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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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well, which ones are actually given to you for sale? well, look, if we are talking about the selfie , then i can confirm this, since it is also about the skeleton of azov, i myself am a veteran of the azov regiment and directly the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade , of which i am the commander, it was created by me and my team, in the composition of at that moment , teraborony azov, then csoo azov, and then directly this unit was reformatted. in the units of the zsu, the third assault brigade, as far as concerns are concerned, i think that once again we have to talk about the result of implementation, every commander would like his personnel to be equipped with ibk weapons for 100%, but i cannot conduct a comparative, comparative analysis, for example, with other brigades, because there it may sometimes seem that some brigades have more, but i don't know about their organizational and staff structure and their distribution to them... i don't know about staff weapons,
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so my opinion here may be of some kind, but it will be subjective, well, thank you, thank you for this answer, in fact, it's just interesting, how does the military have something like that, but they do leopards, and they work with them, but they did not give us, i can, i can, i can assure you that it is, but again, my planning of the battalion commander, it takes place at the tactical level, although we are quite like that. ., as avdiivka showed, we perform tasks at the operational level, and of course, what we see is that those leopards, those ambros abrams and those bradleys, and we do not have this, it is clear that this causes a certain dissatisfaction, again - after all, everyone has their own role in this war, everyone has their own mission, their own tasks, and i can assume that they have them, we don't, some other tasks are planned, unlike ours, so far the war. not finished
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, so i can’t give a final answer on this account, well, recently for the first time there was a frank answer to the question about our actual casualties, the answer to this question was given by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, at a big event dedicated to the second anniversary of the large-scale russian invasion of ukraine . everyone immediately grabbed their calculators and began calculating how this correlated with what the general had previously announced... how it correlated with what do we know about russian losses, exclusively verified, someone, someone's numbers match, someone's do not match, but in general, how do you feel about the idea of ​​declaring our losses at this stage as dead and possibly wounded, missing in the future, look, i always speak to be honest, so i'm really sure it's worth... would be
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to announce that there's going to be a full-scale war at the moment it's been pointed out, and that i hope the figure is true, whatever it is, whatever it doesn't sound like it, but the figure is 31,000 ukrainian of the military with such an intensity of hostilities, this is a low number, as far as enemy casualties are concerned, it seems to me that they are still more, considering... the nature of the hostilities, the personal assaults that are taking place, then for some reason i think that there are more of them, perhaps this figure did not include the component component, were not part of the russian army, and perhaps this component did not include the component of the so-called ardlo units, which also only recently became part of the russian army, so if these losses are directly exclusively cadre russians, cadres of the russian army, then they... may correspond to reality, if we
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also take into account the pmc wagner, of which more than 60 thousand depended only on the same bakhmut, plus ardlo units, yes, which are there too, well there are 50-100 thousand, well, i take it as an allowance, then in principle, in the final version, this figure, this component component may correspond to some reports of the general staff, which he provided before that, huh. well, the future of the 24th and plans for the 25th year, in fact, many note that we now have to stand firmly on the defensive, but it should be a fairly active defense with efforts to look for the weak points of the enemy and strike at these weak points, if we find them, is it possible to implement this strategy now, which was in principle... noted
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by the previous head , supported by the current head, as we can see from his first public big speeches, and whether it will lead us, perhaps to prospects. to some, well, let's say, more active positions for us? well, first of all, every person who read military books did not even study, yes, there are no military academies like me of military education, knows that the initiative is only possible in the offensive, at this stage, for example, in the donetsk direction, it is still impossible to advance, although it is possible to carry out certain local offensive works for... the recapture of our settlements and forest belts, therefore, if we if we are talking about defense, then it should in any case be an active defense, a maneuverable defense, which will give priority to the enemy to realize his initial
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goals. as for the 24th year, it is difficult to predict, but i noticed such a feature. that the ukrainian people very often hopes for western support, western aid, that someone will give us something one day, and this inferiority complex, why prevents ukrainians from relying on themselves in the first place, i am simply considering completely different scenarios, and for sure some of these scenarios do not look realistic, all - still, we are doing it in order to be more realistic, but if ukrainians do not take the issue of mobilization more... seriously, then more pessimistic scenarios can become a component of the future ukrainian history. dmitry, thank you for this conversation, extremely important, long -planned, i really wish you military luck,
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it is extremely important, and we definitely look forward to new meetings, because for our society. it is also very important to hear the opinion of our military, who are directly involved in hostilities. dmytro kukharchuk, slip, commander of the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, a storm of russians who have already managed to demonize and legend him, and absolutely deservedly so, you know, as well as the entire third osh. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and it was exclusive interview for espresso. stay with us in the future.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast , my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time,
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many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war more talk, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what is happening in the world. what happened , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to chechen for the information about culture news, presenters, who have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, as well. was the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. there are discounts on bronholitin
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phyto, 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on fcalor, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are discounts on valerian. bulgarian - 10% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. premium sponsor of the national team - represents united by football, stronger together! hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a ship's. kherson included live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
6:11 am
we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big broadcast by vasyl zima. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about. and now yuriy fizar and yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what... happened in the world. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. les boys!
