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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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represents. united by football, stronger together. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for roz. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life -
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frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues, i am against you. for the next hour and 45 minutes, we will talk about the most important things and , of course, involve experts to explain to us what is happening. a large-scale failure in the meta company, facebook and instagram went down, well, that’s probably exactly the case in ukraine, we don’t know exactly there, but it’s such a reality, well, it’s not fatal, and now we’ll talk about what can help our soldiers at the front , is a collection. espresso calls to join the gathering on buggies to evacuate the wounded and... import combat kits, and
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also for automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces unit. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which it cuts this aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000. and you have already collected more than 130,000. join today and we will continue. our work, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy, is in touch with us of ukraine, and we will talk about a topic that , to be honest, was a little surprising today, the people 's deputies decided not to gather on march 6-8 for the plenary sessions, and the reasons are different, but what are they really, we will ask, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you , i already heard version four, why did they decide to postpone these meetings, in your opinion, what happened, well, for your information, what happened, well, what is the reason for you... is it formal to start with or is it real?
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let's start with a formal one, so let's give a formal reason to the servant of the people indeed today, 24 hours before the meeting , they were suddenly canceled. the meetings that were supposed to take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and there will be no meetings at all this week, in the past, let me remind you, there were none either, so this is a kind of story, why, then, factions appeared in the chat room of the servant of the people, there was a message that this is how you should report to the us senate, and you are in the usa, well , it's a mystery, to be honest, but this is how it should be. vat, then groups of deputies are formed who will go, which means to see what is happening in the educational centers, as fortifications are being built, and that is why the meetings are canceled, which means that the deputies went on this type of trip, as a business trip or something, i don’t know , well, everything is strange in this explanation
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, well, from the beginning to the end, first of all, why, how does he report the verkhovna rada in front of the us senate , how fortifications are built, and... here is the verkhovna rada in general, well, well, well, this is some kind of absurd story, well, well, the deputy went, he sees that something is being built here, it is not being built here, well, well in general, where is vkaforma, where no one asked, there are no official requests from the senate, unofficial, well, absurd, well, some kind of thesis is just absurd, and the second, okay, well, let’s take it there, there’s something there, i don’t know, well, in general , they want to go to the front before someone, it’s always a good story, it’s good when the deputies go closer to of the front, they better understand what is happening, i... constantly suggested this many times, let's hold the meeting there in general, it would be clear to many, i think, but then the question is different, and why should it happen right now, in our last meeting was on february 24, two there were no meetings for a week, so you couldn't go yesterday, the day before yesterday, three days ago, or
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why can't you go the day after tomorrow, well , two days after the meetings, well, it's not clear what's there, but the third one this is certainly funny when... i found out about it, then my colleagues in the chat of the leaders of the faction, and the name of the deputies was announced there, which means that they are engaged in the formation of these groups from the servants of the people, they began to write to him: we, too, well, from other factions, we are ready to join, we speak the languages, ready to go, then they say servants to the people: no, no, this is not parliamentary history , this is our factional history, this is our faction, it will only go to report to the senate, and the others, so you can not, well no... do not get excited, well, in general, it looks like complete absurdity and be sure, i am sure that it is complete absurdity. now then, what is the real reason, why is the meeting being canceled? i think that it is very banal: servants of the people do not have votes in
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decision-making these days. i want to remind you that for quite a long time in the parliament, in fact , there is a coalition, servant of the people, plus opzzh, well opzh, which type disbanded. but there are deputies from it, my bill to expel opzzh from the verkhovna rada has been in the parliament for a year and a half, no one wants to even touch it, why? well , because they vote for the servants of the people, and without their votes, many things would not have happened, and part of the vote, that is, the servant of the people, opzzh, part of the vote, this is a real coalition that voted for everything. and now, what has happened means that at the last meetings they quarreled with a part of the voice, over the story about the bureau economic security, then they were banned. going on business trips, they were offended by it, well, that means everything, they lost their voices. opzzh, well, this is not verified information, but i will say that some of them say that they are now abroad, how did they leave, do they celebrate march 8 there, it is difficult for me to say, but apparently
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not all of them are present, well and some of the servants of the people, too, they too signed some kind of foreign business trip, they are also gone, and all this together led to what is in this configuration. the servant of the opz people, part of the voice, found that they no longer had 226 votes, and therefore they decided to simply cancel these session days, well, so as not to be ashamed of the type, as i only got even more shame, well, but this is how it looks, what are the questions, because there is still work to be done on the bill on mobilization, there are already a huge number of amendments, i would like you to clarify for our viewers whether it will be the same as it was back in the day. . nom speech, where there were also several thousand edits, and i remember mykola knyazhytskyi stood there day and night behind the podium, every correction was followed, or in principle at will, if there is an agreement , these corrections can somehow be there, well, either accepted or rejected somehow in a batch, well, so as not
