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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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well, i’m telling you, in my bolon there at my mother’s house, it’s not necessary to walk half a kilometer to the shelter, well, at her age, she just can’t run . and i will offer you a plot, one second, i will find it and we will definitely offer it to you, right now, so... every day, border guards detain up to 25 men who try to flee ukraine illegally. this was stated by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border border with the help of drones, camera traps and patrol dogs. our correspondents will tell you how to strengthen border protection. in these shots, men who tried to enter romania illegally were detained by transcarpathian border guards. thanks to
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the patrol helicopter, some conscripted citizens try to illegally leave ukraine using forged documents through official checkpoints, but cases on the green border area are more popular. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border, border guards are present, who protect the state border in the most dangerous directions, are detained by the forces of the border guards. border guards of the hrushevo branch around the clock. guard the ukrainian-romanian border, every week they stop men trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of the year, and the distance to the shore on the romanian side is about 30-35 m. the current is very strong and unpredictable. the most common cases are with the help of a wetsuit, so that it is not so it was cold, puffy circles, puffy children's sleeves. boats even at the entrance to the border
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zone, 70% of men who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints, said lesya fedorova, the spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment. to stop the flow of illegal migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we use both manned aviation and drones, in addition, we have strengthened engineering barriers on the state. we also actively use them on the border photo posts are well shown, as well as the installation of bispectral surveillance cameras. uav operator oleg ihrak launches a drone into the sky, from a bird's-eye view , the border guard detects potential violators. for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with... with a thermal
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camera, it sees and can see through trees, through branches. after the arrest , violators are taken to the branch of inspectors of the state border service. so-called smugglers often help men escape abroad. only for the past year border guards detained almost 60 such dealers. pricing for their services starts from $45 and up to 9,000 greenbacks. the shippers themselves usually try not to contact their customers. because an attempt to illegally cross the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal crossings, they entail criminal responsibility. since the beginning of the great war , 24 cases of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border were recorded in transcarpathia alone, so border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyka.
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polyamar tv channel espresso. yes, we continue, and right away we have time to talk about odeschyna, which is in mourning today. serhiy bratchuk is with us, he is the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and immediately express my condolences to odesa, odesa region, to all relatives, friends and co-residents, fellow citizens of all those who died as a result of this attack. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, very much. thank you for your sympathy, we are exhaling, odeshchyna is exhaling, we must take steps further, and we must take revenge, do it coldly , emotionally, we will do it hotly, of course , for the enemy first of all, but we move on, because we have to take revenge for this, we have to end this war, so that no more children die, so that five little children, who were each a few months old from birth, they did not understand at all what world they were in... what,
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incomprehensible, they got into, and that's actually how their life path ended very quickly. 12 people, five children, this is of course a tragedy for the whole city, and not only the city, i sure for... including the country, but the day of mourning in odesa, is it one day or three days? we did one day, it was yesterday, respectively, but emotionally we are all already lobbyists, it is always clear now, but i want to say once again that in any case we remember what the enemy is doing to us, to our children , so let's say this is another motivation for me personally. i don't know, for volunteers, motivation is generally enough in the 14th year, but now it is becoming more furious, more motivated, and we will beat the enemy and further, this is what our fighters are talking about today, no one is crying, we are holding back tears , of course, although we have our fighters, who,
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unfortunately, have lost friends and relatives in this tragedy, yes, well and we saw that the entire family of military personnel died there. if i'm not mistaken, it was the 56th brigade, he was the deputy, the deputy commander of the brigade for moral and psychological support, and his wife, as well as servicemen of this brigade, unfortunately, their daughter, so first of all, well, they are evaluating now, as far as i understand the condition of the building, that entrance is being dismantled, the words of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi have already been heard that the affected residents will get new housing, has this information already reached? to odesa, is there any understanding as to how it is, well, it is clear that the most important thing now is, as they say, that the pain has subsided a little for everyone, but, well, in any case, life goes on, and well, these are important words from the president , absolutely, yes absolutely true, first of all , we must thank the president that such decisions are taken, such a reaction,
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including, the supreme commander all these days was with odesa, he constantly talked about it in his appeals, including thanking the rescuers, and i want it. beat the national police, all odessans, because we are not left indifferent, if there are isolated cases, well, it is not the whole of odessa, as far as housing is concerned, in fact, yesterday some certain conclusions were made beforehand, very beforehand, they are still being finalized today, of course, the rubble is being collected there, it will be demolished, and then the assessment will be given, because the entrance is completely destroyed, i don't think it is necessary to be a builder, that this entrance i... will somehow be restored , you have to think about it, and this is what experts think about first of all, what to do next with the nine-story building, i hope that these decisions, let's say, construction, architectural, they will be found accordingly, actually with regard to housing, that's how i heard about it from the president, of course, we
