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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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by the crew, there is still something there, so that , well, the germans did not disclose that they had already disclosed their encryption system in order to further remove that information, here, well, if you already got it, well, in a word , the story is completely incomprehensible, well, i understood one thing, that wow, wow , wow, this is it, i realized that our forward, our forward, oleksandr kraev , expert of the council of foreign policy, the ukrainian prism will now be with us, is already with us, and i will brag, because you know, i will also brag about myself, and.. ... our viewers, instead of the 46 thousand that we planned today, we are already with you, dear ones friends, 53 00 have been collected today, but this is not the limit, join us, we need to collect a total of 800 thousand, currently we have 529 00. mr. alexander, congratulations, yes, congratulations, good morning to you, mr. alexander, this is tucker carlson , yes, who took a huge interview with putin, where he was sitting there and... shaking his head from
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the interview, let's say, putin gave him a lecture on his vision of russian history, er, well, and attacker kalson was nodding his head, but here he also decided to give an interview about how he gave, how he interviewed putin, and already said that he was very surprised by the words about denazification, said that calling ukrainians nazis is childish. well , in short, he wasn't that enthusiastic about putin, no , he even said that the whole argument about why putin attacked ukraine was, i would say, the dumbest things i've ever heard in my life, what happened with tucker carlson, or it was like that with him from the beginning, but he hid it from us, and i think the same thing happened to him that happened when there was a huge lawsuit against fox news, you remember fox news,
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they were accused of trying to undermine the american election, because they systematically, for several months before the 20th election, spread information that they said that these vote counting machines are counting incorrectly, they are destroying the ballots that are for trump and falsifying ballots for biden, well, in the context of this process , a huge, huge array of correspondence was covered, both correspondence by mail and correspondence via whatsapp, and there it turned out that tuckeralson. who is trump's biggest ally, who is his adores, kisses all the protruding places, who in general constantly elevates trump in personal communication, when no one hears, when he actually communicated with colleagues, he said, and this is an almost exact quote: i can't stand this idiot anymore, his moronic statements drive me away in a rough corner, i understand that it is for the sake of money, but i just can't stand it anymore, that is , the same thing happened with putin as with trump, tucker can show the public how much he admires something, how he loves someone. what
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a cool relationship they have, how everything is fine, because it is hype, just as trump was hype at one time, so the interview with putin was hype now, but his real attitude to things, well, that's it, after all, he has some ideas in his head and at least he understands something, by the way , what can you say about elon musk, because everyone is now discussing what he wrote on twitter, that he does not understand our nato, warsaw, warsaw dollar, the agreement has long since broken up, well, the former minister of estonian digitization. wrote very well that it is time to measure human stupidity in terms of numbers, but in general, whether or not musk is taken seriously by america itself, how influential he is, after all, tucker carlson’s employer is actually now , yes, this is true, but it must be understood that the mask is taken seriously by, well, let’s say, the lowland electorate, that is, no one takes the mask seriously, even among big business, even though tesla had a good performance this quarter, but personally... musk is perceived with great
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caution, and even his board of directors, they even want to sign a contract with them at the moment, so that for the week before and the week after the shareholder meeting he was banned from using twitter for commercial purposes, and i think that's a good reflection of how elon musk is perceived by people who have real influence in america, but he does have a certain army of fans, in most cases johnson and ask him when help will come, and in principle. to a certain extent, he confirmed what everyone is already saying, and cnn writes about this, that in general, this aid of 61 billion dollars, it seems that 400 million dollars is military, may still be in in the near future, well plus or minus in the near future , within a month and a half unlocked, and yes , in fact, there is such a chance, because , well, to quote johnson directly, he said that as soon as the issue with the federal budget is resolved, they will deal with the border, and then immediately. .. countries, if we talk about the border, then
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everything moves quickly enough, we see that the biden administration is ready to make big concessions, they are ready to increase funding and strengthen legislation, they are ready... in principle to work normally with republicans on this topic, and even biden took a huge step forward when he directly offered to meet trump somewhere on the border, well, this was at the moment when two guards along the border were traveling with their courtesy visits, let's say this, so biden then offered to meet together write the toughest package of border laws, and speaking of the federal budget, well, the interim budget deadline is march 8th, and although some agencies will be open until the 20th... the 2nd, but basically this week, bye, bye, yes , we you we see, only something turned you around, yes , yes, well, i'm sorry, they start to distract a little along the way, yes, but what is the logic, that this week by march 8, the issue of the main
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big federal budget should be resolved, or it should be extended for a certain time, or to adopt a full-fledged big one that should work, therefore , under the optimal scenario, we should come to an understanding by the middle of march, when we will have the main budget for ukraine. under such a more realistic scenario, we will be around the end of march have the budget we need. trump already seems to have won three primaries in a row, including in south carolina, where his only competitor in the republican party, nikki haley, is from, nevertheless. nikki haley was also able to win, what is the truth in washington d.c., is it basically a symbolic victory, or does it show that haley still has some potential? well, basically, if we look at how haley went about it, in each primaries, she consistently has 40% support.
