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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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in the future, from the southern flank to the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, from the northern flank, the enemy will transfer his troops from senkivka in the direction of yampolivka and terni, and will develop the offensive in the future across the lyman to the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, i.e., the tactic is not new , the enemy is trying to use all the same light tactics, entering on the flanks, but now i want to note that he does not have any success in the lemano-kupian direction, there on... they manage to hold the front, in the bakhmut direction, heavy battles are now taking place , namely in ivanivsky , the key goal of the further success of the enemy’s offensive is now being decided there, we really have three minutes, i won’t give more, because we clearly have to switch to another program there, so the prospects of the battle during the time of the yar, the enemy will, i understand, rush there with all their might to there are not many of them left before the elections, but i understand that they want to... take, open up operational
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space for themselves further? well, look, i am looking at this story, i completely agree with my brother, because for them the issue of kramatorsk will be very important, time is the key to two sides, konstantinivka and kramatorsk. and at the same time , in kramatorsk, instead of preparing defensive lines, tenders are being announced today for the restoration of the kramatorsk market and a very large tender, now they are planting christmas trees near the kramatorsk city council. well, well, what else can i say? about this story concerning the elections, i can say that there are very big risks in kupinsk, why? it will be symbolic for the russians to grab a piece of the kharkiv region and insert into their constitution that kharkiv region is also russia, and it will be for so to speak, following the thinking about svo-2, yes, that is, zaporizhzhia, kherson, and kharkiv, if they insert the kharkiv region into their constitution as the territory of russia, and they can. they will capture two villages and
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they will tell , that is why we have to pay attention to this too, the kupinsky direction is also very important, well, in some ways, well, actually, and even more so, as you know, today we just spoke with the kharkiv region there, and they said that this russian epso that kharkiv will be captured tomorrow, 100,000 citizens have left since the beginning of the year, on the one hand, this is not the whole city, on the other hand, well, kharkiv, there are not 5 million in kharkiv, we also understand, 100,000 people say shelling, well, shelling is always there, but that’s how it is, well, we can all be, but... we saw the beginning of the war , which forces pushed on kharkiv and thank god they didn’t take it, in a few words, as an average viewer, i don’t like the word too much, to a good ukrainian who watches us, this epso is repulsed , how to distinguish it, well, literally 40 seconds, but we subscribe to tv channels espresso, we subscribe to my youtube channel, we subscribe to normal people, we don't believe it liars who talk about two or three days, two or three weeks, and we will be happy, this is the most important thing, you need to be able to analyze. the situation
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that is happening, the issue of the safety of citizens, of course, these are the feelings that the russians will play on, and as for kharkiv oblast, by the way, now odessa is also being talked about transnistria and that they will go to odessa as well then, don’t get carried away with this nonsense, listen to the official sources of the armed forces of ukraine, ask the volunteers, those of your brothers who are on the front lines, and listen to the normal news, thank you very much, mr. igor, igor lapin, a major of the armed forces, a special officer, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, was with us. and we're going to do the interim results now, because i'll be with you for another hour, you 'll bear with me, so do you expect to end us aid if trump wins, we asked you about that today, let's see if 49%, yes 51 % no, well i'm surprised, i think mostly, 49, that's 49% of the scales expect an end to the us victory, yet 51% believe that there will be no end to aid, donald. well and formed
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if he defeats the government with it, he will further help ukraine there, and thank you, thank you, so for the second hour i will be with you oleksiy holobutskyi, viktor boberenko, serhii tiran, cool guests, cool experts, stay with us, now bbc news ukraine , let's see, then continue.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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i'm watching the announcement, there's the verdict, i... and then there's a big broadcast again today, i'm sure you 'll be dreaming the verdict program is ongoing, my name is vasyl zima, serhiy rudenko will join the work, i hope in the next few days, well , while we're working, i'm working in this the situation , well, with my colleagues, of course, who are preparing our broadcast for us, the second part, and before introducing the guests, i offer you a short announcement of what will actually be discussed. agency network. investigator bellingket claims that there are fsb agents among ukrainian politicians and public activists. whose names can be spun? maidan 3 remains on the agenda. ukrainians are warned about
