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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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everything is tossing up the creeps of flight and that it is wrong, but we do not do it and accordingly the west should not do it, although in doing so they buy the same oil, dual purpose goods, the same drones, the same chips in large quantities, and if china did not support the russian federation, simply economically, i am not talking about technological or military things, then of course russia simply had no choice but to end its aggression against ukraine. here china is trying to take certain dividends from this, i would not, to be honest, well, of course, what are ours official representatives must meet , talk, prove that the only, exclusive way to a stable long-term peace can be based on the peace formula of ukraine, the formula, the peace formula of ukraine is actually a citation of the un charter and other international documents, of which russia is a part.
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including, that is, we do not demand anything more than that russia fulfills its international obligations, the chinese do not think so, they think that russia has some legitimate security interests, they do not like nato, they do not want to see ukraine in nato , why not i like it, because of course there is a network of alliances with the united states, its allies, in the indo-pacific region, and precisely these alliances are aimed at restraining an aggressive role in that region. of course, ideologically, philosophically, china opposes any alliances, and in particular believes that russia is right, which means that it is threatened by nato, although it understood that it is a sham. thank you very much for your comment. oleksandr khara, foreign security policy expert of the center for defense strategies. was on radio svoboda. today marks four years since denys shmyhal became the prime minister, which during this time only epithets were thrown
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at the prime minister, temporary, it was hinted that shmyhal stopped by hrushevskyi for a short time, inconspicuous, non-subject, hinting at the political dependence of the prime minister from the bank. after all, shmyhal was often called a prime minister who does not decide anything. nevertheless, shmyhal became a record holder. in the post of prime minister, he outlasted even mykola azarov, who held this post for 1,420 days. on the occasion of his fourth anniversary, shmyhal even gave a press conference today, we have some of his answers we will discuss soon, but first we asked, we asked the residents of... kharkiv, dnipro and lviv. how do they evaluate shmyhal's premiership, but it turned out that not everyone recognizes the prime minister. tell me, please, do you know who this person is? shmygal friends, right? well, our prime minister. yes, our prime minister. denys shmyhal, prime minister of ukraine. what do you remember about him, his government, any achievements? well, to be honest, i'm not very good at this, well, there is a government, there is.
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the government, as they say, yes, everything is fine, if only the victory would be faster and everything, and glory to ukraine, my lord, the corruption is complete, here are all the gains, my lord, the corruption is complete , here are all the gains, if it were not for the people who donate to western europe and america, then we would be poor, it is sad that we have such a government, such a premium the prime minister, and there are a lot of people sitting next to our president, it is not clear, we will be remembered for the fact that he is very similar to charles michel. the head of the eurocouncil, they are identical, like twins , i remember this, well, that's how it works and works, i believe that the prime minister should not be a very public person, the main thing is that he works well, so that there is some of this there was a benefit to some country, you know who it is, yes, the prime minister of ukraine, my friend alison, i won't take it, i don't know, honestly, it's the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal, shmehal for sure. this is the prime minister of ukraine,
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denis, please, what do you know about his work, how do you evaluate it, how do you generally evaluate the work of the ukrainian government? recently, i have a very negative assessment of the work of the ukrainian government, including denys shmehal and volodymyr zelenskyi, i am very, very dissatisfied, and i am very... sorry for what they are doing to us now, the budget is being twisted, some incomprehensible laws are being passed at a time when our boys are dying on the front lines, our officials are getting rich only, i have not heard of him at all, i have not heard at all, only positively, until there is no victory, it is difficult to evaluate the work, i do not evaluate the process , i appreciate the result, and the result so far...
