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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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territorial communities, you , taking into account the forces, the finances that existed, the local finances that the communities had, a new calendar year is visible and the work is renewed, continues, we have the longest border in ukraine with a terrorist country, and in fact to strengthen the border is needed constantly, and funds for this are allocated not only from the state budget. local self-government bodies, territorial communities of the institution laid this year on the strengthening of the relevant structures, yes, therefore, therefore, this is just a new, new stage of work, which, which we will have to do more very long. and what do people generally say about what is happening at the front, considering that sumy region has the longest border with russia.
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and i don't really like to spread such discussions on social networks in public, but given that, well, we live basically in a situation of uncertainty, given that we really have constant attacks, we have constant destruction of civilian infrastructure, uh, well somewhere there is a certain excitement, because we are reading e. and experts, different experts, we read, certain ones, er, not very happy ones nadi, we do not really hope that the war will end in the near future, unfortunately, so there is excitement among the population, besides, you know, sumyshchyna is an unconquered land, and people, despite the fatigue... we must be
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frank, despite on the fact that, well, if we were to fight for our country with the last of our strength, but there are certain worries and fears and certain fatigue somewhere, fatigue is generally observed, mrs. andryana, just look, if god forbid, the muscovites will gather their fists , and as i said two years ago, there is already a minister of defense there russian there is a shock fist. no, there is no shock fist, after three days bang, the muscovites are already near kyiv. but what am i saying this about, and that in fact, the people of sumy will have to stop moskal again then. the people of sumy, including ordinary people of the city of sumy, will again have to hand out machines and so on and so forth. so, therefore, the question of whether normal concrete defense structures were built there or not is not a question for russian intelligence. russian intelligence sees all this very well. from chinese and their
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own satellites, from drones that i think fly to the sums themselves, and they know every centimeter, what was built there , what was not built, and the only people from whom they hide the truth about how these fortifications are built are the people, to whom i will repeat myself again, if these fortifications are not built properly , will have to stop the enemy with our lives, just so that we don't step on the same rake twice, and twice under... under two years, i think people should know very well how much money is spent, what really built, what percentage was stolen, well steal already, we we know that you will steal, we have no doubts , steal, well, no more than there, i don’t know 5-10%, finally build, because if you don’t build, then how will we stop the enemy, absolutely, well , i agree that it is necessary take very seriously. to the strengthening of the eastern border,
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in particular, the population is worried and people still expect serious steps in this direction, and as for me, well, wasted time, wasted time and at the stage of preparations for a full-scale invasion, we understand that it is really the local population, women and the men became about'. take their land, and indeed, today we hope for the armed forces of ukraine, but also for territorial defense, and ordinary residents who remained to live in sumy oblast, who remained to develop their land, so they are ready to defend, defend their land, god forbid there was no need for the people to go through again what... they went through at the beginning
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of the full-scale invasion, god forbid that the unconquered sumyshchyna develops, ms. andriano, but it's always better to be prepared than to be surprised. andriana kostenko, thank you. was with us, a doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social research, member of the board of the public organization intellect of sumy region. we are moving on , we will move to the kherson region, which is constantly experiencing shelling, we will ask about what is going on there now, how the night passed, we will ask yevhenia virlych, the editor-in-chief of the kherson online publication cavuon city, about it, in the meantime, i can. to say that we also have, and already have, already have, already have, already have, already have, we know that they dropped a super new, super new bomb of french production of 250 kg, such that the answer by the russian fab, it
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a little smaller, though, but also very powerful, it was specially designed to destroy concrete fortifications, and it is much, much, much more technological. and more advanced than russian fabs, it is very accurate, it even has a jet engine that accelerates it and directs it very precisely to the target, well, it is very cool and they bombed some super russian, some fortified object, accordingly , the commander of the air force of the zsu mykola olyschuk made public the photo , by the way , the commander also showed it on that bomb, it was written for children odesa, so that it flew to the muscovites where it was needed, and it happened from... precisely in the occupied part of the kherson region, where the russians have their quarters, listen, but everyone has already seen that picture, and there is nothing to show, or should, as they expect, people should also see something that lifts their spirits, yes, yes, okay, okay, how
