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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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in any case, no matter who decides, everything should be for the sake of strengthening the country's defense capabilities, defeating the enemy, and not for the realization of political interests, that's why we have a president and a supreme commander, military leadership, we work with this, but now this is a very important topic, which means that among ukrainian politicians, law enforcement officers and public activists, there are many who cooperated with the russian fsb before the large-scale invasion, said the head of the berlinket project, hristo grozev, promising to make it public as soon as possible. new investigation, let's listen. there are a lot of people who were political activists in pro-liberal organizations, and even in organizations funded by western foundations, who also met and probably received money or something, but most likely money from the fifth department of the fsb, some of them were supervised gru, part n maybe
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something has changed inside them, i am not sure how much information should be published about them, their names, maybe they are protecting their country, but the investigation should be made public in the near future, well, here are the activists. organizations that were financed by western funds received money from the fifth, let's do it, i won't ask any difficult questions there, here is this information from hristo groziv, in principle, a person who has proven his adequacy and professionalism in the field journalistic investigations, and how to respond to it, what kind of investigation can we get, and again, here is this investigation now, what it can affect, for example, mr. oleksiyu. i have a question for you,
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a difficult one, but also a simple one, but a difficult one the question is difficult, because of the fact that we have a huge number of people who are recruited by the russian special services, this is an absolute fact, i told about this, for example, about my own story after, after grozhev's statement, and in in the 13th year , he happened to be on one'. conference, so it turned out, and after that i talked with the russian atsh about culture, well, we consumed alcoholic beverages, and after a certain time i realized that he, well, in principle, it is absolutely logical, that he is not uncultured, but an employee of the fsb. and i understood from him communications, that practically everyone at that conference was somehow recruited or cooperated with... russian special services,
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these are people whom we saw every day on tv, bloggers, journalists, and whatever say, some of them coincided after the 14th year, some coincided after the already full-scale war, some are still working, that is, not some, the greater part, are still working, influencing and so on, and in principle, if he really would named some number of such... people, this, it would be positive for the country, but just a problem in trust grozigo himself, that today i spoke on this topic with borislav berezovy and i say, oh well, it’s good if we trust him, and if you or i will be on the list, for example, yes, if, for example, how he drained in the wagner investigation, he is the same, well, now he just opened an auction there, who will pay him the most for... what surnames
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should be entered there, for example, yes, this is a very cynical world, and to be honest, after navalny, i am poisoning things, i understand that groziv is in such and such a crisis, yes, he has reached some very high level, recognition, information, and after that nothing serious happened to him, he is constantly looking for some topics that, perhaps for completely normal professional, so to speak, reasons, perhaps for some other reasons, today he stated, apparently, this information is not for him very much raised, so to speak , views on youtube, today he announced more sensational news, after which what you said, somehow i began to doubt more, so he announced that in march of the 22nd of the year kyiv came to ukraine, at least bashirov and petrov, the well-known poisoners, used to come. yes
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poisoned a locksmith in order to kill zelensky, and to be honest, well, i understand that after the navalny case, the russian special services, well, there are complete... morons, well , to be so morons as to send people known to the whole world to organize or execute such a very serious mission, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, what evidence will be provided for this, we too, so the main thing here is to constantly hype, so constantly hype, and if the names of those bloggers, activists and so on really appear , who work in russia and will be at least some evidence, well, it really can... nobody, listen, we are all sitting, you, we are all convinced, well, i hope so, and i know everyone personally that we are not on that list, yes, but there may be surprises, we are now let's go for a short one , by the way, bashirov and petrov
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went to the saltzbery cathedral there, but in ukraine they failed, well, unsuccessfully, but why bother bringing them here, it's really great there, so these killers, we are now on a short break let's go, and then we will continue this conversation, i already invite... to comment on groziv's statement. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft of the sapsan complexes of the state special transport service. the viewers of the espresso channel are asked to join in the collection of funds for torona and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. glory.
