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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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relevant information, so anna evo, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you and pass the word, please tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, i will tell you about the most important thing, and i will start this issue with the situation in the kharkiv region, where the number of victims has increased as a result of russian attacks. be with us. russian occupiers killed a 67-year-old woman, a resident of korylivka village, kupyan district, in kharkiv region. terrorists attacked the settlement in the morning, covered it with fire in the evening the village of senkove. a 49-year-old ambulance driver was injured there,
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oleg siniogov, head of the military-civilian administration of the region, said. residential buildings, farm buildings, cars and garages were also damaged due to shelling. and the number of victims of the russian invasion of kharkiv region has increased. february 15. a 55-year-old woman, who was injured by muscovites in her own home in the village of chorne, kup'insky district, died in the hospital. oleg sinyohobov, the head of the region, informed. all time. was in a serious condition, doctors fought for her life, but unfortunately, they did not succeed save. in this way, russia killed four people that day. ex-people's deputy yevgeny murayev will be tried in ukraine. the investigation in his case has ended. muraev is charged with treason and subversive activities for the benefit of the aggressor's country. according to the sbu, through the tv channel controlled by him, he spread kremlinvsk. propaganda thus
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contributed to the destabilization of the socio-political situation in ukraine on the eve of a full-scale invasion of russia. examinations confirmed the facts of anti-ukrainian activities of the ex-politician. now he faces up to 15 years imprisonment with confiscation of property. dnipro entrepreneurs were terrorized. the security service of ukraine detained the rocket launchers. the perpetrators demanded money allegedly for unhindered activity. in the frontline region, the weekly amount of tribute depended on the field of entrepreneurship, its scale and profitability. in case of refusal, people were kidnapped, beaten and threatened to kill themselves and their relatives. among the latest criminal actions is the extortion of almost a million hryvnias from one of the local businessmen. the criminals were detained after receiving the first part of the funds from in the amount of 100, hryvnias. the organizer and two members of the gang were informed of the suspicion, they face up to 12 years. clarification in dnipro
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, five dealers who manufactured and sold falsified fuel, organized illegal business, and two brothers, residents of the city, will be tried. they attracted the director of one of the oil refineries, gas station owners and entrepreneurs to him. according to law enforcement officials , the perpetrators produced up to 500 tons of counterfeit goods at the facilities of the processing complex. every month, then it was brought down to state enterprises and through gas station network. to increase the octane number, the attackers added solvents of unknown origin to the raw materials, in particular, those that are prohibited for use in the production of fuel in europe and ukraine. the actions of those involved are qualified depending on their participation in the arrangement under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine. two more members of the organization. group
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has already been found guilty of crimes by the court, materials related to two more persons have been allocated to a separate criminal proceeding. every day , border guards detain up to 25 men who trying to escape from ukraine. the information was made public by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, camera traps and service dogs. how to strengthen the protection. in this footage, men who tried to illegally enter romania were detained by transcarpathian border guards thanks to a patrol helicopter, some conscripted citizens are trying to illegally leave ukraine with forged documents through official checkpoints, however, cases of non-green areas of the border are more popular. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border, there are border units that carry out state protection. the border guards in the most dangerous
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directions are detained by the forces of the border guard, the border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian works around the clock. every week they stop men trying to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of year, and a plus to the romanian coast sides about 30-35 m. the current is very strong and unpredictable. the most common cases are using a wetsuit to put on, so that it is not so cold, inflatable circles, children's inflatable sleeves, mattresses, boats. still at the entrance. in the border zone , 70% of men who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints, spokeswoman of the mukachevo border detachment, lesya fedorova, said. to stop the flow of illegal migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border.