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a disinformation campaign against zelenskyi. who can be declared provocateurs? trumpists in the us congress continue to block the american. aid to ukraine, what can be expected if trump wins the election? well, actually, we asked you today, our dear tv viewers, whether you expect the end of us aid in the event of a victory trump, well, we haven't received help yet, we believe that we will, but i don't see well, but in my opinion we are now, and we will announce the intermediate results then, there was more, by the way, that was more interesting. there were those who expected that there would be help, than those who expected that there would be no help, this is positive, but even here on youtube there is a vote, in our country, by the way, you can also vote here, 45% believe that there may be the end of aid, and 55% believe that no, even under the presidency of donald trump, and
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aid to ukraine will continue to flow, well as long as the war will continue in one way or another , it is now going on in full scale, as they say. this is a big war, this is not a frozen conflict , there is no anti-terrorist uprising, this is a war, a big war, and we are living in this war, and we will talk about it, with us oleksiy holobutsky , political scientist, deputy director of the situation modeling agency, mr. oleksiy, congratulations i congratulate you, i know that mr. oleksiy, a political technologist, it is not possible, but here i can write a political technologist, mr. oleksiy holobutsky, thank you, thank you, and serhiy tiran is with us, a political scientist and also, let's stop there. ok, ok, so be it, political scientist , and viktor will also join us, and there is, viktor bobarenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis, mr. viktor, greetings to you from the indomitable sumyshchyna, good health to you, so i will start with that i will ask
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you to answer this question, do you expect the end of us aid in the event of trump's victory, yes or no, mr. oleksiy, your first answer is, well... yes, based on what trump has been doing under during his first presidency, well, probably not he will help, it's just that we can expect a slightly different type of help in ukraine from him, okay, what else, i think, we will find out during our broadcast, and that's how we continue serhiy, mr. serhiy, your opinion, well if in short, i hope the details on this ... talk later , then i think that after the apparent return of trump to his post, there will be an attempt at a grand geopolitical bargain with russia, possibly with the participation of some other actors, but mainly with russia, and here is the argument under
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trading time will be the weapon that the united states will or will not be provided to ukraine, so the fact that weapons will be a factor in this game is clear, but will this geopolitical game end? that they will stop providing military aid, i doubt it, it may, for example, quite easily happen that trump will not agree on anything with putin, and support for ukraine, maybe even more. the scale will be renewed, so weapons will play a role here, but he definitely does not know the answer to your question, i think that even trump does not know these answers to your question. and, mr. viktor, what do you think about this? so, what i confirm, serhiy's words , is that even trump does not know what will happen, only the lord god knows what will happen, but trump, well, first of all, he is a populist, he is eccentric , he is passionate, but in
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the united states the role of the individual in history is not as decisive as in the same russia, and therefore, i think, institutions work there, trump is not the only one who will shape the policy of the united states in relation to ukraine, and still republicans have a lot of people, who remember, not that... mccain, but they also remember reagan, yes, and that's why the republicans will not leave us without support and accordingly trump will, well, we need to pay attention to this, and secondly, yes, they will not come to an agreement with putin, this is clear, because trump is a supporter of easy solutions, like let's sit down and decide, but what about putin well, one of our politicians has already tried... he will come to an agreement in the middle, and we know what happened from that,
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trump will not come to an agreement in the same way. yes, well, and then he will take our side. yes, i will remind our viewers that it was under trump that russian fighter jets were struck in syria. it was because of trump that ukraine received weapons, it was because of trump that the wagnalov fighters were destroyed in syria, there from black hawk helicopters, well, it was because of his presidency, i just want to remind you, because someone thinks that trump is so peaceful. not at all peaceful, but now a russian dog, they are now according to oleksiy danilov, and here i would believe him, obviously he is voicing real numbers, because it is not, well, there is no need to manipulate or invent anything, it is there, how many there are 166 or how many millions of pro-russian or russian posts appear on the network for a month, in my opinion, in a month, if i'm not mistaken, 166 million, it's about ipso, how do the russians work, let's start with the fact that