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all heard it in the information field, and of course there will be an instrument by which the city government or the regional government, to whom it will be, as they say is planned. will react to the implementation, this mechanism will not just be worked out, it will be implemented, this is the most important thing, because good decisions can be made, but let's say this, they are not implemented on the ground , i hope this time it will not be like this, and this assignment of the head of state will be carried out as quickly as possible, mr. serhiy, i literally have 40 seconds, but i can't help but ask because this information has passed and i'm wondering if you can comment on it somehow? they write that the enemy could use a new type of shahed, well , we have very little time, but it is interesting, it is important, please, now the military engineers are working on this question, there are assumptions, including that this may be a suitable ammunition, i will not name it now, but nevertheless, i
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think that in the near future the answer will be given to this question, it certainly worries everyone, because it must affect us, who have from... thank you very much, once again sincere condolences to odesa odesa region, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. yesterday there was mourning in odesa, odesa region, unfortunately, five children died, 12 were killed, 20 people were injured, as a result enemy attack on the city's residential buildings, on people. and now, where people beat non-people, about the war and the front. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency. today , in our column, we will talk about how the main intelligence agency destroys bridges in russia, how and why, about the situation in certain areas of the front and about the carte blanche given to commander-in-chief sirsky by zelensky
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for personnel changes in the armed forces, what it is about, what it is for moment. the main directorate of intelligence confirmed the detonation of a railway bridge in russia, which is 1,000 km from ukraine on... on the way to the powerful manufacturers of explosives, it was a railway bridge over the chapaivka river in the samara region, which was blown up on march 4 at 6 o'clock in the morning, but just a couple of hours ago it became known that several more improvised explosive devices were found on the tracks , except those that blew up this bridge, which we now see in the photo. this railway line was used by the aggressor state for transportation. cargo, in particular engineering ammunition produced by the polymer plant in
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the city of chapaivsk. from the place of the explosion to the factory, that produces ammunition in a straight line of less than 5 km, and this polymer is part of the state corporation rosteg, which specializes in meeting the needs of the russian army. polymer, as written on the website of this company, manufactures explosives and also manufactures anti-personnel weapons. mon-90 mines, but in chopaivsk there is one more enterprise, which gur for some reason does not mention, it is aopromsintez, which produces 30,000 tons of various explosives there every year. at the same time, it should be said that blowing up the bridge does not mean the complete paralysis of these logistical processes, because the damaged bridge over the chapaivka river is only one of the two, and no one canceled the road connection. but it is possible that those found by the enemy after the detonation of several
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other explosive devices probably had the goal of completely cutting off communication with chapaiivsk, but it still appears that , firstly, gur is conducting systematic work to complicate the production of military products at the aggressor's enterprises, and secondly , that the depth of the guru's operation demonstrates multivariate ways in... influencing the enemy and not only with the help of drones and missiles, because 1000 km, well, this is a significant distance for carrying out such operations. and then we will talk about the front, because at this time the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions in several directions, the enemy is now trying to take advantage of his advantage in manpower, in artillery, in aviation, he is actively using cabs, and over the past day there have been 78 clashes. this is not a peak indicator, because the peak indicator literally for a couple of weeks there was 100 or 102 combat clashes, but exactly two
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directions remain the most difficult, this precisely the novopavliv direction, which unites maryanka and the ugoladar sector, there were 30 combat clashes, and the second component is , of course, west of avdiivka, 20 combat clashes. when we talk about the situation west of avdiyivka, we actually now know that hostilities are taking place along the border. berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenka, pervomaiske, our brigades, which had previously held the defense of avdiivka, moved to this line, because the fighting is taking place either near these villages or in the villages themselves, where the enemy is trying to break through using armored vehicles we understand that the enemy will try to push through the defense line and advance as far as possible to the west, he will not succeed, but the dynamics in each of the settlements... is quite difficult, when we are talking about berdychi, the most northern
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settlement in this area, then there the defense is holding steady enough, the 47th brigade does not allow the enemy to advance, the enemy entered the village, they knocked it out, and now there is actually quite a positive dynamic in terms of gaining positions. orlivka, here the situation is somewhat more complicated, because the enemy is penetrated there in certain areas, certain strongholds there somewhere on the entrance to a width of 15 km width somewhere up to 400 m into the depth of our defense, some premises with basements and basements were captured there, where the enemy will surely accumulate forces, so that later, well, deploy supplies offensive actions , orlivka itself, yesterday it was said that it is held 50/50 territorially by our troops and the enemy, today, probably, these indicators are somewhat... uh, worse, and there are certain risks, offensives from orlivka to the north, on those
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berdychs, about whom i spoke earlier, are thin, the situation is quite dynamic, about 40 percent of the population is behind us , a little more is behind the enemy, but these are general suggestions, because the situation on the battlefield will change quite dynamically, and here we are actually talking about the fact that the enemy will continue to try to press, our question is the availability of... forces, means, reserves, motivations in order to restrain the enemy, the reserves were directed in this direction, they are active enough, so that, conditionally speaking, now we can talk about where it will take place. .. the next line of defense, i think that this issue is premature, although fortifications are indeed being built, there are different assessments of the state of this fortification, i think that a number of publications on this topic, and the public opinion that fortifications should be engaged in, are just the impetus to force this work, activity in all directions of the front.
