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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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check with consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, stronger together. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on espressu tv channel. religion is already somewhere in the occupation. for years in a row, the occupying
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power on the peninsula has been persecuting for faith, nationality, and views. ukraine, in turn, submits evidence of crimes against humanity to the international criminal court. our correspondent kateryna galko knows more. she is with us live. kaitya congratulations, so how many religious crimes by russians in crimea are documented and is there a response from the international community? congratulations. greetings to the viewers of the espress tv channel. so today it became known that the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court received the 14th submission regarding crimes that take place on the territory of occupied crimea, and we can hear more details from the prosecutor of the autonomous republic of crimea. mr. igor. mr. igor, i congratulate you. please tell me more about this 14th submission, what preceded it and what exactly is in this submission. good day. yes, indeed, this is the 14th submission.
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that is, this report, which contains the evidentiary basis of the commission of crimes by the russian occupation administration in crimea against religious communities in crimea, in particular against the orthodox church of ukraine, against crimean muslims, against jehovah's witnesses and other regional minorities, that is, representatives of these religious groups, they undergo constant persecution literally from the very beginning of the occupation, i.e. we are talking about the closing of... churches, the obstruction of religious rites, regarding the crimean muslims, for example, and jehovah's witnesses, here the situation is much more complicated, since these people are persecuted as terrorists, as extremists, since a number of religious organizations, including muslim ones, including jehovah's witnesses , are classified as terrorist organizations by the decision of the supreme court of the russian federation, and, unfortunately, uh, the members of these
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religious groups receive sentences for very long terms of imprisonment, we are talking about even there about 19 years of imprisonment, actually for religion, that is, before that, before that with the notice, we also sent evidence to the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court regarding the illegal appropriation of state and private property by the russians in... in the crimea, it was about the violation of the right to a fair trial, about the illegal conscription of ukrainian citizens in the crimea , that is, in fact, in the hands of the russian army , all serious violations of international humanitarian law committed by the russian occupation authorities in crimea, we informed the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court about them. and is there any response from this office or what response are we expecting?
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yes, of course, the previous prosecutor of the international criminal court, fotuben, just in 2020, at the end of 2020, before the end of her term, announced the completion of the preliminary study in the case of the situation in ukraine, in simple words, this is the preliminary investigation conducted by the prosecutor's office of the international criminal court, and accordingly all... these submissions that we sent to the international criminal court, they were taken into account, they were, again in plain language, the fact that they were committed there was confirmed, and that is, it was expected that after that the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court would ask permission directly from the court itself to carry out an official investigation, but after a full-scale invasion, such a full-scale invasion... hastened
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the adoption of this decision, accordingly, in march 22nd, the icc prosecutor's office already started an official investigation into this case. thank you very much, mr. igor, so i will remind you... more than 10 years of the crimean peninsula, the autonomous republic of crimea is under the occupation of the russians, they persecute there not only for religion, but also for the views of people, for their nationality, this is all the information as of now, and katya, i am passing it on to you. thank you katya, it was our journalist kateryna galko, she talked about how many religious crimes of russians in crimea are actually documented and... what is the response of the international community. an elderly woman died as a result of shelling in the kharkiv region, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, reported this. the occupiers attacked the village of kurylivka kupinsky district. the consequences of the attack are currently being established. well, now officially, at the end
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of this night, the enemy ship of the black sea fleet of arefia, serhii koto, was destroyed in the temporarily occupied crimea. this was announced in the main intelligence office. in descent the stern of the ship, as well as the right and left sides, were damaged by the impact of naval drones. at night, explosions rang out near the kerch strait. the cost of the sunken ship is about 65 million dollars. on the espresso tv channel, the head of the press center of the southern defense forces nataliya gumenyuk told what to sink a completely new ship of the occupiers succeeded. we are talking about a patrol ship that is... fairly new, since it was launched on july 30, 22, that is, already at the time of the full-scale invasion, and in principle it obviously performed the function of protecting the base points, protecting the infrastructure that was still