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we also use manned aviation, and drones in addition, we have strengthened the engineering barriers on the state border, yes... we actively use photo traps and they show themselves very well, as well as the installation of bispectral surveillance cameras, the uav operator oleg igrak launches a drone into the sky, from a bird's eye view, the border guard detects potential violators, for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera in... it sees and can see through trees, through branches. after detention, violators are taken to the branch of the state border guard inspectors services so-called smugglers often help men escape abroad. over the past year, border guards detained almost 60 such dealers. prices for their services
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start from 45 dollars and up to 9 thousand greens. shippers themselves usually try not to contact their clients, because attempts to... illegally cross the border entail administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal shipments, they entail criminal responsibility. at the beginning of the great war, in transcarpathia alone, 24 cases of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border were recorded, so border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. and the espresso tv channel calls for help with the assembly of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aviation complexes of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the strike
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drones, our defenders have already been destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor, so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. from your report. with my help, we have already collected more than 980 00 hryvnias, there is quite a bit left, remember, each of your donations is important, join, you can see all the details on the screen. sabotage in the red sea, where unknown people cut three cables providing global internet and communications, reports sky news, the damage affected 25% of the traffic responsible for the transmission. to africa, asia and the near east. a company serving one of the countries stated that the area within the maritime jurisdiction of yemen was destroyed. it is in the southern part of the red sea. the houthis, who carry out regular attacks on ships at sea, denied involvement in
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the incident and blamed the whole thing on britain, which destroyed a warship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation near the kerch strait. kissed with a sea urchin. us 65 million dollars, this is the value of the russian corvette serhiy kotov, which was sent to the bottom by the ukrainian armed forces. resource army inform compiled a rating of the most valuable destroyed equipment of muscovites, while the submarine cruiser moskva holds the top spot. it cost the occupiers 750 million dollars. two destroyed reconnaissance units. a50 aircraft cost half a billion each , the attack submarine rostov-on-don cost up to 400 million, and the tu-22 m3 bomber was estimated by experts at 300 million, and the rear boats and the transporter il. i have everything for the moment, i'll see
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you at 4 p.m., the news team is working. in the next issue, we will talk about the most important and always more about the current ones events you can read. on our site espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close. thank you to the news editor, thank you to anna eva melnyk, an extremely meaningful and interesting issue. after all, traditionally, you will learn the most by watching espresso, and in order to properly understand the palette of today's news, also watch the information and analytical marathon. marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii are working for you in the studio today, and in order to deal with the situation between poland and ukraine, as well as with the polish protests. we will attract farmers to our air as our next guest. nataliya panchenko, public
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activist and human rights defender, is already on our airwaves. we welcome you. good day. mrs. natalia, well, let's immediately want to ask you, here is your vision of the situation, so to speak, from the fields. yes, we understand that we raised an extremely important topic: the supply of agricultural products from russia and belarus. i don't know if she stays in... poland or if she goes somewhere. yes, certain consultations took place at the level of the cabinet of ministers of poland and ukraine, that is, the situation enters a fundamentally, as it were, a new stage, yes, but in place everything remains the same, polish blockers and so on, arrange this brothel on the border. well, because the fact that, er, this product is going to poland is not news to anyone, it is not something new. and uh, why the farmers started their strikes has nothing to do with the fact that this product is going.
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it seems to me that, on the contrary, there is a certain misunderstanding of the situation in ukraine, and i am very glad that today i have the opportunity to clarify it. in fact, the main embargo and ban of transport from eu countries across the polish border to russia and belarus, occurred back in 2020, exactly then. when we, as euromaidan warsaw, blocked the polish-belarusian border with the demand that the european union stop trade with russia. we then managed to achieve this under specific conditions, there were only two exceptions, according to international humanitarian law, the european union left two categories that can go to russia, that is, it is a very short list of food products. which according to humanitarian law cannot be deprived of anyone in the world, because he will be doomed to starvation, and
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the second is courier and postal transportation, which is just as wrong according to humanitarian law , which says that they cannot be isolated from the world, and actually these two small things then remained, precisely these two little things are used now, there is a very small list of products that can be transported legally across the border and very... very long, almost nothing, cannot be transported because it is already under sanctions, that is if we are talking about the legal component, except this, of course all over the world, including unholy poland, there is smuggling, that is, illegal transportation. the illegal transportation is based on the fact that the ukrainian pravda revealed quite well in its report that the goods are from russia, but not... the documents are correctly made, the documents are deliberately forged, they pass it off as goods from another country, or they also
