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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. servants of god, of the kremlin. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons and ancient books. find, remove and return. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. five years behind bars for supporting russia's aggression against ukraine was received by a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region. we are talking about oleksandr liunagov from kryvyi rih, the abbot of the church of st. john the merciful of the dnipropetrovsk diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church. according to the sbu, he justified himself during sermons.
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in the full-scale penetration of the russian federation and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine, called during personal conversations with people to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help the russian troops, he himself was waiting for the seizure of dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022, he was detained. during searches mobile phones that the priest used to impose kremlin propaganda were seized. and so on february 13, he received his sentence for worship. to the kremlin star, and today's program is about those who serve russia in russia, but, unfortunately, are not yet sitting in a ukrainian prison. the kremlin's propaganda machine is very active in the temporarily occupied territories. television, newspapers, telegrams, channels, campaign leaflets, all this is now set to turn as many people as possible away from ukraine, so that pro-ukrainian sentiments disappeared in the occupied territories and there were opinions that russia would be there for a long time. there is a future with russia, the kremlin
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spends millions of dollars on it, but in addition to the media, there is also the church and priests, which the rashists actively use to impose the necessary narratives. selling pops of the neoführer's servants, the nanny performs the assigned tasks. during the service or personal communication with believers, using authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, call on the locals to go over to the side of the occupiers and help them. they are... proclaiming that ukraine has abandoned people, and russia is here and is handing out humanitarian aid and some wooden roubles. meet maksym tarasenko, a slave of the kremlin. before the full-scale invasion, he was the secretary of the kherson diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and often acted as the official position of the church in various conflict situations. in such grief, the church should be with the people, and we try to do so in the ukrainian orthodox diocese of kherson. but when it came to our land
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russia began to shed ukrainian blood, this priest decided to be close to the invaders. after the occupation of the kherson region, maksym stayed in kherson, quietly fed up for several months, and then began to appear frequently in the stories and headlines of washed-up russian media. today, the russian orthodox church honors the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation , maxim... had a new hobby, collecting items of church use, in particular icons and old church books, which the russians steal from other temples, or even from private collections of residents of the kherson region, and then they take them to tarasenko in the temple. a small non-priest rubs his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying power. we once again thank the law enforcement officers. for the fact that they are giving everything they get in the course of their...
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investigative operations to the diocese, they should return to the church, and this is a huge thank you. let's call... a spade a spade, for example, not a manhunt, but a robbery and return to the wrong church, and in the private collection of father maksym. in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. law enforcement agencies were able to find these church shrines, which may have been stolen earlier. remove and return. all this, and icons, and books, they constitute. after the de-occupation of harson , tarasenko disappeared and later appeared in crimea. instead of atoning for his sins of treason, viryan miska continues to wash away.
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i hope we will be able to see him again , but not on the screens of zombies, on the dock. this pip also openly promotes peace temporarily occupied skadovsky v. priest mykola kanyuka, abbot of the st. sergius church. in his peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, and prayed for peace. now his prayer is for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave it to the beasts to later impose kremlin ideas on them. that in their prayers peace, love and harmony may flourish in our families, our homeland and our society. pip began to appear more often in propaganda stories, here he is says that for him the clergyman is russian peace. russian peace, according to the most holy patriarch, is not some political entity, some bloc. and for us churchmen
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, it is primarily holy russia. next, kanyuka promotes kremlin ideas to children. here is a video where he held a lecture for the seventh grade of school number... one in skadovsk, in which he talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time. and so that this conversation comes not only from church officials, so that this was also violated in society, by parents. better give this pop a lecture on treason and selling. the soul according to media reports , taras kanyuka, together with the priest mykolay, decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in the st. sergius church in skadovsk. here he is talking on camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. we say again, we are a single nation,
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triune, i would even say united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son made their choice. now they will have to answer not only before the court. god's, but also earthly, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennady shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion, he was an anti-priest, abbot of the saint seraphim church in the city of hola prystan, kherson region. as a priest, he conducted his tiktok, where he answered the question of what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for peace in our country. donation of peaceful times in our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later, the school will pray for another country, the one that kills,
