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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zamat, this is a big broadcast on the espressa tv channel. we will start this information week, we will to summarize, summarize the first day, monday, and today we have a lot of important things. which i will discuss with the guests and also with my colleagues. well, we start, as is traditional, with the announcement of the collection. espresso calls to join the collection of buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as car and trench rebs for the 12th separate special purpose unit. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit. so
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join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we hold back the aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000. and you have already collected more than uah 100,000 for this important and necessary, as they say, combat unit at the front. by the way, i am very grateful to you for this, you are really very active and help our army, i think that in the near future we will close this collection, again, for which we are very grateful to you. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, we are in touch, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, good evening, i know, i will even start today not because of the security situation in kharkiv and kharkiv region, there are shellings and beatings, they beat the village of ivazhki during the unloading of humanitarian aid, they beat the big burluk, but i want this issue, it is very urgent, relevant, it must be discussed in order to understand logic and consequences, well...
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a lot of people live in kupyansk, who have children, and they are offered to take people with children out, well, there are heavy battles, but in our country now i often read on facebook e. and in telegram kirill sazonov, once a political scientist, now a military man, he right there, and i read how many arrivals there are, how many booms, how many gurgles , and you understand what life is like there, but people refuse despite the fact that these are their children, well, and then think about whether to make a forced evacuation , please tell me how to solve this issue and why, in your opinion, people don't leave, especially since we saw an example of non-front-line, relatively speaking, odesa, which is a little far from the front line, unfortunately, five children killed by one... there can be a lot of such arrivals here, please, a difficult question, indeed, and this is a kind one such a psychological block, perhaps, or perhaps, among these people who do not want to take their children to a safer territory, there are such categories of people as zhduns, who hope
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that this will not affect them and that russian soldiers will come and everything will be fine with them good, and they will finally wait for happiness, as they say, and this question... has been raised since august, maybe since july of last year, when children from territorial communities and their parents from territorial communities of kupyan region were taken away, nearby are those who later this is already vovchanska community, and there are others that are under the border, but in fact now synigubov announced the information that more than 200 children are in the territorial community of kupyansk, the place of kupyansk, they are there, the villages that are nearby, that cannot be taken out, let's say terms by persuasion, conversations and so on, parents sometimes hide their children, hide themselves, that is, they conduct such an incomprehensible, well, maybe also understandable, such activity, let's say partisan, as if they
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, as if the government is offering them, the military is offering some wrong way, that's why here you know, parents are parents, and children of ukraine. not in the first place, i believe that the fact that there are negotiations going on now, no, not negotiations, a meeting in our military administration regarding forced eviction, and it should be accepted as soon as possible, because such ugly things as cabs are still flying there and let's say, there is no basement, or some small shelter there, or under the house, or it's there, there's some other such improvised thing, so they won't save. so that 500 kg of 1.5 tons flies there, and of course we understand what will happen there house or from this basement , well, this is the situation, besides, the cabals are hitting not only near kupyansk, so the front line, and there is regular bombardment of vovchansk,
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this is the north, this is a populated place, what kind of place is it located right next to the border, and all the cabs fly by there all the time. and the artillery is working, mortars and everything , that is why it is such a difficult issue, i hope that they will solve it in the near future and, regardless of the circumstances, they will forcibly take the children out of there, well, you just know, you can to do such a simple thing, well, the usual algorithm to count, i think that there are specialists in the government who know what mathematics is, what algorithms are, to make some equations, and then count how many explosions occur, how many attacks, how many more there will be ? what is the percentage of the possibility that it will not kill so many children, for example, and if the percentage is more than 30, i'm not even talking about 50, well, some minis, well, even ten, well, then people need to be saved, simply then you say suicide, but it shouldn't be like that, well
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for some reason, when a person tries to jump from a bridge or run under a car, the police save that person, but in fact, here people are actually dooming themselves and their children to probable death, but the police... don't save them then, because they don't want to, well, yes hobyts itself also wants to jump, but the police rescues, well, we see a lot of such cases when a man is pulled out, or pulled off the road and told no, live there, a psychologist will work with you, so maybe a psychologist is needed here too, well actually that's it it is a saying that not only quails fly, and the enemy used cluster munitions in the kharkiv region, whether they were strikes on residential buildings, or at least on civilian buildings or victims, again, it is more valuable, because, well, in any case, cassettes. ammunition is used only to fight against the enemy's manpower at the front, and not in peaceful, well not in peaceful, civilian settlements? well , i don't have specific information on where exactly the strikes were made, but regarding cluster, say, or non-cluster or
