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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm in yavomelnyk and it's time to learn about the most current events at the moment: an eight-year-old girl was kidnapped and kept underground, a terrible incident happened in one of the villages of the bereznogovat community of mykolaiv oblast, the regional police informs. relatives announced the disappearance of the child on the evening of march 1, during the search for law enforcement officers they found a disguised hiding place, and the intruder and the child were in it. the suspect
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turned out to be a 50-year-old former roommate of the grandmother. he used to live with his family. the child was taken to the hospital, psychologists are working with her. the detainee was informed of the suspicion. a pre-trial investigation is ongoing. in the kherson region , a 55-year-old resident of beryslav was injured by an enemy attack. in the morning, the occupiers attacked the city with drones. an explosive was thrown from one of them at a man as he walked down the street. the victim. with an explosive injury and shrapnel wounds of the arms and legs, informed the regional military administration. at night, the russian invaders also shelled the village of poniativka, and one of the shells hit a private house. a 52-year-old man died under its rubble. the enemy attacked yumihaivka with drones and artillery. shells damaged a bakery building and a utility room in the village, and more than a dozen private apartments and one high-rise building were destroyed in zelenivka. people miraculously survived,
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it flew in layers, we grabbed each other, went through the rooms, it is here and there, here is the old man, she ran to the shower and hid, then the third tried on, i don't know, she banged two in the field, then she broke his gas pipe, he got there, broke it, then in short, 11 of them flew in, all because of me. this was the last flight here, this is a dovecote barn, a barrel with grain, there was a kitchen, it was broken. odesa is in trouble today, as a result of a russian drone hitting a residential building in the city, 12 people died, including five children. the youngest timofey was only four months old, he and seven-year-old lisa died in their arms, seven-month-old lisa died in her mother's arms.
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among the residents of the high-rise building, a total of twenty victims, including a pregnant woman, were told by the health care department of odesa. also, two people are still in intensive care. danger from the sea. in odesa, pyrotechnics destroyed an anchor mine. she was found on the coast of the black sea, the state emergency service said. the ammunition was detonated in a safe city, residents of the region were urged not to approach the unknown. objects on the coast, if you notice one, report it immediately rescuers in order to cleanse our land of the russians and everything they brought with them, the espresso tv channel calls for help with the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these powerful soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to our strike drones.
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defenders destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor, so we have a goal to collect 1 million uah for flying weapons, with your help we have already collected more than 970 00 uah, there is very little left, remember, each of your donations is important, join in, you can see all the details on the screen now, good loot, the head of russian intelligence was eliminated in ukraine. vyacheslav sobotin. this is reported by the kremlin media. the occupier allegedly died during the battle. the invaders introduced their telegram channel, where they called ukrainian cities and towns russian lands and called for the destruction of our nation. i should note that espanyola is a russian military formation in which radical fans of russian football clubs fight. they gave criminal orders. the security service of ukraine reported. about
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the suspicion of the two russian generals who commanded the bombardment of bardyanka. it is about colonel-general oleksandr chaik and lieutenant-general volodymyr kravchenko. during the fight. for kyiv in march of the 22nd year, it was chayko who gave the order to destroy high-rise buildings in the center of the village by fire. kravchenko sent planes, bombers and attack planes there. as a result of this air attack , the russians destroyed six apartment buildings in the city. more than 30 people died, including a child. also part of the victims still not identified. they are considered missing. german ambassador alexander lamsdorf was summoned to the russian foreign ministry on the carpet. this happened after the leak of the conversation between the german military, according to the russian propaganda media. the recording and transcription of the alleged conversation was published by
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margarita simonyan, editor-in-chief of the pro-kremlin tv channel rasha today. at it, the participants allegedly discuss the technical aspects of the supply of taurus cruise missiles and the training of ukrainian pilots, as well as... the target that these missiles could hit, in particular and the kerch bridge, however, the interlocutors discuss only the theoretical possibilities of using missiles by the armed forces of ukraine. freedom shield the united states and the republic of korea have begun large-scale military exercises, the associated press reports. during training, soldiers are preparing to counter a possible nuclear threat from north korea. will last. they are 11 days, and during this time the americans and koreans will conduct 48 field exercises, which is twice as much as last year, they will practice live shooting, bombing, air assault and missile interception. and vasyuk is 75,
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a memorial table was opened in lviv to the birthday of the famous composer volodymyr ivasyuk. this was seen by our correspondent kateryna. katya, i congratulate you, tell me how else the memory of the singer is honored today. i congratulate anayev, i congratulate all viewers of the tv channel. now we are at the luchakiv cemetery, there were representatives, students, teachers, historians, as well as various scientists, who just came to honor the memory of the outstanding composer. volodymyr ivasyuk to his grave. they lit lamps as well laid flowers and, of course, remembered mr. volodymyr with such warm words. previously , we were at the lviv national university named after danylo halytskyi, where today they opened a memorial plaque dedicated to volodymyr ivasyuk.
