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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EET

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[000:00:00;00] german defense minister boris pistorius called the release of a recording of a meeting of the german military about the possible use of german taurus cruise missiles by ukraine a sign of the russian information war. the german government has admitted that the 38-minute audio recording released by russian sources sounds like an overheard meeting of the german military about how the ukrainians are using british and french missiles and what the application might be. defendants, we will talk with bohdan more about the leak, its possible consequences and reactions of ukraine's allies tsyupyn, who joins us from london. congratulations, bohdan. bohdan, please explain exactly what the conversations are about and how the leak happened, what is the essence of this case? so, german officials, in particular defense minister boris pistorius, actually confirmed
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the authenticity of the publication. from russian recording sources. in that conversation we hear what seem to be four voices, they are four senior officers of the german air force, the luftwaffe, and they are discussing the theoretical aspects of what the military would do if it were accepted a political decision by the country's leadership to provide ukraine. of german-made taurus cruise missiles, they talk about how many missiles it could be, how they could be used, compared it with the experience of using the british-french storm shadow scalp missiles, which ukraine has been using for a long time, receiving from these partners from
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britain and of france that is, we are talking about a conversation that was either overheard in some way, or a recording was obtained in some way, i saw a message that this conversation took place on a program that is actually available to a wide range of consumers, i saw that they call, for example, webex such and such a platform, which can actually be used by many people, anyone who uses the internet. but the germans now say that counterintelligence is investigating, so it's possible that in addition to the fact that the russians must have been able to spy on the german military in this way, we may also know exactly how it was done. bohdan, what could be the consequences of this leak for of ukraine, can he push germany
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to provide kyiv and. rossov, or on the contrary , obstacles to this? well, for now the situation remains unchanged, that is, in fact, the german government does not yet have a positive, long-awaited decision from ukraine, the ukrainians have long been asking and are asking the germans for the provision of long-range weapons, and these missiles would be very useful, say the ukrainians, but boris pistorius again emphasized that there is no solution now, and the conversation between luftwaffe officers was purely about the technical aspects of a hypothetical solution, here as he explained it. i think the officers were doing what they were supposed to be doing, thinking through different scenarios,
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not actually planning anything. there is also no doubt that this does not mean a green light from me or from the chancellor to use taurus missiles. they consider what the eventual scenarios might be. this is their job as commanders. and we will consider the conclusions they discussed. this can lead to different conclusions. in any case, from the conversation of the employees, there are clear lines that will not be passed on participation in the war, on various methods of involvement. commenting on this situation, the minister of defense pistorius also said that such actions of russia are aimed at splitting society, what did he mean, what kind of split is actually being talked about and what methods does russia use in these attempts? well , from what i have seen, for example, in russian sources, there the emphasis is on
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pointing to the confrontation. is it even possible to instigate a split between the military in germany and the civilian government, russian representatives hint that there is forces, maybe medium... of the german military, who seem to not want to go to war with russia, so the split or the attempt to split germany is there, there have been discussions within the government discussion of the government coalition for a long time between different participants, different parties in the government coalition of germany, and also there is obvious friction with the allies, because... in britain , for example, very yes, politely, but it was hinted that they did not like that there are references from the german side about how exactly the british help the ukrainians using
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british-french cruise missiles. thank you, bohdan, for your clarification, we talked about the scandal surrounding the leaking of conversations between the german and ukrainian military, and this scandal was investigated by bohdan tsyupin, and we are moving. further. greece is preparing to transfer security assistance to ukraine, which may include air defense equipment and anti-aircraft weapons. athens also joined the coalition of countries for training ukrainian pilots on the f-16. about how greece and russia cooperate in the field of security assistance for ukraine. the participation of greece in the training of ukrainian pilots and the desire to participate in the restoration of odessa and mariupol. spiros lampridis, the special commissioner of players in ukraine, said in an interview. to my colleague oleksiy kovalenko. what message do you want to convey to the american people and the american congress? i am the special representative of greece in ukraine and i want to say very simply: greece is with ukraine from day one.
