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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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fsb, well, in particular in two laurels, it is 100%. this is all of them, veterans of the sbu will confirm to you, because they even know all those priests who came from transnistria, who came from moldova, who came from russia, in what ranks and what epaulettes they wore. and in this case, we are always stressed, but there are also good priests in this uoc mp. it's just, well, as they say, that's where they ended up. and in this case, won't it turn out that we... well, with this law we will somehow punish those good people, and this law is not about the church, it is very important to convey this both inside the country and abroad, because abroad indeed, the russian hybrid war, it has not disappeared anywhere, ah, and there they continue to tell fables about the fact that ukraine attacked ukraine, there are other stories, so this law is not about the church, this law is really about... the cessation
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of activities branches of the fsb in ukraine, there are no good representatives of the fsb, there are no good russian ones, this is my position, there is an aggressor country that fully shares with putin the responsibility for war crimes in ukraine, they cemented this regime, nourished it, fed it and now we support it, and therefore ukraine for protection of its national interests should simply stop everything that harms our interests, that ah... can undermine our national security, and certainly the branch of the fsb is doing this today, when we hear blatant cases about the failure to mourn the fallen ukrainian soldiers, about the fact that there we still have portraits of putin there with nymphs hanging in these churches and they are praying for cyril's recovery there, all this must be stopped, and we welcome when the ruling party supports, yes there fundamental positions. army,
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language, faith, armu faith, oh, and in this case, after ukraine, the ukrainian orthodox church, received the tomos and the canonicality of our church, it is obvious that we have every reason to stop the work of this fsb branch, it must be done, moreover, it is precisely our political power at the conciliation council that took place yesterday, so pointedly raised the question that a year has already passed, how did we register all these draft laws in the parliament, found the most... truly soft compromise option, and it should be accepted. and you know, one more very important detail related to this. we with dear mr. kurayev, we just returned from the osce parliamentary assembly, where , including our, for example, american colleagues, the republicans asked us about the fate of this law there on the sidelines, informally about the church, and we are together in one voice, just now the ukrainian team is demonstrating, reported that it is not about the fact that
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some religious organizations are engaged in ukraine, we are a democratic country, in our country the church is separated from the state, and in principle the state does not interfere in religious affairs, but when the security service of ukraine has indisputable evidence cooperation of this fsb branch with its metropolis, then obviously we, as legislators, as statesmen, must put an end to this. and lastly, i think that all the members of the verkhovna rada received these letters from the lawyer. employed by the russian federation with the last name amsterdam, who recently came to ukraine, met here with representatives of the fsb branch in ryas, and with an appeal not to vote for this bill, this will be a test, this will be a test, as to which of the deputies is really ready to recognize , that moscow popes, well, they remain moscow priests, what to do good priests, we have an orthodox... church,
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please, orthodox church, we have today a very important institute of military chaplaincy . i am convinced that all ministers of the orthodox church are in demand in ukraine today, and the most important thing is for them to be clearly aware of where is good and where is evil, i understand, mr. mykyto, i wanted to ask you, we do not doubt your specific personal opinion. position, we have seen how today you courageously passed all the challenges of the committee, so it is possible, if it becomes a law, it will be a historic decision, very important, but what ms. irina mentioned, it is possible to communicate with the west, because they are very, very are not initiated into church and religious matters, they are in their time absolutely. virgins looked at the moscow
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church with choirs, it was always shown in their films as the third rome, they themselves bought into all these ideological fairy tales, and what can i say, rimskyi is still ready to lead to the way of the cross and the sacrifice and the executioner , and this is called the norm in him, and accordingly, as you manage to communicate, they understand that it is not about faith, it is not about christianity, it is about the agency that covers itself with a cross and a robe, it will be difficult, i am grateful to ms. irina for emphasizing the international aspect of this work, which is actually what it is right away. in fact , not even an hour and a half had passed before my colleagues from the committee, from all factions of the groups, had already started to engage in this work, that is, from the international communications, i am asking everyone, so who is in the know and ms. irina, they have a lot of factions