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the ukrainians are warning about a disinformation campaign against zelenskyi, here i would expand this issue a little, because not only against zelenskyi, but also disinformation about the situation at the front, i read about this yesterday in the general colonel oleksandr syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he also writes about this, that you should be careful, because the russians will say whatever you want to say about avdiyivka, bakhmud there, ugledar, robotina and so, is russia really investing now? in this ipso and what it is important for, what it is mainly aimed at, and is there really a link here too to the fact that soon there will be a time when 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency will come to an end, well, we all understand that he will be the president , but you can play on this, mr. oleksiy, well, the russian pso has been working in ukraine, well, seriously since 2005, since 2006, and... huge amounts of money were invested, networks were created, there were serious political lobbyists,
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yes, that's why , to be honest, there is nothing new here there is no principle, they were spent , how effectively they spent this is another question , how effective it is now, also a question , but they are spent, of course, and we lived in russian narratives for years, we consumed russian, russian content, no one in... saw any in this problems, absolutely, all those people still influence the cultural policy and the information policy of the country in one way or another, they just believe that if it can be done in one month or one year, change that war, of course , this is a huge shock for population, but there are certain cultural codes that even such shocking circumstances do not change, do not change in people. an idea of ​​the same russia or of ukraine in one day, this is a vivid example, for example, the great
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popularity of the russian tv series, the word "boys" last year in ukraine, exactly, this, this, these are all the results of the work that russia is conducting, and it's always you, we see what happened, i always see my colleagues, so-called and not so-called, who stand absolutely on, well, allegedly on patriotic positions. moreover, they work in pools opposition politicians, of course, who talk every day about navalny, about how many flowers there were, and something else, so to speak. it all works too, this too, this too, this is also russian mischief, so we don’t talk there, that is, we constantly want to see some ideas, well, that is, in principle, many people in principle still do not perceive russia as an enemy, perceive it as the enemy is exclusively the ruling class, so to speak, the top of putin and
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a few other people, and so, in principle, the russians, well, more or less normal on... that's why this vso, and regarding the legitimacy of the president and all other issues, well , yes, legal disputes continue here, but the problem is not only in constitutional powers, but in the perception of legitimacy in such a simple version, yes, that is, by people, that is, a certain part of people , who do not like zelenskyi, or who believe that zelenskyi is doing something wrong, for them it will be certain. point regardless of whether it will be the result of the work of the russian ipso or simply the result of the fact that, well , really, well, i read interviews of lawyers, i don't lawyer, who talk about it seriously enough about the problems that really exist and the ways to solve these problems, probably the office of the president is also thinking about this, but again , uh, we have already passed such a moment, yes
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, remember what it was called there operation shatun , and now... it will be called operation maidan 3 or something else, well, this is the normal practice of any government when, when, let's say, its rating starts to decrease and some problems appear, to look for part of its own problems to transfer to internal enemies, which is very good, if it is possible formalize it as sponsored or sponsored or in some other way by russia. you don't know much, so i 'll stop right here for a little bit, because it's important to understand, but let's talk with mr. serhii, because i clearly understand that the constitution provides for certain things, we've never had a big war, maybe we need to now prescribe some kind of government and national unity, some kind of rescue government, i don't know, that is, then you have to think, if the constitution says five years and that's all, and it doesn't say anything else, well, it's not in the constitution
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written down, we understand that this is how the president is needed and he should be, he is the supreme commander-in-chief, he has been in this war for two years, despite those who love him, do not love him... well, and again, well, he will not be the president, then stefanchuk said, come on, let him try to be the commander-in-chief, and then the question, here is the question, is whether to leave everything as it is, because there will definitely be someone who will shout that the king is not real, but what will change from that, it is not, well, we globally understand that this will not change anything, there is a war and it must be won, that's all, mr. sergey in your opinion, what steps can be taken here, or should we simply close the issue and say that this is how we live, well, this is the situation. although the constitution says about 5 years, well, but here we are now, well, i won’t say there was to understand the consequences of any of our words and conclusions, if suddenly someone raises the question of the legitimacy of the current government, then this means that new elections must be held , well, who can now organize safe democratic elections in ukraine, and no one, so now it is obvious that
