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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. an explosion rang out in kyiv region in the morning. it happened in an apartment building, a 70-year-old woman suffered thermal burns and was hospitalized. this was reported in the state emergency service. as a result of the explosion, a fire broke out, which was promptly extinguished by rescuers. the house is completely destroyed. the causes of the incident are currently being established.
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a pedestrian was hit by a car in the dnipro district of kyiv. he got injured this was reported in the state emergency service. the national police also announced. previously, a 22-year-old driver ran over a man at an unregulated pryladrager pedestrian crossing. he showed that kermanych was sober. the capital police opened criminal proceedings. they tried to detonate a grenade during the detention, in kyiv they discovered and exposed serial tenants, this was reported to the capital police, criminals used loma to break into apartments and offices, stole money and equipment, law enforcement officers caught the criminals during the robbery of a pet store, one of the criminals threatened with a grenade during the arrest. one of the attackers defiantly resisted. at first
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he threatened with a knife, and when the operatives knocked him out, he took out a grenade from his pocket, pulled out the ring and tried to throw it in the direction of the law enforcement officers. thanks to the skillful and professional actions of criminal investigation operatives, the grenade was intercepted, detonated, and the perpetrator was arrested. damages amounting to uah 64 million, law enforcement officers kidnapped eight managers of forestry enterprises in the lviv region. extras illegally... they gave permission to cut down young trees. as a result , more than 10,000 rare trees were destroyed between 2019 and 2022. the state bureau of investigation discovered a cache of russian ammunition in the sumy region. in a camouflaged forest strip, investigators found almost 40 anti-tank mines, a dozen improvised explosive devices, two grenade launchers and two boxes. with cartridges,
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the enemy drg had to use the weapon beforehand. a pro-russian spy in the dnipro helped the occupiers detect ukrainian radars stations he also scouted the bases of air defense systems. the russians wanted to use this information to bypass ukrainian defenses against new missile attacks. the security service detained an enemy henchman, he faces life imprisonment. and russia finally confirmed a successful missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine on a military facility of the occupiers in crimea. missiles attacked the gvardiyske air base. previously, three people were injured. this was reported by telegram channel astra. according to the information resource, the attack took place on march 1. apparently, two missiles fell on the territory of the air base and exploded, the airfield road was damaged. and for the second time in russia.
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announced the fall of a drone on the territory of the st. petersburg oil terminal, as telegram channels write , an aircraft-type drone was found on the territory of the oil and gas company, it was carrying explosives weighing more than 20 kg, however , the propaganda media assure that the explosion allegedly did not happen. let me remind you that the first uav crash on the territory of the st. petersburg oil terminal happened on january 18. that's when the first full-scale war attack of the soviet union took place. to the leningrad region. large-scale military exercises are starting in nato. they will be held in the northern regions of the alliance, finland, norway, and sweden, the associated press reports. about 20,000 soldiers from 13 countries will take part in the exercises. it is reported that approximately half of the military will train on land, the rest at sea. as noted, more than 50 different types of ships and more than 100 fighters and others will be involved in the training. planes, will hold these
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alliance training until march 15. arbitrariness in haiti, local gangs stormed the large prison of port pres. about 4,000 prisoners were released, the bbc reports. according to the media, at least 12 people died. the leaders of the gang want to force the prime minister of the country, ariel henry, who is currently abroad, to resign. currently , the country's prime minister is trying to enlist the help of foreign armed forces, haiti has declared a 72-hour state of emergency and a night curfew. since the beginning of this year, 2,000 fpv drones have been manufactured by ukrainians manufacturers, this is what the ministry of strategic industries and industry of ukraine has calculated. more and more beginners are starting to build uavs. recently, a team of lviv volunteers established their production of birds for the front. kateryna
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oliynyk will tell the details. military serviceman andriy diyak returned from the bahamud area to the lviv oblast due to his health in order to benefit tila as well. decided to organize the production of drones, volunteers came to me, they just brought drones to my acquaintances from other units, i think there were five of them there pieces, and that volunteer and i looked at this drone and that type and you can assemble it yourself there, we thought like this, we took a list of the characteristics of the characteristics - the drones on which they fly and began to solder these drones specifically according to these characteristics from the relevant units a team of volunteers specializing in seven-inch fpv drones, they were trained by a military instructor with six years of experience, yevhen sergienko, to make such drones. the team takes the full cycle of assembling the drone, they also take the batteries, drones,