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congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber we talk about the temporarily occupied crimea and the ways of its de-occupation. of integration, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i greet dera moghopayeva. selyam aleykum, khrystyna khanim and all the viewers. well, let's start by outlining this week's main topics. of course, crimea was on the lips of ukrainian officials and our international friends, it was also talked about abroad, this is connected with the anniversary of the large-scale invasion of the second anniversary of the large-scale the invasion of the russian federation into ukraine and of course. with the events that took place 10 years ago, no one forgot that this has been going on for 10 years, and no
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foreign institution or any other institution will convince us that we have been living in a war for only two years, just like that in order to bring victory closer, we actually call on you to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, and a large number of our colleagues have already joined in the same way. to the military campaign against the russian occupier, and we have a whole battalion that is being formed one way or another and which sets itself the ambitious goal of liberating the crimean peninsula, ayder , please remind me, well, this is the crimean 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibijakhan, i think that all our viewers, regardless of whether they are crimean or ukrainian, we all ... this is the hero of the crimean people, the first
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president after the collapse of the russian empire of crimea, well, then he was killed, like all ukrainian figures of that time, and this is the battalion, which is named here, his portrait on the chevron, and he once dreamed of crimeans all lived there fortunately, that... er, no one disturbed or destroyed their lives in any way, his dream did not come true, he was killed, he was killed by the bolsheviks, the russians killed him when they came together with almost everything except. the intelligentsia of that time, and it so happened that lenur slyamov, the head of the crimean tatar tv channel atr, where i have the honor to work, he is now the battalion commander of the separate assault battalion of the 48th oshb of the nomanychalidzhikhan armed forces, where he has been the commander for more than six months, and
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they serve there and our crimeans, many, by the way, from which you probably also know, just in the face. according to some reports there or simply by life, who lived in the crimea, well, there are many people there from all over ukraine, and ukrainians from the crimea, and even from volyn, from glechyna, from completely different regions, who strive to fight together with the crimeans for the crimea in the southern direction, they are there and they need our support, you surely know, you know exactly what the difficulties are now in the army, the lack of ammunition, the lack of... almost all such things that are simply in need every day, so i am asking you how call this phone to, if you want to call, how to say it correctly, well, to become shorter , to recruit, yes, i’m sorry, yes, you can call this battalion, as well as qr codes, there are
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card numbers, paypal, so what, we have to collect, by the way, for the plan is... 50 drones with night vision with tv cameras already collected thanks to you 40 pieces, 10 left, i think we will collect it this week, help close this collection for this next week, thank you very much and for your attention and for support, together to victory harim serbes solajak, well, now we will talk about what trends are observed in the temporarily occupied crimea, while for... their effectiveness, newly appointed, newly arrived on the peninsula fsb officers who regularly detain someone, regularly search someone, regularly become victims of this pressure, in particular representatives of the crimean tatar people, and very often these are people who are connected with religion, this completely refutes the thesis that
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was emphasized by the court in the hague, something. there is no persecution, and there is no persecution in any way, not because of origin, not because of religion belief or ethnicity, let's say, both ukrainians and crimean tatars are persecuted in crimea solely because of political position, the court in gaza tells us, and it is very difficult to agree with it. i skander bariev, head of the crimean tatar resource center, member of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. eskander, you are welcome. glory. in ukraine. good day, hero glory. salam aleikum. well, i think the first and obvious question is what, in your opinion, iskander, is connected with such an intensification right now of religious persecution, in fact, a national sign. ah, is it really there, here i am, as grisya said, that some new portion
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of these fesbshny aliens have arrived there, or is it, well, that is, it is definitely more visible to you? because the crimean tatar resource center monitors all this carefully and every day. please. well, first of all, i, you correctly said about this that, in what way, well, it is also connected with the decision of the un international court. ah , because right here i would like to draw attention to the fact that immediately after that decision, ah, well, in relation to the crimean tatar resource center, i.e. the crimean tatar resource center was announced. organization , the unwanted organization of the russian federation, this is, firstly, secondly, we know about many of them, about the fact that there are many searches and arrests, but we cannot talk about all of them, because the relatives of these people are trying, well, very they ask us
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not to talk about it, and there is such a tendency here that when they detain her at night... they take her away, then promise that if they don't talk about all this out loud there, they can let them go, that's how they do some people they let go, and then, and then it also provides information for others, that for the family, for everyone, it is more important that a person is free, than in a prison or other city freedom, and that's it. indeed, as far as we know, they conduct many searches of people who were involved or are involved in local and regional minjlis, such searches took place. and in the simferopol district, and in the nizhniygorsk district, and in other districts, and people do not, do not want us to write about it, but we still collect
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information and record it, although i do not agree with therefore, i believe that it is necessary to talk about it, it is necessary to speak about it out loud, and the most important thing is to record and document it, because unfortunately, unfortunately, the decision of the international court was just that. because an insufficient evidence base, as it says in the decision, an insufficient evidence base was presented by the ukrainian side, so here we need to draw conclusions and more often and more clearly document all these violations of human rights that occur on the territory of crimea, unfortunately, there is such a trend in crimea now, well, we see that... not only crimeans now the russians are detaining, specifically crimeans of crimean tatar origin, but also