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purchase goods from the countries of the european union as if to third countries, in fact he is going to russia, this is all called evasion of sanctions, this is all smuggling, and this is all a violation of the law, which should have already been investigated by the relevant authorities bodies and services of certain countries involved in this, and precisely because of that, it did not happen. for some it was a bit of a shock, especially for those who understood how the sanctions work and how it works, another thing is that the farmers who left, they came out with completely different demands, so it will not affect the farmers' protests in any way, we farmers left as we know, first of all, because they agree to the green deal, some of them left because they are afraid, in the literal sense of the word, of competition with ukrainian e... high-quality agricultural products, another part went to the protests, because they are simply for the exit of poland from
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the european union, for the so-called polexit, and some are simply pro-russian agents who will stand and block this border for as long as possible, because their task is to add fuel to the fire and to make sure that the quarrels between ukraine and poland last as long as possible and do not end, so that is actually what the prime minister proposed today. tusk is to exclude these two remaining categories, that is, for the european union at the eu level to adopt a complete ban and complete embargo on russian products. this is a great offer, if it could be pushed through now, it would be exactly what would help ukraine in the long run. and yes, ms. natali, just at one time you, together with your friends, activists, yes, as far as i understand, it is not only about ukrainian activists, but also possibly polish activists, blocked russian trucks, yes, well, maybe, now the corresponding time, well, i don't
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know, maybe there are some other legal methods, well, you mentioned that... the so-called uh gray area there or gray schemes by which it is possible to transport certain goods from russia to belarus to poland, well, accordingly, something may also be transported to russia and belarus through the same channel, we don’t like it either, well, it may exist, but are there any legal ways to combat the gray and black zone, it smuggling, it exists all over the world, yes it is, but none. the government has no way to influence smuggling simply because the government operates in the white world and smuggling exists in the black and gray world and therefore the relevant services here would have to accordingly fight, the question is whether they are interested in it, how effectively they do it, but if we demand something from politicians, if we want real decisions at
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the legislative level that will have a concrete impact, then we... can only appeal to which is according to international law, that is, to a full embargo on all products. how can we get the european union, or i don't know, poland or whoever, to stop smuggling, if the smuggling is not done at the state level, it is some small businesses that, disregarding the law, do criminal offenses, in principle, as in ukraine, can the state somehow influence that smuggling, somehow limit the possibility of carrying it out. this or that smuggling, there are law enforcement agencies and other special services for this, of course they exist and they should deal with it, but it is no secret to anyone that, unfortunately, there is also smuggling on the ukrainian border, and it can be for a long time debating what the government might do about it, and what other governments might do, but it's a gray world, and even if they do have some influence on it, we'll never know what,
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accordingly, of course we want the services to work better, of course we want it checked. for it to be delayed, but we will never know what the outcome of this is, because it will never be public, instead, if we find out that legally no type of goods can be transported, and those categories that remain due to international humanitarian law will also become subject to sanctions, this will give us the opportunity to really understand the situation that no product, regardless of whether someone dies from it somewhere in russia or not, just go there don't go and this will be the absolute isolation of russia , which we were talking about from the very beginning and which , it seems to me, is much more important for ukraine today, because no matter how much corruption and smuggling, its turnover will never reach the level of legal transportation across the border things that are not
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prohibited. mrs. natalya, but we understand that the situation with the protests in poland is very ... so accumulated, there are many problems, and agricultural products from ukraine, and from russia and belarus, this is not the root cause of these protests, there are many factors that it affects, and another question is how certain groups of people try to manipulate this and take advantage of this situation for their own selfish purposes, and if we are talking about the role of the european commission, which could, in my opinion , be the one who can solve this issue, actually with some of their own subsidies... precisely those or other categories of polish and other european farmers who, even if possible, would already be in such and such a situation that they would need to go to the streets and seek one or another policy change. how are you you think, for example, today it became known that the european commission wants to strengthen the requirements for ukraine within the framework of transport visa-free, well
