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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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it will range from 9 to 12°c, in the crimea up to +14°c. in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow , march 5, it will still be quite warm, the maximum air temperature is +8-9° and there are no opals, but attention, interesting, useful and important information, from march 6 , a sharp cooling is expected in most regions of ukraine, night temperatures will fluctuate in the range from 1 to 5° of frost, on the day... +1 +5° is expected and it will be a little warmer in the southern part of ukraine and transcarpathia, but i remind you once again that tomorrow is still a relatively warm day in ukraine, and march 6 we are expecting a cold weather. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, it's me, vasyl zama
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, with you again, the verdict program, serhii rudenko, we hope it will return to the air soon, well, today for the next two hours i will talk with you in this location, then it will be different there, well, but at any time - in any case , i promise that we will talk about the topics that everyone cares about, let's tell you about the most important things before we start in the announcement. the pre-election offensive of the russians, the enemy is pressing in the avdiiv region and in the bakhmut area. how reliable are the new frontiers of the armed forces. leaking classified information. the german military discussed strikes on the kerch bridge with taurus missiles. what can harm the russian ipso? macron's military coalition. france calls on partners not to reject sending troops to ukraine. meanwhile, nato is conducting
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its first exercises in finland. yes, well, we continue, and now for your attention, i will quote you, no, for now, for your attention , the video that we have selected, well, every time in the verdyk program there is some bright video that in one way or another illustrates the passing day, well a the main thing is to illustrate all these days, already 700, what a day, these are events in the war, well, today we are like this... i picked it up for you, let's see. and there is, roma, a direct, successful hit -
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the fighters of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar destroyed a russian bmp with a direct hit. the anti-tankers took out the enemy's landing craft in the liman direction, hitting it with the stugna atgm. by the way, ukrainian production, let me remind you. now is the question we propose to you, and you will have two hours to answer it. and do you expect the end of us aid in the event of donald trump's victory? in november of this year, the elections for the president of the united states of america should be held, and in case of victory, does he think, well, first of all, this help should be received, of course from one side, well, but in the future, let's think, and if you think that yes you expect us aid to end if trump wins 0.800 211 381 if you think no aid will be there even under donald trump during his presidency (0800-211). 82,
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please, i invite you to vote, we really appreciate it it is important to know your opinion. valentina lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's eu integration, former head of the sbu in the 6th-10th years and in the 14th and 15th years. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you know, here we are going to talk about intelligence reports of spies and other important things, but i read it and i, you know, my hands go down, because you read and think, well, how, then, the ministry of defense is conducting an audit now, well, and they found 30,000 pieces, forgive me, that's six brigades it would be possible to provide these turnstiles if everyone was given one, well, let me remind you that there are 4-5,000 people in the brigade, who were kept in warehouses for almost a year, the auditor of the ministry of defense discovered the warehouses of one of the military units in zhytomyr oblast under the command of the medical forces, 30,000 new quality medical turnstiles software. of the united states
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of america, the ministry of defense said. these turnstiles were received as early as last april , after six months, after which the military unit issued 458 of them 458 ukrainians were issued for these four companies, well, it's good that they discovered, but how to explain it? you kept them for what , to resell later, well, why is that, i agree with you, and here we need to think about something more professional, each of our defenders should have not one tourniquet, but at least two or three, so a little less the number of brigades, but save the life of one, ten, a thousand or dozens. it is clear that this is a priority among priorities. and that, this is what i repeatedly spoke about and spoke about in the parliament with american partners, they provided and provide serious support, including in tactical medicine for the needs of our defenders for the armed forces of ukraine. the fact that it was not transferred on time,
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i believe is at least a crime against our defenders, so there should be not only an audit that found or did not find, but there should be a serious legal response. in our country, i think the time has come to put things in order, including this. and one more thing: in fact, the supplies were for the armed forces of ukraine and tactical medicine, modern and modern weapons, which, due to logistical reasons, was sometimes really delayed in warehouses, but my position is that these delays should be removed now, the infrastructure is now quite well established, moreover, volunteers and other organizations help a lot. which can be delivered to the front as soon as possible, especially in those parts where the armed forces of ukraine are currently on the defensive, which means that there is an opportunity to acquire additional new modern weapons and use them against the enemy, to stop the enemy's aggression. well, yes, indeed, i am