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such a short biography, interesting facts, just the life of the composer are collected on this board. there, i managed to talk with volodymyr ivasyuk's sister, mrs. halyna. and i propose to remember, i propose to listen to how she remembers her brother, what he left us as a legacy, it is greatness, it is more than 100 songs, plays for music for two plays, and instrumental works, you know, it was difficult, it was hard work, it was he... who gathered poets, artists, the best performers who carried their song, their language into the world on their wings. and i want to say that volodymyr
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ivasyuk is known primarily for such songs as chervona ruta, which every ukrainian knows, and i will also go to the far mountains and vodogray. this composer was also. a wonderful violinist, a doctor, he was fond of photography, filmmaking and generally owned a lot of musical instruments. unfortunately, ivasyuk's life was very short, he died at the age of 30 in 1970, his body was found hanged in the bryakhovytskyi forest, according to the unofficial version, he died after a quarrel with russian khibists. so i urge you to remember our legendary... kozytors, people who glorify the ukrainian language. anna eva, i give you the floor. thank you for the information, thank you for your work, it was espresso correspondent kateryna oliynyk, about how the outstanding composer volodymyr ivasyuk is honored in lviv. for the moment i have everything, i say
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see you at 3 p.m. and i urge you to be close to espresso, because my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii, will work for you in the future. greetings to all viewers of espresso, the information day is in full swing, we will talk and analyze the top events of the day and not only during the next four hours, in fact , i want to remind you of our tv viewers and those who watch us on youtube, of course, our collection continues, and in fact, we ask you to join it and remind you. that the espresso tv channel and the charitable fund itself iryna koval calls to join the gathering. we
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intend to purchase 50 fpv drones now. in order to do this, we need to collect uah 800,000. therefore, if you have the opportunity , please join our gathering to help our armed forces in whatever way we can. and donating is the least we can do for you. well, by the way, very hot news arrived from the office. of ministers, so prime minister denys shmyhal says that they are preparing to change the format of the government, the number of ministries they want to reduce it by a third, - said denys shmehal. he announced this at a press conference in kyiv today. i am quoting shmygal, we are working on changing the format of the government, in particular reducing the number of ministries, we want to reduce the number of ministries by a third, reduce the number of civil servants, shmygal said. the prime minister also noted that the authorities are working on creating a strong center of government. where auxiliary administrative functions will be concentrated, this is what shmyhal said, we will
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expect rotation in the ukrainian government, yes, we have already talked about it before, but in the meantime, we will discuss a few other topics, because what is happening on the ukrainian-russian front is important, and we will actually talk about it with , in my opinion, one of the top military personnel experts of our country, is this petro chernyk, sir? peter, i welcome you to espresso. glory to ukraine. words to the heroes. mr. peter, i would actually like to ask you to quickly assess the situation on the ukrainian-russian front, where you are currently observing, the situation is escalating further more, and in fact, with what resources does the enemy currently operate and what, as they say, should we prepare for? the situation remains extremely hot primarily for the eastern provinces, nothing has changed for the enemy in a strategic sense, their task is to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region and. luhansk regions, let us remind you that this war, like the case of bellia, as a reason for the war, it all started with this, putin
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needs in literally a week and a half some results in terms of self-reappointment to the post of president, i mean positive for him, and in their understanding, if they were able to achieve such a goal, it would be very serious, time will tell whether we can thwart this task for now, plus we remember that the kupyan-lyman direction is also strategic, there is a large railway the node in the very... kupyansk 90% of everything that is transported in the occupation zone is transported by rail, and under such conditions we look at everything that is happening on the front line. mr. peter, look, also this weekend there was information that the russians could, or even listened, most likely, to german of the military who spoke about the transfer of taurus missiles to ukraine, and in fact, margarita simonyan, one of the kremlin's main propagandists, declared that these are authentic records. and boris pistorius, the minister of defense of germany, also essentially confirmed this, these records were