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in d.c., she pulled out 63, even a little more percentage of support. if we talk about trump, then the situation there is quite interesting. yes, he really wins... he wins and wins with good numbers, but at the same time, every time his real number differs more and more from the number that was predicted for him, that is, for example, if he was predicted to be 65 in the primary in new hampshire %, he got 57%, then in the michigan primaries he was predicted 60%, he got a little more than 48%, that is, every time with each subsequent state the gap the gap between trump's expected results and the actual results is getting wider, while haley is holding her support fairly steady. most of the sponsors have not given up on haley yet, and in principle, it seems to me that as you and i said in previous broadcasts, tomorrow, on super tuesday, everything should be decided. 15 states
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will be up for grabs between republicans, so far everyone is saying that trump should take at least more than half of them, but even if haley takes the other half, it will still be very not... a bad application, especially against the background of the fact that trump still has not dealt with his court cases, i will also ask you about russia, which buried navalny, a russian, good russians there wringed their hands, cried, fought, mourned navalny, but not mourned ukraine and what putin is doing to ukraine, khristo groziv, the investigator belindket says that putin will not stop at... navalny will not stop and there will be more victims among the russian opposition, among political prisoners, will the russians be able to make those conditional good russians , to find get some kind of leader among themselves, or will they
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just be so confused and mournful now? it seems to me that for the time being they will really be in this state of confusion, because... whether a russian is a liberal, whether a russian is a putinist, but the cult of personality is still present in him and navalny was a cult in himself, it is not so easy to replace navalny , and we know that in such regimes, when the cult of personality loses its leader, be it a liberal leader or a dictatorial leader, it always recovers long enough, it first, secondly, under the system that exists now, the killing of navalny is really a very , very hint to all the opposition that remains in russia that... absolutely clearly you can be next and just try to nominate me and the opposition that border, does it have a real influence on the situation in russia, well, of course , it is difficult to say that this influence is somehow measured abroad, it is difficult to influence something. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the clarification. oleksandr kraev, an expert of
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the ukrainian prizma foreign policy council, was with us. and now we are for you let's tell the story of vasyl danylovych, who was released from captivity, our colleague spoke with him. khrystyna porubiy, let's look at his story. we had an enhanced regime, but still with a permanent one. my name is vasyl danylovych, i am a serviceman of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade, i was released from captivity on january 3, 2024, glory to ukraine, ukraine, bless you all, my military career began in the 15th year. already during, let's say , the second or third wave of mobilization,
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the motivation, well, how to say, the motivation to not sounded loud, we were brought up like that , they came to tell us who needs to be protected, i am my country unequivocally, but those are a little high words, my brother and i went to serve, let's say for less, for our family, for our house, for our piece land, but it turned out so well for me... that all my rotations were in the donetsk region, and by august of the 16th year, i was released from there as a mobilized person in 2019, i signed a contract again and got into the 128th transcarpathian army - the storm brigade, who was there, drags them, drags them to their boys, drags them to that atmosphere, everything there is much simpler, easier, more correct, on the one hand, well, on the other hand, of course, it is more difficult. somehow i felt somewhere that something was mine, i felt it, i liked it, we
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went to the dnipro on february 20, if for reconciliation, like a training ground, no one knew yet that there would be a war, we were simply taken out very hastily, because we had just left the rotation in the 21st year in december, but we left, and then on the 23rd day we arrived, already... on the night of the 4th, that's the 22nd year, i'm talking about, the first rockets flew there from the dnieper. the brigade stood on in the zaporizhzhia direction, each unit received its task, its task in individual settlements, in individual directions, well , the task was one, to stop the advance of enemy equipment. that it was practically impossible physically, with such a number of their equipment that