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there was a team composition for the playoff match , which will be there against bosnia and herzegovina, if we win further, or iceland or israel, but i will not talk about it now, rebrov has already decided who will go to defend the colors of the national team, but we are now talking about the protection of global ukrainian national coolies both on the battlefield and in politics, we talked about this information from khristo groziv, that he will soon conduct an investigation into who among ukrainian politicians, activists, and certain organizations that receive money from the west received it. money from the fsb, and mr. serhiu , you know that, well, i will not mention this bad joke of the president, when he was still a humorist, he once, remember, in jurmala, if i'm not mistaken, in riga there, he made this bad joke, well, this is a bad joke, i think it is
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it can be recalled that there was a case when ukraine was presented there as the one that takes from all sides, and, well, it was, it was disgusting, offensive, but that's how the screenwriters were then. wrote, as i understand it, for volodymyr zelenskyi, who was not yet president at the time, and this is about those people who take from all sides, but already in the direct sense from the west and from the fsb, mr. serhiy, in your opinion, this is the investigation of khristogroziv , and who needs it, because mr. oleksiyu, i completely agree with him, rightly said that a genre crisis is necessary, as they say, and to earn popularity first of all, here , and well, plus there are some other things, and again, so the logical question is, who is it for, who would, relatively speaking, pay for it, let's say, honestly, yes? well, let's say honestly that there is nothing, there is only a statement, and hristo groziv, as a very experienced investigator and journalist, perfectly understands that if such statements are made, then it is already a matter of professional honor for the person who makes this statement to continue
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the investigation and to name the surname, if he does not do it, then it will look like that somehow very frivolous, it will already look like a person is allegedly looking for hype, which... which i hope is not the case of hristo groziv, so let's wait for the investigation and wait for specific names, and then we can draw conclusions about who to whom, when who paid them and... and who is interested in it. i would really like such statements to always be accompanied by investigations with specific names, and these names should also be accompanied by very specific facts and evidence, because if names just appear tomorrow without evidence, then it will be also look a bit frivolous. it will look like political technology. i believe that the ukrainian state should now be... very interested in the fact that the investigation of groziev did take place, and
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specific names and specific facts were named, because the people he theoretically talks about have not gone anywhere, and somewhere they are probably doing some work of their own, or when they do, so of course ukraine needs to know what was really there, if of course it was, and we perfectly understand that in the ukrainian state, in all spheres of the time russia... were introduced, well, a lot of agents , well, that's understandable, and many of them are probably left, so we would like to know who it is and how, and that's why we expect an investigation, if this is another investigation there will be, i think, to be honest, that there won't be any large-scale revelations there, if only because the people grozev mentioned are supposedly liberal and took money from western funds, so they can't. talk directly about russian theses, so it could theoretically be some separate
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information operations to discredit someone, including pro-european politicians, but i doubt that it was such a massive phenomenon, but then again, i wouldn't want to do the work instead of grozev and speculate on this topic instead of him, so let's wait when he , being a responsible journalist and investigator, he would already say if... he already said, and well, even more so, if we are talking about political activists, liberal organizations and so on, bloggers, as mr. oleksiy said, well they will say that he took money from the fsb, and that, he is not in office, he is not decides some, and people will say, well, yes , we always knew that he was like that, we guessed, now you see, everything, mr. viktor, once again, will there be, as they say, some dry residue from this, and is it just, well... so that we can talk to the president there, maybe somewhere in the office, not even the president, i think he doesn't think about it,
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someone will think, yes, who is so interesting there , maybe, or maybe it's you ? no, it's definitely not me, well , please, god, let it end with us, because the situation is really like this, if grozdiv keeps silent and for, he said, he must he would say, if he doesn't say it, then everyone will remain guessing, and in the president's office, it will be used again... in president zelenskyi's office, and zelenskyi has repeatedly said there, including even before the war there and at the security conference that we have overcome all corruption there. like , but they are rocking the boat, they, in the same place as maidan 3, if so, but let’s consider a different
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situation, and if grozdiv and uh will call names there, i myself am interested, because , for example, i am not i was also recruited by you once, but it was very different there for a long time, there is no such thing as an anti-corruption officer, and so am i... i would be interested in colleagues in the workshop, because i also have, had many grants, and now there are grants from international funds, i will tell you by the way that the ukrainian choice of medvedchuk was also guaranteed, including with the international revival fund, they guaranteed him some kind of conference, even such a thing happened, well, but what if this is a cool , well-thought-out operation by the gru or the fsb? yes, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, and if they are now rolling out and they pushed, well
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we have a hundred percent guarantee there that he says: look, this is how the money went, we are somewhere there, and this is not provoked by the russians themselves, well, there, well, who knows, but even then it is necessary to prove, because for example those, if he calls a certain name , conditionally pupkin, and we are there, oh pupkin, we thought that... pupkin is an anti-corruption officer, he worked for the fsb, and pupkin will say his excuse that, that he was recorded, the fsb colonels were specially there . in that list and that it's all a provocation, for example, just like that, and that's why in fact, i agree with my colleagues that if there are any arguments from grozdiv, because if there are no arguments, then all this will only play into the hands of moscow and those who want anti-corruption here, well, names