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well, further on we will talk about other components related not so much to material as to non-material combat. assets, relatively speaking, are personnel potential, human potential, which allows, well, to ensure the strengthening of our armed forces. let me remind you that just yesterday, volodymyr zelenskyi said that he expects concrete proposals from the head of the ukrainian army , oleksandr silskyi, regarding further changes in the army and planned actions at the beginning of this week. in his address, zelensky said that ukrainian commanders should know the front, feel the front, be soldiers, sergeants, know their real needs, that is, in fact, the issue of the soldier comes to the fore, but when zelensky talks about the fact that syrsky has a certain full carte blanche in the implementation of personnel changes, so far we can only make certain
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assumptions about such personnel changes, and then we add to our broadcast pavlo kishkar, he is a major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy commander of a battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, and another person who has done and continues to do a lot for the advancement of technological solutions in the armed forces that protect the lives of our soldiers, which is extremely important in conditions when the enemy has a numerical advantage. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, it's nice to see and hear you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations to ukraine. we are with you just recently. you said that the right movements, the right changes, are beginning to take place in the ministry of defense in the general staff , and i would like you to emphasize a little on these right movements, so that we do not lose this trend in the process of the movement itself, the trend regarding personnel changes, which has begun not only in words, he
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started legally, not the head of the main main. inspection, mr. voronchenko, admiral voronchenko, ihor oleksandrovych, was appointed head of the commission to check all our structural subdivisions, the apparatus of the glaucom of the general staff and the apparatus of the ministry of defense, i think that in the near future, somewhere in a month and a half, we will see his conclusions, because it is wrong when 10 or more military bodies deal with the same topic. administration or military units subordinate to these military administration bodies, mostly located in the city of kyiv, this is absolutely wrong, we have such a situation with innovations, with it, with the field of application of unmanned aerial vehicles, and the field of development of communication systems, and such we can name a few more areas where we have
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a mess, to put it mildly, in the system, i think. such a military administration cannot exist, i am grateful that syrsky, at his first meeting with the officers, said that i am not the chief of staff, but i am the head of all the armed forces, and i do not need several thousand units sitting under me there in the city of kyiv, in fact, from this, from these words, the inspection also began, and... then, when we reduce these divisions, we will have a clear responsibility, i'm sorry, that i repeat myself, it seems to me that i say this every day, when the responsibility coincides with the position, that is exactly what we are going for in innovations, and in communication, and in automation, where it burns and hurts the most, and we hope,
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that such a weapon of victory is actually there, just not everything can be said on the air. er, it will be used by the next iteration, the next step after the reduction of these units should be legal changes, in particular, regarding the signing of long multi-year contracts for the production of ukrainian weapons. i think this is a requirement time, a time requirement, which the ministry will fulfill quite quickly and simply, and this is a requirement. commander-in-chief, in order for this military equipment and weapons to be on the line of confrontation, on the line of resistance against the occupiers, i repeat once again. such types of weapons, they exist, the last rate, where mr. colonel andriy lebedenko presented, modern developments, caused a sensation, just a sensation
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among the people who were invited there, therefore, if you saw it, if you perceive it, if you agree with it , that technological mobilization needed already yesterday, use, including thanks to these long contracts, because a business that... does, it's the same as any business, it hires people, it runs lines, it connects electricity, it has a goal, in he also has internal procedures, he has to connect investors, obtain appropriate permits and licenses, many things, small, including in the licensing of weapons elements, need to be obtained from the developers of these elements, in particular, connections there in communication technology, obtaining permits appropriate for the use of these connection elements, be it connectors, be it plugs, be it antennas, be it drives for certain, this, i'm not talking about communication systems
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or it products, there definitely this licensing is mandatory, that's why it a long process , in order to launch such things, long contracts are needed, so that people have confidence that tomorrow these weapons will be bought by the ministry of defense, but... there is a real dynamic that we are moving towards a really technological army , because i understand you've seen some things we haven't we can say, but you already clearly feel that something of high quality is really happening, you can say in a little more detail, without going into the details that may be superfluous, there are projects that are absolutely unique, i think that after the war we will go to foreign countries with them markets as far as i can tell, both the tandem and the saber, you know the projects of automated introduction of fire and defeat, both manpower and armored vehicles,