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about the transfer to ukraine and the use of these missiles. do you think that this could put the supply of this or that weaponry with germany under a huge threat now, and actually this is a significant challenge for basically all of our allies, because russia is listening, and somewhere she is probably one step ahead of us when she understands certain plans of our allies. in terms of intelligence, the russians have always had a very big advantage on planet earth, even from the tsarist empire, when the whole phenomenon like the okhranka was sad, it was all taken to a very serious level, even during the time when the founder of the cia, allen dahl, said that the most brilliant recruitment that ever took place in this world is the so-called cambridge five, when in the 1930s top british journalists, diplomats were recruited then by the nkvd, one of them was antony bland. even throughout the war , he was an adviser to the king himself, so that we understood that they know how to work in this direction, will
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this endanger the leakage of information, the transmission of taurus, once again for the taurus problem is very much overheated, is this a good missile, very good, and a total of 61 units were released, 125 are in service in germany itself, if 30 are handed over, then it will be a colossally great success, and 30 big weather on the battle line do not collide, i will remind you in 1991 under during the final phase in the war in the persian fleet of atakams alone , more than 600 were used in 37 days, numbers of this order change the sense of weapons. needed, needed, but we greatly overheated its value in terms of quantity. mr. petar , what i wanted to clarify in those conversations intercepted by the russians is that in order to hit the crimean bridge, it is not just to hit it, but to destroy it, yes, to prevent the russians from using it, for this it is necessary, well, approximately there are up to fifty missiles, that is, we understand that even if if germany wants to give us tauros,
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then this number will not be enough for this bridge to fall, well, fifty is a very... a very optimistic figure, god forbid, let them finish with a hundred, one must not overestimate the enemy, they still have -400, what are these missiles capable of shooting down, that’s right, everything should be done in such a way that the impact cycle is mixed, that is, ballistics, the same attacks with a speed of 5400 km per hour, they are very difficult to shoot down, cruise missiles and a whole group of drones, but the philosophy of success in the strategic sense is not here, it really is possible put it, but it still needs to be brought under fire control. so that they could not repair it, because if several sections fall, but this phenomenon will not be permanent, then they will repair it after some time, and to take it under fire control, then it is already hundreds of missiles and hundreds more. mr. petar, i would now like to return to the situation at the avdiiv bridgehead, a hellishly difficult situation, so we understand that the key task that the enemy has set for himself is to break through the front line in the
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avdiiv direction. on the other hand , we understand that the key task that was set command of the armed forces. of ukraine and the command of the ground forces , this is to make sure that the enemy does not manage to do this, well , the situation there is extremely serious, we understand that the so-called alignment of the front line has now taken place, but the offensive actions of the enemy do not stop, if possible within the limits of what military censorship allows , announce, be kind, the avdiiv bridgehead and the news from it , it has quieted down somewhat, that is, they no longer have such a powerful offensive force as they had during the assault, well... the most important problem, which remains not only there, but there, in particular, are corrected aviation bombs of the fap-500 caliber , and the enemy fell asleep 1,500, everything that can fall asleep, does not spare the planes day and night, including, we have good news in terms of their downing, but we still remember that a good 70 they have machines in reserve, and the enemy demonstrates that he is not
