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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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difficult polish-ukrainian relations and farmers' protests at the border. well, in the meantime, news time is approaching at spressa, so it is with great pleasure that we pass the floor to our colleague anna eva melnyk, who has prepared fresh and relevant information for you with the news editor. we congratulate you, we are glad to see you, we are passing the word and would like to know what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell you about the most important things, i will start this issue with the situation in kharkiv region. the first russian troops used guided air bombs with cluster shells in the kharkiv region, he said. the head of the region
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, oleg synyogov. the enemy hit kupyansk with devastating shells. such munitions increase the damage zone and pose an even greater threat to civilians. that is why the city authorities plan to forcibly evacuate families with children from the front-line settlements of the region. 225 such families refused to leave their homes and go abroad - noted sinyohobov. in the kherson region , 5 25-year-old residents of beryslav were injured in an enemy attack. the occupiers attacked the city with drones in the morning, one of them dropped explosives on a man as he was walking down the street, the victim was hospitalized with an explosive injury and shrapnel wounds to his arms and legs. the regional military administration was informed. at night, the russian invaders also settled the village of poniativka. one of the shells hit a private house. a 52-year-old man was killed by drones and artillery under its rubble. the enemy attacked and... shells
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damaged a bakery building and a utility room in the village, in zelenivka more than a dozen private apartments and one high-rise building were gutted, people miraculously survived, it spread out in layers, we scrambled around the rooms, she here and there, here the old man is clumsy, she runs to the shower and hides, then the third one at least tried on, i don’t know, two banged in the field , then... his gas pipe was broken, it got here, it was broken, then , in short, there were 11 arrivals, in total, through me, this was the last arrival here, this is a shed, a pigeon house, a barrel, a grain, there was a kitchen , but broken, kidnapped an eight-year-old the girl and kept her underground, a terrible incident happened in one of the villages of the berez community of the mykolaiv oblast, the regional office informs.
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relatives reported the disappearance of the child to the police on the evening of march 1. during the search , the law enforcement officers found a disguised hiding place, and the intruder and the child were in it. the suspect turned out to be a 50-year-old former roommate of the grandmother. he used to live with his family. the child was taken to the hospital, psychologists are working with her. the detainee was informed of the suspicion, the judicial investigation is ongoing. a 16-year-old teenager was injured. in a car wreck in kyiv region. the accident happened on the kyiv- odesa road, near the white church, the national police reports. the 23-year-old tractor driver did not give priority to the mazda car while moving to another lane. and there was a collision. the underage passenger of the tractor suffered a head injury. he is in the hospital. another car was also damaged. a metal part that broke off from the tractor at the moment of impact flew into him. races on the border,
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two men tried to run to romania on a country road, the state media reported border service of ukraine. law enforcement officers caught up with them 600 m from the state border. violators are residents of chernivtsi and poltava regions. administrative violation protocols were drawn up on them. the first step towards justice for sex victims'. victims of violence during the war will be provided with immediate interim reparations, during the implementation of one-time compensation in the amount of €300 , 500 identified persons will receive. the project officially started on february 29, it was initiated by the office of the vice prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration. pilot phase will last until the end of october. confidentiality is guaranteed by... on confidentiality, there are
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interaction protocols that allow you to minimize traumatization, and this is not only an identification process, it is a process of working with psychologists of interaction, communication, escorting a person, this is work through rescue centers that provide work with a kems manager , with a person who accompanies you all the time. this work is carried out in close cooperation with the victims. for society, this system provides an opportunity not only to say: we are with you, we want to help, but also to be heard their voices, their needs for recovery. justice in order to cleanse our land of russians, the espresso tv channel is calling for help with the assembly of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in
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the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the attack drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have these. to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons, with your help we have already collected more than 970 00 hryvnias, there is very little left, remember, each of your donations is important, join in, you can see all the details on the screen, there will be no meeting between zelenskyi and orban yet, said the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó, in a comment to the russian propaganda agency rianovosti. according to... in bilateral relations and will allow to hold a meeting at the highest level. our signal to everyone: we are ready - this is how
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the leaders of the student countries commented on the nato military training in poland. today , the allied troops practiced crossing vistula river. let me remind you that large-scale exercises of the dragon-24 ground forces are ongoing in poland. more than 20,000 military personnel from various countries of the alliance take part in them. everything is happening within the maneuvers of the staunch defender of nato's largest exercises since the end of the cold war. the goal is to establish military cooperation between the members of the alliance and this will allow to prepare for repulsion. of a potential attack by russia, plastic surgeons from the united states of america came to lviv, they consulted and operated on patients with defects face and body.
