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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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where, well, this is not ternopil region , definitely not ternopil region, what news do you have, but it is difficult to talk about news here, every day is happy here, but what about what , what are the dynamics, tell me what are the recent trends, you have to understand that the dynamics here are regular , that is , the enemy is not... trying to advance, on more advantageous territorial positions, accordingly, they are trying to carry out assault actions, this happens almost around the clock with the use of rocket artillery, the use of conventional types of weapons, artillery, fpv drones, actively works in this area, cabs, so-called controlled aviation, are actively operating. bombs, and in many
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cases they simply direct them to populated areas where the civilian population lives, unfortunately, this is an indication that the enemy, he is insidious and vengeful, that is, every step where we get a victory and getting a certain euphoria, he tries to take revenge on the civilian population, accordingly uses everything he can to provoke ... such anger, if we talk about the fortifications that are now there, which should stabilize the front, is something being done during this time, or in principle everything then it remains to, relatively speaking, buy off the sapper shovels and the people themselves who are standing at the front. in general, there was and will be, when guys
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, do we move forward, or do we always prepare from the position behind, it has always been, and the second line is being prepared, the third line is being prepared, and it is extremely important to do this, i would like to note that in our direction such works in last year they were carried out quite intensively and they were carried out using the force of means without... directly people who serve in our divisions, engineering subdivisions, and including the use of machinery there, as i understand it, civil engineering, which is recommended to perform the relevant work, is this the scale that would impress me, no, it does not impress me, because i know that... the construction of fortifications
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buildings, er, he personally dealt with them, at one time in the 15th year, when the task was set before the heads of regional state administrations to build fortifications, the first line of defense, we then built papas on the field, it is 17.5 km, i would like note that they are sporty in quality the buildings that are currently being built , they are significant... actually, you, as a person who has management experience, and headed, in particular, the regional government as well, in your opinion, how to properly ensure that forces are mobilized for construction of these fortifications, i am looking, for example, at yuriy kas'yanov, he quite appropriately, i think, posted german and british fortifications here. even the second world
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war itself, and then half a million, for example, germans worked on these fortifications, and these are good fortifications, oh no, certainly, fortifications that they were built then, by the germans during the second world war, the first world war, they are still in many places we come across well and have been preserved and are in good condition. this indicates that there were high-quality works, and not hacks, this is the first, second, it is obvious that such measures must be taken that will give people the opportunity to believe in the cooperation of the authorities with the authorities, and that the most important thing is to get people out of the cellars as much as possible, from apartments, i don't know where they are sitting there, hiding from mobilization, because you have to understand that in war... different professions are needed, in
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including an engineer, i.e. builders, and when i would ask a question about construction, i would ask a question, it is to the construction... companies with which they work in the territory of the region, and obviously i would guarantee a certain uh, let's say this , mobilization immunity, which would make it possible to build these fortifications, would work out a model of cooperation between the state and the enterprise itself, i think that it could be done without any jumps there... in many of our circumstances, there was even a question of implementation buildings, well, there is the construction of fortifications, moreover, thanks to cooperation with business, we even managed to save money on construction, significantly save money on
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construction due to such cooperation, i think that every correct entrepreneur, builder, he would take such a step, if there was a frank, frank dialogue between... business and the government, that is, in essence, there are three ways, i don't know whether they should be taken in combination, that is, it's either the creation of really powerful engineering troops, or i don't know, the creation of some kind of state program , i don't know, like ukraavtor, i don't know, and it will be , i don't know, the consolidation of the industry there, or it is actually the involvement of some local local construction companies, look, i'm leaning towards the third option that you suggested. that is, cooperation with business, well, it is obvious that the best and highest quality can do fortification structures, or any construction work, a private company, well, this is the logic of life, and it will take a more responsible attitude and it is aware of the level
