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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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secondary sanctions or even primary sanctions , especially banking ones, especially against serious chinese and turkish companies, have seriously begun to act, and this is not just unprofitable, it is already hurting the chinese economy, which, by the way, is not in the best condition, but therefore, it hurts the leadership of china, because it is the leader of china xi, i announced and stands on that program that he will save the economy and be able to raise it, and here putin is from his eyelashes. it is not just a brake, but a serious obstacle to such global plans, such a global economy as the chinese economy. second, lihui really was in moscow and you know what he started with, he started with a personal message from xi, who again reminded putin that there would be no, he promised putin everything, that there would be no nuclear threats, that there would be no, you know, the rattling of nuclear weapons and the threat to destroy civilization, which was talked about. when he spoke there,
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it seems on february 29, the whole world went a little crazy, a russian aggressor came out and said that he can destroy civilization, and chinese civilization has completely different plans, and this is what started lihuye's conversations in moscow. second, this is all directly related to the cessation of russian aggression, and for us, for ukraine, we are waiting for it in kyiv, we will speak more objectively, we do not threaten the world, we are not going to. to destroy chinese civilization, like any other, and on the contrary, we have a clear and understandable formula for peace, only peace in its true sense, this is when the aggressor leaves the temporarily occupied territory, international law, the un charter, which, as the guarantor of which is china in the security council of the united nations, there is an anti-putin coalition here, and we really hope that china will finally support these efforts in order to withdraw from... and the withdrawal of the aggressor, everyone has moved to
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peace, and this is the a path for which, if you ask me, china needs and the chinese leadership as well, to directly influence such levers, the levers they have on putin. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining and supporting our conversation, today is important, valentyn livaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on the integration of ukraine with the eu, former head of the security service of ukraine in the sixth, 10th and 14-1 years, by the way, comments continue to be made about the fact that espresso should check everything instead of collecting money , i'm just protecting my colleagues, because you know, and there they still write like this, they write to us that, are we re-educating citizens like, pay taxes, make a donation there, nothing controls, it will be up to you, i want to tell you what to collect and donate , well, these are all documents, my colleagues deal with this, believe me, you know, sometimes i don’t want to deal with it, because it’s a big... such a brainwash, but
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the fund, say, iryna koval, does it, but espresso does it, it’s handed over from there, it ’s all checked, everything is verified, every penny, every hryvnia, don’t think , that you collected money, went to the bazaar, bought and sent to the military, no, it doesn’t happen like that, and then you still have to find these cars at a service station, finish them, work on them, meet the military, give them these cars, and then suddenly they need to be repaired collect these machines, all these drones, submit 150 reports, do you think that's all it's easy, that's how you collected the money, then you went and said, guys, who can go and buy a car or 500... and you poured money into your pocket and went and bought it, it doesn't happen like that and it doesn't happen like that, i want to tell you what today we have already collected almost 25 thousand hryvnias for the buggy, and people who write such posts, i want to tell you, maybe we will not collect for the buggy in order to take out the military, maybe these military will just sit on your posts read, they will be outraged together with you and everything will be fine with them, and the soldiers are somehow wounded themselves will crawl out of the battle line, however, it is much easier to sit and tell everyone what to do, instead of actually doing it. the business of saving these soldiers
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, arming them, giving them eyes at night, thermal imaging cameras , drones to kill the enemy, so that, it’s easier to sit down, tell them how everyone should do it, without hitting a finger in the finger for this, yes, oleksandr khara, expert on issues of foreign and security policy, center for defense and strategy, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, good evening, mr. vasyl, i am here talking to our readers, viewers, well, with the viewers there , let us, well, actually, of course, the main topic here is that we all... want to somehow guess how it should be, but in any case, you will definitely track those signals and those that the pulsation that is there in different sources , different channels there, of course , diplomats always have, always had, and you can explain to us, perhaps more about what we should expect from, when there in general, because you do not understand such different statements , in march, in april, in may there are already by-elections, what is the situation there now for the evening of this day for help for ukraine, let's try all this, at least for now... to say how it is in
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fact, and in fact, well, then you can think about how it could still be, well, in fact, the fact is that in fact the signals from the people of donald trump and accordingly mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, is quite sensitive to such signals, they are blocking this aid because they want to use the tense situation on the southern border, the immigration reform situation as an important, you know, chips in this election, but in the meantime there are i have certain problems... mike johnson in the sense that he can be bypassed, there are several options, well, the first option is brian fitzpatrick, a republican congressman who worked in ukraine at one time and is a big supporter of ukraine. he registered his bill,