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i think that the turnstiles, if they said, guys , take them apart under the receipt, podtseitse, then i think that they would have taken them, they would have taken them to their parts, it’s not that, not these, it’s not a susana gavytsa to lead and not e. 777, now we, let 's go directly to your intelligence and combat profile, intelligence is important, so russian propagandists are actively discussing the recording of intercepted conversations of representatives of the german air force discussing the possibility of blowing up the kerch bridge with taurus missiles. the german ministry of defense has already admitted that this is the case the conversation took place. let's listen to a fragment of this conversation. i have come to the conclusion that there are two. interesting targets: the bridge to the east and the ammunition depots above. the bridge to the east is hard to get, it's a fairly small target, but taurus can do it. i would like to say something more about the destruction of the bridge. we actively
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dealt with this issue and, unfortunately, came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not need 10 or even 20 missiles. well, it is very strange, on the one hand, that this conversation got to the russian special services, then simonyan talked about it there, she was the first to throw it into space, that here comrades in uniform gave me such information, now you are all falling in here, please explain what this struggle-development is going on and what the consequences will be after, well after that, it's not a drain, it's a manifestation of that information, right? i think that this is an active operation of the russian special services, it was preceded, as i see it, by the technical interception of one or several conversations, which , most likely, were then assembled from several, you know, fragments, put together into one, and this very film was spread by a propagandist without conscience and nationality
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, russian on russian resources , it was the first, the second who intercepted it, it was technical means, i think that... from telecommunication channels and most likely here did not do without chinese special services , because one of these german officers happened to be in hong kong, and most likely this is how the russians managed to get these fragments of conversations and , i repeat, use them to make that ipso, that special information operation that reached germany, now about germany, and the minister of defense, the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, scholz , i think absolutely... was not affected by this fragment or the telephone disclosures of the conversations, and i will tell you why, because the conversations about the transfer of tauruses, or thoros, as they should be called, for our armed forces, well, we even lead with the parliament, with the bundestag, i
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mean we parliamentarians of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i personally and more than once, moreover, ukrainian social networks, the ukrainian military speak not about 10, not about 20, but about hundreds of such rockets that... us are needed, we really know what they are useful for the armed forces, because they are high-precision and concrete-breaking missiles, and precisely to destroy fortifications, warehouses, bridges. the enemy in the temporarily occupied territories, ukraine and the armed forces are waiting to receive such or larger and better missiles in order to knock the enemy out of our territory, so there was no huge secret or information leak here either. at the same time, we understand and, believe me, especially from my contacts, with the bundestag, with the relevant committees specialists from germany. i think there is a simple solution to the problem. at the bilateral level , we really won't find it quickly, but with the involvement of third countries or a third country,
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we are quite optimistically looking at such missiles for the armed forces of ukraine, i think that we will unblock and be able to receive, all the more, and i want to conclude with this that we expect, and quite soon , f-16s will enter the ukrainian sky on combat duty, that is, there will be wings that can carry similar or such high-precision... missiles, well, it is also important here, because when they say that it is you you go the territory of russia, well, i’ll just remind you, the greater part, and i’m just saying that the greater part of the bridge runs precisely through ukrainian territory, well, there is some part through russian territory, well, i mean according to internationally recognized documents, as well as the demarcation of borders, so we do not strike on the territory of russia, well, we strike on the territory of russia anyway, but in this situation we do not strike, the minister of foreign affairs of russia, sergey lavrov, called the published records a blatant self-exposure on the part of. which supposedly has a military presence in ukraine for a long time, let's listen
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sergey lavrov. we recently witnessed the facts that came to light about the confrontation between chancellor scholz and the bundeswehr, about some cunning plans of the bundeswehr, which became clear thanks to the publication of this audio recording, about how they are carefully preparing an attack on the crimean bridge, on other objects, first of all warehouses with ammunition. the situation clearly indicates that the camp of war in europe is still very strong, and it is really strong, it will be even stronger, so that the camp of war in russia, and this is bleating a person who told in a few days before the invasion, that we will not attack, what about you? he sits like jesus christ, excuse me, or the pope of rome and says that this is necessary, and this pressalche, pressatche of his, masha zakharova
