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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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not to allow them to repress our best people there, there are some tips, some security technique, i don’t know, well, first of all, really, a specialist, he can find the information, even that which has been deleted, and that is why we offer to change the gadgets there, which they use, this is firstly, secondly, if they use... already social networks, and first of all, when they use and communicate with us there, for example, with people there or with relatives on the mainland of ukraine, then we we advise you to use the signal, because it more protected, we do not recommend actively using it, unfortunately, many people use it without knowing telegram, because indeed telegram is... well, it can be actively
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used, it is actively used by the special services of the russian federation, and that is why we constantly talk about it, in addition , we suggest that, let's say, these people who communicate with their relatives, i don't mean activists or others, should use other gadgets that they don't use every day, for example, this is very important. well, you really need to check everything let's say our publications, which used to be in order to really maximize all this, all the more so it concerns these activists who are possible on the lists of the occupiers, and here it is very important to anticipate all of them. processes
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, well, it is clear that no one can guarantee anything and cannot in any way secure themselves in the occupied territory, but these tips are actually correct, do not ignore them, i am asking you all who watch us both in crimea and in other occupied territories, divide your gadgets into public, no public, etc., i still have questions for iskender bariyev, he is... well, he is in prison in siberia, the first deputy of the midjlis, the head of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people, our colleague and comrade nariman dzhelialov, and now there is not much about his fate, unfortunately , they mention it, well, they mention it in ukraine, but not much either, the attention of the entire world society is drawn to navalny, to other russians there, but he is in prison in russia for a long time:
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he was convicted, he was snoring, and we must constantly talk about him and remind him and to myself and to others, that it's simple, it's not just a citizen of russia , whom they put there illegally, it's a person who was forcibly deported, who was repressed, just because she lived in her homeland, what can you say about what's happening now with the norwegian, how he, what is there, what, what, what information you have, and generally know. and the second question, many do not immediately understand why the kremlin does not all leave crimea, or the most active there, that there is danger, etc., and really everything is very bad, the occupation, the great war, and what is the motivation of people even under such pressure to stay in crimea? i apologize that there are two questions in one, but please, i think it is necessary to start with the second, i will start with the second question, because... well, first of
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all, it is very important for the crimean tatars that the indigenous people remain in crimea, because in the future, development and preservation will first of all be connected when we all leave our, let's say ties with crimea, this is firstly, secondly, it is very important that they are not simply preserved. there, and it is very important to maintain and preserve their identity. therefore, indeed, when we are still talking, including returning to the international court of the united nations, here precisely thanks to the activity demonstrated by the representatives of the crimean tatar people, regarding education in the crimean tatar language, we can clearly say that they really tried to close two schools
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people, well, they were forced to leave these schools, and they didn't close them, that is, this is an example of when you can demonstrate the struggle, demonstrating the struggle, let's say, more for the preservation of identity, yes, indeed, they all they are trying to close the crimean tatar classroom and the dynamics show everything about it, they are looking for other opportunities to close the crimean tatar schools when they unfortunately, i think that they will put more
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pressure on people after the decision of the international court, because they refrained from such actions , that's why they were forced to close schools there, unfortunately, i think that... that in the future they will put more pressure on the name to destroy with the aim of destroying the identity of the original crimean tatar people. as for narimanets, she wanted to, and this is true first of all, he is a symbol of the struggle of the representative body of the crimean tatar people of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, because he is the first deputy of the representative body of the indigenous krasnoyarsk people. and now he is in minusinsky, that is, in siberia , and there he is actually in a colony, he is with him, including our compatriots from crimea, and this is good in my opinion, because we understand when you are among
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primarily others, that is, other citizens who have a different mentality and other, in addition, when we say that, let's say, narimant dzhelyalov found himself among, let's say, including recidivists and so on, and here it is very important that there should be some kind of support from the inside. as for the situation in general, now 184 people from crimea are in the territory of the russian federation in colonies, and of them exactly 125 are representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and really everyone... it is very important for us that we maintain ties, so that we tried to provide them with help and support, and we are looking for them as well there is a possibility that there is also among, say,
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the russians who are trying to help in some way, but now the conditions are different compared to full-scale aggression, and indeed. tion with political prisoners in the territory of the russian federation, it is very difficult, and here we really need to talk more, more about this issue, and in addition, the crimean resource center works systematically, and we see, well, in relation to international law, we we see more of such a perspective for, say, exchange, just as we were initially talking about the nomanachi battalion. and on the charge of involvement in the battalion named after noman chilibzhikhan , more than 35 political prisoners are now in the svobody prison. in our opinion, if they are recognized as prisoners of war in ukraine, we
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will do everything within the framework of international law so that they can be exchanged, because political prisoners cannot be exchanged. in relation to international law, although this also happens, but prisoners of war, just in accordance with the third geneva convention, they should and can be exchanged, and here is exactly the mechanism by which we could at least release and exchange 35 police officers who are in the city districts, we understand in the same way that a large number of civilians who, in particular , tried to carry out... what is called civilian journalism within the peninsula already when professional professional journalists were unable to do this, and iryna danylovych and mykola semena, we also remember these people who actually suffered from the repressive
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russian machine, an extremely difficult story, and for them, for civilians as well we have to fight, but to look for some options that... the russian federation would go to, that is , to put them in an uncomfortable position, this should be our goal. now let's take a short break, mr. iskender, please, no, do not disconnect. because there are still several questions that i really want to ask you, in particular, about how ukraine feels about crimea and itself with crimea and without actual control over crimea, for these 10 years, the president and the ukrainian military spoke their word this week, and our friends from abroad, let's remember it, let's put accents, be with us. there are discounts for vitamin d3, d3 max 10% in pharmacies
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together!
