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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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there are centrists, their leader is emmanuel macron, in fact, this is a completely different political force that is in the center of the spectrum, so to speak, and they also need to prove their importance, especially the situation when in france in the elections to the european parliament, always the far-right and far-left are winning, there are right-wing radicals, and that part of them that supports ukraine, this camp is headed by george meledi, and she... is needed to fight those right-wing radicals, because these are two camps that support russia, and representatives of this second camp, part of it coalition in italy, and they will fight with her in the elections to the european parliament, they are not going there together, they are going in different groups, so she needs to fight with the left, her own, who look at scholz , with the centrists, her own with the democratic party, let's say those who look at the democratic party are leftists, there are centrists.
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who are looking towards macron, well, here is the landscape, that is, you are talking about people who gather in the same room, but they all represent different political forces of opponents in europe with a completely different vision of the europe, it is not the same not only in melon and macron, but also in macron and scholz, and on the issue of ukraine, it also looks different now, plus remember that france is again and... unlike italy, unlike germany is a country that is part of the group of winners in the second world war, and it is a nuclear power, that is why it is a member of the security council, that is why france, but italy and germany are not, because they were in another part of europe then, on the other side barricade, and it all immediately begins to show when it begins discussion of fundamental issues, weight, not what no one is saying now
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, you lost the war, we won the war, no one in europe speaks in such categories anymore, but in any case, macron is the head of a nuclear state, and scholz and meloni are not. and the position of poland is also very important , you mentioned it, but you understand that poland must also be the factor here, which, one way or another, will be forced to determine in which group of countries, from the point of view of attitude to the situation, poland is going to enter, because from poland's position on... the ukrainian conflict it depends on whether poland will be part of the triangle that will one way or another determine the direction of the european union, uh, or italy, we are talking about the future of poland in general, well , what is meant, well, in the past there were three largest countries in the european union, which one way or another between themselves could talk about trends, which were then offered to others, simply from the point of view of the weight of economies, population and... seats in
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the european parliament and so on and so forth, these were france, germany and great britain, now there is no great britain, and obviously , what her place in this conditional triumvirate has to be taken by someone, it is vacant, and now we talk all the time about france and germany, but this cannot happen forever, so some country will take this place, but it cannot be a quadrilateral, uh, so , which country will be depends on who will play this game correctly now. the most authoritative in europe of the future next to france and germany, poland or italy? and by and large , george melena, who represents the right-wing radicals, and donald tusk, who represents of the centrists and thus associated with the center-right, they are now essentially competitors in this great geopolitical game. this should also be remembered, and therefore there, when on the one hand at a meeting. the chamber was president andrzej duda, and
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on the other hand, all poles, now all throughout the polish elite, will have to decide how they will handle this situation in the situation of the polish-ukrainian crisis, that is, it is very much, but we are talking about the fact that it is as if such it's just a question of helping ukraine, no, it's a question of the world system in the near future ten years, now they are deciding in this way, well, with regard to poland, they have already noted that they will help ukraine with... weapons, as much as is needed, but no, not with people, let's put it this way, that is, they are now choosing a more balanced position for themselves, on unlike other colleagues in the european union, and not only in it. but , you know, you and i are talking about what games are now and what the schedules can be at the time when someone takes and does, the czech republic, for example, just recently we discussed, discussed the issue of the idea of ​​peter pavel, a man with quite powerful the army back to find 800,000
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shells for ukraine, 155 and 122 calibers, well, that is , it is a nato caliber, it is not some super soviet warehouse with 150.2 millimeters, but less than that, already now we are receiving information that in the near future the defense forces of ukraine can receive at their disposal the first revenues from this package, and 50% of all the money needed for these 800 thousand projectiles has already been found and allocated, well, why are we surprised if we, look, european countries do not have these weapons in their warehouses, yes, it means that it is necessary to negotiate with some countries that can sell these weapons for money, these countries can be in good relations with the russian federation, or in normal neutral relations, if the americans or british will negotiate with them, then what do you