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of responsibility in the final result, if there will be problems with these fortifications, because state funding is allocated, accordingly there will be... beliefs and they will analyze the results of this work, so i would prefer the third option, it is obvious that this should happen in cooperation, and it happened, for example, in in the 15th year with the military engineers, they carried out the design of the construction of fortifications, this experience can simply be torn apart in quotation marks and not invent much, and it will be enough. efficiently, correctly and qualitatively. after all, the results are the same we saw fortifications, in the same avdiivka, fortification structures that have survived since the 15th year and plus two years of a full-scale invasion held avdiivka. the story is the same in maryanka and in
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many other settlements. i'm not talking about the golden papasla, because in the papasla, for example, the enemy did not enter the fictitious side. and on the other side, north-donetsk, accordingly, bypassing the style, so the situation there was significantly different, but it nevertheless gave the opportunity to hold out, if i am not mistaken, for the 24th brigade, for several months in the area of ​​the pestilence and effectively enough to hold off the advance of the borogh from the occupied territories of donbass. well, mr. stepan, thank you very much for your conversation and for your real service, stepan. barno, a soldier of the 10th separate, hero of glory to heroes, mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, former head of the ternopil regional state administration was with us. we will probably take a short break now, but i wanted to show our viewers that this is a military
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journalist, vlad voloshyn. i saw him this is a series of posts he makes from donetsk region. and actually describes what it is, actually, now you see a photo on your screens, it is such an anti-tank ditch, writes vlad voloshyn, in one of the most dangerous directions, less than 1.5 km from the enemy, and, says vlad, even taking a photo was quite risky, ah, it says that this ditch was dug quite a long time ago, he still saw it in 2016, and... a few weeks ago it was restored, although it was not entirely safe , many such ditches and other engineering fortifications were built, it will be difficult for the enemy to advance, says vlad, and i will also show you one photo,
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also distributed by the government, it is also donetsk, march 24th, he says that this is what the trenches look like. a whole system of fortifications and strongholds, which is now actually in these dangerous directions, eh and eh another eh... i don’t see here, by the way, neither concrete nor reinforcement, we see wood here, and accordingly there is a question of how much this, well, we can also ask our serhii zgurets, military expert, director of defense express, so that he assessed, there are also so-called dragon's teeth, now they are installed by our military in directions where the movement of armored vehicles is possible. let's ask about it, let's ask, the only thing i still wanted to say, well, maybe we'll talk about it later
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with volodymyr ariyev, since the plans of the minister, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal, to reduce the number of ministries by a third, have become known. of the cabinet of ministers, in particular, to combine these ministries, and in particular, it may be canceled. the ministry of culture, to say, i cannot understand whether it is there is a bad joke, but here, again, i always want to remember cherchar, who said, what are we fighting for, if not for our culture, and let me remind you that the ministry of culture has been without a minister for more than six months, we can see how much attention the russians pay precisely to their own culture, precisely in order to plant their... imperial narratives and targets in the territories they occupy, well, there are simply huge funds and
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resources thrown at it, as far as they understand all this, medvedev is standing, telling where and which territories and so on, we don't have any even the minister of culture, not that unconscious, none at all, and in general they decided to save on culture first, they saved on culture, on education, and there are other things that they like to save us on, it’s generally fantastic, in fact, and where that money is saved, i don’t know , that is... the construction of defense structures? no, for what? ok, ok, let's take a short break now, we'll talk about it later. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from rozpaku tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. its so comfortable can also be used for carpentry, it is an ideal tool. for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499,
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noshpa tablets - 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. together. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. dear friends, we are back and now we will talk with serhiy zgurets, a military
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expert, director of the defense express company. mr. serhiy is already appearing on your and our screens. and we say to him: good morning, mr. sergey. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiy, well, to begin with, let's discuss what happened in crimea. they say that, russian patrol the ship, serhiy kotov, serhiy, serhiy, and, serhiy kotov, uh, by a pond cat. indeed, i think that's good news, actually. as i understand it, this is a component of this complex attack, which was carried out at night against the occupiers, it began at 23:30 last night, when there were the first reports that the crimean bridge was allegedly attacked by missile weapons, after that the crimean bridge stood there for a long
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period of time , later in the morning there was information that... which ukrainian drones attacked and destroyed the russian patrol ship serhiy kotov, in fact there are already some videos that relate to these hostilities, and there are references to representatives of the gur in a number of ukrainian publications, where the representatives of the gur confirm that a russian ship was attacked and destroyed, in fact, as i understand it, it became the practice of using strike naval drones, which is being developed and scaled up by the intelligence chief, literally, if i'm not mistaken, on february 1st, we had a great example when the ivanovets boat, a russian, was destroyed there, which was destroyed by a group of naval drones, and now we are already talking about