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let's see how the international team cooperated and what help the patients came for. one-year-old victoria is interested in the microphone and fighting. the little boy is in a good mood before a difficult operation. on the child's face , formations near the ears will be removed and the corners of the mouth will be corrected - says mother iryna kravchyk. this defect , well, if you take it purely near the ears, then yes, it is purely cosmetic, but the corner of the mouth, when it is present, it leaks, saliva often leaks, now after the operation it will go away, well, it will, first of all, it will be symmetrical , secondly, it will not leak any milk, it will not. tikata is not worried about her child, but we are sure that everything will be fine, somehow we trust these doctors. little victoria will be operated on by ukrainian surgeons, together with american specialists at the lviv st. nicholas hospital. not the first time the famous surgeon oksana
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jackson came. for many years of assistance to ukrainian children and wounded soldiers, she has an award from the president of ukraine. many patients came with problems. which are associated with the lips, from cleft lip and palate. is about five or six patients we saw on previous missions in august. there are many patients who require secondary operations. they already had surgical interventions, but now they have problems with speech due to their pathology. american doctors consulted more than 40 children and adolescents with congenital defects, deformities and neoplasms of the face and body. the most difficult cases. plastic surgeons began to correct, i came from ukraine when i was 8 years old, but to me all of ukraine is like home, and everyone wants to help, and especially since the war started, this desire became even
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greater to come and give something of my talent, my work, help my people, work with ukrainian residents. it is a pure delight because they take in the information very easily and most importantly, they want to learn. after each operation , notes are taken, the progress of the operation is recorded, and drawings are made. additional literature is requested. in three days, the ukrainian-american team performed 20 operations. ours operate on these operations doctors colleagues from abroad are exclusively present with educational, practical and theoretical help, they help our colleagues to perform operations according to new world standards, that is, all the trends that are in the direction in terms of the treatment of globular fissures. they brought american surgeons plan to continue sharing their experience. in april
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of this year, interns and interns will go to study at oksana jackson's clinic in the state of philadelphia. kateryna olynyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. the next news release will be at 4 p.m. see you there of course, you can always read more about current events on our website espso tv, subscribe to our social channels. networks, be close , thank you to the news editors, an extremely meaningful issue, meanwhile we inform you, in the area of ​​the temporal ravine, the enemy is trying to advance from different flanks, the armed forces of ukraine are preparing to hold these lines, the head of the press service of the eastern group reported this. i quote like this: we confirm that
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fierce battles are currently taking place within the settlement of ivanivskyi, the enemy is trying to push through our defense. despite the fact that the enemy throws significant reserves there, uses artillery, assault groups, as well as significant forces with unmanned aerial vehicles, the ukrainian military is trying to hold these lines, inflicting maximum losses on the enemy, and heavy battles are going on. in the area of ​​the temporal ravine , the enemy is trying to advance the cut. flanks, in particular, even attacking the positions of the armed forces of ukraine head-on , defensive structures were erected around the settlement, the most threatening areas were mined. well , tarnavskyi is the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of the tavrian troops, stated that there were no losses of lines, districts and positions during the past day, specifically on this tavrian direction, but now we will talk a little about something else, we will talk about the situation in the united states. with the support of ukraine and not only because the primaries were held yesterday in the united states and
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for the first time the opponent of donald trump, nikki haley , won in the primaries, it happened in the district of columbia, where the capital of the united states of washington states is actually located, and in fact, according to the associated press, gehly won all 19 delegates, the first victory of her 2024 campaign . haley has said that, despite previous losses, she is not going to leave the race because she believes voters in other states deserve an alternative to trump, so shortly after haley won, trump famously released a statement sarcastically congratulating her and calling her a queen bolit, well, but we know that tomorrow will be super tuesday, and actually it will be one of the key days when it becomes possible plus or minus is known, who, after all, will be the most likely candidate from the republicans to become president, super tuesday, well, we would like to experience super monday, as they say, yes, so
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what, we already have a guest, vladyslav faraponov, the chairman analyst of the institute of american studies internews ukraine, glory to ukraine, mr. vladyslav, congratulations, congratulations, glory to the heroes , yes, we understand that martoyulnyk’s information was voiced, it sounds optimistic, well, but trump won in several states in the primaries, and what are the prospects, that nicky haley could cool him down a bit, so to speak. well, look, we still have to understand the peculiarities of the american system of primaries, yes, that there is a calendar of primaries, and the first states, they have an advantage between, compared to those who will vote later, they have the full range of choices that are available at the moment moment, but it could really happen that after super tuesday, in fact , the republican nomination could turn into a formality, but again, it's a very interesting ... campaign because it's not just two candidates now competing for a seat from