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went, went and went without stopping, it was simply physically impossible to stop them all at once, although we still destroyed quite a lot of enemy equipment, my group of 20 men led a battle with the colony tanks for three or four hours, and they left, then they called plane reinforcements, the plane is already on... superiority in the air, even if with such equipment it was possible to try them, well, for a short time, of course, because there was not enough physically, but there was not enough ammunition, they were going in hundreds, in reality they were going in hundreds, columns hundreds, our group more faithfully accepted the battle in kamizh zari, such a settlement, there is a station, there we accepted this battle, stood. we held out for a couple of hours, then the order was given to retreat, because we were also running out of ammunition and it was pointless
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to just die, and we fell into surroundings, when we were leaving , well, let's just say, we were a little unlucky, because the car we were leaving was hit by an enemy tank, by some miracle we all managed to jump out of the way, and a shell flew by literally at once, we were hiding a little bit in local horse disputes, then local active activists took us to childbirth, our neighbors turned us in, but some helped, and others turned us in, drove up to their military special forces unit, khokhly, get out, surrender, because otherwise we will blow you up too and half a village, and already this one the story of captivity began, then there were a couple of stages of transportation. we were not detained for a long time in childbirth, the first interrogation, they had
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the same questions, but the entire time of stay, i think that not only mine, but all people, they beat us because we were committing war crimes against our own people , and they, in turn, wanted to exterminate what war crimes you saw, what war crimes you can say about, after melitopol we were taken to... as we later knew on the goba, i stayed there until april 20, well, for about two weeks, count, that's it plus or minus the term, but where will it take you? that is the donetsk central lip, the lip where a soldier serves his duty, as a soldier for an offense, can be taken into custody, there, as you can say, there were interrogations, but the interrogations took place without physical torture, they built nothing at all from the word at all, but also
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they didn't beat us physically, we were still very surprised , what... still very surprised us, then he said goodbye like that, already as they were taking us further on the stage, there was only one vadim there, he says, what will you remember about me, how about heaven, after we have already started donetsk, we started phasing it in russia, and it’s tough, that’s the reception, these first ones are there for weeks, months, until, as they say, we were trained, and they said so directly, we are training you . then systematic and regular abuse, physical, psychological, with the help of physical, torture, an attempt to break the psychological, the methods, let's say, are various, they beat well, systematically, then the guards are already in their prison, i don't know how they are now fobsy or how is called, but prison guards and
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prison special forces, that is, every exit from the cell, then you stand for the so-called inspection, wide in the twine, hands against the wall, and they start beating you, who wants where and how, one thing, they were afraid to hit on the head, so as not to mutilate, as they say, not to spoil the product appearance, any way out for a so-called walk, for anything, for any exit to the corridor, that already means that you will be mocked, well, psychologically, too, these demands to learn the anthem of their songs, to sing it. well, hundreds of times without stopping, we had planned two outings in the morning and in the evening for inspection and one during the day for a walk, so-called, well, also a walk, then you go out to the beatings, you go to the beatings, you go out to the yard, where they beat you there for an hour,
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two or three, like when you do endless physical exercises, then squats. hundreds, even thousands of push-ups , the same was practiced in the cells, everything, everything to suppress the human will, the psyche, so that you don't think there, god forbid, something to drive you, up to the point of being brought to, to break people, so on may 9, 23rd year, we marched 6:1, or sang the anthem , marched, well, in a variety of ways, did push-ups along... sat down, everything depended on the guard, on mood, i.e. god forbid the ukrainian language , because the guys were from the west, such that they didn’t know how to speak at all, but they gave such cruel orders, they built little, very little, but our food was delicious, i know, the guys fed the scum, we were skinny, we always wanted to eat
