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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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there are 15% discounts on karsil in the pharmacies of psaryznyk, ban and oskad, there are discounts on zipelor 10% in the pharmacies psaryznyk, pam and oskad, there are discounts on valeriana bolgarska, 10% in the pharmacies podorozhnyk, pam and oskad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion at the expense of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turns on. and
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join the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, an hour and a half ago, the russian military from the temporarily occupied left bank fired at the center of kherson. a 52-year-old man was injured. this was announced by the head of the kherson city military administration , roman mrochko. the injured man was taken to the hospital in a moderate condition. doctors diagnosed a mine explosion injury, a gunshot wound to the back, a dislocation shoulder, etc., this is not the first shelling of the residential quarters of kherson, well, we will now involve volodymyr zablotskyi, let's talk about the situation at sea, but literally in a minute, march 2 already announced this case. yes, and while we are waiting for the inclusion of our guest, i would like to report one more important piece of news: the international criminal court has issued warrants for the arrest of the commander of russia's long-range aviation.
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serhiy kobylash and commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation viktor sokolov. this is reported on the website of the international of the criminal court in gaaz. arrest warrants were issued in the context of the situation in ukraine. mutual crimes were committed at least from october 10, 22 to march 9, 23. let me remind you that it was during this period that the russians actively bombarded our energy infrastructure. unfortunately, we had some problems. with the power supply, and accordingly the criminal court believes that there are sufficient grounds to believe that the two of them are responsible for these missile strikes, not only missile strikes, but also drone strikes, because we remember, drone strikes also our energy industry was shelled, inflicted by them, if the forces, in fact caused a large number of such not very good consequences for the ukrainian infrastructure. and that is why they will actually
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be responsible for it both personally and collectively, and it is about the violation of human rights, of course, and about all their atrocities and crimes, the military too, let's hope that the case will develop as quickly as possible, yes, so that everything moves quickly, volodymyr zablovskyi , the naval expert of the group, is in touch with us defense express, captain first rank retired. glory to ukraine, mr. captain, retired first rank, we congratulate you. slava, thank you for the invitation, congratulations! well, minuses, minuses, minuses of our valiant fighters, another russian ship with the help of drones, so we understand, well, on the one hand, it is not a cruiser, moscow, but the key story is, you know, the effective stability and reduction of the number of livestock at sea of ​​the russian occupier, we would like to ask you to tell us, so to speak, about your vision of our success with our soldiers. well, first of all, i want you
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to congratulate this success, like all ukrainians, by the way, and secondly to promise that there will be more, as they say, because the tactics of using unmanned surface combat boats are being improved, and it is giving, well, certain results, as we can see this year already the third ship was destroyed in... in the stage of crossing the seas, when it was ready for combat, knew that it was being attacked, but could not do anything about it, and this to a certain extent cannot be happy and pleased, the fact is that such ships, and there are four of them, in the composition of the black sea fleet, there are four in total of the russian fleet as a whole, they are designed for patrolling, have a modular design,
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that is, if necessary, it was stated that they can be rearmed to the same calibers and turn into a corvette, but in fact. it did not happen as expected, and none of these four ships, and two more are under construction, were converted to armed, that is, something went wrong with the project, or there are not enough calibers, or something else, but nevertheless it is a ship, which is twice the size of each of those karakurts or other small ones missile ships that carry calibers and uh... periodically from time to time shelled the territory of ukraine, there is nothing like that here, one 76 mm gun, two self-defense complexes, hipka and everything, but, but, this ship, well, such a huge sensor
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surface, it can conduct surface reconnaissance, let's say, radar , it can carry radio reconnaissance, it has powerful means of radio reconnaissance and... radar stations, it has underwater sensors that allow it to listen to the depths, by the way, one of the tasks of such ships is control underwater gas pipelines in the black sea and then in the future also in the baltic, well, mr. volodymyr, please tell me, in general , this is, as we know, the newest ship of project 22160 of the russian black sea fleet. there are four of them in total, and only one of them has so far not been affected in one way or another. we are talking about vasyl bykav, dmytro rogachev, pavlo derzhavin and sergey kotov. only dmytro rohachev was not injured. if we are talking about what alternative can be
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applied by the enemy for cover of the kerch bridge, because this sergey kotov , he was actually the one who patrolled the kerch bridge, and if now... it was removed, only this one dmytro rogachev remained, then do you think that right now this ship will take the place of this destroyed ship to patrol this unfortunate kerch bridge? well, it's not necessarily this particular ship, they also include fsb border guard ships there, which also have the ability to patrol, they are essentially patrol ships, they include the rest of the ships, minesweepers and... actually yes, the capabilities the enemy will be reduced very significantly, well, i would also like to add that these ships were indeed hit by the withdrawal of rohachev, and some were also hit twice, the same cat, as