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remains with the fleet in the water areas and harbors of the black sea on the crimean peninsula, since it is equipped with... anti-aircraft systems, that is, it was a kind of guard and defender. cooperated with the occupiers. the security service of ukraine informed the headmistress of the school in occupied sivayskyi , kherson region, about the suspicion in absentia. it is about a former lyceum teacher, which the enemy turned into a state- funded educational institution. in 2022, the woman accepted an offer from the russians to head the school. ordered to remove the ukrainian language and all ukrainian studies disciplines from... the school curriculum, instead they organized the educational process in russian. tried to carry out a terrorist attack in zaporizhzhia, a pro-russian agent made a remote-
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controlled explosive device, hid the ready-made explosives in boxes of fruit, which he sent to one of the largest post offices in the city. after receiving. about the delivery, the attacker had to activate the explosives. fortunately, the law enforcement officers managed to get ahead, and the suspect was detained. the sbu detained a russian agent who tried to blow up a post office in zaporizhzhia. counter-intelligence of the security service prevented a terrorist attack in the center of zaporizhzhia. according to the available data, the occupiers hoped that the detonation of the institution would lead to numerous victims among the civilian population and... spreads panicky mood in the front-line city. in addition, during the sbu investigation, it was established that an additional task of the russian agent was to identify places of mass concentration of personnel and equipment of the armed forces. they tried to flee to hungary illegally. border guards
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detained nine violators. at midnight , men from different regions of ukraine were stopped near the border. each of them paid the ferrymen from eight to 12. , to get to the neighboring country. the law enforcement officers drew up reports on administrative violations on the detainees, and on the organizers of the scheme set the espresso tv channel also calls on you to join the gathering for fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. gypsies soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy, and thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect 1 million hryvnias for flying weapons,
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thanks to you we already have more than 980 thousand hryvnias in our accounts. this is already the finish line, so you understand that everyone your donation can be and most importantly, join, you now see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, i have all the news for this hour, see you tomorrow. congratulations, it's me, vasyl zama, with you again, the verdict program, serhii rudenko, we hope it will be back on the air soon, but today i'm with you for the next two hours. we will talk in this location, then it will be different there, well, but in any case, i promise that we will talk
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about those topics that everyone cares about. let's, before we start, in the announcement about most importantly, we will report back to you. the pre-election offensive of the russians, the enemy is pressing in the avdiyiv direction and in the bakhmut area. how reliable are the new frontiers of the armed forces. leaking classified information. the german military discussed strikes on the kerch bridge with taurus missiles. what can harm russian ipso. macron's military coalition. france calls on partners not to reject sending troops to ukraine. meanwhile, nato is conducting its first exercises in finland. yeah, well, we 're going to continue, and now for your attention, i'm going to quote you, eh. not for now, video for your attention, which we have selected, well, every time in
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the verdik program there is some bright video that in one way or another illustrates the day that is passing, well, the main thing is that they illustrate all these days, already 700, what a day, these are events in the war, well, today we have such videos selected for you, let's see. tankers managed to defeat the enemy's landing craft in the liman direction, hitting it
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with the stugna atgm. by the way, ukrainian production, let me remind you. now is the question we put to you, and you will have two hours to answer it. oh, or do you expect us aid to end if donald trump wins? in november of this year , the elections for the president of the united states of america should be held, and in case of victory, do you think, well, first of all, this help should be received, of course, from one side, well, but in the long run, let's think, and if you think so, you expect the end of us aid if trump wins 0.800-211381 if you think no, the aid will be even for donald trump, for his presidency 0800 211 382. please, i invite you to vote, we are very it is important to know your opinion. valentyn lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's eu integration, former head of the security service of ukraine. in the sixth-10th years and in the 14th and 15th, mr. valentin, i congratulate you, good evening,
