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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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it has nothing to do with that, and precisely, and they do it precisely because it is a pain point, it is the polish-ukrainian border - it is not only a bilateral border, it is also the border of the european union with ukraine, it is the eastern border of the european union, and they actually took a shorter path, but the most effective one, where there is a border through which all military aid passes, the main part of military aid to ukraine from... western partners, and they understand that standing on this border, them will be listened to much better than if they stand under the belvedere palace in warsaw or in front of the building of the european commission in brussels? i understand that now we have a lot of indignation against the poles, somewhere some old historical images have been fueled, somewhere some quotes from shevchenko about the lyakhs and so on have spread around... the internet, on
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the other hand, should we also be here, or we should not be careful here, but certainly in this story we are in a weaker position than the poles, and we depend more on polish support, to be honest by myself than a pole, well, no matter what we say to ourselves there, the poles are in nato, one way or another, they have a strong economy, and they bought 300-500 heimers there, i mean that when zelensky allows a little bit... to add fuel to the fire, isn't it a little dangerous game for the interests of one's constituents? well, of course, at certain moments it is also necessary to state the fact that sometimes there are excessively emotional, excessively irrational actions, for example, the trip of a part was not fully understood the government at... the border of the checkpoint, shegeny, where it was
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, obviously, there was no confirmation from the polish side that they would not come, and they famously said that this, as they said, was an inappropriate place for bilateral negotiations, yes, although the i think the gesture was correct, but if you were refused, there is probably no point in going, because there is nothing to expect there, and there is a certain problem, so that the problem created by polish farmers does not become more global. a problem postponed in the aggravation of bilateral relations and the destruction of those bases, which bases, which were laid down long before that, and it is clear that the majority of polish society still remains in solidarity with ukraine, but these events cannot help but affect the deterioration of certain relations, both on an individual, purely personal, and human level, and also on a certain institutional level, because ..
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institutions also have a memory, and the longer the events with the blocking of the border continue, the more difficult it will be to find a solution, and the more difficult it will be, and the more the corridor of opportunities will decrease, so it must be remembered that ukraine should also be grateful to poland for that the assistance provided and continues to be provided by the polish government, both the previous and the current one. to military aid , but at the same time it is necessary to look for some kind of pragmatic solution from the point of view of economic cooperation, because if the polish authorities will continue to implement a protectionist economic policy for themselves at the expense of ukraine, especially from the point of view of the long-term perspective of ukraine's membership in the eu, relatively speaking , there in 2030, and this policy will continue for years. then
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it will be very difficult to keep this parity of relations, even though that we, from the ukrainian side, will focus on the need to maintain friendly relations. and myroslava kerek, the manager, the head of the ukrainian house in warsaw, which appeared in warsaw, precisely after the revolution of dignity, wrote that for the first time in 10 years, a person appeared at the door of this ukrainian house. the blacks were brought out, if we can show this photo, this is how the gallows is drawn, they filed a report with the polish police, they are finding out what is happening, but actually since when they started in poland, the election campaign began, and then they themselves elections in poland, a lot of all kinds of such information appeared, if you listened to such ordinary poles, those who do not understand politics very well there, who are not involved in any public life, who are engaged in their usual. with such
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maritime affairs, in social networks they picked up some such information about ukraine, which was very similar to everything that is said in russia, eh, and actually we understand. that russia can also use these irritating moments between countries in order to shake up the situation, are you watching any sending of russian narratives in polish social networks? oh, certainly, russia not only can, but it necessarily and actively uses it, that is, from the first days of the protest of polish farmers and the blocking of the border, it was followed. a russian trace, among the organizers, and here it is necessary to clearly understand for themselves, first of all, the polish ukrainian society that certain things that appear in the information space, even from the submission of poles, are not necessarily
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purposeful activities against ukraine or anti-ukrainian acts, yes, there is this tractor infamous with the soviet flag. and with an appeal to putin, yes, all of this actually needs to be separated from the chaff, and here it seems to me that the polish authorities are also not doing much work, because despite the fact that we may not like it in any way, the poles protect their own interests , even if it has long since gone beyond the scope of the legal right to protest, this is a separate story. but at the same time, in a very imperceptible way, very different anti-system, anti-ukrainian forces, and sometimes clearly kremlin agents of influence, joined all these actions, and this should work