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we can see, ran into it a second time and got its own, that is an extremely promising story, on the other hand, we understand that two people can play tango, we understand that there are... a large number of passenger ships, there is an enemy, and we understand how cannibalistic the instincts of the enemy are, that is, it was not for nothing that i voiced that well, they hit again now in the center of kherson, and in general , this is the technology, it is the technology of naval drones being developed by russian specialists, well , it was stated that it was being developed, it did not go to syria, because we do not have the kind of fleet that would be needed, but... they can , this is russia, they can sneakily use, for example, such drones to attack ships in the same grain corridor, the same forvater, for which ukraine is responsible, and this is a small such area between odessa and the mouth of the danube, that
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is where they tried to mine where they were two h2s were shot down, most recently the su-24m was changed, but they replaced something there, there were cases of detonation. and drones can be directed against, well, against ports to blow up moorings, to blow up a ship, something foreign, to frighten, terror is, well, you understand, this is russia, it is, so to speak, the birthplace of modern terrorism, and so on that's what they can use for this, because the russian fleet itself does not risk appearing here in this equatorial region of the southwestern black sea, because it understands that here it has and... and will fly and neptune will fly to us and drones and aviation and everything else, and when the f-16s appear, then in general aviation will dominate our near our coast and then they will definitely have nothing, but they
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can use drones, and we have to prepare for this as much as possible, and i don’t know which systems of radio-electronic warfare or radio-electronic surveillance, they work against such drones, i think there is just a sea of ​​its own specifics, which i don’t know, so we use starlink and is duplicated by some of our domestic developments names the fact is that it doesn't work for them, they have this bottleneck that they can't overcome, and that's why they can design, there's a fairly simple design, there's nothing so clever, the air bomb sits inside a small maneuver boat, it's a modern development , not even a military one, yes, but, but the fact is that the visibility of the radio horizon must be there or the plane will fly there, where it will move. or a helicopter or a ship of some kind, but this is already the unmasking of the drone itself and there is no point
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in sending it there, i.e. the minus 50th drone russian, yes, that is, it also provided control or not, well, a little, a little not so, because it was a strategic-level plane, it provided intelligence, they saw where there, something there and how, and this is more of a tactical level, that is, if the drone has left, let's say for a task... it has to be controlled, it cannot evaluate itself if there is no artificial intelligence, of course, but i would not say that the russians can use artificial intelligence in such a way that this drone went there somewhere on the seas, found some goal, assessed what it was and attacked his judgment, fortunately, there is no such thing yet, that is , the operator has to intervene somehow, and where this operator is, if there is no means of communication, the boyko towers are already... deoccupied, that is, they cannot observe or control as a repeater from there, they have nothing
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no, fortunately, that’s why they can , they offered at exhibitions, they had a similar development there, and they pretended that this is how we are, but according to defense express, at the moment the russian ministry of defense has not ordered such drones and so far that does not plan to order, that is, it is propaganda, we will i think so, thank you. thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr zablotskyi, a defense express naval expert , a retired captain of the first rank, was on our airwaves and actually explained to us all the details about the destruction of russian ships in the black sea basin. we're going to take a little break now, but after that we'll have the voice of america on because today is super tuesday in the united states, it's an important day, there's going to be a 15th year vote there today. states, and this day looks like this, which will reveal who the next
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republican candidate will be in the november election, so don't miss it, stay tuned. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in travel, gang and savings pharmacies. what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main one - quercitin for strengthening. one just take quertin imuno in one capsule four components together. quertin immuno to strengthen immunity and protect blood vessels. and what do you think about lakal fix? does it fix reliably? my dentist advised me. yes, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis. and the price is good, the right choice for my retirement. lacalot fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so, your choice is platfix. meet the novelty, profitable at. forge 70 g. turn on the heart-chilling investigation, the new
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10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. is 20% discount on mikrolax in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who? headed the russian organizations in the occupied territories, under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. on tuesday, march 5 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent. opinion, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. yesterday, the heads of the european service of foreign affairs met in brussels with
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the special representative of china. attention, now i am trying to reproduce his first and last name. lihuei, so the parties discussed russia's war against ukraine, it is expected that lihui will also visit kyiv. i am now quoting the european external action service. the delegations of the eu and china discussed russia's illegal war of aggression against ukraine and ways to promote a just and sustainable peace. the european side emphasized russia's full responsibility for the unprovoked and unjustified aggression and stressed that respect for the principles of the un charter, sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. should be the cornerstone of any final settlement, the special representative of china, let me remind you, a few days before his trip to brussels, he also visited moscow , where he met not with lavrov, but with one of his minor deputies, not with the first deputy, last name, i i don't remember it anymore, but that's not the point, that is, some processes are going on, and the key story is the clarity and