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glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, you know, here we will talk about such reconnaissance of spies and other important things, but i read it and , you know, my hands go down, because you read and think, well, how, so the ministry of defense is conducting an audit now, and they found 30,000 pieces, well excuse me, that's six brigades could be provided with these turnstiles. if everyone is given one, well, let me remind you that there are 4-5 thousand people in the brigade, who were stored in warehouses for almost a year, the auditor of the ministry of defense discovered the storage of one of the military units in zhytomyr oblast, subordinate to the command of the medical forces, 30,000 new high-quality medical tourniquets made by the united states of the united states of america, the defense department said. these turnstiles were received as early as last april, after six months, after which the military unit issued 458 of them of ukrainian 458 on these on... four companies were issued, well, well, it’s good that they were discovered, but
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how to explain it, you kept them for what, to resell later, well, why is this, i agree with you, and here we must talk about more professionalism, each of our defenders should have not one tourniquet, but at least two or three, so the number of brigades is slightly smaller, but to save the life of one, ten, a thousand or tens of thousands, well, it is clear that this is a priority. of priorities, and that, this is what i repeatedly spoke about and spoke about in the parliament with american partners, they provided and continue to provide serious support, including in tactical medicine. prices for the needs of our defenders for the armed forces of ukraine. the fact that it was not handed over on time, i believe, is at least a crime against our defenders. therefore, there should not only be an audit that found or did not find, but there should be a serious legal response. in our country, i think the time has come to put things in order, including this. and one more thing: we actually
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had supplies for the armed forces of ukraine and modern tactical medicine, and modern weapons, which... due to logistical reasons, sometimes there were really delays in warehouses, but my position is that these delays should be removed now, the infrastructure is now quite well established, moreover, volunteers and other organizations help a lot, which can deliver to the front as soon as possible, especially in those parts where the armed the forces of ukraine are now moving to the defense, which means that there is an opportunity to receive and master additional new modern weapons and to use them against the enemy, to stop the enemy's aggression, well, really, i think that the turnstiles, if they said, guys, sort it out under the receipt, under everything, then i think they would have taken it, they would have taken it to their parts, it’s not this, not these, not susana, the howitzer is not to be carried, 777. now we, let’s move on to well directly your intelligence profile and the struggle of intelligence,
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this is important, so russian propagandists are actively discussing the recording of intercepted conversations of representatives of the air force. germany, which is discussing the possibility of blowing up the kerch bridge with taurus missiles. the ministry of defense of germany has already admitted that this is the case the conversation took place. let's listen to a fragment of this conversation. i've come to the conclusion that there are two interesting targets: the bridge to the east and the ammunition depots above. the bridge to the east is hard to get, it's a fairly small target, but taurus can do it. i... i would like to say something more about the destruction of the bridge, we were actively engaged in this issue and, unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not take 10 or even 20 missiles. well, it is very strange, on the one hand, that this conversation got to the russian special services,
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then simonyan talked about it there, she was the first to rush into the space, that my comrades in... gave me such information, now you will all fall here, please explain what this struggle-development is going on and what the consequences will be after, well, after that, it's not a drain, it's a manifestation of this information, right? i think that this is an active operation of the russian special services, it preceded it, as i see the technical interception of one or several conversations, which, most likely, were then assembled from several, you know, fragments with... they drank one, and this is exactly the tape that was distributed by a propagandist without conscience and nationality, russian on russian resources, it was the first and second who intercepted it, it was technical means, i think that of telecommunication channels, and most likely chinese special services could not be dispensed with here, because one of these german officers
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happened to be in hong kong, and most likely it succeeded. to the russians to get these fragments of conversations and, i repeat, to use them to form a special information operation that reached germany. now about germany, and the minister of defense, the chancellor of germany, scholz , i think, was completely unaffected by this fragment or the telephone releases of the conversations, and i will tell you why, because the conversations about the transfer of taurus or thoros, as they should be called, for our armed forces. well, we even lead with the parliament, with the bundestag, i mean we, parliamentarians of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, me personally, and more than once. moreover, ukrainian social networks and the ukrainian military are talking not about 10, not about 20, but about hundreds of such missiles that we need, we we really know how useful they are for the armed forces, because they are high-precision and concrete-breaking