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i would tell you nothing, dear, but i will not talk about sneaking, and maybe with a minus, nothing can be said, i like it, all the same. how would you rate his work if you didn't know who, that is, how would you rate the government in general work? well, it's probably not bad, i don't know, if you look at it in general, it's like it's just really not bad, although there is something to strive for, isn't it? i don't know, it seems to me that the work of the government is not bad, considering that there has been a war in the country for two years, let's say, our economy
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is plus or minus more stable, one could expect, in my opinion , some more significant and worse consequences, as for ukrainians, i would say a lot. to be elected in a big way, he is absolutely no prime minister, which means that he is absolutely not a subject, he manages the cabinet of ministers as a governor, who conducts meeting, but the economy is not managed at all , it is not managed at all , it is directly managed by the office of the president, and he is, well, in a shameful position, i would... express, as per my position, that it is managed by deputies, even advisers, of its head the president's office, not a constitutional body, well, in general, it 's nowhere further, it seems to me that it's a bit sad here,
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you know, that work, and it seems to me that he didn't shine with anything special, let's say, he was doing his job, and what kind of work he knows what he was doing, we... don't know, because we don't see what he proposed , i honestly don't know something, especially what he proposed there, that is, he performed his duties like a good employee, that's how ihor riterovych, a political scientist , joined our broadcast , candidate of political sciences, igor, good evening, congratulations, imagine if our colleagues came to you with a microphone, and here you, as an ordinary citizen, how do you evaluate shmyhal's premiership, and by the way, is there a dear sir? one of the latter says, he very clearly laid out everything on the shelves, you know, from one side, well, you can't call mr. shmegal there, for example, a bad prime minister, well , for the sake of objectivity, he worked in very difficult conditions, during his prime ministership, the situation with covid was connected, and
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the situation happened associated with a large-scale invasion, so he constantly had some very serious challenges that his government had to somehow cope with. on the other hand, there is no truth, children, today we do not have a cabinet of ministers, let alone the highest executive body in the country, which, let's say, you know, there is accountable there in the verkhovna rada, who has his own program of actions, who is, well , to some extent independent in making, in making a significant, well, a significant number of decisions there, which are directly related to his competence, why, because really key decisions on... . today is accepted at the bank, and specifically in the office of the president , and this is the main challenge and probably the main problem of shmyhal's government, that is, he is suited to such a role, and i think that this is precisely what accounts for his rather long tenure in office, because he absolutely loyal to the president's office, absolutely
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loyal, not even to the head of state, you know , we could still understand it to some extent, first of all, i think to those five or six managers who work with the president, because when volodymyr oleksandrovich about he mentioned them... something tells me that he did not mean mr. shmyhal, he was talking about some other managers, and in this context , we see the cabinet today as a structure that simply carries out certain instructions instead of to generate, implement initiatives, well, in principle to be responsible for all the processes that are currently taking place in the country, and this is probably the biggest problem that exists today, and frankly, i do not see any prospects for solving it. regardless of what the prime minister's last name will be , you have actually already answered my second question, because i wanted to ask the secret of the prime minister's longevity, yes in shmegal's position, but you said loyalty to the office to some extent. look, today on the occasion of his fourth anniversary in office, denys shmyhal gave a press conference, he is there among
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another stated that he believes that ukraine will be accepted into the eu immediately after the victory, but here the context against which this statement was made is important, a couple of days ago the ex-president... petro poroshenko sent a letter to the european commissioner for enlargement, where he complained about the actions of the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian government, which supposedly puts pressure on the opposition, does not allow them to go abroad on business trips, in the government of denys. shmygalya, in particular , deputy prime minister olga stefanishyna called this letter the height of cynicism, and today she asked shmygalya about it at a press conference first a journalist from latvia, he didn't answer there, maybe he didn't hear, maybe he pretended that he didn't hear, but then our colleague iryna sysak asked him the same question , let's listen and then discuss. thank you for your question, and i apologize, indeed, i omitted the question of our lithuanian colleague, unintentionally, therefore. i believe that all of us in ukraine today should be very responsible, and the issue of compliance with current