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will be drowned, disgraced, yes , then grozdiv must have... such arguments, which are not refutable, that we will know for sure that yes, with pupkin, we no longer shake hands with pupkin, at least, you know, but even here, look, if we say that you they talked about recruitment, they recruited show business figures very actively, in fact, journalists there, maybe athletes there , someone else, i don’t know, well, public figures, this is a practice from soviet times, we understand it perfectly well, but at one time president zelenskyy said that this is how we will get this money about russia, well, from they received money from the state budget from... from the ministry of culture of the russian federation, give it to the russians, what should we do? no, - explains zelenskyi, well, now we can also say that you, who turned out to be the money from the main release department, you just didn't understood, and what are we going to say now , let's go, well, of course, no one will run away, so here is such a story that you can invent anyone you want and weave from those who took the money, to us literally in a minute,
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because it's already time almost none, but let's summarize about trump, we asked. about whether aid to ukraine will stop or not if trump becomes president, but while he is not president, but he influences johnson, they will sell aid to ukraine now, because it is burning, literally by the minute, mr. oleksiy, well, after the meeting of all the heads of all chambers of congress with biden, there was hope that johnson was given, this is absolutely not confirmed, but there is such an opinion, they gave guarantees that... that he, because he fights, well, he is under pressure from trump and under the fact that, after he speaks in this, gentlemen, the house of representatives will put this bill to a vote, that he will be removed from office, but this will also require the votes of the democrats, and that he is guaranteed that the democrats will not vote for his resignation, and he can rest easy
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to put it to a vote, in addition to the fact that there is also the possibility, if for... 215 votes are found in the house of representatives, to completely bypass its functionality regarding the permission or not to put bills to the vote, yes, mr. sergey, your opinion, in general , while trump is not the president, but he is actively influencing, at least on the wing of certain republicans in the house of representatives, whether aid to ukraine will pass, well, not in august, but preferably there when there is, well, at least until the beginning of april. well, today i tend to believe that will pass, but in a shortened form, and every time there will be some other things related to assistance to ukraine, the same situations will arise, until the presidential election campaign in the united states continues. however, i would like to emphasize here another story in connection with trump, that we must now be ready for
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the fact that in late autumn, well, at the beginning of winter, when there theoretically a new president will become president and there is a very... high probability that it will be trump, there will be an attempt at a major geopolitical reorganization, and it will take place trump will definitely participate, he will try to somehow talk with putin, other geopolitical actors who will have their own interests will try to play a role in this, and ukraine needs to be ready for this, so that all these agreements, which can theoretically be made, even if they are temporary, were not at the expense of the interests of ukraine. for this, it is necessary to significantly strengthen. presence in the united states, and this, by the way, is for both politicians and ukrainian experts, and in general, we have to leave, we have 30 seconds, mr. viktor, you have a little more time, then they will vote or not will vote, i think they will vote, everything will be fine, i am confident and optimistic, thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, oleksiy holobutsky, political technologist, deputy
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director of the situation modeling agency, viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis and serhiy taran, a political scientist, was in touch with us. we are now, thank you very much, wonderful guests, wonderful professional comments, summing up the results of the survey, we asked you today about whether aid to ukraine will be stopped if donald trump becomes the president of the united states of america, i honestly can't see, my eyesight is bad , i'm definitely not a sniper, but 49 yes, 51 - no, that is, 49% only believe that they are convinced that this will happen if he becomes president, no there will be help, but still the majority of ukrainians, in spite of everything... that trump will not only do, but also help. thanks for being with us, verdict program, see you tomorrow, take care, goodbye. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio,
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the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening on espresso, from now on in a new two-hour format about ukraine, the world, the front , society, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey. verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. welcome to espresso, this is an interview with the most interesting, most professional people, people in their field, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and today we will have the opportunity to talk with the same, great and terrible for russians, dmytro kuharchuk, commander. of the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade blindly. dmitry, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, khrystyna gran, glory. we planned this
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interview, but it actually overlapped with the dramatic events around avdiivka. let me remind you that it was the forces of the third osh that ensured the exit of our contingent from this settlement. and the third separate assault brigade, in fact, like no other, understands exactly what is happening and was happening these days around avdiivka. in general, this operation coincided with a military-political change of the country's leadership, as we understand it, it began under the previous head of state, continued under the current one, plus dances with tambourines around mobilization, public sentiment in general, the lowest point of support for western weapons. of our troops, and the generally tense situation in many parts of the front. dmitri, optically, what can we say, what conclusions should we