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soldering stations and others. the battery is six vp, it is enough for about 20 minutes of flight, well, plus or minus. some spare parts are printed by volunteers. on a 3d printer, others order from china or from ukrainian suppliers. the cost of a home-made drone is only $350, but the drive destroys enemy equipment for millions. these drones are called simka, with a frame size of 7 inches, they lift up to 2 kg, well , maybe 2.5, if it is not far, they fly up to 7-8 km with obstacles. one fpv drone. masters can collect in three hours. ready-made birds are tested by volunteers in no. i directly now i am learning on the simulator, our glasses transmit the same picture that is on the screen here, in order to test ready-made drones so that they do not crash there, it is necessary to test them, unfortunately,
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we do not have enough pilots, instructors, or even places for training, that's why we train experts here. and pilots , if necessary, these drones will go to the soldiers of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade, we made an estimated 12-15 drones, 10 of them have already been tested, tested and we are going to assemble them , stitched, tested in the conditions of the workshop, and already on we are going to fly over them for several days there. run already on the test site to increase production volumes, volunteers need money for parts, you can help the team to make more drones. you can now see the collection details on the screen. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. the
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spresso tv channel is also calling to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan, the state special service of transport. these brave warriors. are actively conducting hostilities on in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons, we already have more than uah 970,000 in our accounts. this is already the finish line, which is why each of your donations is extremely important, i am asking you to join. you can now see all the necessary details. on their screens. for now, that's all the news for this hour. take care, see you soon.
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congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, and vitaliy is with you portnikov this week's highlights , future trends, all over the next two hours with our guests. now we have a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, head of the national tactical scientific center, public activist yevhen dykiv, congratulations, mr. yevhen, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so let's talk first of all about odessa, we see tragic news from of this city, the news just arrived that the bodies of two more children were found under the ruins of a house destroyed by the russians in what is the meaning of such attacks by moscow on the civilians of this seaside city, well, you know, i
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would not like to act as the devil's advocate, but it still does not seem to me that russia quite deliberately spends missiles and drones, precisely on the destruction of the civilian sector, but they just absolutely it doesn't matter if on the way to those goals that they consider important for themselves, there are a lot of such goals in odesa, these goals are directly military, these are infrastructural goals. which are very important for our economy, for example, port facilities, er, same there many, let's say, enterprises, in particular those related to the defense sector, let me remind you that this year, you know, how in the 22nd year the russians recognized our army as a really worthy, worthy enemy, so somewhere from the end of the 23rd year they decided , that our defense, our defense industry is serious enough that it is starting to grow and develop so much that maybe at some point we will be able to... fight without western help, well, they are trying, if you remember, if the winter of the 22nd , these were primarily blows to our
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energy, energy, the winter of the 23rd, this mostly there were strikes specifically on industrial enterprises, so in odessa there is enough of everything, and military facilities, and industrial enterprises and various economically important facilities, and what is the accuracy, let's say, targeting, the accuracy of the flight of russian drones, what missiles, unfortunately , has never been high, and... the fact that the russians do not care at all about any civilian casualties , if it just flies somewhere wrong, well, i'm afraid this is not news to anyone, well, let's put it this way , we are talking about a country in which even its own people absolutely they do not value, that is, even the lives of russians are not of any value to them at all, they spend them, well, you know, about how we spend cartridges, it is quite logical that the lives of the civilian population, of a country that is fighting... against them, the lives the civilian population of the russian city of odessa, which