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of the republican party to claim the white house, and the curiosity, or rather the main interest in general, is that in reality it has never happened that a former president would run again, and he had so many possible legal problems, and actually this is also the reason , why nikki haley stays in the race, why she doesn't get out of it despite the fact that after the defeat ... in south carolina, where she was governor for 6 years, she was abandoned by some important donors to her, still, not many people of her supports for a long time, that is, no changes the level of her support in those states that have already voted in the primaries, and it is unlikely that this will change significantly on the so-called super tuesday, when almost a third of the delegate votes needed to elect the republican presidential candidate will be up for grabs, we call it yes, so basically cona
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will really be a third of the way to clinching the republican nomination , but then again... most of those states are actually dominated by donald trump, at least according to the polls. let's see if if they come true, i think that on wednesday morning we will already have the preliminary results for kyiv. mr. vladyslav, i would also like to draw your attention to the decision of the supreme court of the united states, today it is supposed to issue a decision regarding the possible removal of donald trump from the elections this year, and the actual decision should take place at 5 p.m. kyiv time, it is expected that on monday. justices will rule on a colorado case that threatens to exclude trump from some of the state's ballots because of his efforts to contest his election loss in the 20th year, you think, first of all, what will this decision of the supreme court mean, and actually how it can affect, because we understand that trump can even use this as his trump card, that is, it is possible to expose
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himself to some political repressed, and many american voters can actually for that... reasons, well, if they want him as the next president, because he will play this card for himself in his own way. and they are already doing so in reality, that is, in reality , trump and his supporters, they do not hide it that they position themselves as that trump is a victim, that trump didn't actually lose the 20th election, and so on, that actually, that means the victory was stolen from him and so on, that is... the idea is , to show that everyone is against trump, everyone is against him , even justice has been connected, it means that he is such an anti-establishment candidate, sorry for the words, which means that everything is against him, but he is still fighting, this is the idea, this is what i hear from republicans, in particular of the trumpist direction, that is, what to show, something and everything
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against him, so he is the only one who swims against the current and successfully swims, and so on. so actually it's already happening, in fact, if we're talking about the supreme court decision as a whole, i still haven't changed my mind since the trump team did appeal that decision, yes, because the case didn't immediately go to the supreme court, so in essence it seems to me that the supreme court has several options, one of them is to issue a decision only in this case, to say that here we have considered, that is, the case regarding admission. trump in the primaries in the state of colorado and finish it there, or say that trump can be present on the ballot in the primaries or not, instead he can issue a more framework decision, and it seems to me that this option is more likely, that is , a decision that other states would take into account as well, because after all, if the supreme court were to deal with the fact that every time, in which
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state, where trump was recognized as an ineligible candidate, if ... it considered each of these cases separately, then i'm sorry, the entire paramis calendar would actually go down the drain, that is, i think that the supreme court will issue a framework decision in which it will oblige those states that have not yet adopted such decisions, that is, where the primaries have not yet been held, then it will issue a framework decision , which other states will then have to take into account, maybe there will also be such a norm, which is called regarding whether in general... a person can be swamped by the president, if he was involved in the so-called, so-called attempt to seize power, yes, i.e. rebellion, and it can theoretically also be interpreted as not only in the primaries, but also in the general election, but in fact we have very little information about the possible options for this
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decision, so this is exclusively my interpretation, which is based on... the basics, let's say, of the american legal system. mr. vladyslav, you analyzed the american legal system extremely well, yes, well, but there are also realities for us from american racing, well, we are only interested in one story, so that we receive help plus or minus in a timely manner, we would like to ask you about your the vision of the biden administration and how actively it is looking for additional opportunities, we understand that... the mda program, so to speak, well, they have some problems, yes, but there are additional programs that they could implement and try to implement them, yes, in particular , well... we heard about 4.5 billion dollars, which are still from old tranches, so to speak, which have settled somewhere, and it was very unpleasant to hear the statements of official representatives of the american authorities
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about what they said , until these or other positions are filled for us in relation to the american ones warehouses, they cannot borrow those four and a half billion dollars, so, to be honest, this is not such an acceptable wording. your version, well , look, we have to understand that the pentagon, that is, the department of defense and the biden administration as a whole, as an executive branch, does coordinate a large amount of funds, in particular with regard to aid to other countries, and they have to be extremely careful in these statements and and so on, i think that's what actually caused this statement, which i agree with you that maybe it doesn't sound quite right it is clear to us and so on, but in... tagona has its own planning, they also have their own funds, which are theirs, which they dispose of and so on, that is, the idea in fact of the biden administration is that we are actually asking the