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going to surrender, we are looking at avdiivka in a general strategic sense, as well as at the entire battle line. of the eastern bridgehead, it is largely the gateway to donetsk region, time will tell whether they will be able to get past these gates, sir, ugh, peter, it is already known that fierce battles are now taking place near bakhmut, already within the village of ivanovske, it was not previously, let’s say, fully or partially occupied by the russians, but information is already coming from the press service of the operationally strategic grouping of khorteets troops that there are already hostilities in... the village of ivanovske itself, if we are talking about this settlement, how strategic is it for the russian occupiers and what can it give them in the future? it matters if they manage to get out on the dominant heights, which are still concentrated in our hands around the bahmut, the bahmut in itself is such a peculiar innocence, and that everything around, especially that from
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our side, is a height, every meter that they will win back will have for them importance, we understand that... in this type of war, the occupation of territories is a fundamental task, they are trying to implement it. the kupinsky direction, mr. petar, yes, we understand, the enemy's offensive actions continue, without success, but the situation there is also extremely difficult. as you can cross out now the current situation, and what should we expect in the coming days? well, i will probably repeat myself in the part that concerns the lemano-kupian arc. it is strategic in that part of kupyan, where there is a large ... railway building, i have already said this, i will emphasize it again, 90% of everything is delivered by rail, strategic because of the enemy's design, the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, plus kupyansk , i cannot say more in this direction, because there is nothing to say in the grand scheme of things, whether it will be possible, i really do not know, but regarding the work and in the southern direction, as far as we know,
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our armed forces have built quite serious fortifications there, and it will not be so easy for the russians to recapture these settlements there . what they lost, how would you rate the situation on the southern front? well, about the part that concerns fortification, this is really a very serious issue that needs to be touched on, because this is where the philosophy of our success lies now, we need to build something similar to the line of sterns built by the russians, here i should note by the way that the government has taken a huge step forward, allocating 19 billion hryvnias in general for fortification, although most of them have been given to the administration, because there is a lot to build in ukraine, but more than billions. hryvnias went into effect for operational support and the fact that everything is now filled with concrete, wood, iron, and the like, this is really a very correct step forward, here i must deliberately emphasize one point, because there is a lot of... treason on the air, as they say tractors have to go almost to the front line and dig trenches. i remind you that this is a task directly personnel, equipment
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of chances, individual trenches, pillboxes, zots in the first line, combat engagement is directly the responsibility of the brigades, and here, in the part that concerns the southern plazdarm, we have a good step forward, we hope, this will be our newest menerheim line. mr. petar, well, we understand that the shovel... is the first line, there is a second line, a third line, there is a strategic fortification and so on, and we understand that the equipment should work there, and the relevant services, as from the military administrations, as well as from the side of the military command, if we are talking about the creation of such a line, how long do you think it could take, and in general, we understand that the russians , unlike us, have a larger number of armored vehicles, heavy, and this is also necessary ... to count, well, the russians do not currently have such a large number of armored vehicles as they would like, if they reach
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50% in the general sense of the entire front, then this is very good, let's go by the standards, it is now out 400, behind 470,000 are concentrated in ukraine, so tanks need only one tank according to standards, if everything is divided into a tank battalion or a tank company of more than 500 a. there are only 2,800, not even 3,000, in part we will once again repeat the question of building our manergemi line, there is no alternative, and in my opinion, as far as i know the situation, our operational support forces are making maximum efforts to to actively build it, i think the active phase of construction until completion, until the end of wet weather, that is, somewhere in may, the month will definitely be built in the best traditions of the word, and the risk of opening? new additional areas of the front, in particular, well, first of all, we are afraid of the situation in belarus and the belarusian direction, well, at the moment there is not an appropriate number of troops there, but