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, says that denazification in germany is not finished, it turns out that it must be carried out again, because you , well, look at what is being done, they want to help ukraine defeat the aggressor, it is terrible, you know, there is only one advice, and it is very serious, do not listen to and do not watch these characters who perform russian ipso, including lavrov and... .others, keeping your brain healthy, i am addressing us, the ukrainians, and the whole world understands this, and believe me, no one anywhere listens to them or pays attention, but i repeat that such statements, which you have just demonstrated, will also disperse something similar tomorrow, they are meant in the country of the aggressor in russia, are nothing more than a special information operation and an attempt to twist, twist, somehow justify their own aggression, it must be understood that... the main goal of such and such special information operations of russia is only one
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- to justify own aggression, because the whole precisely thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, the world sees the opposite, that ukraine is defending itself, that ukraine is confronting the enemy, that western aid is extremely necessary and will continue, by the way, that the european union has unheard of consolidation, especially after macron's latest statements, and they are finding ammunition and... . they will be, especially artillery, artillery ammunition of the armed forces, even from outside the european union, these are unprecedented steps, and my explanation is professional, why this so-called tape or telephone conversation appeared and russia started it spread, precisely because the russians realized that the european union, you know, seriously together with nato, not only supports ukraine, but will do so much more seriously in the future. yes , we will continue this topic now, i will just respond very briefly here, the contributor on youtube in
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the comments, by the way, like, subscribe , spread our video in the comments, he writes , dear espresso, maybe you will stop collecting money 24/7, right away i say we will not stop, because we are collecting for zsu as a whole team conduct audits of procurement abuses to the incorrect distribution of turnstiles on the construction of protective structures, i think that if we give all the budgets of the ministry of defense of the sdf to nabu, we will definitely take care of it, but i think that everyone should do their job . espresso should lead ethers, and what about money? you know, we recently collected a whole lot for us, today i looked, i weighed how much an fpv drone weighs, and these fpv drones went to the front, it means that your money, it is immediately in... certain goods are going to the front, so we will continue to do it, and i think that the verification should be done by those people who receive large budgets for this, who, in principle, for whom this is their direct duty. now we will briefly listen to pistorius, the minister of foreign affairs, oh, the minister of defense, germany, what did he say about this, well, about these films? i think the officers did what
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they were supposed to do, considered different scenarios, actually. without planning anything, they also have no doubt that it was not a green light from me or the chancellor to use taurus missiles, they thought about what scenarios could be considered, after all, what is their work as commanders, after all , from what they discussed, one can draw any conclusions, in any case, it is clear that the officers at every point of the discussion understood that there was a limit to getting involved in this war, here you know, in short , in your opinion, are so similar, will conclusions be drawn? and above all, of course , this applies to germany, but i think that in nato there is some kind of coordination by their special services, their intelligence, in order to ensure that in the future the information does not reach the enemy, because they submitted this information, as if, look , body identification must be carried out here , the germans are fighting for, it turns out against us, yes, but right away some information can get out that can lead, for example, to the fact that how
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our sso fighters died on tendrivsky kosiy in kherson oblast, somehow the information got out , well, i’m speaking figuratively, it can be some kind of special operation, where there can be... people, forces, and the enemy, for example, can make a preemptive strike on our installations, which should hit the bridge, so it is important to understand here that some information from countries nato did not fall into the hands of the enemy, do you think conclusions will be drawn and some kind of reinsurance? let's break down and professionally answer each part of your question, the first part is the most important for us and for our defenders, so that the enemy, russia does not have information about plans, means and locations. our defenders, our dearest ones, and this is the responsibility of the general staff, and i would strengthen, i have long been in favor of this, i would strengthen the general staff and mine defenses of ukraine with military counterintelligence, transferring both the unit and specialists to the main of military counter-intelligence, precisely in order to protect, preserve and prevent wiretapping or leaking of military
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plans, ukrainian military plans of the enemy, this is the first and most important thing, i think for us this... and we can do it ourselves in ukraine , secondly, at the same time, i do not share, you know, the opinion that this situation is german and about the tauruses and this so-called telephone conversation, again, greatly harms germany or us, but what’s wrong, let the aggressor know that the taurus missiles and not only will they appear, let them know and understand that in ukraine, there will be something to answer for, even more seriously than we are answering now, that is , you are actually coming from... opposite us, and we do not need to complex, especially in those issues that strengthen us, and thirdly, i think that in germany will also draw serious conclusions regarding the financing of the organization of more serious counter-intelligence on their territory, both technical and agent counter-intelligence, in order to beat on the tentacles of the russian special services, which