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it is rather, shall we say, less favorable, favorable than what the senators voted in terms of the amount of aid and defense, and there is definitely neither... economic nor humanitarian aid, so this is one of the options , and the second, including fitzpatrick, a democrats are also said to be gathering the necessary 218 votes to bring the bill, which was voted down in the senate, to a vote, effectively bypassing mike johnson. ah, why is this important, what is important is that mike johnson said that he will listen to trump, because in ... november there will be an election not only for the president of the united states, but for the house of representatives, if there is no blessing from trump, then mike johnson may not make it to the house of representatives, but he may lose his office, because under the changed rules, any
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the republican congressman can raise the issue of removing him from office, that is exactly why he is holding on and trying with these promises that we will look at the border, and then we mentioned funding. government, although they have already voted, extended it for a certain period, although not for a month, for the whole year, that is, this quotation, it will continue for a certain time, although of course, that there is pressure from colleagues in the house of representatives, there will definitely be enough the number of republicans who will vote for aid to ukraine, because they understand that it is not just some territorial disputes in europe, but it is about the world order and it is about... about the prestige of the united states, prestige on the one hand cannot be felt somehow, that is, wine is ephemeral, yes, but if this prestige no, it means that they do not trust , it means that they will not listen to the united states, that is, the leadership of the united states will be lost, that is why we have such
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a situation, well, plus, you know, the last innocent, the supreme court of the united states, well, in fact, its a unanimous decision decision, nine justices voted that... the colorado supreme court was wrong to ban donald trump's name from appearing on ballots in the ongoing prairies and caucuses to select the republican nominee, i.e. this means that this technical possibility , which had the potential to eliminate or prevent trump from coming to power, can already be written off, i.e. it is not there, there are others, i.e. this is actually a criminal charge, and of course, that refusal to vote may be associated with this for him, a certain number of moderate republicans who do not want to have their yanukovych at the head of this state, therefore, in
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principle, there is such news, of course, we have to take into account, and the usual news is that nikki gelli received 2/3 of the votes in... . d.c., it's a small win, because d.c. is by and large the more traditional republicans there, and it's not that important in terms of the number of voters that are needed, here, but all this, you know, i why it's about i'm saying that there are a lot of different parameters that are involved in this election race, which indirectly affect the consideration of ukrainian issues. and of course for the future of american aid, you have already answered all my questions about the united states of america, well at least, well , i am very grateful to you actually for niki geli, she is really impressive, she is a person who continues to fight, as they say, how wrote lesya ukrainka, it was
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her birthday recently, but she is a ukrainian woman, she is already 153, and she has been since 1881, but she said that there is no hope to hope like this, contraspeem spero, this that's what nicky gay does. and that's really important, well, in any case, she's building a political career, she's a young politician, and so even if she doesn't win this election, let's say, there will be another election, but, but she i, i am very short, by the way, how do you rate? in general, here is this fighting spirit, no gels, and despite such obvious things, you know, she continues to fight, well , she has hopes, and the only chance to become president is if trump does not have the legal ability to do it, if from him moderate republicans will turn away , otherwise they have no chance, well , now, if you look at the numbers, during these primaries and caucuses, then... when the republicans gather and vote in each state for some candidate, now
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she scored 43 votes at a time when trump has 192. in order to automatically become the nominee of the republican party, 1215 votes are needed, there are 2429 in total, we will wait and by and large tomorrow will be a big day, the so-called super tuesday, where the fate of the 34 will be decided. four votes percent of the votes of the republican party , and for sure, if it does not get enough, then it will decide whether it is worth continuing this struggle, because of course, elections are not only the will of a person, but also large finances, and before that, she believed, that it makes little sense, some advise her to go separately, that is, not from the republican party, so far she refuses to do so, well, it would just be very wrong for her now, being, let's say, one of the candidates
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for nomination in the republican party you know, i'm going to go in parallel here, but she emphasizes that she is more popular and has a better chance of beating joseph biden in these elections , because joseph biden is extremely unpopular , now 56.4% are negative about him. rating and donald trump 51.3%, respectively, and if biden were competing now with nikigeli, the difference would be 46 to 42.1, that is, a little almost 5%. at a time when between biden and trump there are 43 and 45.8, that is, literally there, how much 2.2% with pennies, that is, in fact, that is why it is very good that it shows a traditional republic. position, is showing his will, and of course i hope that they will be the future, because
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frankly, by and large, the republican party as we knew it has ceased to exist because it has been absorbed by trump, and there is a large base of trumpians who will vote for anything, even if he commits a criminal offense, and of course there are those republicans who want to have a republican president, whatever and turn a blind eye to... the violation of his character, the dangers that the united states, and of course the whole world, is exposed to the election of such a person, so this is a tragedy for the americans, this is a crisis, that's it, but i believe in american democracy, i am absolutely sure that they will then recover and, let's say, return to the framework traditional politics, not populist politics, i would like to ask you now, we will move on now, but so that later we will return to... this topic of my colleagues to find the cover of the magazine, it was the end
