 51 and give preference to one of the candidates, but it's still difficult now. talk about it for many months before the elections, and a lot of water can leak out and a lot can change, so you can now to guess mostly over coffee and porridge, maybe some political scientists or commentators can do it to me, as an ex-ambassador, i think it won't work. mr. oleksandr, well, as for the bargaining that we've seen for weeks until recently, which seemed to involve certain concessions where... the democrats on the border, and in the end they show these concessions,
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the republicans are unhappy, it still doesn't lead to any votes for assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. it turns out that it was not quite the american-mexican border the cornerstone, it looks like the aid to other countries from the united states is the real cornerstone that prevents the republicans from breathing easy, they. they are constantly trying to somehow find some options here, and there is one person whose decision and steps it seems to me now depends even a little more than on donald trump and joseph biden, this is the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, mr. johnson, it seems that he is going to join the pile and show that you are a politician, stay in history and possibly help to win for real. world evil is this what he could do but for some reason stay in the orbit of ex-president donald trump is
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so far what he chooses, i don't know, i'm thinking of a boy's mind, maybe in a journalistic way, maybe you have thoughts from that reason, please, the opinion is this, indeed, if mike johnson, the speaker of the lower house, puts the question of this package of aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan to a vote, then this package will gain, as american experts believe, somewhere around 280 votes are needed for the decision some 218 were accepted there, 219, 220 votes, so, of course, now everything depends on him, he is under the influence of ex-president trump, but he is also under pressure from a small group of radicals in the house of representatives, the republican republic , which it... they call, that it goes in the fairway of ex-president trump, who is pressuring him and
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threatening him that if he brings the issue to a vote, he can lose his seat, so he really has a difficult situation with mike johnson, but he also has me as me take into account what is really the majority republicans in the house of representatives unequivocally with the help of ukraine and for you... so that this help is resolved as soon as possible by voting, in principle, there is another question here, is there any additional opportunity for president biden, in your opinion, to negotiate with the congress, he all the time now meeting congressional leaders, what could this lead to? ah, here, you know, mr. vitali, this is a difficult question, whether president trump will somehow be able to come to an agreement, here yes, here really, the whole talk is about an internal political struggle in the context
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the next presidential election, and here many factors came together that... affect the current situation and whether the vote on this package will be decided in the near future and a decision will be made or not, so obviously president biden may also have some additional elements of influence , let's say so, but i don't think there is a guarantee that they will be able to solve the issue unequivocally either, so that in the end everything depends, as we just talked about it, on whether mike johnson will ask the question about help to the vote, it is his prerogative as the speaker, and only he can decide it, mr. alexander, there is another question, i am one more, one possibility, the so-called petition, here, but this is a very complicated, complicated
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thing, that is to say , which will collect the votes of 218 members. the house of representatives , which would vote for aid to ukraine and thus solve this issue, but here it is necessary that the republicans, well, and democracy, well, this is a very complex construction, and uh, taking note that almost every member of the house of representatives has some interests that concern, in particular, the electoral district, the next elections. this construction is very wordy, and it seems to me that it cannot work, at least in the current conditions. mr. oleksandr, a lot has been said about what toker carlson has done for putin. a lot actually, and maybe even with his interview, with his presentation, someone prone to similar types,
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fell in love with the russian president, but in... the fact is that after returning, actually justifying it in his brain, and maybe even in his heart, the information he heard began to give a completely different feedback. and tell me, please, how american society reacts to this feedback, is it possible to conduct some kind of analysis here? well, even toker carlson says that what i heard is just nonsense and putin is just justifying his attack on ukraine? well , it seems to me that he, to be more precise,... he meant, told this putinsky about nazi ukraine, and here in this segment he said that it is not a breakfast, because there can be no nazism in 2024, well, but in general, he understood, of course, that the interview turned out to
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be nothing and actually not an interview, but his bribery of putin. er, his, his efforts to avoid any sharp questions , which are typical for journalism, well, actually he acted not as a journalist, but as a person who constantly putin there, well, if only gave him the opportunity to show what a great leader and everything else, secondly, after returning to america, yes, he decided to justify himself a little, but also... and he was chosen for the interview by a rather strong, strong correspondent, i will say this, he is quite a strong man, and what i saw was that carlson simply uh, if , saying that it was a hoax about nazism in ukraine, at that time he repeated all the russian
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narratives about ukraine and about the war in general. against ukraine, that putin wants peace, and ukraine does not want peace, that nato provoked russia's attack on ukraine, that ukraine cannot win all in this war, and that he was very surprised that according to the ratings, ukraine looks much more democratic better than russia, i even asked several times if it was so that, they say, he doesn't quite agree with that, and he said that moscow is much better than, than... all the time he criticized america at the same time, well , licking the situation in russia, that is, in my opinion, he is a very person who has a very... very negative attitude towards ukraine, and for me this is really a big surprise, because after all, he is an american, went through such a great practical