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tortures and destroys. when the cities of the bare harbor were occupied, he stayed and at first called to help each other and keep good in the heart. he also emphasized that it was not ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed by us back in... day, we are now, as it were , in the rear, we did not start this war with you and we will not be able to finish it. but over time , the subject of the video priest changed, as did his position. in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who had gregorian ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we are together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil said that in 30 years ukraine. turned into a failed project, and the layman called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged believers to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find a uoc temple and go there. if in the village or on
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in western ukraine, of course, it is more difficult, because many churches have been captured there. if not by the uniates, then by the peceushniks. but it is better to come once a month to a church where christ... is present, than to visit a meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer of the same year, the collaborator applied for a russian passport, and in october 2022 he fled the parish naked. kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because departure from the kherson region to the stavropol region, this is supposedly legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. that's it, he said that the ukrainian army would never enter kherson, that he was... russian, he himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood that he had talked and made
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himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. this was the collaborators program and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zamat, this is a big ether on the espressa tv channel. we're going to start this information week, we're going to recap, recap the first day, monday and today we have a lot of important information that i'll discuss with the guests and also. with my colleagues, well , we start, as is traditional, with
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the announcement of the collection. espresso is calling to join the rally on the evacuation buggy wounded and transportation of combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special purpose detachment. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so everyone join us. strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000. and you have already collected more than 100 thousand hryvnias for this important and necessary, as they say, combat unit at the front. by the way, i am very grateful to you for this, you are really very active and help to our army, i think that in the near future we will close this collection. again, for which we are very grateful. bohdan takachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district. we are in touch, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, good evening, i know , i will not even start today with the security
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situation in kharkiv and the kharkiv region, there is shelling and shelling in the village of ivazhki, during the unloading of humanitarian aid they were shelled for a long time, but i want this question, it is very urgent, relevant, and it must be discussed in order to understand the logic and consequences, well, in kupyansk... there are many people living with children, and they are offered to take people with children out, well, there are heavy battles, but in our country now i often read kirill sazonov on facebook and in telegram, well once a political scientist, now a military man, he is right there, and i read how many arrivals there are, how many booms, how many barks, and you understand what life is like there, but people refuse the fact that these are their children, well, and here to think on whether to make a forced evacuation, please tell me how to solve this issue and, in your opinion, why people... are leaving , especially since we saw an example, well, not a front-line one, relatively speaking , odesa, which is a little far from
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the front line, unfortunately, five children died from one flight, there could be a lot of such flights here, please , a difficult question, really, and this is some kind of psychological block, maybe, maybe among these people who do not want to take their children to a safer area, there are such categories of people as greedy people who hope that it will not affect them and that... russian soldiers will come, they have everything it will be fine, and they will finally wait for happiness, as they say, yes, ah, this issue has been raised since august, even since july last year, when children from the territorial communities and their parents from the territorial communities of the kupyan region were taken away, they are nearby, which later, this is already the vovchansk community, and there are others, those under the border, but in fact now osnigubov voiced. information about the fact that more than 200 children are in the territorial
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community of kupyansk, the place of kupyansk village, which are nearby, which cannot be to bring out, let's say by persuasion, conversations and so on, and parents sometimes hide their children, hide themselves, that is, they conduct such incomprehensible, well, maybe also understandable, such activities, let's say partisan, as if we... what do the authorities offer them, the military offers them some there is a wrong path, so here , you know, parents are parents, and the children of ukraine are in the first place, i believe that... the fact that there are negotiations now, well, no, not negotiations, a meeting in our military administration regarding forced eviction, and it is necessary to accept and faster, because there are still such ugly things flying there, like cabs, and let's say, no basement, or some kind of small shelter there, or under a house, or there is some other
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such improvised thing, so they won't save, so that 500 kg 1.5 tons flies there. tons, and of course we understand that there will be from this house or from this basement, well, this is the situation, besides, they are hitting not only near kupyansk, so the front line, but there is a regular bombardment of vovchansk, this is the north , this is a settlement, which is a place that is located directly near the border, and all the cabs are constantly arriving there, the artillery is also working there, mortars and everything in... the world, that is why it is such a difficult issue, i hope that it will be resolved in the near future, and no matter what the circumstances , children will be forcibly removed from there . well, you just know here, you can do such a simple thing, well, the usual algorithm to count, i think that there are specialists in the government who know what mathematics is, what algorithms are,