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crimean-ukrainians, but today there is again information that two citizens who were recruited by the special services of ukraine to carry out terrorist attacks have been detained in crimea, gauleiter aksyonov writes about this, he thanks a lot fsb officers for effective work. and apparently, we are drawing, unfortunately , the next, perhaps even political prisoners, or, again, this is purely a game of muscles, why aksyonov, kostantinov and all these people are now so it is important to remain on the agenda to demonstrate one's effectiveness, which , to be honest, is under a big question , it is ineffectiveness, ideal, just ideal, yes, well, look, the fact is that first full-scale aggression... russia against ukraine, right here - this was not the case in crimea before, when explosions began to appear there, when
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damage to the climbing wall began to appear there, when effective, let's say, sabotage actions began to be carried out there, and this is just right, including in terms of information and the fsb, and so on by a hoyulaire as axiona. and kostantinov , it is necessary to constantly inform the residents of crimea that how effectively the power structures, the occupation power structures, work there and how they find certain people, in fact , this is what happens there, well, let's say that our activists are there - that's right, then, that our activists are trying to help us - that 's right, that our activists are trying to demonstrate as civil resistance, well, when ukrainian flags appear, when inscriptions appear, when information is provided, how something is going happens, with all that, when
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they try to hide, well, for example, if an air alarm starts in them, then they, and first of all it is in sevastopol and in kirch, they use such a smoke screen so that it is not possible to photograph or record . on the video, how their air defense systems work , and for this, they are trying to do all this, and besides, so that ordinary people do not see all this, well, on the other hand, when we talk about all this, then here they have to demonstrate that something happened there an explosion or something, well, or some kind of event, they alone immediately begin to search among activists, among representatives, say, people who had something to do with the system of the korolt ​​between the forests, conduct searches, kidnap people,
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first they torture them, and then provide information , and in addition, they created such a civil, i would say so, a facebook civil movement, both bloggers and smersh, bloggers try to participate in all of them. events, which, well, let's say, including cultural events, and try to find, why there is nothing russian there, or why there is something ukrainian in order to start an information campaign against these event organizers, well, on the other hand, when we talk about smersh, they are the ones who first come to these people who expressed their support there of ukraine have expressed. they said, well, they honestly said that this is not the svo, but a war, they come to them, torture them, then try to get them to
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publicly, well... call, and then anyway the fsb and the occupation forces open administrative cases and punishment in the form of fines or arrests. iskander, i would like to ask you to make such a volume of one more, well, it is related, but still, we constantly see, well, almost every week, that i will delay. new spies, saboteurs in crimea, and i simply want to know what scale this espionage mania was on the occupied peninsula, who they are taking, how they are torturing people there, forcing them to sign there, in fact, these suspicions, as the occupiers are called , i don't know what is happening with this particular part of the repressions in crimea, well... c
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first of all, when we say how they are responsible for all this, well, first of all, i want to say that all of them, for example, are members of the local majlis, and there were more than 2,500 of them at the beginning of the occupation, they are on their list, and they directly in pencil, and they directly, well, in direct texts say that we have all of you in pencil, and when we need to, we will come to you and... conduct searches in your place, this is first of all, -secondly, ah, further, all these people who are trying, let's say, something there, including to use independently of the russian federations, social networks, this means facebook and others, they also try to respond to everything, so many
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of the residents of crimea are not very active now. on facebook in general, then, as for the people themselves, here, starting in 2014, they began to educate, or re-educate, people so that a neighbor could cheat on a neighbor, or they began to send their agents there in the mosque, or put on the phone and... collect information, that is, in this way, they look for any information they can get get caught and then carry out all repressive actions, so people are more and more intimidated, but all the same there are people who are still ready to fight, and for our part, we constantly inform that they should be
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maximally... protected in terms of protection systems and so that the occupiers do not come to them. i know, iskander, well, you know even more that the occupiers have such and such software, which allow, well, in the case of detention there, to see even those messages that were deleted to the owners of the phone, to the owners of, i don't know, ipads, tablet, computer, it doesn't matter, and maybe there are some other nuances that i don't know about, nuances that can help people there, pro-ukrainian, our people, somehow, well, not completely, but at least partially, a little bit, well, save yourself , to allow, not to allow them to repress our best people there, there are some tips, some security techniques, i don't know.
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well, first of all, it is really a specialist, he can find the information, even if it has been deleted, and that is why we offer to change the gadgets that are used there, this is firstly, secondly, if they already use social networks, and first of all, when they use and communicate there with us, for example, there or with people or. relatives on the mainland of ukraine, then we advise you to use the signal, because it is more protected, we do not recommend actively using it, unfortunately, many people use telegram without knowing it, because really telegram is a...


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