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our prime minister said on the first day of the invasion: "we are on the right side of history." there is no question that we will be on the right track regarding ukraine. with our partners from the eu. as much as it takes, so that it is not needed, we will be together. greece is preparing to provide new security assistance to ukraine. after washington agreed to sell f-35 fighter jets to greece worth more than $8 billion. against the background of the delay in funding for ukraine in the congress, will greece continue to increase the amount of military aid to ukraine? this is confidential information, but there are no secrets between friends. we supply ukraine with everything we can and everything we were asked to supply level as possible. but we continue to fulfill our duty. what
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we got in return really has nothing to do with it. these are unilateral actions of greece. ukraine defends its independence and sovereignty. we thought that we need to give everything we can, of course, without compromising. this is what we are doing, we are considering the possibility of increasing our contributions in this area. athens promised to help with the reconstruction of ukrainian cities, odessa and after the deoccupation of mariupol. can you tell us about this direction. a violation for us the sovereignty of ukraine touches the land that is very close to our hearts. we will keep our word in the near future, at least relatively. odesa, we are already planning together with the local authorities of the region what their priorities are and what we can actually do. as for mariupol, the prime minister of greece himself promised in the past to reconstruct the completely destroyed maternity
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hospital. of course, in order for us to implement the plan, the conditions must be created, and the condition is such that mariupol is free and ukrainian, as it should be. when that happens, we'll be there. greece recently joined the air coalition of countries participating in the training of ukrainian pilots on the f-16. can you tell me how these trainings go? yes, this is already happening, we have already sent a colonel of the air force to kyiv. he himself is a very experienced pilot, his main task is to be where the training takes place, he will not disclose the location of the base outside of ukraine, but we are currently increasing the level of technical. assistance, providing not only pilots who work as instructors, but also technicians. when it comes to advanced aircraft technology, it is important not only to manage them, but also to service them. training is going very well, and it's no surprise. we have seen how ukrainian forces
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fight, how capable ukrainian pilots are in training. so, probably, the training period will be much shorter than expected. greece promotes ukraine's candidacy for eu membership. how fast? must unanimously decide whether a country is eligible to join. ukraine is already very close to nato in practice, not only in words. the issue of candidacy for membership in the european union is very specific. ukraine is already in the process the beginning of accession negotiations, which have several aspects. one is technical, the other is political, the third is financial and economic. ukrainians are in a much better position than other countries. candidates, of course there is a war going on
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and there are other priorities as well. i'm not saying it will take very many years, but it's not months either. this is a long process. but the most important thing that will happen in the end is that ukraine will become a member of the european union, and this does not raise any questions. of course, when making political decisions, the opinion of the country's population is important. according to sociological surveys, the greek population. supports humanitarian aid and sanctions against russia, but not so much security aid for ukraine. why is that so? in a sociological survey, it is important how exactly the question was formulated. also, don't forget that greece has historically and culturally been close to russia for centuries, not even decades. so the results of sociological polls, when we see a positive attitude towards ukraine in this war, are from 60 to 70%. population, it shows very significant changes. an average greek
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has not known war since world war ii and the civil war. he thinks, let's give humanitarian aid to children who don't have heating or clothes or medicine. they don't think the same way about guns, but we do what we have to do. ships from greece export grain from ukraine in the black sea. recently , one of the greek bulkers with grain was caught. in the name of what participation does greece take in the black sea grain corridor? fortunately, there were no more such incidents. when i was in constantia, the naval commander of the romanian forces, who, by the way, is doing a great job trying to protect convoys and clear the area of ​​mines, was telling us what a sea mine is in the middle of the night. these mines do not have locators, they do not appear on radars, and in terms of... size, they are no bigger than a large armchair. imagine the black sea with dark
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waves, it's like russian roulette. every day, ukraine provides most of the countries of the south with grain necessary for bread. if it weren't for ukraine, the world would be starving now. we owe ukraine for grain, for brave soldiers who defend not only their country, and our ideals, our moral spirit, as well as the food that the world receives from ukrainian grain. so we continue. to do it, despite the difficulties and sacrifices, we must do it. we will succeed. i think that in the end, justice, democracy and freedom will win, because ukraine deserves it, the world deserves an example. the example cannot be that evil can win such a battle, even if it is a battle of david and goliath. and believe me, david is doing very well. you watched oleksiy kovalenko's interview with... special the representative of greece in ukraine spiros