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turned out not to be russian, which turned out to be by no means supporters of the russian world, on the contrary, odessa actively fought from the first day of the great invasion, but it would be a little strange if the russians, let's say, somehow limited the victims of our population bridge, unfortunately, we, we we are fighting against an almost absolute evil, we are fighting against a country that... in principle , does not value people's lives at all, even in some smallest, let's say, dimension, i 'm saying, they don't count their people, well, of course, they don't count ours the more they will count, moreover, i do not rule out that they even feel a certain evil spirit, precisely because in their picture of the world, odessa should have met them with bread and salt on february 24 of last year, it happened exactly the opposite, instead of bread and salt , odessa then i remember odessa in those days, exactly, in i have a lot of friends there, i have a lot of connections with this city, and... i remember how the whole of derebasivska was just one huge bottling plant, where
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molotov cocktails were poured, like everything was alive, that was in odessa, or made anti-tank hedgehogs, or wound barbed wire on the beaches of odessa, where a russian landing party was expected, well, that is, odessa disappointed the russians, it turned out to be not quite the russian city that in their imagination it was simply obliged to be, that's why. so i think honestly, i am i don't think that they specifically aim to hit residential buildings, but they at least deeply care about it, well , i don't rule out that they also get angry, like what about you for not being so russian, well, in kharkiv i it seems that there is aimed fire on the residential quarters, that's right, you are absolutely right, it is absolutely happening in kharkiv, not only in kharkiv, by the way, i would say the same about zaporizhzhia, that's where they are. can get by cheap s200 sorry s300 that 's where they can get cheap
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s300s, which they just have, even though i’m ripping them off, but there they are really engaged in absolutely conscious terror of the civilian population, well, in odessa, it’s drones that are being hit, i just, why do i think that it’s not on purpose, just because they have drones, but they use drones, let's say, more economically on some bodies, which they really prescribe in advance, and another thing is that everything that is launched by the russians, they do not forget. has this effect, my mother blinded me with a snowball, they are really crooked, that 's why such a small offtopchik, let's remember how our air force has already twice were able to destroy in the air, it is precisely the a50 long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft , so in both cases, the russians did not want to admit that we did it, that we are capable of doing it, that we are capable of shooting it down, that they launched precisely the mistake
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of their air defense, i.e. for the russian mentality to admit that their air defense itself systematically destroys their planes, this is... absolutely normal, this fits perfectly into their, their picture of the world, i.e. they even themselves know how crooked they are, if you go to events in the east of our country, after the capture of avdiivka, the russians continue to advance in the vicinity of this city, try to occupy new settlements, how do you generally see the situation there, how very difficult, i am constantly in contact with the guys there, well, you know, that really happened , which, to be honest, i, in particular , and the majority of our people did not expect, was the idea that after they beat the widow, they would transfer the reserves that were released there to other areas of the front, and would develop their offensives, which in of them were parallel to avdiivka, for example robotino, for example, kupensk, but where they, say, did not have enough forces, the russian command took
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a different path, and unfortunately, now it looks like what they did with theirs, they did. it was quite the right choice for them, they left all those units in the avdeivka direction, they did not start transferring anyone from there to other parts of the front, all that huge group that was tied up in avdeivka for four months, but they left it to develop success on this part of the front, what it is called, let's say, on the shoulders of the retreating enemy, to advance further forward, and let's be frank, the second line of defense behind avdiivka, well, unlike bakhmutav. after all, she was prepared, but they really moved to new positions, instead of digging in a clear field with shovels, but unfortunately, she was still preparing at the last moment, she was preparing when the aircraft had already arrived there, and this affects a lot of things , that is, in particular , civilian construction companies could not be involved, but only the military themselves dug with the means that they actually have, and therefore
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this second line of defense, of course , it is much weaker than we would like, well, it is not a survykin line, let's say it directly, but... plus there is a landscape moment: avdiivka is at a height, this is one of the reasons why it was possible to hold it for so long, but accordingly, now from the dominant height of avdiyivka, the russians are shooting at our positions , which are lower in terms of terrain, so there, well, the main thing, of course, is not even the local details, but the main thing is the two problems that are generally key for us at the moment at the front, these are two very acute deficits: deficit of ammunition of large calibers... soviet caliber, 655th nato caliber, that is, artillery, unfortunately, is practically silent, because there is nothing to shoot at, hello donald trump, and here is the second shortage, no less acute, namely the shortage of personnel. i spoke to the guys who were forced to retreat from the seiver, which, if you remember, is one of the three villages that