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we continue the project, razom beraber, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. with you are khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev, as well as skender bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, a member of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people. as noted, this week there was a lot of talk about crimea and very aptly. actually, the president noted, and the forum itself is nicely named, on february 26, 2014, the war began in crimea. volodymyr zelenskyy said, today we remember the events that took place 10 years ago, took place in the ukrainian crimea, when our peninsula was stolen by russia, and when , along with the russian occupation army , humiliation and abuse of people, repression and fear, this brutal war that is currently ongoing against ukraine, russian revanchism entered our crimea... just when i felt that the world able to turn a blind eye to such crimes, to such
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annexations, to such mockery of people whose homes are simply taken away. well, here it is very important, in fact, that the ukrainian military and ukrainian representatives of the ukrainian special services do not let the topic of crimea out of their attention, i would wanted to listen now to the representative and head of the main intelligence department , kyril budanov, what he, in particular, advises the population as to which of... remains in crimea. russia lost a quarter of its ships and was forced to withdraw its fleet to the caucasus coast. repaint aviation, because airfields and military facilities in crimea are constantly interrupted. under our fiery influence, i want to emphasize, we owe our successes to the residents of ukrainian crimea, who not only strengthened their resistance to the occupiers, but also found an opportunity to quickly monitor the entire situation on the peninsula and transmit this information to us as soon as possible. budanov emphasizes that it is the inhabitants of the peninsula who are the irreplaceable source
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of information and help later with additional intelligence on the results of the work of the defense forces. er, all this is done by people who remain in crimea, and kyrylo budanov still persistently warns civilians against using the kerch bridge, i think that purely technologically, with military analysts, experts, we will analyze more than once whether it is real and how in the same way really destroy this object, an absolutely unnecessary infrastructural object that binds, you know, our crimea and russia. federation, but i think that our defense forces have their own plan for this, confident in the necessity and reality of returning control over crimea to ukraine, and boris johnson, the ex-prime minister of great britain, obviously, before everyone thought that putin would never give crimea, they say, is not even worth trying, so they thought, let 's try to help ukraine win back
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the land bridge. but now people say to themselves, first, it is possible to return crimea realistically, says johnson. and if you look at infrastructure, logistics, there are great opportunities for the armed forces of ukraine, so i agree, there have really been changes in the way people think about crimea, - said the british politician. it would be good if these changes also applied to the minds of high-ranking european officials, on whom the provision of the necessary weapons directly depends. the same tauruses would be very helpful in the operation to liberate the crimean peninsula, but of course. we are waiting, we are waiting. mr. iskender, how is the military situation changing on the peninsula, if we can track it in general, we understand that there are civil initiatives, there are paramilitary initiatives that work in connection with the defense forces of ukraine, for example, and also regularly and without concealing, reports
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that they transmit information and even integrate into the russian army in order to... receive information, how is the russian military contingent in crimea changing, are we following this, or can we say that those logistical routes still exist for them main, or are they already looking for an alternative? well , first of all, i want to say that any territory cannot be taken under control without the support of the local population, and therefore, in different wars , different forms were used, including the information agent. and another in order to be able to influence from within. as for crimea, pro-ukrainian forces have been there since the beginning of 2014, and they remain even now. another issue, which is very important for us, is that the number of pro-ukrainian activists and pro-ukrainian citizens remains larger,
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despite the fact that partial mobilization continues, that repressions and the like are taking place. actions, indeed, it is very important, because it concerns not only the resistance during all these years, it also concerns the processes of reintegration in the future, because without people, without the population, we will not be able to do such reintegration as quickly as possible, and as for the russian military or our compatriots, i'll finish talking about our compatriots, that's really what we're talking about here. that there are civilians, ordinary citizens, activists who are trying to provide the information they can within their competence, and here they can provide some, or we can tell them how to creatively do something in crimea, so that it is
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safe for them , and on the other hand, so that the pro-ukrainian spirit and the spirit of freedom in various forms appeared in crimea constantly, well, let's say ... , well, for example, when including it is important for us, some of the occupiers or goal-leaders, or collaborators, are participating in partial mobilization there, and some are actively propagandizing there. let's say, the so-called svo, who uses the letters ztv there, and we, for our part, collect this information about these people, here we are already doing various information campaigns, including. where we provide information to the competent authorities of ukraine, as for another category, these are people, including among civilians, who have more knowledge of how such