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understand , all this will be immediately helped at the very first stage of negotiations, a resident who sits in the russian embassy, ​​uh, foreign intelligence service. will run after this american visitor literally on all the streets there i don't know asian or to photograph an african city, the very representatives of the military-industrial complex of these countries may be afraid to negotiate with the americans or with the british or even with the french, especially in africa . well, the russian resident will not pay attention to any czech negotiator, it’s not for him, what is it, some czech came to ours, well, it’s not our scale, they need something there, some howitzer to buy,
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the representatives of this country will be calm to speak with the representative of the czech republic republics, this is the strength of medium-sized countries, they can. to be unnoticed until the moment when the signature is placed and the cargo is freighted, and already after that you can talk about it completely calmly, so this is the advantage of, say, the czech republic, or this is the advantage of hungary, viktor orban, when now our border is blocked with poland, and a huge amount of cargo goes through. hungary and new checkpoints are opening, and there are many things that we see now, there is equipment, that's all that remains on our shelves supermarkets, shops, what does not go through the polish border, it goes through the hungarian
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border, at the same time orbán is calling for negotiations there, telling the western countries that you are creating conditions when it is impossible to agree on peace, but by and large now hungary is helping ukraine not to find itself in a difficult economic situation, this is a reality, well, and this is again an advantage of a country like hungary, because there you do not organize a protest like in poland, well yes, well, you do, but you need to first agree with the office the prime minister, and then you organize a protest and lose your place there, the head of the trade union, well, they just won't vote for you anymore, so what do you think, and here... on the one hand, we say that managed democracy is bad, but on the other hand we say that there, conditionally speaking, iphones that we can buy are good, i don't know if there are samsungs, it doesn't matter, we won't assume that there are some
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products that are not for us come, then there is a simple illustration, so of course you can say here that the president of the czech republic, too... too an interesting thing is that he is a general, that he is a person who worked in the nato apparatus, that he can imagine the nomenclature of weapons, as a professional in different countries, where to turn, well, it can also be joint work, again, that's the same there can be joint work, the united states, the czech republic, great britain, other european countries, they understand who should represent this arrangement. we understand that weapons are sold not only by the countries that produce them, but also by conventional ones. such worldly war mongers, you can buy it, well, then you heard from president zelensky, he said that denmark buys a huge amount of weapons, doesn't advertise it, because it 's denmark, it can be done and then contacts have been established for decades for various
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reasons, uh, and that's all simple, it's business , by the way, that's why putin needed viktor bout so much, that he tried to save him from for years. from an american prison, yes, because it is a whole network of contacts in one person, because there are certain goods, if which you can sell, a certain nomenclature, only if you know the person. personally and you know for sure that this will happen, this person is the guarantor of the possibility of his own state, even when it comes to the russian federation, i am not talking about other states, because in other states it is more difficult, but for the russian federation, you understand that there is a person who represents there, relatively speaking, the main intelligence department of the general staff, she most likely has the authority to sign some gray contract there, and with the democratic world it is much more difficult, you remember, once upon a time... there were incredible scandals, when during the time of president regen, this vinobilska was the sale of weapons to the nikorgan rebels
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, the so-called contras, well, this was a very serious matter with serious consequences for the administration, because they did not want to advertise the participation of the american administration in these purchases, and this is always a huge problem for the americans, they cannot bypass certain procedures in any way, no. like, because then people, people who dare to bypass them, know that they can go to a real prison, even if they did it with the best intentions, just like you can't represent the president privately there the united states, let's say, you can't be a special representative without authority, because it's a criminal offense, there is a law, and when during the second world war there, there before the second world war, president roozald used. in this institution , they tried to put its representatives in prison, because they held
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some negotiations there without their positions, they said that they were violating the law there, there are a lot of such things in the democratic world that limit the abuse of power, and sometimes they do not allow to do what the government itself considers necessary, to speed up the processes, to do the process, but the law is the law, well, on the one hand, unfortunately, on the other hand, it can be democratic. the world is effective, as a result, strategically effective, tactically not very effective, which of course, the mafia that rules russia can solve everything and everything much faster. so. yes, i would still like to pay attention to poland, to return to it. the fact is that mykhailo tkach, a ukrainian investigative journalist, was detained this week tried to prove by his activities that there is a certain movement between poland and the territory of belarus and that... for some reason this does not raise any questions, in particular from that part of polish society that blocks movement on