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the continuation of this trend, and we are already talking about the corvette, actually it is... the more modern russian ships that were introduced into the black sea fleet, this is a corvet-class ship, which was built four, four, they are just introduced to the black sea fleet, literally the last one, serhiy kotov was the newest, it was issued literally at the end of last year, this is a ship that can use various weapons there, including theoretically with missile weapons. but never once is it a missile weapon was used, but it doesn't matter, because it's actually about destroying one of the most advanced russian warships, and i think that this destruction tactic will be very similar to how the ivanovic was destroyed, where there is a group of naval drones that are the first to destroy the possibility the ship to move, and then
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they finish it off, well, already in other waves of shock attacks, i think that this is extremely... positive news and indicates that the potential of the russian fleet thanks to drones is being significantly destroyed, now, if i am not mistaken, it was destroyed about 13 ships of the black sea fleet and missile weapons and sea thrones, and this is a unique strategy when ukraine, which does not have its own fleet, demonstrates asymmetric solutions that speak of the possibility of using a technological advantage over an enemy that has quantitative capabilities greater than ours. mr. serhiy, how much time and money does it take to build such a serhiy kotov? well, in fact, it is about three to four years, because in fact they ordered ships in the vasyl bykov series, which includes this serhiy kotov, six ships, four were built, four were launched into the black sea fleet, one of these
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ships had previously met with our naval drones, but survived, and now we have that this newest one... serhiy kotov was sunk, i hope that we will later let's see a more detailed video of how it happened, and this indicates that despite all the measures that russia takes to protect the ships there in kerch, there in donoslav, in other water areas that it temporarily occupies, these technological solutions and cunning the tactics of use are extremely effective results, i think that this is good news and it just adds confidence that... that there is a potential to destroy the enemy both in water areas, and on land, and in the depths of his territory, because let's remember, yesterday was information that gur confirmed the information that in the distance there is a thousand. kilometers there in the samara region, a bridge used by the enemy was destroyed there, so these measures of influence on the russian defense industry, on the military potential are carried out, well, this is
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a really positive trend that should to support, and we hope that he will be supported, we also hope, i’m sorry , let’s ask you again, journalist, military man, vlad voloshyn posted the following photos: the parish where he is in donetsk region, and describes the actual fortifications of all kinds that will be to prevent the enemy from advancing further, he posted a photo of an anti-tank ditch that was dug in 16th year, which was dug in 16th year, and now it is allegedly repaired a little more, well, and also publishes photos of what trenches, systems look like uh... this is what this ditch looks like, and he also posts pictures with dragon teeth, here i am, we just don't understand this riv ty riv, you as a military expert, what can you say
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about this ditch and are there really many such ditches, how much will they stop the enemy? well, now the issue of fortification really comes to the fore, and for me an important element is the fact that just yesterday the commander of the support forces was changed. and now, well, for those who don’t understand, relatively speaking, there is such a command of the support forces, which unites a number of components, there reb, prr, tasks, means rhc of defense, engineering support, meteorology and so on, relatively speaking, this command includes the chief of engineering forces, who is actually the most professional person who should be responsible for the construction of engineering forces. information structures, but conditionally speaking, yesterday syrsky, i think, according to syrsky's proposal, the president finally appointed the chief of the engineering troops
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as the commander of the support forces, which is a reflection of our general needs to treat the construction of fortification structures more professionally, but there are two components here: on the one hand, the engineering troops the ukrainian army has limited potential, there are two brigades and six regiments, this is not enough , i think that the totality... has been increased, and when we talk about various constructions there, which are carried out in the regions with state money , about 20 billion hryvnias have been allocated for this, in fact, there is not always a process that is clearly agreed with the military, and now, as i understand, funds are allocated to the regions, various facilities are being built in the regions, primarily engineering facilities, and in fact so... now rather the main efforts are spent on concluding contracts with civilian companies, which say that sometimes there are no projects, these projects have to be coordinated for a long time, the rates allocated