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of such experienced heavyweights in international politics, international communications, mr. oleksiy has very powerful colleagues in the faction, i am asking media people, please. bloggers, i ask civil activists to convey a very simple thing to the event, this is a law , as mrs. iryna rightly pointed out, not about churches, this is a law about connections, this is a law that says one very simple thing: a ukrainian religious organization cannot have, means connections, subordination, or those more to be a part of religious organizations that are in the so-called russian federation and controlled by its racist regime, and this applies to all religious organizations without exception, absolutely christian, muslim or otherwise. this is very important, because these expensive lobbyists, one of whom ms. iryna
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mentioned, called the figure of $1,500 per hour, we understand what crazy resources these are, and it's not, mr. derkach, it's another one of ours. already a former colleague in the parliament, according to my information, i will not to mention surnames so as not to be born with a possible lawsuit, fine, but then i, mr. nikita, i will help you, this is just crazy, crazy money that is being spent on this, so it is the first lie, so i will say politically correct that it is the law about a specific church no, the second lie is that it is a law about picking up some property or... because there is money in the accounts, another lie, no, yes, then the third lie is that it is a law that forces someone to move somewhere, that is, from one specific church to another specific church, is another lie, no, that's right, ms. iryna pointed out, there can be different views on
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how decent the priesthood is in one of the ukrainian orthodox churches, but i want to say that right now, right now, they have a wonderful and... unique opportunity to prove in words , and in the cases that they are not part of the roc , which we prohibit, and they further, mr. roman, it is very, very important to separate all the final clarification, and they can further separate parishes, groups of parishes, dioceses, break these ties with russian orthodox church, yes, it means to stay, i will remind you that it is almost three... 30 years, the ukrainian orthodox church of the kyiv patriarchate lived like this, it was not recognized, but it lived, served people, served god, people and nothing, and survived, and survived, and became the basis of the creation of the ocu, let me remind you, that is why nothing prevents priests and
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believers from tearing ties with bloody moscow, but to stay with their churches, in their churches, but not to be mouthpieces. of moscow propaganda, do not be collaborators and state traitors, which means that they spread subversive information here, or do not directly cooperate at all let's admit, this morning the security service already sent another propaganda mouthpiece there, who was hiding under a cloak in chernihiv, we showed it in the news, let's save time, but you say you don't want to name the name, but we saw it anyway, because it is a good indication . look, he was once a deputy, he was expelled from the servant of the people faction, i'm talking about dmytrouk. artem dmytruk demonstratively does this with russian priests. artem dmytruk is the one who was in odessa most of all, he is the one who kissed with sharia
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and supported all his anti-ukrainian things. it is he, now, when he goes to bow to the hierarchs of the moscow church, he is the lobbyist. are there any centers in opz, and what is the current position of, for example, max buzhanskyi, he remains a deputy of your faction, who spoke a lot about the fact that moscow cannot be touched. well, i can’t say anything about maxim’s proposal at the moment, artem, so he is not a member of our faction, but of course, the center of protection of one specific orthodox church, well, of ukraine, it calls itself ukrainian, so, that means he is really among the former mps from opzh, well, at the center of this whole process there is already a person. which formed the mandate of the opz, so, well, by the way, mr.
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dmytruk is not a champion among those who submitted, submitted the so-called spamming amendments, you can look at the personnel there and very easily see, indeed, their colleagues, that this is not exactly the kind of vote where the representatives of the former opzh will vote, it is the kind of vote where they have full, that is, after rejecting any political disputes that indeed, there are parliamentary factions and groups among us, but vote 100%. mr. oleksiy, let's hear your opinion to complete the collection of opinions for our viewers regarding this law. i understand the, well, let's say there, the caveats you 're talking about when you think about the mechanisms, how it 's going to be in... that's why it's a very important emphasis that you said, and on
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the other hand, there's another dimension, well, no law or other things forced ukrainians to hang up , at their own expense, billboards about the innocently killed of the russian tsar by the russian bolsheviks, all the other evil spirits, and this is a large number of ukrainians, well, god punishes. when he takes away his mind, so what to do with them, there will be this law, for sure they will try to organize them into protests all in one pile, come on, i am definitely not one of those reformers who are trying to create a history in general, or a vacuum to make from our history, or to rewrite it in general, it was the way it was, and no matter who jumps up and says something, there can be no vacuum. you understand, it can't be, and was, there was a soviet period of history, there was a pre-soviet period and so on, i suggest,