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of course, the polish special services and the polish authorities, and it is clear that even a single fact with a tractor will go much more in the... information space than any long discussion on the subject of how to unblock the border with ukraine, and this is exactly what the kremlin is doing, trying to destroy the foundations of polish-ukrainian understanding. of course, we may not always reach a common language, and that is also normal, but we must be able to communicate properly, but what the kremlin is trying to do is simply to destroy the trust in each other, the poles in ukrainians, ukrainians to poles, so that... even if any normal dialogue is impossible, both at the government level and at the personal, institutional, organizational level, this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, attention must be paid to these problems, but to clearly distinguish where this is a problem of propaganda and intelligence activities
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of the russian special services, and where it is an attempt by polish society to protect the national interest, although not always. in a legal way, well, let's hope that the polish law enforcement agencies will do the same to detain russian agents, as they, for example, detained ukrainian investigative journalist mykhailo tkach on the ukrainian-polish border. mr. taras , thank you, taras rad, a researcher of ukrainian, ukrainian-polish relations, was in touch with us, we talked about what is happening between ukraine and poland, we are going for a short break now, then pavlo rozenko will be with us, stay with us . laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost
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russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. on tuesday, march 5, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war. and how the world lives for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team. represents
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united by football, stronger together. dear friends, andriy seichuk, lesya vakulyuk. this is our final 20 minutes in the espresso marathon. i want to remind you that we have a collection going on and now to show for whom the collection is going on. you probably haven't seen it yet, or maybe you already have. 81 separate aeromobile brigades on fpv drones. we want to buy them 50 pieces, we need 800 thousand, and here are these beautiful guys, for which we announced this collection. we, the fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, are making a request to you, we are in the luhansk direction, we need fivi drones, due to the fact that borog has started to carry out very active combat operations, the infantry is advancing. artillery, as well as heavy armored vehicles. we will be very
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grateful for your concern and understanding. we need as many fpv drones as possible. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. i really want to help these guys, and this is actually happening. we collect these very quickly drones, and i am very glad that you do not spare your hryvnias. in order to help these guys on the front line 60 00 for this morning, i think in 20 minutes we'll pick up a little bit more, in the meantime we'll talk while you tune in and listen and watch, we 'll talk with pavel rozenko, an expert on of social and economic policy, minister of social policy of ukraine in 2014-2016 and deputy prime minister of ukraine in 2016-2019. mr. pavle, we welcome you, i congratulate you, good morning. mr. pavle, there is no z such information as relates to what the government has decided. to actually raise pensions, this all happens against the background of, well, a difficult real
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situation, is it even possible to raise pensions during the war. what is your opinion, what is the rationale here? well, first of all, to raise or not to raise pensions under the conditions of the current legislation, well, let's put it this way, the question does not arise, because there is a law of ukraine on indexation of pensions, which was adopted in our country in 2017, and it is clearly recorded there. about the fact that every march 1 indexation of pensions for retirees should take place, and she is indexed in order to, well , let's say this, compensate people for the inflation of the previous year, and therefore it is not a desire, it is the duty of the authorities to implement the law, if the authorities there cannot implement the law, they turn to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and the verkhovna rada of ukraine then ... this provision is changing, today it is a law, today the law is in effect, moreover, when
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the state budget of ukraine is considered, er, the funds for the pension fund of ukraine for carrying out these indexations are accordingly provided, that is why the funds were pledged. the only thing that happened now is very interesting focus, when, and the prime minister of ukraine, shmyhal, and... and oksana zhalnovich, minister of social policy, repeatedly spoke about the fact that indexation will take place by 13%, this is very important, then at. during the preparation of the state budget, as well as the pension fund , funds were provided for the indexation of pensions for pensioners by 13%, but a government resolution came out literally a week ago, and the government says that the indexation of pensions will be only 7.9%, which is half as much as
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predicted by the government itself, you see, and this is the trick with reductions... none of the indexation the government official cannot really explain why this happened, when i say it again, the head of the government said a month ago that the 13% indexation of pensions, these funds for the indexation of pensions by 13% were laid in the state budget, and the indexation was changed, well, it was actually reduced in two times, so i simply see that the government has already... has already begun to cut down very strongly precisely social expenditures, precisely expenditures on the social sphere, on pensions, on social benefits, etc., well, i already see this as the government's policy, but it is accompanied by manipulations, when the government is on the one hand
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tells how good, how beautiful, how healthy, how we are developing, how we are growing, but pensions... if we talk about forced migrants, what about their payments now, they have also continued payments for them, and, but as i understand it, that this issue is also suspended, no, it has not been raised, the decree has indeed been extended. for one month and, but already on march 1, so from march 1, a significant part, according to my calculations, 70% of forced migrants will lose the opportunity to receive social assistance from the state, and this is still one fact, along with the fact that the government drastically underestimated