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other other means of killing, we have long since found out over the past two years that the russians have everything military, not military, we are ukrainians and we must be destroyed, they... already , let's say, reached this stage of such nazism, and that's why they have nothing to destroy here, even nuclear weapons, thank god, and so destruction. this is the first thing that they want to do here in ukraine, as far as children are concerned, well, we know that, there is information that when the russians entered, captured some territories, they did not hold a ceremony there, the children were packed up, taken to russia, taken away at parents', let's say, families, some kind of documents were made for them corrected, changed names, and that's why here already, you know, our kindness sometimes comes out a little. glebo, we are losing people, we are losing our gene pool, well, this is about the forced,
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forced shooting of these children, well , the information is also indicative, from the beginning of the year, and it is not so much time has passed, only the third month has started, that is, in fact, two months have passed, since the beginning of the year , 1,000 citizens have left kharkiv due to rocket attacks, so there is such information. it's sinegubov, and i can confirm it, let's say that terikhov and the head of the administration also apply yes, at a lower level, because i communicate with people there in my house of the osb, others, and i have information that is not statistical, but rather human, that’s how they left, part of them reacted to the eyes and all the insinuations about the offensive, about the fact that there are 1,000 russians have gathered, we are kharkiv. we'll return it, we'll take it away, the raisins will soon be ours and so on, that was of course, but also the shelling
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of the city of kharkiv, the shahed and, let's say, the strikes that took place on the second of january, when the strikes were serious, people died, and then it was already not enough, people were often not enough, so i will be in kharkiv, the house is warm, it seems that everything is in order, but the security is in favor of yes, the conclusions were leaving, it is most often kyiv, first of all, as far as i know, and the second position is western ukraine, that is, they left for kyiv, there is a business there, work is here, and they commute to two cities, people often go back and forth, or a family, someone works here because he can’t quit his job, they rent apartments or relatives in kyiv and stay with us all the time, i myself recently traveled to kyiv on trains that intercity and others go here, they are all full, there are many people. it's always this this artery is working, that's why the situation
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is the same as the trains from lviv to kyiv are half empty, from kyiv to lviv they are full. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, for your comments. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was in touch with us. now we have time literally there for a minute, before we move on to another, to another region, in our odesa region, it is a day of mourning in odesa, well , it is a day of mourning in odesa and in odesa region, i think you all watched the consequences of the enemy shahed's attack on a high-rise building in odessa, in that area, well, he lives very close, well, my relative, you can so to speak, and he described this story , this explosion, which fortunately for him rang out , he buzzed this drone, and then the sound disappeared, and then there was an explosion, that is, probably before the hit itself, he somehow went behind the houses or something like that in they happen, maybe he turned off the engine and flew like that, i don't know, and he says that it was just lucky, that it wasn't
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his house, but it's right next to his house, and now we see these photos of people, p 'four children, two babies, and timofey and lisa, if i'm not mistaken, also the boy mark, and there are two other children, one of them, in my opinion serhii, i’m just not going to check now, because i’m afraid to make a mistake, well , in a word, it was a family, and... timofey and his mother died, and mark died, my mother was in the hospital, as of yesterday, lisa, this the girl who died with her two parents, you can see them now in the photo, and their two children, also older, the boy was 10 years old, they also died, you know that here, you can talk, but why were they not in hiding, well, a lot of people are not in hiding, i understand everything. very often there are such places where you simply hide no, you know, such words, well, it is important to say to the survivors, and say
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, well, you know, you saw what happened, you just another time, please go to the shelter, but now position it and relay it on the world is like that, but we had to go to the shelter, listen, the world should know one thing , especially the world that can help us, russia killed children, russia killed ukrainians, the elderly, the very young, there for four months, seven months, eight months, they killed because they are aggressors, and you can go to shelter and to die, as it happened in kyiv, they ran to the shelter and did not reach it, and then how to say that you had to sit at home, here you had to go to the shelter, and... if there is no equipped shelter within walking distance from the house, then how to run on the roads , look for shelter, but i say, i have a bolon over there at my mother’s, it’s not far to walk, it’s half a kilometer to the shelter, well, she can’t run at her age, it’s just here with us, now we have
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a little a break with odessa, and we... i will offer, yes, now, i will offer you a plot, one second, i will find him, and we will definitely offer him to you, right now, therefore, every day border guards detain up to 25 men who try to flee ukraine illegally. this was stated by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, camera traps and patrol dogs. they will tell you how to strengthen border protection. correspondent. the footage shows men trying to enter romania illegally. they were detained by transcarpathian border guards thanks to patrol helicopter. some conscript citizens try to illegally leave ukraine using forged documents through official checkpoints. however,
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cases of non-green areas of the border are more popular. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border, there are border units that carry out security. of the state border in the most dangerous directions are detained by the forces of the border guard. the border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian border around the clock, every week they stop men who they are trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of the year, and the distance to the shore on the romanian side is about 30-35 m. the current is very strong and unpredictable. most. in some cases , with the help of a wetsuit, they put on inflatable rings, children's inflatable sleeves, mattresses, boats so that it is not so cold. even at the entrance to the border zone, 70% of men who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints, the spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment,