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ukrainian legislation should be a priority for everyone, regardless of status, level, whether there is a minister or a people's representative a deputy or there, well, any person must clearly observe the law, it is important today in conditions of full-scale aggression, so that we are united, and we are in conditions of equality and justice. if in the verkhovna rada there are certain... parameters of how people's deputies of ukraine should carry out their official foreign business trips, these rules must be observed, i am convinced that all people's deputies live, work and absolutely use the corresponding, well, appropriate legislative basis, for me it is only a matter of complying with the law, complying with procedures and rules and... and everything will be fine for everyone, not a single, not a single one today from my
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side, as a citizen of ukraine , about suppressing the opposition, not letting someone go anywhere, or something is being banned, i don't see it, i 'm saying it as a citizen now, not as the current prime minister, actually as a citizen of ukraine. i will only note that denys shmegalyazh came to the press conference not as a citizen of ukraine, but as the prime minister. that's what he said, simple our colleague asked him if he does not think that pressure on the opposition, actually this is not a very normal practice for the european union, where ukraine aspires, and so denis shmagal said that he , as a citizen of ukraine, does not see pressure on the opposition, as you do you think, firstly, how sincere is the prime minister, and secondly, can this become a serious obstacle on ukraine's path to the eu? well, here we must understand that we just heard the answer of the prime minister, that is, he is the person who works at the head of the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers. is not a representative authority or a representative body authority, well, depending on how
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, you know, researchers approach this issue, he is an appointed person, no one elected him, and this is a key difference, so when he comments, for example, on the activities there or the positioning of people's deputies, i it seems that this is not very correct, by the way, it was also wrong for the honorable vice-prime minister to comment on those letters with which people 's deputies, the legitimacy of which is an order of magnitude higher than... the legitimacy of her directly as an official, well, comment on something and to express any, for example, objections or concerns, well, on the other hand , mr. shmagal may be direct that he does not see any oppression by the opposition, because the cabinet of ministers actually does not cooperate with the opposition and does not listen to the opposition, especially there, then i i will say more, he does not particularly listen to the monomajority because the monomajority does not say anything to the cabinet of ministers, the program, by the way, the program was not approved, and there is no cabinet of ministers, in this regard he has his hands full... account of the solution when he says that there is no problem here , you have to live according to the law, so the problem is precisely
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that the leadership of the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, very selectively interprets certain provisions of the law, and i generally believe that any obstacles to leaving which people's deputies, only if they are not people 's deputies against whom criminal cases have been opened for treason of the motherland, we have such dignitaries, so to speak, but normal people's deputies who work either in the government or in the opposition, an obstacle to their departure cannot be, because they represent... not their own interests, they represent the public interests of certain social groups, and they should represent them at the level of the european union, and the continuation of this shameful practice, even with such comments from the government, will bring us only, sorry, only problems, there will be no pluses here, because europe will react, the european union will react accordingly, how it will react, well, look, it will react in such a way that, first of all, it will be talked about, it will be written down in certain documents, if i am not mistaken, a separate provision of the last resolution. parliament, yes, it is not key, but it was , it essentially related to these restrictions that they
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cannot be applied, it was present there, it related to ukraine, because there are representatives of the ukrainian opposition there, including in the european parliament, who were at the same time present, if this will continue in the future, well, it will not be just statements, it will include, for example, unfulfilled points of our obligations, which we take upon ourselves, well upon ourselves, yes, and this will slow down the processes european integration, simple question, and it is necessary for us to create a problem on equal ground, which simply cannot exist at all, because look, what else is the point, those people who go from ukraine, for example, somewhere there to european institutions, well, people's dep ... i don't know of any case, maybe i'm wrong, you can correct me, that these people went there and in some way opposed the ukrainian authorities, our policy there, national security, defense there and so on, there was no such thing, they, you know , we have a war now, they are doing other things there, they can even be accused of because they settle some political accounts is impossible, then the simple question is why not let them