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to waste time, because in fact and people who can mobilize, mobilized workers of the tsk, and those who are wounded there, their relatives, well , everyone is waiting for this law, because it... should prescribe how to continue living in the war, please, and most importantly, demobilization , there is already a part about demobilization, finally to establish terms of service, what is there at all i am key, but look, well, let's talk about the amendments: 4,200 amendments are definitely a lot, by the way, it is very telling that most of them were actually submitted by the servants of the people, because this is a government bill, the government is elected by the servants of the people, but they submit you , that's the strange thing, usually this story with the submission of a large number of amendments, for example , is used in this way, including, it is called a filibuster, such a parliamentary technique, but usually the opposition uses it if it does not agree with something, because it is its only tool , but when it is used by... the government against the actual government bill, well , it looks extremely strange, in my
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opinion, but less so, it means that you can’t vote on amendments in packages, but you can really find understanding and compromises, you can consider everything, but the problem is that initially these the amendments have to be considered by the committee on national security and defense, i want to tell you that i don't see anyone in a hurry there either, the deadline for submitting amendments has ended, it seems, on february 21. today is march 5, the committee on national security and defense for the moment, without considering any amendment, and they sat, they discussed something, but they did not consider any amendment, until the committee considers these 4200, the verkhovna rada cannot consider anything, because the committee must first propose some proposals, but i do not see that you someone was in a hurry in the national defense security committee, where once again the majority is held by the servants of the people and the chairman is the servant of the people zavitnevich, so... i can't understand this either, frankly, why and how much can be dragged on with
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this story, with these edits , in general, what there is a goal, it was not clear to me from the very beginning, i think i even said on your broadcast why there were 8-10 separate laws, small ones, because this draft law is really 72 pages long, colossal, why not submit 8- 10 small laws, draft laws, how about the draft law in the end on one page, well, it was adopted in a day, so the same thing could have been done, take 8-10 draft laws, vote, close this topic a long time ago , instead they created this kind of impossible thing, and it is not is moving, i do not see that the servants of the people are in a hurry, all this looks very strange, if we add to this that zelensky, when he had a meeting with the servant of the people faction, he did not particularly talk about the mobilization bill, at his press at the conference , zelenskyi said that this is the type of case where... well, that is , there is no push from him as the supreme commander either, that is
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, if he is at all like that, you know, and what am i doing here? well, there are deputies, you are the commander-in-chief, and this is the law on the military, you you your role here is key, you are the only one who has all the information and so on and so forth. well, it all looks very strange, it looks like there is no political will to consider it quickly, but here it is fast, and it should also be of high quality, because the draft law. poor quality, it must be significantly corrected. well, that's the situation. and last but not least, i read today that they signed a foreign mission for the leader of european solidarity, petro poroshenko, he is to go to romania for a meeting of the european party, if i am not mistaken, well, i could be wrong, and the european people's party yes, here the question is whether the ice has been broken in this matter, or whether it is still the case that and where it was broken, the business trip was signed, but some letters from this person may appear again at the border. well, i think that it will be absolutely already like this, well, everything can be expected, but still, i think it will not
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happen, but at the same time as poroshenko's business trip was signed , irina gerashchenko and maria ionova's business trip to the women's congress in brussels was not signed, which is important and it is also necessary to represent ukraine there, so no, the ice is not broken, it continues madness, and well, this already unbalances the parliament itself, you see that the parliament, well , actually, let's say this... in the dry balance, i told you this whole long story, in the dry balance, at this moment the parliament does not look functional. thank you very much, everything is fine. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, for your comments, which are very professional and, first of all, they are relevant. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine and iryna grashchenko, by the way, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, i will say briefly, but she wrote, it was then such, this is a disgrace, servants instead of a plenary session, where the issues of the moscow church should be decided, by the way, the construction of fortifications. will simulate volatile activities for our partners, instead of a meeting of the verkhovna rada , they are now forming three groups of 10
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deputies, only from servants, to drive them to military positions and make reports on fortifications, well, here is the info from the chat of servants, front lines, the state of fortification, situations in educational complexes, the coordinator needs 10 responsible people, one in each group a person must speak english, well, in principle, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, people 's deputies, representatives of the people in such positions, well, they all must speak english, well, at least on... there b1, b2, well , they must speak, departure tomorrow in communication with this, the meeting is postponed to the 6th-8th, you need to sign up in misyagin, i don't know who this guy is, i'll go find out, i'll try, but, unfortunately, that's the story. now we will continue to talk, we will now talk about aid, about the aid of the united states of america, will it be unlocked, will it not unlocked, yurii lutsenko, politician , captain of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. yurii, i congratulate you, good evening, well, actually, work continues in the united states in washington, various proposals, and we are waiting, not everyone understands everything that is happening there, but everyone they are waiting for a key decision, whether there will be aid