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armed resistance can be carried out, and here exactly an issue that had to be actively worked on since 2014, and it was precisely in 2014 that i personally, we once met with representatives of the special service. of ukraine, we then proposed that we can actively provide an opportunity for our youth to be educated there on the territory of the mainland of ukraine, in order to be more effective later. well, unfortunately, it, well, didn't happen exactly as it should have, but thank god, now we see that all these processes are happening anyway, that is... the guys always know about the fact that there is, let's say, a clearing in crimea that will resist, and these explosions that are taking place, and these actions that are taking place,
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they just have a greater influence on the psychology of these russians who came to crimea illegally, who are already and they are not yet packing their bags, but they are already clearly saying that they are not always in crimea, not forever, that is, sooner or later... they are thinking that they will have to leave, and they will not do everything, to take root, let's say, in crimea, and it is very important for us, well, well, another question, what really in 10 years, is the influence propaganda, influence on the new generation, and every year works against us, and here we need to constantly remember this, because those children who were 10 years old, for example, at the beginning of the occupation, they were born in ukraine, are now 20 years old , and they also go there and serve in the armed forces of the russian federation, some of them sign contracts in order
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to participate in the war against ukraine. right here, this is a tragedy, a tragedy that must be stopped by all possible means. well, and besides, in order to the pro-ukrainian population was more preserved, that's where we need to demonstrate. already that the necessary laws are being adopted in ukraine, that the necessary normative legal acts are being adopted in ukraine, that why should the residents of crimea dream and fight for ukraine there, why will they talk about the fact that the future, for example, of the indigenous peoples, is only in an independent ukraine is a european legal state, that is, all these areas must be done. to us, and to our ukrainian government. thank you, thank you, iskander, thank you very much, these are absolutely the right things, what we all are we postpone, we postpone many of them , we postpone, and this ultimately works for
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the occupiers, and we should not give them a breath , not a single moment to think that crimea can remain theirs. i thank everyone who watches our program, who helps the army, i remind you that the collection is ongoing, it remains to collect 10 night drones for the 48th name of noman chelbijahan, so join the collection in any way. thank you to everyone who is with us. yes, and we will certainly return to the topic of temporarily occupied crimea. literally for a week, we keep our finger on the pulse, so to speak, for all seven days, in order to collect the most relevant information for you before the next release of the together beraber program, which is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the tv channel. apr, stay with us, stay with crimea, see you soon.
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we are looking for 14-year-old angelina panfilyuk from the kherson region. the girl lived in the village of dudchany in beryslav district. this is the right bank of the region. was occupied almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but already in the fall of 2022 this territory was liberated in 2011, and it was during this period that angelina's disappearance became known. no one knows where the girl may be now. perhaps the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or perhaps to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if anyone has any information about angelina panfilyuk, call us urgently on the hotline. magnolia child tracing services by short number 11630. calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly there is no connection or opportunity
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call, write in the chat. bot, child tracing services in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, help to find. anyone can find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. take a look at the photo: this is 12-year-old sviatoslav volchasty from the henichi district of the kherson region. this territory was occupied almost in the first days of the full-scale invasion, but
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the connection with svyatoslav... was cut off in february 23rd, and in fact nothing is known about the fate of the child for exactly a year. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will succeed to find look at the photo and remember the face of svyatoslav, who looks like he was 12 years old. he is of medium build and has blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen the boy, or at least knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile phone. operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service is 11630. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that the search for 15-year-old ilya polishchuk from mariupol is still ongoing. imagine nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. communication with ilya was cut off on february 24. and where he may
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be now, no one knows, so i appeal to everyone who can see me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, don't delay and call us on the service hotline search for magnolia children by short number. 116.30. let me remind you that calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 2022, but nikita disappeared already in may 23. and in fact, nothing is known about the fate of the child for more than 9 months. therefore, i really hope
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that because of... in your care, the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and try to remember the face of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. the child looks nine years old. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not hesitate and dial from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls are free of charge, if suddenly it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the search service children in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. defense minister rustem umyerov, together with commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi, had a telephone conversation with pentagon chief lloyd austin. the partners discussed the provision of weapons to the ukrainian army, as well as the possibilities of capacity building. still analyzed.


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