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of last year, they make such a forecast for the coming year , and there were so interesting picture, so there was a picture of trump on top of putin, well, as if the candidate, who is there in one way or another, i won’t say that he has contacts there, supports them, well , they are connected, and there, what, and on the other hand side, there was zelensky on this cover from the top, above him , it seemed, there was such a... woman with a ponytail, and there were such thoughts that if putin and trump are there, then there is obviously zelensky and someone else, and maybe it's niki gayle, maybe something knew there, well, by the way, this is actually a magazine owned by the rothschild family, and well, i think that they are something there, but it is interesting, it is interesting in any case, now we will come to france and here emmanuel macron, as they say, is going to war, i mean it in a good way, because actually i was very impressed by this politician, the president of the french of the republic, by the way, he's my age, that's why i'm kind of like him... somewhere, i'm trying to understand, because somewhere, well, there we are, 5 days apart in birth, and it's very
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cool to me that he is, well, if he still proved this matter to the end about nato troops, but the french secretary of state for european affairs , jean-nouel barot, after the statements of the french president manuel macron, regarding sending troops to ukraine, said that european countries should not rule out any options for action in the face of the aggressor, and i quote: the struggle of ukrainians is also our struggle, resisting the aggressor, they are fighting for... the security of europe and france, because volodymyr putin's imperialist fantasies are clearly not limited to ukraine. gathering 27 heads of state and government in paris, the french president demonstrated unity and determination. from these countries to do more, better and in a different way to meet the needs of the ukrainian resistance, this what is important is this initiative, there are the reactions of various leaders of various states of the european union and non-european union, like there, let's say serbia, vucic spoke there, but will the power of charisma, influence,
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connections, arguments, financial, armed, whatever -which... emmanuel macron has, in order to push this idea and still make it real, i am not saying that these troops will appear on the front line, but they could appear somewhere not far from the front line, on the fourth line and just give a signal that we are already here, whatever please, well, you know, i would like to, first of all, of course, the potential in france is huge to help us, because france is only included in, it seems, 15 countries in terms of aid, after the european union , the united states is followed by germany and the fourth place is the united kingdom. and i understand that the french give us some pretty good things like scalp cruise missiles or, well, caesar howitzers and some other things, but in terms of volume, well, of course they could give more if they think that, well
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in fact, the russian federation threatens the european continent as well. in general , not only those who are outside the nato umbrella. i would like these statements not to be an attempt to grab attention and leadership, because you know, macron is not the first initiative where macron has tried to be a leader. this is also strategic autonomy, this means the same negotiations, do you remember how he called, well, every week, it seems, so he tried to prove something and so on, that is, i hope that it is serious thing, and let's say it like this, a positive signal is that, in fact, the ngsh is french, he informed his nato colleagues and asked their opinions about the acceptability of the proposal to send military members
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of nato countries to ukraine, in what capacity and so on, because in fact, mr. scholz, he... did a disservice to the british, he said that there are already british military personnel on the territory of ukraine who are helping, well, primarily with high-precision weapons, so why wouldn’t the french have such, the same scalp guide or some perform other functions, that is, this is very good correct news, it is a pity that they are so slow to come to this, it is a pity that it took eight or even nine years after the illegal annexation of the beginning of the proxy war in... donbass for them to understand that such is russia , that it is a threat, that diplomacy is powerless with russia, diplomacy is powerful in order to unite in support of ukraine and provide everything so that we fulfill, as they say, the job get done, i.e. fulfill the tasks before us, therefore let's hope it's not empty the words that france will give us more weapons, because
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this is the only language understood in the kremlin, the only, let's say, the only method of rapprochement. peace and victory of ukraine, this is by destroying the enemy's forces and means faster than they can generate them, then they simply will not be physically able to continue this war, they will have to either withdraw or try to use the same turks or chinese to cease fire and then some diplomatic negotiations, of course it is clear how to run the cover, so let's hope that france in the end is included in a serious way and not only in terms of image, and even more so in france, if we are not talking about the napoleonic wars there, by and large, napoleon bonaparte did not plan to fight with russia, he tried to come to an agreement with alexander i, remember, there this the peace of tirzytsia, and he treated alexander very well, he just decided to fight something, and that’s how it was, it was a campaign deep into russia, then the french themselves saw where they had gone, returned,
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having lost a lot, but the russians call it a victory, well, so be it, but the crimean war, in the 53rd, 56th years, when france, britain, and the middle kingdom were there. stood up for turkey, it demonstrated very well what can be done in the war against russia, then their emperor nicholas was there, he did not survive this defeat and actually, well , he actually caught a cold there and died, but the words of levatalstov, the writer, are still so alive for me , well, the count, who participated, by the way, in the crimean war there in sevastopol, and he wrote that russia lost then not because it was weaker or had fewer troops or less desire, but it's just... that's why he said that french guns shoot further and more accurately, and russian guns shoot worse, that's the same thing in this war, it's french weapons, they could, they could just win simply because they're better. shoots and is more accurate, and this is what you have, yes, this is the red line of the tank, this is when the british had better weapons and they