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draw from the history of avdiiv now? well, as a military man, as a battalion commander who carried out an order to destroy enemy forces, for me the most important conclusion is that in a short time we period of time, that is, my battalion... was directly there for 10 days, during this period of time we destroyed about a thousand enemy personnel with the battalion, these were constant round-the-clock assaults, the enemy was constantly changing tactics, starting with meat assaults, assaults by special forces, assaults on armored vehicles, in parallel with the constant fire damage to our positions, in parallel with the damage of... air bombs, but in between i believe, i am sincerely sure, that we finished this
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story with dignity, since, in the battalion, seeing the exit of all other units and even after evacuating many people from other units, that is, i am speaking against those who had to be evacuated, and this was... the most important moral issue for me, as well as for the wounded people in the settlement during the exit, we this task also managed to carry out, about what was difficult, well, yes, it was probably the hottest fighting since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it is worth noting that the enemy continues to advance , currently the third assault brigade and the mi-battalion are directly working in the same way. in the donetsk direction, that is, during this period of time, we already had time to be in both offensive and defensive battles. in your opinion, why did the russians not need to take
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an operational pause after establishing control directly over avdiivka, with what forces do they continue to advance further, we just recently talked about krasnohorivka, where you worked just as brilliantly and the russians got burned. in this settlement, but this does not exclude the fact that they will climb there again, by what forces, where do they get them, why not are regrouping, and so on, perhaps our estimates of russian capabilities are somewhat underestimated, perhaps we are a little fascinated by their so-called inefficiencies? look , it was not necessary from the very beginning to be fascinated by their inabilities, so as not to be... confused by their capabilities, this is the most important thing, the enemy does not know about their own losses, that is, they act according to the following principle: the command remains the
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same, they are simply given new battalions . new battalions are constantly sending an assault, their new battalions are being wiped out, but so are we at this stage, it is necessary to conduct primarily defensive rather than offensive battles, that is , defensive battles and the importance of engineering and fortification structures prepared in advance, positions, lines of defense, whatever, these are all things that must be planned in advance. as far as we have it, because there are a lot of different speculations around avdiivka in this sense, someone notes that avdiivka was well dug in, and this was the guarantee that the defense forces held the settlement since 2014, someone emphasizes that this is purely its natural the industrial landscape, let's say, played into the hands of our defense forces, which have some crazy
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positions. and so there was no further there, as in fact they are supposedly not there, further along the movement of russian troops already beyond the borders of avdiyivka, further west, i would like us to bring some clarity now, ifs - engineering and fortification structures of the second, third line of defense, whether it is there, or in sufficient quantity, or in sufficient quality, i want to emphasize that yes, if, as someone says, there was none at all. no frills, well, it's not true, reliable, if we talk about that, about their quantity and quality, then it is clear that we would like more and better, ugh, uh, thank you, thank you for this honest answer, well, i can't help but ask, actually, dances with tambourines continue in our country around ee optimization of rules and approaches to mobilization, eh, many note that...
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a competent, proven approach, such as the third osha applied, namely recruiting, not mobilization, should become the main model by which people will be recruited into the army in our country. we see that many people have already responded to the initiative of the ministry of defense people, the last figure i saw was just a few weeks ago, it is 50,000 citizens, of course, all the mobilization plans - it will not cover, but less than a hundred. how do you see the implementation of the replenishment of the personnel of the ukrainian army now? well , look, if we are talking about the recruitment campaign of the shbr, then it is not based on empty words, it is based directly on our affairs, on the survival of our personnel, and on combat training, that is , the recruitment itself must rely on something, it relies
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he is on the result. can we say that the third oshb is actually, you know, what it is called , is self-made, created itself, made itself, with a corresponding role, with a corresponding basis, and i will surely not be mistaken if i say that, in principle, the third osha relies, in particular, on the backbone of the azov family, yes, many representatives of the former azov regiment are now involved in the work of the third. oshab i remember how our partners were wary of the idea that weapons provided to ukraine could end up in the hands of, for example, the azov regiment. an honest answer, i hope, will come from you now, whether the third oshb does not face such a problem, or whether you get everything you need to carry out, in fact, the most complex operations, for which you, well, which you are actually
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given to implement. well, look, if we talk about self-made, then i can confirm this, since i myself am a veteran of the azov regiment and the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, of which i am the commander, and it was created by me and my team, in warehouse on at that moment still teroborony azov, then csoo azov and then directly this unit was reformatted into units of the armed forces of ukraine, the third assault brigade, as for the fears, i think that once again we have to talk about the result of implementation, every commander would like his personal the composition was equipped with 100% ibk weapons, but i cannot conduct a comparative, comparative analysis, for example, with other brigades, because it may sometimes seem that some brigades have more than this, but i am their organizational staff structure and their distribution to them.


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