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really were in europe, and now only during the full-scale aggression against ukraine. you know, they are funded more and start to work more predatorily, their tentacles must be cut off, and this is already the responsibility, if it is in germany, of the german counter-intelligence. we have one more question, well, the last one in our conversation, today , on march 2, the special representative of the government of china for eurasian affairs lihui met in moscow with representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, stating after that that the war in ukraine should be resolved through negotiations, after moscow lihui should visit ukraine and countries of the european union, according to experts. study institute war, the russian authorities are manipulating the negotiating platforms proposed by china and turkey to undermine further international support for ukraine, and what do you think, will china really come, well, we, by the way, that video where empty ports are shown in china, because due to sanctions the united states, well , there are certain problems with the circulation of goods and with trade in ukraine, but we understand where
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chinese exports mainly come from, where they go, not to russia, the main part, and where non-obt goods come from. and that's why sanctions are important for china, whether they really went to say what the hell let's do this already, sit down at the negotiating table? putin and his aggression created problems, and finally it started, they began to be felt both in china and in turkey. secondary sanctions or even primary sanctions, especially banking ones, especially against serious chinese and turkish companies, have seriously begun to act now, and it is not just unprofitable, it is already becoming painful. the chinese economy, which, by the way, is not in the best condition, and therefore it hurts the leadership of china, because it is the leader of china , i announced and stands on the program that he... will save the economy and be able to raise it, and here putin with his war is not just a brake, but a serious obstacle to such a global plan of such a global economy, which is the chinese
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economy. second, lihui really was in moscow, and you know what he started with, he started with a personal message from xi, who again reminded putin that there would be no, he promised putin to everyone that there would be no nuclear threats, that there would be no, you know, nuclear rattling. and the threat to destroy civilization, which putin talked about when he spoke there, it seems, on february 29, and the whole the world went a little crazy, a russian aggressor comes out and says that he can destroy civilization, and chinese civilization has completely different plans, and this is what started the angry talks in moscow. second, this is directly related to the cessation of russian aggression, and for us, for ukraine, we are waiting for him in kyiv, we will speak. objectively, we do not threaten the world, we are not going to destroy chinese civilization, like any other, but on the contrary, we have a clear and understandable formula for peace, only
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peace in its true sense is when the aggressor leaves the temporarily occupied territory, international law, the un charter, of which china is a guarantor in the security council of the united nations, here is an anti-putin coalition, and we really hope that china will finally be under... receives these efforts so that everyone will move to peace precisely on the conditions of pushing out and withdrawing the aggressor, and this is the path for which, if you ask me, china is needed and the chinese leadership as well, to directly influence such levers, the levers in them are on putin . thank you thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining and supporting our important conversation today, valentina lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on issues. of ukraine from the eu, the former head of the sbu in the sixth, 10th and 14th, 15th years, not here by the way, comments continue about the fact that espresso should check everything
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instead of collecting money, i'm just defending your colleagues, because you know, and there they still write like this, they write to us that if we re-educate citizens, like, pay taxes, make a donation there, nothing controls it, it will be it's your part, i want to tell you what to collect, give, well, this, these are all documents, my colleagues deal with this. believe me, you know, sometimes you want not to do it, because it is such a big brainwash, but the fund, let's say iryna kovali, does it, but espresso does it, reports are submitted, everything is checked, everything is verified, every penny, every hryvnia , don't think that it was you who collected the money, went to the bazaar, bought it and sent it to the military, no, it doesn't happen like that, and then you still have to find these cars at the service station, finish them, process them, meet them military, hand over these machines to them, and then suddenly collect something for the repair of these machines, all these drones, submit 150 reports, do you think it's all easy? so you collected the money, then you went and said: guys, who can go and buy a car or 500 drones, but they poured money into your pocket and went and bought it. it doesn't happen like that, and it doesn't happen like that. i want to tell you that