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well, there is no need to talk about it now, this is a separate problem, let's talk about what we are talking about, religious and other organizations of what kind, or have a center of influence, ideological, financial in the country of the aggressors, are hostile to ukraine, they must definitely be liquidated in an absolutely clear procedural way and... what will this method be? well, as far as i understand, after all, we are talking about what should be in which for some procedure precisely in parishes, i am referring to the fact your attention, according to my information, if the moscow patriarchate had and should continue to have a significant number of parishes on the territory of ukraine, it is calculated there 10-11. thousands, as far as i know, in the last year and a half there, only 1,500 of those parishes came to, that is
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, church communities gathered and voluntarily made a decision to transfer to the ukrainian church, this is a very worrying symptom, but it is like that, well, the church is a conservative organization , you understand, and the parishioners are also not exactly about them, and i asked you why again, well we will not be our citizens, now full-fledged citizens, to the enemies. of the people to announce, but can i make a short remark , yes, that's why, that's why, if i want to read this law and all the amendments that have been adopted there for the second reading, but if it really becomes clear that this is a clear position, and this is a law, this is not just a bolshevik decision of volunteers, yes, that this document should become a law of ukraine, secondly, i emphasize , i do not want to understand it now. individual deputies are servants there, whether it is dmytruk or not dmytruk, without the servants of the people there is no draft law
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cannot become a law today , that is, of course, the servants of the people, as a monocoalition, well , according to the signs, they have to take responsibility, accordingly, other patriotic parties will also take it, because we definitely understand that the opzzh will not vote for this if it becomes a law , i think it will be very powerful. we have a cardinal fast movement in order to get rid of the enemy, we have expectations that the voting here will be the same as for all the laws that concern the defense and armed forces of ukraine. we, we have to do, ms. irina, a small, small advertisement a pause, after which you wanted another small remark, probably about the parishioners, then conclude like this, a small pause, friends, stay with us, laughter, physical activity, sneezing,
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united by football, stronger together. i remind you, you are watching the verdict, and the verdict asks you whether you support reducing the number of ministries by a third, as proposed by the prime minister, vote, we will sum up at the end of the program, i remind you that we have three lawmakers with us, nikita potoraev, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko , and mrs. iryna, wanted a remark. we just got to the point whether this law will decide something from the point of view of the parishioners we just talked about, on whom the moscow church in ukraine is based. mrs. irina, please. thank you, this is really a very important opinion of the parishioners. and when ukraine received the tomos, the canonical, single
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local ukrainian orthodox, orthodox church of ukraine, it was precisely assumed that parishes would voluntarily transfer. on the door of which it is not hung that it is a russian orthodox church, and there is a great deception in this, because in fact many of these parishes hide that they belong to the russian church, and the parishioners will find out about it under such tragic conditions, when these moscow priests refuse to sing for ukrainian heroes there, and if you ... see the statistics, a lot of parishes switched to the orthodox church of ukraine exactly when this deception was revealed , when people realized that the popes are simply lying, not to mention that they ideologically belong there to the metropolitanate of moscow, i want to remind you that there is a decision of the constitutional court of ukraine, which
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very clearly states that if this church, yes yes the so-called church has a metropolitan in moscow, it should or... write "russian church" in its name, and then, so that people could see what was happening, i think the situation was completely different, and there, in my opinion, the decision contested in the courts was delayed , and it was not possible to appeal it, and they said that they are not going to comply with the decisions of ukrainian judges, i'm sorry, but i would like your viewers to even understand what it is about, this is a structure that refuses to comply with the decisions of ukrainian judges, it does not respect even the decision of the constitutional court, sorry. what we are talking about then and that is why i emphasize once again that our task is simply to bring the truth here, you want to be a russian church, write an honest name, we are a russian church. tell the truth to your parishioners , and i am convinced that a lot of people will simply be horrified, and there will be a completely different position, and we sincerely want to thank all ukrainians, all
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orthodox people, who are just now doing a great job and voluntarily switching to the orthodox church of ukraine, a very important remark , thank you ms. irina, we have it wrong a lot of time, there is one more thing that i really wanted to ask, gentlemen, and this is about... the beginning of the procedure, in fact, negotiations on accession to the european union, they say that no later than march 12, that is, about a week separates us, we have a consensus , a really huge consensus of 84% in favor of joining the european union, but we have one point, all this should start against the background of what is, well, what some call a trade war in our biggest brothers and lawyers on the way... to the eu with poland, or the events on the polish-ukrainian border are not will disrupt the beginning of this dialogue. ms.