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the government will remain as it is, and any there are talks about its illegitimacy. they will be, well, actually very, very harmful to what is happening in ukraine right now, because it will undermine the legitimacy of ukrainian institutions in general, so now, while the war is going on, while the war is going on, i think that any questions about illegitimacy of the current government are completely inappropriate and can actually be used by russia. when you're talking about a government of national trust, that's a different matter. by the way, i have been saying this for a long time, when during the war the authorities. had to be approved difficult decisions, well, for example, related to mobilization or related to some other things that the state is forced to do, although these are completely unpopular things, a government of national trust is needed, moreover, it would be very beautiful and right , if during the war the authorities would initiate
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a government of national trust at the very beginning of the war, a great war, because it would be a signal to the world that ukrainians are united, that they will not engage in... political struggle, and not there will be no political struggle because the state of national unity is when all its political forces are united in one government, then in fact there is no opposition in particular, there is no one to criticize, so it would be the right step, but it has nothing to do with this question of the so-called legitimacy or the illegitimacy of president zelenskyi is another issue, completely different, and i believe that in principle a government of national unity could be created, it would be a very good... signal, because actually sometimes, you know, we say that in we don't have politics, but sometimes politics cuts through because of some kind of violation, a selective violation of the right of position, or about the fact that... we , for example, still do not have freedom of speech in matters where it could be, well, for example, not military matters, matters related to corruption, matters which touch on those things that are needed in the country
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in order to strengthen our defense, because there, for example, there would be no need to introduce censorship, and we have it in the form of a so -called single telethon, therefore, therefore, in fact, these political issues cut through, but i wish there were fewer of them, but the government of national trust, it would be so good from... all the questions are in the eye, but what about what russia will do and use the so-called legitimacy or legitimacy of power as ibso, yes, i have no doubt about it, russia is waging information wars against it is not the first year of ukraine, it has been waging this information war even for the first ten years, moreover, this war has always been called hybrid in our country precisely because of this information component, so there is no news here, just to distinguish the information. this war of russia and discussion of urgent problems that are really needed in ukraine, for this we need to learn how to react, for example, by canceling this information policy in
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the form of a single marathon, for example, by allowing a certain discussion on some issues that affect, for example, changes and reforms in in ukraine, and not only there military issues, regarding military issues, censorship should definitely remain there, that is clear, but that if things touch on non -military issues, then it would be possible to allow... more freedom, more discussions, and if this discussion took place, there would be less room for russian information operations, because there would be no sensation in the nonsense that russia says, and of course it will launch these informational provocations, it will always launch them , you just need to be able to separate them from the reality in which we live and understand that during the war, any enemy in times of hybrid war will give only the information that is beneficial to him. therefore, all information that comes from russian sources, any that touches the authorities, that touches the opposition, it should be perceived precisely that any information that comes from the enemy, it is part of the information
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war, and accordingly it should be perceived as a threatening aggression, if we learn to perceive it in this way, then the effectiveness of all these ips will be minimal. you know, i even remember once writing a humorous poem, about december 1 there was supposed to be a coup there, i don't remember what year, there was a holiday on december 1, there was a coup, well, nothing happened there, but i just you know when you read about maidan, maidan 3, well, first of all, this is already maidan four, because we had the student maidan, the orange revolution and the revolution of dignity, this is already the fourth maidan, but why parasitize what is sacred for many ukrainians in the topic, call it anti-maidan 3, there or something, well, the first anti-maidan was for yanukovych, the second anti-maidan was somewhere there, and let this be the third anna baidan, mr. viktor, i would like you to tell me about this very topic, why these... make scarecrows, using the name, which is a holiday for many ukrainians, because the maidan is global up to 12 million ukrainians took part, well, directly, is it directly or