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make some equations, and then count how many explosions occur , how many attacks, how many more will there be, what is the percentage of that... of the possibility that it won't kill that many children, for example , if the percentage is more than 30, i'm not even talking about 50, well, some change, well, even ten, well, then you have to to save people, you just say, then you are suicidal , but it shouldn’t be like that, well, for some reason, when a person tries to jump from a bridge or run under a car, the police save this person, the truth is, here, in fact, people condemn themselves and their children to probable death , but the police don't save them then, because they don't want to, just like that gubits... also wants to jump, but the police saves him, well, we see a lot of such cases when a man is pulled out or pulled away from the road and they say no, live, a psychologist will work with you there, so maybe a psychologist is also needed here, well actually this is to say that not only quails fly and cluster munitions were used by the enemy in kharkiv oblast, whether they were strikes on residential buildings, or at least on civilian buildings or
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victims, again this is cynical, because well, in any case cluster munitions are only used for er... combat against the enemy's manpower at the front, and not in peaceful, well, not in peaceful, civilian settlements? well , i don't have specific information on where exactly the strikes were made, but regarding cluster, let's say, or non-cluster or other other means of killing, we have long since found out over these two years that the russians still have military, not military, we are ukrainians and we must be destroyed, they have already come to that, let's say. to this stage of such nazism , and that's why here they still have nothing to destroy, even before nuclear weapons, thank god, and so extermination of the ukrainians is the first thing they want to do here in ukraine, as far as forced children are concerned, well, we know that, there is information that when the russians entered, captured some territories, they did not
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hold a ceremony there, the children were packed up and taken to russia , they took them from their parents, and made , let's say... families, corrected some documents for them, changed their names, and that's why here already, you know, our kindness sometimes goes a little sideways, we lose people, we lose our wine fund, well that's about the forced shooting of these children, well, that's also information demonstrative, since the beginning of the year, and it’s not that much time has passed, the third month has begun, that is, in fact, two months have passed, since the beginning of the year , 100,000 citizens have left kharkiv due to rocket attacks, yes, there is such information, from 50 to 100 thousand, this tyrikhov and the head of the sinegubov administration also submit it, and i can confirm it, let’s say, at a lower level, because i communicate with people there in my
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house of the osb, others, and i have information that is not statistical, but rather human, so you ... they were leaving, part of them reacted to the eyes and eyes throwbacks about the offensive, about the fact that 1,000 russians had gathered there, we will return kharkiv , we will take kupen, raisin will soon be ours and so on, this was of course, but also the shelling of the city of kharkiv, the shaheds and, shall we say, the strikes that took place 2 in january, when the strikes were serious, people died, and then it was not enough, people were often not up to... so i will be in kharkiv, the house is warm, it seems that everything is in order, but the security is so, they drew conclusions, left, it is most often kyiv. for everything, as far as i know, and the second position is western ukraine, that is, they left for kyiv, somewhere business is there, work is here, and they travel between two cities, people often go back and forth, or a family,
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someone works here because he can’t leave work, they rent apartments or relatives in kyiv, and they stay with us all the time, i myself recently went to kyiv , intercity and other trains run here, they are all full, there are always a lot of people, this is an artery about... it works, that's why the situation regarding this, it's the same as the trains from lviv to kyiv are half-empty, from kyiv to lviv are full. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, for your comments. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of kharkiv of the district council, was in touch with us. now we have time literally there for a minute, before moving on to another, to another region, in our odesa region, it is a day of mourning in odesa, well , it is a day of mourning in odesa and in odesa region, i think that all of you looked at... the consequences of the attack of the enemy a shaheda in a high-rise building in odesa, in that area, well, he lives very close by, well, my
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relative, you can say that, and he was describing this story, this explosion, which fortunately for him rang out, he hummed this drone, and then the sound disappeared , and then there was an explosion, that is, probably before by the very hit he somehow went behind the houses, or how it happens in them, or maybe he turned off the engine and flew like that, i don't know. and he says it's just lucky that it wasn't his house, but it 's right next to his house, and now we see these pictures of people, five children, two babies, timofey and lisa, if i'm not mistaken, also the boy mark and there are two more children, one of them, i think serhiy, i just won’t check now, because i’m afraid to make a mistake, well, in a word, it was a family, timofey with his mother died mark died, mom was in the hospital as of yesterday, lisa, this is a girl who