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moscow is burning from a ukrainian bomb, yes, yes , of course, scrap has arrived, and there is even a video, that's all, that is, i just know, i left telegram, i don't go back to it, so i don't... i operate as if for work, but i don't even go into it, that is, i work with telegram, you know how they work in those special boxes with dangerous viruses, that is, we, you see, here is this own photo and eh, well, it was good, thank you to our armed forces of ukraine, muscovites, i hope they learned this lesson evgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson online publication cavuon city is already with us, evgenia, we welcome you, good morning, do you know anything about this arrival, how are the muscovites after it? well, i actually know the official information in telegram channels, which you are absolutely correct that you read little, in
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telegram channels about the occupation, they traditionally start to panic, well, this is already such a constant systemic moment that when they get a chance... it is a panic in the occupation media about something that didn't really arrive, or that the zsu was fired upon, as it were apartment buildings, they started to panic about the fact that nothing arrived, in fact, it was all fakes and all crap, then they covered it up with reports about how the elections were going, that is, most likely it arrived quite well. listen, let's talk about another operation, not so fun, we know that at the end of february there was an attempt... to land a landing of the ukrainian special operations service on the tender spit, it was actually fighters of the 73rd center of special operations forces, the russians immediately said that the entire landing party was
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actually destroyed by the ukrainian, and later it was officially confirmed that suffered losses, and now serhii kryvonos, the major general of the reserve of... forces, believes that the operation was incompetent and those who planned it should be punished, is it worth discussing these things, and question number two, which is actually related, in to us, the operation on the left bank under the krynkami is absolutely classified, that is, in fact , the information about it reaches us from shoigu, from there i don’t know from the telegram channel balance, whether this is a normal thing and whether we can, but they also reach us, for example, interviews with the new york times, the same marines who were there undercover, at least, and from those interviews we understand that there may not be exactly the kind of operation that is related to the promises of mr. syrsky, general syrsky, that in we
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are protected by the lives of soldiers. let's go in order i will answer, again, i will answer purely as a media person, as a resident of the region, which is also... and i am not a military expert, i think that the military will also comment, and i was also impressed by what the crooked general commented. i also read this, and you know, it absolutely correlates with the opinion of those people who live in the kherson region, this is a very terrible tragedy, about which we actually know almost nothing, except for dry official reports, and knowing the landscape, knowing the geography of the region, as well impressed by this operation, or rather her the necessity, which is in question, which happened there, because it is actually in... captivity of the enemy, so i don't know how adequate it was to conduct this operation, i think that
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this is also a matter of a lot of military and military discussions, it's a pity , that you can't get your life back and another defender who survived will die in a few days, unfortunately, he passed away a few days ago, regarding the wells, i completely agree with the fact that the communication in this direction from the side of ukraine is ukrainian in general. communication from that direction is very bad, and honestly, we also take information, or from locals residents who are not far away , i.e. there is almost no one in krinki, this is absolutely a military military base, there are people who are nearby who can give us some information, which we also do not make public immediately, so as not to expose people to danger, so that they are not hunted , and a lot of information about krynks in russia. it contradicts each other, it is completely false, you can see it if
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you systematically analyze it, but they talk about it a lot, we have very little communication about the bridgehead, in my opinion and in the opinion there should be more of my colleagues and many locals. actually, valery zaluzhnyi, literally before his dismissal, issued an order to simplify the access of journalists to the direct line. front so that journalists could receive more information about the war and talk about it, has this order not been canceled, or has it changed something for journalists, in particular in the kherson region? as far as i know, nothing was canceled, because i got home and i was, i was at home, and this is very close to the line of fire in kherson, i will not say that there are some obstacles for media people, the only thing that should be weighed here is healthy. to have and weigh the danger and whether it's worth exposing yourself to it, it's very
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difficult to get comments from the military, but i think that's okay, because they have probably the hardest job right now, and when they don't comment or they don't comment for the press, then this seems normal to me, the only thing i would like is more official communication, precisely official communication from those structures that should comment on these events, because... that on the one hand everything is presented in a winning way ladies, on the other hand, we also see losses, we also write about those people who died, and we understand that not everything is so optimistic in that direction, so i won't say that there is bad access for media people, no, but there is very little information, and it is also asked what is heard from the occupied territories, what is heard from genichesk, what is heard from... others, i heard you very poorly, but i understood that it is