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transparency of the european union's position on support of ukraine. let's hope that 's all. so it will move, and here the key story is what is happening now in the united states, tetyana vorozhko, the chief executive editor of the ukrainian service of the voice of america, the journalist is already in direct contact with us, we congratulate you, ms. tetyana, and please let our viewers know what super tuesday is and why it is so important? well, i knew, to be honest, only about black friday until recently, you know, black friday and so on, here it turns out that it's super tuesday. maybe there is still super wednesday , well, just kidding, super tuesday is held every election, it is part of the pre-election race, let's say when they determine, when they determine the only candidate from each party, currently, during super tuesday , 15 states participate in the elections on one day and one american territory , a third
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of all delegates are played, that is, in the united states , such a system where the votes of voters are translated into the actual number of delegates. and in order to become, for example, the only candidate for of the republican party, you need to get 1200 and 15 votes, that is, exactly half, and it looks like how many at the moment, well , donald trump does not have such a number yet, it looks like even if he wins in all the states, he will still win this the number has not yet been reached, but in order to reach it, he needs to have a couple of small primaries, which means that viewers assume that he will already reach this number, and will become... in fact, the only candidate from the republican party by the end of this month , currently niki geliv won only in the district of columbia, won in primaries are out there, and the pollsters are suggesting that she can win out of those 15 states by a larger number, which is called, it's three three states, and some states they're recounted, where
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even if a candidate gets a little more than half, he still gets all the votes, kandy all delegate votes, otherwise... states are awarded proportionally, but it looks like donald trump literally after this day will be one step closer to becoming the actual sole candidate from the republican party, and officially he will be during the convention, convention this summer in july months, and what is the sociology of support for those 15 states that actually have to vote at the same time today? well donald trump, he basically prevails in general by a significant margin. in different states, the amount is different, well, let's say , the margin is different there, maybe in maine, and it is either small or nonexistent, and it can happen somewhere there. to win in some states or in california by a smaller margin, but in principle, well , donald trump in general across the country, he is gaining in all these states by a significant, well, such
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a serious margin, and compared to nikily, well and in principle, what is important to say about this week is, well, the primaries are also happening and the democratic party, but the democratic party is even bigger there, and president biden is gaining even more advantage among democratic voters than donald trump. addressed voters, but in principle, this week can become such, you know, the beginning of the general election, except for super tuesday, which, let's say, will make trump's advantage in terms of the number of delegates such that it can no longer be overcome, with the greatest probability, and joe biden is giving a state of the nation address, a state of the union address, in which , as his constituents and opponents alike expect, he has to make the case for a... not just what the state of this country is, but also why he thinks , that he will run for the next term, that is, more attention is already paid to polls, which compare the position of
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donald trump and president biden. yes, well , we understand that there are issues of sociology, issues of primaries, there are also issues of the american voter system, everything is very cool, cool, bureaucratized and official, but the question, so to speak, of public sentiment, which can manifest itself in one way or another, i don't know. jokes, jokes, no jokes, well , president joseph biden, with all due respect to him, occasionally speeds up and hits the bar, you know, confusing one or another thing, we understand that these narratives are being driven, of course , primarily by russian propaganda or the trump headquarters, but, but anyway, how the whole thing is perceived by ordinary americans, well , we also know about the threat from trump, but on the other hand, maybe certain things he trying to sell or broadcast. into the open world, and in another way he can adjust the whole thing, adjust it, i don’t know, there in arkansas, in arizona and further down the list, somewhere, it is meant, at rallies in
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lybinka, we simply do not observe and monitor the whole this volume of information, well, i also can't say that i follow all the speeches of donald trump, but if you look at sociology, then according to the latest polls, donald trump prevails over president biden, of course, that... of course, that before the election there is still a lot of time left until november, as well as in the united states , the advantage is based on the number of total votes, this does not even, even on the eve of the election, still mean that the candidate, let's say, will lose, and because here, well, the electoral college, everything counts, everything depends on the votes voters, even well, to a greater extent from a few states, the so-called swing states, that is, but these figures that are currently there, which show pre... trump, they are higher than they were during the previous campaigns, they are one of the there are most of them, well, let's say, well enough powerful for him, compared to another