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missiles, and precisely for the purpose of destroying enemy fortifications, warehouses, and bridges temporarily. occupied territories, ukraine and the armed forces are waiting to receive such, or larger and better missiles in order to knock out the enemy from our territory, so there was no huge secret or information leak here either. at the same time, we understand, and believe me, especially from my contacts, because with the bundestag, with committees, specialized specialists, from germany, i think that simple resolving the issue bilaterally. indeed , we will not find it quickly, but with the involvement of third countries or a third country, we are quite optimistically looking at such missiles for the armed forces of ukraine, i think we will unlock them. and we will be able to receive, all the more, and this is what i want to conclude, that we expect, and quite soon , the f16 will enter the ukrainian sky for combat duty, that is, there will be wings that
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can carry such or such high-precision missiles, well, and right away it is important, because when they say that it's you who are hitting the territory of russia, well, i'll just remind you, most of them, but i i'm just saying that most of the bridge goes through ukrainian territory, well, some part of it goes through russian. well, i mean according to internationally recognized documents and demarcation of borders, that's why we don't strike on the territory of russia, well, we strike on the territory of russia anyway, but in this situation it's not a vision. russian foreign minister sergey lavrov called the released records a blatant self-exposure on the part of the west, which allegedly has a military presence in ukraine for a long time. let's listen to sergey lavrov. newly we have witnessed the facts that have come to light regarding the confrontation between the chancellor. about how they are carefully preparing an attack on the crimean
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bridge, on other objects, first of all, warehouses with ammunition, and most importantly, how at the same time they want to deceive everyone so that they think not of them, but of the americans, the british, since they already and that's how they are there, it's generally a blatant self-exposure, the situation is clear. indicates that the camp of war in europe is still very strong, and it is really strong, it will be even stronger, so that the camp of war in russia, and this is a bleating man who said a few days before the invasion that we will not attack, what are you doing, and he is sitting like jesus christ, excuse me, or the pope of rome and says that this is necessary, and this is his presalka, presata , masha zakharova, says that the dynasification in germany is not finished, it turns out that it must be carried out. again, because you , well, look at what is being done, want to help ukraine, defeat the aggressor, this is terrible and , you know, there is only one advice, and it is very serious: do not listen to and do not watch these
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characters who perform russian ipso, including lavrov and others, keeping my brain healthy, it is i who appeal to us, to the ukrainians, and the whole world understands this, and believe me, no one anywhere listens to them or pays attention, but i repeat that such statements, which as soon as you demonstrate. will disperse something similar tomorrow, they, it is meant in the country of the aggressor in russia, are nothing more than a special information operation and an attempt to twist, twist, somehow justify their own aggression. it is necessary to understand that the main purpose of such and there is only one such special information operation of russia: to justify its own aggression, because the whole world sees the opposite precisely thanks to the armed forces of ukraine. that ukraine is defending itself, that ukraine is confronting the enemy, that western aid is extremely necessary and will continue, by the way, that the european union has unheard of consolidation, especially after
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macron's latest statements, and ammunition is being found and will be, especially artillery, artillery ammunition of the armed forces, even from outside the european union, these are unprecedented steps, and my explanation is professional, why this so-called film or telephone conversation appeared. russia began to spread precisely because the russians understood that the european union, you know, seriously, together with nato, not only supports ukraine, but will do so much more seriously in the future. yes , i am here, we will continue this topic, i will just respond very briefly, here is a contributor on youtube in the comments, by the way, like, subscribe, share our videos, in the comments he writes, dear espresso, maybe you will stop collecting money 24/7 , right away i say, we will not stop, because we are collecting for... the armed forces, the whole team is engaged in checking abuses in procurement, incorrect distribution of turnstiles in the construction of protective structures. i think that if we give all the budgets of the ministry of defense, the sdf, and nabu to espresso, we
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will definitely take care of it, but i think that everyone should do their job, espresso should lead the ethers. and as for the money, you know, we recently collected a whole lot for us, today i looked, i weighed how much an fpv drone weighs, and these fp drones went to the front. this is to the point that your money, it is immediately they go to the front in these or other goods. therefore , we will continue to do it, and i think that the verification should be done by those people who receive large budgets for it, who, in principle, for whom it is their direct duty. now we will briefly listen to pistorius, the minister of foreign affairs, oh, the minister of defense of germany, who and what he said about this, well, about these films. i think the officers did what they were supposed to do, they considered different scenarios without actually planning anything. they also have no doubt that it was not a green light from me or the chancellor to use taurus missiles. they thought about what scenarios could be considered, which is ultimately their job as