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school at fox news and has such a mentality towards ukraine. ugh, tell me, mr. oleksandr, how do you see this situation now with the help of ukraine, really we can say that europe. somehow seizes the initiative in the united states, or is it forced to seize? well, she is, on the one hand, forced to see a real threat, and president macron clearly said that russia cannot win this war, and that he expressed the idea of ​​the need to send military uniforms to ukraine, well, let's say military, er,... military from western countries, well, we know that this idea, although the first reaction of some countries was, i would say so, cautiously negative, but then, uh, but
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not completely negative, they said maybe like that now is not the time and so on, but now four countries are already talking about it as exactly what is needed, and i am sure that a big river of support for ukraine will come out of this stream. and so, yes, on the one hand, europe understands that it is necessary and consciously, if it considers increasing support for ukraine, and on the other hand, it understands that if it turns out there with america, and it will be difficult to solve this issue in the future, then the whole burden will fall on the shoulders of europe , and this is also a necessity, but the fact is that ... europe is waking up, i think it has already woken up, and i see in the proposals, ideas of president macron, a very important thing that
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will develop and that will definitely be useful to us, will help us in the fight against russian aggression, in order to, win, win, i understand, to push russia out of the ukrainian land, pentagon chief lloyd austin, very interestingly... formulated his vision and his reaction to what is happening, in particular now in europe, to macron's position, and canada, by the way, which is also interesting, noted that we may someday consider the option that our special forces , or some special troops were present in ukraine, in particular to train the ukrainian military, that is, this is a trend, and loyt austin formulated it as follows: if ukraine loses, nato will fight with... with russia, and well, again, maybe this is a philosophy, but unfortunately , there is still no wording, if ukraine does not win, then nato
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will fight with russia, does this mean, well, so superficially, that there is still no awareness, and what exactly will be the loss of the russian federation, perhaps our win in the war, even for our partners? unfortunately, yes, as for me, me i don't see that there is any clear one. the strategy is agreed on in the west, what it means for russia to lose the war and what it means for ukraine to win, it is clear, ukraine goes to its internationally recognized borders. with regard to russia, either there is a concept or it is closed, it is not for publication, maybe it has already been formed, maybe it is kept behind seven locks imposed on it, and no one can even give any information. pull out for the press, maybe it is, and if it is, then it is better, but if it is not, then it is very bad, but we have to rather not, well, wording is also important, but
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rather we need help so that it is exactly as we need it, and to correct this mistake, when the western leaders themselves admit that the delay in helping ukraine with some types of weapons was 6 dashes 12 months . in order not to make such a mistake again and to receive exactly the weapons we ask for at the time we ask and in the quantities we ask for, then it will be realistic to say that ukraine will really win and liberate its lands, in principle, will protect, in principle, if to talk about the fact that now everything... is still connected in the united states with donald trump, do you think that his advisers can also now consider how the russian-ukrainian situation is changing. and that they
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really have any real plan on how to settle this war, or is it just trump's words? i think they are making plans there, and i think they, if ex-president trump wins the election, they will have a plan, well, let's remember the previous situation, when the first time trump won the election. there was such, there was such great pessimism, and then it turned out that it was the situation changed a little along the way, that uh , well, firstly, trump gave us javelins , everyone is talking about it now, uh, secondly, he moved europe there, sending a brigade, as far as i remember, uh, to nato , on the european territory of nato, thirdly, which is very
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important. expelled 60 american russian diplomats, read spies, and this decision was so difficult to make, but he made this decision, and another important decision was made, as we remember, pompeo's declaration was made, in which it was recorded in writing, that the contiguous states never recognize crimea as russian, it is like that declaration. which was passed in 1945 with regard to the baltic states, which stood the test of time, and eventually the baltic republics, the former soviet became independent states, so i think they have a plan, the only thing that i also, if i think that today it is difficult to predict what the actions of the president, ex-president trump, will be if he
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is again... in this position, no one, well, if, clearly today, does not see this, what is important for us, the support of america is important for us, we must, of course, thank america for the great support that it has given us and which has allowed us to endure, now of course we must continue to work with america so that it continues this assistance, because without it, without its help, it will be much more difficult for us . thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr motsyk was in touch with us. the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, and now we will talk about what is happening in moldova with mariana prysiazhniuk, a graduate student of journalism at the university of bucharest. congratulations ladies mariano. good day. well, there was such a sensational story with this congress of people's deputies of the self-proclaimed transnistrian moldavian republic, there was even talk that russia was preparing to join this region, which has long been controlled by moscow from the end. 80s, early
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90s, you can say, but it seemed strange to me that people who commented on these events believed that the issue of annexation could be resolved in 24 hours, because we have the experience of crimea and know that this is not the case, not everything is solved overnight, as it was commented, but what did moscow and teraspol really achieve by holding this congress? thank you for your remark, i think it is very apt, and it seems to me, first of all... that if the president of russia wanted to annex the territories of moldova, this is the least he would expect, some real appeal from the representatives of a conditionally some tamklav, some quasi -republic, it would be some kind of special operation mongoose, and we would have seen some recorded videos a long time ago, well, i speak figuratively on telegrams, and it would have already happened a long time ago, as for
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of transnistria itself, it seems to me that... for them, as such an economic enclave, and in fact a black hole, in fact, very dark times, and even they themselves.


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