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lampridis. ukraine will receive f-16 fighters already this year. this was stated by president zelensky after a meeting in kharkiv with the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte. meanwhile, training of ukrainian pilots continues in a number of countries, including the usa. according to the pentagon, ukrainian pilots, who began training at a military base in arizona last november, will be ready for the skies later this year. until. training abroad continues, ukrainian combat pilots are in daily combat with a number of challenges. one of them is the lack of protective equipment that can save the crew's life in the event of an accident or fire. maria prus will tell how two retired american pilots started an initiative that helps provide ukrainian pilots with overalls and other important equipment. ukrainian aviation met the beginning of a full-scale invasion of russia not only with... outdated soviet planes and helicopters, but also with an acute shortage
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of protective equipment for aviators. do you need flight fireproofs the most ? coveralls, helmets and gloves? the flight gear ukraine initiative of two retired american aviators, trevor gersten and peter greenburg, helps to close this problem. during his career, gersten was involved in military cooperation between the us, nato and other countries, in particular, he worked with the ukrainian air force. since i had previous contacts with the ukrainian air force even before february 22nd, we were friends, when the big invasion happened, it became a personal matter, i wanted to help, some. friends with whom i met said about the gear they needed, flight gear for fire protection, or medical gear. that's how i started with the desire to help my friends, and now i work with nine different aviation brigades in the air force, navy and army aviation. gersten's initiative was joined by
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retired us air force f-16 pilot peter greenburgh. they started collecting used and quite effective equipment, which ger... retired american and european pilots, you know, a western pilot, a nato pilot, when he walks up to his plane, on it has thousands and thousands of dollars worth of gear , especially in cold weather, it's specially designed synthetic fibers, some of these suits even contain kevlar, which is used in body armor, bulletproof clothing, so we realized that thousands and thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars high-quality... fire-resistant fabric, just sitting in closets all over the us and europe. the protective clothing of western pilots is given to ukrainians in an addressed manner, of the appropriate size to specific aviators who perform combat missions. they also buy new items equipment in cooperation with the charity organizations wingman for ukraine and white
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stork. in total, hurston and greenburg managed to hand over 500 flight overalls, 180 flight jackets, and 300 pairs of flight suits to ukrainians. gloves, 150 fire-resistant balaclavas, more than 70 tactical and rescue vests, 200 personal first-aid kits. you know, if you go to a warehouse at a us air force base, you know, there's all this gear in a shell, they're in every possible size, but that's not the case in ukraine. so we are looking for equipment according to the size and height, breast size of individual aviators. we also started working with rescuers. also with the firefighters because they all need the best equipment possible, so our goal is that any equipment and any clothing that we can provide, we will provide because that is what can save these guys' lives, they every day in combat, they fly far more dangerous missions than i've ever flown in my
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career, so to be able to provide them with something that could save them from injury or death in the event of an ejection or accident case it is... it's really an honor to do this. in aviation, which is inherently dangerous, fire is always a great enemy. and there were many burn injuries among the ukrainian military. when you're talking about military aircraft, especially military aircraft in combat, when the enemy is firing back, your threat from fire increases dramatically, not only from the enemy's munitions, but also from the munitions you have on board. so fireproof. life, in aviation, when it comes to fire, seconds often decide whether someone survives or not will die, and therefore our philosophy and our goal is to give as many ukrainian aviators as possible these seconds of time. ukrainian pilot
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kvantom says that gersten and greenburg greatly helped the air force of ukraine and the army and naval aviation. also, according to him, the ukrainian pelvis. no , retired pilots maintain close contacts, a lot of help comes from our pilot partners , it started a long time ago , i am not mistaken, 97 years, and then it continued during joint military exercises, clear skies in the 12th year and in the 18th year, and the boys could get to know each other personally. such a closer relationship, of course, during these exercises, ah, both our pilots and their pilots , ee exchanged experiences, eh, we learned how eh western eh, air forces conduct eh air operations, that is, our already the pilots gained experience, and then, when
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the full-scale invasion already began in the 22nd year, it was those close relationships that helped her... to get us a lot of various and material and immaterial, so to speak, things. in particular, fantom says, western aviators are supporting their ukrainian counterparts in their transition to fourth-generation f-16 fighters. when the issue of retraining pilots for a new type of aircraft began, even before it was known which aircraft it would be. to replace our outdated soviet fleet, we have already started working on the fact that it is necessary to change the concept and training, that is, we already understood during these exercises that our... our approaches, our procedures, they are different, and this is precisely the pilots,