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commanders. after all, one can draw any conclusions from what they discussed. in any case, it is clear that the officers at every point of the discussion understood that there was a limit to involvement in this war. here you know, in short, what do you think are similar, well , will conclusions be drawn, first of all, this applies, of course, to germany, but i think that in nato there is some kind of coordination by their special services, their intelligence, in order to ensure that information does not reach the enemy in the future, because they submitted this information, as if, look, we need intelligence here. carry out, the germans are fighting for, it turns out to be against us, yes , but right away some information can get out that can lead, for example, to the fact that how our sso fighters died in tenderivka kusia in the kherson region, somehow the information got out, well, i figuratively speaking, it may be some kind of special operation where they may be involved people, forces, and the enemy, for example, can make a pre-emptive strike on our installations, which should hit the bridge, so it is important to understand here that some information from nato countries does not reach the enemy, whether, in
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your opinion, conclusions will be drawn and.. . some kind of reinsurance, let's divide and professionally answer each part of your question, the first part is the most important for us and for our defenders, so that the enemy, in russia, does not have information about the plans, means and location of our defenders, our dearest, and this is the responsibility general staff, and i would strengthen , i have been in favor of this for a long time, i would strengthen the general staff and the ministry of defense of ukraine with military intelligence, transferring both the unit and... these to the main military counterintelligence precisely in order to protect, preserve and prevent from "was a favor, or leaked into the military plans, ukrainian military plans of the enemy, this is the first and most important thing, i think, it is for us and we can do it ourselves in ukraine. secondly, at the same time, i do not share, you know, the opinion that this situation is german and about taurus and this one so-called phone conversation,
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again, it hurts a lot. but what's wrong? let the aggressor know that taurus missiles will not only appear, let them know and understand that ukraine will have something to answer for, even more seriously than we are answering now. that is, there is actually a war against us, and we do not need to complex, especially in those issues that make us stronger. and thirdly, i think that germany will also draw serious conclusions regarding the financing of the organization. more serious counter-intelligence on their territory, counter-intelligence both technical and intelligence, so that to beat on the tentacles of the russian special services, which really were in europe, and now, during the full-scale aggression against ukraine, they are only , you know, more financed and begin to work more stealthily , these tentacles must be cut off, and this is already a responsibility, if it is in germany, then german counterintelligence.
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we have one more question, well, the last one in our conversation today... on march 2, the special representative of the chinese government for eurasian affairs, lihui, met in moscow with representatives of the russian foreign ministry, declaring afterwards that the war in ukraine must be resolved through negotiation. after moscow, lihui should visit ukraine and the countries of the european union. according to the experts of the institute for the study of war, the russian authorities are manipulating the negotiation platforms offered by china and turkey in order to undermine further international support for ukraine. and what do you think, whether china will really come, well, we, by the way, where is that video. in china , empty ports are shown, because due to us sanctions, well , there are certain problems with the circulation of goods and with trade in china, but we understand where chinese exports mainly come from, where they go, not to russia, the main part, and where do the necessary goods come from, yes, that is why sanctions are important for china, have they really gone to say, well, let's do this already, sit down at the transition table? putin and his aggression created problems, and finally it started, they... began
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to be felt in china and turkey. secondary sanctions or even primary sanctions, especially banking ones, especially against serious chinese and turkish companies, have seriously begun to act now, and it is not just unprofitable, it is already hurting the chinese economy, which, by the way, is not in the best condition, and therefore it hurts the leadership of china, because it is the leader of china, i announced and stands on the program that he will save the economy from... he can raise it here as well putin and his war are not just a brake, but a serious obstacle to such global plans, such a global economy, which is the chinese economy. second, lihui really was in moscow and you know what he started with, he started with a personal message to xi, who again reminded putin that it would not happen, he promised putin to xi that it would not happen nuclear threats, that there will not be, you know, the rattling
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of nuclear weapons and the threat to destroy these... civilization, which was talked about.


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