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to what extent do we control such processes? everything that could be done there in two years was done, but the minefields are deployed, even up to two or three, there are areas up to 4 km, we understand that the north is twilight swamps and forests, the weather now will help us, they, if they dare... this act of crazy, then they will be forced to move exclusively on the roads, and we as the operator of the fgm javelin fgm 148 javelin is the second country in the world, how to work on the roads, we learned at the beginning of this war, we remember that the more bruktu fell now, that the more muscovites we kill now, the easier it will be for our grandchildren to fight with them in the next russian-ukrainian war. to the enemy's aviation, mr. peter, we understand that several units were withdrawn during the week, that is, they reached a certain record. well, but, the enemy also has quite a lot of tactical aircraft, what do you think will happen in the sky now? it will be what was done, my personal biased view putin
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, given that he needs a result, will not spare either people or technology. let's look at the example of one su-34 , of which we planted more than a dozen, literally in february, there is such an interesting, highlighted detail, for the past year they received only six such machines, although before... 10 machines they have and build such it will be harder and harder and harder for them, but for now it may be possible, as long as they have freely convertible currency and world markets, even for very big money they can buy microelectronics, then certain categories of weapons, i emphasize not all, certain categories of weapons will be able to build , let's say the t-70 is the most massive tank, the t-72, i'm sorry, they can't and won't be able to, the 95ms can't and won't be able to, the mig 31k can't. and they won't be able to, here the 22m3 can't and won't be able to, and the 50th radar plane can't and won't be able to, but they still have some margin of safety. sir
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peter, we would like to finally ask you about the possibility of sending some or other foreign troops to ukraine, and the other day i also came across a map on which it was indicated that, hypothetically, if some or other countries are able to send their contingents to us, then they will not be involved directly on the battlefield, but they will be able to actually... cover those areas of the front that are not, let's say, hot right now, this is the border with belarus and also the border with transnistria, do you think, does this have the idea has a chance to live, has the right to live and god forbid for it to be implemented, because, let's say , the release of a colossal large number of troops on the belarusian-ukrainian border of more than 20,000 people is very serious, and it is really a lot, and the allies have the potential to replace these troops, whether it will happen, i am very... very it's hard to say, there are still a lot of politicians here, it seems to me that macron's outburst is nothing more than his own recapitalization, as a leader who understands that ukrainian issues will be a very
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serious working issue. in all electoral cycles and in it in the country, v including, he was not heard for a long time, and now he made such an impulse, and look at the progress of all newspapers and media resources of the planet earth. no, well, in any case, i agree with marta that this story is extremely serious, well, even if they gave their consent, well, for example, they set up these or other units, so this or that provocation from the military happens side, or , for example, the deployment of russian troops on the same belarusian border, that is, the french. and the germans would start shooting, that is as you can see, that is, the germans, who still cannot give us tauruses, for example, i agree with you, everything looks very controversial and contradictory, let's go from the opposite, somewhere in january 2022 , 98, if not 99% of experts, analysts, politicians, ordinary citizens, they said , good people, what would you do if in europe in the 21st
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century... ballistic missiles flew towards ukraine, it happened, it happened, we live now in such a mega-precedent world, what can happen whatever thank you, mr. peter, petro chernyk, military expert was on espresso's airwaves, it actually managed to cover many topics well, in particular, what concerns the ukrainian russian front, and also those news that reach us from abroad. we will now go on a short break, and after it we will have the actual inclusion of... from the khortesya troop grouping, which is currently happening in the kupyatsk-liman direction, we will discuss everything, wait, in a few minutes, we will return. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is
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you and ochad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, the situation at the front is extremely difficult, very tough battles are going on, and the enemy is trying to...


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