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lined up in one row, so to speak, and not in three or four rows , as it was before, and how the british simply looked down on the russian troops and actually it's a small bunch of scots, she turned back the attack, that is, this is such a heroic moment in the history of crimea. war, that is, it shows that the first thing must be the will , show the picture again, please, the picture, show it, we will show it like this, but well, we see, and well, this is what tolstoy described in the sevastopol stories, but this is me to the point that we can repeat , we should end here, i thank you very much for the conversation, it is always interesting and in fact yes, oleksandr khara is talking about it with you, he was with us, a diplomat , and now we actually talked about about military about international issues are very important already there, well, we did not reach poland, but
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in any case i think that in any case i think that poland is a topic, as they say continuous, so it will continue, we we will still discuss it, and now we are moving on to the conversation, this is oleksandr khara, i will just give it already, i will give it already... regali, expert on foreign and security policy issues, strategy defense center. now let's go directly to the military topic, ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. igor, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. well, we will probably start with the operational situation on the fronts, from what is known, i read yesterday, well, there, those who write tele, in telegram, there, on facebook. i don't know if it's on facebook or in a telegram to colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, the head of the command, well , they wrote that now the russians will be very active in spreading a lot of information about what is happening on the fronts, so trust only
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official sources, well, actually, i always i trust official sources, if only there or friends or acquaintances tell me something, then i understand something there for myself, but on the other hand, i also understand that friends or acquaintances only have an idea of ​​a separate section of the front, but not of the whole, so from that , what do you know as of the evening, the key directions are, of course , avdiivka, bakhmut, and her work is there. what is the situation there, at least, and at least we can pay attention to the fact that, in principle, the russian attacks near avdiivka decreased a little bit, i will not say that they came to nothing there, but that no less decreased due to the fact that the use of aviation and cabs has been suspended, thanks to our air defense forces, this is no longer a secret, everyone is already talking about it, and this gives the opportunity for our troops to regroup and still gain a foothold on those... frontiers, where they are today. of course, i am very sorry that the russians built the so-called surovykin line in a few months. avdiyivka was held for so
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long, and the reserve lines, to which the 110th brigade and other units were withdrawn. well, to be honest, the horse didn't really hang around there, if understand, trenches dug with shovels are not defensive structures that can protect against artillery, tanks, well, i 'm not talking about... aviation, and it's very unfortunate on the one hand, and on the other hand, well, to be honest , how long can you walk on those rakes, we talked about it when there were operations near bakhmut, let's remember after the fall of bakhmut, how far the russians have now crawled, that's how time goes by, it's good, because it's an urban development, it's really been done there to a certain extent borderline, but again on avdiiv direction, well, it was necessary to do at least using natural heights, this is at least. well, we have what we have, unfortunately, the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, the commander-in-chief, drew attention to the miscalculations of the commanders on the ground, well, to be honest, for me it is a complete
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joke, why, because the commanders on the ground there are fighting 24 hours a day, and the issue of logistical support or provision of engineering and technical means is not something that we want to be better, we have practically no such thing in our troops, maybe this is news for someone, but i want to say that the military civil administrations are stupidly sabotaging the construction of defense structures in many... directions. i saw it in donetsk region before bakhmut. and today i can state the fact that this is happening in many directions. if we recall now the zaporizhzhia area, we remember that since january, if i am not mistaken, 1.3 billion have been allocated for the construction of defense structures in zaporizhia. and they can't do it for a month and a half or two play out, i.e. they have 40 km to the front line , and are they idiots or not idiots, is this already treason, on my channel, on the youtube
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channel, i analyzed it in more detail, here, but i just want people to pay attention, at that time, i state the fact that a very good specialist in quotation marks was called in to build defense structures, i apologize, i can’t call it another way, but kyrylo tymoshenko is now a very frequent guest of mr. umerov at the ministry of defense, i think that the great theft will pass now on defensive structures, because they are already opposing the roads citizens, they say we have enough roads, give us concrete lines for the soldiers, well, these are miscalculations of the authorities from... on the positive side, i can state the fact that, no matter what, i emphasize once again, the enemy has already been stopped in the avdiyiv direction, well, of course avdiivka is no longer ours, but wherever the russians broke through, they, as they say, did not manage to jump on the shoulders of the movement of our troops, and this is normal. as for the situation, well , kherson oblast, krynky, we know that our guys continue to get goals, and they will get them as long as there are...