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indirectly in 2013-14, please, yes mr. vik, well, this is the case with us, just when maidan is being threatened with maidan 3, those who were on the antimaidan, yes. i mean there are all kinds of tatars, and in the president's office there are many people who were at the anti-maidan, or at least supported that side, including quarter 95 , which left not far away, and we remember the ebonite sticks, and what can i say , that very often it is beneficial for the office to warm up this topic the president, what is there o... some unknown people, we know their names, this, but these are some unknown people, well, unknown for now, they don't tell us the names that they want to promote, to
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question the legitimacy of the president, who is it these people are interesting, because well, if they are in the opposition, maybe it is poroshenko, no, the eu has fully supported declaring that they will be there, absolutely consider it legitimate, that is, if... it is not european solidarity, if it is not the remnants of the vote, then who it? opzzh sits there quietly, quietly and evenly, so that they are not touched and so that they wouldn't end up nearby, or them, so that they wouldn't be arrested like medvedchuk once, or this one, gentlemen, like him, well, you got it, yes, yes, yes, shufrych, so as not to end up in the same cell with shufrych, then no one will be'. that is, there are no people in the parliament who would shake up the situation, who could it be? it's like that, maybe there's someone from abroad somewhere,
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maybe? there will be some type of sharievshchyna there again, well, this is all completely frivolous, yes, of course, the russians will use it, they will try to say, this will be theirs the army, so that the army revolted, as in that film the army revolted, they say the tsar is not real, and in the film ivan vasyliovych changes his profession, it is clear that this is their goal, which is exactly what we wanted, propaganda works like this. the role of propaganda so that we have to do everything so that we have patriots, and there are pacifists, they do it in a mirror, so that we have demotivation to go to war, so that we become pacifists here, even better curse the government, but they rally their patriotism there , but speaking between us, who gives a reason for all these sums'. for there
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demotivation, who gives an excuse, you just don’t do it, don’t create corruption , explain the situation, go out, talk to the society as adults, and then explain in the end why you were fired for the alkaline, and all the rest of the steps there are some of your own explain, the government , which does not speak through society, but really speaks through the censored... the only marathon, which, well, intelligent people do not trust, but we understand that it is going to fool a significant part of the population to keep them, if, well, we have, we have an unpleasant situation when yes, russia will run a marathon, but
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they will scare the public with a marathon. oh, marathon , my god, maidan 3, yes, maidan 3, but maidan 3 will scare society, that there are some here and nod to try to move aside, well, we don’t name the name, but guess who it is poroshenko, right there or not also , although they directly state that there is no, i am there too, but we started with the fact that i am one of those who do not like zelensky, systematically, there, here i am in... an opponent, well, i fight corruption there , yes, as i can, our organization is also there, i criticize the government, but i never i will not call anyone to the maidan, because i will consider it to be an anti-maidan, so there will be no maidan, there are no normal ones, first of all, almost everyone is in the war, those who are not in the war, but in memory, they understand that you can't rock the boat, and, but
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i understand, i'm saying that the main ones... who are rocking that, well, we have some kind of social agreement that we don't fight each other, yes, but this social agreement is violated precisely by the president's office, systematically violates, i.e. let them stop violating, if this social agreement, and it will work, and we will be united in the struggle with russia, and then russia will not scatter us by any means, they shout there and say that they will invest a lot of money there, whatever money it is. i did not invest, this is the case when the money will not work, if we are united, i absolutely support you, i remember , i think you too, first we came to mykhailo square on november 30, there was a meeting there, and then 1 there was already a million march in december, i don't understand either, and no matter who says anything, well , where, well, where to go now, well, now we have to solve the main problem, which is to expel the enemy is from our land, but all other matters of legitimacy, illegitimacy, let the lawyers decide, in any case, no matter who
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decides, everything should be... for the sake of strengthening the country's defense capabilities, defeating the enemy, and not for the realization of political interests, that's why we have the president and the supreme commander, the military leadership, we are working with this, but now this is a very important topic, which means that among ukrainian politicians, law enforcement officers and public activists there are many who cooperated with the russian fsb before the large-scale invasion - said project manager berlinket khrestogroziv, promising to publish a new investigation in the near future, let's hear it. there are a lot of people who were political activists in pro-liberal organizations, and even in organizations financed by western foundations, who also met and probably received money or something else, but most likely money from.


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