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the orcs took last week. actually, i ask the guys, how did it happen, he says, and what do you, he says, want, he says. those subdivisions in which the equipment is 30% retreated, well, that is, yes, i am yours as a former company commander, i can say that if you have one fighter instead of three , you don't get a position, well, at least for a long time, you can hold on to heroism for a certain amount of time, but it has its limit, and that's exactly the picture, unfortunately, now the entire front, a shortage of large-caliber projectiles, and at the same time it seems that this problem will be solved somewhere within a month, judging by what we observe in the west, and a shortage of actual personnel, and... here, judging by the fact that we are watching in our beautiful verkhovna rada, i'm afraid, not the same as in a month it will not be resolved, but god forbid that in a month it will at least begin to resolve. what can happen in the direction of kuplinske? er, well, in the direction of kupinsk, it seems to me that as long as the same offensive continues with the same intensity as it actually was, i mean,
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we just expected that large reinforcements would be transferred there from near avdiyivka, but as we, as you and i have just discussed, the russians chose others. path, accordingly , the same grouping that was there continues to occur, with the same result that it had before, i.e. with minimal, in fact, advancement, well today there was fresh news that just a part of this group is being transferred to the south, it is actually within the same section of the front, because in fact from kupyansk to liman to liman is one section of the front, but from in the north, from near kupyansk , they are transferred to the south to terny, that is such a serious problem for us. because in the thorn, let's say this, in the thorn, part of the defense line runs purely along reservoirs, along water bodies, and if the orcs break through the thorn, they will be able to bypass these reservoirs... just bypass instead of forcing them, and this will create, well, a serious enough threat to that part of the front, well, i think that not only you and i heard this news, i think that our command knew it long before
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this news itself got into the public space, i think that i answered accordingly, some preparations are being made on the part of the thorns now and on our side, but that is, it seems that precisely on that part of the front on slobozhansky, at least for the next few days, the main blows of the enemy will move from... . from kupyansk itself faster on time. and tell me did you see this text in the new york times, which was about the problem with ukrainian defense fortifications? yes, i saw it, and unfortunately, i have to say that some of it is actually exaggerated, but in general, but in general, the problem is covered correctly. and this is what i'm saying, thank god that they at least didn't focus on how many people are still there in these fortifications, because it would be very shameful in general, let's say, if it were in the west. it was widely discussed, and why not enough ukrainians actually defend their country, and here is what they said about our fortification, unfortunately, i say, a little exaggerated, to be honest, and they generally
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like to be very dramatic, this is a feature of the new york times, well, at least everything that i see in these two years, the expression, the coverage of the lime of this war, it is very often dramatized , but now you have very good shots, they are just right on the screen, the point is that here it is necessary to clearly understand who among us... we are engaged in the construction of fortifications, we have two options, we have an option , when civil construction companies are involved, which they have enough, actually, enough equipment, and enough people, and there are only certain purely administrative problems, for example, the fact that on the northern border it is done through tenders for transparent, well, what, what , in general, is an anecdote in itself, that is, it is a russian game you can just go to transparent and look at the tenders where we have fortifications currently being built, but eh... but these fortifications are really being built very capitally, the problem is that civilian construction companies build only where there is no air traffic, that is, far enough from the front line, where there is already some risk,
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they do not go, well, they are within their rights, firstly, they are not obliged, they do not know how to work under fire, secondly, if god forbid there would someone died or got disabled, and they are not military personnel, they are not even entitled to compensation, so it is logical that civilian companies do not go there, but... accordingly, where it is already arriving, that is , where this very nearest second line needs to be built, to which we may have to leave tomorrow, so we are forced to do it there only our troops themselves, let me remind you that when we regularly reduced our army for 30 years in a row, then if you do not take the strategic troops, which were simply given to russia under pressure from the west, then all the other troops that we ourselves determined whom to cut when the engineering troops were the first to go under the knife. for one very simple and very banal reason, that precisely their excavators, bulldozers, tractors were very well sold as surplus military property, and