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to cover, we are covering today in the lion 's share of fpv with drones, we have projectile hunger all over the front line, well, i don't even know what else can be added from such grandiose things, well , look, if there are no defense structures and not enough weapons, well, what should be the minimum considered the question of mobilization, well , we do not speak for it now, but we understand that it is complete trash, what is happening today with mobilization processes, politicians have stopped, or rather, politicians today... some of them never became statesmen , they further think about ratings, then they think about whether to adopt some popular norm or to park, well , we have what we have, the issue of mobilization breaks down every day and all the time, well, i will just add from myself, but recently i was driving here, well, there i called texts, a military , he came to rest there for 15 days, he says he wants to sit with me, he's not a young
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guy and he was going, he says i'll pay. i'll just go back there later, he's a driver somewhere at the front, and i tell him, have you heard about the initiative to pay 200 uah for those who have been on the at the front on the front line, he he, well, the person really rejoiced, says 200,000, cool, who would say that, he says, well, president zelensky, and she, she tells us, no one said anything, well, but i lead to the conclusion that the person rejoiced, if it was really implemented, well, let’s give people a rest, there are many people who are at the front, maybe there is some financial motivation, they are experienced, if you don’t want it, let’s make a rotation, if you want to be there, but you have these 200. well, these people, they they are really expensive, they have two years of combat experience, this is a gold fund, we are not such people let's do it in a year, please, my friend, i 'm leading to that and mobilization is also necessary, but you just see that 400 amendments to the law on mobilization - that's it, i don't know how long it will take, look, i want to tell you, that i partly disagree with you, well, first of all , the gingerbread question of financial motivation, it does not
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solve the whole story for sure. in the 13th year there was no financial motivation, we went to the front as volunteers, in the 22nd year at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, what motivation, people just went, said, give weapons, there was no such thing, and therefore the largest motivated infantry in the world , there was no such infantry anywhere, we have already put it in the wet ground, they were replaced by those who did not leave the military commissariat, and after receiving a summons in good faith , went to war, but please tell me , who will replace them, the question is 200 00, the lion’s share of the guys... they say, listen, nat, take my 100, let me go home, you understand, the question here is not only in financial motivation, i understand that if a mechanism were worked out, well, like , such a salary came as a volunteer, i don't know, i'm not talking about numbers right now, but on the agenda of such a salary, but for this to happen, it is necessary to shout from every iron, from every tv, from every refrigerator that everyone will fight, just one with such a salary, because they came voluntarily,
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and others with a little money, because... they were mobilized with a bandage, maybe this is one of the elements, but i emphasize once again, people need to understand that you will have to fight anyway, or you are fighting for ukraine under the flag of ukraine, or the russians will treat you like cattle to drive, placing a detachment behind you, and you will be driven like cattle to the hated warsaw and nato. we have seen it, the first and second army corps of the so-called lpr, dnr, as an example to all, the russians today distributed about 2 million passports in the occupied territories, friends. 10% of them, if mobilized , will result in 200,000 for the army, and someone may have thought that they would wait and wait, then they did not wait and did not wait, but such are the problems now, we are motivated, we have one motivator for today must work in information field, fight or die , with money, well, no, well, it won't work like that with money , a skillful recruiting company, conditionally there is the fifth oshb, the third oshb, wolves yes...


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