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lesya fedorova, said in order to stop the flow of illegal immigrants migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we use both manned aviation and drones, in addition, we have strengthened engineering barriers on the state border, we also actively use and they show themselves very well photo traps, as well as installation of bispectral cameras, surveillance. uav operator oleg igrak launches a drone into the sky from a height of n flight, the border guard detects potential violators, for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera, she sees and can see through trees, through branches. after being detained , violators are taken to the department of state border service inspectors, men are often helped by so-called
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smugglers to escape abroad. even last year , border guards detained almost 60 such dealers. prices for their services start from 4x5 dollars and up to 9 00 greens. shippers themselves usually try not to contact their customers, because an attempt to illegally cross the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal transfers, they entail criminal liability. since the beginning of the great war, it has been recorded only in transcarpathia. 24 cases of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border, so the border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. yes, we continue, and right away we have time to talk about odeschyna, which is in mourning today. serhiy
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bratchuk is with us, he is the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and immediately express my feelings for odesa. to all relatives, relatives and co-residents, fellow citizens of all those who died as a result of this attack. glory to ukraine , glory to the armed forces, thank you very much for your sympathy, we are exhaling , odesa is exhaling, we must move on, and we must take revenge, do it coldly, emotionally, we will do it, it is hot, of course, for the enemy, first of all, but we move on , because we have to take revenge for it. we have to end this war so that no more children die, because the five children, who were each a few months old, they they did not understand to what cruel world, it is unclear. they got in, and actually that's how their life path ended very quickly, 12 people, five children, this is of course a tragedy for the whole city, and not only the city, i'm sure for ukraine as well, but here is
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the day of mourning in odesa, this we did one day or three days, we did one day, it was yesterday, respectively, but emotionally we are all already lobbyists, constantly now, of course, but i want to say once again that... in any case, we remember it we see what the enemy is doing to us, to our children, that's why we will say that here for me personally, this is another motivation , i don’t know, for volunteers in general motivation is enough in the 14th year, but now she is getting more furious, more motivated, and we will continue to beat the enemy, this is what our fighters are talking about today, no one don't cry, we are holding back tears, of course, although we have... our fighters, who, unfortunately, have friends and relatives who died in this tragedy, yes, and we saw that the entire family
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of a serviceman died there, if i'm not mistaken, it was the 56th brigade, he was the deputy, the deputy commander of the brigade from moral and psychological support, and his wife, as well as servicemen of this brigade, unfortunately, their daughter, eh, first of all, well, they are assessing the condition of the house now, as far as i understand it. disassembles that entrance, the words of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi have already been heard that the affected residents are getting new housing, eh, has this information already reached odessa, is there any understanding, how is it, well, it is clear that now the most important thing is, how they say that the pain has subsided a little for everyone, but, well, in any case, life goes on, and well, these are important words from of the president, it is absolutely true, first of all, we must thank the president that such decisions are made, such and such... the reaction , including, the commander-in-chief was with odessa all these days, he constantly talked about it in his addresses, including thank you to the rescuers, and i want to do
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this to the national police, to all odessans, because we are not left indifferent if there are isolated cases, well, it is not all of odessa, as far as housing is concerned, in fact, yesterday some definite conclusions were made beforehand, very beforehand, they are still today, of course to... the rubble is being collected there, it will be demolished, and then the assessment will be given, because the entrance is completely destroyed, i don't think that you need to be a builder, that this entrance will somehow be restored, you have to think, and experts are thinking about this first of all , what to do next with the nine-story building, i hope that these solutions, let's say, construction, architectural, they will be found accordingly, actually with regard to housing, that's how i heard about it from... the president, of course , we all heard it in the information field, well, of course there will be a tool by which the city government or oblast, to whom it will be, as they say, scheduled
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for execution, will react, this mechanism will not just be worked out, it will be implemented, this is the most important thing, because good decisions can be made, but let's put it this way, they are not implemented on the ground, i hope, this time there will be no such thing. and this assignment of the head of state will be carried out as quickly as possible. mr. sergey, i literally have 40 seconds, but i can’t help but ask, because this information has passed, and i wonder if you can already comment on it somehow, they write that the enemy could use a new type of shaheda, well in we don't have much time but it's interesting it's important please, military engineers are working on this right now, there are speculations including that it might be a suitable munition, i won't name it now, but nevertheless... i think , that in the near future the answer to this question will be given, of course it worries everyone, because it must affect us, who have to give answers to these challenges.