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for the payment of personnel are insufficient, i think there are many bureaucratic problems that still exist despite the extreme need for fortifications, when we talk about securing the defense line with fortifications, where our military is already operating, these engineering regiments are generally operating there. they help our brigades, and the units themselves try to do it, but we stumble there to the problem of a lack of equipment, a lack of concrete, and sometimes a lack of wood in order to arrange those trenches that have already been bought, that is, there are a number of problems that i still hope are being solved now in the afterburner mode, why in the afterburner mode, because indeed, for a certain period of time, we ignored the need for fortification, we scoffed at the russian dragon's teeth, and now we still... are trying to partially do these things at fire speed, so relatively speaking, fortification remains an important, complex problem, but sometimes despite declaration that we we do this
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, it does not always happen effectively in every part of the front, and i will also mention that we need to solve the issue of the lack of anti-tank mines, because we have the basic mine ptm 61, which is used for fortification, according to my estimates, we are currently experiencing a shortage of mines , which we have to... invest in our minefields, and now again we need to work with partners to buy not only mines for mortars, but also mines for fortification, this is a new challenge that must also be solved quickly , actually russians demonstrated that they simply had some , well, not an unlimited number of these mines, they mined everything they could, like us, yes, because the russians have a production, and we ignored the production of mines, a mine looks quite simple, well, an object, where 8 tone. 8 kg of explosives, a detonator and a case. in fact , the question arises that we have detonators, but we lack tnt, so relatively speaking,
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it seems simple to make anti-tank mines. now it also needs, i hope , the attention of the minstratekhprom to start this seemingly simple production of these types provision, because given the significant number of fortifications, a lot of mines will be needed, so i think that it is necessary to think not only about new ways of conducting hostilities, but also not to forget about the old ones and to know that the old methods of fortification need such a familiar element as anti-tank mines. by the way, the new york times, in that publication about where they... indicated that the fortifications under avdiivka are very weak, although ukraine had, i don’t know, 10 years to build them, and at least two years from the beginning a large-scale invasion, sure, and they're actually saying that one of the reasons that it hasn't been done, at least in the last two years, is that because everybody was just saying, the main narrative was about the offensive, the very talk of the fact that it is necessary to build defense structures, and we raised this
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in our broadcasts, do you remember? they already looked like some kind of treason, that is, they started writing comments to us, some bots, saying that we are advancing here, the end of the war is coming soon, and here you are telling us about some kind of defense, and that as it was then, it looked like a readiness to give up these territories that are behind defense structures, well, in fact, we sprinkle our heads with ashes too much, because we really have lines of structures that have been built, there are even powerful lines of defense that were built there after the 14th year , they are, that is, there are many examples when... defense lines that have been built, they are sometimes even unknown to the military, that some things have already been built there, now , on the one hand, we have to renew these processes, but now we somehow we solve these processes market way, that is, we conclude contracts with private companies, there we talk about the fact that we lack concrete, let's somehow create financial preferences there, that is , i think that there is a lack of a directive approach and
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more. alliance between military and civilian administrations, because , well, the same section of the security front in one region can cost 300 million, in another region under a billion, why such a correspondence is a different amount, well, the different price is absolutely not clear, so i think what is this now the process of large-scale construction of engineering structures still requires such strict centralization and... more responsibility, well, these are kind of general words, but i'm afraid that without fortification, well, relatively speaking, we will bear greater losses than with them. well, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhiy zurets , a military expert, director of the defense express company, came to talk with us primarily about the construction of defense, since it is now coming to the fore, one might say, and, well , butusa generally speaks very harshly
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from... in this regard, he believes that very little has been done and says that the critical losses of our troops at the front and the capture of our land by the russians are largely due to the lack of construction of defense lines, that's why he called it a real crime that this construction failed was in the last two years. dear friends, andriy saichuk and i will return to ether at 9:45, we will continue our marathon, we have many more interesting guests and... interesting topics, and our colleagues from radio svoboda will continue with the svoboda project in eteres morning. i would like to remind you that we are still collecting and we thank you for the 38,000 that we managed to collect this morning, so we now have more than 600,000 of the required 800 in our account. now you see a qr code on your screens, scan it , transfer funds. and we remind you that at 9 o'clock
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we honor the memory of all those. ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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