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died with her two parents, you can see them in the photo now, and their two children are also older, the boy was 10 years old there , they also died, this here , you know, you can talk, but why weren’t you in a shelter, well, a lot of people are not in a shelter, i understand everything, very often there are places where there are simply no shelters, you know what kind of words, well, it’s important to say to the survivors , and, say, well, you know, you saw what happened, you just another time, please go to the shelter, but now to position it and relay it to the world is like something, but it was necessary to go to the shelter, listen, the world should know one thing, especially the world that can help us: russia killed children, russia killed ukrainians , older, very young, four months there, seven months there, eight months, they killed. because they are aggressors and you can go to the shelter and die, as it happened in kyiv, they ran to the shelter and did not make it, and even then how can you say that you should have stayed at home, here you had to go to a shelter, and if there is no equipped shelter
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within walking distance of the house, then how can you run along the roads, look for shelter, but i say, i have a shelter there at my mother’s, it’s not necessary to walk half a mile to the shelter, well, she at his age he just can't make it, now in... we have a little break with odesa, and we, i will offer, yes, now, and i will offer your attention a plot, one second, i will find it, and we will we will certainly offer you, right now, therefore, border guards detain up to 25 people every day men who are trying to illegally escape from ukraine, stated andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. it's worth it. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, camera traps and patrol dogs. our correspondents will tell you how to strengthen border protection. in these shots, men who
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tried to enter romania illegally were detained by transcarpathian border guards, thanks to a patrol helicopter. some conscript citizens try to illegally leave ukraine with fake ones documents through official points. pass, however , cases on the green part of the border are more popular. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border , there are border guards that protect the state border, in the most dangerous directions, they are detained by the forces of the border guard. the border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian border 24 hours a day, and every week they stop men trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold. at this time of year and plus to the coast of the romanian side about 30-35 m. the current is very strong and unpredictable . the most common cases
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are with the help of hydro. suits are put on so that it is not so cold, stuffing circles, children's stuffing sleeves, mattresses, boats. even at the entrance to the border zone, 70% of men who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints, said lesya fedorova, spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment. to stop the flow of illegal migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we also use piloted. tion and drones, in addition, we have strengthened engineering barriers on the state border, we also actively use them, and they show themselves very well with photo traps, as well as the installation of bispectral surveillance cameras. uav operator oleg ihrak launches a drone into the sky. from a bird's-eye view
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, the border guard detects potential enemies. for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera, it sees and can see through trees, through branches. after arrest, violators are taken to department of inspectors of the state border service. so-called smugglers often help men escape abroad. already in the past year, border guards detained almost 60 such dealers. pricing for their services starts at four. shippers themselves usually try not to contact their clients, because an attempt to illegally cross the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal shipments, they incur criminal responsibility. since the beginning of the great war in transcarpathia alone, 24 cases
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of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border were recorded, so border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. yes, we continue, and now it's time to talk about odeschyna, which is in mourning today. serhiy bratchuk is with us, he is the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, and i immediately express my feelings for odesa, odesa region, all relatives, friends and fellow citizens. co-residents, fellow citizens of all those who died as a result this attack? glory to ukraine , glory to the armed forces, thank you very much for your sympathy, we are exhaling , odesa is exhaling, we must move on, and we must take revenge, do it coldly, emotionally, we will do it hotly, of course for the enemy first of all, but we move on because we have to take revenge for this, we have to
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end this war so that no more children die. because the five children, who were each a few months old, did not understand at all what a cruel, incomprehensible world they had entered, and actually life's journey ended very quickly, 12 people, five children, this is of course a tragedy for the whole city, and not only the city, i 'm sure for ukraine as well, but the day of mourning in odesa region, it was one day or three days, did one day it was yesterday, respectively, but emotionally we are all already lobbying, constantly now, of course, but i want to say once again that in any case we remember what the enemy is doing to us, to our children, that's why let's say that for me personally this is another motivation, i don't know, for volunteers generally had enough motivation in the 14th year, but now it is becoming more furious,
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more motivated and... we will continue to beat the enemy, this is what our fighters are talking about today, no one is crying, we are holding back tears, of course, although we have our fighters , who, unfortunately, have friends and relatives who died in this tragedy, yes, and we saw that the entire family of a serviceman died there, if i'm not mistaken, it was the 56th brigade, he was deputy, deputy commander of the moral psychological brigade. provision, and his wife, also the servicemen of this brigade, unfortunately, their daughter, but first of all, as far as i understand, they are currently assessing the condition of the house, they are dismantling that entrance, the words of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi have already been heard that the affected residents will receive a new housing, has this information already reached odesa, is there any understanding of how it is, well, it is clear that the most important thing now is, as they say, that the pain is a little bit.


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