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they exist, you can read about it on the internet, these are unique products of the ukrainian military industry, which have already today can change the situation on the line of battle, so it is precisely about these products that are technological, high-tech. we are talking about technological mobilization. the second, defining issue, i will repeat it again, is legal assistance to ukrainian manufacturers so that they can plan their work. and thirdly, it is necessary to improve human mobilization itself, because we have already mentioned that the commanders of the units, who have direct responsibility for people, do not currently have influence on... the process of mobilizing and training personnel, engineers, whom we we invite, for some reason they are sent to infantry units, i think that this is, to put it mildly
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, incorrect in relation to us, because we invited these people to us, and we gave them a relationship, and in many ways this process of human mobilization, it became worse , than it was at the beginning of the war in the 22nd year, so until then we will be with you in that... thank you for your help, that there is such communication, and our command hears and perceives these problems in order to improve and simplify this process, if those people who fought in the 14th and were demobilized and return, why should they to return them to basic military training again, why should engineers, including candidates, doctors of science, go through where... what types of training according to the military system to receive some pieces of paper, if we need them already yesterday, in order for them to have their intellectual with hard work, we strengthened our
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developments, improved them, had the opportunity to conduct an analysis of combat use, improve the products that we conduct, and specifically answering your question, it is already on the internet, it seems on youtube, i met, however... drawn the use of sabers on the battlefield, where there are confirmed hundreds of rashist army fighters affected, i think these complexes deserve at least a five-year contract to help our infantry successfully repel, at least defensively, repel offensives russian fascist troops. mr. pavle, you mentioned the technological possibilities, the other components related to ensuring this process, the financial component, the impression is that our need is now much greater than
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it really is, well, perhaps the general staff of the institution. gives in the need for procurement by our businesses, is there any option where we find money outside of the armed forces and not just relying on volunteer help, maybe there are larger steps that would be appropriate in this situation? in addition to the budget, mr. serhiy , we have several directions, i would say not volunteer ones, these are groups within ramstein, those states that support us in... each direction of ramstein, i had a meeting with ms. iryna donetska, the coordinator of this process, i thank her very much for her tireless work so i think that she neither sleeps nor eats, because there are many directions, the problems are very different, in some directions we pass, in some, on the contrary, we work more actively, and this work by directions within
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the ramsta groups. well, it is being conducted, the second direction and the right direction is being led by the ministry of digital transformation, there is the united 24 platform, which allows our startups and the latest developments, without resorting to cumbersome legal bureaucratic procedures, to use the weapons that the commanders deem necessary to use already, and the third one is the budget, it... is filled from various sources, er, many different state bodies and state intelligence, and the ministry of internal affairs and other structures, not only the armed forces, help and shape this the technological breakthrough of the ukrainian army, of course, a separate point is the military-technical assistance of our western
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partners , which is also... on military-technical assistance, or ukrainian weapons and ukrainian developments have an advantage, we accordingly give preference to ukrainian weapons and carry out the purchase, either with grant money, volunteer money, or with the funds of the ministry of defense. state funds, then the procedures, of course, purchases with state funds need to be simplified, no , according to the codification, we have already simplified these procedures and they are invested in two 2.5 months, i think that in the future the procedures for entering the market for an offer will be simplified as well, especially since it is unlikely to appear
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more. manufacturers, than there are already now, maybe for specific projects, and we know them all, we maintain contact with all of them and contribute to the progress of the ukrainian defense industry, i think that such interaction, where they know each other, give each other feedback communication, and commanders, and manufacturers, i think that such interaction should develop, and of course we know the funds for such purchases. mr. pavle, thank you very much for the work you do for the technological development of our armed forces, for your service, i will remind our viewers that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander, and i will also remind you that the technological direction remains extremely important for the development and strengthening, well, for improving the capabilities of our troops on the battlefield. these were the main results of this day.
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more international and economic news on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhii zgurets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, now. the second hour of the great ether, many important interesting information, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, what decision was made by the supreme court of the united states of america, about donald trump, whether he was allowed to run for the presidency of the united states, and what mike johnson said about the aid vote for ukraine, money during the war. denys shmegalya told how many billions of dollars ukraine needs for this year, how much we really have and whether there will be money to finance pensions and...


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