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, on the one hand, we understand that this issue seems to be on the surface, so we understand, we cannot do without it, but. .. on the other hand , we also understand that this is not the main reason why the borders are blocked now, and this situation requires a certain comprehensive solution, how do you see this process? well, this is actually a complex situation, and it is worth noting that the european commission has already informed polish farmers about the subsidies they will receive, a rather large aid package for poland was allocated there, including an aid package specifically for farmers, where provided. tion and so on, and as we can see, it had no effect on the termination, the protests continue, because it was not the only problem, and it cannot solve the situation, for a certain time... farmers, after all, the problem was the highly competitive ukrainian products and the fact that the requirements for ukrainian products and for
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products from eu countries are very different. to me it seems that this is normal and it should happen sooner or later, when ukrainian products will probably be forced to be at the level of the countries of the european union, on the one hand, this can complicate the production process for ukraine a little. for their producers, on the other hand, it will make it much easier for them to cooperate with the european union in the future, because if the products will already meet all the relevant eu requirements, and most of them already did in fact, because buyers have always paid attention to it, then it can to some extent appease certain groups of protesters, but again just like you say, since this problem is systemic and plays a lot. i'm also not sure that this change, which will satisfy a certain group of protesters, will lead to the fact that the protests will end, because maybe they will end near the polish-ukrainian
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border, which will be very important for us as ukrainians, but they will continue among those farmers , who seek to cancel the green order, the so-called green agreement, and these protests are taking place, but tell our viewers, ms. natalya, the essence of this green agreement an agreement against which... a part of polish farmers opposes. the essence of the green deal is that the european union seeks to introduce new legislation that obliges farmers not to use a certain amount of pesticides, chemicals, herbicides and so on, so that the products are more ecological. for farmers, this means that production will become more expensive, selling on the market does not yet mean that it will become more expensive. accordingly, farmers throughout the european union, it is important to emphasize, not only in poland, germany, italy, spain, france and a number of european countries took
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to the streets against the fact that this law was not adopted, and the biggest wave of farmers' protests in poland is connected precisely with this, they believe that if this green law is adopted, then polish farmers will not be able to to survive, they will have to... close their businesses and so on, and it is because of this that 260 cities and towns in poland have brought their farmers to the streets on tractors, which are now blocking international traffic routes, intersections between cities, central street squares, driving tractors there , i do not know in the central squares, which are included in unesco, manure is scattered on the streets, some objects are set on fire, and so on, in fact, this happens not only at the border. it is clear why our attention is focused there, but it is happening on the territory of the whole of poland, and it is very important to understand this process, that is why
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it is so difficult for the polish authorities to find a consensus with the protesters today, because there are a lot of problems, and solving one does not stop other protests, because it has been going on for so long, and unfortunately, we must also admit that it is at the beginning the polish authorities neglected. did not pay attention to these protests for several months, which led to the fact that they outgrew themselves. today, if we talk about protesters, there are already hundreds of thousands of people who are not connected with each other in any way, these are small local organizations, they have no connection with each other, each is protesting for something different, the farmers have already been joined by small entrepreneurs, hunters, builders and so on, and it just started to get out of hand. control, and now, unfortunately, the polish authorities has a much bigger problem and it is much more difficult to solve it than if she had started doing it at the very beginning, as
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we or the ukrainian authorities at least urged her, then i think it would have been much easier to stop it. now, unfortunately, as we can see, the representatives of the european commission, representatives of the ukrainian government, and the polish authorities are already taking appropriate steps and statements, but unfortunately... all this partially satisfies some groups, however, further on we see that protests continue and all these proposals offered by the polish the government is not yet in a position to make the protests stop. thank you, mrs. natalya, for the detailed explanation of what is happening with the protests in europe, not only in poland, it is important to understand. nataliya panchenko, a public activist and human rights defender, was on our airwaves and explained to our viewers what is happening there and actually... the summary of what mrs. natalya spoke about is that we understand that several problems need to be solved, and one such the problem and one solution to some one problem cannot
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solve the problem of poland, in one word. the only that in natal we did not ask whether they are not preparing to smoke there, god forbid, of course tires, well, but let's hope that it will be possible to appease the farmers, so to speak, with the help of euros of this or that amount. well, let's take a short break, after which we will talk in more detail about an extremely scandalous story, wait for us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw. the unpacking tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one go with saw strong,
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