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about the occupied territories, yes, what is there, what he is sleeping there, well, first of all, if we take the nearest to kherson, nova kakhovka, everything is very bad there, continues, the blackout continues , light and water are given literally hourly, there is light and water for two or three hours a day, and the occupiers are not relocating from there, but... the leadership from novaya kokhovka is trying to relocate more often to kakhovka, somewhere with light and water is better, or there are constant rotations, that is, it is uncomfortable for them and they cannot solve anything about it, skadovsk, genichesk, other occupied territories, russians there live by elections, there is hurrah-patriotism on the part of the russians, crazy propaganda of the russian pseudo-stories, they are something. but they celebrated another memorable date, which was never celebrated or celebrated in the kherson region,
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even in soviet times, and actually they are preparing for the main stage, the propaganda stage of the elections, then in the middle of march, and we should not forget that they have another sacred date, it is march 13, 80 years since the so-called liberation of kherson from the nazi invaders. and there is the impression that they are preparing something for those days, which we will see. at the same time, we read in the news that traffic, yellow tape, he doesn't care. and destroys all kinds of moscow artefacts, destroys russian tricolors, destroys some newspapers that are distributed, where putin is praised left and right, so that they work and still remind of themselves, they call on people also not to participate in the elections, not not to go, not to vote, not to be complicit, in a word,
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they do everything they can in the conditions in which they found themselves, he is burning putin, that the nadnipryanskaya pravda, and i understand correctly, such a newspaper is published there now, but it was still the soviet newspaper nadnipryanskaya pravda, then it existed in kherson in the ukrainian-language version nadnipryanska pravda, and now it exists, but in the occupation it is again the russian version. ms. yevgenia, i will ask you one last question about this sacred date that is ahead, until which there is still a week left about march 13 for... kherson residents, is this the date of liberation from the nazi invaders now, is it as sacred as it was before the full-scale invasion, do they look at history a little differently, just as definitely not, so absolutely, this date was important, i think it will remain important in history, nevertheless , yes, it was some invaders who drove out other
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invaders, but we must understand that this is a historical fact, this is the history of our city, we cannot pass.. . and past her, but we must realize that it was. currently, march 13 is the anniversary of one of the largest rallies in the history of kherson, perhaps it is the largest, march 13, 22 of the year, and yet, now the most sacred date for our people is november 11, the anniversary of liberation, 11 november 22, this one even a lot of citizens want to do the day. after the end of the war, the day of the city , and one more sacred date would be added, when the occupiers were completely expelled from the kherson region, and the entire kherson region breathed a sigh of relief, and the people who are currently under occupation finally returned, returned to ukraine,
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not only deyur , but also de facto, ms. yevgenia, we wish this to all residents of kherson... region, thank you for the conversation, yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson online publication cavuon city, was with us, let's go for a short break, then we will come back and talk about donetsk region and luhansk region, stay with us, if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do it all in one movement with the strong saw, just look at how quickly
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united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the air of the tv channel. dear friends, here we are again we continue our roll call. stanislav fedorchuk, chairman of the board of the public organization ukrainian people's council. donetsk region and luhansk region are already in touch with us. mr. stanislav, we congratulate you. good morning. mr. stanislav, recently elon musk, who
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occasionally surprises us with his thoughts, in an interview, agreed that ukraine should give russia the occupied crimea and donbas. what would you say to elon musk about this? would say that i don't see much, by and large , need to respond to elon musk, because in reality, when we choose a purely defensive her position, when we say that we have to pitch all the time, respond to different crazy ideas, like me, we have to produce our own ideas and shape our own agenda, that's the only thing that really has to belong. we should behave reactively, react to mask's scandalous statements. in fact, not only did he say this in the interview, he also commented on similar ideas from one of
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the top figures in the private military company black waters in the united states of america, also commenting that he also really agreed with the fact that... her must to give our own territory, in my opinion, we must shape our agenda as much as possible and deliver our messages to the western world, actually the entire planet, and not be exclusively hostage to some reactive approach. and in the end, you know, i have never seen such a map anywhere, where the russians would stand and say that donetsk and crimea are, for example, russian... places with some justification, no matter how wild it sounds, yes, but here yesterday, everyone saw how former russian president medvedev,