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thank you very much, once again sincere condolences to odesa odesa region, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. yesterday in odessa, there was mourning in odesa, unfortunately, five children died, 12 were killed, and 20 people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on a residential building. the construction of the city for people, and now where people beat non-people, about war and about the front. serhiy zgurets, director of the defense agency, host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, i congratulate you on the word. greetings to you, vasyl , greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about how the main intelligence agency destroys bridges in russia, how and why, about the situation in certain areas of the front, and about the carte blanche of the commander. syrskyi from zelenskyi. on personnel changes in the armed forces, which is about, about that in a moment. the hololov intelligence directorate
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confirmed the detonation of a railway bridge in russia, which is 1,000 km from ukraine on the way to powerful explosives manufacturers. it was a railway bridge across the chapaivka river in the samara region, which was blown up on march 4 at 6 a.m., but just a couple of hours ago it became known that several more improvised explosive devices were found on the tracks. except for the ones that blew up this bridge that we now see in the photo. this railway the branch was used by the aggressor state to transport goods, in particular engineering ammunition produced at the polymer plant in the city of chepaivsk. from the place of the explosion to the factory that produces ammunition in a straight line is less than 5 km, and this polymer is part of the state corporation rosteg, which specializes in
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security. needs of the russian army. polymer, as written on the company's website, manufactures explosives and also manufactures anti-personnel mines mon-90. however , there is one more enterprise in chopaivsk, which gur for some reason does not mention, it is precisely aoproms, which produces 30,000 tons of various explosives there every year. at the same time, it is worth saying that blowing up the bridge does not mean. the paralysis of these logistical processes, because the damaged bridge over the chopaivka river is only one of two, and no one canceled the road connection, but it is possible that those found by the enemy after the detonation of several other explosive devices could probably have been intended to completely cut off the connection with chapaivsk, and but still it shows that, firstly, gur is doing systematic work with...complication
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production of military products at the aggressor's enterprises, and secondly, that the depth of guru's operations demonstrates multivariate methods of influencing the enemy and not only with the help of drones and missiles, because thousands, well, this is a significant distance for carrying out such operations. and then we will talk about the front, because at this time the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions in several directions. the enemy is now trying to take advantage of his advantage in manpower, artillery, and aviation, actively uses cabs, and over the past day there have been 78 strikes, this is not a peak indicator, because the peak indicator literally there for a couple of weeks was one hundred and 102 combat engagements, but exactly two directions remain the most difficult, this is precisely the novopavliv direction, which unites both maryanka and the ugolodar sector, there were 30 combat engagements clashes, and the second component is,
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of course... west of avdiivka 20 combat clashes. when we talk about the situation west of avdiyivka, we actually now know that fighting is going on along the border of berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenka, and pervomaiske. ours left for this milestone brigades, which before that held the defense of avdiivka, because the fighting takes place either near these villages, or in the villages themselves, where the enemy is trying to break through using armored vehicles. we understand that the enemy will try to push through the defense line and advance as far as possible to the west, but he will not succeed, but the dynamics in each of the settlements is quite difficult, when we talk about berdychi, the most northern settlement in this area, the defense is holding up well there steadfastly, the 47th brigade does not allow the enemy to advance, the enemy entered to the village, he was knocked out from there, and now , in fact, there is quite a positive dynamic
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with... on obtaining the position of orlivka , the situation here is somewhat more difficult, because the enemy did break through certain strong points there in certain areas, somewhere on the entrance to the width of 15 km somewhere up to 400 m into the depth of our defense, some premises with basements and cellars were captured there, where the enemy will probably accumulate forces, in order to deploy the supply later. offensive actions, orlivka itself, it was said there yesterday that it is 50/50, it is held territorially by our troops and the enemy, today , these indicators are probably a little worse, and there are certain risks, the offensive from orlivka to the north on those berdichs, which i mentioned earlier, is thin, the situation is quite dynamic, about 40 percent of the population is behind us, a little more by the enemy, but these are
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general assumptions, because... that the situation on the battlefield will change to...


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