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to ukraine or not, at what stage is all this, well, now and anyway, are there more options for what we will receive, at least at least in march, these tens of billions are needed for weapons, first of all . it seems to me that already from the beginning of the year it became obvious that the question the financing of the armed forces of ukraine through the united states congress has become a hostage of an internal political campaign in the united states of america. it became obvious that for the majority of republicans, the more important are not... the ideology of the party of reagan, who defeated the evil empire in 91, but the election campaign of mr. trump, and for him, the worse biden is, including international politics, or on the mexican border with hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, or on
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the ukrainian front against russian aggression, for them, unfortunately, it is more profitable in theirs. internal party interests, and even the old anti-russian staunch republicans are now more and more on this position, so of course we will hope that the united states will provide assistance to ukraine, but the signals each time, especially after the visits of ukrainian delegations, become more and more pessimistic, as only a mass excursion... servants of the people of washington, and a signal that there will be no help, as only yarmak or stefanchuk in washington, and the failure of any further plans. now the congress speaker has said that he rejects it aid, the aid bill that was drafted by the senate, but allows a certain part of pro-ukrainian republicans and democrats
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to draft a new bill by mid- or late march. it seems to me that... we should hope for america's help, but do our own thing. we must fully use all ukrainian resources. what am i talking about, i personally, well, i was just extremely outraged by the week-long event when the ukrainian cabinet of ministers, in this situation, effectively blocking american aid, suddenly allocates uah 17 billion for... service roads, uah 17 billion, so that everyone understands what we are talking about, this is a million drones, that is, at the moment when europe did not deliver half a million drones, half a million shells out of the promised millions, a million drones means, well, at least the equivalent of 5 million shells, that is
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means maintaining borders and protecting... our soldiers. uah 17 billion is approximately 2 thousand reb stations, and i want to tell you that approximately 200 stations are enough to tightly block the entire front line from attacks by russian drones, regardless of fpv or lancets or any others, this amount is enough to... beat the relevant radio-electronic warfare and intelligence systems in order to fully protect kharkiv and odesa. i simply cannot find censorious words when our government only knows how to point the finger at america. our soldiers are dying because america does not give us help. this is all very similar to
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the year 2021, when americans, europeans, russians, and britons came again and again. in kyiv they said: there will be an attack, an inevitable war, prepare gostomel, prepare chongar, prepare chernobyl, and we invested money in roads, froze all military programs and invested only in the last pre-war year, just think about it, 349 billion hryvnias, that's at that rate, 13 billion dollars. now this shameful story of hungry rumors about road construction is being repeated again. it is true with smaller , more modest numbers, but in the current situation at the front, this is in any case unacceptable, and therefore i perfectly understand my colleague gerashchenko or honcharenko, now the parliament... has all to one, all 420, well, who has certainly not betrayed the motherland and did not flee abroad , or is not in prison, should be at work,
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listen to the government and make decisions on how to stop wasting money on roads, on playgrounds, on overpasses to shopping centers, on anything else , because today the armed forces of ukraine need every penny for concrete trenches. concrete multi -story buildings, equipped with mortars, mortars, drones, radio electronic warfare, and this should be done not only in the area of ​​the breakthrough near avdiyivka, but along the entire length of the front donetsk and luhansk regions, including, must build serious lines, protect the lives of our soldiers and protect ukraine, unfortunately... the servants of the people will come up with anything, but like a red mouse, they run away from the verkhovna rada instead of fulfilling their duties. i can't imagine the parliament of a warring country, which
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has a five-week vacation, which simply does not take responsibility for its duties. absolutely, i agree, thank you for your answers, two weeks, people had time, now, well, such questions, but thank you very much that joined, thanks for your comments. was with us, a politician, a captain of the armed forces of ukraine, by the way, good news, well, it is also obvious for us, although, as they say, we should be in their place, they also have a yellow-blue flag, but they are not us , sweden has become, well, in fact, we can say in principle that sweden is in nato, hungary has completed the process of ratifying sweden's entry into the north atlantic alliance, the new president of hungary, tomas shuyok, on march 5, on the first day of his tenure in this position, that is.. .the new president of hungary, tomas shuyok, the first day tenure, did not go to see something, did not go abroad on march 8, did not transfer his work, did not celebrate, did not