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now the head of their national security council, stood in the background a large map, where, for example, a larger territory, part of the territory of ukraine, and the right, and a little left, and the left, and a little right bank, he called it russia, here, that is, we showed this map today, that is , it is not really the appetites, when... musk talks about crimea there and i don’t know about the already completely occupied luhansk region, which russia is satisfied with, as we can see perfectly from this map, he also spoke for the whole of russia in front of russian schoolchildren, including with the following message: this is our land, we will take it together with the people. i think that for those people who spent their time to learn a little about the history of so-called russia, they would know that from the moment... in fact, the establishment of the moscow principality, it spread in different directions, like gangrene, and actually, due to its territorial expansion, destruction of other
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peoples, the destruction of their own cultural heritage, the destruction of their elites, they advanced and were created as an empire, that is why exactly such an imperial approach is demonstrated by medvidev, it fully corresponds. the rich life of russia and their vision of the world, wherever it is possible to capture, everywhere where you can invade, occupy, they come, so for me his speech was not something, well, i don't know, unexpected, on the other hand, the fact that no one reacted to medvedev's speech, well, worthy, in my opinion, because in the west, i mean first of all the official, official spokespersons of the european union there. to the same nato, because, in my opinion, the map shown clearly shows that the leadership of the so-called russian federation does not plan to conduct any
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negotiations, does not... plans to stop in its appetites, they seek to destroy all of ukraine, ukrainian statehood, and these are their plans, which have long been voiced out loud, and medvedev himself, in which he confirmed the validity of these plans and the fact that they are not abandoning them. if we talk about the current situation in donetsk region, the russians are trying very hard to continue their offensive, and what is the current mood in kramatorsk. in sloviansk, what do they think about the approach of the front, maybe? well, actually, in connection with the fact that the shelling of cities has increased, as you probably already know, recently in the kramatorsk district the representatives of the state emergency service were killed, the russians shot at two employees with a drone, they shot at rescue equipment, this is a full-fledged military
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evil, a war crime. and many houses have been damaged due to airstrikes, due to missile strikes, accordingly, the intensity is clear that the shelling is increasing, and i will say that repair work is ongoing, respectively, local authorities, military-civilian administrations are trying to resolve, resolve these issues, but in my opinion we must accept the fact that the front, unfortunately... approaching kostiantynka, kramatorsk, and sloviansk, respectively, sooner or later we will have to make safety decisions, think about how to solve these issues, it is clear that the mood, the mood of the population is different, and everyone understands the risks that are currently being opened in connection with the intense fighting in the bakhmut
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direction. in the maryinka area and so on, is this understanding, is it converted, in particular , into a serious construction of defensive structures, defense lines, or, well, we are now reading, in particular and in the new york times , butusov is writing about it now, about the fact that in fact the lines are far, far behind what the russians are doing, you know, i don't really like to give examples, but i think that we have to surrender a clear report that in the conditions of hostilities, in the conditions, on the line of combat, certain structures, divisions, which are engaged in the creation of fortifications, engineering structures, should really be created, because civilian structures cannot do this,
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accordingly... it would not be it is wrong to think about the fact that it is possible to restore the engineering troops in the armed forces of ukraine in order to be able to deal with this more centrally, so that it does not depend on a separate unit of the middle echelon there or even higher, and accordingly all this will naturally require resources, additional lines of defense are being created, this is actually not a secret, the question certainly in the fact that it would be good if... the defense lines were created earlier, in my opinion, the role of the military-civilian administrations should have been greater, as well as the attention of the entire government to the construction of the defense lines should have been greater, as on south, and actually in the east, because
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very little time has passed from the announced, from the announced strategic, strategic defense, to the creation of fortification lines, ee... defense lines of our military, the question of why this decision took so long is a good question , we him, we ask him, we thank mr. stanislav, stanislav fedorchuk , the chairman of the board of the ngo ukrainian people's council of donetsk and luhansk regions was with us, and now kateryna shirokopis is with us, which means that we are watching the news, what happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour, katya will tell us, congratulations, you have a word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about another russian ship, which... probably ingloriously went to the bottom and the consequences of the night attack by shaheds.


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