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partners , not only american canvases and of other countries, ah, they formed a kind of training, online training, so that we already know in which direction to move, so that after that it is possible to improve and speed it up. so to speak, retraining for f-16 aircraft and we, our pilots, wasted no time, we prepared as best we could, and these same canvases helped us with information from open sources, of course, what they could with us share, and even your experience. ukrainian pilots thank the west for this support by sending their chevrons. when we visit base and hand over flight suits, gloves and jackets to someone to protect them, they are very, very grateful. and units will always
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send back chevrons, and we send those chevrons to donors. this is an opportunity for ukrainians to express their gratitude. but it also helps to build a personal connection, because there's someone in hawaii, wyoming, or california who knows, right now, there's a mig-29 pilot in the 40th brigade flying in my flight suit. at the same time , western aviators are very well aware of the extraordinary challenges facing the ukrainian air force now. this process for the ukrainian air force continues, and it is a big challenge to prepare the infrastructure for the f-16 for western aircraft. it is difficult to train technicians, it is difficult for individual pilots , they are people, they need rest, what they are actually asked to do is every minute. when they are awake and not actively participating in combat, we are asking them to relearn everything about their job in a new
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language and new equipment and even with new tactics, it is a huge burden on the current aviators, it is a long way, and how they do this, i am deeply impressed by them, i deeply admire their courage. maria prus, maxim shulga, voice of america. with that , we will say goodbye, you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america service. also join our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can ask your questions live to our hosts yuliya yarmolenko and ostap yarosh. thank you for trusting the ukrainian voice of america service. i am natalya leonova, good night and good morning.
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have two hours to keep up with economic news , time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elinia chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, what to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell. us about the weather for the next day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together.
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lesperonychus! greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of the ukrainian pen club and tv channel espresso. today we will talk about how we should remember the culture, rank, honoring the fallen heroes. here is schopenhauer's well-known opinion that a nation consists not of living citizens, but of dead heroes. i think this is a very deep thought. and which should be remembered, taken into account, and in this context, it is very important how we honor those who set this moral and ethical bar for us. today my guest, my guest is anton drubovych, director of the institute of national remembrance and a serviceman, anton, congratulations, my respect, maroslav, kind evening, we will separately talk about the military
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cemetery later, yes, which for some reason took so long. and in torment his idea is born and for some reason it takes so long to materialize, so where are the dead soldiers buried now, but i will start with another question, and i will start with the question of the general memorial, the place of commemoration of our heroes, yes, let's call it a memorial or a pantheon, there is no difference , why in 30 years we have not had such a place of honor. and heroes of different battles and different times, instead we have a park of glory in the center of the city, which became the place of such soviet commemorations and the place of soviet communist sabbaths, well, there are several reasons here, first of all, because if we talk like this about the duration of ukrainian statehood itself, where ukrainians really are
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the full owners of the process, then it would be possible in the soviet pseudo-republic, although it was supposedly sovereign there according to the constitution, but we all understand that it was just a colony of moscow, or a dependent territory of moscow, in fact, 30 years for a state is not so much, according to a nation that is trying, as it were, to master itself , its space is symbolic, it needs time in order to build such memorials, that is, speaking of such comparables, but from the other side. many ukrainians , in particular intellectuals already in the 19th century, felt that the ukrainian nation is a community that is traveling to itself for a very long time, and in a part of society, in the political class, the idea and persistence to create such a memorial object could arise in the 90s even , therefore, we see that this did not become a strong political thesis in the 90s and 2000s,
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if we talk about places of memory , some have arisen. places of remembrance, in particular near the parliamentary library, a small memorial was built by the city, by the way, dedicated to the revolution, almost no one knows about it, but it is the heavenly hundred, yes, it is the heavenly hundred, but just the heavenly hundred and in general the memorialization of the heavenly hundred and for in some sense and became this place, this space of memory, which is awakened by this question that you are talking about, where is our great memorial, where is our pantheon, so to speak, but from a conceptual point of view. normally this idea was justified only by the institute of national remembrance , somewhere after 2015 there were expert groups and the cabinet of ministers approved the organizing committee, and even we prepared it under volodymyr vitrovich, it started and was completed under me, we submitted the project of the military memorial cemetery and


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