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the polish-ukrainian border, look, in general, it is necessary to understand that this the story is not about poland, ugh, there are no sanctions on russian, belarusian agricultural products at all, why is this not of interest to polish farmers, because the amount of russian agricultural products that goes through... poland is tiny, and it cannot be even compare with the bulk of ukrainian products, which even transit through the territory of poland. on the other hand, already somewhere in the south of europe, these russian agricultural products can make up to a third of the market there, if not more than 40%, as in spain. ugh. and it already in this way... it can really affect the interests of the agriculture of other countries, because
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if russian agricultural products were not there, then there would be poland, well , it could go to spain, it is not so far away, if you think about it, that's why all these arguments that ukrainian agricultural products in large quantities displace polish agricultural products from the german market are all a bluff, they do not displace, because most of our products now go by sea from completely to other countries, huh. and because polish products were also not, did not prevail on the german market, this is not the case, but the russian one is displacing it from the spanish market, it just does not go through poland, so this is a completely different story, so, in essence, this story is connected with the investigation of our colleagues on ukrainian truth, it is connected with moral aspect, if you see the numbers , there is nothing in the numbers, if we are talking about poland, but there is about the european union, and why those... two years after the start of the war, european countries talked about the possibility of limiting the transit of russian
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products, the first it was done by latvia, and before that no one talked about it at all, it's also somewhat strange to me, i can't understand it, so, to be honest, we say all the time that we have to weaken the economic potential of russia at that time , as the russians calmly transport grain not to africa , but to the same european union, this is one moment, another moment, we perfectly understand... that this conflict that arose on the border has a distinctly political character, because our grain is not the cause of the problem, ugh , the desire of those people who... organized this process, to receive subsidies from the government and the european commission, taking advantage of the situation, and this is simply something that must be clearly said, and polish politicians, they cannot say it out loud for one simple reason: they have elections, and it turns out that both political camps have electorates among the farming environment, and the party of law and
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justice, because it has always been part of this electorate, and... the coalition that now governs poland, the polish peasant party, but the peasant party is also the party of the farmer, and the defeat of this of the party means a blow to the coalition, this is the second point, thirdly, this protest enjoys the absolute support of polish society, where 80%, and again , the prime minister of poland, as well as the president of poland, as well as politicians from the right party. justice, which are now in the opposition, as and politicians from the former civic platform, which is now the center of this democratic coalition, have to immediately take into account two points: the fact that poles support ukraine and the fact that poles support farmers, they do it at the same time, ugh, so what, we don’t have there was such schizophrenia in ukrainian society that we can throw stones at someone
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, we have done so many times, it is true, and we can three thousand times... say: are you friends, don't you see that this is schizophrenia, if you us support why you want destruction of our economy for inexplicable reasons, we are not bothering anyone. then these amazing conversations begin, conducted by the ukrainians themselves, it's just that we have real estate agents, and in poland there are poor, unfortunate farmers, who are suffering from the actions of our agricultural oligarchs, although statistics. says that the products that go through poland in transit, i emphasize, through poland in transit, nothing goes to poland, because there is a restriction that was introduced by the previous government, and this one did not remove it unilaterally, illegally violation of the european commission's decision, but they did it, but even in this product that goes in transit, the products of large enterprises are somewhere
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up to 40%, and 60% are the products of small farms, uh, when... these products and these farms are really released are collapsing, there are huge agricultural corporations in poland, which are many times more, because they are corporations of eu countries, and these holdings, it is known , are many times more than ukrainian large corporations, our so-called agricultural oligarchs are midgets compared to polish ones by agricultural corporations, so when ukrainians, i don't know how to say it intelligently, well... what kind of ukrainians say all this nonsense, it reminds me of 2019 , a story about how it was necessary to get rid of barikhs, well, you already got rid of barikhs, you've already had enough to your heart's content, why do you continue to eat from this plate a dish that does not smell very tasty at all, you are not inventing, and at the same time