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today we have already collected almost 2500 hryvnias for the bug for our ater, and people who write such similar posts, so i want to tell you, maybe we will not collect for the bug for to take out the soldiers, maybe these soldiers will just sit down and read your posts, get angry with you and everything will be fine with them, and somehow the soldiers and the wounded themselves will crawl out of the battle line, is it really that much? sit more and tell how everyone should do, instead of doing, and save these soldiers with real things, arm them, give them eyes, at night, thermal imagers, drones to kill the enemy, so that, it’s easier to sit and tell how everyone should to do, not to hit the finger for this, yes, oleksandr khara, expert on foreign and security policy , defense and strategy center, mr. oleksandr, i greet you, good evening, mr. vasyl, i am here talking to our readers, viewers, well, with the viewers there, yes, let's go... . well, actually, of course, the main topic here is that we all want to somehow guess how it should be, but in any case you will definitely track those signals and those pulsations that are there in different
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sources, different channels of yours there, of course , diplomats always have, always had, and you can explain to us, maybe more about the reason what should we expect from, when are there general, because you don't understand such different statements, in march, in april, in may there are already by-elections, what are there now as of the evening of this day? on help for ukraine, let 's try to at least show all this as it is in fact and in fact, well, then you can think about how it could still be, well, in fact, the fact is that actually signals from people from the environment donald trump and, accordingly, mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, are quite sensitive to such signals, they block this one help, and in... because they want to use the tense situation on the southern border, the situation with the reform of migration legislation as an important,
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you know, chip in these elections. but in the meantime there are some problems, i mean mike johnson, in the sense that he can be bypassed, there are several options, well, the first option is brian feis patrick, a republican congressman who worked in ukraine at one time and is a big supporter of ukraine , he registered his bill, it is rather, let's say, less profitable, profitable, than that what the senators voted for, in terms of the amount of aid and defense, and there is definitely no economic or humanitarian aid, that is, this is one of the options, and the second, including fitzpatrick, and they also say that the democrats collect the necessary 218 votes in order to bring to a vote the bill that was voted in the senate, will actually bypass mike johnson, and why is it important, what is important
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is that... as he said that mike johnson will listen to trump, because in in november there will be elections not only for the president of the united states, but the house of representatives, if there is no blessing from trump, then mike johnson may not get into the house of representatives, but he may also lose his position, because according to the changed rules, any republican congressman can raise the question of his removal from office, that is why he is holding on and trying with these promises , that here... we will look at the border, then we mentioned the funding of the government, although they have already voted, extended it for a certain period, although not over the whole year, that is, this catavasia, it will continue for a certain time, although, of course, there is pressure from colleagues in the house of representatives, there will certainly be a sufficient number of republicans who will vote for aid to ukraine, because they understand that it is not just some
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territorial dispute. in europe, and we are talking about the world order and we are talking about the prestige of the united states, prestige on the one hand cannot be felt somehow, that is, wine is ephemeral, yes, but if this prestige is not there, it means that they are not trusted, it means that they are not will listen to the united states, that is, the leadership of the united states will be lost, that's why we have such a situation, well , plus, you know, the last innocent, the supreme court of the united states, well, in fact, by its decision. in a unanimous decision, nine justices ruled that the colorado supreme court was wrong to ban donald trump's name from the ballots for the current republican primaries and caucuses, meaning that that this technical possibility, which was potential, can be eliminated or prevented.
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trump comes to power, she can already be written off, that is, she is not there, there are others, that is, this is actually a criminal charge, and of course, this may be connected with the refusal of a certain number of moderate republicans to vote for him, who will not want to have their yanukovych is at the head of this country, so in principle there is such news, of course we have to take it into account, and of course the news is that... nikilly received 2/3 of the votes in the district of columbia, this is a small victory, because the district of columbia is by and large more the traditional republicans there, and it's not that important in terms of the number of voters that are needed, here, but all this, you know, why i'm talking about this, that there are so many different parameters that are involved in this election race, which... indirectly
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influence the consideration of ukrainian issues, and of course the future of american aid, you have already voiced all my questions about the united states of america, well, at least, well , i am really grateful to you for neki geli , she is really impressive, this person who continues to fight, as they say, as lesya ukrainka wrote, recently it was lesya ukrainka's birthday, she is already 153 and since 1881, but she said that eh... without hope to hope so contraspemspero, that 's what does nicky heli, it's really important, well anyway she's building a political career, she's a young politician, and so even if she doesn't win this election, let's say, there will be another election, but, but she i very briefly, by the way, how do you rate this fighting spirit in general, no gels, and despite such obvious ones things, you know, she keeps fighting, well, she has hope, and the only...


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