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out, what is the problem in general to give them the opportunity to go and communicate, here is another one... the age of the medal probably lies in the fact that it is just for, for example, representatives of the other wing of the opposition, the opposition platform for life, the banned party, there are no restrictions on travel abroad, they go, travel, you understand, this is cynicism, because this party is banned, but these people can not be released, but representatives of normal the opposition does not give the opportunity to go, thank you very much for your comment, ihor reitorovych, political scientist, candidate of political sciences, we tried very briefly. to understand the results of the four-year premiership of denys shmegal. that's all for us today, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work until tomorrow. there are discounts on vitamin
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association. football is stronger together. watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the rashist organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of ours friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, march 5 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr
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22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the search for 16-year-old danylo pyatnytsky, who disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in... slovakia, where he lived and studied since september 2023, continues. the boy's mother told us that he liked studying at a university abroad. he called her and said that he was fine, but on december 22 of last year, the connection with him was lost, and since then nothing is known about him. he didn't say anything before his disappearance, he and i
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talked with him at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, he says: mom, i haven't slept for almost a day. he says: i want to sleep, i will sleep for a couple of hours and call you, i called him in the evening on the same day, his phone was already turned off. this conversation with danyla's mother was recorded a month ago. all this time, of course, we did not stop and do not stop searching for the boy. we immediately contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn posted information about danilo on their internet portal. it was also immediate a request was made to the police of slovakia. in addition, some slovak non-governmental organizations joined the search. here, for example, is a photo about the search for a guy on... the website of one of them. we are doing everything possible to find danylo. and we once again talked with the boy's mother. she also says that, unfortunately, she does not have any information about her son at the moment.
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there are none at all. well, interpol checked in germany, he did not cross the border, he is not there. the response from interpol has passed. and i will remind you of the details of danylo's disappearance. in this story has some very suspicious circumstances. last time the boy's mother. said that in the room where dania lived, after his disappearance, clutter and scattered things were found. i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten, although it does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't even know what would have to happen for him to behave like that. the boy studied in bratislava at the comenius university, at the faculty of management. a... lived in a center for children and families in the village bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava, well, he was provided with housing from the refugee center, and
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he lived there, there was food, well, that is , he was given transportation, and he said that he liked it, by educators he communicated, well , he improved his slovak language, that is, he communicated in slovak. with teachers of the slovak language, well, he was improving the level of the slovak language, i don’t even know what could have happened to him like this, well, he behaved like this and disappeared, the boy’s mother has no idea where her son could be, she doesn’t understand at all how this is could have happened, but suggests that danya could not have contacted this company, especially after his disappearance it became known that he had not attended training since november, although he did not say anything to his mother about it... i don't know, we already thought , maybe in some company, he , i don't know, he has some friends, maybe they appeared , not very good, not very decent, i
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talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went to this university, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met, and he said some such ridiculous things, i.e.... that the slovak fsb or sbr was following him, that he had a bug on his phone, that is , she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, i think, maybe some narcotic ones he already contacted some company. so, if you have any information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if perhaps you live in slovakia and suddenly see danya or know something about him, immediately call 16. this is the only european hotline for missing children, which works in 28 european countries, so if you are in europe and want to report
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information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the only european missing children line from your mobile 116,300, you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation. you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time i. congratulations. the us supreme court ruled in favor of donald trump, barring states from disqualifying candidates for federal positions and overturning the decision of the state of colorado on december 19 to