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you accuse the ukrainian authorities, which are trying to solve this issue in favor of... the ukrainian manufacturer, that it is stupid and spoils relations with an ally, ukrainian the government, the president, anyone in the government, has something to criticize, we always do it, but i don't understand why, when the president of ukraine, the ukrainian government make absolutely fair demands to the neighboring country, they immediately start saying, oh, they are such idiots , they had a quarrel with another ally, and we just need everything... for the poles to help us, but this is not help, because if on the one hand russia destroys our economy, and on the other hand poland blocks our borders and also destroys our economy, then this is the simultaneous destruction of our economy, it cannot be said that this is in favor of ukraine , no, if we reduce our economic
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opportunities, therefore in this way we reduce the tax base, reduce the possibilities of financing the armed forces and not... we have to invent when even the poles say, oh , well, we will help you with everything in defense , that is our defense, the poles do not pay money, taxes for our defense, we pay it, and it depends on the purchasing power of our population, the purchasing power of our population depends on e the possibilities of our economy, therefore every polish farmer, so-called or otherwise , who is standing there on the border and blocking this border, he is absolutely... knowingly or unknowingly acting in favor of the russian federation, russian president vladimir putin and destroying our defense, more he does nothing, just for the next time. money from the european commission, which these people did not earn and do not earn at the beginning of the european integration of poland, they receive these subsidies, it is wonderful that they receive, i am always happy for them, i feel sorry for the subsidy, so that it develops
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polish agriculture , i don't regret it, i still remember the times when i came to warsaw or krakow, and there were only french and german products in the supermarkets, there was nothing polish, there were times like that, imagine, and now when we go into a polish supermarket. we see all polish products, great, i am very happy, by the way, by the way, we go to the ukrainian supermarket and also see polish products, what else do you want from us, listen, well, give us a little drop of sweet lemonade with this sour lemon, such a thought came to mind, don't all these events on the polish-ukrainian border mean that, in fact, here they are, real negotiations have begun on the accession of our... country to the european union and on the basis on which we, we are entering there purely economically, well, look, we are now , by and large, part of these problems is also in
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the fact that we currently exist in the regime of the european union, member countries of the european union, but this is an advance, but this is an advance, and the advance is very strange for this simple reason that we do not have those problems that have the countries of the european union, but we have the opportunities that the countries of the european union have, well, the same green charter, all of them. but this will all pass, we really have to clearly realize that when we become a member of the european union, we need such negotiations that would not create restrictions on the supply of our products to the european market for another 40 years, well, as some say in poland on 35, by the way, this was not an exaggeration, i just heard that it will be necessary to limit the supply of agricultural products of ukraine to the... market for 35 years, and why? and because we are two competitive countries with a very similar type of economy, both ukraine and poland have a very developed agriculture,
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not in all the countries of the european union, it is so developed, and our land is better, the conditions are better than in poland, in poland developed agriculture on very bad soil, well , everyone knows that, it's a christmas thing, wait , what will we get out of this war with, well, they won't take away, they won't take away black soil from us, you know, in any case it's possible. with this production, you can take a bomb somewhere throw it away, but you won’t take away black soil , i’m just telling you about agriculture, we ’re talking about the european union, about the fact that we are both countries in the european union, you can read ukrainian or polish poets who sing the praises of peasant labor there, and see that this work looks different in polish and ukrainian poetry, it is different, you understand , because it is more difficult for a polish woman to work in such a land than in... well, i am not saying about russian poets at all that it is easy to work there, i leaned back there, okay, okay, here , but it 's not called chernozemya, how to work there,
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ugh, well, so the only thing left to do is pour vodka over the mountains and try to take over someone else's chernozem, everything is absolutely classic, and in poland the land is better than in russia, but worse than in ukraine, which means it's competition, and this, that, and again, if... we will be offered restrictions, we should demand subsidies, it's very simple, subsidies that would compensate our industry for our agricultural sector, restrictions, probably not restrictions for years, but losses from the introduction of restrictions, so it should be professional tough negotiations because if we will talk like this, do everything like this, want everything you want, only that we join the european union as soon as possible, we will simply lose the economy. the poles delayed joining the european union for a couple of years until they got these subsidies for agriculture. why am i talking about this?