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nikita, mr. nikita, what do you think? i hope that this will not happen, because in my opinion, after all, after all , there is a moscow agent, i am convinced, there are pro-russian politicians, but there are ordinary polish farmers, and this is a pan-european problem. and this is actually a struggle between european farmers and the central authorities of the european union, i hope that they will find an understanding, and i hope that the polish government will also communicate more actively with i.e. the european commission, on march 12, you expect to start providing us with the framework for the accession, as announced by the deputy prime minister, i really hope that uhu, mr. oleksiy, do you think this procedure will be postponed, well, in view of many circumstances, i just mentioned one of them, and there are many others
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, is it still as promised, so it will be, first, well, of course, this grain conflict, a scandal, there, a war, because, well, not a war, come on don't use it, you don't need to crush it now, because you need to look at the map, we definitely don't need all the enemies around us. countries, although unfortunately, you can see how the situation develops, if you look at it, it needs very precise and balanced decisions, ineffective and very pragmatic in this situation. the second thing is that in poland, here is this grain scandal, it is not only a grain scandal, everything is mixed up here, of course, there is also a russian trace, certainly there is also the economy, certainly there is also politics, local elections. definitely here and there, there is dissatisfaction in poland with, well, the european union, somehow, and so on, and the fact that they want to squeeze their interests and, excuse me, take money out of the european union,
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they protect their national interests , we need to define ours very clearly, i think that this problem will be solved, although it is not easy, and this is such a bright signal for us, well, it will not be easy for us in the future in the european union, and the last , i do not want in any way... if you accuse me of some kind of conservatism, anti-ukrainism and so on, i am definitely a supporter of the european integration of ukraine, but i will tell you honestly, i am a eurorealist, i am not a eurooptimist, i, on unfortunately, or fortunately, i am convinced, well, he will not be very fast in this process of integration, negotiations, negotiations, adaptation, launching of mechanisms, is the main thing here. so that mentally our people become ready to be really europeans, and not just, well, against the background of this war, so that they
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emotionally say, this is how we see ourselves in the european union, there is still a big gap, there is a big gap, unfortunately, the road will be overcome by the one who goes , there is no other way, ms. iryna, we have one and a half minutes, actually your opinion, the european commission on march 12, but this is the same european commission that did not introduce quotas. on russian agricultural products, this is the same european commission that does not has answers for the polish boy and the polish farmer or transporter so far, will there be or not? well, in fact, the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein, said that in march, well, these are her last statements, that only a screening of ukraine's fulfillment of the prerequisites and a discussion of the negotiating framework, which she hopes will, unfortunately, not be launched before the june elections in the european union, will be done. i see the risks here, because in the next half of the year hungary will preside with all the problems here, we really have these are heard negotiation frameworks for 34 positions, and
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it is obvious that... negotiations are never easy, because with all due respect to ukraine now all our partners, all of them will protect their national interests, including in the agricultural sector, here very it is important who will represent ukraine in these negotiations. negotiations are not going on at the border with poland, you know, it's a show that the government put on when they went there, they hung out there, it's not clear why, it 's hard, slow, difficult, professional work, and i'm very sorry that we have, well, actually talks. you can believe in the topics of european law in the country, please count them on the fingers of two hands, one of them is the strongest expert, for example, our ivana klympushinsadze, she is now removed from any opportunities to influence it there, it seems to me that we let's approach again the issue of the government of national unity, which should unite the strongest professionals in the topic of european integration, and in order for ukraine to conduct these negotiations quickly and... but
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really, colleagues, calling for national interests we want ukraine to wish that it is all in your hands with one voice, one fist to do an important thing, i am really very grateful for the participation in our program to people's representatives mykyta potoraev, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko, you, they collected and expressed their opinions for the viewers of the verdict for you to draw conclusions, and in the meantime we were actually gathering your opinion on the idea... the prime minister, denys shmyhalka, told to reduce the number by a third, well, at least to the ministry, what do we have as of this moment, the situation is not has changed, 80% of those who have expressed their opinion through our broadcast believe that it is, and 20% believe that it is not, the rest you have heard, and he who has eyes and ears will draw his own conclusions from this idea, how much it brings us
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closer to... the coal of effective public administration and solution, this was verdykta's program and i am rumanchayka, thank you for your attention, i wish its author serhiy rudenko a speedy recovery, and see you soon. american university kyiv, a private university in ukraine offering american-style higher education, has released its own first masters. despite the war, 23 students successfully completed their studies and received diplomas. the ceremony was held in accordance with all american traditions. today, you are not just getting an education for yourself, but for the whole country, because you will be the creators of the new ukraine. fighting for our freedom is as dignified as our
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soldiers do on the battlefield. the university began operations three weeks before the full-scale invasion and, despite the challenges of war , was able to effectively build an educational process so that students could receive a higher education in areas of management, business and it. and in the summer of 2023, the campus opened in the restored building of the former river station. i hope that the experience you have gained at iuk will help you make your dreams come true. i am honored to be. a graduate of the united states military academy at west point. while studying there in peacetime, we were constantly preparing for war. today, by learning from war, you are preparing for peace, because winning peace is no less important than winning war. i am sure you will be the one leaders who will lead ukraine to a prosperous future and sustainable peace. the university notes that now their campus is not only a place for learning, but also a platform for socially important initiatives.
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in particular, the university launched a scholarship. a fund to support veterans, their spouses and children of fallen heroes, which provides an opportunity to study completely free of charge due to the contributions of american donors, as well as regular meetings with leading experts of the world level are held on the campus. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, me my soul, there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. ask at pharmacies, good day pharmacy and pharmacy, gerovital energy and gerovital+ 500 and 700 ml, with a 20% discount. bleeding and smell.


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