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congress for the maximum possible options , that is, it is 60 billion dollars for aid to ukraine, a little less for israel, there for taiwan and so on, but, let's say, if they now go to reduce circumcision there. of this aid there at times, then actually the next time when, well, i think we can agree on what's there at the end of this year, at the beginning of the next one, we will also need help again, it does not matter what will actually happen there at the front, we still need military help, yes, as it was before the full-fledged invasion and so on, in fact, in this case, if we now go to there is an option that we will offer to receive now... a smaller amount of aid, then , excuse me, from that half they will cut half or a quarter and so on, that is, the idea of ​​the biden administration is that we stand
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our ground while there are still opportunities agree on this package, and it seems to me that after all, even though it's very difficult and long, actually, and they have a very difficult personal relationship with speaker johnson, it was evident in the meeting last week, how the parties, excuse me, went out there and ... almost clenched their teeth, but they said that we talked productively and so on, but between the lines and on the grimaces it was clear that in fact everything is going quite difficult, then it is all very difficult for them, but still, i think that if they did not step aside and say, that everything means that everything has reached a dead end, nothing will happen, there will be no help for ukraine, only the border, in an election year only the border and that's it , if this hasn't happened yet, then i think it's still just... a chance and the biden administration probably heard such theses from the republican leader in the lower house , mike johnson, the speaker of the house representatives
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, that after all, such a package can be adopted, yes, maybe not immediately, but later, because, for example, this week president biden will speak at the meeting, which means that the house of representatives will participate together and the senate, so called. state of the union, i.e. annual speech the president about the state of affairs in the state , that is, it is unlikely to happen this week, but there were also reports that by the middle of march, at the end of march , aid may still be approved, and i think that this is a completely realistic scenario, until at that time they will still come to a compromise regarding the border and will be able to proceed to the adoption of a draft law on aid to ukraine. mr. vladyslav, i would also like to clarify with you. about johnson, he may, if i am not mistaken, at least it is also written about in the western media, maybe everything to lose his position, and
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this is quite a precarious situation for him, because this delay in considering aid to ukraine actually leads to the fact that he can simply lose his position, as you think, the desire to stay in his position will prevail, and actually it can for us to become that gain, yes that, that condition under which... johnson will still vote for this, for this bill and for aid to ukraine? look, there are two things that we have to understand in this context: the first is that the republicans, some republicans have really started in the house representatives of the vote procedure for collecting signatures for voting for a certain initiative, and this is, in particular, a bill that provides for assistance to ukraine, but bypassing the speaker, which means that this requires a majority of votes and a little bit. republicans , that is, the democrats will be able to gather their votes there and a few republicans, it's one thing, the fact that johnson is threatened with resignation by the trumpists, that's true, but in the last week, the last
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weeks somewhere... two or three weeks we haven't heard such statements after all, from the trumpists, let's say there hasn't been an increase in that rhetoric, so i still don't think johnson is in much danger of losing office now, but if we talk about the decision-making process in general, i think we've already seen how that aspect affects the , whether he carries this emphasis or not, i can see, i hope you understood the tact of my answer. thank you such an extremely interesting conversation, thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analysts of internuws ukraine, well, yes, the analysis has been carried out, the only thing i would like to somehow our american friends moved so much faster, marta, you understand, yes, that is, what they are planning there, globally and so on, here and now it is necessary to give hope to the people, the european union, european funds, it is a great pity, they may not be able to pull the entire burden of the war, and accordingly i would like
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the americans to... offer one or another additional things, something we haven't heard about lendlease in general for a long time, well, nothing, we'll analyze this story some other time. well, yes, in the end we will also remind you that the support of ours of the armed forces - this is not only the prerogative of our partners and allies, but it is also the prerogative of ourselves, so please, if you have the opportunity, do not delay in helping our armed forces, we remind you of our collection, we need to raise funds for 50 фпвдрон 800 , uah, if you have it. opportunity to join our collection, then please use the monobank, which you can see the qr code on the screen below, made a few clicks and that's it, and the money went to the right cause, if of course you have such an opportunity. let's go now for a break, and after it we will add nataliya gumenyuk to our broadcast, we will talk about the situation on the southern front, and actually understand what is happening in general on the southern borders, because at the weekend
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all of ukraine was already in the lobby, together with odesa. and actually we will talk about the capabilities of the enemy and why he is shelling odesa so brutally, we will also try to understand together with natalia humanyuk, wait for her, please, there are discounts on aquaspray oxy, 20% in the pharmacies psylsnyk, bam and oskad, there are discounts on parafast , 10% in pharmacies of travel bam and savings at home from heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, all
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