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of course the custom, which was very logical in the first place reduce the number of engineers, and immediately sell off their warehouses literally with the hammer, this immediately provided the ministry of defense and its officials with living funds, but as a result, at the moment, where it is necessary to dig precisely with the forces of the military, it turns out that there is not enough equipment and ... not enough the competences are not the same, plus another additional problem, which is more known in the army, but less known to the freemen, unlike the surovykin line, which is called that for a reason, but its construction was generally commanded by surovykin, who at that time commanded all occupation group, and now i am not talking about his military genius, i am talking about the fact that he had the authority, he commanded all the groups and, accordingly, he was responsible for their entire line of defense, then he... already brought in both construction workers and civilian companies according to one plan, we have a different story, so far we
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have regional military-civilian administrations, sheep, who are responsible for defense in remote, remote areas, and by the way, no one is formally above this, well , it’s okay, it’s good there, well sheep are subordinate to the cabinet, we can assume that they have some coordination, but as for the actual front line and immediately behind it, that is where our fortification lies. on the responsibility of the brigades, and this, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct, first of all, the infantry brigade does not have the appropriate competences, it is not engineering troops, the situation is exactly such that the brigade should call the engineer and say: dig us up, here from the fence, here to lunch, here and there somehow, that is, they have to cut the engineering tasks, they are incompetent to cut these tasks, this is the first problem, and the second problem - the area of ​​responsibility of the brigade, it is 10 maximum... 12 km behind, that is, from zero, then the rear already begins, so the brigade is not responsible for many such, for the echeloned defense system, which should stretch
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tens of kilometers in depth. and it turns out that the question of who is responsible for the entire fortification system, unfortunately, has to be answered, as buratian answered the question of who raised him, sometimes papa carlo, sometimes no one, and unfortunately, we have this the situation with kogda and nobody, well , i really hope that it is not for long, that it is it will be fixed somehow, well, because we started working on fortification only from december last year, it’s a separate question, why we started working on it only from december last year, but the fact is that... we have been seriously trying to dig for the third month, and here it turns out that we are still administratively not ready for this, i really hope that this will be one of the tasks of the new command, that they will now somehow change it, and in some time we will find out who in ukraine as a whole is responsible for the actual for the system of fortification, for the echeloning of ours defense, because, unfortunately, there is no one to ask at the moment. thank you, mr. yevhen, for such a detailed explanation, yevhen dykiy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, head of
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our national athletic research center. was on the air, we will now take a break for just a couple of minutes, but please do not disconnect, there are discounts on helpex anticolt, 20% in the pharmacies of travel and savings, there are discounts on lizak, 10% in pharmacies of travel and savings, and what do you think about lakakalut fix, it reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, even particles of food hit under the prosthesis and the price is good, the right choice for my pension. lacalut fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so, your choice is fix. meet the new product, a profitable package of 70 g. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. there are discounts on mikrolax, 20% in
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a request to join the collection of funds for the crown and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, great broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and... sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two o'clock, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team is represented by: united
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football. stronger together. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. and let's move on to a conversation with a russian oppositionist, a former deputy of the state duma of russia federation ponomerev. congratulations. mr. ilya. good evening. well, the main event of this week , and not only of a russian scale, is the funeral of oleksii novalny. still, i got the impression that the government was more afraid of society than it actually was. was it worth fearing some kind of destabilization or not in vain? no, of course, i 100% agree , they tried to do everything possible, but i believe that they had a certain agreement there with the fbk, well, that is, when they gave alexy's body, at the same time the fbk called to come to the polling stations .


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