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i am very afraid that the ukrainian society, with its willingness to vote for populists, will simply force any person who will be in power to, say, bring results to the elections. and here i am so-and-so and so-and-so, who brought ukraine to the european union. me on the second question, on what terms, well, what difference does it make to you on what terms, we are in the european union, you wanted it, i did it, and if i resisted, it turned out that we are still in the process of negotiations, and you will not re-elect me , then let it be better without agriculture, but with me as the president at the head of ukraine, i am not saying the reason for the president, he can already be history at this moment, i am saying, let's say about myself, here i am the president of ukraine at this moment, i need to be re-elected, and people say that's how the european union will be, it won't be, and i'm sick or save agriculture, ugh, or save your presidency, what would you choose in my place? i 'd save agriculture, but i 'm a romantic, but you're a romantic, right, we
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're talking about... the president, i'm not, i think , i'd probably also spoil agriculture, but then i need a subsidy, background portnikova is great after his resignation, to whom i could do good deeds, if they do not elect him for a second term, not only to the agrarians, but also to me then, you see what a difficult situation, so if the parliament may not vote for such a fund, and i will have to sacrifice agriculture, so just kidding, but here i show you that if we are serious, if you approach ... this story with populism , we will lose everything, we will be in the european union, but we will be a poor country, unable to really be on equal terms in cooperation with the european union. tell me, what about nato, by the way, a short remark, the same story, whether joining nato, here any conditions, any foundations, this is an umbrella, we need it here and now. nato does not propose competitors,
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nato takes into account strategic opportunities. that is why the nato countries were in such a state when they waited for sweden for two years in connection with the turkish, and then with the hungarian claims, by the way, it must be said that everything is already next week, in the end, i think there on march 6-7, the new president of hungary will sign the law on sweden's accession to nato, ratified by the parliament, and this epic will end there. but from what nato countries, primarily the united states, they believed that in this situation, control over the baltic sea, the ability of nato countries to fully control this space in the area of ​​gotl island, despite the fact that they had relations with sweden, but not allies, this is a huge contribution to the situation with the alliance, as well as with ukraine, if joining nato will be perceived as a contribution to common defense.
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then this is the answer to the question, uh, absolutely obvious, and here no one competes with anyone else, because nato does not give out money, as you understand, well, it gives out, well, it means the opposite, nato demands money, let's quote the classics are the immortal quotes of president trump , who told angela merkel then, yes, 2% for defense, 2%, it seems true there, in my opinion, four, four, yes, merkel says them now, yes, four. for defense in the budget , so it is, unlike the european union , a nato club into which you have to bring money, so that's a different story, and i just don't think we'll get there that easily, but you know , the world is changing so, that we can only hope that it will be so. mr. vitaly, we have 10 minutes left, and a few words about what happened these days in russia, navalny was buried there. yes, it happened
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traditionally, as for us... not for russians under the escort of russian special services, policemen, autosacks, there are several dozen people who were detained, but in the end the procession was quite large, it was more than one thousand people, and this demonstrated that there is no war slogan, for example, or putin is a murderer, or something else that the regime does not like, does not lead to the fact that everyone is packing. well, not everyone was packed, there is a certain number of people who are so demonstrative was arrested, but they came out to say goodbye and the disaster did not happen, it did not happen, maybe because it was not a mass protest, the authorities once again showed that there are not many people in society who have a different view of events than her, well how many people were there, well... well, there were 10-20,000 people,
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well, there were different estimates, i saw hundreds of thousands, but i think it's very optimistic, very, i think there are more than a few tens of thousands there were no people, you understand, i would call it hybrid totalitarianism, ugh, that is, it exists, but here it is allows such things up to a certain point, but we always compare it with the soviet union. and now we compare with the soviet union of stalin's time, but now the question arises: and with which soviet union of stalin's time? stalin's soviet union, stalin's soviet was different, until 1934. yes, it was one soviet union, after the assassination of kirov, it was...


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