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, a constant feeling, i'm already telling everyone, because that's how it is, a constant feeling of hunger, even... you go to bed with what you want to eat and you get up with what you want to eat, there were people, that went beyond 100 kg, weighed 70, i have nowhere to lose weight, i lost weight, well, 10 kilograms, maybe i i'll drop it, it hurts, of course , you get used to it, you don't even pay attention to some pain, it was forbidden in our country to know anything at all, even to say what day it is, what date it is, we each counted all the numbers, you sit, you count. the number, the day of the week , it was strictly forbidden, they could ask what day it is and god forbid it was guessed, after all, i received two letters, i was late, the first one was something like seven months late, the second year came, they just took me to the investigator, as always, the team, investigated
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only lay on the floor, head down, hands behind my head, the question is, who is danylovych natal, i say... my daughter, you will read the letter, i am speechless here, i will say, if possible, i put the letter, let it be read, then gave the notice, of course, to sign, then in everything is clear to them, as it was during the stalinist regime, that you had to sign everything in the protocols, all these for everything, joy and , of course, joy to receive some news from relatives. the main question is, how long have we been here, will we be replaced, the answer was, when ukraine invites you, then i will replace you, at the beginning, some said that we will die here. it was when they were taken out of the cell in the evening and told to change into their uniforms, that is, in some
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colonies, the boys in their uniforms came , they transferred us to theirs, the attitude is that even there , dress properly, choose normally, because it is cold, then everything was already put in the garage, one guard with we were sitting, the second one was in the cabin, the one in the cabin. and said, you tell them that they are going on an exchange so that they don't worry, already then there was hope that we are going home after all, such a great hope that we are already on the way home, of course, emotions, joy, that's all , but until the last moment, i said, until i set foot on my native land and see our boys in our uniform, i will not believe that i , yes, in front of the border, they hanged their soldiers from buses already , i don't know those there, some couple of hundred meters the chauffeur drove with us, theirs, it was already then that there are no bodyguards every time, so we are going
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home, well, as for our native land , of course, then there is joy, then there is joy , that in the end, everything is over, that at the end, they gave out their phones, they showed the numbers of their relatives was recorded, and everyone immediately started calling , immediately joy, and then the line is still a little weak , that's all, but you can already hear a voice, and my daughter was happy, well, i have a daughter, she is strong, she did not cry, but she was very happy, she really i'm very happy, says dad, i don't believe that it's all over, dad, i knew there were lists , i saw them, i read them, but i still say i don't believe it, granddaughter, well, granddaughter at all, a little sun, so... my daughter has already given somewhere there the next time i called, i hung up for a couple of minutes, i said a little bit of a problem, a little constantly on the phone called, then the little girl said yes, grandfather
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, i'm glad, i'm very glad that you came, how are you, that's all, and then she hung up, somewhere the daughter calls back, she says the child burst into tears from excitement, she says i missed my virginity so much, what he was gone for so long , i missed him very much, he is very dear, here... everyone at home with open arms, with tears, which, as they say, is harder to see when relatives are crying, i still haven't had time to visit everyone relatives, all loved ones, a lot of calls, i have never been on the phone so much in my life as those first days that phone, friends whom even i had not met for years, acquaintances, my former colleagues, everyone knew. everyone calls, congratulates, well, there is joy, sometimes there is real joy, sometimes there is joy, without a trace, it certainly did not pass in any way, there are problems, you still
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