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the indexation of pensions, in fact took away social benefits from 70% of forced migrants, this just shows that the government, despite all its, let's say, optimistic statements from tv screens, took a clear look today the line for the reduction of social benefits for people and forced migrants, so we are talking about leaving payments to forced migrants only for certain categories. in this case, it is only pensioners and people with disabilities. the government says that, well, that's it able-bodied people should a priori be deprived of this assistance, because they have to go to work. but the problem with forced migrants is a little different, and even employment of a forced migrant
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does not solve the social problems of forced migrants, because for them it is the most important thing. this is a housing issue, because the people in the occupied territories, or in the territories that are de-occupied, but their way of life has been destroyed there, the displaced people have lost everything, housing, property, work, their way of life, and because when the government talks about what you you get a job and we don't owe you anything. this is not true, it is manipulation, people should be helped first of all with housing rent. the government does not offer any alternatives. the government does not provide in any way any social program to provide social housing for forced migrants. that is, today, on the one hand, there are no programs
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to provide housing for forced migrants , and social assistance for rent is taken from people. housing, you understand, and today a forced migrant is actually put in a situation where he has two option: the first - either to return to the occupied territories, the government forces them to actually return to the occupied territories, or, well, let's say this, to go abroad and carry out migration, emigration, in fact, from the territory of our state further into the country. european union, united states of america, etc. here, you understand, that is, this is what it leads to, and in my opinion, this is an absolutely anti-social and short-sighted policy. government regarding idps, on the other hand, how to force or encourage idps to be more active to merge into the life of the country where, if they
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, if they ended up somewhere simply in other regions, is it here, or can the government somehow introduce some programs here, and so on and the like, that is, well, we talk constantly, for example, with regions that are constantly under fire, for example, kherson, and we know that many people in... for example , to relocate and be economically active somewhere else, but the issue, for example, of housing, the issue of employment as well, do these programs work exactly as national programs? well, look, first of all, i would think so that there is no need to invent anything, take , for example, the example of our partners from the european union, western countries, which yes, they give a certain moment, a certain period of time so that you... are you a migrant, adapted, er, studied language, they are paid for everything, they are paid for housing, they
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are paid certain social expenses for each family, depending on whether there are children, whether there are no children, whether there are able-bodied disabled people there , whether there are no people with disabilities, that is, they are paid benefits , and then, for example, a year later, a different motivation system, those people who are not able to work they continue to get help, and those people who can work give them a nice hint that you are a bitch, you have to find your place, you have to go to work, and if you don't go to work, then we will, let's say so , rent for housing, programs for rent to reduce the rent of your home, and we manage... on the contrary, we are told to go to work, but you went to work, and we take away, well , let's say, social assistance for
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housing rent, well this is absurd, it does not motivate people to go to work, on the contrary, it motivates them so that, yes, they were looking for an opportunity for part-time work, but they were looking for this opportunity in the shadow sector, if you do not work legally, then you can... receive social assistance, that is, the situation is twisted to the point of absurdity, there really is a situation when people are not they stimulate work, on the contrary, they repel any opportunities , incentives for work, on the one hand, or to look for incentives to return to the occupied territories, or to migrate to the countries of the european union, that is, in our country, the government built everything, turned the pyramid of interest. expert on issues of social and economic policy, minister of social policy of ukraine
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in 14-16 years and vice-prime minister of ukraine in 16-19 years. dear friends, thank you for being with us, olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, thank you, we should have collected 46 thousand with you, today we collected 64. this is the summary of this morning, i know that you are not stop, there will be more ahead as well. our colleagues will also make announcements for their funds, thank you for this, we now have only 200 left, even less than 260 000 to achieve the dream of uah 800 00 for 50 fpb of drones for our troops from the 81st separate airmobile brigade, a good summary of a monday morning, thank you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, well you stay with espresso, the ether goes on and many other interesting things. tired of heavy and bulky saws,
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12:00 pm
sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio kateryna shirokopes works. an explosion rang out in kyiv region in the morning. it happened in a residential building. a 70-year-old woman suffered thermal burns and was hospitalized. this was reported in the state emergency service. as a result of the explosion, a fire broke out, which was quickly extinguished by rescuers.


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