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period of time, and also what sociologists are paying attention to is that these candidates, those categories of voters who supported president biden in significant numbers when he campaigned last time, let's say, this is his base, for example, there are women with higher education. young people, and black men, well , black women have always voted for the democrats very, very much, this is the most loyal category, but for example, men there are a little different, and they continue to provide these categories in the same way the advantage of president biden, but to a lesser extent, that is, the difference, which is according to these categories, which are his main support, still he is losing popularity, even biden, even president biden. is less popular than, but, than in the last election, his, on the other hand, in his campaign, in his, let's say, well, in his campaign, people who support him
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also, they say, well, that biden i haven't even started my election campaign yet, i've only been there for a few days, but as soon as they started, some videos started to appear, in fact, here is this one, this speech this thursday, maybe it will be the, you know, the official start, or the unofficial start of the election race itself, but the situation... so far it is such that the voters give so far with a slight margin, i don't i will say that this margin is significant, he has almost 50 to 50, a little more than former president trump, but so far he, he is ahead, if we understand correctly, then there will be no more intrigue, and donald trump will be able to run for office, actually, because that earlier we talked about some possible black swans that could do this somehow to oppose, yesterday, which considered colorado's decision to remove trump from participating in the primaries, made its decision, and we understand that it is already becoming known that no
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legal... aspect will prevent trump in this matter, but that was , let's say, you, you're talking about the supreme court ruling in the colorado supreme court case against candidate trump, where they decided to remove from the ballots, the ballots of donald trump in compliance there with the third, the third amendment of the 14th article of the constitution , and the supreme court disagrees with this agreed, they did not agree, first of all, and this is a unanimous decision, there is a liberal there. judges, conservative judges, but they all, let's say, agreed a little bit for other reasons, but the main reason, it was still a bit of a technical decision, when they said that it's not up to the state to decide, that it's up to them to decide, that it has to to be decided by congress, and that such a chaotic situation cannot arise when, say, some states decide not to put a certain democratic candidate on the ballot, for example, other states decide not to put a certain republican candidate and
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thus the election itself... the campaign deprives a certain number of voters, the right to vote in general and, let's say, limits the rights of the candidates themselves, that is, it must decide, this, that is, this issue, it is not, it is not in the authority of the state, that is , if you describe it so briefly, this is the main main opinion of the supreme court, so this issue is closed, which means that now there were two more states of maine and illinois, these decisions were elevated , they were waiting for a decision of the supreme court, and i.e.... they are already in the same way, this automatically extends to and to these two more states, in addition to this, various lawsuits were in different at different stages in other states that progress, but this means that they are also already, well, they are already becoming not that they are not valid, but they no longer have any hope that they can come to an end, because the supreme court made its decision public, it did. look, finally , tatyana, we would like to ask you about the epic
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with... the speaker of the congress, mike johnson, whether they will bite him or not, and in general the key the story , will the congressmen make it in the end ? it is critical, we are just waiting for help , what about johnson, well, johnson, let's say he has several options for action, that is, the first option for action on... the democrats really hope that he will simply introduce that bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, which passed the senate early last month, and if it is put to a vote, well, it is very simple, all this is decided, and according to the calculations of democrats, more than 300 and members of congress, only 435 support this bill, and a significant number of republicans are ready to support it, and the expectation that president
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biden can sign it on the same day . and the aid will start coming in the same way, well, almost immediately, and it seems that this is the simplest option, there are still hopes for it, some negotiations are ongoing, some pressure is ongoing, the democrats say that we hope that this is still possible, and already the threat, well, they've made it so clear to mike johnson, colleagues there, his republican colleagues from the so-called freedom caucus, that they may try to remove him, they will begin removal proceedings if he does, but... he can be protected by the democrats as well , that is, the democrats may not behave in the same way as they did last time with kevin mcarfee, they may vote against, that is, and mike johnson, you may have to make this decision regarding this, thank you, thank you tatyana, cool, well, unfortunately, the air time of our studio ends, now we have pass the baton, we were contacted by tetyana vorozhka, the chief executive editor of the ukrainian voice of america service, a journalist, we thank her for this analysis,
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we thank her for this analysis and with you about... we say goodbye already until tomorrow, so we pass the baton to our colleagues, who will tirelessly continue to inform you about all the most important things, well, in these next three hours , borkovskyi, marto liyarnyk worked for you, thank you and see you on the air. greetings to all espresso viewers. i am namelnik and this is news. i'll start with this. in donetsk region a 67-year-old woman died due to russian shelling. the invaders covered the village with artillery. oleksandropil was killed civilly in her house, the national police reported. also
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russian. dropped a guided aerial bomb to the north.


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