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organize a corporate party somewhere on lake balaton in hungary, which means that he became president, signed the protocol on the ratification of sweden's entry into nato, it would seem, why hungary is there now with sweden, well, you can sign tomorrow, in a week, because you have to go to work, so to speak, look around the office, check the furniture. how does it work in the president's office, no, a person sat down and signed: we have a law on mobilization, 400 corrections, today the committee passed a law on the banning of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, we will talk more about it tomorrow, we need to discuss, make a decision, today again some priest was detained in moskovska in cherkasy region, well, that is , people, and we will study fortifications there, right? you need to study fortifications, well, you don't need to, there is a cabinet of ministers who are responsible for this, there are representatives of regional military administrations who are responsible for this, there are military personnel. engineering troops, who are for this, they will report, there are people there who communicate in english , you don't need to look for them in the verkhovna rada, there are people there who communicate in english, here is our colleague, spokesman for the operational-strategic group
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of tavria troops, ilya yevlesh, knows english perfectly, and what you don't know, that's how we continue the conversation , excuse me, don't apologize for the emotions here, everyone's emotions are present now, especially for such reasons, now we, now we will talk with ivan plachkov, he is the former minister of fuel and energy, mr. ivan, i congratulate you. congratulations, congratulations, good health to everyone, and uh, two years of occupation of zaporozhye of the nuclear power plant of the largest nuclear power plant in europe, what is the situation now , what are the threats, let's go, well , look, well, let's start with the fact that the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is the largest plant in europe, it is six power units of a thousand megawatts, it is very a huge nuclear facility, in addition to directly... power units, there is a huge number of facilities accompanying its operation of a nuclear power plant,
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including a storage of spent nuclear fuel, in addition to a holding pool, pools of spent fuel and storage, storage for of spent nuclear fuel, so after the occupation immediately the next day... the situation became threatening, became dangerous, from the point of view of radiation safety, and to this day, it, it remains, it and the threat is increasing, i would say why? because we remember the situation in the cooling basins where, after the destruction of the kokhovsky hes dam, there was a problem with... water for cooling, firstly, secondly, the situation is very difficult, constant, there is damage to the power lines that provide
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electricity for its own needs, this is the provision of a cooling and safety system , despite the fact that today the reactor units are shut down, so cold soup, hot soup, well, these are already such technological things, and a very, very difficult and threatening situation "related to the staff, according to the last one". mation, there are almost no ukrainian personnel left there, who operated the facility, worked at the nuclear plant, and we know that the personnel in order to work at the nuclear plant must have the appropriate training and licensing, our regulator is ukrainian, he licenses
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absolutely all personnel. this means that these personnel are licensed to work at this nuclear plant, i know, i'm sorry, i'm going to interrupt you because we have two less than two minutes there, but i want one question, i'm done, i'm done, i'm done, and very the mission of the iaea was very useful to us, which showed us that, even if sometimes they were dissatisfied with the work, i think for nothing, they, they do... constant monitoring and examination, and they confirm that all seven components are violated there, which ensure radiation safety, because it is necessary today to increase pressure, increase sanctions on rosatom, and the iaea, the entire world community, nuclear, the governments of all countries, they must do everything possible and impossible
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to ensure radiation safety. security and , most importantly, such a factor so that after the deoccupation we get an operational nuclear power plant in our country for literally 40 seconds, but i can't help but ask, well , i think that you will briefly but essentially say whether it can or cannot writes that the russians want launch the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant on the occupied territories, on the occupied crimea, first of all, and also on the occupied territories there and almost on russia, launch it through there mariupol and then on to rostov, technologically it is realistic. technological, realistically, well , it should be a very large investment, monetary, and this , i think, from the point of view of the economy , it is not profitable for the russians, they have enough generating capacity, so far, so that they do not lose, they spend colossal money for such a large reconstruction system as high-voltage networks there... stations and so
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on and the entire infrastructure, thank you very much for your comments, your professional comments, ivan plachkov, the former minister of fuel and energy of ukraine was with us, but you know, russians, it is not necessary for them , that it should be logical, well, it's building something, it's possible to steal money, it's possible to launder money, that is, do you remember the story of how this rotenberg built some kind of a wall there, somewhere in sochi or where, and there he made money on this or something... 14 billion rubles, well, there are some terrible the amount for the wall is simply made of bricks, of stone, the wall is 14 billion rubles for that's why i think that the russians will build those people who will be on contracts, they will earn on them, at least they will stretch the line from the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to vladivostok or to khantymansiysk , in principle all the same, the labetnags can be drawn into this polar wolf, everything is fine there, but we have to return ours
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now. this is serhii zakurtsia, we are joining the conversation, the director of the defense express agency, the presenter of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, greetings, please, greetings to you, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the destruction by drones of a russian ship in the black sea and about the situation on the front line west of avdiyivka in a conversation with our military, who are holding the defense there, about it's in a moment. of course, i will start with a good story, which is already known to everyone, but which cannot be ignored, it is about the strike of our naval drones, which were destroyed by the russian patrol ship of the black sea fleet serhii kotov. this cool attack took place today, march 5, at night in the territorial areas waters of our country, not far from the kerch strait. the main directorate of intelligence confirmed the success of this action, as it was stated,


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