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exclude trump from the internal party elections of the state republican party. the judges' decision was unanimous. earlier , a colorado court found that trump participated in the rebellion by inciting and supporting the attack of his supporters on the us capitol on january 6, 2021. colorado judges ruled that the 14th amendment to the us constitution disqualifies trump from holding public office. we will talk more about the court decision and its impact on the presidential campaign with ostap yarysh, who joins us outside the us supreme court building. congratulations ostap. ostape, so how do the judges explain their decision, what are their arguments in favor of donald trump. yes, natalie, let's remind you that... where it all started, as you said correctly, earlier a court in colorado suspended donald trump from participating in the presidential primaries in this state. referring to his role in the events of january 6, when supporters
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of the former president stormed. today , the united states supreme court reversed that decision, said that this decision is not for individual states to make, it is rather the responsibility of congress. the supreme court said donald trump should remain on the ballot in colorado's republican prairies. how do supreme courts argue this? yes, they say that the states cannot disqualify candidates from the presidential election, because it is a federal office, not a state-level office. well, again , they say that... this is not an issue that is decided by individual states. also judges warned natalya that if donald trump , or ultimately any candidate, were disqualified from participating in certain states, in some states, and left on the ballot in other states, it could cause chaos and ultimately disrupt or jeopardize the electoral process as a whole the country donald trump himself reacted to the decision of the supreme court today, calling it a great victory for america. natalya. ostapa, how will this decision affect the course
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of the presidential campaign and how this and other cases against donald trump affect american voters? yes, viewers write to natalya that this decision of the supreme court has become perhaps the most important in relation to the presidential elections since 2000. then, let me remind you, the supreme court considered the case of george bush against albert gore and essentially determined the winner of the 2000 presidential election. so natalya, why is this decision important today? first, the decision of the supreme court is final and substantive. puts an end to the controversy over whether donald trump can participate in republican primaries in various states due to events 6 january secondly, natalya, this decision applies not only to colorado, but also to other states that also suspended donald trump from participating in the prairies, everything will work out. let me remind you of three states: colorado, illinois and maine. in two of these states, natal , colorado and maine, primaries are scheduled for tomorrow, which means that donald trump's name will be on the ballot and he will be able to compete for republican votes.
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voters there, natalya has one more case pending before the supreme court, which concerns donald trump and the presidential election, this is a case of whether a former president is immune from lawsuits related to january 6th, precisely because he was once president and may be immune, the supreme court expects to hear this case soon, how does that affect the voters, the former american president, now a candidate, for the presidency again, for those who support him, for the core of trump's base, apparently... mobilizes them, because the former president himself presents it as political persecution against himself, so be it which trials, on the same that have certain reservations about, about donald trump, probably it turns them off a little, in particular, when we can talk about those republicans who support nikki haley, natalya in the elections. ostape, the supreme court issued its decision on the eve of super tuesday, when 15 states and american samoa will hold internal party elections simultaneously.
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what can be expected from. indeed, natalya, you know, i looked at the polls that are now available, and donald trump is leading in almost all of these states that will vote tomorrow. the only question is how big that margin, in oklahoma, let's say, it's 77%, and in massachusetts, it's 36, so it's really a question of how the voters there will vote, but then again , nike gailey, after losing in her home state of south carolina, said she'd stay in the race for at least until and after super tuesday will decide what to do next with his campaign. so maybe tomorrow we will also hear the name of the nominee from the republican party in this election, we will be watching, it all depends on the decision of nick haley and what the result is she will demonstrate. we will monitor it. thanks ostap for your clarification. ostap yarysh was in direct contact with us. we talked about the decision of the us supreme court, which annuls the decision of the previous instance to exclude the ex-president from the ballot in the presidential elections. and we continue the program further.
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german defense minister boris pistorius called the release of a recording of a meeting of the german military about the possible use of german taurus cruise missiles by ukraine a sign of the russian information war. the german government recognized that the 38-minute audio recording released by russian sources sounds like an overheard meeting of the german military about how ukrainians use british and french missiles. and what the application of the german counterparts might be. we will talk more about the leak, its possible consequences and the reactions of ukraine's allies with bohdan tsyupin, who joins us from london. congratulations, bohdan. bohdan, please explain what exactly the conversations are about and how the leak happened, what is the essence of this case? so, german officials, in particular the minister of defense
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boris pistorius actually under. they asserted the authenticity of what was made public.


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